

′, 125
//, 54
=, 39
?, 15
??, 15
3D printing, 10
approximating, 225
Newton's approximation of, 221


Abs, 31
Absolute convergence, 205, 209
Absolute value, 31
Adding elements to lists, 294
Algebraic expressions, operations on, 35, 37
Algebraic manipulation, 4
AlgebraicManipulation, 39
Alternating harmonic series, 209
Alternating series, 209
Animate, 122, 191, 306, 506, 541, 552
Animation, 8, 124
animate, 541
Antiderivative, 159
Apart, 203, 441
Appalachian State University, 296
Applying effects to a graphic, 89
lists, 295
Approximating π225
Gauss–Legendre algorithm, 201
Approximating number, 31
Approximating solutions of equations, 104
Arc length, 180
parametric equations, 181
polar coordinates, 184
Area, 162, 174, 250
parametric equations, 178
polar coordinates, 179
Arithmetic, 27
Army, 115
Array, 259, 327, 379
ArrayPlot, 91, 328, 428
Arrow, 342, 386, 403, 416
AspectRatio, 49, 50
Assumptions, 37, 540
Astroid, 178
Auburn University, 117, 310
Augmented matrix, 338
Automaton, 91
Autonomous system, 516
Axes, 70, 71
AxesLabel, 109
AxesOrigin, 71


Basic Math Assistant, 4
Basic Math Input, 4
Basic Typesetting, 4
BasicMathInput palette, 282
Beats, 471, 472
Bellard, Fabrice, 226
Bendixson's theorem, 518
Bessel functions, 283
BesselI, 307
BesselJ, 283
BesselJZero, 543, 548
Bifurcation diagram, 274, 284
Binomial theorem, 221
Binormal, 416
Binormal vector, 414
Boxed, 70
Brigham Young University, 386
Brown University, 286


Fundamental Theorem of, 168
Calkin–Wilf sequence, 200
Case Western Reserve University, 285
Catalan, 30
Cellular automaton, 91
CellularAutomaton, 91
Chain rule, 126, 127
Characteristic equation, 461, 476
Characteristic polynomial, 366
Chop, 549
Circle, 386
osculating, 385
unit, 61
Circuit, 489
Circular plate, 
wave equation, 306
Classroom Assistant, 4
Clear, 42
Clothoid, 65
CMYKColor, 50, 429
Coefficients, undetermined, 466
College of Charleston, 444
Color Data, 19
ColorData, 18, 71
ColorFunction, 70, 71, 429
ColorQuantize, 90, 426
ColorToneMapping, 90
Color Schemes, 18, 19
Column, 129, 162
Column space, 358
Combining graphics, 89
Compile, 552
ComplexExpand, 480, 486, 492
ComplexInfinity, 283
Composing functions, 53, 54
Composition, 53
Computing limits, 112
Concatenating lists, 282
Concatenating matrices, 338
Condition (\;), 44
Conditional convergence, 205, 209
Conic section, 77
Conjugate transpose, 373
Connecting points in a plot, 199
Conservative vector field, 389
Continuity, 116
Continuous, 116
Continuum, 117
ContourPlot, 59, 69, 74, 79, 130, 139, 231, 238
axes, 71
AxesOrigin, 71
ColorFunction, 71
contours, 71
ContourShading, 71
frame, 71
PlotPoints, 71
ContourPlot3D, 84
ContourStyle, 84
mesh, 84
Contours, 71
ContourShading, 71
ControlType, 216
interval of, 210
Converges absolutely, 209
Converges conditionally, 209
Convolution theorem, 489
Cooling, Newton's law of, 448
Coordinates in a plot, 7
Cornu spiral, 65
Corresponding homogeneous equation, 446, 460
rational numbers, 200
Cramer's Rule, 474, 482
Critical point, 141
Critical points, 
locating and classifying, 277
Cross, 341
Cross product, 341
Cross-Cap, 85
Curl, 390, 392
Curvature, 414, 415
Gaussian, 421
mean, 421
plane, 383
space, 383
Curve-fitting, 295
Cycloid, 136


