
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Abernathy, Ralph D., 141

Abrogation, 19, 131, 174, 183, 188, 200

Adams, Hank, 149

Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, 203–4, 239–41

African Americans, 21–23, 97, 99, 111, 112, 139–42

AIRFA. See American Indian Religious Freedom Act

Akaka, Daniel, 216

Akwesasne Notes, 261 (n. 2), 262 (n. 25)

Alabama, 20, 139–42, 252 (n. 19)

Alabama-Coushatta, 97

Alaska, 78–79, 230–33

Alaska Federation of Natives, 204

Alaska Native Brotherhood, 78

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, 154–55

Alaska Native Sisterhood, 78

Alcatraz Island, 153, 155, 157–59

Aleuts, 56

Alito, Samuel, 240

Allegheny, 6

Allen, Susan, 234–36

All-Pueblo Council, 50–53

American Aborigine (newsletter), 98, 261 (n. 2)

American Indian Chicago Conference, 115–19, 120–23

American Indian Intellectual Tradition, The (Martinez), 4

American Indian Movement (AIM), 3, 153; inception of, 154; Longest Walk and, 180, 184–88, 262 (n. 25); Trail of Broken Treaties and, 160; in Trudell, 163–66. See also International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)

American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA), 154, 192–94

American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act, 203

American Legion, 80

Americans before Columbus (newsletter), 98

Anderson, Mad Bear, 143

Anthropology: reflexivity in, 1; research on Kennewick Man, 203, 207–9

Anti-Discrimination Act (Alaska), 78

Apache, 19, 210, 265 (n. 37)

Apology Resolution, 203, 216, 218–19, 220

Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), 208

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 230, 231–32

ARPA. See Archaeological Resources Protection Act

Aspinall, Wayne, 108–10, 258 (n. 14)

Assimilation: Bureau of Indian Affairs and, 112–13, 258 (n. 18); imperialism and, 9–10; reactions to, 36; resistance to, 95, 158, 212–13; self-determination and, 57; termination and, 56, 97

Assiniboine, 149

Association on American Indian Affairs, 113, 259 (n. 20)

Atomic weapons, 83–88

Badlands Bombing Range, 89–92, 257 (n. 46)

Baez, Joan, 141

Baker, John L., 136–37, 260 (n. 39)

Baldwin, James, 141

“Bayonet Constitution,” 13, 14

Belafonte, Harry, 141

Beyond the Melting Pot (Glazer & Moynihan), 137

BIA. See Bureau of Indian Affairs

Blackfeet, 6, 221

Black Hills, 65–66, 165, 168, 256 (n. 14)

Black Panthers, 165, 261 (n. 15)

Blanca Peak, 265 (n. 37)

Blood quantum, 24, 75, 217, 219, 226–29, 239–41

Bosque Redondo, 265 (n. 37)

Brando, Marlon, 143

Brant, Joseph, 46, 49

Brewer, Bryan, 257 (n. 43)

Brown v. Board of Education, 112, 117

Bruyneel, Kevin, 128

Bunche, Ralph J., 141

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA): assimilation and, 112–13, 258 (n. 18); in Civil War, 255 (n. 5); colonialism and, 253 (n. 29); in Mankiller, 199–201; misappropriation of funds by, 221–25; in Montezuma, 32, 33–34; occupation of, 154, 160; in Parker, 27–28, 30, 31; sovereignty and, 253 (n. 29); voluntary relocation program of, 112, 258 (n. 18)

Burke, Edmund, 194

Bursum Bill, 50, 255 (n. 49)

Cabazon Band, 189

Caddo, 6, 259 (n. 28)

Cadman, Frank, 70–74

“Campaign of Awareness,” 143

Canada, 45–49, 187, 255 (n. 53)

Carcieri v. Salazar, 203–4

Caribou, 230–31, 232–33

Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 41, 254 (n. 46)

Carlyle, Frank Ertel, 107, 110, 258 (n. 13)

Carter, Charles D., 43–44

Case, Ralph H., 67, 256 (n. 15)

Casinos, 189–91, 203

Catawba, 6, 195–98

Cattaraugus, 6

Cayuga, 45, 46

Central America, 185

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 185, 193, 262 (n. 33)

Chad Mitchell Trio, 141

Charlo, Victor, 149

Cherokee, 6, 108, 169, 226, 253 (n. 25)

