The references in the notes are abbreviated versions of titles which can be found in full in the Biblioqraphy following, PP (IP) and PP (NZI) stand for the Park papers held by his son Ian Park and for those held by the New Zealand Insurance Company, respectively.
1. James Park’s unpublished autobiography is in the Hocken Library, Dunedin. Information on Keith Park’s early years is from correspondence and conversation with members of his family and with TJ. Loveil-Smith, Group Archivist, Union Shipping Group Ltd, Wellington. See also P., ‘Statement of Service’; Oamaru Mail, 5 June 1946; Dunedin Evening Star, 7 June 1946; Otago Daily Times, Dunedin, 8 June 1946; Truth, Wellington, 12 June 1946; Thames Star, 17 June 1946; Weekly News, Auckland, 31 July 1963; Auckland Star, 18 Sept, 1965 (interviews with P.).
1. Taylor, English History, 24-6 (Gallipoli); P., ‘Statement of Service’, ‘Gallipoli Memories’, Army Book 439, PP (NZI) Item 2 (transcript from War Diary of 10 Battery, RFA 1915-16); WO 95/4308, WO 95/4351 (War Diaries), AIR 10/973 P.’s essay), FO 132/407 (his early service); Byrne, History of the New Zealand Artillery, Waite, New Zealanders at Gallipoli; Liddle’s Archive (Jenning’s letter); Otago Daily Times, 8 & 10 June 1946, Weekly News, 21 Apr. 1965 (interviews with P.); Raleigh and Jones, War in the Air, ii, 75.
2. WO 95/2292, 4306, 4308, 4349-51 (War Diaries); P., ‘Gallipoli Memories’, PP (NZI) Item 2, AIR 10/973; AIR 23/2320 (P.-Beaverbrook, 21 Apr. 1945 re evacuation from France in 1916); memoirs of Dudley Meneaud-Lissenburg and Hiram Sturdy.
1. AIR 10/973; AIR 1/131/15/40/218, AIR 1/136/15/40/271, AIR 1/682/21/13/2215, AIR 1/683/21/13/2234 (all flying training); AIR 1/971/204/5/1111 (Trenchard-Brig. Gens.); P., Army Book 439; PP (NZI) Item 1 (brief notes by P. on WWI career); Cross & Cockade GB, vol. 3 no. 2 (1972) p. 45 (on Reading); Harvey, The Bristol Fighter’; Jefford and Morgan, ‘British Airfields on the Continent’; Winter, The First of the Few, passim; correspondence/conversation with Betty Neill (P.’s niece), Light and A. Parrish; Auckland Star, 18 Sept. 1965, NZ Herald, Auckland, 17 June 1972 (interviews with P.).
2. AIR 1/1185/204/5/2595, AIR 1/1566/204/80/52, AIR 1/1567/204/80/53, AIR 1/1572/204/80/61, AIR 1/2247/209/43/7-8, AIR 1/2389/228/11/96 (all patrols/combats, July-Sept. 1917); AIR 1/1032/204/5/1434 (P.’s MCs); AIR 1/822/204/5/33 (Noss’s death); Puglisi, ‘Jacobs of Jasta 7’ (Hartmann); Skelton, ‘Jasta Boelcke’ (Pernet); Wills, ‘The Eagle of Lens’ (von Chelius); correspondence/conversation with Light.
3. AIR 10/973; AIR 1/1567/204/80/53, AIR 1/1574/204/80/70, AIR 1/1602/204/83/99, AIR 1/1809/204/162/2, AIR 1/2222/209/40/17, AIR 1/2247/209/43/10 (all patrols/combats, Sept. 1917-Apr. 1918); AIR 1/1582/204/82/1 (winter training); AIR 1/1560/204/80/21 (P.’s Croix de Guerre); his Army Book 439; Liddle’s Archive (F.C. Ransley, 48 Squadron, tape 595, Apr. 1980, and typescript); correspondence/conversation with Betty Neill and Ian Park (Sir Keith’s son);
1. AIR 10/973; AIR 1/686/21/13/2251, AIR 1/692/21/20/48 (48 Squadron); AIR 1/1809/204/162/2 (P.’s return to 48 Squadron); AIR 1/2389/228/11/102 (Steele on retreat); AIR 1/2222/209/40/17, AIR 1/1811/204/162/9 (patrols/combats); AIR 1/1602/204/83/99 (restriction on squadron commanders); Liddle’s Archive (Ransley tape); conversation with Parrish on P. and Richthofen.
2. AIR 10/973; AIR 1/533/16/12/117 (48 Squadron’s establishment); AIR 1/2223/209/40/18-20, AIR 1/1567/204/80/53 (patrols/combats); AIR 1/1592/204/83/15 (Ransley recommendation); Liddle’s Archive (Ransley tape); Voss, Flying Minnows; Liddle’s Archive (J. Pugh, tape 611, Nov. 1980); Pugh, ‘War Memories’; correspondence/conversation with Pugh.
3. AIR 10/973; AIR 1/1030/204/5/1433, AIR 1/1580/204/81/53, AIR 1/1825/204/202/5 (Palmer, Paterson, Ridler); AIR 1/2389/228/11/102 (Steele’s essay); AIR 1/858/204/5/417 (air raid report); Cross & Cockade GB tapes (E.N. Griffith, tape LN21, Sept. 1977); Liddle’s Archive (Pugh tape); Rycroft, Memoirs of Life in Three Worlds, 19-31; correspondence/conversation with Griffith, Pugh, Rycroft; Whipple, ‘War Memories’; Whetton, ‘Flying with 84’, (Boudwin); Voss, Flying Minnows; Douglas and Wright, Years of Combat, 299-301, Years of Command, 180; Slessor, Air Power and Armies.
4. AIR 10/973; AIR 1/1825/204/202/5 (a ‘new’ squadron); AIR 1/2232/209/41/21-2, AIR 1/1580/204/81/52, AIR 1/972/204/5/1114 (patrols/combats); AIR 1/865/204/5/513 (P.’s forced landing); correspondence/conversation with Griffith, Pugh, Rycroft – see also their memoirs cited above.
5. AIR 10/973; AIR 1/162/15/124/5 (Air Ministry list), III M/19/P.21/1 (P.’s personal file); correspondence with Christopher Shores, aviation historian, on P.’s combat record; AIR 1/2386-9 (Staff College essays: see especially Baker, Beaulah, Godfrey, Wadham, Warburton); correspondence with Walters, Liddle’s Archive (P. tape 240, June 1974, after his Gallipoli memories); NZ Herald, 17 June 1972 (interview with P).
