Table of Contents


Preface:A Revolutionary New Educational Technology


The Challenge of Education Today

The Solution to Successful Teaching

The Educational Model of NLP

How the Brain Learns

How to be a Highly Effective Teacher

How To Use This Book

Part 1 The Building Blocks Of NLP Applied To Learning

Chapter 1 How Learning Works

Discover the fundamentals of NLP which underpin learning strategies

Learn the basics of NLP used in teaching

Explore the tools for Thinking on Purpose

Learning on Purpose – the secrets of how learning works

Chapter 2 Building Strategies

How to drive learning with good feelings

A step-by-step guide to Learning Strategies

The secrets of building motivation and propulsion for learning

The benefits of Assessment FOR not OF Learning

Part 2 Strategies For Learning

Chapter 3 How To Teach Anyone To Spell

Learn the secrets of how to spell well

Discover the steps to teaching spelling from scratch

Identify the steps to improve poor spelling

Make spelling great for the whole class

Chapter 4 How To Teach Anyone To Read –The Mechanics And Beyond

Discover how to create pleasure in reading

Identify the strategies to master the mechanics of reading

Explore the difference between learning to read and reading to learn

Learn the strategies for reading for meaning and reading quickly

Chapter 5 Memory Strategies

How to build a great memory

Remembering names

Remembering lists and facts

Making remembering fun and rewarding

Chapter 6 How To Teach Anyone To Calculate: Strategies For Mathematics

Developing your ‘Mathematical Mind’

Counting and Skip Counting

Attractive Addition

Sublime Subtraction

Chapter 7 Mathematical Magic

Mastering Multiplication

Fast and effective Division

Geometry made easy

Engineering successful strategies

Chapter 8 How To Nurture Creativity And Talent

Strategies for Music

Strategies for Art

Strategies for Creative Writing

Part 3 Highly Effective Classroom Teaching

Chapter 9 What Makes A highly Effective Teacher?

Discover the core beliefs that highly effective teachers hold true

Translate these beliefs into effective behaviours in the classroom

Develop the 7 habits of Highly Effective Teachers

Chapter 10 The Mind Of A Highly Effective Teacher - The Art Of The State

Choose success ahead of time

Be ready for any challenge

Control the variables in the class

Drive your own neurology

Optimise your pleasure in teaching

Chapter 11 Winning Your Class Over

Discover the secret of super-fast rapport

Create powerful learning states with your students

Control the variables in the classroom

Learn how to anchor great learning states

Chain states together to lead students into resourceful learning states

Chapter 12 Building An effective Learning Environment

The success focus attitude

The keys to engagement and motivation in the classroom

Building exciting learning outcomes

Removing barriers to success

Chapter 13 Keeping The Lesson On Track

Spinning the prayer wheel

Building Confidence with Competence

How to praise effectively

Giving feedback for great results

Chaprter 14 Ending With New Beginnings

Creating the desire for more learning

Taking the learning beyond the classroom

Stretch and Challenge through questioning

Storytelling and Nesting learning

Part 4 Troubleshooting and Challenge

Chapter 15 Changing Unhelpful Beliefs And Attitudes

Learn how to shrink a BIG problem down to size

Discover what is really being said

Use effective questions for change

Chapter 16 Timelines And Other Techniques For Motivation And Success

Timelines in the classroom – preparing for exams

Bringing success into the present

Spinning bad feelings into good feelings

From stuck to motivated with a Visual Squash

Swish for a change

Visual Squash for a whole class

Chapter 17 Strategies For Learning Difference

Learning difference not difficulty

Working with ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Autism and OCD

How to teach to the symptom not the syndrome

Explore neurological diversity

Part 5 NLP Fun in Schools

Chapter 18 Early Years: Under 5-Years-Old

Changing submodalities to overcome anxiety and create happy states

Small changes in language create a big impact on an under 5

Language patterns with children with little English language

How to use music for state management

Creative use of spatial anchoring in the classroom

Chapter 19 Primary And Elementary School,5 To 11-Year-Olds

Subject-specific teaching strategies

Whole-class Spelling strategy

Spelling success in the Netherlands

Spreading the strategy across the school

Comfort and fun to improve reading

Eye accessing study of different reading strategies

Creativity and confidence in French language teaching

Creative use of NLP for creative writing

Chapter 20 Primary And Elementary School,5-11-Year-Olds

Creating positive learning states and overcoming challenges

Milton Language patterns with a hearing impaired learner

Creating happiness and harmony for a child with multiple challenges

Working with a child displaying severe anxiety

Simple language changes for big impact

Spatial classroom anchors for quiet attention.

Readiness to learn – metaphors and stories

Chapter 21 Secondary And High School 11-To-15 Year Olds

Creating enthusiasm for French grammar

Moving from a child who does not write to a writing enthusiast.