D, 125
Decreasing function, 141
lists, 259
Defining functions, 42
Definite integral, 168
Denominator, 38, 113, 117
DensityPlot, 69, 79
linearly, 475
Derivative, 125
critical point, 141
definition of, 119
directional, 235
implicit, 129
inflection point, 141
parametric equations, 135
partial, 233
Det, 334, 335
Determinant, 334
bifurcation, 274, 284
Differential equation, 
characteristic equation, 476
corresponding homogeneous equation, 446, 460
homogeneous, 455
fundamental set, 475
general solution, 475
first-order, 446
nth-order linear equation, 475
heat equation, 303
second-order linear, 460
separable, 439
variation of parameters, 509
Differential equations, 
Quasi-linear, 554
wave equation, 537, 543
critical points, 277
Digital photography, 88
Dirac delta function, 492
DiracDelta, 492
Directional derivative, 235
DisplayFunction, 50
Div, 389
Divergence, 389
Divergence theorem, 397
Documentation, 9
Documentation Center, 21
DominantColors, 90
Dot, 341
Dot product, 341
Double pendulum, 503
Drawing tools, 6
Dropping elements from lists, 294
DSolve, 439, 494, 504, 554
Dt, 129, 130
Dual problem, 377
Duffing's equation, 517
Duke University, 230
Dulac criterion, 518
Dynamic, 40
Dynamical system, 272, 284


E, 29, 490
Echelon form, 338
Eigensystem, 367
Eigenvalue, 366
problem, 539
Eigenvalues, 367, 375, 528
Eigenvector, 366, 367
Gauss–Jordan, 351
Elliptical torus, 81
inset, 48
Lorenz, 533
approximating solutions of, 104
graphing, 74
solving, 104
Equations, solving, 95
Erf, 170, 190
Error function, 170, 190
EulerGamma, 30
ExampleData, 345, 431
Exclusions, 50
Exp, 30, 54
Expand, 35, 36
ExpandDenominator, 38
ExpandNumerator, 38
Exponential function, 30
Export, 88
Extension, 36
Extracting elements of lists, 259


Factor, 35, 36, 113, 127
extension, 36
GaussianIntegers, 462
integrating, 447
Factorial sequence, 198
Fibonacci, 44
FilledSurface, 10
Filling, 175
FindRoot, 104, 176, 452
First, 266
First-order differential equation, 
homogeneous, 455
First-order linear equation, 446
Fit, 295
Flatten, 117, 269, 281
outward, 398
Folium of Descartes, 384
FourierCosSeries, 299
Fourier series, 299
FourierSeries, 299
FourierSinSeries, 299
Frame, 71
Free-falling bodies, 450
Frenet formulas, 414
Frenet frame field, 414
FresnelC, 65, 397
FresnelS, 65, 397
FullSimplify, 207, 491
continuous, 116
decreasing, 141
increasing, 141
pure, 128
recursively defined, 229
vector-valued, 235
Bessel, 283
composing, 53, 54
periodic, 46
recursively-defined, 46
exponential, 30
hyperbolic, 30
inverse, 53
logarithmic, 30
of a single variable, 
defining, 42
graphing, 47
pure, 275, 280
trigonometric, 30
Fundamental set, 475
Fundamental set of solutions, 460
Fundamental theorem, 
of line integrals, 394
Fundamental theorem of calculus, 168


