“Absolution” (Fitzgerald), 5
Acapulco, Mexico, 131, 132, 138, 142
Acorn Club, Philadelphia, 231
Action for Appalachian Youth, 65
Adams, Kenneth S. (“Boots”), 49
Adenauer, Konrad, 86
Albee, Mrs. Reed, 256
Albert, Prince, 216
Aldrich, Mrs. Winthrop, 236
Alpine Set, 85–93
Alsop, Joseph, 234
Alswang, Ralph, 100
Altamont pass, California, 28
Ambrose Lightship, 220
America (yacht), 217; replica of, 221–222
America’s Cup, 215, 216, 217, 221
America’s Cup Race, 215, 216; origin of, 216–217; first victory in, 217; challengers in, 218–219; low point in history of, 219; formula restricting entries in, 219–220; cost of, 220–221; 1970 race, 222–223
American Embassy, London, 197–200, 206, 208
American Program Bureau Inc., Boston, 177, 180–181, 182
American Yacht Club, 228
Ames, Harriet (Annenberg), 205
Annenberg, “Aye” (Mrs. Leo Simon), 202–203
Annenberg, Max, 204
Annenberg, Moses L. (“Moe”), 203–204, 205
Annenberg, Mrs. Moses L., 204
Annenberg, Wallis (Mrs. Seth Weingarten), 200
Annenberg, Walter H., 197–211
Annenberg, Mrs. Walter H. (Leonore), 201–202, 203
Annenberg family, 202–206, 208, 210
Annenberg Library, 207
Annenberg School of Communications, University of Pennsylvania, 207
Apawamis Club, Westchester County, 233
Appalachia, 55
Arcaro, Eddie, 43
Arden, Elizabeth, 240, 248, 250
Ardsley-on-Hudson, New York, 230
Armour family, 21
Arnaz, Desi, 134
Arpels, Mme. Louis, 239
Arrouge, Marti, 117
Ashbury, James, 218
Ashe, Arthur, 177–178
Astor, Mrs. John Jacob III, 230, 234
Austrian ambassador to U.S., wife of, 118
Baez, Joan, 146
Bahia Mar marina, Fort Lauderdale, 49
Baja California, Mexico, 132
Bakersfield, California, 5, 25, 27, 32–33
Baldy Mountain, Sun Valley, 115, 116, 121, 123, 125, 126, 127
Balsa Hotels, Mexico, 135
Bandine, Miss Liberty, 161
Barrens, Pinehurst, 78
Barstow School, Kansas City, 21
Baruch, Bernard, 86
Basso, Hamilton, 100
Bedford, Duke and Duchess of, 176–177
Bedford, Ruth, 105
Bedford family, 80
“Bee” chain of newspapers, California, 39
Behan, Brendan, 147
Bellamy, Ralph, 122
Bennett, Joan, 192
Bergdorf Goodman, 5, 159–173, 224; “Apartment” at, 160, 163–164, 169; origins of, 162; changes at, 163, 169, 172–173; move to present site, 163–164; “non-customers” at, 172
Bergdorf, Herman, 160
Bergen County, New Jersey, 95–96
Berlinger, Mr. and Mrs. George, 168
Bernstein, Leonard, 105, 118, 123
Bernstein, Mrs. Leonard, 105, 118
Bich, Baron Marcel, 222–223
Biddle family, 187
Bidwell, General John, 37
Bidwell Park, 37
Birch, John, Society, 47
Blass, Bill, 244
Bloomingdale’s, 171
Blough, Roger M., 234
Boat Basin, Seventy-ninth Street, New York, 192
Bohemian Club, San Francisco, 27
Boodle’s (club), London, 237
Boone County, West Virginia, 68
Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. James, 76
Boys in the Band, The, 47
Bremer, Lucille (Sra. Abelardo Rodríguez), 132
Bridgeport, Connecticut, 96, 105
Broadway-Hale department store chain, 159, 167, 173
Bronfman, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar, 165, 189–190
Brook Club, New York, 234
Brown, Holmes, 236
Brown, John Mason, 178
Brown, Skipper (Richard) of America, 217
Brown family, California, 26
Bruce, David K. E., 201–202, 209, 210, 234
Bruce, Mrs. David K. E., 201–202, 209, 210
Bryan, Joe, 82
Brynner, Yul, 90
Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley T., 190
Bucharest, Rumania, 248
Bunker, Mrs. George, 189
Burton, Richard, 90, 136–137, 193, 205
Burton, Mrs. Richard. See Taylor, Elizabeth
Caen, Herb, 25
Cafritz, Gwen (Mrs. Morris), 256
California, Central Valley of. See Central Valley
California, Delta region of, 31, 37, 39
California, Gulf of, 132; ferry across, 135
Callas, Maria, 17
Cambria (schooner), 218
Cannon family, 82
Capote, Truman, 191
Carlisle, Kitty, 176
Carlyle, Thomas, quoted, 207
Carolina Hotel, Pinehurst, 75, 79, 80
Carson, Johnny, 48
Carson, Mr. and Mrs. “Kit,” 48
Carswell, G. Harrold, 228
Cartier’s, 205
Castro, Mrs. Bernard (Theresa), 43, 44, 47, 53
