
Note: tables are indicated by locators in bold and figures are indicated by locators in italics.

Able, Vanessa 281

academic librarians 392396

academic titles 65, 72, 340; promotion of 389391; publishing costs 70

academics: inspection copies 389, 390, 391; promotion of textbooks to 385389; research 388, 392; role of 388; textbooks, change of 389390

accountants 422

acronyms 320324

advance information sheets (AIs) 19, 81, 9698, 429

advance notices (ANs) 9699, 125, 429

advance title information (ATI) 125

advertising 4, 109, 111112, 125; above/below the line 429; classified 111; colours 354; direct response 353, 435; discount 77; educational press 408409; ‘free advertising’ 257; internet 109; magazines/newspapers 344, 353; radio 112; semi-display ads 111; space/layout 353; ‘spot colour’ 354; television/cinema 112; typeface 353; see also advertorials; events; exhibitions; free publicity; marketing materials; promotional parties

advertorials 111, 429

affinity marketing 429

AID(C)A (attract, interest, desire, conviction, action) 320321

airport bookshops 6, 122, 248

Amazon 70, 71, 156; Goodreads and 250251

Anderson, Chris 84

answers 429

antiquarian books 164165

Apple: App Store 86, 244; iPad 85, 87; marketing principles 5

approval staircase 174, 205n3, 430

apps 25, 244, 430; children’s 85, 370371; see also Touch Press; WhatsApp

Arnold, Sue 83

arrears (dues) 435

artwork 430

Ashman, Peter 3234

audiobooks 2627, 8184, 418

authors 430; academic 43, 95; bookshops and 153; branding 17, 30; case studies 250253, 289292; children’s books 373374; earnings 287; ego 284285; feedback 288; fees 269, 282n8, 289, 290; free publicity 77; information about 40, 102, 274275, 337; interviews 250253, 269, 273276; launching 67; literary festivals 309311; market research and 45, 46, 68; marketing 4, 30, 38, 4041, 117, 168, 283, 288; marketing department and 284; media coverage 257258; meeting 373374; online involvement 248249; pseudonyms 291; public lending right 383384; publicity/publicity forms 76, 95, 116, 287; publishers and 283284, 293294; royalties 70, 90n2, 444; self-publishing 45, 68, 71, 283284, 288; signing sessions 68, 310311; social isolation 285; social media 250251; tours 258, 305, 377; websites 288; working with 287288

Ayrton, Pete 56

B2B (business-to-business) 181, 259, 430

B2C (business-to-consumer) 220, 221, 431

B2G (business-to-government) 431

backlist 104, 122, 132, 158, 431; children’s books 372, 374; Grub Street 166, 168; promotions 64, 73, 173; self-publishing 71

Baker, Michael J. xixxxi

barcode 431

Bartle, Bogle and Hegarty 323

Bartlett, Michael 8184

benefits 120, 321322, 329, 431

Berry, Kit 289292

Betty’s Reading Room, Orkney 384385

binding 66, 441; saddle stitching 444

Bitly 212, 232, 243

blad 431

Blake, Alison 174, 177, 184

Blake, John 266

blawgs 425, 431

bleed 431

bloggers 20, 167168, 226228

blogosphere 377, 431

blogs 249, 250, 253, 431; blawgs 425, 431; Game of Thrones and 246, 247; online marketing 224226; professional market 425; templates 224, 225; writing 225, 248

Bloomsbury: Book Club 314; Institute 313315; Publishing 313315, 362

blurb 39, 40, 96, 101, 102, 431; disentangling long/difficult 337340

BMJ 3234

Boden 335

body copy 265, 324, 343, 353, 431

book clubs 32, 123; Bloomsbury 314; discounts 70; editions for 28; negative option 440; Richard and Judy 260, 281n3; school 372

book fairs 26, 116, 156, 158, 159, 315; international 378, 444; school 372, 374

book launches see promotional parties

Book People, The 371

book publishing courses: Kingston University 43, 226; textbooks xx 134; see also Inside Book Publishing (Clark and Phillips); Ooligan Press

BookMachine 128, 217, 220221

books 2324; antiquarian 164165; book club editions 28; ‘crossover titles’ 370; English language titles 6; facsimile 164165; hardback 2425; limited editions 24; own-brand editions 28, 371; paperback 25; print-on-demand 6; remainder sales 2829; reviews 257; self-published 67; special sales 28; ‘universal format’ 2324; see also academic titles; children’s books; ebooks; format; inspection copies

Bookseller, The 267268

bookshops 78, 45; academic textbooks 389; airport 6, 122, 248; children’s books 372; closures 372; independent 90n2, 153; seasonal promotions 72; selling to 153; visiting 11

