

Note: page numbers in italic denote maps or illustrations. n = footnote.


Abbasid caliphate 197

Abdülaziz, Sultan 84

Abdülhamit I, Sultan 87, 88

Abdülhamit II, Sultan 33, 40, 62, 63, 65, 68, 84, 93, 94, 95–6, 98, 99, 149, 166, 168, 172, 191, 198

Abdülmecit, Sultan 99, 166

Acre 58, 95–6, 106–7

Adana 136

Adapazarı 187

Adrianople, Treaty of (1829) 56 See also Edirne

Aegean Sea 13, 15, 24, 40, 59, 61, 88, 116

Afghanistan 85

Agricultural Bank 108

agriculture 115, 118, 128, 130–4, 182

commercialization 131–3

economic importance 130–1

forced labor 134

peasant lifestyle 130, 155–7

Ahmad Jamal 9

Ahmet I, Sultan 96

Ahmet III, Sultan 44, 77, 87, 88, 93–4, 148

Ahmet Jezzar Pasha 47, 49, 105–6

Ahmet Resmi Efendi 77–8

Aintab 152

al Azm family 47, 103

Albania 28, 55, 164


demography 113, 114, 180

industry/employment 127, 184

social/cultural life 160, 162, 168–9

Alexandretta 122

Alexandria 116

Algiers, Dey of 77, 88

Ali, Imam, commemoration of 166

Ali Bey (Egyptian notable) 46

Ali Pasha, Grand Vizier 82

Ali Pasha of Janina 46, 49

Alp Arslan, Sultan 16

Amasya 136

Anabaptists 8

Anatolia (Asia Minor)