Central Valley of California, 25–40; agriculture of, 25–26, 31–32, 33–37, 38–39; “image” of, 27; “special language” of, 28; topography of, 28; weather in, 28, 29, 38–39; irrigation of, 29–32, 33–34, 36–37, 38; oil companies in, 32; labor problems and economy in, 34–36; politics of, 35; property values in, 36
Central Valley Project (irrigation), 31, 34
Century Club, New York, 234
Century Country Club, Westchester County, 233
Cerralvo, Mexico, 133
Challenger Inn, Sun Valley, 117, 125 See also Sun Valley Inn
Chapin, Roy, 234
Chaplin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 88, 89, 92
Charlestown, West Virginia, 66
Chasen’s (restaurant), Beverly Hills, 193
Chavez, Cesar, 35
Chennault, Mme. Claire, 176
Chevreux d’Antraigne, Mme. de, 88
Chicago American, 204
Chilton Club, Boston, 231
Choate, 165
City Island Harbor, New York, 222
Claiborne, Craig, 153–154
Clarke, Charlie, 150
Clarke, Patrick Joseph, 149, 156–157
Clarke (P. J.) family, 149–150
Clarke, Richard V., 236
Clarke’s, P. J. (bar), 5, 145–157; clientele of, 146–148, 150, 155–156; as New York landmark, 148–149; sale of, 150; zoning conflict in regard to, 52; food at, 153–154; dogs at, 156–157
clubs, 227–237; in Kansas City, 18, 19; drive for new members in, 228–229; rapid growth of, 229; women in, 230–231; tax status of, 232; racism and anti-Semitism in, 233–234; in London, 237
Cohan, George M., estate of, 204
Colbert, Claudette, 118
Colby, Anita, 164
Colony Club, New York, 230, 231, 236, 258
Columbia (yacht), 218
Colusa, California, 5, 25, 26, 37, 38
Conklin, Roger, 181
Connecticut Turnpike, 104
Consolidated Edison, 236
Cook, Peter, 26
Cooper, Mrs. Gary, 117
Cooper, Wyatt, 188–190
Cooper, Mrs. Wyatt (Gloria Vanderbilt), 188–190, 244
Coral Ridge Yacht Club, Fort Lauderdale, 47, 51
Cornfeld, Bernard, 93
Corning, California, 39
Cortes, Doña Elena, 137–138
cosmetic surgery, 241–244
cosmetics, 239–240, 244–245; for men, 245, 246
Cosmopolitan Club, New York, 231
Costello, Tim, 149
Costello’s, Tim (bar), 147, 148
Countess of Dufferin (yacht), 218–219
Country Club of North Carolina, Pinehurst, 79–80
Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, 13, 14
Court of St. James’s, 199, 206, 209
Cowles, Gardner, 234
Cozumel (Island), Mexico, 141–142
Craven, Craig, 14
Creek Club, 236
Crosby, Charlotte (Mrs. William T. Kemper), 15
Crown Center, Kansas City, 18
Crowther, Bosley, 176
Crystal, David, 168
Curran, Jim, 115
Dallas, Texas, 21
Dalrymple, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart, 92
Dalzell, Briggs, 223
Danbury, Connecticut, 96
Darien, Connecticut, 96, 101, 106, 108
Darrow, Whitney, Jr., 100
Daughters of the American Revolution, 236
Davis, Mayor (Ilus W.) of Kansas City, 22
Deauville, France, 247
Debs, Eugene, 206
Defender (yacht), 219
de Havilland, Olivia, 247
Delano, California, 35
Delray Beach, Florida, 46
De Vries, Peter, 100
Diamondhead Corporation, Pinehurst, 78
Dickerson, Nancy, 48
Dillon, C. Douglas, 234
Dior “gang,” 167
Disney, Walt, 19
Dixon, Jeane, 52
D’Ornanon, Count and Countess Hubert, 168
Draddy, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, 167–168
Dropsie College, 209
Duchin, Eddie, 118
Duke, Doris, 244
Dullea, Keir, 192
Dumaine, Betty, 76
Dunes Club, Pinehurst, 80–81
Dupree, Jeffery, 190
Durham, England, 210
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 190, 210
Elizabeth II, 179–180, 199–200, 201
El Morocco, New York, 259
Emmons County, West Virginia, 65
Erie Canal, 219
Esso, 69
Fairfield, Connecticut, 96, 100, 101, 104
Fairfield County, Connecticut, 95–110, 249; topography of, 96; Jews in, 98–99, 103, 109; zoning in, 101–104, 109; Negroes in, 102, 109; taxes in, 103–104; commuting from, 104–107; youthful delinquency in, 107–108
Farber, Ann Goodman, 161
Farber, Herbert J., 236
Farmington, Connecticut, 31
Fay, Eddie, 148
Feller, Bob, 176
Ferrer, Mel, 90
Ferry Seed Company, 59
Fine, Mrs. William (Susan Payson), 161
Firestone, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, 81–82; head stable man of, 81
Firestone family, 204
Fish House, Philadelphia, 230
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 5, 260; characters of, 6