Boorman, Elaine 198202

Borders 222

Borough Press 255

bottom line 431

bounce rate 432

Bowker 7, 125

Brandguild 367368

brands 1617, 432; branded items 109, 372; licensing 370; management 209, 291; organisational 365369; partnerships 371; public perception 45; publishers as 2930; rebranding 366369; social media and 209, 212, 221

break-even 432

Brewster, Beth 261, 262, 263

British Medical Association (BMA) 32

British Medical Journal, The 32, 33

bromide 432

budget 432; see also marketing budget

bullet point 432

bundling 66, 71, 396

business markets 65; information resources 65, 66; see also professional markets

buyer 432

call to action 216, 218, 240, 241, 432

Calliope Gifts 222224

Cambridge Dictionaries Online 245

Cambridge English Teacher 244

Cambridge University Press 243245

camera-ready copy (crc) 432, 434

card deck 432

cased edition 432

catalogues 39, 42, 75, 103106, 125; academic 106, 107; covers 105; illustrations 106; last minute entries 106; layout 105; major titles 104; ordering mechanisms 104105; schools and 403405

CD ROM 432

Central Books 19

centred type 433

Chang, Jung 309

character 433

character licensing 370, 373

Châtel (France): book set 8990; sales proposition, creating 8990

Cheshire labels 433

Chesterton, G.K. 327

children: apps for 85, 370371; education 397398; library usage 379; literacy 31; market research and 57; meeting authors 373374; social media and 376377; see also children’s books; Reading Force; schools

children’s books: backlist promotion 374; book fairs 378; branded items 371, 372; co-edition deals 378; digital products 369, 370; educational 373; exporting 378; free publicity 376378; long tail backlist 374; marketing 369, 376378; marketing difficulties 374376; new formats 370371; nostalgia market 334, 372, 374; packaging 372; price-sensitivity 375; publishing opportunities 370374; school books 372; selling locations 371372; vocabulary 374375; websites and 373, 376

Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS) 203

Christmas market 72, 83, 152, 223, 300, 373, 375

Clark, Giles and Phillips, Angus 132142

Cleave, Chris 250253

closed market 433

coated paper 433

Coday, Dennis 447

Coker, Mark 86

Collins, Suzanne 370

colour separations 433

commissioning meeting 95

competitive advantage 433

competitive differentials 433

CompletelyNovel 239241

conferences 378, 406407; medical 416, 417; press 305; see also sales conferences

content media see blogs; email; websites

controlled circulation 433

cookies 219, 433

cooperative mailing 433

COPAC 394, 428n19

COPE (coherence, objectives, planning, execution) 214215

Cope, Wendy 103

copy 128129, 316317, 343344, 433; acronyms 320324; basic principles 318320; benefits/selling points 329; blurbs, disentangling 337340; direct marketing and 177183; editing 328329; endorsements 331332; grammar 319; guarantees 335; headlines 335337; humour 333; ideas 334335; illustrations 330; language 324327, 333334; learning about 320; negative, using/avoiding 332333; patronising the reader 332; personalising 328; presenting/defending 340341; quotations 330; repetition 333; rules 317318; sentence length 324, 327; space/visual variety 329330; storytelling 327328; testimonials 330331; titles, not understanding 337; writing techniques 316341

Costa Book Awards 102, 250

CPD (continuing professional development) 29, 418, 419420

Creative Commons 433

Crimson Cats 8184

cromalin proofs see digital proofs

Crompton, Alastair 336

‘crossover titles’ 370

Crow, Justine 325326

crowd-sourcing 80, 214, 434

Curtis-Kogakovic, Susan 1820

customer lifetime value 62, 190, 434

customer relationship management (CRM) 18, 171

customer services 115, 130, 132, 244, 294, 295, 355; online forms and 185

customers 78, 9; building relationships with 148150; buying behaviour 146148; feedback 45, 8586, 87, 104, 193, 207, 218, 295; product price 1011; professional buyers 146; see also Nielsen Book Services; specific interest markets; students; teachers

cut-out 102, 159, 186, 434

Daly, Claire 314

dashboard 434

database marketing 174, 181, 185, 434; see also Reading Force

database publishing 434

databases 125

Daunt Books 19

Davies, John 165

de Botton, Alain 276

dentists/dental care professionals 419420

design 342343; good design 343; promotional text 343344; see also designers; jackets; marketing materials

designers 344346; amendments 349350; appreciation of 351; briefing 346347; budget 348; completion date 349; correction bills 351; house style 348; illustrations 349; information needed by 347349; job progression 350351; managing without 352354; proofreading 350351; viewpoint349–50; working with 347349

