abacus, 68

Abba, Mohammed Bah, 257

Abe, Kobo: The Woman in the Dunes, 133, 238

abrasives, 235–37

acoustics, 47. See also sound

Adam, Zachary, 60

Adventure (ship), 114

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 266

aeolian sediment transport, 130–31, 146, 150, 151, 155–60, 278; Bagnold’s research, 12, 155–58, 157 fig. 28; Chinese dust storms, 169; climate change and, 293; dune formation/behavior and, 12, 35 fig. 6, 130–31, 158, 163–64; on Mars, 278–79, 280; physics of, 155–58, 157 fig. 28, 167; sandstorms, 158–59, 160–61, 169, 278–79; on Titan, 277; on Venus, 285; wind-formed sand ripples, 161–62, 162 fig. 30

aerogel, 260, 288

Afar Depression, 176–77, 179, 180

Agassiz, Louis, 186, 199, 208–9

aggregates, aggregate mining, 235, 238–39, 240, 244, 255

Aigues-Mortes, 108–9, 195

air bubbles, on beaches, 127–28

air, sand movement through, 10, 13, 151. See also aeolian sediment transport; winds

Alabama coast hurricane damage, 116, 117 fig. 23

Alabama River, 244

Alda, Alan, 44, 51

Aldiss, Brian, 72, 224, 272

Alemseged, Zeresenay, 176–77

Alexander the Great, 195

algae, 4, 60

Alps, 186, 195, 206, 248

Al Rawda, 267

Alum Bay (Isle of Wight), 226

aluminum oxide, 235

American Philosophical Society, 199

Andersen, Hans Christian, 133

Anderson, Leroy, 259

Andrea Gail wreck, 138

Angel Falls, 82

Angel, Jimmie, 82

angle of repose, 34, 35–36, 43

angle of stability, 35–36

animals. See fauna; life

animation, 259–60

Antarctic dunes and sandstones, 148, 282, 289

ants, 174

Appalachians, 98, 101, 206, 208–11, 243–44

aquifer, 263–64, 268

Arab geomancy, 231

Arabian Peninsula: Rub’ al-Khali, xi–xiii, 149

Arabian Sands (Thesiger), 151

Arabic numerals, 68

Arawan, 166

archaeology, 26, 267–68; Egyptian excavations, 152–53, 268, 301–2; Pacific Islands, 207–8

Archimedes, 70–72

arenophiles, 14–15, 63

aridity ratios, 148

Aristophanes, 71

Aristotle, 107

Arnold, Eddy, 30

arsenic, 246

art. See sand art

asteroids, 288–89, 289 fig. 49, 304. See also meteorites

Aswan Dam, 86

Atacama Desert, 26, 148

Atlantic coast: barrier islands, 113–18, 117 fig. 23, 123; offshore sandbanks, 136–38, 139; Perfect Storm of October 1991, 137–38. See also specific locations

Atlantic Ocean: deep-ocean currents and transport, 143; geological history, 179–80; Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 112–13, 180, Plate 7; submarine canyons, 137, 141–42; transatlantic telegraph cables, 140–41

Atlantis, 195

atmosphere: Earth, 292, 294–95, 297; Mars, 278, 284, 292; Titan, 274, 276, 277; Venus, 284, 285, 292, 293

“Auguries of Innocence” (Blake), 2

Australian Aboriginal storytelling ritual, 214–15

Australian deserts, 148, 149, 165, 173

Australian rock paintings, 26

Australopithecus afarensis, 176–77

avalanches, 34–36, 35 fig. 6, 38–41, 49; dune migration and, 164; dune sounds and, 171–72; as segregation process, 43; submarine avalanches, 141–42; Ukhaa Tolgod, 199

Ayers Rock, 214

Bacillus pasteurii, 59, 60, 179

Bacon, Francis, 226

bacteria, 60, 179, 294–95; Bacillus pasteurii, 59, 60, 179; sulfur bacteria, 205; van Leeuwenhoek’s investigations, 18, 29, 273. See also meiofauna

Bagnold, Ralph, 11–12, 152, 153–55, 164, 167, 171, 188; photographs, 153 fig. 27; quoted, 56, 146, 152, 153, 160, 163, 167, 172

Bagnold, Ralph, research, 84, 152, 154; desert sand transport, 12, 154–58; paper on Martian aeolian transport, 278; ripple pattern experiments, 126–27; sand size, distribution, and pile behavior, 12, 32, 34, 37–38, 90