Flynn, Errol, in Robin Hood, 37
Folsom Dam, California, 32
Forceville, Countess de, 164
Ford, Charlotte (Mrs. Stavros Niarchos), 122
Ford, Henry, 234
Ford, Mrs. Henry, 122
Ford Foundation, 60
Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 81
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 43–53, 215; conservatism of, 44, 47; land development in, 44–46; Easter vacation crowds in, 46, 47; ecological problems of, 46; yachting in, 46–47, 49; Younger Set in, 47; cruise business in, 50; Jews in, 50–51; Negroes in, 51, 83; the arts in, 51–53; “voice” of, 52; new attitude in, 53
Fort Lauderdale Museum of the Arts, 52–53
Fort Lauderdale Yacht Club, 47, 51
“Four Hundred,” 234
Four Seasons, New York, 191
Foxcroft, 258
Foy, Mrs. Thelma Chrysler, 164, 172
France (yacht), 222–223
Francis, Arlene, 148
Franciscan Club, San Francisco, 231
Franklin, Benjamin, 198
Frederick (dining-room captain at Sun Valley), 117
Fresno, California, 5, 25, 26, 33, 39
Freuchen, Peter, 183
Friede, Robert, 206
FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 159, 167, 173
Fulton, Richard, 182
Funston, G. Keith, 104
Gabel, Martin, 148
Gabor, Jolie, 240
Galanos, Jimmy, 167
Gallo family, Modesto, 26
Gardiner, Mrs. David Lion, 60
Gardner, Leonard, his Fat City, 25
“Gateway to the West,” 11
Gault Ocean Mile, Fort Lauderdale, 45
Geneva, Switzerland, 91, 92, 93
Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dow, 235–236
Giffen, Russell, 26
Giffen family, Fresno, 26
Giralda Tower of Seville, replica of, 13
Glennon, Jimmie, 150–151
Goldberg, Arthur, 236
Golden Gate, 28
Golden, Harry, 176
Goldwater, Barry, 176
golf: Pinehurst the capital of, 75; start of in America, 230; popularity of, 231–232; Links Club formed to promote, 235
Goodell, Charles E., 236
Goodman, Andrew, 159–161, 162, 164–169, 172–173
Goodman, Mrs. Andrew (Nena), 161, 165, 166, 167–168
Goodman, Edwin (the elder), 160, 163, 164, 165–166, 168–169
Goodman, Mrs. Edwin, 160
Goodman, Edwin (“Eddie”), 160, 162, 165, 167, 169–171, 172, 173
Goodman, Mary Ann (“Minky”) (Mrs. Gary Taylor), 161, 171–172, 173
Goodman, Pammy, 162
Goodman, Vivien (Mrs. Harry Malloy), 166
Goodman’s Store, Lockport, New York, 162
Gould family, 118
Graham, Mrs. Patrick, 16
Grand Central Canal, California, 38
Gray, Carl, 126
Graziano, Rocky, 146
Green, Will S., 38
Green Berets, 63
Greenhouse (beauty “farm”), Texas, 240
Greenwich, Connecticut, 95, 96, 97–98, 99, 101–105, 106, 109–110, 151
Greenwich Academy, 104
Greenwich Country Day School, 104
Gregory, Dick, 176
Grenadier Restaurant, New York, 192
Grey Fox (horse), 76
Gridley, California, 35
Grimes, Tammy, 192
Grosvenor Square, London, 197
Gstaad, Switzerland, 123
Gurdin, Dr. Michael, 242
Hacienda Cabo San Lucas (hotel), Mexico, 133
Hall, Mr. Joyce C., 17–18
Hallmark (corporation), 18
Halsman, Philippe, 176
Halston (designer), 258
Hamlin, West Virginia, 69
Hammerstein, Mrs. Oscar (Dorothy), 88
Hampton, Hope, 150
Hankin, Leonard, 164, 168–170, 171, 172, 173
Hannagan, Steve, 115–116
Harkey, Mrs. William, 35
Harmonie Club, New York, 233
Harriman, Averell, 114–116, 117, 119, 122, 125, 234
Harriman, Mrs. Averell (Marie), 114–116, 117, 119
Harriman, E. H., 114
Harvard, 63
Harvey, Fred, headquarters of, 21
Havoc, June, 100
Hayward, Susan, 43
Hazen, Mrs. Joseph, 202–203
Hearst, William Randolph, 203–204
Heckart, Eileen, 100
Hemingway, Ernest, 126–128, 149
Hemingway, Mrs. Ernest (Mary), 127–128
Henie, Sonja, 117
Heritage (yacht), 223
Hilson, Mrs. Edwin I., 191
Hinman, George, 223
Hirschhorn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, 98
Hiss, Alger, 206
Hockaday, Irvine O., Jr., 21, 22
Hockaday, Mrs. Irvine O., Jr., 16
Hockaday, Mrs. Irvine O., Sr., 17
Hokinson, Helen, cartoon character of, 176
Holden, William, 88, 90, 91, 92
Hollander, Xaviera, 148
Hollywood Beach, Florida, 51
Holm, Paul, 47–48
Holzer, Hans, 183
Hooker, Blanchette Ferry. See Rockefeller, Mrs. John D. III
Hooker Electrochemical Company, 59
Hope, Bob, 133
Hughes, Howard, rumor concerning, 56
Hurley’s (bar), 152