agriculture 130, 133–4

Byzantine rule 13–15, 19–20

demography 112–13, 115–16, 117–18

industry/employment 126–7, 135, 183

Ottoman loss of influence 59, 61, 192

Ottoman rule 28, 69, 106, 108, 199

transport systems 121–3

Turcoman occupation 1, 13, 15–17

Anglo-Turkish Convention 127

animals, use for transport 121–2, 125–6

Ankara 116, 125, 180–1

Anne, Empress, of Russia 9

Antioch 189

Arab states (post-dissolution) 61, 197, 199, 201

Arabian peninsula

population/demography 112, 118

transport/trade 121, 128, 160

unrest in 50–1, 84, 96–8

Aral Sea 87

architecture, Ottoman influence on Western 10


industry 182

massacres (1895, 1915–16) 61, 69, 174, 186–8, 191, 198, 200

role in Ottoman diplomacy 82–3

army, Imperial

festive gifts to 166

fiscal support 28–9

numerical strength 63

provisioning 42

recruitment 30–1, 45, 99, 177

weaponry 30

Asia Minor see Anatolia

Augustus II of Poland 8–9

Austria-Hungary 65, 70, 190

see also Habsburg Empire; Vienna

Azerbaijan 24, 40

Azov, conflicts over 38, 41

Aztecs 3


Baghdad 15, 46, 47

conflicts over 24, 83

transport routes 120, 122, 125

Baikal, Lake 15

Balkan Wars 59–61, 176, 187


demography 112, 115, 117–18

economies 71

ethnic/religious divisions 69, 189

industry/agriculture 133

Ottoman alliances with 27

Ottoman gains/occupation 19–20, 24, 41

Ottoman loss of territory/influence 2, 38–40, 54–6, 57, 59, 186–7, 190

Ottoman rule 102–3

post-Imperial developments 195–7, 200

transport systems 121, 123

see also names of specific states/regions

Balkh 87

Baltic Sea 88–9

Banat 38, 40

bathhouses 160–1

Bayezit I, Sultan 8, 26, 30

Bayezit II, Sultan 26, 27

Bayraktar Mustafa Pasha, Grand Vizier 49–50

bayrams 166–7, 176

bedouin 105–6

Beethoven, Ludwig van 9

Beirut 89, 184

population/demography 115, 116

transport/industry 121, 125, 129, 131, 135

Bektashi, brotherhood 163, 164

Belgrade 45, 136

conflicts over 24, 38, 41, 102

demography 115–16

Peace of (1739) 41, 78, 86

Bellini, Gentile 76

Berlin, Treaty of (1878) 2, 59, 68

Bessarabia 56, 59

birth control 113–14

Bismarck, Otto von 59

Black Sea 31, 56, 164

commercial significance 83, 116, 120, 127

living conditions 155–6

Ottoman holdings adjoining 3, 13, 15, 21, 24–5, 41

strategical significance/negotiations 5, 60, 61

Bodin, Jean 7

Bombay 84

Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon

The Book of Dede Korkut (anonymous epic) 15

books, production of 170–2

Bosnia 20, 30, 47, 59, 69, 117, 136, 174, 183, 190

Bosphorus 19, 98–9, 157

Botev, Khristo 176

Brahms, Johannes 9

Britain, Great see United Kingdom

Brubeck, Dave 9

Bucharest, treaty of (1812) 55–6

Bug river 25, 40

Bukhara 87

Bulgaria 2, 49

conflicts for possession of 25, 41, 59

economy/industry 71, 133, 136

ethnic/religious divisions 69, 176–7, 189

Kingdom 1, 15, 25

post-Ottoman state 71, 118, 190, 196–7

Burgundy 20

Bursa, as Ottoman capital 20

Byron, George Gordon, Lord 10

Byzantine Empire 13–15, 25

Ottoman conquest 4, 21, 26–7


Cairo 21, 45, 58, 98, 99, 143

caliphate, office of 40, 51, 168, 177, 198

end of 61

international recognition 40

as tool of diplomacy 75, 83–5, 96

camels see animals

Canıklı Ali Paşaoimageslu family 46

Cantacuzene, John, 26

capitulation principle 65, 78–9

caravan trade 115, 122, 125–6

carpets see textile industries

Catherine the Great, Czarina 40, 41, 89

Caucasus 24, 41, 117

cavalry 28–9

Celveti brotherhood 163

Cemal Pasha 191

censorship 172

central Asia see India; Moghul Empire


political ideology 25–6, 78–9, 199

size/political status 3–4, 11, 75–6

Chios 69


communities within Empire 62

demography 114

employment 182–3, 184–5

households 113

legal/social status 65–6, 132, 143, 177–8

Ottoman attitudes to 5–6

Ottoman displacement of 16

Ottoman recruitment of 18–19, 27, 31

relations with other faiths 175–9

role in Imperial economy 67–8, 132

schools 169

violence (verbal/physical) involving 69, 176, 186–8

cinema(s) 162, 167

American, architecture 10

Circassia 117, 122, 200

circumcision 93–4


demography 180–1

economy 129, 136

living conditions 114

migrations to 116

population 115–16


laws 44, 66, 67, 144, 145–7, 148–50, 168, 177

manufacture see textile industries

public vs. private 151–2, 161

social customs 149–51, 150, 151, 157–60

see also women

coffee 42

role in popular culture 10, 155, 156, 160

trade in 7, 128, 160

coffee houses 9, 160, 166

commerce see economy; merchants;