Gabriel's Horn, 196
Gauss–Legendre algorithm, 201
Gauss–Jordan Elimination, 351
Gaussian curvature, 421
GaussianIntegers, 462
General solution, 475
Geometric series, 204
Georgia Technical Institute, 121
GoldenRatio, 30, 50
Gradient, 235, 389
Gram–Schmidt, 360
orthogonalize, 363
Graphics, 121
applying effects to, 89
combining, 89
GraphicsGrid, 48, 59, 68, 71, 289, 317
GraphicsRow, 48, 53, 58, 88, 187, 287
connecting points in a plot, 199
functions of a single variable, 47
odd roots, 56
lists, 264, 276
lists of functions, 55
parametric curves in space, 79
parametric surfaces in space, 79
parametrically defined functions, 60
Graphing equations, 74
Graphing points, 58
GraphPlot, 93
GrayLevel, 288
Green's theorem, 395
Grid, 92, 129, 162, 345


Harmonic motion, 464
Harmonic series, 206
alternating, 209
Harvard University, 179, 180
Heat equation, 
one-dimensional, 303
HeavisideTheta, 491, 493
?, 15
??, 15
documentation, 9
options, 17
Hermitian adjoint matrix, 373
Homogeneous differential equation, 455
Homogeneous equation, 
corresponding, 446, 460
Homotopy, 85
Hooke's Law, 464
Hyperbolic trigonometric functions, 30


I, 29, 490
Identifying points in a plot, 7
IdentityMatrix, 329
If, 263
Ikeda map, 317
ImageAdjust, 90
ColorQuantize, 426
LaplacianGaussianFilter, 426
ImageApply, 90, 427
ImageCollage, 89
ImageConvolve, 427
ImageCorrelate, 427
ImageData, 432
ImageDimensions, 425, 431, 435
ImageEffect, 89, 424
ImageFilter, 427
Implicit differentiation, 129
Import, 88, 431
Improper integral, 170
Increasing function, 141
linearly, 475
Indiana University, 464
solving, 213
Inequalities, solving, 525
reduce, 213
Infinite series, 202
Infinity, 30, 109
Inflection point, 141
Information, 15
Inset, 48, 433
Int, 159
IntegerDigits, 26
IntegerPart, 200
IntegerString, 26
Roman, 26
definite, 168
improper, 170
line, 394
Integrate, 64, 169, 249
N, 174
Integrating factor, 447
by parts, 161, 172
iterated, 249, 256
numerical, 174
u-substitution, 160, 172
InterpolatingPolynomial, 295
Interval of convergence, 210
Inverse, 334, 335
Inverse functions, 53
InverseLaplaceTransform, 484, 493, 505
Iowa State University, 252, 465
Irrotational vector field, 390
Iterated integral, 
triple, 256
Iterated integrals, 249


Jacobian matrix, 528
Join, 338, 352
Joined, 265
Joining lists, 282
Jordan canonical form, 370
JordanDecomposition, 370
Jpeg, 434
Julia set, 289, 293, 313
JuliaSetPlot, 311, 317


Kansas State University, 471
Kernel, 364
torus, 81


L-R-C circuit, 489
Lagrange multipliers, 246
Lagrange's theorem, 246
Laplace transform, 484, 504
inverse, 484
LaplaceTransform, 484, 493, 504
Laplacian, 390
in polar coordinates, 307
LaplacianGaussianFilter, 426
Last, 266
Leftbox, 163
Leftsum, 163
Lemniscate, 179
Length, 180, 268, 269
Limit, 41, 44, 112, 166
direction, 112
computing, 112
estimating, 109
of functions of two variables, 231
one sided, 114
Line, 365
Line integral, 394
fundamental theorem of, 394
Linear programming, 375
dual problem, 377
Linear systems, 
Gauss–Jordan Elimination, 351
Linear transformation, 364
kernel, 364
dependent, 475
Linearly independent, 475
LinearProgramming, 378
LinearSolve, 348, 350
Listable, 274
ListContourPlot, 428, 435
AspectRatio, 433
ListDensityPlot, 328
ListLinePlot, 58, 59, 91, 198, 199, 265, 286
ListPlot, 58, 91, 117, 198, 199, 264, 265
Joined, 265, 286
PlotJoined, 287
PlotStyle, 287
adding elements to, 294
approximating, 295
defining, 259
dropping elements from, 294
evaluating, 274
extracting elements of, 259
graphing, 264, 276
joining, 282
of functions, 
graphing, 55
Literal equations, solving, 97
Log, 30, 54
Logarithmic functions, 30
LogIntegral, 267
Logistic equation, 442
with predation, 458
Lorenz equations, 533
Louisiana State University, 410, 452