Cherokee Freedmen, 24–26, 226

Cherokee Nation, 199–201

Cheyenne, 6, 142, 176

Chicago, 56

Chickasaw, 6, 239, 252 (n. 21)

Children, 239–41

Chinook language, 256 (n. 18)

Chitto, Joe, 75–77

Choctaw, 6, 75, 99, 111–14, 252 (n. 21)

CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

Citizenship: by blood, 226–29; blood quantum and, 226–29, 239–40; Canadian, 45–49; civil rights and, 117; Dawes Act and, 9; discrimination and, 78–79; integration and, 117–18; military service and, 10, 22, 39, 45–49; resistance to, 39, 43, 45, 188; sovereignty and, 10; as weapon, 188

Citizenship Act of 1924, 170, 186, 188

Civilian Conservation Corps, 256 (n. 24)

Civil rights: African American, 97, 99, 111, 112, 139–42; American Indian Chicago Conference and, 115–19, 120–23; citizenship and, 117; “color” and, 111; Committee of 100 and, 149–51; Declaration of Indian Purpose and, 120–23; education and, 150–51; National Congress of American Indians and, 99, 101–2; National Indian Youth Council and, 128–32; Poor People’s Campaign and, 99, 139, 146–47, 149–51; poverty and, 98–99; racism and, 111–14; termination and, 97–98, 101–2, 153; treaty rights and, 103–6, 121–22; Workshop on American Indian Affairs and, 124–27; youth movement and, 98. See also Self-determination

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 142, 260 (n. 37)

Civil War (U.S.), 21–22, 24, 252 (n. 29), 255 (n. 5)

Cleveland, Grover, 15, 16

Climate change, 204. See also Environmental protection

Cloud, Henry Roe, 57, 59–63

Cobell, Elouise, 221–25

Cobell v. Norton, 221–25

Cochití, 6

Coeur d’Alene, 6, 101

Cogewea (Mourning Dove), 68


Cold War, 83–88

College campuses, 98. See also Education

Collier, John, 55–56, 59, 61–62, 66–67, 69–70, 72–73

Collins, LeRoy, 134, 260 (n. 37)

Colonialism, 124, 129–30, 150, 157, 164, 167, 239, 253 (n. 29)

Colorado College, 98, 259 (n. 26). See also Workshop on American Indian Affairs

“Colored,” American Indians as, 111

Columbia River, 213

Columbus, Christopher, 19–20

Colville, 6, 68, 208

Comanche, 1, 19, 62

Comaroff, Jean, 3

Comaroff, John, 3

Commerce clause, 103

Committee of One Hundred, 57, 149–51

Community Action Program, 2–3, 98, 259 (n. 29)

Community Relations Service, 260 (n. 37)

Confederated Salish-Kootenai, 93

Confederate States of America, 252 (n. 29)

Constitution (U.S.), 103, 133, 169, 218

Contras, 193, 262 (n. 34)

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 170, 172

Coolidge, Calvin, 57

Council of Energy Resource Tribes, 204

Covenant Chain, 49, 255 (n. 54)

Creech, William A., 260 (n. 38), 304

Creeks, 10, 19, 20, 252 (n. 19–21)

Criminal law, 97, 101, 134, 155, 237–38

Croatan, 108

Cross, Jeri, 124–25, 125, 259 (n. 28)

Cross, Martin, 80–82, 205, 257 (n. 37)

Cross, Raymond, 205, 257 (n. 37)

Crow Nation, 6, 139

Curtis Act, 24–26, 252(n. 21), 253 (n. 25)

Custer Died for Your Sins (Deloria), 97

Dahmer, Jeffrey, 262 (n. 25)

Dams, 56, 80–82, 257 (n. 37)

Dance, 36–38, 51–52, 254 (n. 39)

Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty, 75–76

Dann, Carrie, 204

Dann, Mary, 204

Dawes, Henry, 64

Dawes Act, 9, 10, 186

Dawes Rolls, 253 (n. 25)

“Declaration of Continuing Independence” (International Indian Treaty Council), 167–71

Declaration of Indian Purpose, 120–23

Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, 172

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 154, 203

Decolonization, 99, 153

Deloria, Vine, Jr., 3–4, 64, 97, 99, 133–38

DeMallie, Raymond, 249

Democracy, 30, 31, 78–79

Democratic-Farm-Labor (DFL) party, 234

Denver, 56

Deskaheh, 45–49

Dibé Ntsáá, 265 (n. 37)

