appendix e

Glossary of terms

Accessing cues
Subtle behaviours that indicate which representational system the person is using at the time. Accessing cues include eye movements, voice tone, body posture, gestures, skin tone and breathing rate

The process of associating an internal response with an external trigger, so that the response can be quickly re-accessed

Relating to the sense of hearing Behaviour The specific actions and responses by which we interact with other people and the environment Behavioural flexibility the ability to vary one’s own behaviour to elicit a response from another person

The process of learning to read another person’s unconscious, non-verbal responses, by observing their behaviour

Full alignment of a person’s beliefs, state and behaviour orientated towards a specific outcome

Conscious Mind
The part of your mind that is working when you are alert and aware

The values a person uses to make decisions

Design Human Engineering®
A technology and evolutionary tool created by Dr Bandler in the late 1980s–early 1990s which focuses on using more of our brain to do more than was previously possible

Eye accessing cues
Eye movements that reveal which representational system the person is using to process information

Future pacing
Mentally rehearsing a future situation to help ensure that the desired behaviour will occur naturally and easily

Relating to the sense of taste Installation The process of helping the acquisition of a new strategy or behaviour

Kinaesthetic Related to body sensations
In NLP the term is used to encompass all feelings including tactile and emotional

Meta Model
A model developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder that suggests questions which enable people to specify information and clarify information to open up and enrich the model of a person’s world

Meta Program
A learned process for sorting and organising information and internal strategies

Stories and analogies

Milton Model
A model developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder based on the patterns of hypnotic techniques used by Milton H. Erickson and other masters of communication

Neuro Linguistic Programming
The study of the structure of subjective experience. It is an attitude, methodology and technology which teaches people how to improve the quality of their lives. It is an educational tool designed to teach people how to communicate more effectively with themselves and with others. It is designed to help people to have choice in the way they think, feel and behave

Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning®
A technology which uses the hypnotic process to restructure people at the level of cortical pathways

Relating to smell or sense of smell

Directions, goals or desired states that a person aspires to achieve

Expanding experience by moving from one representational system to another Pacing Matching or mirroring certain aspects of a person’s behaviour to quickly establish rapport

Process words such as verbs, adverbs and adjectives used in NLP to identify which representational system a person is using to process information

The existence of trust and harmony and cooperation in a relationship Representational Systems. The five senses: seeing, hearing feeling, smelling and tasting. Also known as visual Auditory, Kinaesthetic Olfactory and Gustatory (VAKOG)

Sensory acuity
Using all senses as fully as possible to gain maximum information from a given situation or encounter

The total ongoing mental and physical conditions from which a person is acting

A set of mental and behavioural steps to achieve an outcome

The sensory qualities perceived by each of the five representational systems

The process of overlapping representational systems so that the person has a fuller sensory experience Timeline The internal representation of time

The term stands for Test Operate Test Exit which describes the basic feedback loop used to guide all behaviour

A state commonly experienced as a result of hypnosis. It is also a state of mind that is characterised by a focus of thought

Unconscious Mind
The part of your mind that is working all the time. It runs the automatic programmes of thinking and behaving

Relating to sight or sense of sight

Well-Formed Outcomes
Goals that are set according to conditions which in NLP terms must be positive, specific, sensory based, ecological and maintainable by the individual themselves


Here are some books for those of you who wish to pursue NLP further.

Bandler, Richard
Using your Brain for a Change, Durango, CO 1985
Magic in Action, Capitola, CA, 1985
Time for a Change, Capitola, CA, 1993
Get the Life You Want, Harper Element, London 2008
Make your Life Great, Harper Element, London, 2010

Bandler, Richard, Delozier Judith and Grinder, John
Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, Volume 1, Capitola, CA 1975

Bandler, Richard and Grinder, John
The Structure of Magic, Capitola, CA 1975
The Structure of Magic, Volume 2, Capitola, CA 1975
Transformations, Durango, CO, 1980
Frogs into Princes, Capitola, CA 1979