1. III M/19/P.21/1-3; FO 132/407 (P.’s early service); James Park’s letter to Sir James Allen; Wigram’s Aviation Papers, Item 400, Box 4 (Diary); Southland Times, Invercargill, 25 July 1919 (Dickson), 31 July 1919 (Bettington); Alfred de Bathe Brandon, DSO, MC, made his mame attacking Zeppelins in 1916: unpublished research on NZ airmen made available by E.W. Martyn of Invercargill; NZ Herald, 26 Nov. 1968 (interview with P.).
2. Lee, Open Cockpit, 173-4, Flypast, 35-7; AIR 2/129/Box (Andover flights); Lewis, Bntish Racing and Record-Breaking Aircraft, pp. 30, 43, 61, 70-1 and 89-97; Barnes, Handley Page Aircraft, 107, and correspondence with Barnes; Aeronautics (15 May 1919), 520, Flight (15 May 1919), 633, The Aeroplane (11 June 1919), 2380 (P.’s flight).
3. III M/19/P.21/1-5 (P.’s rank, health); Lee, Flypast, 46 (P. at Hawkinge); Douglas and Wright, Years of Command, 14-15, The Aeroplane (7 July 1920), 5 (tournament); AIR 2/4427 (Trenchard on second tournament).
4. AIR 2/251 (Brooke-Popham on Andover); AIR 5/881 (Trenchard’s opening address); AIR 29/527 (photograph of first course); Sylvester, ‘The RAF Staff College’; Beauman, ‘Some Recollections of the First Course’.
5. AIR 5/166 (value of Egypt); AIR 10/962 (notes for officers); AIR 1/2387, part II (Musgrave-Whitham on Egypt); AIR 5/341 & 352 (RAF in Egypt); AIR 1/2388 (Henderson on Egypt); AIR 5/1220 (Swann’s report); III M/19/P.21/4-5 (Swann on P.); correspondence/conversation with Betty Neill, Ian Park and Neill Park (Sir Keith’s nephew).
1. AIR 5/1209 (P.’s move to ADGB); PP (NZI) Item 301 (P. on ADGB); Ashmore, Air Defence pp. 131-43.
2. AIR 27/865, AIR 5/1209-10 (111 Squadron); III M/19/P.21/5 (Siskin accident); Flight (31 May 1928), 411 (Sassoon Cup); Flight (5 July 1928), 521, 526 (Italians); Flight (12 July 1928), 593 (Hendon); Aeroplane (11 July 1928), 122-34 (Hendon); P.’s third log book.
3. AIR 5/1210 (Fighting Area); Flight (11 July 1929), 561; III M/19/P.21/5 (P.’s illness); his third log book; Clouston, Dangerous Skies, 21-2 and correspondence with him.
4. AIR 28/601 (Northolt); Flight (12 June 1931), 540-1; P.’s third log book.
5. AIR 10/1786 (University Air Squadrons); Flight (3 & 10 Nov. 1932), 1037 & 1047 (Abingdon move); Flight (26 July 1934) 764, The Times, 15 July 1934 (P.’s MA); his third log book; correspondence/conversation with Hope and Gleave.
1. AIR 2/4103 (Peirse-Salmond); FO 371/17449 (Maycock on assistant); FO 132/407 (Maycock on P.); Burke’s Landed Gentry (Woodbine Parish family); The Times, 26 May 1930 and 10 July 1935 (Woodbine Parish and Argentina); The Times, 12 and 16 May 1938 (Woodbine Parish’s death); correspondence/conversation with Betty Neill; AIR 2/4102 (Wood, touting).
2. FO 371/18639 (Argentina); FO 371/19763 (Annual Report on Argentina); FO 371/20459 (neglect of Latin-American market); Batten, Alone in the Sky, 117-20.
3. FO 371/18653 (Brazil).
4. FO 132/422 (Chile, 1935), FO 132/436 (Chile, 1936).
5. FO 371/18781 (Uruguay); FO 371/18717 (Paraguay); Rauch, The Green Hell Air War’ (Chaco War); FO 371/19847 (Venezuela).
6. FO 132/422 (Chile, 1935); P.’s third log book (Air Ministry letter enclosed forbidding him to pilot himself); conversation with Ian Park on P.’s inspections.
1. AIR 2/9495, AIR 30/122 (P.’s appointment as ADC); Gray, Imperial Defence College; Register of Courses, 1937 (Longmore’s report, 16 Dec. 1937); correspondence with Balfour, Hope-Gill; AIR 28/815 (P. at Tangmere); III M/19/P.21/5 (his illness); AIR 2/9495 (his posting to Palestine); Harris, Bomber Offensive, 29; AIR 2/875 (P.’s promotion).
2. Wykeham, Fighter Command, 54-5: in P.’s opinion, this was ‘quite the best and most comprehensive account of the making and working of Fighter Command that has been written’, (PP [NZI] Item 221: P.-Wykeham, 4 May 1960); AIR 2/2964, AIR 16/833 (Defiant); AIR 16/94 (P. on Fighter Command, Oct. 1938); AIR 5/1126 (Air Fighting Committee meetings, Nov., Dec. 1938); AIR 16/98 (P. on fighter attacks, Dec. 1938); AIR 2/3295 (P. on tactics, Jan. 1939); AIR 2/3601 (P. on fighter attacks, Feb. 1939); AIR 16/217 (Gossage-Dowding exchange); AIR 16/131 (Lawson on wings); AIR 2/4438 (head-on attacks); AIR 16/280 (Bomber Command report); AIR 2/1651 (Harcourt).
3. AIR 16/111 (P.-Ludlow-Hewitt, P.-bomber group commanders); AIR 16/109 (conference, Apr./May 1939, Dowding-P., P.-Rowe); AIR 16/118 (May exercise, P.-Bottomley); AIR 2/3492 (July exercise); AIR 16/110 (Dowding’s broadcast); AIR 16/132 (Leigh-Mallory’s report, reactions).
4. AIR 2/2993 (Woodley’s report); Bushby, Air Defence of Great Britain, 115-16 (P. and Hart); Wykeham, Fighter Command, 52 (filtered plot); AIR 16/14 (improved interception procedures); AIR 2/2599 (waafs).
5. AIR 2/3034 (P. on Rowe); Origins and Development of Operational Research (Air Ministry publication) 7-8; AIR 16/110 (Larnder-P., July 1939); AIR 16/186, AIR 16/19 (P. on rdf).
6. AIR 16/34 (sector organization); AIR 16/122 (P. on Duxford); AIR 16/78 (Leigh-Mallory’s special group orders); AIR 16/25 (Leigh-Mallory’s disposition of squadrons).
7. AIR 16/92, AIR 16/97, AIR 16/115 (aerodrome and coastal defence); AIR 16/26 (Instruction No. 1, Oct. warning); AIR 16/27-28 (protection of merchant shipping); AIR 16/145 (Thames estuary).