Diné, 6, 70–74, 180–83, 210, 245, 265 (n. 37). See also Navajo

Discrimination, 78–79, 111. See also Civil rights

Doo’o’k’osliid, 265 (n. 37)

“Double Victory,” 56, 78, 83

Dozier, Edward, 115–19

Du Bois, W. E. B., 27

Economic development, 56, 130, 149, 155–56, 204, 210. See also Gambling

Economic justice, 128, 139, 234–36

Economic Opportunity Act, 98–99

ECW. See Emergency Conservation Work (ECW) Act

Education, 52, 62–63, 150–51

Emergency Conservation Work (ECW) Act, 71–72, 256 (n. 24)

Eminent domain, 80–82, 89–92

Energy sovereignty, 205, 245, 265 (n. 39)

Environmental protection, 175, 204. See also Hanford Nuclear Site; Keystone XL Pipeline

Ernst, Roger, 111, 114

Ethnography, 1

Evans, Dale, 143

Fast Horse, Fred, 35

Financial misappropriation, by BIA, 221–25

Fish, Mary, 225

Fish-In, 142

Fishing rights, 143–45, 157

Flathead, 6, 68, 93, 149

Fort Berthold, 6

Fort Defiance, 70

Fort McDowell, 6

Fort Peck, 37

Foucault, Michel, 252 (n. 1)

Fourteen Points, 10–11

Fowler, Loretta, 3

Freedom, 32–34, 39, 50–53, 165. See also Religious freedom; Self-determination

“Frontier thesis,” 1, 2

Galler, Christine, 68–69

Gambling, 189–91, 203

Garrison Dam, 80–82, 257 (n. 37)

Garry, Joseph, 101

Gay marriage, 236

Gender, 234–36

General Allotment Act, 9, 10, 55, 135, 170

Geneva Declaration, 172–75, 182

Genocide, 158, 170, 176–79, 180, 183

Georgia, 169

Ghost Ridge, 221, 264 (n. 20)

Goldman, Emma, 69, 256 (n. 20)

Goshute, 10

Gover, Kevin, 203

Grass Dance, 37, 254 (n. 39). See also Dance

Graves, 154, 203, 207

Great Depression, 55

Great Sioux Reservation, 254 (n. 37)

Gregory, Dick, 262 (n. 25)

Gros Ventre, 80, 205

Gruening, Earnest, 78

Gwich’in, 6, 230–33

Hague Regulations, 220

Haley, James, 108, 258 (n. 15)

Hanford Nuclear Site, 210–15

Harjo, Chitto, 19–23, 252 (n. 19), 252 (n. 21)–22

Hatteras, 108

Haudenosaunee, 180–83

Hawai‘i, 9, 13–18, 216–20, 252 (n. 10–16), 264 (n. 17)

Hayden, Carl, 41

Head Start, 259 (n. 29)

Heleluhe, Joseph, 16

Hena, James, 189–91

Herman, Jake, 89–92

Hernandez, Benigno, 41–42

Hethu’shka (dance), 254 (n. 39). See also Dance

Hiroshima, 83–88

Historiography, 2

Ho-Chunk, 6, 57, 192

Homesteaders, 19, 23

Homosexuals, 234–36

Hoover Commission, 85

Hopi, 6, 53, 161

Hopi Traditionalist Movement, 83–88

House Concurrent Resolution 108, 97, 101, 107

House Resolution 5562, 195–98

Hoxie, Fred, 3, 4

Human remains, 203, 207–9

Human rights, 115–19, 154, 172–75, 180, 183, 194, 231–33. See also Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Hu-mi-shu-ma. See Galler, Christine

Idle No More, 204

IGRA. See Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA)