Huston, John, 148
IBM, 104
Infrason (beauty treatment), 248
Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. John, 187–188, 194
Inland Revenue, Her Majesty’s, 89
Internal Revenue Service, 222, 232
International Christian University (Tokyo), 63
International Platform Association, 175
International Silver Company, 204
Intracoastal Waterway, 44
Investors Overseas Services, Ltd., 93
Iran, Shah of, 124
ISC Industries, 21
Ischia, Italy, 247
Iselin, Oliver, 221
Isla Mujeres, Mexico, 141, 142
Isle of Wight, 217
Ives, Mrs. Ernest, 81
Janss, Edwin, 120
Janss, William C., 120–121, 122, 125
Janss Corporation, 120–121
Jessie (dog at P. J. Clarke’s), 157
Jewel Ball, Kansas City 17, 19
Jews: in St. Louis, 19; in Kansas City, 19; in Fort Lauderdale, 50–51; in clubs, 221, 227–228, 232–234, 236; fashionable in society, 257
Joe & Rose’s Restaurant, 152
Johansson, Ingemar, 89
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Van, 92
Johnson County, Kansas, 13
Jupiter Island Club, Hobe Sound, 233
Jurden, Jerry, 21
Kansas City, Missouri, 5, 9–22; bluff at, 9–10; skyline of, 10; “image” of, 10, 11, 21, 25; rivalry of, with St. Louis, 10–12; parks of, 12–14; the arts in, 12, 14, 16–19, 22; Mission Hills area of, 13; Country Club Plaza of, 13, 14; Seville “sister city” of, 13; Jewel Ball, 17, 19; clubs in, 18, 19; Jewish families in, 19; Junior League in, 19; Mayor Davis of, quoted, 22
Kansas City Art Institute and School of Design, 14, 19
“Kansas-City-by-the-sea,” Fort Lauderdale known as, 44
Kansas City Club, 21
Kansas City Country Club, 18, 19
Kansas City Lyric Opera, 22
Kansas City Museum of History and Science, 18, 21
Kansas City Performing Arts Foundation, 16, 17, 22
Kansas City Philharmonic, 16, 17, 22
Kansas City Royals (baseball team), 21
Kansas City Star, 12
Kansas, University of (gift to), 21
Kauffman, Ewing Marion, 20–21
Kemper, Crosby, Jr., 15
Kemper, Mrs. Crosby, Jr., 16–17, 19
Kemper, James M., 15
Kemper, R. Crosby, Sr., 15, 17
Kemper, Mrs. R. Crosby, Sr., 17
Kemper, William T., 15
Kemper, Mrs. William T. (Charlotte Crosby), 15
Kennedy, Mrs. Edward M. (Joan), 68
Kennedy, Jacqueline. See Onassis, Mrs. Aristotle
Kennedy, John F., 64, 68, 89, 90, 208
Kennedy, Joseph P., 198
Kennedy, Robert F., 58, 64, 66, 68, 118, 122, 124, 125, 233
Kennedy, Mrs. Robert F. (Ethel), 118, 122, 124
Kennedy family, 118, 120, 122, 124, 125, 205, 233
Kern County Land Company, California, 33
Kerr, Deborah (Mrs. Peter Viertel), 89, 91, 92
Kessler, George, 12
Khan, Sadruddin Aga, 89
Kheel, Theodore W., 236
Kissinger, Henry, 199
Kiwanis Club of Westport, Connecticut, 97
Knickerbocker Club, New York, 229, 230, 234
Kounovsky’s (physical culture institute), New York, 239
Kreiser, Heinrich Alfred. See Miller, Henry
La Caravelle (restaurant), New York, 257
La Clinique Générale, “La Prairie,” 86–87
La Côte Basque (restaurant), New York, 257
Lafayette (restaurant), New York, 258
La Grenouille (restaurant), New York, 257
Lake Placid Club, 233
Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B., 215–216
Landmarks Commission, New York, 149, 167
Lane, Jack, 115
La Playa de Santiago, Mexico, 138
“La Prairie.” See La Clinique Générale
La Roche, Chester J., 105
Las Cruces, Mexico, 132, 133–134
Las Hadas, Mexico, 138
Las Muertas (beach), Mexico, 137
Lassen, Lake (California), 36
Laszlo, Dr. Erno, 164, 243–244, 250
Laverock (cutter), 217
Lavezzo, Daniel H., 150–156
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy, 122, 192
Lawrence, Gertrude, 88
Lea, Mrs. Albert, 16
Leary, Dr. Timothy, 183
Lebow Advertising Company, 6
Le Club International, Fort Lauderdale, 43, 47–48
lecture “Forum,” Southern Pines, 81–82
lecture industry, 175–184; as “big business,” 175–176; demand for, 177–178; competition in, 179; unscrupulous practices in, 179–180; hazards of, 181–183
Leek, Sybil, 183
Lehman, Orin, 236
Leigh, Janet, 118
Leigh, W. Colston, 178, 183–184
Lenci, Gordon, 21
Le Pavilion (restaurant), New York, 191, 257
Levin, Stuart, 191
Levitt, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron, 19
