

% Difference From option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 68-69

% Of option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 66

% Of Parent Column option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

% Of Parent Row option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

% Of Parent Total option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

% Of Total option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 66


3D Map, 289

aerial photography maps, 295

animating data over time, 297-298

annotation (text boxes), 294, 299

bubble charts, 294

column charts, 292, 296

combining data sets, 297

custom maps, 290

custom shapes, 290

data cards (tooltips), 296

filters, 296

flat maps, 295-296

geocoding data, 290-291

heat maps, 294


legends, 296

panes, 296


data points, 294

maps, 295

latitude, 290


hiding, 296

resizing, 296

longitude, 290

navigating maps, 292-293

pie charts, 294

preparing data for, 289

region maps, 294

relationships (table), 290

resizing legends, 296

store maps, using instead of globes (case study), 299-302

table relationships, 290

timelines, 298

tours, creating, 298-299

vantage point, moving, 293

video, creating, 299

zooming in/out of maps, 293

32-bit Excel

Data Model and, 287

Power Pivot and, 287


Access (MS), creating pivot tables, 181-184

ActiveX controls versus form controls, 307


calculated columns in Power Pivot grid, 281-282

calculations to OLAP pivot tables, 250


calculated columns in Power Pivot grid, 281-282

to slicers, 100

with Power Query, 275-276


model fields to pivot tables, 383

numeric fields to Values area, 384

rank number fields to pivot tables, 396-398

to data areas, 332-333

to reports, 22-24

functionality to recorded macros, 308-309

layers to reports, 25

linked tables to Data Model, 279

model fields to pivot tables, 383

numeric fields to Values area, 384

rank number fields to pivot tables, 396-398

scrollbars to spreadsheets, 309-312

tables to Data Model, 180, 279, 381

add-ins (Power Query), 188

Advanced Query Editor (Power Query), 195

aerial photography maps in 3D Map, 295

Allington, Matt, 287

analyzing OLAP pivot table data (what-if analysis), 258-259

animation in 3D Map, 297-298

annotation (text boxes) in 3D Map, 294, 299

applied steps (Power Query), 194-195, 276

Areas section drop-downs (Field list), 78-79

arrow keys in formula creation, 286

artificial intelligence. See Insights feature

AutoComplete tool (VBA), 326

auto date-grouping, 75

AutoFiltering pivot tables, 401-404

AutoFit, column widths, 59

AutoGroup, 330

date groups, 344

determining AutoGroup criteria, 111

using, 112

year-over-year reports, creating, 113-115

AutoShow (VBA), executive overviews of pivot tables, 365-367

AutoSort, pivot table sort order, 347


backward compatibility

Check Compatibility tool, 7-9

pivot tables and Excel, 7-8

Timeline slicer, 35

basic pivot table creation, 19


fields to reports, 22

layers to reports, 25

choosing report location, 20

classic pivot table layout, 26-27

data selection, 20


adding to reports, 24

dragging/dropping in reports, 25-26

filters, creating, 27

Ideas feature, 29-30

laying out reports, 22-24

deferring layout updates, 39-40

starting over, 40

PivotTable Fields list, 21-22

adding fields to tables, 24

dragging/dropping fields in tables, 25-26

rearranging tables, 25-26

Recommended PivotTables, 28-30


connecting to multiple pivot tables, 32-33

standard slicers, 31-33

Timeline slicer, 34-35

big data files, processing with Power Query, 273-275

blank cells

deleting from pivot tables, 346-347


in data area, 336

in row area, 336

in data sources, 14

in numeric columns, 24

replacing with zeros, 47-48

blank rows (layouts), 50, 56-57

bubble charts in 3D Map, 294


calculated columns, adding in Power Pivot grid, 281-282

calculated fields, 286

calculated data fields, 358-359

creating, 123-128

DAX measures, using instead of calculated fields (case study), 141-145

defined, 121

inserting into pivot tables, 124-125

manually adding to data sources, 122-123

rules specific to, 139-140

summarizing next year’s forecast (case study), 129-133

calculated items, 286

changing solve order of, 147

creating, 133-137

defined, 121

rules for, 145-146

calculated measures (OLAP), 250-253

calculated members (OLAP), 250, 254-257

calculations, 355, 384. See also measures

adding to OLAP pivot tables, 250

calculated fields, 286

calculated data fields, 358-359

creating, 123-128

creating with formulas outside a pivot table, 123, 124

defined, 121

inserting into pivot tables, 124-125

manually adding to data sources, 122-123

rules specific to, 139-140

summarizing next year’s forecast (case study), 129-133

using DAX measures instead of calculated fields (case study), 141-145

calculated items, 359-361

changing solve order of, 147

creating, 133-137

defined, 121

rules for, 145-146

calculating groups, 361-362

calculation functions, 356-358

cell references and, 139

constants and, 139

DAX measures, 139

defined, 121

using DAX measures instead of calculated fields (case study), 141-145

deleting, 146-147

documenting, 148

editing, 146-147

grand total references, 139

managing, 257-258

multiple data fields, troubleshooting issues with, 355-356

named ranges and, 139

OLAP pivot tables, managing calculations, 257-258

operator precedence, 138

Show Values As tab (Value Field Settings dialog box), performing calculations with, 362-363

subtotal references, 139

totals, referencing, 139

VBA calculation options per Excel version, 364

worksheet functions and, 139

case studies

calculated fields, using DAX measures instead of, 141-145

converting live pivot tables to static values, 54-55

data sources, cleaning up, 15-19

grouping text fields for redistricting, 106-108

interactive reports showing revenue by product and time period (case study), creating, 157-161

life after pivot tables, xxvii-xxviii, xxix

life before pivot tables, xxiv-xxvi

market activity analysis, 35-36

store maps, using instead of globes, 299-302

summarizing next year’s forecast, 129-133

transposing data sets with Power Query, 202-204

categorizing columns with Power Pivot, 287


blank cells

deleting from pivot tables, 346-347

filling in data area, 336

filling in row area, 336

in data sources, 14

in numeric columns, 24

replacing with zeros, 47-48

calculations and cell references, 139

deleting cells, preventing errors, 336-337

empty cells, filling in row fields, 393-396

extracting from pivot tables based on pivot caches, 232

formatting in Office 365, 72

inserting cells, preventing errors, 336-337


default pivot table behaviors for future pivot tables, 392

field names, 49

pivot table names, 33

previewing changes with Live Preview feature, 60

solve order of calculated items, 147


bubble charts in 3D Map, 294

column charts in 3D Map, 292

column charts in 3D Map, 296

cross-filtering charts with Power BI Desktop, 218

pie charts in 3D Map, 294

pivot charts

alternatives to, 161-165

creating, 150-153

defined, 149

formatting limitations, 156

interactive reports showing revenue by product and time period (case study), 157-161