Bandler, Richard and Fitzpatrick, Owen
Conversations with Richard Bandler, Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL 2009
Memories, Hope is the Question, Mysterious Publications, Dublin, 2014

Bandler, Richard and La Valle, John,
Persuasion Engineering®, Capitola, CA 1996

Bandler, Richard, Benson, Kate and La Valle, John, Fitzpatrick, Owen,Roberti, Alessio, Thomson, Garner, Mora, Alessandro, Piper, Anders
Seven Practical Applications of NLP, Attrakt, Niewveen, 2012
Bandler, Richard and Thomson, Garner
The Secrets of Being Happy, IM press, 2011

books for children and adults to share

Bandler, Richard
The adventures of Anybody, Capitola, CA 1993

Van der Leij, Joost
Joost is Happy, discussing feelings with young children, Attrakt, Neiwveen, 2009
Joost being bullied, Helping teenage kids deal with bullying, Attrakt, Niewveen, 2010

resources for teachers

Benson, Kate, Skelton, Arnie
Our top 96 Tutorial Activities, Matrix Essential Training 2006, A Resource manual for teachers.

cd and dvd

Kate Benson
The Revision Coach, CD

Richard Bandler
Getting Smarter Series, Mental Clarity and More Mathematical Mind, CD

Richard Bandler
The Art and Science of Nested Loops, DVD

Laura Spicer
Voice Power for Teachers, DVD, Available from


For information about the Society of NLP, Courses, Trainers and Products

For information about NLP Education Courses, Products and resources

Richard Bandler

Kate Benson



Acknowledgements 11

Achievement 31 , 96 , 139

See Also Success

Analogue Making 124 , 193

Anchoring 59 , 112

Creative use of Spatial Anchoring in the Classroom 181

How to create and anchor a great learning state 112

Spatial and classroom anchors for quiet attention 205

Using established Musical Anchors 181

Art 84

Assessment FOR learning not OF learning! 34

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) 171

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 171

Attention-grabbers 137

Autistic Spectrum Disorder 172


Blooms Taxonomy 141 , 247

Body Language 25 , 98


Calibration 24 , 112

Classroom management

Creating lines of light 110

Keeping the lesson on track 130

Learning is an active process 111

Other variables 136

Setting up the group 110

Spinning the prayer wheel 132

Super-fast rapport is built through attention on others 111

Winning your class over 109

Comprehension 48 , 50 , 51 , 54 , 141

Creative Writing 87


Curriculum 46


Building Confidence with Competence 133

How to praise effectively 133

Creative use of NLP for Creative Writing 195

Creativity and Talent 83

Art 84

Poetry and Creative Writing 87

Beyond the Arts 88

Music 86

The Picasso strategy 84 , 85

The Chagall strategy 85


The Definitve Guide for NLP and Teaching and Learning 12

Design Human Engineering® (DHE®) 17 , 82 , 250

Dyslexia 168

Dyspraxia 170


Early years: Under 5-years-old 177

Emotional State of Learning 25

Encoding and decoding learning 42 , 56 , 58 , 61 , 66

Enteric nervous system 17 , 105


Exam preparation transcript 248

Preparing for exams and tests 161

Eye accessing cues 24 , 44

Questions to calibrate eye accessing cues 246



Giving feedback for great results 135

Fundamentals of NLP 24


Generative Learning 142


How Learning works 20

How to drive learning with good feelings 29

How to use this book 19


Ready to Learn 206


Small changes in language to create a big impact 178

Language patterns with children with little English language 179

Learning difference 173

Learning on Purpose 14 , 23

A Learning revolution 15

Learning environment 119

Building an Effective Learning Environment 119

How to speak to each student within the whole class 122

How to presuppose success 122

How to remove barriers and inoculate 125

Learning strategies 20 , 22 , 23 , 30 , 42

A step-by-step guide to Learning Strategies

Literacy 64


Make the Difference 15


Addition 67