Ihanktonwan, 6, 242–43

IITC. See International Indian Treaty Council

Imperialism, 9–10, 99, 153

Independent Oglala Nation, 163, 170

Indian Act (Canada), 47, 48

Indian Affairs Department, 29, 30, 93, 94. See also Bureau of Indian Affairs

Indian Child Welfare Act, 154, 204, 239–41

Indian Claims Commission Act, 170, 186

Indian clubs, 98

Indian Country Renewable Energy Consortium, 204

Indian Disbursements Department, 31

Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA), 154, 189

Indian Health Service, 176–79

Indian New Deal, 56, 59. See also Indian Reorganization Act

Indian Office, 27

Indian Office (Canada), 45–49

Indian Reorganization Act (IRA), 55–56, 59, 170, 186; Catawba and, 195; Cloud on, 59–63; Galler on, 68–69; land and, 59–63; Longest Walk and, 182

Indian Rights Association, 34

Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, 154, 199

Indians of All Tribes, 157–59

Indian Territory, 19

Indigenization, 57

Integration, 4, 111–14, 115, 117–18, 178–79

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 232

International Indian Treaty Council (IITC), 153–54, 167–71

International Non-Governmental Organizations Conference on Discrimination against Indigenous Populations in the Americas, 172–75, 182

Intersubjectivity, 1, 5

Intertribal Council on Utility Policy, 204

IRA. See Indian Reorganization Act

Iran-Contra scandal, 193, 262 (n. 34)

Iron Elk, Armando, 242–44

Iroquois Confederacy, 45–49, 153–54, 160–62, 255 (n. 54)

Isleta, 6

James, Sarah Agnes, 230–33

Jemison, Alice, 103–6

Jim, Russell, 210–15, 211

Johnson, Lyndon, 143, 149, 157

Johnson, Mary, 225

Johnson, Sandra, 125, 125–26, 259 (n. 29)

Johnson, William, 49

Johnston, Lyla June, 245–48

Joseph case, 41, 254 (n. 49)

Jurisdiction. See Tribal jurisdiction

Kalakaua, 13–14

Kanaka Maoli, 6, 13–18, 216–20, 252 (n. 13). See also Hawai‘i

Katzenbach, Nicholas, 143

Kauanui, J. Kēhaulani, 216–20

Kennedy, John F., 115

Kennewick Man, 203, 207–9

Keystone XL Pipeline, 242–44, 249

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 141, 146

Kiowa, 19

Kitch, James B., 36

Klamath, 68, 97

Korean War, 91, 257 (n. 44)

Lakota, 10, 36–38, 64, 89–92, 103, 180–83, 249, 256 (n. 14)

Lamberth, Royce C., 222–23

Land: claims, 10, 55, 56, 84, 86, 195, 230; exploitation of, 181, 185; General Allotment Act and, 9, 10, 55, 135, 170; homesteaders and, 19, 23; Hopi and, 85–86; Indian Reorganization Act and, 59–63, 70–74; life and, 73–74, 185–86; Navajo and, 70–74; power of, 180–81

Land Claims Commission, 86

Langer, William, 82, 257 (n. 36)

Language, 256 (n. 18)

Latin America, 153

League of Nations, 11, 45, 154

Like a Hurricane: The Indian Movement from Alcatraz to Wounded Knee (Smith and Warrior), 3

Lili‘uokalani, 13–18, 15, 218, 252 (n. 10), 252 (n. 16)

Lincoln, Abraham, 21, 142

Livestock, 70–74, 256 (n. 23)

Lone Wolf, 19

Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, 19

Longest Walk, 180–83, 184–88, 262 (n. 25)

Long Walk, 245, 265 (n. 37)

Los Angeles, 56

Lowry, D. F., 107–10

Lumbee, 6, 107–10

Lumbee Act, 107

Madigan, LaVerne, 113, 114, 259 (n. 20)

Maine, 155

Major Crimes Act, 170

Makah, 6, 259 (n. 29), 260 (n. 30)

Mancall, Peter, 3

Manhattan Project, 210, 211, 214

Mankiller, Wilma, 199–201, 200

March on Washington (1963), 99

Marias Massacre, 221, 264 (n. 20)

Marriage equality, 236

Marshall, John, 121

Martin, Phillip, 99, 111–14, 200

Martinez, David, 4

Martinez, Lorenzo, 39–44, 254 (n. 42)

Materialism, 28–29

McKinley, William, 16, 218, 252 (n. 12–13)

McLaughlin, James, 37

McMullen, Ann, 1

McNickle, D’Arcy, 93–96, 99, 120, 125

McRae, John J., 75

Menominee, 97

Meriam Report, 55

Merrell, James, 3

Mescalero Apache, 210

Mexico, 187

Military facilities, 89–92, 257 (n. 46)