pivot field buttons, 152-153, 160

pivot tables and, 154-156, 162

x-axis, 155

XY scatter charts, 164-165

y-axis, 155

check boxes, filtering with, 88-89

Check Compatibility tool, 7-9

classic pivot table layout, 26-27

cleaning up data sources (case study), 15-19

clearing pivot table layouts, 40

Code window (Visual Basic Editor), 326

coding (object-oriented)

data ranges, 327-328

End+Down arrow versus End+Up arrow, 328

shortening code, 329

super-variables, 328-329

With and End With, 329

Collie, Rob, 143, 287, 425, 432


% Of Parent Column option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69


columns to slicers, 100

columns with Power Query, 275-276

multiple subtotals to one field, 72

calculated columns, adding in Power Pivot grid, 281-282

categorizing columns with Power Pivot, 287

column charts in 3D Map, 292, 296

Column From Examples feature (Power Query), 275

empty columns in data sources, 14

filtering fields, 88

groups, repeating as columns, 13

headings, 11

hiding columns in Power Pivot, 287


filtering with Values column information, 91-92

splitting between two rows, 12

manual sort sequences, 83-84

multiple subtotals, adding to one field, 72

numeric columns, blank cells in, 24

percentage change column for year-over-year reports, 417-419

Power Pivot

calculated columns, adding in Power Pivot grid, 281-282

categorizing columns with Power Pivot, 287

hiding columns in Power Pivot, 287

renaming columns with Power Pivot, 287

sorting one column by another with Power Pivot, 282

Power Query

adding columns with, 275-276

column-level actions, 198-200

removing columns with Power Query Editor, 191

splitting columns, 204-206

rearranging, 83-84

removing columns with Power Query Editor, 191

renaming columns with Power Pivot, 287

slicers, adding columns to, 100

sorting one column by another with Power Pivot, 282

splitting columns with Power Query, 204-206

subtotals (multiple), adding to one field, 72

Values columns, filtering Label columns, 91-92


AutoFit, 59

vertically arranged pivot tables, 59

Columns area, 5, 22

Comments tool (VBA), 326

Compact layout, 51-53, 58, 75-76


line-to-line comparisons, Value field calculations, 66

tables with pivot tables, 400-401


Check Compatibility tool, 7-9

pivot tables and Excel, 7-8

slicers, 7

timelines, 7

Timeline slicer, 35

conceptual filters in VBA, 374-377

conditional formatting of pivot tables

customizing rules, 168-172

example of conditional formatting, 165-167

preprogrammed scenarios, 167-168

constants and calculations, 139


live pivot tables to static values (case study), 54-55

pivot tables

to cube formulas, 232-238

to values, 338-341

copying pivot tables to workbooks, 349-350

Count Distinct, 266-267, 357

Count of Revenue bug, 62

Create PivotTable dialog box, basic pivot table creation

choosing report location, 20

data selection, 20

PivotTable Fields list, 21-22

creating pivot tables

basic pivot table creation, 19

adding fields to reports, 22-24

adding fields to tables, 21-24

adding layers to reports, 25

choosing report location, 20

classic pivot table layout, 26-27

creating filters, 27

data selection, 20

dragging/dropping fields in reports and tables, 25-26

Ideas feature, 29-30

laying out reports, 22-24, 39-40

PivotTable Fields list, 21-22

rearranging tables, 25-26

Recommended PivotTables, 28-30

slicers, 31-35

from Data Model, 283

Pivot Power Premium add-in, 45

VBA and, 330-331

adding fields to data areas, 332-333

filling blank cells in data or row area, 336

formatting tables, 333-335

preventing errors from inserting/deleting cells, 336-337

totals, 337-338

cube formulas

CUBEMEMBER function, 234


CUBESET function, 235-238

CUBEVALUE function, 233-236

GETPIVOTDATA function versus, 232

pivot tables, converting to cube formulas, 232-238

SORTBY function, 238

cube functions, 248-250

CUBEMEMBER function, 234


cubes (OLAP)

connecting to, 239-242

dimensions of, 243

functions, 248-250

hierarchies of, 243, 257

levels of, 243

measures of, 243, 250-253

members of, 243, 250, 254-257

offline cubes, 245-247

PivotTable Fields list, 244

structure of, 242-243

CUBESET function, 235-238

CUBEVALUE function, 233-236

custom lists, sorting, 84-86, 286

custom maps (3D Map), 290

custom shapes (3D Map), 290

customers, sorting into high-to-low sequences based on revenue, 79-82


conditional formatting rules, 168-172

pivot tables, 44

blank cells, 47-48

blank rows, 50, 56-57

changing field names, 49

converting live pivot tables to static values (case study), 54-55

Count of Revenue bug, 62

default pivot tables, 44

formatting cells in Office 365, 72

grand totals, 50, 57-58

gridlines, 45

layouts, 50-53, 56-58, 75-76

subtotals, 50

number format, thousands separators, 46-47

Pivot Power Premium add-in, 45

previewing changes with Live Preview feature, 60

replacing blank cells with zeros, 47-48

settings, xxiv

styles, 45, 59-62

subtotals, 50, 70-72

Value field calculations, 63-70

sort lists, 390-391

Value field calculations, 63-65

% Difference From option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 68-69