desktop publishing 434

Devani, Eela 314

die-cutting 434

digital marketing 41, 42, 68, 84; case study 245248

digital printing 354355

digital proofs 434

direct costs 434435

direct mail 171, 178, 179, 333, 426; response rates 172, 426; see also Reading Force

direct marketing 42, 43, 170171, 435; addressee 181; audience 174175; brochure 182183; business-to-business 181; campaign essentials 172173; case study 196205; checklist 195; copy platform 177183; design services 188; despatch system 188189; direct mail 171, 172, 178, 179; direct promotion 173; direct response 173; freepost 184, 186, 189; fulfilment services 191193; inclusions 187188; information gathering 185; L-shaped cards 184; loyalty cards 171; mailing costs 188189, 190191; media and 175176; monitoring methods 189191; offers 175; plans 173174; postage and packing 192193; principles 171; print 172173; response devices 183188; response tips 185187; returns 193; telemarketing 193195; testing 189190; timing 176177

Direct Marketing Association (DMA) 172, 184

direct response advertising 320, 353, 435

direct selling 36, 144145

disintermediarisation 29, 435

display type 435

distributors 19, 20

Doctorow, Cory 71

doctors 417418; case study 416417; communicating with 411416; conferences 416, 417; CPD materials 418, 421; emails to 412413; leaflets and 412; mailing lists 412, 413; marketing materials 413416; marketing to 410411; online materials 421; timing of promotion 416

Dolamore, Anne 165169

Dollin, Nigel 355

Downer, Philip 222224

Drabble, Margaret 284

dues (arrears) 435

dump-bins 109, 153, 435

duotone 435

ebooks 6, 25, 32, 56, 418; access costs 387; discounts 70; free downloads 86; publishing costs 6566, 69; textbooks 398

e-content licensing 387

editors: advance notice writing 97; blurb writing 96, 100, 337338; commissioning 37, 95, 284, 410; editorial/marketing relationship 3743, 160, 406, 407; literary 271273; review 269270

education: funding models 385386; model of delivery 386387; online learning 387; textbook model 387

educational market 65, 66, 147148; changes in 397399; children’s publishers 373; digital delivery 398399; digital materials 397; how to reach 403409; inspection copies and 273; marketing approach preparation 400402; public examinations 399; publishers’ contact with 400; school budgets 3993400; selling to 3963409; textbooks and 389391; university academics 385389

educational press 408409

EFL (English as a Foreign Language) 409, 435

ELT (English Language Teaching)243–5, 409410, 435

email: advantages of 229; case study 232234; doctors 412413; ESP services 230, 231; how to write 231232; journalists 277278; mass mailing systems 233, 234; online marketing 221, 229232; response rates 426; school mailing lists 404; shared mailings 404405; subject lines 335; teachers 405; Toddle template 233

embargo 435

English Grammar in Use 244

EPOS (electronic point of sale) 435

ESL (English as a Second Language) 409, 435

ESP (Emotional Selling Proposition) 323

EU Culture Fund 18

events 29, 377; audience 297, 298; author tours 305; case study 313315; context 297; feedback 299; organisational meetings 300; preparing for 297300; press conferences 305; promotional parties 302305; sales conferences 300302; slides, use of 299; time available 298; timing 315; title launches 302305; venues for 312313; what to wear 2992300; see also BookMachine; exhibitions; literary festivals; promotional parties

exhibitions 311, 378, 406407

export market 155157; case study 157161; children’s books 378; see also international markets

extent 436

FAB (features, advantages, benefits) 321322

Faber & Faber 17, 29

Facebook 4, 124, 177, 208, 236, 253254; author’s views on 250; brands and 221; Cambridge University Press 244245; children and 376; CompletelyNovel 239241; online marketing and 211, 212, 220; Ooligan Press case study 236238; self-publishing and 210

Fachbuchhandlung für Faksimiles164–5

facsimile books 164165

Farmer, Sue 151152

Farmiloe, Tim 126

FE (further education) 436

features 436

festivals: temporary 154; see also literary festivals

financial services 422, 425

finishing 355; see also binding

firm sale 67, 145, 436

Fisk, Robert 447

flush (justified) left 436

flush (justified) right 436

Focal Press 38

font 436

Food Illustrated 166

format 25, 27, 28, 436; A format paperback 6; bundling 66; limp (C format) 66, 439; reformatting 66

Frankfurt Book Fair 444

Franklin, Andrew 310

Freda, Clare 398399, 406

free publicity 77, 257258; author interviews 273276; book trade events 377; children’s books 376377; events sponsorship 377; inspection copies 273; journalists and 260263, 276281; literary editors 271273; literary prizes 377; local initiatives 377; media, dealing with 258260; press releases 263269; promotional links 377; review lists 269271; social media 376377; see also advertising; advertorials