Madhava–Leibniz series, 229
Mandelbrot set, 319, 321
MandelbrotSetPlot, 311, 319
Manipulate, 7, 8, 86, 124, 167, 262
ControlType, 216
Map, 43, 58, 77, 110, 117, 128, 160, 274, 506, 530
Ikeda, 317
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 131
new features, 10
Mathematica help, 21
Mathematica Help, 
documentation, 9
augmented, 338
column space, 358
determinant, 334
Gram–Schmidt, 360
identity, 329
inverse, 334
Jacobian, 528
nullity, 358
Nullspace, 358
rank, 358
row space, 358
transpose, 332, 334
unitary, 373
MatrixForm, 325
MatrixPlot, 91, 328, 428, 429
MatrixPower, 336
Maximize, 146, 376
relative, 141
Mean curvature, 421
Mercer University, 129
Mesh, 84
MeshFunctions, 60, 70, 71, 79, 193, 195
Michigan State University, 117, 251
Middlebox, 163
Middlesum, 163
Minimal polynomial, 370
Minimize, 146, 375–377
relative, 141
Mississippi State University, 406
Möbius Strip, 405
Module, 124
Monotonic sequence, 198
harmonic, 464
Newton's second law of, 450


N, 28, 31, 207
SpellingCorrection, 18
Navy, 115
NDSolve, 456, 513, 527
Negative numbers, 
odd roots, 28
Nest, 54
New features, 10
Newton, Isaac, 221, 226
Newton's approximation of π221
Newton's Law of Cooling, 448
Newton's second law of motion, 450
NIntegrate, 169, 174, 544
NMaximize, 188
NMinimize, 188
Nonorientable surface, 405
Norm, 339
Normal, 215, 416
Normal vector, 414
Normalize, 363
North Carolina State University, 231
Northeastern University, 297
Northwestern University, 195
NRoots, 104
NSolve, 104, 176
nth-order linear differential equation, 475
Nullity, 358
NullSpace, 357, 358
Numerals, Roman, 26
Numerator, 38, 113, 117
Numerical integration, 174


Odd roots, graphing functions with, 56
Odd roots of negative numbers, 28, 131, 143
Ohio State University, 117
Oklahoma State University, 513
On-line Mathematica help, 21
One sided limits, 114
One-dimensional heat equation, 303
Opacity, 71, 84, 193
Operations on, 
algebraic expressions, 37
rational expressions, 38
Operations on algebraic expressions, 35
Options, 17, 345
Or, 105
Orientable surface, 401
Orthogonal curves, 138
Orthogonalize, 363
Orthonormal, 360
Osculating circle, 385
Outward flux, 398
Overflow, 273, 290