Ottoman Empire,

internal/international trade

Committee of Union and Progress 187–8

‘Concert of Europe’ 56, 86

Constantine, Emperor 4


as Byzantine capital 15, 93, 99

capture by crusaders (1204) 17

Ottoman conquest (1453) 4, 21, 32, 93, 197

see also Istanbul

consumption, and court policy 44

cotton trade 58, 128

see also textile industries

Crete 190

conflicts over 24, 58, 86


Khanate, relations with Ottomans 21, 27, 40, 83, 84–5, 87, 117

Tatars 45, 83, 117

Crimean War 72, 86

Croatia 38, 116

Cyprus 24, 42, 59, 200

Çaldıran, battle of 21

Çapanoimageslu family 46

Çesme, battle of 40, 88

Çukorova 133


Dalmatia 38

Damascus 45, 58, 69, 102, 103–6, 129, 191

demography 113

governance 103–5

industry 182–3

strategical importance 103

Danube river 25, 41, 46, 117, 120, 133

Dardanelles 19

Delacroix, Ferdinand 10

devşirme (military levy) 30–1, 32, 99, 144

abandonment of 45, 99, 100–1

dhimmi 177


festive 166

peasant 155–6

diplomacy 76–83, 85–8, 199

(early) hazards of 77–8

‘modern’ 79–82

‘pre-modern’ 78–9

disease 25, 114

Divan (Imperial council) 93, 98

Diyarbekir 116, 120, 122, 129, 156

Dnieper river 25, 40

Dniester river 25

Dobruja 59, 117

dragomans 62–3, 81

Dulkadirid principality 26

Duşan, Stephen, Serbian monarch 26


‘Eastern Question’ 5, 56, 58–9

economy, Imperial 111–40

advantages for subject peoples 28

government policy 41–2, 126–7

international comparisons 71–2, 75

provincial 108

relationship with Western economies 67–8

see also taxation

Edirne 56

‘Event’ (1703) 43

as Ottoman capital 20

trade/transport 122, 129, 135

education 62–3, 168–72

establishments 169, 170, 171

female 66–7, 170

linguistic 81, 82

religious 143, 168, 169

egalitarianism 65–8, 185–6

Egypt 1, 78, 86

alliance with Ottomans 98

conflict with Ottomans 41, 55, 56–8, 64, 102

economy 72

natural disasters 114, 115

political history 38, 40–1, 46, 47, 55, 58, 58n, 60

post-Ottoman history 197, 199

trade with Ottomans 42

transport systems 120–1, 122

see also Mamluks; Napoleon

ekberiyyet 92

Election Law (1908) 191

embassies 77–8, 80–2, 86–8


racial/religious distribution 182–6

see also agriculture; cities; guilds; Ottoman Empire: industry; women

England, see Britain, Great

Enver Pasha 101–2

epidemics, see plague

Erzurum 121–2, 156

Eugene, Prince, of Savoy 38

Euphrates 24, 120

European Union 86, 195, 198–9

Eyüp Ansari, companion of the Prophet 93


factories 134–5, 185

see also manufacturing

famines 114–15

Fatma, daughter of Ahmet III 44

Fazil Mustafa, Grand Vizier 38

fez (article of clothing) 148–50, 160

Fez, sultanate of 88

Flanders 20

Florence 199

Foreign Ministry 81–3


as employers/investors 72, 123, 184–5

rights/treatment 78–9, 134


agreements/alliances with Ottomans 21, 41, 78, 79, 80, 85–6

civil wars 69

colonial gains 59, 61, 84

conflict with Ottomans 20–1, 56, 86, 107 (see also Napoleon)

foreign policy/interests 76, 190, 192

internal society/politics 66, 179

literature 8, 10

Revolution 66, 67, 69

trade with Ottomans 126–7, 128–9

Francis I of France 21, 78, 85–6

fratricide, in Imperial family 91–2

Frederick I ‘The Great’ of Prussia 77–8

French (language), use in diplomacy 81, 82

Fuat Pasha, Grand Vizier 82


Galatasaray School 82

Gallipoli 26

gazi 18, 177

Gazi Hassan Pasha, Grand Admiral 50

Genghis Khan 3, 17

Genoa (city-state) 3, 24, 25

alliance with Ottomans 19–20

genocide, Armenian massacres as 187–8

Germany 66

attitude towards modern Turkey 198–9

conflict with Ottomans 20

foreign policy/interests 59, 76

trade with Ottomans 123, 126

Germiyan principality 18, 26

Gérôme, Jean-Léon 10

Gladstone, W.E. 2, 10

governors (provincial)