Lewis, Mrs. Tillie, 25
Lewis, Wilmarth S., 31
Lichtenstein, Roy, 16
Lincoln County, West Virginia, 59
Lindbergh, Colonel and Mrs. Charles A., 231
Lindsay, John, 148
Linen, James A., 104
Linkletter, Art, 118
Links Club, New York, 234, 235, 236
Lipton, Thomas, 221
Livonia (yacht), 218
Locke, California, 38
Lockhart, Robert, 230
Lockport, New York, 162–163
Lodi, California, 25
London, 197–211, 237; American Embassy in, 197–200, 206, 208, 209
London Evening Standard, 209, 210
London Sunday Express, 200
London Times, 237
Long Island: North Shore of, 44; Sound, 96
Loren, Sophia, 89
Los Angeles: water supply of, 31; beauty treatments in, 242, 248
Los Gatos, Mexico, 139
Lost Week End, The, 150
Luce, Charles, 236
Lunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred, 88
Lux, Charles, 30
Lyons, Leonard, 255
MacMullan, Mrs. Edward, 113
Madeleine (yacht), 219
Main Line, Philadelphia, 203
Maine Chance, 248
Malloy, Harry, 162, 167, 169–170
Malloy, Mrs. Harry (Vivien Goodman), 166
Mancini, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, 118
Mandel, Mr. and Mrs. Leon, 168
Mann, Frederick, 208
Manzanillo, Mexico, 138
Marbella, Spain, 92
Marion Laboratories, Inc., 20–21
Mark (bouncer at P. J. Clarke’s), 155
Marshall, General George, 81
Martin, Mary, 88
Martin Marietta Company, 189
Matchabelli, Prince, 164
Maurer, Mrs. William (Yolanda), 52
Maurois, André, 12
May, Marjorie Merriweather Post Close Hutton Davies, 242. See also Post, Mrs. Merriweather
Mayan Indians, 141
Mazatlán, Mexico, 134–135
McAllister, Ward, 234
McCahill, Francis, 53
McCahill, Mrs. Francis (Mary), 52–53
McClatchy, C. K., 39–40
McClatchy, Eleanor, 39
McClatchy Enterprises, 39
McClatchy family, California, 26, 39
McCloskey, Matthew, 208
McConnell, James, 183
McCullogh, Robert, 223
McGreevy, Mrs. Thomas (Molly), 16, 17, 18
McNamara, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S., 118
McNulty, John, 149
Meadow Brook Club, 236
Mein, Mrs. William Wallace, Jr., 30, 33
Mellon family, 118
Mercurio’s Market, Fairfield, 100
Merritt Parkway, 104
Mesta, Mrs. Perle, and Call Me Madam, 190
Metropolitan Club, Washington, 229, 233, 234, 235, 236
Metropolitan Opera, 52
Miami Herald, 52
Michael’s Pub, 153
Michigan, University of, 166
Milland, Ray, 118
Miller, Ann, 48
Miller, Henry, 29–33
Miller-Lux heirs. See Miller, Henry
Mill River Club, Long Island, 236
Milwaukee News, 204
Mismaloya, Mexico, 136
Mission Hills, Kansas City, 13
Mission Hunt, Kansas City, 21
Mississippi River, 9
Missouri Pacific Railroad, 15
Missouri River, 9
Mitchell’s Esso Station, 59, 69
Modesto, California, 25, 26, 36, 39
Mont Blanc, Switzerland, 89
Montecatini, Italy, 247
Montgomery County, Maryland, 95
Montreux, Switzerland, 88
Moore, Arch, 58
Moore County Hunt, North Carolina, 76
Moore, Dan Tyler, 175
Moore, Henry, 98
Moore, Marcia, 183
Morgan, Charley, Jr., 223
Morgantown, West Virginia, 64
Morgenthau family, 110
Morissey, Paul, 181
Morton, Thomas, 77
Mosbacher, Emil (“Bus”), 221
Moss, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ozell, 76
Mountain Artisans, 66
“Mrs. Oppenheim Syndrome,” 181–182
Mundt, Karl, 198
Munson, Charles Sherwood, 105
Murphy, Mrs. James (Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller), 122
Museum of Natural History, Mexico City, 203
Nabokov, Vladimir, 89
Nader, Ralph, 167
National Association of State Racing Commissioners, 208
National Club Association, 229, 235, 236
National Golf Links, 236
Neal, Patricia, 192
Negroes: in Fort Lauderdale, 51, 83; in Southern Pines, 83; in Fairfield County, 98, 102; in clubs, 233, 236
Nelson, William Rockhill, 12
Nelson (William Rockhill) Gallery of Art, Kansas City, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22
New Canaan, Connecticut, 96, 101, 106
New Haven branch, Penn Central Railroad, 104, 106
Newman, Paul, 148
Newport, Rhode Island, 215, 220, 222, 258
New School for Social Research, 236
New York, New York, 145–173, 188, 191
New York Board of Trade, 236
New York Daily News, 154
New York magazine, 10