% Of option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 66

% Of Parent Column option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

% Of Parent Row option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

% Of Parent Total option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

% Of Total option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 66

Index option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69-70

line-to-line comparisons, 66

ranking options, 67

running total calculations, 67-68

visualizations with Power BI Desktop, 221-222


Dalgleish, Debra, 45

data areas

blank cells, filling in data areas, 336

fields, adding to, 332-333

data cards (tooltips), 3D Map, 296

data items, sorting in a unique sort order, 389-390

Data Model, 330

32-bit Excel and, 287


linked tables to Data Model, 279

model fields to pivot tables, 383

numeric fields to Values area, 384

tables to Data Model, 279, 381

creating, 176-179

cube formulas, converting pivot tables to, 232-238

DAX measures and median calculations, 269-271

Distinct Count, 266-267

Filtered Items in Totals, 269

limitations of, 180, 286-287

loading to Data Model instead of Excel grid, 277-278

median calculations with DAX measures, 269-271

pivot caches, 383

pivot tables

adding model fields to, 383

adding numeric fields to Values area, 384

converting to cube formulas, 232-238

creating, 283-386

Power Query data, outputting data to Data Model, 193

primary keys, 177


activating, 180

creating, 178-180

creating between tables, 382

deactivating, 180

deleting, 180

editing, 180

managing, 179


adding linked tables to Data Model, 279

adding to Data Model, 180, 381

creating relationships, 382

defining relationships between tables, 279-280

text, reporting in Values area, 272

Values area, reporting text in, 272

VLOOKUP functions, replacing with Data Model, 261-266

data ranges

automatically expanding data ranges, creating, 399

writing code for, 327-328

data sets

combining in 3D Map, 297


to different tabs in pivot tables, 410-411

to different workbooks, 415-417

transposing with Power Query (case study), 202-204

data sources

blank cells in, 14

calculated fields, manually adding to data sources, 122-123

cleaning up (case study), 15-19

column headings, 11

disparate data sources

defined, 175

ETL processes, 188

external data, creating pivot tables, 181-187

external data, defined, 175

multiple ranges, defined, 175

Power Query and, 189-193, 202

empty columns in, 14

empty rows in, 14

gaps in, 14

good design techniques, 14


changes made to existing data sources, 36

expanded data source ranges, 37


OLAP databases, 239-240, 250-251

transactional databases, 239

date fields, grouping

by week, 110-111

including years when grouping by months, 110

manually grouping, 108-109

Date Filters, 94-96, 101, 375

date groups, xxiv

AutoGroup feature, 344

VBA and, 344-346

DAX formulas, 285

DAX functions, xxiv

DAX measures, 139

defined, 121

median calculations, 269-271

using DAX measures instead of calculated fields (case study), 141-145

Debugging tool (VBA), 326

default pivot tables

behaviors, changing for future pivot tables, 392

customizing, 44

deferring pivot table layout updates, 39-40

Delete key versus spaces, 24


calculations, 146-147

cells, preventing errors, 336-337

Data Model relationships, 180

pivot tables (underlying), pivot charts and, 162

source data worksheets, 398

dimensions of OLAP cubes, 243

disabling macros, 324

disparate data sources

defined, 175

ETL processes, 188

external data

creating pivot tables, 181-187

defined, 175

multiple ranges, defined, 175

Power Query and, 189-193, 202

Distinct Count, 266-267, 338

distributions (frequency), creating with pivot tables, 409-410

docking/undocking Fields list, 77

document themes, modifying styles with, 61-62


calculations, 148

formulas, 148

Doodads rule, Sort by, 82-83

dragging/dropping fields in reports, 25-26

drill-down methods, 286



calculations, 146, 147

Data Model relationships, 180

empty cells filling in row fields, 393

Go To Special function (Excel), 395-396

Repeat All Item Labels feature, 394-395

empty columns in data sources, 14

empty rows in data sources, 14

End+Down arrow versus End+Up arrow, coding, 328

End With and With, coding, 329

erasing pivot table layouts, 40

Escobar, Miguel, 287

ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) processes, 188

“evil GetPivotData problem”, 426-428


32-bit Excel

Data Model and, 287

Power Pivot and, 287

Go To Special function, filling empty cells in row fields, 395-396

pivot tables, backward compatibility, 7, 8

versions of, 330

Excel 2019

Office 365 versus, xxix-xxx

recommended pivot tables, xxvii

ribbon, xxix-xxx

system requirements, xxxii

Excel 2019 In Depth, 306

Excel grid, loading to Data Model instead, 277-278

Excel Help tool (VBA), 326

exploding data sets

to different tabs, 410-411

to workbooks, 415-417

external data

defined, 175

pivot tables, creating, 181

from Access (MS) data, 181-184

from SQL Server data, 184-187

extracting cells from pivot tables based on pivot caches, 232

extracts, creating, 3


February 29 1900 and Power Pivot, 286-287

Field list, Areas section drop-downs, 78-79


adding to reports, 22-24

calculated fields, 286, 358-359

creating, 123-128

defined, 121

inserting into pivot tables, 124-125

manually adding to data sources, 122-123

rules specific to, 139-140

summarizing next year’s forecast (case study), 129-133

using DAX measures instead of calculated fields (case study), 141-145

changing names, 49

collapsing/expanding in Compact layouts, 51

column fields

adding multiple subtotals to one field, 72

filtering, 88

data areas, adding fields to, 332-333

date fields

grouping by week, 110-111

grouping manually, 108-109

including years when grouping by months, 110

dragging/dropping in reports, 25-26

expanding/collapsing in Compact layouts, 51

filter fields, 369-373. See also page fields (VBA)

Filters area, adding fields to, 96

formatting, 14

model fields, adding to pivot tables, 383

multiple data fields, troubleshooting issues with, 355-356

naming fields, 49

numeric fields

adding to Values area, 384

grouping, 104-105

rank number fields, adding to pivot tables, 396-398

page fields (VBA), 369-373. See also filter fields

pivot fields

manually filtering multiple items in, 373-374

restrictions, 413-415

PivotTable Fields list, 21-22

adding fields to tables, 24

dragging/dropping fields in tables, 25-26

primary keys, 177

rank number fields, adding to pivot tables, 396-398

row fields

adding multiple subtotals to one field, 72

filling empty cells, 393-396

filtering, 88

suppressing subtotals in, 348

turning subtotals on/off in, 70-71

text fields, grouping for redistricting (case study), 106-108

Value field, customizing calculations, 63-70

Fields list

docking/undocking, 77

rearranging, 77-78


blank cells

in data area, 336

in row area, 336

empty cells in row fields, 393

Go To Special function (Excel), 395-396

Repeat All Item Labels feature, 394-395

FILTER function, 238

filters, 32. See also slicers

3D Map, 296

AutoFiltering pivot tables, 401-404

conceptual filters in VBA, 374-377

date filters in VBA, 375

Filtered Items in Totals, 269

filter fields, 369-373. See also page fields (VBA)