Military service: in Canada, 45–49; in World War I, 10, 22, 31, 35, 39; in World War II, 56, 79, 211–12

Minneapolis Urban American Indian Committee, 142

Minnehaha County Courthouse riot, 165, 261 (n. 14)

Minnesota, 236

Minthorn, Armand, 207–9

Mirabel, Porfirio, 39–44, 70

Misappropriation, of funds by BIA, 221–25

Mission Indians, 189

Mississippi, 75, 99, 111–14

Missouri River, 80–82

Mohawk, 45, 46

Mohonk Conference, 34

Monroe, James, 252 (n. 15)

Monroe Doctrine, 17

Montana, 37

Montezuma, Carlos, 32–35, 254 (n. 33)

Moore, Edward H., 82, 257 (n. 35)

Morality, 48

Mount Taylor, 265 (n. 37)

Mourning Dove. See Galler, Christine

Muckleshoot, 143

Muscogee, 6

Naboth, 252 (n. 16)

Nagasaki, 83–88

NAGPRA. See Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

Nambé, 6, 39

National Congress of American Indians (NCAI): civil rights and, 99, 101–2; declaration of rights by, 101–2; McNickle’s address at, 93–96; mission of, 93; self-determination and, 4; termination and, 93–96, 97–98

National Indian Youth Council (NIYC), 98, 99, 128–32, 143

Native American Church, 192–94

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 154, 203, 207, 208

Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act, 203

NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Natural gas, 26

Natural resources, 185, 204, 210, 231–32, 242–44. See also Oil

Navajo, 53, 70–74. See also Diné

NCAI. See National Congress of American Indians

Neighborhood Youth Corps, 259 (n. 29)

Nelson, Fred, 70–74

Nevada v. Hicks, 203

New Deal. See Emergency Conservation Work (ECW) Act; Indian New Deal

“New Indian History,” 2

New Mexico, 50–53, 189–91

New Mexico Association on American Indian Affairs, 98

Nez Perce, 68

Nicaragua, 193, 262 (n. 34)

Nisqually Nation, 6, 143–45

NIYC. See National Indian Youth Council

No Heart, 36–38

Non-Intercourse and Trade Act, 195–96

Noriega, Manuel, 262 (n. 33)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 85, 87

North Carolina, 75, 107–10

North Dakota, 36–38, 64

Northern Cheyenne, 176

Nuclear age, 83–88

Nuclear Waste Policy Act, 215

Obama, Barack, 203, 230, 259 (n. 28)

Office of Economic Opportunity, 99

Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 217

Oglala Lakota, 103

Oglala Nation, 163, 170

Oglala Sioux, 257 (nn. 43, 46)

Oil, 26, 84, 231–32, 242–44

Ojibwe, 10

Okanoga, 68

Oklahoma, War on Poverty in, 2–3

Oklahoma City, 56

Oklahoma Territory, 19, 169

Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe, 155

Omaha Dance, 254 (n. 39). See also Dance

O’Mahoney, Joseph, 81–82, 257 (n. 34)

Omak Colville District Association, 68

Oneida, 6, 45, 46

Onondaga, 6, 45, 46

Oregon, 68, 97

Osage, 6, 226–29

Osage Mineral Estate, 226–29

Paiute, 97, 149

Pamlico, 108

Panama, 177, 262 (n. 33)

Paris Peace Conference, 34–35, 254 (n. 34)

Parker, Arthur C., 27–31

Parker, Deborah, 237–38

Parks, Rosa, 141

Passamaquodies, 155

Patriotism, 78–79

Pawnee, 203

Pearl, Alex, 239–41

Penobscot, 155

Peoples Climate March, 204

Peratrovich, Elizabeth, 78–79

Peratrovich, Roy, 78–79

Peterson, Helen, 103–6

Peyote, 192–94

Phoenix, 56

Pick-Sloan Plan, 80–82

Picunis, 6

Pine Ridge, 6, 89–92, 154, 235, 242

Pine Tree Hill, 196

Pity, 34

Plenary power, 19

Plutonium, 214

Poafpybitty, Fran, 125

Ponca, 6, 128, 142

Poor People’s Campaign, 99, 139, 146–47, 149–51, 157

Positionality, 1

Postcolonial refusal, 128

Poverty: civil rights and, 98–99; Poor People’s Campaign and, 99, 139, 146–47, 149–51