New York Stock Exchange, 104
New York Times, 154, 176, 208, 209
New York Yacht Club, 216, 218, 219, 221, 236
New Yorker Club, 236
New Yorker magazine, 100, 148, 171
Niarchos, Mrs. Stavros (Charlotte Ford), 122
Nickel, George, 33
Night of the Iguana, 136
Niven, Mr. and Mrs. David, 88, 89, 92
Nixon, Richard M., 197, 199, 208
Norbert’s (beauty salon), 250
North Carolina, 73–83
Norwalk, Connecticut, 96
Oakes, John B., 208
Oakwood Country Club, Kansas City, 19
Oaxaca City, Mexico, 140
Obolensky, Serge, 259
O’Brian, Hugh, 48
Ocean Manor, Fort Lauderdale, 48
Oceano Hotel, Mexico, 136
O’Hara, John, 227, 229, 232; novels of, 5
Old Oaks Country Club, Westchester County, 233
Old Guard: of California, 27; of Alpine Set, 85, 92; of skiing, 119; of yachting, 215; of Society, 259
Olivier, Lawrence, 92
Onassis, Aristotle, 17, 56, 148, 154, 259
Onassis, Mrs. Aristotle (Jacqueline Kennedy), 17, 77, 118, 122–123, 124, 125, 141, 142, 148, 154, 239, 240, 259
Osler, William, quoted, 207
Owens-Corning Fiberglas, 15
Pacific Union Club, San Francisco, 27, 229
Pacifica Radio, 170
Packer, Frank Newson (“Big Daddy”), 222–223
Page family, Pinehurst, 78
Palm Beach, Florida, 3, 4, 44, 48, 216, 242, 256
Palm Beach News, 3
Palmer, Lilli, 89
Palmilla (hotel), Mexico, 133
Palm Springs, California, 203
Paris (beauty treatments in), 248
Paris Review, 154
Parker Playhouse, Fort Lauderdale, 47, 52
Parrish, Mrs. Henry (“Sister”), 66
Parson, Mrs. Donald, 83
Patou, Jean, 166
Payson, Susan (Fine, Mrs. William), 161
Peace Corps, 63
Peddie School, 207
Pendergast Cement Company, 14
Pendergast, Thomas J. (“Big Tom”), 14, 15, 16, 22
Penn Central Railroad, 104
Pennsylvania, University of, 207
Pepperidge Farm, 100
Percudani, Fred, 148
Percy, Charles H., 56
Percy, Sharon. See Rockefeller, Mrs. John D. IV
Percy, Valerie, 65
Petatlán, Mexico, 142
Philadelphia, 187, 189, 192; Main Line of, 203
Philadelphia Art Museum, 207
Philadelphia Club, 230
Philadelphia Daily News, 205
Philadelphia Inquirer, 204, 205, 207
Phillips Petroleum Company, 49
Pictorial Life, 52
Pier 66, Fort Lauderdale, 49–50
Pierre, Hotel, New York, 202–203
Pierrepont family, 118
Pillsbury, Joan (Mrs. Jeffery Dupree), 190
Pinehurst, North Carolina, 73–83; golf in, 75, 78–80; development of, 78–79; origin of name of, 79; discrimination in, based on “state of health,” 79; clubs in, 80–81; conservatism of, 81
Pinehurst County Club, 75, 78, 79, 80
Piping Rock Club, 236
Playa del Calvario, Mexico, 142
Playboy magazine, 83
Plaza Hotel, New York, 191
Pocahontas County, West Virginia, 55–57, 60
Pocantico Hills, New York, 59
Point of Americas, Fort Lauderdale, 46
Polo Club, Kansas City, 21
Pope Pius XII, 86
Port Everglades, Florida, 46, 50
Portrait of Jennie, 150
Post, Mrs. Merriweather, 122. See also May, Marjorie Merriweather
Power, Tyrone, 117
Program Corporation of America, 177
Puerto Angel, Mexico, 140
Puerto Escondido, Mexico, 140
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 136–138, 141
Queen Elizabeth (ocean liner), 50
Queen magazine, 209
Rabbit Club, Philadelphia, 230
Racquet Club, Philadelphia, 229
Racquet & Tennis Club, New York, 236
Rauschenberg, Robert, 16
Reagan, Ronald, 26–27
Reagan, Mrs. Ronald (Nancy), 26–27, 32
Red Bluff, California, 39
Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Verner, 98, 101
Reid, John, 230
Revlon (cosmetics for men), 245
Rio Vista, California, 26
River Club, Kansas City, 18
River Club, New York, 236
Rivington’s Royal Gazette, 229
Robinson, C. Ray, 33
Rockefeller, “Bobo,” 157
Rockefeller, John D. III (“John D. Three”), 57–58, 60, 61, 62
Rockefeller, Mrs. John D. III (Blanchette Ferry Hooker), 59, 62
Rockefeller, John D. IV (“Jay”), 56–70; West Virginia gubernatorial candidate, 56–59, 61, 65, 67–69; ambitions and education of, 62, 63; in Peace Corps, 63; in State Dept., 63; “image” of, 67, 69–70
Rockefeller, Mrs. John D. IV (Sharon Percy), 56–60, 65–67, 68–70
Rockefeller, John D. V (“Jamie”), 69
Rockefeller, Nelson, 57, 61, 234
Rockefeller, Mrs. Nelson, 122
Rockefeller, Mrs. William, 122