‘free advertising’ 257

freelance staff 295296; designers 342, 344346; relationship with 296

freemium 8081, 436

French, Margaret 387, 390, 394

friends (social media) 436

Game of Thrones 245248

Ganley, Anna 368

general reader 363366

gifts: free 186, 272, 298, 377; gift appeal 55, 56; gifting market 2425, 28, 56, 371, 372, 373; see also Calliope Gifts

Gombrich, Ernst 343

Goodreads 237, 251252

Google 7, 219, 245, 254; Analytics 221

Google+ 212, 237, 255

Gordon, Hattie 196197, 202

Green, Toby 97, 98

Greene and Heaton 240

Grub Street 165169

Guardian 83, 102, 167, 281, 318

Hachette Children’s Publishing 110

half-life 436

half-tone 436437

Halls, Meryl 372

Hancocks, Stephen 419420

hand-selling 161, 207, 437

hard copy 437

HarperCollins 17, 83, 245248, 255, 437

Harry Potter series 271, 370, 375, 376

hashtags 214, 229, 241, 242, 243, 246, 437; campaigns 255

HE (higher education) 388, 437; funding 386; internationalisation 387; ‘massification’ 385

headline 437

healthcare market 410411; see also dentists/dental care professionals; doctors

Heaney, Seamus 85

Hegarty, John 323

Henningsgaard, Per 236238

heritage organisations 154

Herrmann International 149, 150

Hertfordshire libraries 379

Hodder, Clare 32

Hopkins, Claude 333

Horne, Alastair 243245

house ad 437

house style 348, 437

Hunt, Matthew 213

Hybert Design 343

Hybert, Kate 343

hype 437

Impress Print Services Ltd 357

impression 437

imprint 437

in print 438

in-house/out-of house work 437

indent 437

independent publishers 17, 1820, 75, 165169

information managers 387, 394395, 396

initial situation analysis: macro-environment 121; marketing plan and 120123; micro-environment 121; PESTLE 121, 122123; SWOT 121, 122

insert/loose insert 438

Inside Book Publishing (Clark and Phillips) 132142

insight hypothesis 4647

inspection copies 41, 42, 43, 104, 106, 273, 438; academics and 389; ‘on approval’ 183, 392, 408, 438; teachers 273, 407408

Instagram 210, 212, 254

integrated marketing communications (IMC) 1718, 41

international markets 409410

International Publisher of the Year (2000) 165

internet: access 123; advertising 109; mobile access 254; see also email; online marketing; social media; websites

Isaacson, Walter 44

ISBN 67, 53, 438

ISDN 438

ISSN 438

Istros Books 1820

jacket rough 438

jackets 438; author information 102; back cover blurb 101; book title 100; cover brief 39; layout of text 102103; librarians and 381, 383; online marketing 39; product promotion and 125; shout/strap line 100101

James, Clive 248249

Jobs, Steve 44

Joel, Jennifer 253

John Dollin Printing Services Ltd 355

Johnson, Paula 271

Jones, Paul 357

Jones, Sue 379

Journal of Marketing Management xx

journalists 260263; emails to 277278; literary editors 271273; phone calls to 278280; press liaison 30; promotional parties 302, 303, 304305; PRs and 261, 262; selling ideas to 276281; see also press conferences; press coverage; press releases; review lists; reviews

Juckes, Sarah 239241

junk mail 172, 229, 414

Junor, John 262

justified type 438

Kennedy, Jo 350

Kennedy, Niall 3743

Killick, Ruth 259, 261, 276, 281

Kingsley, Mary 9798

Kingston University: blog 226; Publishing MA 43

Kipling, Rudyard 97

KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) 324

Klein, Naomi 386

Kogan Page xiv, xviii, 135

Kotler, P. et al. 5, 146, 152

lamination 438

landscape 438

lawyers 422, 424, 425

learning resource centre (LRC) 392393

Lee, Jeremy 307

Leech, Helen 381383

leisure outlets 155

Leonardo da Vinci 208

Lessig, Lawrence 31

letterpress 439

Leverhulme, William Lever, 1st Viscount 211

librarians: academic 392396; medical 421422; public 378381; publishing information and 380381

libraries 154; academic 392396; case study 381383; public 378383; publishers and 381383

licences: character 370, 373; collective 27, 32; e-content 387; short-term reprint 27; see also copyright; rights

lift letter 439

limp (C format) 439

line work 439

list 439

literacy 31, 377; organisations 377

literary agents 4, 85, 113, 161, 240, 291

literary editors 271273

literary festivals 30, 258, 305308; authors and 29, 284, 309311, 373; publisher collaboration with 306308; Times Cheltenham Literature Festival 308309