Power, 165

Prairie Island Indian Community, 210

Progressivism, 27

Prue, Oliver, 64–67

Public Law 280, 97, 101, 107, 133–38, 170

Pueblo, 39, 50–53, 115, 189–91, 254 (n. 49)

Puyallup, 6, 143, 148

Queen Lili‘uokalani, 13–18, 15, 218, 252 (n. 10), 252 (n. 16)

Racism: civil rights and, 111–14; class and, 146–48; education and, 150. See also Discrimination

Rape, 237–38

Reagan, Ronald, 199, 222, 262 (n. 34)

Red Power, 3, 157, 160, 180

Reflexivity, 1, 5

“Reign of Terror,” 163–66

Religion. See Dance; Spiritual freedom

Religious freedom. See Spiritual freedom

Relocation, 112–13, 258 (n. 18)

Remains, human, 203, 207–9. See also Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)

Renewable energy, 204

Republic of Hawai‘i, 16, 17. See also Hawai‘i

Research, anthropological, 203, 207–9

Resurrection City, 149

Revisionism, 2

Rice, Harold F., 217

Rice v. Cayetano, 217

“Right of Conquest,” 17

Roberts, W. O., 90

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 55, 256 (n. 24)

Roosevelt, Theodore, 9, 252 (n. 1)

Rosebud Delegation, 67

Rosebud Sioux, 6, 35, 234–36

Rosier, Paul, 4

Russell, Angela, 139–42

St. Regis, 6

Sanchez, Marie, 176–79

Sandia, 6

Sandinistas, 193, 262 (n. 34)

Sandoval, Albert, 70–74

Sandoval case, 255 (n. 49)

“Sandwich Islands,” 252 (n. 10). See also Hawai‘i

San Francisco Peak, 265 (n. 37)

San Ildefonso, 6, 39

San Juan, 6, 39

Santa Ana, 6

Santa Clara Pueblo, 6, 39, 115

Santee Sioux, 6

Santo Domingo, 6

Schenck, Alberta, 257 (n. 29)

School, 52, 62–63, 150–51

SCLC. See Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Scott, James C., 3

Seaton, Fred, 111–14

Seattle, 56

Segregation, 78–79

Self-determination: in 1990s, 199–201; assimilation and, 57; Cherokee Nation and, 199–201; by Choctaw, 75–77; commerce clause and, 103–6; National Congress of American Indians and, 4; National Indian Youth Council and, 128–29; Senate Joint Resolution 4 and, 103–6; sovereignty and, 216–20; termination and, 154–55; treaty rights and, 121–22; War on Poverty and, 99. See also Civil rights

Sells, Cato, 36, 60

Selma march, 99, 139–42

Seminoles, 189

Seminole Tribe v. Florida, 203

Senate Bill 344, 216–20

Senate Joint Resolution 4, 103–6

Seneca, 27, 45, 46, 103

Serving Their Country (Rosier), 4

Shirley, Jim, 70–74

Shoshone, 204

Sioux, 6, 35, 36, 168, 234–36, 257 (nn. 43, 46)

Six Nation Council, 48

Six Nations, 6, 45–49, 160–62

Slavery, 21–22

Smith, Paul Chaat, 1, 2, 3

Snake, Reuben, 192–94

Snyder, Homer, 40

Society of American Indians (SAI), 27

South America, 185

South Carolina, 195–98

South Dakota, 55, 64

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 139

Southern Paiute, 97

Southwest Regional Indian Youth Council (SWRIYC), 98

Sovereignty: American Indian Movement and, 154, 168–71, 180, 184; Bayonet Constitution and, 13; Bureau of Indian Affairs and, 253 (n. 29); casinos and, 189–91, 203; citizenship and, 10; Declaration of Indian Purpose and, 120–23; energy and, 205, 245, 265 (n. 39); fishing rights and, 143–45; in Hawai‘i, 13–18; Hopi, 83–88; Idle No More movement and, 204; Iroquois, 45–49; jurisdiction and, 237; Kennewick Man and, 207–9; language and, 256 (n. 18); Longest Walk and, 180; Public Law 280 and, 97; self-determination and, 216–20; sterilization and, 176–79; termination and, 101; women’s rights and, 176–79