8. AIR 2/3198 (employment of squadrons abroad), AIR 16/146 (coordination of British and French cover over Channel convoys); AIR 16/116 (P.’s monthly statements); AIR 16/359 (Dowding-Air Ministry).
9. AIR 2/2108 (bomber liaison section).
10. III M/19/P.21/5 (P.’s illness); AIR 2/10213 (postings of senior officers); correspondence with Dr Gavin Scholefield, who attended P. at the Royal Masonic Hospital; conversation with Ian Park.
1. Dowding’s despatch on the Battle of Britain, paras. 15-29, 30-41; Wykeham, Fighter Command, 103-5, 107; AIR 16/359 (Dowding-P. exchange); Richards, Royal Air Force, i, 130-44, Collier, Defence of the United Kingdom, 111-17; AIR 20/2759 (Douglas-Newall); AIR 20/2765 (naval fire); AIR 16/216 (P.’s system); Divine, The Broken Wing, 220-1; Collier, Sands of Dunkirk, 253-5; AIR 20/2061 (Newall-Dowding); AIR 20/2778 (Peirse-Dowding).
2. Home, To Lose a Battle, 597-620; Cooper, German Air Force, 112-19; Bond, ‘Dunkirk: Myths and Lessons’; Ramsay’s despatch, para. 8; AIR 2/7934 (Admiralty-Air Ministry exchanges on Dunkirk, 1946-7).
3. AIR 2/3198 (Barratt-Air Ministry, Churchill’s reactions); Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, vi, 471, 484 (Churchill-Renaud); AIR 35/199 (Douglas-Barratt); AIR 16/216 (P. on offensive operations); PP (NZI) Item 7 (P.-Brooke-Popham); AIR 2/7281, AIR 16/352 (P.’s report).
1. AIR 16/36, AIR 16/122 (Debden, Tangmere); Ramsey, Battle of Britain, 14-28 (operations rooms); P., ‘In Charge of 11 Group’, ICARE article, 57-9, copy in PP (IP) Item 385; Hinsley, British Intelligence, i, 178; many items in P.’s papers are concerned with the battle and he also made several radio broadcasts on it, listed in Sounds Historical, ii, see especially D.1199 (1948) and T.285-85 (1961).
2. PP (NZI) Item 6 (Northolt conference); AIR 16/214 (P.-sector commanders); AIR 5/1139, AIR 16/281 (fighter tactics); AIR 16/901 (head-on attacks); AIR 16/186 (night operations); AIR 16/362 (Vasse-P., P. on sector control, night-fighters), AIR 16/136 (P.-Nicholl on Beaufighter).
3. AIR 20/214 (air-sea rescue); AIR 16/341 (Evill on Douglas’s plan).
4. AIR 16/635 (Evill-P.); AIR 2/7355 (P.’s report; comments by Dowding, Douglas); AIR 2/7199, AIR 6/60 (night interception); Ramsey, Battle of Britain, 706-7 (casualties); Johnson, Full Circle, 189; Mason, Battle over Britain, 230-6 (12 Aug.); AIR 16/216 (instructions to controllers, 19 Aug.; fighter tactics, Hornchurch signal); AIR 16/735 (fighter tactics).
5. AIR 2/7355 (P.’s report); AIR 16/216 (P.-controllers, P.-Dowding); Dowding’s despatch, paras. 175 (pilot combing), 144 (aerodrome damage); AIR 20/2759-60 (P.’s need of experienced pilots), AIR 25/197 (sector commanders’ conference, 30 Aug.), P.’s ICARE essay, p. 59; Ramsey, Battle of Britain, 706-7 (casualties); AIR 16/842 (P.’s instruction, 7 Sept.; many of his instructions are found here and in AIR 41/16).
6. AIR 16/330 (conference, 7 Sept.; Evill-Douglas exchange; Nicholl’s letter, 8 Sept.); AIR 20/2759, AIR 16/374 (Douglas and Evill on pilot position); Dowding’s despatch, paras. 106-7 (squadron strength); PP (NZI) Box (P.’s annotation of ‘The Air Battles for Britain’, an abridgement of the Air Ministry’s pamphlet in Journal of the Royal United Services Institution, lxxxvi [May 1941], 213-30).
7. Townsend, Duel of Eagles, 436 (de Broke); PP (IP) Item 20 (P. on 7 Sept.); P., ‘Background to the Blitz’, (sight of London); PP (IP) Item 68 (interview, Sept. 1943); AIR 23/2320 (broadcast, Sept. 1945); PP (NZI) Item 158 (interview in Auckland Star, 15 Sept. 1949).
8. AIR 2/5246 (P.’s report); AIR 16/217 (P.-sector controllers, 10 Sept.); AIR 16/842, AIR 41/16 (instruction, 11 Sept.); AIR 16/668 (emergency/alternative operations rooms); PP (NZI) Item 300 (P. on 15 Sept.); Churchill, Second World War, ii, 273-6 (on 15 Sept.); Collier, Eagle Day, 254; Mason, Battle over Britain, 386-95 (15 Sept.); Collier, Defence of the United Kingdom, 429 (the decisive factor); Churchill, op. cit., 366 (P. and weather); Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, vi, 848, 852, 878-9 (on invasion danger); AIR 16/212 (P.’s invasion orders).
9. AIR 2/5246 (P.’s report, Dowding’s comments); AIR 25/198 (Maidstone Line patrols).
10. AIR 16/341 (Blenheim-Anson affair).
11. AIR 2/5246 (P.’s report; appendix on communications); AIR 16/635, AIR 16/281, AIR 25/198 (Evill and P. on ‘Reports on Battles’); AIR 2/7281, AIR 16/901, AIR 16/185, (HF/VHF problems); PP (NZI) Item 8 (McKean-P.); AIR 16/901, AIR 16/373 (offensive intentions).
12. AIR 2/5246 (P.’s report; appendix on night-fighting); AIR 16/901 (night-fighting wings).
13. PP (NZI) Items 22 (P.-Aitken exchange, 7-10 Nov.), 31 (P.-Aitken, 14 Nov.), 24 (Evill-P.), 26 (P.-Greig, 11 Nov.), 43 (P.-Greig, 27 Nov.), 42 (Gossage-P.), 45 (P.-Gossage), 54 (P.-staff officers).