literary fiction 439

literary prizes 102, 311312, 377

litho (lithographic) 354, 355, 356, 439

Little, Brown Book Group 157161

Little, Fiona 401

logo 83, 291292, 348, 369, 439

long tail 374

Lovell, Nick 88

Lyall, Gavin 102

Macaro, Antonia 332

McArt, Simon 157161

McCartney, Linda 24

McCartney, Sir Paul 24

McCrum, Jo 70

McKay, Robert 423, 426

MailChimp 234

mailing lists 128, 190, 223, 230; analysis 118; authors 291; auto-response 430; deleting names 415; doctors 412, 413; mass-mailing 233, 234; nixies 440

mailshots 106, 124, 127, 173, 178183; analysis/records 231; costs 191; fundraising 71; medical case study 416417; the PS 180, 329; reading 180, 329, 344, 417; returns 415, 417

Mansfield, Katherine 84

Mantel, Hilary 208

mark up 439

market analysis organisations 49

market insight 4647, 59

market intelligence 47, 59

market research 4748; budget 68; case studies 5960, 362363; commissioning 52; ‘desk’ research 4849; freelance staff 296; marketing plan 118119; online questionnaires 52; primary research 5052; publishers 4445; qualitative 50; quantitative 5051; questions to ask 118119; secondary research 4850; self-publishing 45; syndicated 5357; uses 4546, 5758

Market Research Society 47

market segmentation see segmentation

market share 439

marketing 38; checklists 812; customers’ needs 9; editorial relationship 3743; meaning of 5; personnel 3637; place 12; price 1011; principles 5, 362; product 10, 2223; promotion 1112, 13; strategy 1112; timing 12; see also direct marketing; online marketing; specific interest markets; telemarketing

marketing budget: allocation 129130; cash flow management 7879; categories of expenditure 6264; contingency amount 64; core costs 63; costings 68, 6970, 7071; development costs 6566; discount negotiation 77; drawing up 6264; financial support 7981; free publicity 77; freemium 8081; funding models 8081; individual titles 63; making it go further 7477; market research 68; monitoring 71, 7374; product prices 68; profit margins 65; publishing lifecycle process 6667; retaining 81; return on investment 6162; ‘smaller’ titles 64; sponsorship 7980; timing of expenditure 7273, 75; variable factors 6568

marketing information 95112; advance information 9699; advance notices 9699; announcement 9596; catalogues 103106; commissioning meeting 95; dump-bins 109; jacket/cover copy 100102; leaflets/flyers 106108; point-of-sale items 109; posters 108109; radio/TV/cinema 112; space advertising 109, 111; website entry 99

marketing initiatives 29

marketing materials 153; advertisements 353; brochures 71, 76, 108, 124, 182183; children’s titles 376; clarity 352353; cost of 74, 76; design 76, 188, 342343; design job progression 350351; designers 344351; dump-bins 109; flyers 106, 108, 436; impact/impression 129130, 352354; layout/dissemination of 342348; leaflets 106, 108; managing without a designer 352354; medical 413416; online presentation of 145; posters 109; printers/printing 354358; promotional text 343344; proofreading 351352; reading promotional text 343344; schools 403405; visual variety 353; see also catalogues

marketing mix 12

marketing plan 4, 4142, 113142; budget allocation 129130; case study 132142; checklist 132; communicating 130131; evaluating results 131132; formulating 124; implementation 131; in-house communication 130131; individual titles 126129; initial situation analysis 120123; market research 118120; marketing basics 124126; monitoring of 131; objectives 123; product research 115118; product/service benefits 120; promotional mix 13, 4142; SMART objectives 123; strategy 124

marketing strategy 124

Markkula, Mike 5

Martin, George R.R. 245

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 7

maven 439

measure 439

media coverage 257; authors and 257258; contacts and 259260; journalists and 260262; media agencies and 260, 269; news agencies and 260; timing 258259

media planning 127128, 175176

merchandise 439

merchandising 439440; character licensing 373; cross-merchandising 373; rights 3031, 291; trademarks 291292

metadata 440

metrics: email campaigns 42, 231; website usability 103

Meyer, Stephenie 370

Midas PR 266, 272, 274

Millington, Roger 181, 328

Minecraft 370

Mintel 49, 370

Miradorus 148150, 151

Mixpanel 221

Mollison, Craig 384385

monograph 440

Mulliken, Tony 272, 274

National Centre for Research in Children’s Literature 379

National Children’s Book Week 377

National Literacy Trust 377

negative option 440

net 440

Net Book Agreement (NBA) 71, 169n1, 440

news agencies 260

newsletters 75, 125, 199, 213, 223, 230, 291; case study 233234, 235; libraries 379, 382, 383; sign-up forms 230