label filters in VBA, 374

pivot fields, manually filtering multiple items in, 373-374

pivot tables

AutoFiltering pivot tables, 401-404

check boxes, 88-89

column fields, 88

Date Filters, 94-96

dates, filtering by, 101

Filters area, 96-97

labels, 90-96

overview of, 86-87

replicating reports for each item in a filter, 97-98

row fields, 88

search box, 89-90

slicers, 99-104, 378-380

Timeline slicers, 101-104

Top 10 filter, 93-94

Values columns, filtering Label columns, 91-92

recordsets, filtering with ShowDetail (VBA), 367-373

search filter in VBA, 377, 378

Top 10 filter, 268

value filters in VBA, 375

Filters area, 6, 22

adding fields to, 96


multiple items from a filter, 97

one item from a filter, 96

creating filters, 27

flat maps in 3D Map, 295, 296

fonts and themes, 62

forecasts, summarizing next year’s forecast (case study), 129-133

form controls

ActiveX controls versus, 307

defined, 306

macros, assigning to form controls, 308

scrollbars, adding to spreadsheets, 309-312

user interfaces, creating, 306-308

viewing, 307


cells in Office 365, 72

conditional formatting and pivot tables

customizing rules, 168-172

example of conditional formatting, 165-167

preprogrammed scenarios, 167-168

fields, 14

individual values in pivot tables, 405-407


multiple number formats in pivot tables, 404-405

thousands separators, 46-47

pivot charts, 156

pivot tables, 333-335, 350

sections of pivot tables, 407-408

slicers, 100-101


arrow keys in formula creation, 286

calculated fields, creating with formulas outside a pivot table, 123-124

documenting, 148

GetPivotData, preventing, 429

List Formulas command, 148

frequency distributions, creating with pivot tables, 409-410

functions (OLAP cube), 248-250


Gainer, Dave, 425

geocoding data in 3D Map, 290-291

GeoFlow. See 3D Map

GetPivotData, 425

default status, determining reasons for its, 430-431

pivot table annoyances, solving, 431

creating shell reports, 435-436

creating ugly pivot tables, 432-435

populating shell reports, 437-440

updating shell reports, 441-442


by turning off GetPivotData, 429-430

by typing the formula, 429

problems with, 426-428


cube formulas versus, 232

extracting cells from pivot tables based on pivot caches, 232

Get & Transform tools, cleaning up data sources (case studies), 15-19

globes, using store maps instead of (case study), 299-302

Go To Special function (Excel), empty cells, filling in row fields, 395-396

grand totals

calculations, grand total references, 139

controlling with VBA, 337-338

layouts, 50, 57-58

gridlines, restoring to pivot tables, 45


auto date-grouping, 75


determining AutoGroup criteria, 111

using, 112

year-over-year reports, 113-115

calculating groups, 361-362

date fields

by week, 110-111

including years when grouping by months, 110

manually grouping, 108-109

date grouping, xxiv

numeric fields, 104-105

pivot tables, 286

repeating as columns, 13

text fields for redistricting (case study), 106-108


hard data, turning pivot tables into, 393


column headings, 11

section headings, storing data in, 12

heat maps in 3D Map, 294


Excel Help tool (VBA), 326

support/feedback, xxxii


columns with Power Pivot, 287

legends in 3D Map, 296

panes in 3D Map, 296

hierarchies, 116-118

drill-down hierarchies, 219-220

OLAP cubes, 243, 257

Power Pivot and, 287

high-to-low sequences, sorting customers in based on revenue, 79-82

Hoter, Dany, 238


Ideas feature, 29-30

images in Power BI Desktop, 212


custom visualizations, Power BI Desktop, 221-222

data to Power BI Desktop, 208

Index option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69-70

individual values, formatting in pivot tables, 405-407

Insert Slicers dialog box, 31-32

Insights command (Office 365), xxiv

Insights feature and Power BI Desktop, 224

interactive reports

Power BI Desktop, creating reports with

cross-filtering charts, 218

drill-down hierarchies, 219-220

mobile phones, designing reports for, 223

publishing to Power BI Desktop, 222

visualizations, 213-217, 221-224

showing revenue by product and time period (case study), 157-161

interactive web pages, workbooks as, 226-229

item labels, repeating, 52


Javelin, xxvi

Jelen, Bill, 306


Label columns, filtering with Values column information, 91-92

Label Filters option, filtering with, 90-91


column labels, splitting between two rows, 12

data points in 3D Map, 294

Date Filters, 94-96

filtering, 90-91

label filters in VBA, 374

maps in 3D Map, 295

Repeat All Item Labels, 330, 394-395

repeating item labels, 52

row labels, turning on/off in Compact layout, 58

large data files, processing with Power Query, 273-275

latitude (3D Map), 290

layers, adding to reports, 25

layouts, 22-24

blank rows, 50, 56-57

classic pivot table layout, 26-27

Compact layout, 51-53, 58, 75-76

deferring layout updates, 39-40

grand totals, 50, 57-58

Outline layout, 52-53

subtotals, 50

Tabular layout, 12-14, 53, 75-76, 344

vertically arranging pivot tables, 59

legends (3D Map), 296

life after pivot tables (case study), xxvii-xxix

life before pivot tables (case study), xxiv-xxvi