14. AIR 16/903 (conference, 29 Nov.); AIR 16/635 (Lawson-Evill on P.’s Nov. report); battle statistics from Ramsey, Battle of Britain, Mason, Battle over Britain, Wood and Dempster, Narrow Margin, Collier, Defence of the United Kingdom, Collier, Eagle Day, German Air Ministry, Rise and Fall of the Air Force, and Cooper, German Air Force; P.’s third log book; PP (NZI) Item 251 (L. Hunt on ‘mahogany bomber’); Daily Telegraph, 7 Feb. 1975 (Donaldson’s obituary notice; cutting in PP (NZI) Item 285).
1. Auckland Star, 4 July 1968 (Leigh-Mallory on Dowding; cutting in PP (NZI) Item 262); PP (NZI) Item 180 (P.-Robert Wright, 24 Feb. 1958); Items 264, 267 (Dowding-P. exchange, 8-22 July 1968); PP (IP) Item 332 (P.-Dowding, 3 Sept. 1968); Wright, Dowding, 200.
2. Wright, Dowding, Lucas, Flying Colours, Brickhill, Reach for the Sky; air 2/3034 (Douglas-Stevenson); AIR 16/367 (Douglas on fighter tactics, 16 Dec. 1940); Douglas and Wright, Years of Command, 90; P. castigated big wings on numerous occasions in his surviving papers and on radio.
3. AIR 16/330 (P.-Evill, Evill-controllers); Mason, Battle over Britain, 296, 306, 321 (bombing of North Weald, Debden, Biggin Hill); Wright, Dowding, 178-80 (Biggin Hill), 189-90 (de Broke); Lucas, Flying Colours, 119-21 (Bader, 30 Aug.); AIR 2/7281 (Leigh-Mallory’s report; comments by Evill, Crowe, Saundby, Douglas); AIR 16/281 (Dowding on Leigh-Mallory’s report); AIR 16/735 (P. on Leigh-Mallory’s report); Wright, Dowding, 192 (Bader, 7 Sept.), 206 (Leigh-Mallory, 15 Sept.).
4. AIR 16/330 (P., Dowding, Evill, Leigh-Mallory, Lawson: exchanges and comments; P.-Dowding, 10 Oct.); AIR 16/1136 (Duke-Woolley); AIR 16/901 (P.-sectors, 1 Oct.).
5. AIR 2/7281 (Stevenson’s notes; minutes of meeting and reactions); AIR 16/735 (P.’s copy of notes; Brand-P., 6 Nov.); Winterbotham, Ultra Secret, 15 (Slessor on meeting); Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, vi, 1060-1 (Churchill on Air Ministry); AIR 16/330 (Lawson-Evill on Duxford wing); Ramsey, Battle of Britain, 707 (fighter losses).
6. AIR 16/330 (P., Leigh-Mallory, Evill, Lawson exchanges; Evills comments).
7. AIR 16/375 (Douglas, Dowding, Balfour, Evill, Portal exchanges).
8. AIR 2/5246 (P.’s report, Dowding’s comments); AIR 16/635 (Leigh-Mallory-Dowding, 17 Nov.); Wright, Dowding, 201-2 (Kent, Lacey), 237-9 (Deere); Douglas Papers, Box 2, p. 30 (Douglas-Basil Collier).
9. PP (IP) Item 386 (Saul-P.); PP (NZI) Item 44 (P.-Saul); Lucas (ed.), Wings of War, pp. 92-9 (post-mortem on Battle); Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, vi, 605-6 (on Air Ministry); Haslam, ‘How Lord Dowding came to leave Fighter Command’; G. Lyall on Dowding in Carver, War Lords, 212; Deighton, Battle of Britain, 216 (P.’s ‘base intrigue’); Wright, Dowding, 247 (P.’s handing over); PP (NZI) Items 57 (Evill-P.), 68 (P.-Evill), 65 (P.-Lawson), 82 (P.-Bouchier), 69 (P.-Ramsay), 30 (Hyland-P.), 71 (P.-Saul); PP (IP) Item 386 (Gossage, McNeill, Wiseman, Beamish, Bouchier, Ramsay to P.); Richards, Royal Air Force, i, 195.
10. AIR 16/367 (Leigh-Mallory-Douglas); PP (IP) Item 2 (paper exercise); Wright, Dowding, 248-50 (paper exercise); Deere, Nine Lives, 184-5; Johnson, Wing Leader, 79-81, 86-90; AIR 16/373, AIR 16/635, AIR 16/368 (operations in 1941); AIR 2/9904, AIR 16/846 (Douglas’s despatch); AIR 16/406 (Robb’s despatch).
1. AIR 19/258, Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, vi, 1060-1 (comment on 1941 pamphlet); AIR 20/3534—5 (comment on 1943 pamphlet); PP (NZI) Items 85 (Beaverbrook-P., 2 Apr.), 86 (Duke of Kent-P.); PP (IP) Items 386 (Beaverbrook-P., 12 Apr.; Harcourt-Smith, Douglas-Jones, Lang to P.), 1 (P.-Churchill), 4 (Morton-P.).
2. PP (IP) Items 8, 10, 11, 13 (P.-Portal exchanges); Sunday Chronicle, 26 Oct. 1941 (Dowding’s articles; cutting in PP (IP) Item 12); PP (IP) Item 7 (Dowding-P., 29 July); PP (NZI) Items 88, 88b, (Dowding-P., exchange, Oct.); PP (IP) Item 20 (draft of radio talk printed in Times of Malta, 15 Sept. 1942); AIR 40/1497 (appraisals of P., Leigh-Mallory); Dominion, Wellington, 11 Feb. 1947 (Tedder on P.); PP (NZI) Items 160, 162, 167 (P.-Watson-Watt exchange).
3. Otago Daily Times, 9 Sept. 1952 (P.’s answer to Joubert; cutting in PP [NZI] Item 168; PP (IP) Items 274 (Rich on P.), 284 (P.-Rich), 276 (Beaverbrook-P.), 282 (P.-Beaverbrook), 384 (P.’s reply to Joubert), 277 (O’Connell-P.), 283 (P.-O’Connell); News Chronicle, 20 Sept. 1956 (review of Wing Leader; cutting in PP [IP] Item 290); PP (IP) Items 291-2 (Hunt-P. exchange).
4. Listener, 19 Sept. 1957 (Slessor’s article; cutting in PP [IP] Item 306), PP (NZI) Items 172, 175 (Salmond-P. exchange); PP (IP) Items 310 (Air Cdre. Lionel Stubbs-P. quoting Hollinghurst), 305, 312 (P. on Slessor).
5. PP (NZI) Items 170, 192, 205, 228-30, 232, 235-6; PP (IP) Item 321 (P.-Lee exchanges).
6. PP (IP) Item 323, PP (NZI) Item 186 (Dowding-P. exchange); PP (NZI) Items 184 (Lyons on P.), 183, 185 (de Broke-P. exchange).