P-series, 206
Algebraic Manipulation, 4
Basic Math Assistant, 4
Basic Math Input, 4
Basic Typesetting, 4
BasicMathInput, 282
Classroom Assistant, 4
Palettes, 12
AlgebraicManipulation, 39
Color Scheme, 18, 19
Panel, 129, 162
variation of, 472, 482, 509
Parametric equations, 
arc length, 181
area, 178
derivative, 135
graphing, 79
Parametric surface, 383
Parametrically defined functions, 60
ParametricPlot, 60, 66
PlotLabel, 67
PlotStyle, 67
ParametricPlot3D, 78, 81, 86, 186, 309
MeshFunctions, 79, 193, 195
Opacity, 193
Part, 177, 262
Part [[...]], 259, 332
Part ([[...]]), 277
Partial derivative, 233
Partial differential equation, 
heat equation, 303
Partial differential equations, 
Quasi-linear, 554
wave equation, 537, 543
Partition, 77, 86, 279, 284
integration by, 161, 172
double, 503
Pennsylvania State University, 182, 184
Periodic functions, 46
Permutations, 77
Photography, 88
Pi, 29
Piecewise, 44, 110, 111
tangent, 243
Plane curve, 383
Play, 472
Plot, 6, 15, 47
AspectRatio, 50
AxesLabel, 109
ColorFunction, 48
DisplayFunction, 50
Epilog, 48
Exclusions, 50
Filling, 175
GrayLevel, 288
Inset, 48, 433
PlotLabel, 109
PlotRange, 50, 54
PlotStyle, 50, 54, 109
Thickness, 48
Tooltip, 54, 55, 155, 211, 276, 283, 420
Plot3D, 9, 68, 231
Axes, 70
AxesLabel, 73
Boxed, 70
BoxRatios, 73
ColorFunction, 70, 71
FilledSurface, 10
Mesh, 73
MeshFunctions, 59, 60, 71
Opacity, 71
PlotPoints, 70, 73
PlotStyle, 70
Shading, 73
ThickSurface, 10
ViewPoint, 72
PlotLabel, 67, 109
PlotPoints, 70, 71
MeshFunctions, 70
PlotRange, 50, 54, 79
PlotStyle, 50, 54, 67, 70, 109
Plotting points, 58
Point, 121
graphing and connecting with line segments, 58
Polar coordinates, 
arc length, 184
area, 179
Laplacian, 307
PolarPlot, 60, 62, 66
PlotLabel, 67
PlotStyle, 67
minimal, 370
Potential function, 453
Power series, 210
PowerExpand, 37, 54, 157, 181, 384
Predator–prey equations, 520
Prime, 261
Prime Difference function, 265
Prime number, 261
Prime Number Theorem, 265, 267
Princeton University, 105, 163
Principal trigonometric values, 58
Principal values, 282
Principle of Superposition, 539
Printout3D, 11
Problem, Eigenvalue, 539
Product rule, 126, 127
Purdue University, 146
Pure function, 128, 275, 280


QR Method, 373
QRDecomposition, 373
Quadric surface, 82
Quotient rule, 126, 127


Random number generator, 109
RandomReal, 43, 109, 232
Range, 260
Rank, 358
Rational expressions, operations on, 38
Rational numbers, 200
Recursively defined functions, 46, 229
Reduce, 213, 525
Reduced row echelon form, 338, 352
RegionPlot, 194
RegionPlot3D, 255
maximum, 141
minimum, 141
ReliefPlot, 328, 428, 435, 436
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 201
ReplaceAll (/.), 40
Resonance, 471, 472
RGBColor, 50, 429
Rice University, 236
Rightbox, 163
Rightsum, 163
Roman numerals, 26
Rotation, 365
Row echelon form, 338, 352
Row space, 358
RowReduce, 338, 348, 354, 355, 358
Rule (->), 40
Rutgers University, 271


Scaling graphics, 49
Second derivatives test, 240
Second law of motion, Newton's, 450
Second-order linear differential equation, 460
Section, conic, 77
Separable differential equation, 439
Sequence, 198
monotonic, 198
Series, 202, 215
alternating, 209
Fourier, 299
geometric, 204
harmonic, 206
normal, 215
p, 206
power, 210
Taylor, 214
telescoping, 203
Julia, 313
Mandelbrot, 319
Set (=), 39, 44
SetDelayed (:=), 44
Mandelbrot, 319, 321
Sets, Julia, 289, 313
Short, 214, 261, 271, 273, 416
Show, 48, 88
AspectRatio, 49
inset, 48
GraphicsColumn, 48
GraphicsGrid, 48, 59, 68, 71, 289
GraphicsRow, 48, 53, 58, 187, 287
Sign, 57, 133
Simplify, 28, 32, 35, 54, 127, 486, 492
assumptions, 37, 540
Smooth curve, 181
Solid of revolution, 
surface area, 196
volume, 185
Solve, 76, 95, 130, 142, 179, 347, 493
SolveAlways, 479
inequalities, 525
literal equations, 97
systems of equations, 99
trigonometric equations, 97
Solving equations, 95, 104
Solving inequalities, 213
Sound, 472
Space curve, 383
Span, 267, 268
SphericalPlot3D, 256
Standard form, 460
Stayed-wire problem, 157
Stoke's theorem, 399
StreamPlot, 235, 238, 442, 496
StringTake, 345
Sum, 202, 207
SUNY, 531
Superposition, Principle of, 539
Surd, 29, 56, 57, 131, 143
nonorientable, 405
orientable, 401
Surface, quadric, 82
Surface area, 196
dynamical, 272
of equations, 
solving, 99
dynamical, 284