niche markets 36, 66, 152153, 422423, 424; print on demand 442

niche publishers 24, 165169

Nielsen Book Services 6, 5354, 5455, 125

nix(ies) 440

non-retail outlets 371372

nostalgia market 334, 370, 372, 374

Nosy Crow 85, 370371

O’Brien, Breda 447

off-site staff 294295, 296; see also freelance staff

O’Flynn, Catherine 102

Ogilvy, David 111, 321, 324, 330331, 343

Onatade, Ayo 226227, 228

ONIX for books 39

online 440; directories 223; gaming 365, 370

online marketing 75, 206255; advantages 207208; author case study 250253; author involvement 248249; bloggers/blogging 224228; case studies 220224; core principles 208213; email 221, 229235; future of 253255; key elements 213214; offline selling and 222224; push to pull shift 207208; social media 210, 211, 212, 213, 220, 238238; strategy 209211; websites 215219

Ooligan Press 236238

open access 34, 388, 440441

open-ended questions 440

ordering 47, 74, 7879, 153; coding an order form 187, 192; direct marketing 170171, 173, 183188; direct orders 78; forms 76, 108, 187, 192; mechanisms 104105; online 36, 54, 145; payment facilities 215, 339, 417; pre-orders 72, 86, 209, 214, 391; ‘top-up’ orders 47

organisational meetings 300

Orion 291

Orkney reading room 384385

over-run 441

overs 441

own-brand editions 28, 371

Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies 135

Oxford University Press (OUP) 135, 334

ozalid 441

Page, Stephen 31

Palgrave Macmillan 32

Palmer, Dee 82, 84

Palmer, Jessica 232234, 235

Pareto’s Law 213, 256n7

Parker, Cornelia 338

Paul, Korky 334

Paxman, Jeremy 260

Penguin Books 29, 254, 366, 429

perfect binding 441

Perkins, Samantha 132142

PESTLE analysis 121, 122123

Pfeiler, Anton 164165

Phalippou, Jérôme 89

Phillips, Angus 132, 134, 135, 136, 137

Pike, Eleanor 37, 38, 4043

Pinterest 177, 210, 212, 220, 254, 255

PMT (photo mechanical transfer) 432, 441

podcasts 6, 441

point of sale 109, 110, 153, 441

point system 441

portrait 441

positioning 1314, 119, 120, 347, 441

post 442

Powell, Jenny 151

presenters 108

press conferences 305

press coverage 49, 79; food press 166167; literary prizes 312; planning 259

press liaison 30

press releases 260, 263269, 333; exclusive 268269; headlines 265, 266, 267; images, tips for 267268; literary editors and 271273; role of 263264; sample 266; structure 265, 266; supporting quotes 267; trade press and 267268; writing 264265, 274275

Prictor, Betty 384385

print on demand (POD) 6, 84, 153, 442

print run 27, 442; academic texts 65; costings 6970; marketing materials 355; research monographs 392

printers/printing 354358; CMYK print work 357; commissioning 354; costs 355; delivery methods 355; digital printing 354355; estimates 355357; information required by 355356; litho 354, 355, 356; methods 354; order confirmation 355; problems after delivery 358; proofs, types of 357358; run-on (r/o) price 356; screen printing 354

Prior, Joanna 261

pro forma invoice 442

product: definition 2223; price 1011, 68

production costs 65, 68, 6970, 191; bundling of formats 66; ebook publishing 6566; publisher overheads 65; reformatting 66

professional markets 422425; blogs/blawgs 425; formats 424, 425428; information resources 65, 66; market leaders 424; marketing materials 426427; requirements 424425; retailers 171; subscription 26; writing style 427

profile 442

progressive proofs 442

promotional mix 13

promotional parties 302305, 313; follow up 304305; invitations 303; journalists 302, 303, 304305; media coverage 302; photographs 303, 305; refreshments 304; speeches 304; timing 303

promotional text see copy; marketing materials

promotions 13, 73, 442; competitions 111; free gifts 186, 272, 298, 377; offers 175; price 186, 244; seasonal 72, 83, 152, 223, 300, 373, 375; see also promotional parties

proofreading 351352, 442

proofs 357358

pseudonyms 17, 291

public lending right 383384

publication date 442

publicity see free publicity

publishers: authors and 283287, 293294; freelance staff 295296; libraries and 381383; literary festivals and 306308; market research and 4445; marketing of 2930; off-site staff 294295; overheads 65; service providers 292293; temporary staff 296; working with colleagues 293295; see also independent publishers; self-publishing

publishing: advice on 31; branding 1617; competition 6–8; costs 6970; financial structure 7071; integrated marketing communications 1718; market research 4445; marketing and 3–20; marketing checklists 8–12; relationship marketing 1820; sales and promotion 13; segmenting/ targeting/positioning 1316

