Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abstract Expressionism 33
abstraction 22, 24, 32, 35, 92, 93, 106, 114, 133, 135, 136, 158, 189, 211, 222, 238–9, 268
Acconci, Vito 43, 46, 57, 68, 71n.14, 231, 233, 235, 255, 266, 267
Administrating Eternity 189
Against the Steady Stare 49, 185
A Matter of Life and Death 132
Anthropometries of the Blue Period 205n.120
Anticipation of the Night 120
Apparition Theater of New York 198
Architecture 2, 11–18, 21, 25, 31, 38, 43, 45, 96–7, 156, 174, 180, 185–6, 212, 263
Arrival of a Train, The 176
Arrival of a Train at the Station 87
At the Edge of the World II 194
Bataille, Georges 59, 188
Between Darkness and Light 220
Black Diamond Express 176
Black Mountain College 11
Black Square on White Background 23
Borchardt-Hume, Achim 219
Cinematic realism 96, 130
Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View 181
Cremaster Cycle, The 47, 158
David with the Head of Goliath 31
Davison, Emily Wilding 58
Domanovic´, Aleksandra 245
Dream of Pope Sergius, The 29
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Episodes from the Life of) 253
Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash 26
Eames, Charles and Ray 11, 182
Epileptic Seizure Comparison 187
expanded cinema 2, 4, 24, 47, 70, 80, 82, 88, 92, 104, 114, 139, 164–200, 220, 222, 229, 255, 258
Exploding Plastic Inevitable 188
Extramission (Black Maria) 255
Family of Robot: Mother and Father 240–1
Forsyth, Iain & Jane Pollard 217
Freud, Sigmund 91, 110, 126n.55, 152, 181, 192, 235, 239, 265, 267
Garden of Unearthly Delights 85
Guerney, Sir Goldsworthy 83
Gysin, Brion 1887
Hein, Willem and Birgit 164
I am Crazy And You’re Not Wrong 98
Inasmuch as It Is Always Already Taking Place 240
Influence Machine, The 81, 174
International Surrealist Exhibition 11
In Two Minds – Past Version 234–5
Koutts-Smith, Kenneth 177
Lavater, Caspar Johann 176
Le Grice, Malcolm 70, 80, 104, 113, 114, 118, 120, 121–2, 137, 144, 152, 155, 165–6, 170–1, 174, 177–9, 186–8, 191–3
Letter from an Unknown Woman 81
Liberty Leading the People 31
Lights Going On and Off 170, 190
Line Describing a Cone 172
Long Film for Ambient Light 190
Long Film for Four Projectors 174
Man with a Movie Camera 66
Marca Registrada/Trademark 59
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 187
Meshes of the Afternoon 92
Missing Voice (Case Study B), The 57, 214
Multi-media sculpture 186
Muybridge, Eadweard 26, 136
Object (Le déjeuner en fourrure) 4
Performance 2, 40, 53–72n.n.28, 34, 73n.n.36, 41, 74n.n.n.n.52, 54, 58, 61, 75n.n.68, 70, 80, 85, 88, 98, 103n.61, 123–124n.9, 130, 131, 159, 160n.7, 164, 165, 167, 176, 178–81, 183, 184, 188, 195, 197, 220, 233, 234–6, 243, 245, 248, 249n.n.53, 61, 253, 260, 266–8, 271n.22, 275n.99
Perry, Colin 9n.16, 10n.23, 74n.61, 129, 133, 134, 166, 229, 255, 271n.24, 276n.117
Projection Instructions 83
psychedelic light shows 82
Raban, William 4, 26, 95, 99, 114, 117, 165, 195, 201n.12, 222
Retinal Memory Volume 186, 194
Riddles of the Sphinx 113
Royoux, Jean-Christophe 4
Saint Point, Valentine de 57–8
Schneemann, Carolee 11, 53, 73n.44, 75n.68, 148, 151, 164, 197, 177, 180, 197, 198, 255
Situation Envisaged: The Rite II, The 240
Slowly Turning Narrative 196
Small Handphone Table 208
Standing Film/Moving Film 167
System for Dramatic Feedback 181, 182
Takahashi, Tomoko 4, 41–2
Television Delivers People 228
Television Interruptions 237
Three Transitions 58, 198
Time for ACTION has Come, The 197
To Hear Yourself as Others Hear You 213
Tom Tom, the Piper’s Son 254
Tsivopoulos, Stefanos 245
Two Sides to Every Story 198
Viola, Bill 5, 28–30, 31, 34, 97, 119, 150, 152, 153, 158, 177, 182, 196–8, 209–11, 219, 224n.28, 248n.36, 264
Wakefield, Neville
Walker, Kate
Walkling, Les
Weather Project, The 16, 194
We Have Art so that We Do Not Perish by Truth 13
What the Water Said, nos. 1-3 169
Woolworths Choir of 1979, The 94
Work No. 409 Elevator ooh/aah up/down 208
Workshop of the Film Form 164
Wounds and Absent Objects 194