7. PP (NZI) Items 255 (P.-Saltzman), 256 (Fisz-P.), 257, 261, 265 (Wallace-P.), 264 (Dowding-P.). 266 (Howard-P.), 279, 283 (Lang-P.), 278, 281 (NZ Herald-Y. exchange), 282, 303 and NZ Herald, 21 Oct. 1969 (P. on film); NZ Herald, 4 July 1968 (P,’s outburst; cutting in PP (NZI) Item 262; Mosley, Battle of Britain, 170-1 (scene in Dowding’s office); Dowding, Wright, 281 (Dowding-Howard on P.); Dol Park-Betty Neill, 15 Oct. 1969.
8. PP (NZI) Items 263, 270, 271 (Townsend-P. exchange); Deere, ‘Tactics in Dispute’; Slessor’s letter made available by Deere; correspondence/conversation with Porter and Gleave.
9. Correspondence/conversation with Dowding, Wiseman, Johnstone, Crossley, Westlake; Scott, Typhoon Pilot, 129.
1. AIR 24/654 (P.’s succession); AIR 41/4 (RAF monograph, Flying Training, 1934-43, 294-306); PP (IP) Item 332 (P. on peacetime routines); P. radio broadcasts, Sounds Historical, T.285-85 (1961) (P. on flying training on NZ radio); AIR 2/4516 (composition of 23 Group); Clouston, Dangerous Skies, 26; P.’s third log book; Balfour, The Battle of Training’, 276-7: undated typescript in Balfour Papers.
2. AIR 25/525 (weekly conferences); AIR 2/8062 (P.-Command HQ, 12 Jan.); AIR 41/4 (309-32).
3. Rothenstein, Men of the RAF, plate 17, p. 57; AIR 19/220 (Pattinson on flying training); AIR 24/662 (conferences, 2 Apr., 8 May); AIR 41/4, AIR 24/654, AIR 24/662 (Air Ministry enquiry, Little Rissington experiment); AIR 2/8101 (report on experiment, P.’s comments).
4. AIR 24/654 (Welsh’s succession); AIR 24/662 (Welsh-group commanders; conferences, Welsh at Brize Norton; Welsh-P., 12 Sept.); this copy of Austin’s book now belongs to Ian Park.
5. AIR 41/4 (importance of overseas schools); AIR 20/2769 (Garrod on P., 22 Nov.); AIR 24/654, AIR 25/521 (P.’s postings).
1. Correspondence with John and Lloyd Mason; AIR 2/7545 (air defence of Egypt); AIR 20/5469, AIR 2/7546, AIR 23/6556 (Evill’s mission); AIR 24/1139, AIR 23/6200, AIR 20/5532 (P.’s forces in Egypt); AIR 24/476, AIR 41/19 (raids/reconnaissances, visits to units); PP (IP) Items 38, 39 (P. on Egypt, 1942); Evening Standard, 28 May 1942 (tribute to P. cutting in PP [IP] Item 15); AIR 41/50 (RAF narrative, first draft, Middle East Campaigns, vol. iv, p. xxiii: Rommel, Hercules); AIR 41/26 (RAF narrative, second draft, Middle East Campaigns, vol. iii, p. 106: Hercules); Churchill, Second World War, iv, 330.
2. AIR 24/476 (P.’s succession); PP (IP) Item 298 (P.’s arrival in Malta); P. radio broadcasts, Sounds Historical, T.285-85 (1961) (Park on Malta on NZ radio); PP (IP) Item 16 (Beaverbrook-P.); Dol Park’s scrapbook (praise of P.); correspondence/conversation with Lucas, Whitley, Johnstone and Philip Vella (secretary of National War Museum Association, Malta).
3. AIR 23/1201 (P.’s immediate needs); AIR 16/626 (Bottomley-P. exchange); AIR 20/5322, AIR 23/5644, PP (IP) Items 18, 19, AIR 41/26 (vol. iii, app. xxiii), AIR 20/5532 (Sqn. Ldr. J. N. White, draft despatch for Tedder, p. 59) (all P.’s conduct of operations); AIR 8/687, AIR 23/6034 (relations with Gort); Winterbotham, Ultra Secret, 99, 104-5; Hinsley, British Intelligence, ii, 418-19.
4. AIR 41/50 (v, 143 et seq.: Tedder, Harwood, Pedestal, Weichold); AIR 23/6034 (fuel shortage pre-Pedestal); AIR 23/5755 (P.’s report on Pedestal); AIR 23/5746 (Sinclair’s congratulations); Times of Malta, 6 Sept. 1942 (P.’s dinner); Shankland and Hunter, Malta Convoy, Smith, Pedestal.
5. AIR 23/6035 (post-Pedestal offensive, Gort’s resistance); Tedder, With Prejudice, 345 (Gort’s fear); AIR 2/2705 (P.-Gibbs exchange); AIR 2/7754, AIR 23/6035, AIR 41/50 (vii, 239 et seq.) (fuel and other shortages); WO 216/129 (Scobie-Nye); PP (IP) Items 22, 24, 28 (Portal-P. exchanges).
6. AIR 23/6036, AIR 41/50 (vii, 239 et seq.) (Oct. offensive); AIR 23/5746; PP (IP) Items 23, 26, 30 (congratulations to P.); Dol Park’s scrapbook (Bishop of Gozo-P.; Malta and P.); Daily Mail, 19 Oct. 1942 (praise of P.; cutting in PP [IP] Item 29); Picture Post, 31 Oct. 1942 (front-page picture; cutting in PP [IP] Item 32); PP (IP) Items 390 (P.-Beaverbrook), 31 (Beaverbrook-P.); News Review, 5 Nov. 1942 (praise of P.; cutting in PP [IP] Item 33); AIR 28/433, Times of Malta, 11 Nov. 1942, The Times, 11 Nov. 1942, Dol Park’s scrapbook (all Qrendi),
7. AIR 41/33 (RAF narrative, first draft, North African Campaign, app. vi; Malta and Torch); Dol Park’s scrapbook (Trenchard, Portal-P.); The Times, 24 Nov. 1942 (P.’s kbe); AIR 41/50 (ix, 364 et seq., x, 417 et seq., Stoneage); Power Diary; AIR 23/6036 (Tedder and Americans in Malta); PP (IP) Item 34 (P.-Beaverbrook).
8. AIR 23/1202, AIR 2/8068 (Wood in Malta); PP (IP) Item 37 (photocopy of paper-knife); WO 216/129, (Nye-Scobie); Playfair, The Mediterranean and Middle East, iv, 526 (Eisenhower-Churchill); Power Diary; AIR 23/6037, AIR 23/5682, AIR 23/5667, AIR 2/7829 (Mosquitos, AIR power build-up); PP (IP) Item 36 (Eisenhower-P.).