cross-regional appointments 108

powers/responsibilities 103–5

from royal family 90–1, 92

Greece/Greeks 2

Ancient 177

in armed forces 177

conflicts in/over 56, 59, 61, 69, 81, 189, 200

language 181, 189

Orthodox church 47–8, 180, 186, 189

role in Ottoman diplomacy 82–3

guilds 136–40, 138, 142

ethnic/religious make-up 183–4

governmental opposition 64, 65


Habsburg Empire 9

conflicts with Ottomans 1–2, 5, 21, 24, 38, 59, 76, 85

living conditions 134

Halveti brotherhood 163

Hanafi school of law 105

Hanbal, ibn/Hanbali school 50, 105

Handel, Georg Friedrich 9

Harput 129

Hashemites 61

Hawran valley 122

Haydn, Josef 9

Herzegovina 59, 190

Hijaz railroad 98

Holy Cities see Mecca; Medina; pilgrimages

holy war see jihad

homes see households


elite see vizier/pasha households

physical layout/furnishing 152–7

size/composition 113

Humayun, Moghul Emperor 87–8

Hundred Years War 3

Hungary 20, 27

conflicts for possession of 24, 38–40

see also Austria-Hungary; Habsburg Empire

Hüseyin, Imam, commemoration of 166

Hussein, Saddam 200


Ibrahim Pasha, Grand Vizier 8, 44, 148

Ibrahim Pasha (son of Muhammad Ali) 56–8

iltizam (tax farm) see taxation: methods

iftar (celebratory meal) 166

India, Ottoman relations/trade with 87–8, 121

see also Moghul Empire

Industrial Revolution 136

Iran 4, 15–16, 197

Ottoman relations/trade with 77, 86–7, 121

see also Safevid Empire


demography 112, 118

post-Ottoman state 3, 61, 64, 192, 199, 200, 201

trade 121, 134


central principles (and exceptions) 6, 31, 91, 98, 168

as a feature of Ottoman identity 2, 6–7, 177, 190–1

festivals 165–8

‘House of’ 78, 83–5, 190

law 31, 34, 67, 105, 178

religious foundations/places of worship 34–5, 162–4

theory of sovereignty 32, 91, 94–9

varieties 5–6, 96 (see also Sufism)

view of non-Islamic world 78, 85, 177

Western attitudes to 67–8

see also mosques; Muslim peoples

Ismail, Khedive, of Egypt 58

Israel 61, 174, 195


architecture 95

assaults on 49, 58

demography 45, 113, 114, 180–1, 188

education/culture 143, 170–2

fashion/social life 155, 162

festivals 93–4, 166–8

industry/employment 135, 136–9, 182–3

migrations to 116, 117

as Ottoman capital 4, 21, 63–4, 102, 191

provision from provinces 42

public spaces 157–60, 1589

religious establishments 40, 83–4, 96, 116, 163

trade 121–2, 129

transport links 116, 120, 122, 125–6, 131

see also Constantinople

Italy 59, 76, 116

Izmir 155, 162, 183, 186, 188

demography 114, 115, 116

trade/transport 125, 131, 135


Jalili family 46, 47

Janissaries 31

military decline 40, 44–5, 162

music 8–9, 11

political/commercial role 45–6, 136–9

rebellion/destruction 49, 63, 64, 127, 139

Japan 11, 65, 100, 151

Jassy, treaty of (1792) 40

Jews (within Empire)