Algebra 80

Counting 66

Division 76

Engineering successful strategies 79

Geometry 77

How to teach anyone to calculate: Strategies for Mathematics 63 , 72

Multiplication 73

Skip Counting 66

Subtraction 70

Memory Strategies

Learning names 56

Remembering lists 58

Memory Pegs 59

The Memory Pegs Strategy 59 , 224

How to learn the Memory Pegs Strategy 59

How to develop Memory Pegs further 61

Meta Model 141 , 148 , 149 , 150

Changing unhelpful beliefs and attitudes 148

Compared to what? 151

Mind reading 152

Modal operators 153

What has to be there? 153

What is ‘deleted’, or missing? 150

What’s altered or distorted? 151

What’s generalised? 152

What’s the connection? 152

Where’s the choice? 153

Where’s the connection? 152

Who says? 151

The Meta Model and Blooms Taxonomy 247

Using the Meta Model to challenge self-limiting beliefs in school 232

Milton Model 120 , 121 , 193

Cause and effect 124

Generalisations 122 , 150

I wonder... 204

Listen as you speak 131

More the more 134

Negatives 125

Put it in Quotes 134

Putting things in the Past 162

Yes sets 135

Motivation 127

Motivation and propulsion 31

How to ensure learners continue to be motivated 121

Timelines and other techniques for Motivation and Success 159

Music 22 , 83 , 86 , 88


Nested loops 144

Sending with New Beginnings 139

Storytelling and Nesting Learning 143

Neural pathways 18 , 105 , 140

Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning 17 , 105

Spinning bad feelings into Good Feelings 163

Neuro Linguistic Programming 12 , 17

The Study of Excellence 16

The building blocks of NLP applied to learning 20

Neurology 103 , 105

Neurons 18

Neuroscience 17

Neurotransmitters 18 , 105

NLP 12 , 15 , 17 , 21 , 26

Disseminating NLP across the whole school 235

NLP Fun in school 176

NLP is an Educational Model 15

NLP supports the changes needed in a school in Special Measures 240

NLP throughout the lesson with 16-19-year-old students 221

The use of NLP in and Academic Coaching and Mentoring role 229

Numeracy 15 , 64 , 65 , 96


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 174


Phonics 48

Poetry 52 , 56 , 87 , 90

Presuppose success 121 , 122 , 124

Propulsion 29 , 31 , 34 , 134 , 135

Primary and Elementary school: 5-to-11-year olds 184

Post-compulsory education: 16 years and over 221


Questioning 140

Stretch and Challenge through questioning 141


Reading 28 , 34

Comfort and fun to improve reading 190

How to teach anyone to read - the mechanics and beyond 46

A strategy for Speed Reading 52

A strategy to extract Information and Meaning 51

Learning to enjoy reading 47

Learning to Read 48

Reading to Learn 51

Teaching Reading - eye accessing study of different reading strategies 191

Representational system(s) 21 , 22 , 23 , 30 , 43 , 59

Auditory 22 , 33 , 44 , 51 , 52 , 57 , 58 , 66 , 140

Kinaesthetic 23 , 24 , 25 , 42 , 43 , 52 , 80 , 112 , 120 , 145 , 163

Representational systems and questions 140

Room Layout 52 , 136

Visual 23 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 52 , 73


Secondary and High School: 11 to 15-year-olds 208

Self-esteem 133

Sensory acuity 25 , 44 , 51 , 251


A whole class strategy for Spelling 184

How to be a great Spy! 43

How to teach anyone to spell 38

Improving poor spelling 41

Spelling success in the Netherlands 186

Teaching how to spell a word for the first time 40

Teaching Spelling from Scratch 40

Teaching spelling to the whole class 41

The Perfect Spelling Strategy 187

State 26 , 29 , 33 , 40 , 58

Creating happiness and harmony for a child with multiple challenge 199

Creating positive learning states and overcoming challenges 198

Driving learning with good feelings 28 , 29

Emotional state for learning 25

Music and State Management 179

States for Learning Excellence, Observation and Leadership for undergraduates 226