Table, 43, 46, 55, 86, 110, 122, 198, 259, 327, 530
TableForm, 110, 279
Take, 266, 268, 333
Tally, 268
Tangent, 416
Tangent plane, 243
Tangent vector, 414
polynomial, 214
series, 214
Taylor's theorem, 218
Telescoping series, 203
Texas A & M, 157, 162
The Ohio State University, 199
The University of Texas at Austin, 150
ThickSurface, 10
Thread, 348
Threadable functions, 128
Together, 35, 36
Tooltip, 54, 55, 155, 211, 276, 420
Torsion, 414, 415
Torus, 423
elliptical, 81
knot, 81
umbilic, 79
linear, 364
Transpose, 332, 334, 335
conjugate, 373
TreeForm, 34
Trefoil knot, 420
TrigExpand, 33
Trigonometric equations, 
solving, 97
Trigonometric functions, 30
principal values, 282
TrigReduce, 33
Triple iterated integral, 256
Tulane University, 449


u-substitution, 160, 172
UCLA, 156
Umbilic torus, 79
Underflow, 290
Undetermined coefficients, 466
Union, 282, 530
binormal vector, 414
normal vector, 414
tangent vector, 414
Unit circle, 61
Unitary matrix, 373
UnitStep, 485, 487
University of Alabama, 117, 401
University of Alaska, 420
University of Arizona, 257, 396
University of Arkansas, 455
University of California, 
Santa Barbara, 185
University of California Berkeley, 135
University of California San Diego, 148
University of California-Davis, 244
University of California-Irvine, 254, 255
University of Colorado-Boulder, 263
University of Connecticut, 457
University of Delaware, 300
University of Florida, 242
University of Idaho, 459
University of Illinois, 111
University of Iowa, 291
University of Kentucky, 476
University of Louisiana, 478
University of Maine, 485
University of Maryland, 177
University of Massachusetts at Amherst colors, 266
University of Minnesota, 189
University of Missouri, 491
University of Nebraska, 108, 497
University of North Dakota, 506
University of Notre Dame, 118, 274
University of Oklahoma, 512
University of Oregon, 393
University of Pennsylvania, 217
University of Rhode Island, 515
University of Richmond, 443
University of Rochester, 279
University of South Carolina, 118, 520
University of South Dakota, 527
University of Southern California, 187
University of Tennessee, 415
University of Utah, 304, 306, 528
University of Vermont, 391
University of Washington, 239
University of Wisconsin, 108, 110, 111, 176
University of Wyoming, 542


Van-der-Pol's equation, 514, 527
Vanderbilt University, 287
Variation of parameters, 472, 482, 509
Vector, 330
norm, 339
Vector field, 383
conservative, 389, 390
irrotational, 390
Vector-valued function, 235
VectorPlot, 391, 442, 496
orthonormal, 360
Verhulst equation, 442
ViewPoint, 72, 403
Volume, 185, 250


Washington University in St. Louis, 245
Wave equation, 
on a circular plate, 306
West Virginia University, 535
Wronskian, 460, 475


Yale University, 247