line-to-line comparisons, Value field calculations, 66

linked tables, adding to Data Model, 279

links, sharing to workbooks, 229

List Formulas command, 148

lists (custom), sorting, 84-86, 286

live pivot tables, converting to static values (case study), 54-55

Live Preview feature, 60

loading to Data Model instead of Excel grid, 277-278

longitude (3D Map), 290

Lotus, xxvi

Lotus Improv, xxvi


M is for Data Monkey, 195, 287

M language

applied steps (Power Query), 194-195

viewing, 276

Macro Recorder versus Power Query, 277

macros, 330

benefits of, 303


Power Query, 313-321

VBA Macro Controller, 310-312

defined, 303

disabling, 324

enabling, 323-325

form controls, assigning macros to, 308

functionality, adding to recorded macros, 308-309

macro recorder, 326-328

pivot table reports and, 303

recording, 304-305, 308-309

scrollbars, adding to spreadsheets, 309-312

security, 305-306

VBA Macro Controller, 310-312


calculations, OLAP pivot tables, 257-258

Data Model relationships, 179

queries in Power Query, 196-198

manual sort sequences, 82, 83, 84


adding calculated fields to data sources, 122-123

grouping date fields, 108-109

maps (3D), 289

aerial photography maps, 295

animating data over time, 297-298

annotation (text boxes), 294, 299

bubble charts, 294

column charts, 292, 296

combining data sets, 297

custom maps, 290

custom shapes, 290

data cards (tooltips), 296

filters, 296

flat maps, 295-296

geocoding data, 290-291

heat maps, 294


legends, 296

panes, 296


data points, 294

maps, 295

latitude, 290


hiding, 296

resizing, 296

longitude, 290

navigating maps, 292-293

pie charts, 294

preparing data for, 289

region maps, 294

relationships (table), 290

resizing legends, 296

store maps, using instead of globes (case study), 299-302

table relationships, 290

timelines, 298

tours, creating, 298-299

vantage point, moving, 293

video, creating, 299

zooming in/out of maps, 293

market activity analysis (case study), 35-36

McDaid, Joe, 238

MDX (Multidimensional Expressions), 250

calculated measures, 251-253

calculated members, 254-257

MDX Solutions, 251

measures (DAX), 139

defined, 121

median calculations, 269-271

OLAP cubes, 243, 250-253

Power Pivot, 384. See also calculations

using DAX measures instead of calculated fields (case study), 141-145

median calculations with DAX measures, 269-271

members of OLAP cubes, 243, 250, 254-257

Merge queries, 421

mobile phones, designing interactive reports for, 223

model fields, adding to pivot tables, 383

modifying styles with document themes, 61-62

months, grouping by, 110

mouse, manual sort sequences, 83-84

Movie PivotTable dialog box, 41

multiple data fields, troubleshooting issues with, 355-356

multiple number formats in pivot tables, 404-405

multiple ranges, defined, 175


named ranges and calculations, 139

named sets, 330


fields, 49

pivot tables, 33

natural language queries and Power BI Desktop, 213

navigating maps in 3D Map, 292-293

next year’s forecast (case study), summarizing, 129-133

number fields (rank), adding to pivot tables, 396-398

number formats

changing in pivot tables, 347-348

multiple formats in pivot tables, 404-405

thousands separators, 46-47

numeric columns in blank cells, 24

numeric fields

adding to Values area, 384

grouping, 104-105


object-oriented coding

data ranges, 327-328

End+Down arrow versus End+Up arrow, 328

shortening code, 329

super-variables, 328-329

With and End With, 329

Office 365

costs of, xxxi

Excel 2019 versus, xxix-xxx

formatting cells, 72

Insights command, xxiv

new features of, xxx-xxxi

ribbon, xxx

offline cubes, creating, 245-247

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)


connecting to, 239-242

dimensions of, 243

functions, 248-250

hierarchies of, 243, 257

levels of, 243

measures of, 243, 250-253

members of, 243, 250, 254-257

offline cubes, creating, 245-247

PivotTable Fields list, 244

structure of, 242-243

databases, 239-240, 250-251

pivot tables

adding calculations to, 250

limitations of, 244-245

managing calculations, 257-258

MDX and, 250-251

what-if analysis of OLAP data, 258-259

OneDrive workbooks, sharing links to, 229

operator precedence and calculations, 138

Outline layout, 52-53


page breaks, subtotals as, 350-351

page fields (VBA), 369-373. See also filter fields

percentage change column for year-over-year reports, 417-419

pictures of pivot charts, distributing, 163

pie charts in 3D Map, 294

pivot caches, 7, 398

cells, extracting from pivot tables based on pivot caches, 232

Data Model tables and, 383

defining, 383

refreshing, 6

changes made to existing data sources, 36

expanded data source ranges, 37

sharing, 37-39

pivot charts

alternatives to, 161

deleting underlying pivot tables, 162

distributing pictures of pivot charts, 163

pivot table-linked cells as pivot chart source data, 163-165

turning pivot tables into hard values, 162

creating, 150-153

defined, 149

formatting limitations, 156

interactive reports showing revenue by product and time period (case study), 157-161