It’s good to talk in Science teaching

State and language to build confidence in outdoor pursuits

Revision and recall in Science

Voice tone and body language in Food Technology

Chapter 22 Post-Compulsory Education,16 Years And Over

Preparation for success

Memory strategy research

States for Learning Excellence, observation and Leadership for undergraduates

Academic coaching and mentoring

Chapter 23 Education Management

Challenging self-limiting beliefs in school

Disseminating NLP across the whole school

Supporting change in a school in Special Measures


Appendix A: Submodality Checklist

Appendix B: Questions To Calibrate Eye-Accessing Cues

Appendix C: The Meta Model And Blooms Taxonomy

Appendix D: Transcript To Use With Students

Appendix E: Glossary Of Terms



The Authors



Our great appreciation goes to those teachers and students whose work contributed to this book. Whether your case studies made it into the final manuscript or not, we admire your enthusiasm for taking NLP into your classrooms. You are the ones who change lives, educate the next generation and install hope in the future. Our very warm thanks go to the many people who helped to bring this book to publication. In particular, Kay Cooke for her unswerving enthusiasm and practical support in the early drafts, Paul Boross for his pragmatic advice and Owen Fitzpatrick for his knowledge and valuable suggestions in the final stages of writing.

Our thanks go to Hugh Street, Julie Olsson and Joost van de Leij and the Meta Education team for supporting and promoting NLP Teaching Excellence training for teachers across the world.

A particular mention must go to our copy editor Jane Pikett. Thank you for believing in this book, and for your thorough approach and good humour throughout.

teaching excellence

The definitive guide to NLP for Teaching and Learning


We live in a time of unprecedented opportunity. More children have access to more teaching and learning than ever before in history. New advancements in technology are placing a vast world of information at the touch of a button, the click of a mouse. The Neuro-Sciences are providing more and more information about how we learn and how we remember. The challenges facing teachers every day are greater than they have ever been. Curriculum changes, the expectations of parents, more and more administration. All this combined with the growing competition of social media leaves teachers with less time for delivery. We believe it is a wonder that people still enter the teaching profession. Yet it is for most of them, not just a job, but a mission. A mission to spread enthusiasm and joy for learning. The sense of achievement helping those hard to reach students to learn more.

just imagine

You could radically transform how quickly and easily your students could learn.

just imagine

You were equipped with the tools to entertain and captivate the attention of your students, so they were able to reach a greater potential.

just imagine

You had the secret of teaching excellence!

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a set of skills, behaviours, and beliefs which enable people to think in much the same way as a successful expert thinks. Whether it is spelling, basketball, art, music or maths, NLP finds the structure and teaches it to those already so gifted.

NLP was created by Dr. Richard Bandler and Dr. John Grinder in the 1970s, to study excellence, and replicate it. In the field of Education, NLP furnishes the teacher, or parent, with a way to change how a student learns. NLP can create a paradigm shift in every learner, in every classroom, in every school, in every college. Our action-based research, published in the Durham Report, as well as other project reports, demonstrates stunning results.

THE UNIQUENESS OF THIS BOOK is that it does what no other book can. This book gets right into the heart of how learning works with the collaboration of Dr. Richard Bandler and the Director of Education for the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming , Kate Benson. This collaboration of two people with such a deep and abiding passion for learning is the result of decades of relentless work.

Dr. Richard Bandler has spent the last 45 years developing elegant and swift ways to help people to think on purpose. To think more successfully, in a special way for each task. To motivate, decide and remember in new ways that make life easier and more effective.

Kate Benson has taught thousands of teachers to utilise NLP in teaching and learning to create happy and successful learners.

This book provides precise guidance that will enable every teacher to teach effectively to learners of every age, in every context. Whether you are new to teaching or very experienced, you can systematically improve your skills using the powerful technology of NLP. Those who train teachers will find strategies to train teachers. Ensuring the next generation of teachers gain the attitude, skills and behaviours that go into making great teachers great. So their students become tenacious learners.

This book shows you how to design and teach for learning, from memorising facts to magical mathematics, effective spelling, reading, creative writing, and so much more.

To survive and thrive in this world, learning itself is an essential skill set. Everything is changing faster than ever before. Learning to learn thus becomes, itself, a skill set. With this book everybody can become a more effective learner, and teach others along the way.

This book was written for you the teacher. We are very certain, since you are reading this book, you want to be the best teacher you can be. This book is designed to inspire and provide a step-by-step approach to mastering the art and science of learning. By the end of this book you will have the secrets of how to captivate your students and create exquisite learning effortlessly. Our mission is to share with you an exciting set of tools that can transform the impact you have in your classroom.

This eBook is licensed to Dominic Luzi, on 10/18/2018