1. Daily Telegraph (cutting in PP [IP] Item 43); AIR 19/391 (Eisenhower, Sinclair-Portal); Gibbs, Survivor’s Story, 88-95; AIR 23/5654 (Gibbs on Malta); Power Diary; conversation with Wykeham; AIR 23/5756, AIR 1202 (Malta’s soldiers); AIR 23/5649 (air defence control); PP (IP) Items 42, 157, SEAC South East Asia Command newspaper, 23 June 1945, Press, Christchurch, 10 June 1946 (all Beaufighter incident); conversation with Piper.
2. AIR 23/5655 (aerodrome works); PP (IP) Item 46 (Coningham’s address); AIR 20/5292 (Mediterranean Air Command); Tedder, With Prejudice, 430-4; Power Diary; AIR 23/6039, PP (IP) Item 53 (spring offensive).
3. Power Diary; AIR 23/5756 (rebuke to squadron commanders); Tedder, With Prejudice, 430; Joubert, Third Service, 213; ‘Malta, 1943’, The Tablet (14 Aug. 1943), 78-9 (log-rolling); correspondence with Duncan Smith.
4. AIR 23/5726, AIR 23/5754, AIR 19/384 (visitors to Malta); The Times, 22 and 23 June 1943 (King’s visit); PP (IP) Item 58 (Portal-P.).
5. Cunningham, Sailor’s Odyssey, 550; Parkinson, A Day’s March Nearer Home, pp. 136-68; AIR 23/5655 (P. and Husky); PP (IP) Items 59 (P. on Malta as springboard), 75 (losses from friendly fire), 61, 62 (Eisenhower-P. exchange); Sunday Times of Malta, 17 Apr. 1955 (jeep Husky); Times of Malta, 23 Aug. 1943 (work of Malta aircraft, Eisenhower-P.); correspondence with Walston; AIR 23/5754, Times of Malta, 3 and 4 Sept. 1943, Thomas, ‘Faith, Hope and Charity’, 74 (Gladiator presentation and legend).
6. AIR 23/7585 (P.-Freeman); AIR 23/7773 (Portal-Tedder exchanges); AIR 23/7439, AIR 23/14440 (Robb-Coningham exchanges); AIR 19/379, AIR 20/2662, AIR 23/7536, PP (IP) Items 71, 72 (Portal, Sinclair, Tedder on P.’s next posting); Douglas and Wright, Years of Command, 238-44 (Douglas’s posting); AIR 23/7774, AIR 24/916, AIR 23/5754 (P.’s succession); Times of Malta, 4 Jan. 1944 (P.’s departure; cutting in PP [IP] Item 84).
1. AIR 23/1534, AIR 23/7314, AIR 23/7535 (Douglas on Middle East); AIR 23/895 (Slessor’s directive); AIR 23/869 (Slessor on P.); correspondence with Walston; AIR 24/1058, PP (IP) Item 83 (P.’s succession); correspondence/conversation with Coralie Pincott, nee Hyam; AIR 23/1304 (personal aircraft).
2. AIR 23/1304 (conference with staff officers); PP (IP) Item 87 (Smuts message); AIR 23/1377 (P.-Rawlings); Beaverbrook Papers, file D/142 (P.-Beaverbrook); conversation with Grandy; AIR 19/334 (P.-Sinclair); AIR 2/8635 (Wives overseas); AIR 23/870 (Slessor on wives overseas); Beaverbrook Papers, file D/142 (Dol Park, Beaverbrook, Balfour exchange); AIR 24/1059 (Dol in Cairo).
3. AIR 40/1837 (training of Yugoslavs); AIR 23/888, AIR 23/1448, AIR 23/6019, AIR 23/6028, Cruickshank, Deception in World War II, 146-55 (guerrilla support, Zeppelin); AIR 23/889 (P.-Slessor); AIR 23/888 (silence on partisans); Egyptian Mail, 4 Apr. 1944 (P.’s tour; cutting in PP (IP) Item 89.
4. AIR 23/889 (P. in East Africa); AIR 23/6201 Evans (ed.) Killearn Diaries, pp. 290-305 (Egyptian crisis); FO 371/41313-5, AIR 23/889, AIR 23/6024 (P. on reaf).
5. Eaker Papers, Box 7 (P.-Eaker exchanges); AIR 23/889 (transfers to front line); PP (IP) Item 91 (Slessor’s thanks to P.).
6. FO 371/41314-5 (parachute needs); McCarthy, Air Power and Australian Defence, 252-3; Odgers, Air War Against Japan, 436-7; AIR 23/889 (South African visit, disputes with Slessor); AIR 24/1059, AIR 2/8429, Documentation Services, Defence HQ, Pretoria (P. in South Africa); Rand Daily Mail, 8 Nov. 1944 (P. on Brand, etc., cutting in PP [IP] Item 94).
7. AIR 23/895 (P.-Slessor exchanges).
8. Beaverbrook Papers, file D/142 (Beaverbrook-P.); AIR 2/4994, FO 371/41413 (Farouk’s Anson); PP (IP) Items 99, 101 (Giles-P.); PP (NZI) Item 290 (Legion of Merit citation).
1. AIR 20/2663 (Leigh-Mallory’s appointment); AIR 2/10593 (Leigh-Mallory’s death, Court of Inquiry); AIR 23/2305 (P.’s appointment); AIR 20/813 (briefing pre-departure).
2. P.’s despatch on AIR operations, 1944—45; AIR 41/37 (RAF narrative, first draft, Campaigns in the Far East, v, 29-51); SEAC 6 Feb. 1945 (appreciation of P.; cutting in PP [IP] Item 100); Aeroplane, 9 Feb. 1945 (appreciation of P., cutting in PP [IP] Item 102); AIR 23/2318 (Mountbatten-P., 21 Feb.); AIR 23/2310 (P.-Slessor, 25 Feb.); AIR 20/2663 (P.-Evill, Sutton, 25 Feb.); AIR 23/2319 (meetings with Courtney); AIR 8/1280 (Courtney-Portal).
3. AIR 23/2320 (speech to staff, P.’s tour); AIR 23/4970, AIR 23/2682 (P.’s tours); AIR 20/2152 (poor conditions in SEAC); Statesman, Calcutta, 15 Mar. 1945 (P.’s tour; cutting in PP [IP] Item 103); AIR 24/1338 (P. on good food); correspondence/conversation with Ewing; AIR 23/4970 (plans for operations in Malaya).