commercial activities 31, 132

communities 62

costume 44

education 169

employment 182–3, 184

households 113

relations with other races/faiths 6, 175, 177, 186

legal/social status 65–6, 132, 143, 177–9

jihad 85

Jordan 61, 118, 199, 200


Kadiri brotherhood 163

Kara Mustafa Pasha, Grand Vizier 9

karagöz see shadow puppets

Karaman dynasty 18

Karamanlica (language) 181

Karaosmanoimageslu family 46, 49, 106, 108

Karlowitz, treaty of (1699) 38, 40, 80, 86, 88, 103

Kashgar (Central Asia) 85

Kayseri 181

Khadija, commemoration of 166

Khazak khans 87

Khiva 84, 87

Khokand 84

Konya 17, 58, 87, 125

Koprivshtitsa 121

Kossovo 69, 117, 164, 174

battle of (1389) 20, 27

Köprülüfamily 34

Köprülü Mehmet Pasha 43

Kösem (mother of Sultans) 33–4

Küçük Kaynarca, treaty of (1774) 40, 80, 83–4, 87

Kurds 180

Kuwait 200


labor see agriculture; employment; guilds; trade unions; women; workers

landholding 47, 132–3, 200

Lawrence, T.E. 10

Lazar, Serbian monarch 26

League of Nations 192

Lebanon 3, 61, 69, 135, 192, 197, 201

Lepanto, battle of (1571) 24

life expectancy 112–13

literacy rates 168–72, 196

Lombardy 20

London 9, 83

Treaty of (1812) 56

Loti, Pierre 10

Louis XIV of France 44, 86

Louis XV of France 9

Lumière, Auguste/Louis 162

Luther, Martin 8

luxury goods 44, 128


Macedonia 114

Machiavelli, Niccolò 7, 199

Mahmut I, Sultan 77

Mahmut II, Sultan 33, 56, 63, 64–5, 81–2, 92, 96, 98, 102, 108, 148, 168

Malgara 187

malikane, (tax farm) see taxation: methods

Malta 116

Mamluks 1, 21, 47, 76

Manisa, Governorship of 91

Mann, Thomas, The Magic Mountain 10

manufacturing see factories; guilds; mechanization; Ottoman Empire: industry; textile industries

Manzikert, battle of 16

Maritza river 120

markets 161

Marmara, Sea of 19, 187


political role 26, 43, 101–2

single/multiple 113

massacres see Armenia

Mecca 21, 51, 58, 84, 96–8

see also pilgrimages

mechanization 133, 134–5

Medina 21, 51, 58, 84, 96

Mediterranean Sea

naval action in 88–9, 165

strategic/commercial importance 24

medrese 34, 169

Mehmet II ‘The Conqueror,’ Sultan 4, 8, 20, 21, 25, 27, 30, 32–3, 76, 91, 93

Mehmet III, Sultan 91, 92

Mehmet IV, Sultan 34, 43

Mehmet V Reşat, Sultan 94

Mehmet VI Vahideddin, Sultan 98

merchants 161

dress/lifestyle 148, 149–50, 155

ethnic/religious divisions 31, 68, 129–30, 184

Mevlevi brotherhood 163


away from Empire 115

into Empire 116

within Empire 116–19, 130, 186–7, 200

military see army

millets (religious communities) 64, 175–6

Ming dynasty 3–4

Moghul (Indian) Empire 3, 6

decline/collapse 38, 50

Ottoman relations with 87–8

Mohács, battle of (1526) 24

Moldavia 27, 28, 47–8, 133–4

Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), The Bourgeois Gentleman 10

Moluccans 24

Mongols, conflict with Ottomans 13, 17, 18, 21, 27, 83

Montenegro 59, 116, 183

Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de 7

Morocco 88–9

mortality, rates/reasons 112–13, 114–15

mosques, construction/design 96, 97

Mosul 46, 47, 120, 121, 129

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 9

Escape from the Seraglio 9, 76

Muhammad, the Prophet 78, 93, 99, 164, 165–6, 177

Muhammad Ali Pasha of Egypt 41, 55, 56–8, 81, 98, 102

Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab 50–1

Muhammad ibn Saud 51

Murat I, Sultan 26, 30

Murat III, Sultan 91

Murat IV, Sultan 33, 99

music 181

Ottoman influence on Western 8–9

Muslim peoples

acceptance of Ottoman rule 190–2

employment 182–3

involvement in trade 129–30

legal privileges 54, 65–6, 68, 143, 177–8

opposition to Ottoman rule 50–1

violence by/against 69, 186–8

under Western rule 84, 85, 117

Mustafa II, Sultan 43, 87

Mustafa III, Sultan 77

Mustafa IV, Sultan 92

Mustafa Pasha, Grand Vizier 9

Mustafa Reşit Pasha, Grand Vizier 82

Mysore 88


Nablus 106–10, 113

Nakshabandi brotherhood 163

Napoleon Bonaparte 80

Asian campaign 106–7

invasion of Egypt 38, 40–1, 55, 88

nationalism 70–1, 174

and end of Empire 188–92

post-dissolution 195, 196–8

Navarino, battle of (1827) 56

Nejef 96

newspapers see books

Nicopolis, battle of (1396) 20–1

Nile river 120

Nilufer (wife of Orhan) 26


housing/lifestyle 156–7

role in Empire 118–19, 131 (see also Turcoman peoples)