Resourceful states 96 , 115

Working with a child displaying severe anxiety 199

Storytelling 29 , 143 , 221

Subject-specific teaching strategies 184

Creating enthusiasm for French grammar 208 , 209

Creativity and confidence in French Language whole class teaching 193

It’s good to talk in Science teaching 214

State and Language to build confidence in outdoor pursuits 217

Subjective experience 52 , 171

Voice tone and body language in Food Technology lessons 218

Strategies for Learning

Building Strategies 28

Submodalities 22 , 164 , 171 , 177 , 194 , 203 , 226 , 252

Changing submodalities to overcome anxiety and create happy states 177

Submodality checklist 245

Swish for Change 164

Synaesthesia 23 , 49 , 59 , 252



Highly Effective Classroom Teaching 92


The Mind of a Highly Effective Teacher - The Art of the State 102

What makes a Highly Effective Teacher? 92

Are flexible in their behaviour 97

Are proactive and outcome-focused 94

Are process rather than content orientated 96

Are systematic in their behaviours 94

Endeavour to like their students 98

See problems as challenges 95

Take notice, watch and listen 98

Temporal predicates 143

Test Operate Test Exit (TOTE) 31 , 252

Thinking on Purpose 17 , 21

Time predicates 143

Time verbs and adverbs 123 , 135 , 210

Timelines 159 , 160 , 187

Troubleshooting and Challenges 148


Universal quantifiers 124 , 152


Visual Squash 164


Well Formed Outcomes 127 , 160 , 165 , 173 , 25

Moving from a child who ‘does not write’ to a creative writing enthusiast 209

The authors

Dr. Richard Bandler , co-creator of NLP, has for over 45 years dedicated himself to developing new ideas, new tools, new techniques and models for the advancement of human evolution. Richard Bandler’s 30 authored or co-authored books have sold millions of copies, and been translated into dozens of languages. Hundreds of thousands of people have studied with him to learn NLP, Design Human EngineeringTM , and Neuro-hypnotic Re-PatterningTM . Richard Bandler has led the world into an era of behavioral technology. Richard has long taught that NLP is not a therapeutic model but an educational one. For the first time in this book he applies his technology directly to the field of Education.

Kate Benson , the International Director of Education for the Society of NLPTM , has been at the leading edge of teaching and learning for many years. After training with Dr Bandler she dedicated her work to researching and teaching others the application of NLP to teaching and learning. Having a unique insight into the world of the teacher as result of her extensive experience of more than 30 years in the classroom and with Dr Bandler as her mentor, Kate has worked with thousands of teachers all over the world to create elegant and effective learning in their classrooms. She brings many practical examples, experience and knowledge to the text. She is the author of a number of guides for teachers and produces resources for teachers and students.


It is invigorating to read a book that requires the reader to question their preconceptions and review long held traditions that have underpinned so much practice. As teachers we constantly strive to invigorate our lessons,
to polish and refine our strategies for learning but perhaps we do not spend enough time and thought considering and understanding the ways in which each individual learns. This book provides a wealth of ideas to move teaching away from the current obsession with observing teaching into a richer place focused on ‘thinking’, one which helps students learn to think and take responsibility for their own learning. Read it with an open mind, think and question, maybe there is much to gain and certainly little to lose.

Dr Beri Hare OBE

I truly believe this book can be a game-changer for teaching and the more widely these strategies are communicated in the world of education, the better. With the exception of some truly magical teachers, my own experience of the English state education system has been disappointing. As the mother of three sons, one of them with a diagnosis of ASD and Dyslexia, I have found the system to be largely unfit for purpose and terribly inhibiting for teachers who strive to enrich children’s learning. I pray that this book, and the follow-on titles I look forward to seeing, will bring about a revolution in our education system and at last precipitate the step-change it so desperately needs.

Jane Pikett

This eBook is licensed to Dominic Luzi, on 10/18/2018