pivot field buttons, 152-153, 160

pivot tables and

effects of changes in pivot tables on pivot charts, 154

placement of data fields in pivot tables on pivot charts, 154-156

x-axis, 155

XY scatter charts, 164-165

y-axis, 155

pivot field buttons (pivot charts), 152-153, 160

pivot fields

manually filtering multiple items in, 373-374

restrictions, 413-415

Pivot Power Premium add-in, 45

PivotTable Fields list, 21-22


adding to tables, 24

dragging/dropping in tables, 25-26

OLAP cubes, 244

pivot table reports, 1

column headings, 11

layouts, 22-24

classic layout, 26-27

deferring layout updates, 39-40

starting over, 40

location of, choosing, 20

macros, 303

pivot caches, 6-7


changes made to existing data sources, 36

expanded data source ranges, 37

size of, reducing, 398

snapshots, 6

pivot tables, 1

anatomy of

Columns area, 5

Filters area, 6

Rows area, 5

Values area, 4

annoyances, solving with GetPivotData, 431-432

creating shell reports, 435,-436

creating ugly pivot tables, 432-435

populating shell reports, 437-440

updating shell reports, 441-442

basic creation, 19

adding fields to reports, 22-24

adding layers to reports, 25

choosing report location, 20

classic pivot table layout, 26-27

creating filters, 27

data selection, 20

dragging/dropping fields in reports, 25-26

Ideas feature, 29-30

laying out reports, 22-24, 39-40

PivotTable Fields list, 21-26

rearranging tables, 25-26

Recommended PivotTables, 28-30

slicers, 31-35

blank cells, deleting, 346-347

calculated data fields, 358-359

calculated items, 359-361

calculating groups, 361-362

calculating with, 355

Show Values As tab (Value Field Settings dialog box), 362-363

VBA calculation options per Excel version, 364

calculation functions, 356-358


blank cells, deleting, 346-347

extracting from pivot tables based on pivot caches, 232

Columns area, 5, 22

comparing tables with, 400-401

conditional formatting

customizing rules, 168-172

example of, 165-167

preprogrammed scenarios, 167-168

converting live tables to static values (case study), 54-55

copying as values to workbooks, 349-350

creating. See also basic pivot table creation

from Data Model, 283

Pivot Power Premium add-in, 45

VBA and, 330-338

cube formulas, converting pivot tables to, 232-238

custom lists, sorting, 286

customizing, 44

blank cells, 47-48

blank rows, 50, 56-57

changing field names, 49

converting live pivot tables to static values (case study), 54-55

Count of Revenue bug, 62

default pivot tables, 44

formatting cells in Office 365, 72

grand totals, 50, 57-58

gridlines, 45

layouts, 50-53, 56-58, 75-76

subtotals, 50

number format, thousands separators, 46-47

Pivot Power Premium add-in, 45

previewing changes with Live Preview feature, 60

replacing blank cells with zeros, 47-48

settings, xxiv

styles, 45, 59-62

subtotals, 50, 70-72

Value field calculations, 63-70

Data Model

adding model fields to, 383

adding numeric fields to Values area, 384

creating pivot tables, 283, 383-386

data sets, exploding

to different tabs, 410-411

to different workbooks, 415-417

date groups and VBA, 344-346

default behaviors, changing for future pivot tables, 392

default settings, xxiv

development of, xxvi

distributions (frequency), creating, 409-410

Excel backward compatibility, 7, 8

extracts, creating, 3


AutoFiltering pivot tables, 401-404

creating, 27

Filters area, 6, 22, 27

formatting, 333-335

individual values in pivot tables, 405-407

multiple number formats in pivot tables, 404-405

sections of pivot tables, 407-408

VBA and, 350

frequency distributions, creating, 409-410

GetPivotData, solving annoyances with, 431-432

creating shell reports, 435-436

creating ugly pivot tables, 432-435

populating shell reports, 437-440

updating shell reports, 441-442

grouping, 286

hard data, turning pivot tables into, 393

Ideas feature, 29-30

life after (case study), xxvii-xxix

life before (case study), xxiv-xxvi

live tables, converting to static values (case study), 54-55

limitations of, 7

Move PivotTable dialog box, 41

multiple data fields, troubleshooting issues with, 355-356

naming, 33

new features, xxiii-xxiv

number fields (rank), adding to pivot tables, 396-398

number format

changing, 347-348

multiple number formats in, 404-405

OLAP pivot tables

adding calculations to, 250

limitations of, 244-245

managing calculations, 257-258

MDX and, 250-251

what-if analysis of OLAP data, 258-259

page breaks, subtotals as, 350-351

product calculations, 286

rank number fields, adding to pivot tables, 396-398

rearranging, 25-26

Recommended PivotTables, xxvii, 28-30

refreshing, 431

all pivot tables in a workbook at the same time, 388

automatically refreshing, 388

relocating, 41

restrictions, 412-413

Rows area, 5, 22


connecting to multiple pivot tables, 32-33

standard slicers, 31-33

Timeline slicer, 34-35

sort order, controlling with AutoSort, 347


custom lists, 390-391

unique sort order, 389-390

static values (case study), converting live tables to, 54-55


as page breaks, 350-351

suppressing for multiple row fields, 348

Tabular layouts and VBA, 344

ugly pivot tables, creating, 432-435

updates, xxxii

usage examples, 2, 3

Values area, 4, 22


AutoShow and executive overviews, 365-367

calculating with pivot tables, 355-364

changing default number format, 347-348

conceptual filters, 374-377

controlling sort order with AutoSort, 347

converting to values, 338-341

copying as values to workbooks, 349-350

creating pivot tables, 330-338

creating reports for each region/model, 369-373

creating revenue by category reports, 341-344

date filters, 375

date groups, 344-346

deleting blank cells, 346-347

filtering recordsets with ShowDetail, 367-373

formatting pivot tables, 350

label filters, 374

manually filtering multiple items in pivot fields, 373-374

search filter, 377-378

slicers, filtering pivot tables, 378-380

subtotals as page breaks, 350-351

summary reports, producing, 352-354

suppressing subtotals for multiple row fields, 348

Tabular layouts, 344

value filters, 375

versions of, 330

workbooks, copying pivot tables to, 349-350

Power BI Custom Visuals, 173-174

Power BI Desktop, xxiv, 207

cross-filtering charts, 218

drill-down hierarchies, 219-220

Excel, preparing data in, 208

images in, 212

importing data to, 208

Insights feature, 224

interactive reports, creating

creating visualizations, 213-217

cross-filtering charts, 218

designing reports for mobile phones, 223

drill-down hierarchies, 219-220

importing custom visualizations, 221-222

publishing to Power BI Desktop, 222

publishing to workspaces, 223-224

natural language queries, 213

navigating, 209-210

preparing data in, 210-212

publishing to, 222

Q&A feature, 225-226

querying data, 225-226

relationships, 210-213

setting up, 207

signing in, 207

synonyms, defining, 213

visualizations, 209

creating, 213-217

importing custom visualizations, 221-222

workspaces, publishing to, 223-224

Power Map. See 3D Map

Power Pivot, xxiv, 261

32-bit Excel and, 287

benefits of, 287


calculated columns, adding in Power Pivot grid, 281-282

categorizing, 287

hiding, 287

renaming, 287

sorting one column by another, 282

Data Model

adding model fields to pivot tables, 383

adding numeric fields to Values area, 384

adding tables to, 381

creating pivot tables, 383-386

creating relationships between tables, 382

defining pivot caches, 383

February 29 1900, 286-287

hierarchies, 116-118, 287

limitations of, 286-287

measures, 384. See also calculations

pivot tables, creating from Data Model, 283

relationships, 284

time intelligence, 285

using DAX measures instead of calculated fields (case study), 143

Power Pivot and Power BI, 287

Power Pivot Data Model, 330

Power Pivot for the Data Analyst, 282

Power Query

Advanced Query Editor, 195

applied steps, 194-195, 276

big data files, processing, 273-275

cleaning up data sources (case studies), 15-19


adding, 275-276

Column From Examples feature, 275

column-level actions, 198-200

removing, 191

splitting, 204-206

connection types, 202

ETL processes, 188

installing, 188

M language

applied steps, 194-195

viewing, 276

macros, creating, 313-321

managing queries, 196-198

outputting data to Data Model, 193

Power Query Editor, cleaning up data sources (case studies), 16

previewing data, 190


managing, 196-198

starting, 188-190

refreshing data, 196

removing columns, 191


columns, 204-206

rows, 204-206

table actions, 200-201

transforming data, 190-192

transposing data sets (case study), 202-204

two-way VLOOKUP, 419-424

VBA Macro Recorder versus, 277

Power View, xxiv

previewing changes with Live Preview feature, 60

primary keys, 177

product calculations, 286

Project Explorer (Visual Basic Editor), 325

properties (VBA coding), 327

Properties window (Visual Basic Editor), 326


interactive reports to workspaces, 223-224

to Power BI Desktop, 222

Puls, Ken, 195, 287


Q&A feature and Power BI Desktop, 225-226


managing queries with Power Query, 196-198

Merge queries, 421

natural language queries, 213

Power BI Desktop

natural language queries, 213

querying data with Q&A feature, 225-226

starting queries with Power Query, 188-190

web queries (Power Query)