North Africa, Ottoman relations with 88–9


Ohrid 180, 189

opera 162

opium 128

Orhan, Sultan 26

Osman I, Sultan (founder of dynasty) 17–18

Osman II, Sultan 98, 99

Osman Pasvanoimageslu 46, 49

Otranto, occupation of 21

Ottoman Empire

administrative structure 4, 27–8, 32–5, 46–7, 61–5, 99–103 (see also provinces)

centralizing measures 62–5, 102, 108–9

criticisms of (post-dissolution) 188–92, 195–7, 198–9, 201

cultural diversity 142–3, 152, 174, 181

debts 71–2

diplomacy see separate main heading

disintegration (during/after WW1) 3, 5, 60–1, 186, 188–92, 199

economy see separate main heading

as European power 2–3

foreigners’ attitudes to see under Western Europe

geographical extent 2–3, 13, 14, 22–3, 24–5, 39, 54, 60, 104

holidays 164–8, 165, 177

impact on European culture 7–11

industry 116, 134–40, 182–6

integration of multiple races/faiths 5–6, 18, 69, 176–7, 178–9, 201

internal conflicts 69–71

internal trade 126, 128–30, 131, 135–6

international relations 75–88

international status 3–5, 75–6

international trade 119–21, 126–9, 131, 135

languages 181, 189, 195–6

legal system 4, 200 (see also Islam: law)

modern legacy 3, 5, 20, 68–9, 118, 174, 195–201

officials 28, 29, 34, 43, 62, 146–7, 149

origins 13–19

political ideology 5–6, 32, 41–2, 65–8, 78–9, 190–1, 199, 201

popular culture 161–2

population see separate main heading

power structure 33–4, 42–3, 92–3 (see also Sultanate)