Publishing Talk 139, 253

Publishing Training Centre 133, 138, 141

publishing-ese 326

Puffin 99, 369

Pullman, Philip 370

radio 2627, 30, 258; advertising 99, 111, 112, 260, 264, 265; interviews 273, 275

Random House 17; Century 83

Reading Agency 377, 378, 379, 383

reading copies 366, 442

Reading Force 1961205; database 198, 199; email 199; SMART objectives 201202; telemarketing 202205

Reading is Fundamental 377

reading room 384385

ReadySteadyBook 213

recommended retail price (RRP) 444

recto 443

Redmayne, Charlie xvi

Reed, Jon 109, 206, 253255

reference titles 65, 103, 391

reformatting 66

register 443

re-intermediarisation 395

relationship marketing 1820

release date 443

remainder 2829, 443

Rennoldson, James 314

repro 355, 443

resale price maintenance 443

response devices 183188, 443

retail price maintenance 67, 123, 144; see also Net Book Agreement (NBA)

retailers 154155, 379; children’s books 371372; discount 67, 70, 71; non-retail outlets 371372; online 154, 167; selling prices 6768; see also bookshops; supermarkets; superstores

retouching 443

return on investment (ROI) 6162, 443

returns 47, 78, 116, 191, 335, 443

retweet 443

reverse out 354, 443444

review copy 270, 271, 444

review lists 269271

review slip 270, 444

reviews 257; audiobooks 83; children’s books 376; educational press 408

Richard and Judy Book Club 260, 281n3

rights 444; merchandising 3031, 291; sales 23, 2627, 161163; translation 26, 168; see also copyright; licences

Robuchon, Joel 165

Roeschel, Dieter 164165

Roman 444

Routledge 3738, 43, 107, 133, 134135, 137

Rowling, J.K. 370

Royal National Institute for the Blind 378

royalties 70: 82, 90n2, 369, 444; see also public lending right

Rubin, Nicolas 89

run of paper 444

run-on costs 76, 356, 444

Rushmoor Borough Council 192, 196

saddle stitching 444

Sadler, Katie 245248

sale or return 67, 445

sales conferences 41, 103, 300302, 406; export sales 156, 158; guidelines 301302

sales development consultants 148150

sales proposition, creating 8990

sales representatives 77, 366, 405406

sales/selling 144169, 152157; antiquarian books 164165; bulk sales 28, 79, 105; buyer behaviour 146148; case studies 157161, 165169; communication tips 150152; customer relationships 148150; direct selling 144145, 163165; export market 155157; facsimile books 164165; home market 153155; individuals and 148150; rights sales 23, 2627, 161162; schools 147148; seasonal 72, 83, 152, 223, 300, 373, 375

schools: book fairs 372, 374; budgets 3993400, 403; digital delivery 398, 401; mailings to 403405; marketing to 400402; materials to send 403404; purchasing patterns 147148; sales reps and 405406; supplier 445; teacher support materials 401; see also teachers

Scott, David Meerman 211

screen printing 354, 445

search engine marketing (SEM) 445

search engine optimisation (SEO) 9495, 445

see safe 445

segmentation 1315, 41, 119; differentiated marketing 16; factors to consider 1516; undifferentiated marketing 16; yearbook case history 1415

self-mailer 445

self-publishing 6–7, 45, 71, 136, 283284, 288; marketing and 289290; social media and 210, 239241, 290291

serif, sans serif 445

Services Children in State Schools (SCISS) 198, 203

Seuss, Dr (Theodor Seuss Geisel) 324

Shaw, George Bernard 367

Shields, Carol 249

Shots (website) 226

show-rooming 223, 445

showthrough 348, 445

Shriver, Lionel 30, 56

Signature Book Representation (UK) 19

‘silent salespeople’ 126

Simenon, Georges 324

Simpkin, Claire 318

Sleight, Cathryn 17

SMART objectives 123, 201202

Smashwords 86

Smith, Zadie 249

Smyth, Sarah 308309

social bookmarking 254, 445; see also Pinterest

social media 124, 126, 208, 445446; blogs and 225; Cambridge University Press and 243245; disengaging from 249; email marketing and 230; free publicity 376377; images, use of 177; marketing 210, 211, 212, 213, 220, 253255, 446; optimal times 212; professional market 425; self-publishing and 210, 239241, 290291; students and 386; writing and 249253; see also Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter

social networking 446

Society of Authors, The 66, 70, 310, 366369

Solomon, Michael 148

Solomon, Nicola 366367, 368369

Sony Walkman 45

space advertising see advertising

spam 78, 172, 218, 232, 446

special sales 28, 79

specific interest markets 361428; academic libraries 392396; academic market 389391; case study 362363; children’s books 369378; current trends 364365; dentists/dental care professionals 419420; doctors 410418, 421; educational markets 3973409; general principles 362; general reader, finding 363366; healthcare professionals 410421; international educational markets 409410; medical librarians 421422; organisational brand and 365369; professional markets 422428; professional resources 392; public lending right 383385; public libraries 378383; research monographs 392; summary books/study aids 391; university academics 385389

specs 446

Spiers, Jane 384385

split infinitive 319, 446

Steinitz, Dominic 177

Stephen Hancocks Limited 419420

stock lists 63, 103, 105; seasonal 39, 125, 300; see also catalogues

Stokes, D. and Lomax, W. 5, 23, 93, 113, 120, 121

Stonewylde series 289292

Stotter, Mike 226

Strathclyde University xix

Straus, Peter 253

students: attitudes to education 386; book-buying resources 385, 390; degree, reduction in value of 388389; education delivery model 386387; international 387, 388; LRCs and 392393; numbers 385; social media 386; summary books/study aids 391; textbooks, availability of 390

subscribe 446

subscription 26, 33, 34, 35; promoting new journals 6667; services 49, 53

Sullivan, Andrew 320

summary books 391

Summers, Laura 128, 220221

supermarkets 28, 155, 161, 166, 371; direct marketing 171; discounts and 67, 70, 90n2; own-brand books 371

superstores 371, 373, 375

Surrey County Library Services 381383

Sweller, John 299

SWOT analysis 121, 122

syndicated market research 5357

tag line (strap line) 100, 446

targeting 13, 119

Taschen 24

teachers 397, 398; catalogues 404405; digital materials 397, 398399; emails to 405; inspection copies 273, 407408; league tables 398; marketing approach to 400402; series of titles 402; support materials 401; support mechanisms 408; telemarketing 407; trainee 408

TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) 409

telemarketing 193195, 403, 407, 446; AID(C)A 320321; call structure 178; case study 202205

terms 67, 145, 446

TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) 409, 447

Thema 9596

Thomas, Valerie 334

Thwaite, Mark 213215

Times Cheltenham Literature Festival 308309

tint 447

titles; choosing 100; classification 9596; copy information 337; launch parties 302305; marketing individual titles 126129; proposal stage 38

TOEFL 409, 447

Touch Press 8488

trade discount 67, 70, 71, 90n2, 271, 447

trademarks 291292

translation: literature in 1820; rights 26, 168

trim 447

trolling 213, 447

Tumblr 225, 237

Turner, Lynnette 97, 98

turnover 447

Twitter 124, 177, 229; business use 242243; case studies 239, 243248, 251; children and 376; marketing 211, 212, 220, 221, 242248; self-publishing 210; see also hashtags

Twyman, Michael 2324

type area 447

typeface 447

typescript 447

typo 447

Unilever 17

universities: collective licensing 27; distance learning 5960; publishing house see Ooligan Press; sales teams’ visits 41, 43; see also academic librarians; academic titles; academics; book publishing courses; HE (higher education); students

unjustified type 447

Unwin, Sir Stanley 3

upper/lower case 447

user-generated content 448

USP (Unique Selling Proposition) 322324

VAT (value added tax) 68

verso 448

video 31, 254, 398399

viral marketing 75, 161, 448

visual 448

Walker Books 369, 371

Walker, Sebastian 369

Walliams, David 370

Walters, Gary 307

Waterstones 137, 141, 222

Watt, Jane 248

Webb, Kaye 369

websites 9998, 125, 215219, 448; analytics 219, 221; authors and 288; case study 220221; catalogues 103; children’s books 373, 376; design/designers 221, 344; educational publishers 407; search engine optimisation 9495, 219; URL 447

weight of paper 448

Weir, Caroline and Robin 165

Weldon, Fay 340

WH Smith 222, 223, 281n3

WhatsApp 246, 448

wholesalers 70, 448

WIIFM? (What’s In It For Me?) 324

wiki 448

Wikipedia 23, 448

Wilkinson, Carl 305, 307

Williams, Tom 8488

Wilson, Bee 166

Wilson, Jacqueline 331, 373

Wilson, Kate 370371

work experience 296, 389

World Book Day 377

Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook, The 313, 314, 362363

Wurmser, Yory 172

yearbooks 1415, 72

young adult (YA) market 29, 289, 370

YouTube 4, 42, 86, 175, 237, 254