Advanced Query Editor, 195

applied steps, 194-195

column-level actions, 198-200

connection types, 202

ETL processes, 188

installing, 188

managing queries, 196-198

outputting data to Data Model, 193

previewing data, 190

refreshing data, 196

removing columns, 191

splitting columns/rows, 204-206

starting queries, 188-190

table actions, 200-201

transforming data, 190-192

transposing data sets (case study), 202-204



multiple ranges, defined, 175

named ranges and calculations, 139

rank number fields, adding to pivot tables, 396-398

ranking, Value field calculations, 67


columns, 83-84

Fields list, 77-78

pivot tables, 25, 26

Recommended PivotTables, xxvii, 28-30

redistricting, grouping text fields for (case study), 106-108

references and calculations

cell references, 139

totals, 139


data in Power Query, 196

data sources

changes made to existing data sources, 36

expanded data source ranges, 37

pivot caches, 6

changes made to existing data sources, 36

expanded data source ranges, 37

pivot table reports

changes made to existing data sources, 36

expanded data source ranges, 37

pivot tables, 431

all pivot tables in a workbook at the same time, 388

automatically refreshing, 388

slow refreshes, 286

region maps in 3D Map, 294


3D Map table relationships, 290

Data Model

activating relationships, 180

creating relationships, 178-180

deactivating relationships, 180

deleting relationships, 180

editing relationships, 180

managing relationships, 179

tables, 279-280, 382

Power BI Desktop, 210-213

Power Pivot and, 284

tables, defining relationships between tables with Data Model, 279-280

relocating pivot tables, 41

removing columns with Power Query Editor, 191

renaming columns with Power Pivot, 287

re-ordering items, 286

Repeat All Item Labels, 330, 394-395


groups as columns, 13

item labels, 52

replicating reports for each item in a filter, 97-98

report layouts, 50

blank rows, 50, 56, 57

Compact layout, 51, 53, 75, 76

turning row labels on/off, 58

grand totals, 50, 57, 58

Outline layout, 52, 53

subtotals, 50

Tabular layout, 53, 75, 76


filters, replicating reports for each item in a, 97-98

interactive reports, creating with Power BI Desktop

creating visualizations, 213, 214, 215, 217

cross-filtering charts, 218

designing reports for mobile phones, 223

drill-down hierarchies, 219, 220

importing custom visualizations, 221, 222

publishing to Power BI Desktop, 222

publishing to workspaces, 223, 224


blank rows, 50, 56-57

Compact layout, 51-53, 58, 75-76

grand totals, 50, 57-58

Outline layout, 52-53

subtotals, 50

Tabular layout, 53, 75-76

macros, 303

replicating reports for each item in a filter, 97-98

revenue by category reports, creating, 341-344

shell reports

creating, 435-436

populating, 437-440

updating, 441-442

size of, reducing, 398

summary reports, producing, 352-354

Top 5 Markets reports, 365-367

top-five reports, creating with Top 10 filter, 93-94

VBA, creating reports for each region/model, 369-373

year-over-year reports

creating, 113-115

percentage change column and, 417-419

requirements (system), xxxii

resizing legends (3D Map), 296


pivot fields, 413-415

pivot tables, 412-413


interactive reports showing revenue by product and time period (case study), creating, 157-161

revenue by category reports, creating, 341-344

sorting customers into high-to-low sequences based on revenue, 79-82


Excel 2019, xxix-xxx

Office 365, xxx


% Of Parent Row option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

blank cells, filling in row area, 336

blank rows (layouts), 50, 56-57

column labels, splitting between two rows, 12

empty cells, filling, 393

Go To Special function, 395-396

Repeat All Item Labels feature, 394-395

empty rows in data sources, 14

filtering fields, 88

labels, turning on/off in Compact layout, 58

multiple row fields, suppressing subtotals in, 348

splitting with Power Query, 204-206


adding multiple subtotals to one field, 72

suppressing for multiple row fields, 348

turning on/off in row fields, 70,-71

Rows area, 5, 22

running total calculations, Value field calculations, 67-68


Salas, Pito, xxvi

scatter charts, 164-165

scrollbars, adding to spreadsheets, 309-312

search box, filtering with, 89-90

search filter in VBA, 377-378

section headings, storing data in, 12


macros, 305-306

trusted locations, 306

shapes (custom) in 3D Map, 290


links to workbooks, 229

pivot caches, 37-39

shell reports

creating, 435-436

populating, 437-440

updating, 441-442

ShowDetail (VBA), filtering recordsets, 367-369

ShowPages (VBA), 370

Show Values As tab (Value Field Settings dialog box), 65

% Difference From option, 68-69

% Of option, 66

% Of Parent Column option, 69

% Of Parent Row option, 69

% Of Parent Total option, 69

% Of Total option, 66

Index option, 69-70

performing calculations with, 362-363

ranking options, 67

running total calculations, 67-68

size of pivot table reports, reducing, 398

slicers, 330. See also filters

columns, adding to slicers, 100

compatibility, 7

filtering with, 99-101, 378-380

formatting, 100-101

Insert Slicers dialog box, 31-32

multiple pivot tables

connecting to, 32-33

driving from, 102-104

slicing the measures, 243

standard slicers, creating, 31-33

Timeline slicers, 101

compatibility, 35

creating, 34-35

driving multiple tables from, 102-104

interactive reports showing revenue by product and time period (case study), creating, 158-159


pivot caches, refreshing, 6

pivot table reports, 6

solve order of calculated items, changing, 147

Sort by Doodads rule, 82-83

SORTBY function, 238


custom lists, 286

data items, unique sort order, 389-390

one column by another with Power Pivot, 282

pivot tables

custom lists, 84-86, 390-391

manual sort sequences, 82-84

Sort by Doodads rule, 82-83

sorting customers into high-to-low sequences based on revenue, 79-82

unique sort order, 389-390

sort order, controlling with AutoSort, 347

source data worksheets, deleting, 398


as text, 24

Delete key versus, 24



labels between two rows, 12

columns with Power Query, 204-206

rows with Power Query, 204-206

Spofford, George, 251

spreadsheets, adding scrollbars to, 309-312

SQL Server, creating pivot tables from SQL Server data, 184-187

standard slicers, creating, 31-33

starting over, pivot table layouts, 40

static values, converting live pivot tables to (case study), 54-55

store maps, using instead of a globe (case study), 299-302

storing data in section headings, 12


creating, 60

customizing, 60

modifying with document themes, 61-62

pivot table styles, 59

applying, 45

creating styles, 60

customizing styles, 60

modifying with document themes, 61-62

subtotals, 50

calculations, subtotal references, 139

controlling with VBA, 337-338

multiple subtotals, adding to one field, 72

page breaks, 350-351

row fields, turning subtotals on/off in, 70-71

Sum, Count of Revenue bug, 62

SUMIFS function, xxv-xxviii

summarizing next year’s forecast (case study), 129-133

summary reports, producing, 352-354

SUMPRODUCT function. See SUMIFS function

Supercharge Excel, 287

super-variables, coding, 328-329

support/feedback, xxxii

synonyms, defining in Power BI Desktop, 213

system requirements, xxxii



adding to Data Model, 180

Data Model

adding tables to, 180

defining relationships, 279-280

linked tables in, 279

pivot tables, comparing with, 400-401

Power Query, table actions, 200-201


3D Map relationships, 290

defining with Data Model, 279-280

styles, applying, 45

Tabular layout, 12-14, 53, 75-76, 344


spaces as, 24

Values area, reporting text in, 272

text boxes (annotation) in 3D Map, 294, 299

text fields, grouping for redistricting (case study), 106-108


document themes, modifying styles with, 61-62

fonts, 62

thousands separators (number format), 46-47

time intelligence (Power Pivot), 285

Timeline slicers, 101

compatibility, 35

creating, 34-35

driving multiple tables from, 102-104

interactive reports showing revenue by product and time period (case study), creating, 158-159