Rockefeller Center, 152
Rockefeller family: as property-holders, 59–60; philanthropy of, 60–61; “conspiracy theory” concerning, 61–62; Greenwich branch of, 104
Rodgers, Mrs. Richard (Dorothy), 96, 99, 105
Rodin’s Eve, 203
Rodríguez, Abelardo, 132–133
Rolle, Switzerland, 92
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 178
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 205, 233
Roscoff, Brittany, 247
Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Julius, 206
Rosenstiel, Lewis S., 102
Rosenstiel Foundation, 102
Rosita Hotel, Mexico, 136
Roszak, Theodore, 198
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de, 89
Round Hill Club, Greenwich, 98
Royal Canadian Yacht Club, 218
Ruark, Robert, 149
Rudkin, Margaret, 100
Ruggoff, Donald, 227
Rumania, 248
Rumanian ambassador in London, 211
Sachs, Gunther, 89
Sacramento, California, 25, 27, 28, 32, 36, 37, 39; Operations Control Center in, 31
St. Andrews Golf Club, Ardsley-on-Hudson, New York, 230
St. James’s (club), London, 237
St. James’s, Court of, 199, 206, 209
St. Louis, Missouri, 9, 11, 12, 18, 19
St. Paul’s School, 5
St. Petersburg, Florida, 223
Saltonstall family, Boston, 80
San Francisco Bay, 28
San Joaquin River, 28
San Joaquin Valley, 30
San José del Cabo, Mexico, 133
Sandy Hook, Connecticut, 220
Sappho (yacht), 218
Sardi, Vincent, 152
Sassoon’s, Vidal, 250
Saville (club), London, 237
Sawtooth Range, Sun Valley, 114
Schaefer, Rudy, 221–222
Schaffgotsch, Count Felix, 114–115
Schell, Maximilian, 89
Schenley Industries, 102
Schrafft’s, 253
Schulz, Charles, 118
Schuyler, George, 221
Scranton, Pennsylvania, 181–182
Sea Bright, New Jersey, 220
Seligman, Henriette (Mrs. Jesse), 253
Seventeen magazine, 204
Seville, Spain. See Kansas City
Shasta Dam, California, 31, 39
Shasta, Mount, 39
Shaw, Artie, 148
Shearer, Norma (Mrs. Marti Arrouge), 117, 119
Sheean, Vincent, 181
Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, 190
Shields, Cornelius, 215
Shore, Dinah, 48
Short, Bobby, 146
Shriver, Sargent, 63
Sierre Madre Occidental, Mexico, 132
Simenon, Georges, 89
Simon, Mrs. Leo (“Aye” Annenberg), 202–203
Simpson, Wesley, 162
Simpson, Mrs. Wesley (Adele), 162
Sinatra, Frank, 203
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 153
Slater, Denniston L., 220
Slater, Mrs. Denniston L. (Anne Kerr), 220, 256
Smith, Stephen, 233
Smith College, 171
Smithsonian Institution, 221–222
Social Register, 12, 98, 235, 258
Sod, West Virginia, 58–59
Somerset Club, Boston, 229, 230, 235
Sommer, Elke, 48
Sosland, Mr. and Mrs. Morton, 19
Southampton, New York, 4
Southern Pacific Railroad, 30
Southern Pines, North Carolina, 73–83, 97; fox-hunting in, 74, 75–77, 97; conservatism of, 81; Negroes in, 83
Southern Trail (Castro family yacht), 43, 44
Southport, Connecticut, 96, 97–98, 99, 101, 104–106; Southport Car, 106
“Spanglish,” 135
Spencer, Mrs. Kenneth, 10–11, 21
Spencer Chemical Company, 11
Speyer, Jerry, 152
Spiegel, Clara, 127
Spock, Dr. Benjamin, 206
Stamford, Connecticut, 96
Standard Oil Company, 56, 69, 105
Staples High School, Westport, 107
Stapleton, Maureen, 192
Starr, Malcolm, 168
State Department, 63
“State teaspoon” promotion, Milwaukee News, 204
Steers, George, 217
Steinbeck, John, 149
Stephens, Olin, 223
Stevens, Jocelyn, 210
Stevens, John Cox, 216–217
Stevens, Risë, 176
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy, 118
Stockdale Country Club, California, 33
Stockton, California, 25
Stoddard, Arthur, 120
Straus, R. Peter, 233
Strawbridge, William, 223
Strong, Mrs. Marianne (“Mimi”), 192, 255
“Sunnylands,” Annenbergs’ California estate, 203
Sun Valley, Idaho, 113–128; topography of, 114–115; early development of, 115; naming of, 116; emotional appeal of, 116–118; economics of, 118–120; sale and new “image” of, 120–121, 125, 127; divorce trade in, 122
Sun Valley (formerly Challenger) Inn, 125, 126
Sun Valley Lodge, 117, 118, 126
Superstar, Viva, 181
Sutter Buttes (“World’s Smallest Mountain Range”), California, 38
Sutter’s Mill, California, 27
Swanson, Gloria, 86