Spain, 50–53

Spiritual freedom, 28, 50–53, 192–94

Spokane, 68

Spotted Eagle, Faith, 242–44, 244, 249

Standing Rock Sioux, 6, 36, 168

Sterilization, of women, 176–79, 182

Stevens, John L., 17, 252 (n. 14)

Students, 98. See also Education

Students for a Democratic Society, 165, 261 (n. 15)

Subjection, 252 (n. 1)

Sun dances, 37

SWRIYC. See Southwest Regional Indian Youth Council

Symbionese Liberation Army, 165, 261 (n. 15)

Taholah, 68

“Talented Tenth,” 27

Taos, 6, 39, 41–43, 52, 154, 245

Taxes, 43

Termination: civil rights and, 97–98, 153; National Congress of American Indians and, 93–96, 101–2; relocation and, 112–13, 258 (n. 18); self-determination and, 154–55

Termination Act, 170

Tesuque Pueblo, 6, 39, 189

Texas, 97

Thom, Mel, 149

Thomas, Robert K., 124, 125

Three Affiliated Tribes, 80–82, 257 (n. 37)

Tlingit, 6, 78–79

Tonawanda, 6

Trail of Broken Treaties, 154, 160

Trail of Tears, 169

Treaty abrogation, 19, 131, 174, 183, 188, 200

Treaty of Cusseta, 252 (n. 19)

Treaty of Fort Laramie, 37, 80, 168, 243, 254 (n. 37)

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 39, 254 (n. 43)

Treaty of Ruby Valley, 204, 263 (n. 5)

Treaty of Washington (1855), 207, 210

Treaty rights, 55, 57, 103–6, 121–22, 144, 154, 168, 169, 210, 253 (n. 29)

Tribal jurisdiction, 97, 101, 107, 138, 144, 155, 174, 237, 239

Tribal Law and Order Act, 203

Trudell, John, 163–66

Truman, Harry S., 83–88

Trust Fund Reform Act, 223

Trust relationship, 39, 93, 97, 115, 195, 216, 255 (n. 49)

Tsoodził, 265 (n. 37)

Tulalip, 6, 237

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 1, 2

Tuscarora, 6, 45, 46, 108

Twenty Points, 154, 160, 261 (n. 5)

Twiss, Hattie, 89–92

Udall, Stewart, 146

Uintah-Ouray Ute, 97

Umatilla, 6, 207–9

Unimak Island, 56

United Kingdom, 45–49

United Nations (UN), 142, 154, 170, 172, 179, 203, 204, 218

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 172

University campuses, 98. See also Education

University of Chicago, 115–19

University of Colorado, 98, 259 (n. 26). See also Workshop on American Indian Affairs

Uranium, 210

Utah, 97

Ute, 97

Violence Against Women Act, 203, 237–38

Walker, Tillie, 146–48, 148, 149

Walker River Paiute, 6, 149

Warm Springs, 68

WARN. See Women of All Red Nations

War on Poverty, 2–3, 98–99, 259 (n. 29)

Warrior, Clyde, 125, 128–32, 142

Warrior, Robert, 3

Washington, D.C., 184

Watkins, Arthur V., 101

Weathermen, 261 (n. 15)

Western Shoshone, 204

“Which One Are You?” (Warrior), 128

White Bull, George, 64–67, 256 (n. 13)

White House Tribal Nations Conference, 203

Whites, 164–65

Wilkie, Bruce, 125, 126–27, 260 (n. 30)

Wilkinson, Charles, 256 (n. 18)

Wilson, Dickie, 163

Wilson, Woodrow, 10–11

Wisconsin, 97

Women: sterilization of, 176–79, 182; violence against, 237–38

Women of All Red Nations (WARN), 153, 176

Working Group on Indigenous Populations (United Nations), 154

Workshop on American Indian Affairs, 98, 124–27, 125

World War I, 10–11, 27, 32–33, 37; citizenship and, 39; military service in, 10, 22, 31, 35, 39; Paris Peace Conference and, 254 (n. 34)

World War II, 56, 78, 83, 211–12

Wounded Knee, 160

Wounded Knee Massacre, 257 (n. 45)

Yakama, 6, 68, 208, 210–15

Yankton, 6, 242–43

Yavapai, 32

Youth movement, 98

Zia, 6