4. AIR 23/2320, AIR 8/760, Beaverbrook Papers, file D/142 (P.’s broadcast and associated correspondence).
5. AIR 8/1431 (Dickson, P., Portal exchanges); AIR 23/2682 P.’s report to Portal); AIR 8/1270 (P.-Portal on AIR supply and consequences); AIR 23/2682 (maintenance investigation, P.-Hollinghurst).
6. AIR 23/2321 (P.-Slessor); AIR 23/2682 (P.-Leese); Lewin, Slim, 237-45 (Leese/Slim affair); AIR 23/2682 (publicity); AIR 23/2306 (Air Formation Signals); PP (IP) Item 105, AIR 19/379 (Mountbatten-P. on promotions); AIR 20/2663 (Evill on P.’s promotion); PP (IP) Items 109, 110, 112 (P.’s promotion).
7. P.’s despatch on AIR operations, May-Sept. 1945, paras. 50-3; AIR 23/2306 (Davidson’s award); Ceylon Daily News, 12 May 1945 (Davidson’s award); PP (IP) 182 (disintegration of EAC).
8. AIR 23/2334 (P.-Coryton); AIR 23/2320 (P. on duration of war, Apr. 1945); AIR 8/1278, AIR 24/1339 (Tiger Force).
9. AIR 23/2358 (Simon Eden’s death), PP (IP) Item 352 (Lord Avon-Ian Park).
10. AIR 23/2310 (morale); AIR 24/1339 (P.-Peck); AIR 8/760, AIR 8/763 (Mountbatten’s broadcast); Lewin, Slim, 1, 128 (Slim, Mountbatten); PP (IP) Item 123 (P.’s VJ Day message); Smith, Battle for Burma, 159-60 (releases); Lewin, Slim, 248 (SEAC responsibilities); AIR 23/2364-5 (P.-Saunders).
1. Kirby, War Against Japan, v, 272 (Mountbatten); AIR 23/4970 (P.’s report); AIR 23/2349 (Rangoon crowding; Ryley, P., Jones exchange).
2. AIR 23/2374 (P. and Hong Kong); AIR 23/2320 (P. in Hong Kong); AIR 20/2664 (Slessor, P. on Bouchier); AIR 23/2331, AIR 23/2379, Aeroplane (4 Aug. 1950), 123 (all Bouchier); AIR 23/2331, AIR 23/2354 (Netherlands East Indies); AIR 23/2349 (use of Japanese aircraft); AIR 23/2376 (Mountbatten-Leclerc, Cheshire-P.); AIR 23/2377 (P. on Leclerc, Saunders-P.); AIR 23/2327 (Saunders on Leclerc); AIR 23/2376 (P.Saunders on Americans); AIR 23/2326 (P.-Carr on Terry).
3. AIR 23/2340-1, AIR 23/2315, AIR 23/2336 (all AIR trooping problems); AIR 23/2382 (P.-Mountbatten exchange); AIR 23/2372, AIR 20/2664 (Penang affair); AIR 8/768 (Dickson on SEAC hq); AIR 23/2699 {Burma Victory)’, AIR 8/1361, PP (IP) Items 116-17 (Slim’s tribute).
4. AIR 23/2321 (Carr-P.; Strachey); AIR 8/1099 (tour reduction, P.-Slessor exchange); AIR 23/2354-5, AIR 19/379 (P., Auchinleck, Portal exchanges on Indian AIR forces).
5. AIR 23/2382 (Kandy-Singapore move); AIR 23/2315 (meeting with aocs); AIR 23/2335 (Hopkins-P.); AIR 23/2312 (unrest at Mauripur, Negombo; P.-Chilton exchange); AIR 23/2314 (P.-Slessor on Seletar, Kallang; Kallang affair); AIR 23/2315 (reports to Heard); AIR 23/2312 (Slessor-P., 7 Feb.); AIR 23/2311 (P.-senior commanders); AIR 23/2315 (P.-Goddard on Francis; P.’s evidence); AIR 23/2311 (P.’s evidence).
6. AIR 23/2356 (P.-Slessor); PP (NZI) Items 89-91, 93, 97, 287, PP (IP) Item 126 (Tedder, P., Mountbatten exchanges on P.’s retirement); AIR 20/2658, PP (IP) Items 127-8 (P. as SAC).
7. AIR 23/2347 (accommodation problems); AIR 8/1453 (P. on Changi); III M/19/P.21/5 (P.’s illness); PP (NZI) Items 103-4, 107 (Mountbatten-P.), 110 (P.-Winster).
1. AIR 23/2699 (P.-Collard); AIR 2/7908, AIR 20/6688, AIR 23/4970 (debate on P.’s first despatch); PP (IP) Items 130-1, PP (NZI) Item 108 (Brockman, P., McEvoy exchanges).
2. AIR 2/7938, FO 371/54024 (debate on P.’s second despatch), PP (NZI) Items 139, 141 (Mountbatten-P. exchange on despatch); Statesman, Calcutta, 20 June 1945 (cutting in PP [IP] Item 106) (Slim’s thanks to Q Maj. Gen.); Beaverbrook Papers, file D/142 (P.-Beaverbrook, 20 June 1945) (Slim’s silence on AIR raid).
3. AIR 2/9883 (debate on Leese’s despatch).
4. AIR 20/6688 (Nerney-P.); AIR 2/7926 (debate on Mountbatten’s despatch), Vincent Papers, Box ac. 76/32.
1. AIR 2/5943 (Evill-P. exchange, P.’s report on RNZAF); file 1A1,152/535 (National Archives, Wellington) on P.’s tour, correspondence and press cuttings; The Times, 31 May 1946 (P.’s first speech), 22 June 1946 (Empire standardization); PP (IP) Items 158 (P. in Dunedin), 175 (P. in Thames); Unit History, RNZAF Ohakea (P.’s arrival); correspondence/conversation with Betty Neill and Dr. Keith L. Park (P.’s nephew).
2. AIR 2/5943 (P.’s report on RAAF and Australian press); PP (NZI) Item 111 (P.-Sullivan).
3. PP (NZI) Items 115, 117 (P.-Mountbatten, 1 and 9 Aug.), 118 (Mountbatten-Tedder), 120 (P.-Tedder), 126 (Air Council-P.), 127 (Trenchard-P.); Ill M/19/P.21/5/(P.’s health); III M/19/P.21/6 (Stansgate-P); PP (NZI) Items 128, 130 (Mountbatten, Tedder on P.’s promotion), 131 (P.-Mountbatten).
4. The Times, 8 Oct. and 12 Nov. 1946 (Colin Park); PP (IP) Items 139 (press conference), 367 (P.’s speech); PP (NZI) Items 133-5 (Churchill-P. exchanges); The Times, 19 Oct. 1946 (P. at Buckingham Palace), PP (NZI) Items 295, 296 (P.-Tedder, Dodds); PP (IP) Item 155 (new job).