public buildings/spaces 95, 95–6, 97, 98–9, 157–62

reasons for decline 41–2, 50, 99–101

reasons for success 17–19, 25–31

religion see separate main heading

role in European politics 2–3, 56, 67–8

royal family see princes; Sultanate; names of rulers

social mobility 31, 143–51

subjects’ contentment with 188–9, 190, 191–2

territorial gains 18–19, 20–5, 41, 102

territorial losses 2–3, 5, 37–41, 54–9, 102, 117


Paissiy, Father 176

Palestine 61, 122, 134

early conflicts over 17, 20

post-Ottoman status 192, 200

relations with Ottoman government 107

Pamuk, Orhan 198

pan-Islamism see Islam, House of

Paris 10, 69, 76, 80, 83, 179

Pashas see viziers Passarowitz, treaty of (1718) 40, 41

Peç 189

‘People of the Book’ 6, 177

Pera 157

Persia see Safevid Empire

Peter the Great, Czar 41, 47, 102

Phanar (Fener) 47–8

Philip II of Spain 33, 76

pilgrimages 96–8

protection of routes 43, 103, 105

pious foundations see under Islam; religion

plague see disease

Podolia, capture of 24, 38

Poiret, Paul 10

Poland 20

polygyny see marriage

Pompadour, Madame de 9


density 111–12, 115–16, 123, 128–9

mortality 112–15

movements see migration

rural 112, 118–19, 130–1

urban 25, 113, 115–16

port cities

demography/culture 114, 115–16, 135, 157, 162

as trade centers 126, 129

Portugal, conflicts with Ottomans 21–4

primogeniture 90–1

Ottoman adoption of 92


captivity 92

circumcision 93–4

conflicts between 91–2

role in governance 90–1


central control 102, 105, 107–10

co-operation/negotiation with central government 103–5, 106, 109

degree of autonomy 55, 102, 106–7, 109–10

notable families, rise/role of 46–7, 103, 105–6, 108–9, 200

political structures 46–50, 102–3, 108–9

see also governors

Prussia 9, 58, 75


river 41, 47

Treaty of (1711) 78

Public Debt Administration 72, 134, 185


railways 45, 98, 115, 116, 117–18, 122–6, 123, 124, 125

Ramadan 107, 165–8

rebellions (against Ottoman rule) 50–1, 55–6, 64, 70–1, 84, 176, 189–90, 191

Reeves-Ellington, Barbara 176n


and commercial involvement 129–30, 132

communities 34–5, 175–6

conflicts (within Empire) 69–71, 186–8

differentiation by costume 44, 66

diversity within Empire 5–6, 18–19, 142–3, 175

festivals 164–5

hierarchy 44, 65–6, 143, 185

liturgies 181

as marker of identity 175

and migrations 117–18

nomenclature 175

power in provinces 64

principle of toleration 5–6, 31, 132

relationships between 175–9

residential/workplace divisions 179–81, 182–6

use of public spaces 157–60

wars of 8

Resen 180

Romanus Diogenus, Byzantine Emperor 16

‘Rose Garden decree’ (1839) 66–7

Rossini, Gioacchino 9

Rufai brotherhood 163

Rumania 2, 47, 59

Rumeli, see Balkans


alliances/agreements with Ottomans 40, 80, 83–4, 87

conflicts with Ottomans 5, 38–40, 41, 49, 55–6, 58–9, 64, 76, 81, 86, 88–9, 102, 117, 126–7, 162

living conditions 134


Sa’di brotherhood 163

Safevid Empire 3, 38, 40, 76, 96

conflict with Ottomans 21, 30, 69

saints, tombs of 163–4


capture (1430) 20

demography 114, 115, 116, 179–80

industry/employment 135, 136, 183, 184

inter-racial relationships 178–9

(popular) culture 162, 164, 169

transport/trade 121, 129, 131

Samarkand 87

San Stefano, treaty of (1878) 58–9

Saudi Arabia 2, 51, 61

Savoy 21

Scotland 20

Selim I, Sultan 21, 58, 69, 98, 99

Selim II, Sultan 45, 79, 91, 96

Selim III, Sultan 78, 80–1, 88, 102, 106–7

Seljuk dynasty 4, 15–16, 17

sened-i ittifak 49

Serbia 2, 20, 25, 41, 55–6, 59, 189

demography 113, 117

serfdom 47–8, 134

shadow puppets 161–2, 167

Shafii school of law 105

Shah Waliullah of Delhi 50

sharecropping 132–3, 134

Sharia see Islam: law Shii Islam 6, 96, 182

Sidon 47


ceremonial wear 165

manufacture/trade 128, 135, 182

in Western exotica 9, 10

sipahi 29, 34

Sisman, Bulgarian king 26

Slankamen, battle of 38

Slovenia 38

Sobieski, John, of Poland 1

Sofia 45, 117

Special Organization (Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa) 188

sports 162

St Gotthard, battle of 86

steamships 115, 119–21, 126

storytelling, as popular entertainment 161

Suez Canal 58, 120–1

Sufi order 51, 162–3

Süleyman II ‘The Magnificent,’ Sultan 4, 8, 20, 21–4, 33, 37, 45, 78, 79, 85, 87, 96, 144