3D Map tours, 298

compatibility, 7

tooltips (data cards) in 3D Maps, 296

Top 5 Markets reports, 93-94, 365-367

Top 10 filter, 93-94, 268


calculations, referencing in, 139

Filtered Items in Totals, 269

pivot tables, controlling totals, 337-338

tours (3D Map), creating, 298-299

transactional databases, 239

transposing data sets with Power Query (case study), 202-204

Trust Center, enabling macros, 323-324

trusted locations, 306

turning on/off

GetPivotData, 429-430

row labels in Compact layout, 58

subtotals in row fields, 70-71

two-way VLOOKUP, 419-424


ugly pivot tables, creating, 432-435

undocking/docking Fields list, 77

unique sort orders, 389-390

updates, xxxii

pivot caches

changes made to existing data sources, 36

expanded data source ranges, 37

pivot table updates, deferring, 39-40

shell reports, 441-442

slow refreshes, 286

user interfaces

creating with form controls, 306-308

defined, 306


Value field, customizing calculations, 63-65

% Difference From option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 68-69

% Of option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 66

% Of Parent Column option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

% Of Parent Row option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

% Of Parent Total option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69

% Of Total option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 66

Index option (Value Field Settings dialog box, Show Values As tab), 69-70

line-to-line comparisons, 66

performing calculations with, 362-363

ranking options, 67

running total calculations, 67-68


filters in VBA, 375

pivot tables, converting to, 54-55, 338-341

Values area, 4, 22

fields, changing names, 49

text, reporting in, 272

Values columns, filtering Label columns, 91-92

vantage point (3D Map), moving, 293

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

AutoComplete tool, 326

AutoShow, executive overviews of pivot tables, 365-367

coding, properties, 327

Comments tool, 326

conceptual filters, 374-377

date filters, 375

Debugging tool, 326

enabling, 323-324

Excel Help tool, 326

label filters, 374

Macro Controller

macros, creating, 310-312

scrollbars, adding to spreadsheets, 310-312

Macro Recorder versus Power Query, 277

object-oriented coding

data ranges, 327-328

End+Down arrow versus End+Up arrow, 328

shortening code, 329

super-variables, 328-329

With and End With, 329

page fields, 369-373. See also filter fields

pivot fields, manually filtering multiple items in, 373-374

pivot tables

changing default number format, 347-348

converting to values, 338-341

copying as values to workbooks, 349-350

date groups, 344-346

deleting blank cells, 346-347

formatting, 350

producing summary reports, 352-354

sort order, controlling with AutoSort, 347

revenue by category reports, 341-344

subtotals as page breaks, 350-351

subtotals, suppressing for multiple row fields, 348

Tabular layouts, 344

pivot tables, advanced techniques

AutoShow and executive overviews, 365-367

conceptual filters, 374-377

creating reports for each region/model, 369-373

date filters, 375

filtering recordsets with ShowDetail, 367-373

label filters, 374

manually filtering multiple items in pivot fields, 373-374

search filter, 377-378

slicers, filtering pivot tables, 378-380

value filters, 375

pivot tables, calculating with

calculated data fields, 358-359

calculated items, 359-361

calculating groups, 361-362

calculation functions, 356-358

Show Values As tab (Value Field Settings dialog box), 362-363

troubleshooting issues with multiple data fields, 355-356

VBA calculation options per Excel version, 364

pivot tables, creating, 330-331

adding fields to data areas, 332-333

filling blank cells in data or row area, 336

formatting tables, 333-335

preventing errors from inserting/deleting cells, 336-337

totals, 337-338

reports, creating for each region/model, 369-373

search filter, 377-378

ShowDetail, filtering recordsets, 367-369

ShowPages, 370

slicers, filtering pivot tables, 378-380

summary reports, producing, 352-354

value filters, 375

Visual Basic Editor

Code window, 326

Project Explorer, 325

Properties window, 326

vertically arranging pivot tables, 59

video, creating with 3D Map, 299

Visual Basic Editor

Code window, 326

Project Explorer, 325

Properties window, 326


customizing with Power BI Desktop, 221-222

pivot charts

alternatives to, 161-165

creating, 150-153

creating interactive reports showing revenue by product and time period (case study), 157-161

defined, 149

effects of changes in pivot tables on pivot charts, 154

formatting limitations, 156

pivot field buttons, 152-153, 160

placement of data fields in pivot tables on pivot charts, 154-156

x-axis, 155

XY scatter charts, 164-165

y-axis, 155

Power BI Custom Visuals, 173-174

Power BI Desktop, 209

creating visualizations, 213-217

importing custom visualizations, 221-222


Data Model, replacing with, 261-266

two-way VLOOKUP, 419-424


web pages (interactive),workbooks as, 226-229

web queries (Power Query)

Advanced Query Editor, 195

applied steps, 194-195

column-level actions, 198-200

connection types, 202

ETL processes, 188

installing, 188

managing queries, 196-198

outputting data to Data Model, 193

previewing data, 190

refreshing data, 196

removing columns, 191

splitting columns/rows, 204-206

starting queries, 188-190

table actions, 200-201

transforming data, 190-192

transposing data sets (case study), 202-204

weeks, grouping date fields by, 110-111

what-if analysis, OLAP pivot table data, 258-259

widths (columns)

AutoFit, 59

vertically arranged pivot tables, 59

With and End With, coding, 329


data sets, exploding to different workbooks, 415-417

interactive web pages, workbooks as, 226-229

macros, enabling, 325

pivot tables

copying pivot tables to, 349-350

refreshing all pivot tables at the same time, 388

sharing links to, 229


functions and calculations, 139

source data worksheets, deleting, 398

workspaces, publishing interactive reports to, 223-224


x-axis (pivot charts), 155

.xls file format, enabling macros, 325

.xlsb file format, enabling macros, 325

.xlsm file format, enabling macros, 325

XY scatter charts, 164-165


y-axis (pivot charts), 155

year-over-year reports

creating, 113-115

percentage change column and, 417-419


including when grouping by months, 110

summarizing next year’s forecast (case study), 129-133


zeros, replacing blank cells with, 47-48

zooming in/out of maps in 3D Map, 293