Swimming Hall of Fame, Fort Lauderdale, 50
Switzerland, 85–93; service in, 84–86; doctors in, 86–87; government of, 87; income taxes in, 87, 89–91
Tallahassee, Florida, 228
Talmud, quoted, 207
Tarrytown, New York, 59
Tavern Club, Boston, 230
Taylor, Elizabeth (Mrs. Richard Burton), 90, 91, 92, 136–137, 141, 205; chili recipe of, 193–194
Taylor, Gary, 162, 167, 169, 171–172
Taylor, Mrs. Gary. See Goodman, Mary Ann
Taylor, June, 43
Taylor, Maxwell, 63
Tevis family, California, 32–33
Thomas, Danny, 48
Thoroughbred Racing Association, 208
Thurber, James, 149
Tierney, Lawrence, 148
Time, Inc., 104
Tin Whistle Club, Pinehurst, 80, 81
Tishman Realty and Construction Company, 149, 151–153, 156
Trail Creek Lodge, Sun Valley, 127
Trapp, Baroness Maria von, and The Sound of Music, 176
Triangle Publications, Inc., 204
Trigère, Pauline, 194
Trissell, Julia, 167
Trouville, France, 247
Tuchman, Lester R., 109–110
Tuchman, Mrs. Lester R. (Barbara W.), 109–110
Tufts, James W., 78–79
Tufts family, Pinehurst, 78–79
Tufts University, gift to, 78
Tulum, Mexico, 141
Turf & Field Club, 236
Tuxedo Club, 234
TV Guide, 204
TWA, 11
Udall, Stewart, 34
Uhlmann, Mr. and Mrs. Paul, 19
Union Club, New York, 230, 231, 234
Union League Club, New York, 236
Union Pacific Railroad, 114, 115, 119–120
Unionville, Pennsylvania, 193
United States Department of the Interior, 34; of State, 63
United States Embassy, London. See American Embassy
Universal Rating Rule (America’s Cup), 219–220
University Club, New York, 233, 234, 236
Untermeyer, Louis, 178
Upper Brookville, Long Island, 236
Ustinov, Peter, 89
Val d’Isère, France, 3
Valiant (yacht), 223
Valkyrie III (yacht), 219
Vanderbilt, Gloria (Mrs. Wyatt Cooper), 188–190
Vanderbilt, Harold S., 221
Vanderbilt family, 253
“Venice of America,” (Fort Lauderdale), 46
Vevey, Switzerland, 86, 87, 88, 248
Victoria, Queen, 216
Viertel, Mrs. Peter. See Kerr, Deborah
Visalia, California, 27
Wakefield, Humphrey, 164
Wakeman, Mr. and Mrs. William, 3
Walker, Alan S., 177
Walker, Robert, 182–183
Walpole, Horace, biographer of, 31
Warhol, Andy, 16, 180–181, 183
War Memorial Auditorium, Fort Lauderdale, 52
Washington Monthly, 64
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 104
Wayne, David, 100
Weber family, Stockton, California, 25
Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 190
Weeks, Edward, 178
Weidman, Jerome, 100
Weingarten, Mrs. Seth (Wallis Annenberg), 200
Weissmuller, Johnny, 50
Welles, Orson, 90
Wertheim, Maurice, 109
Wertheim & Company, 109
Wertheim family, 109–110
Westminster Kennel Club, 236
Weston, Connecticut, 96, 100, 103, 107, 109; town meetings in, 101
Westport, Connecticut, 96, 99–101, 105, 106, 108
Westport Garden Club, Kansas City, 18
West Southern Pines, North Carolina, 83
West Virginia, 55–70
Westwood Village, Los Angeles, 120
Wherry, Senator (Kenneth S.), 22
White’s (club), London, 237
“Whitey” (bookie), 161
Whitney, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 164
Whitney, Helen. See Gibson, Mrs. Harvey Dow
Who’s Who, Blanchette Rockefeller in, 62
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 181–182
William Holden (tax) Law, 90–91
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Andy, 118, 125
Williams, Van, 118
Williamsburg, Virginia, 61
Willkie, Wendell, 233
Wilmarth, Martin, 26
Windsor, Duke of, 168, 191, 256
Windsor, Duchess of, 164, 191, 244, 256
Wirtz, Willard, 34
Wister, Bill, 63
Wolves Club, Pinehurst, 80, 81
Women’s Liberation Front, 156, 171
Women’s Wear Daily, 118, 124, 192, 256
Worcester Country Club, 227
World’s Fair (Great Britain), 216
“World’s Largest Oak” (California), 37
“World’s Smallest Mountain Range” (California), 38
Worth, Lake, Florida, 215–216
Wyler, Mr. and Mrs. William, 118
yachting: in Fort Lauderdale, 43–44, 46–47, 49, 53; as sport of corporations, 5; America’s Cup, 215–224
Yale, 63, 165, 170, 233; School of Forestry, 162, 171
Yelapa, Mexico, 137
You Know I Can’t Hear You When the Water’s Running, 47
Young, Mrs. Robert R., 256
Yucatán, Mexico, 141
Zihuatenejo, Mexico, 138–141