1. FO 371/51770 (Beisiegel-Air Ministry; Perowne-Sargent, Leeper).
2. FO 371/61138-9 (Foreign Office comments, correspondence on negotiations); PP (NZI) Item 137 (P.-Aitken); PP (IP) Items 185 (P.-Dobson), 186, 188 (Evans Thornton-Dobson, 24 and 31 Jan. 1947).
3. PP (IP) Item 189 (P.-Dobson); FO 371/61139-40; AIR 2/10449 (Haynes-Air Ministry).
4. PP (IP) Items 193, 198, 201, 205, 208 (P.-Dobson exchanges), 207 (P.’s articles); FO 371/61139-40; AIR 2/10449 (British currency needs).
5. PP (IP) Items 221 (P.’s memo), 222 (P.-Colina), 227 (P.-Dobson), 232 (P.’s illness); PP (NZI) Item 299 (Argentina Revisited); FO 371/61140-1; AIR 2/10449 (contract signed, aircraft deliveries, training mission in Argentina).
1. The Times, 26 June 1947, PP (NZI) Item 291 (Oxford degree); PP (IP) Items 236, 238, 241, Winkworth, Bulleid’s Pacifies (locomotives); PP (NZI) Items 146-8 (arms); The Times, 5 Dec. 1947 (P. at Buckingham Palace).
2. NZ Free Lance, 25 Feb. 1948, White’s Aviation (Mar. 1948), 17, PP (IP) Item 257 (all P.’s arrival in New Zealand); Press, Christchurch, 14 Feb. 1948 (P. on aviation); Dominion, Wellington, 9 Mar. 1948, Press, 10 Mar. 1948 (P. on AIR defence); Press, 8 Apr. 1948 (defence policy).
3. Press, 15 Apr. 1948 (P. on AIR service); PP (IP) Item 263 (Douglas notes); Press, 18 Feb. and 13 May 1949 (Auckland airport); Bush, Decently and in Order, 412-15; minutes of International Airport Committee, Auckland Chamber of Commerce; The Times, 5 Sept. 1951, Dol Park-Betty Neill (Colin Park’s death); Press, 26 Nov. 1958 (airports v seaports); Auckland Star, 8 June 1978 (Hughes on airport name); NZ Herald, 14 Jan. and 1 Mar. 1976 (motat).
4. Correspondence with Trevor W. Boughton, Australian aviation historian, who provided many of the following references: Wackett, Aircraft Pioneer, 183-92, Miles, Testing Time, 48-50, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 Oct. 1949, 10 Feb., 30 Mar. and 11 Aug. 1950, Brisbane Courier-Mail, 4, 5 and 12 Jan. 1950, Brisbane Sunday Mail, 3 Sept. 1950, Melbourne Herald, 14 Dec. 1950 (all P. 1081 affair); PP (NZI) Items 164, 166 (P.-Harcourt-Smith exchange), 165 (P.-Courtney); Aircraft (Oct. 1951), 40 (P.’s letter to the editor); Border Morning Mail (Albury, NSW), 13 and 27 June 1952 (Hawker Siddeley expansion); Aircraft (May and July 1953), 44, 74 (P.’s replacement).
5. AIR 100/16-17 (National Archives, Wellington) (P.-Nevill exchanges); AIR 1/39/1/3, part 50 (National Archives, Wellington) (RNZAF orders); correspondence with Kay; file 213/5/25 (Air Department, Wellington) (secret brochure); Press, 9 and 15 Sept. 1955 (P. on RNZAF, British aircraft); Spitfire correspondence (Auckland Institute and Museum); Press, 7 and 8 Sept. 1956 (aircraft needs); Dol Park-Betty Neill (P.’s retirement); Beaverbrook Papers, file D/512 (P.-Beaverbrook); PP (NZI) Items 187-92 (exchanges with A.S.G. Lee and Sir John Cordingley on proffered resignation, June/July 1958); correspondence/conversation with E.G. Rubython, H.P. Wills, J.A.R. Kay, H. Burroughes, A. Hicks, F. Murphy. British Aerospace took over the aviation interests of the Hawker Siddeley Group in 1977. Mr Rubython, Deputy Chief Executive, British Aerospace, told me on 29 June 1981 that ‘we hold no documents relating to his [Park’s] period of employment with Hawker Siddeley.’
6. PP (NZI) Item 239 (P.-Air Cdre. A.T. Whitelock); NZ Herald, 12 Sept. 1961 (Robert Gilmore interview); Auckland Star, 9 June 1962 (NZ’s greatest men); Bush, Decently and in Order, 429, 531, 604, NZ Herald, 31 Mar. 1965, Auckland Star, 11 Aug. 1965, correspondence/conversation with Robinson and with councillors G. Barnaby, M.L. Tronson, J. Firth, I.W. McKinnon, W.J.H. Clark and Mr J Edgar (research student, History Department, University of Waikato) (all on P.’s council career).
7. NZFB Chronicle, vol. 1, nos. 11, 12 and 14 (Auckland, 1957-8), Press, 10 Apr. 1958 (P. and blind); NZ Herald, 28 Oct. 1961, Auckland Star, 18 Sept. 1965, NZ Epilepsy Association Journal, vol. iv, no. 1 (1969), Central and Southern Leader, 23 Sept. 1969 and 4 Aug. 1970, PP (IP) Item 351 (P. and epileptics); conversation with B. Reid (vestryman), Russell (P. and St. Matthews); correspondence/conversation with Edwards, Mr A.C. Morcom-Green (Chairman, NZ Health Camp Federation), Auckland Star, 6 Sept. 1972 and 7 Feb. 1975, NZ Herald, 25 Oct. 1980 (all Pakuranga); Auckland Star, 11 Aug. 1971 (Lady Park’s death); correspondence/conversation with Betty Neill, Mrs Noel Wells (P.’s niece).
8. Correspondence/conversation with Betty Neill, P.-Neill letters; conversation with Mrs Jones, Parrish; Press, 12 June 1973 (driving test); Auckland Star, 1 Oct. 1974 (television programme).
9. The Times, 7 Feb. 1975 (P.’s obituary); Auckland Star, 11.and 12 Feb. 1975, NZ Herald, 13 and 21 Feb. 1975 (P.’s funeral); PP (IP) Items 340 (Rymer’s address), 354 (Light), 342 (CO of 48 Squadron), 350 (David), 344 (McDonell), 343 (Kent); Auckland Star, 6 Feb. 1975 (Hughes); Auckland Star, 7 Feb. 1975 (editorial); The Times, 13 Sept. 1975 (memorial service); Lucas, Flying Colours, 161-2, text of Bader’s address, 289-91.