Süleyman the Great (of Baghdad) 46, 47


artistic depictions 94–5

costume 145

legitimation 4, 93–9

powers/responsibilities 4, 32–3, 42–4, 64–5, 78, 83–5, 101

principles of succession 25–6, 90–3

Sumatra 84

Sunni Islam 6, 96, 142, 182

‘Sweet Waters’ 157–60, 158–9

Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) 61


demography 112, 118

post-Ottoman state 3, 61, 64, 192, 201

transport/trade 122, 127, 130, 133

unrest in 69

Szigetvar, siege of 37


Talat Pasha 188

Tamerlane 4, 8

Tanzimat era/reforms 66, 82, 99, 149, 166, 178

tax farms see taxation: methods

taxation 33

agricultural 130, 131–2

exemption from 79

methods 28–30, 34–5, 48–9, 64, 131–2

resistance to 107, 109

Tepedelenli Ali Pasha 106

textile industries 116, 128–9, 135, 137, 182–3

theater 161–2, 167

Tigris river 24, 120

Tijaniyya Sufi order 50

timars (fiscal units) 28–9

supercession 29–30

Tipu Sultan of Mysore 88


industry 128, 184

social role 160–1

Tokat 139

Topkapi palace 93, 95, 98–9, 149, 166

Tott, Baron de 50

Toulon 21

Trabzon 21, 118, 121, 155–6, 183

trade unions 184, 185

Translation Bureau 62–3, 81

transport, methods of 119–26

overland 121–6

river 120

sea-borne 119–21

see also animals; caravan trade; railways; steamships

Transylvania 27, 38, 41

treaties 76–7

see also names of specific agreements

tribes 29, 63–4, 118–19, 142

see also bedouin; nomads; Turcoman peoples

Tripoli (Lebanon) 113

Tripolis (Greece) 69

Tripolitanian War 59

‘Tulip Period’ 43–4, 132, 148

Turcoman (nomadic) peoples 4, 15–16

inflitration of Byzantine Anatolia 16–18

internal conflicts 18–19

Turkey (modern state) 118, 192, 197–8, 201

application for EU membership 86, 195, 198–9

Turkish (language) 181, 189, 195–6

‘Turks,’ use of term

as religious signifier 2, 175

as stereotypical/derogatory designation 1–2, 8, 9–10, 196–7

Tzympe, Ottoman occupation/territorial significance 19


Ukraine 38

ulema (religious scholars)

clothing 66

diversity 143

educational role 94

legal role 4, 34, 105, 143

participation in festivals 167

religious pronouncements 91, 97, 168

role in Imperial power structure 43, 48, 62, 101, 144

United Kingdom

alliances with Ottomans 80, 86, 88

colonial gains 55, 59, 61, 84

conflict with Ottomans 56

foreign policy/interests 76, 190, 192

trade with Ottomans 126

United States

Civil War 128

Declaration of Independence 66

Ottoman cultural legacy 8, 9

racial violence 69

Uşak 183

Uzbeks 84, 87


Varna, battle of (1444) 20–1

vassalage, system of 26–8, 47–50

Venice (city-state) 3, 25, 38, 79

conflict with Ottomans 24, 41, 76, 86, 102

political maneuverings 20, 21

Vienna 77, 121

1529 siege 24

1683 siege 1–2, 8, 9, 38

vizier/pasha households

career opportunities 101, 144

marriage into royal family 101–2

role in Imperial power structure 34, 43, 46, 48, 62, 92–3, 101

Vrachanski, S. 176


Wagner, Richard 9

Wahhabi movement 50–1, 84, 96–8

Wallachia 20, 27, 28, 41, 47–8, 133–4

war, impact on population 115 see also army; names of conflicts/opponents

weaving see textile industries

Western Europe

anti-Ottoman alliances 20–1, 56

colonial gains 37–8, 55, 75–6

commercial control of Empire 120, 185–6

economies 67–8

global power 59

governmental regimes 38

Ottoman relations with 76–83, 85–6

popular culture 7–11, 76

role in break-up of Empire 61, 188–9, 190, 192

stereotypical view of Empire 1–2, 8, 9–10, 68–9, 76, 99, 175–6, 198–9

Westphalia, Peace of (1648) 79–80

wheat 42, 128, 131


dress 67, 148, 151–2, 153, 154, 161

employment 130, 135, 137, 140

legal rights 54, 66, 113, 178

place in Ottoman society 64, 66–7, 169

political power 26, 33–4, 43, 48, 92, 94

see also marriage

wool trade 116, 128, 130, 135


agricultural 133–4, 155–7

construction 116

costume 150, 150, 151

industrial 135

migrations 116

wages 134, 139, 140

see also agriculture; employment; guilds; trade unions; women

workplace see employment

World War I 5, 60–1, 79, 188


Yemen 51

Yirmisekiz Çelebi, Ambassador 80

Young Turk government 65, 67, 79, 101–2, 172, 184, 187, 190–2


Zahir ul Umar 105–6

Zenta, battle of 38

Zonguldak 116