Bahama Banks, 139, Plate 7

Bak, Per, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40

Bali sands, 19, 19 fig. 4, Plate 1

Baltimore, port of, 252

Balzac, Honoré de, 147

Bangladesh, 94

Baraize, Emile, 153

Barakat, Aly, 302

barchan dunes, 163–64, 280, 281 fig. 47, Plate 11

barchanoid ridges, 165

bar codes, 227

Barovier, Angelo, 248

Barrell, Joseph, 191–92

barrier islands, 113–18, 117 fig. 23, 123, 131

base levels, 96–97, 102, 104, 191, 201

basins, 179–80, 208; rift valleys, 201–3

Battle of Fishes (Masson), 226

beaches, 118–19, 255–57; artificially constructed, 134; cliff erosion, 121–22; coastal dune systems, 122, 130–34; dynamism/instability of, 120–21, 122–25, 293; erosion, 108, 116, 117 fig. 23; formation processes, 119–22, 120 fig. 24; nourishment, 108, 122–25, 150. See also coastal sediment movement

beach sands, 115, Plate 3; composition, 15–16, 18–20, 127; inhabitant fauna, 59–63, 62 fig. 15, 128–29, 299–300; placer sands, 254–55; sources of, 121–22; surface details, 63–65, 64 fig. 16, 125–28, 253–54. See also biogenic sands

The Beach: The History of Paradise on Earth (Lenček and Bosker), 118–19

beach toys and equipment, 256

beads, glass, 246–47, 249

Beckett, Samuel, 29–30

Becquerel, Henri, 189

bedding, 91–92, 92 fig. 19, 95, 99, 164, 193. See also cross-bedding

bed load, 85, 95

beetles, 174

Behringer, Bob, 44

The Beige Motel (Critchley), 224–25

Beijing, 169, 170

Benison, Kathleen, 284

Bhuj earthquake, 57

Bible: Great Flood and controversies over Earth’s age, 183; sand imagery/references in, 69, 234; Sodom and Gomorrah, 58

biogenic sands, 18–20, 60, 138, 139, 293

biomarkers, 205

Bishop, Elizabeth, 129

bitumen, 58, 258. See also tar

Blackbeard, 114

black sands, 16, 33, 127, 254, 266, 267, Plate 1

Blake, William, 2

blood rain, 150

Bloom, Doug, 259

blotting sand, 237

blue-green algae, 60

Book of Mormon, 94

“The Book of Sand” (Borges), 76, 228

Books of Sand (Sardon), 228

Borges, Jorge Luis, 76, 228, 234, 251

Bosker, Gideon, 118–19

braided rivers, 99, 100 fig. 22, 102, 204, 210, 298

Braque, Georges, 226

Brazilian coast, 131, 133–34

Brazil nut effect, 43–45, 49; reverse Brazil nut effect (RBN), 46

Brubaker, Jack, 87

Bryan, Eliza, 58

Buckland, William, 199

Buddhism, 67, 70; Buddhist sand mandalas, 219–20, Plate 14; Zen sand gardens, 222, 229–30, 271

building methods and materials, 237–40; aggregates, 235, 238–39, 240, 244, 255; concrete, 235, 238–40, 260; paint and decoration, 236, 240–41; sand as termite barrier, 241; sandblasting, 236

Bulmer, Arthur, 131–32

burial. See sand burial

Burns Cliff, 277–78, 283–84, Plate 16

button beetle, 174

cables, transatlantic, 140–41

Cabot Strait, 141

calcium, 294; in glassmaking, 247

calcium carbonate, 138, 294, 295; Bacillus pasteurii and, 59; in biogenic sands, 20, 60, 138, 139; in sandstones, 199. See also limestone

calcium sulfate sands, 283

Caledonides, 206

caliche, 199

California coast, 121–22; Malibu Beach, 131; Oceano dunes, 132; offshore canyons, 142

California Gold Rush, 135, 254

California vineyards, 269

Cambyses, 160

camels, 174–75

Canaima National Park, 79, 80–81, 81 fig. 18

Canary Islands, 150

Cancún, 123

Cape Cod, 130, 269

Cape Cod (Thoreau), 133

Cape Hatteras lighthouse, 107–8

carbonate sands and reefs, 139. See also calcium carbonate

carbon compounds, extraterrestrial, 287–88

carbon dioxide: atmospheric, temperatures/climate change and, 204, 293, 294–95; extraterrestrial, 274, 278, 280–81, 282, 284, 286, 293; as manufacturing by-product, 240, 244; potential future changes, 297; in rain, 294; in seawater, 138; sequestration of, 139, 265, 293, 294

Carboniferous, 295–96

carbon-silicate cycle, 293–95

Caribbean reefs and islands, 139

Caroni River, 82–83

Carroll, Lewis, 66

Carson, Rachel, 59–60, 176

Carter, Howard, 302

Cascadia subduction zone, 194

cashew nuts, 269

Cassini, Giovanni Domenico, 274

Cassini space mission, 272, 274–77, 284

catastrophism, catastrophic events, 86, 183, 192–95; Chicxulub meteorite, 196–97; Permian extinction, 203–5; Siberian explosions (1908), 303–4; Ukhaa Tolgod avalanche, 199. See also earthquakes; extinctions; hurricanes; tsunamis

Catskill Delta, 210

Catskill Formation, 98, 210

cave paintings, 26

cement, 238, 239, 240

ceremony and ritual, sand in, 68, 69, 214–15, 217

Challenger Deep, 112

Challenger research expedition, 111–12, 140

channel bars, 99–101, 100 fig. 22, 102

Cheever, John, 30

Chephren, 152

Chesapeake Bay, 103–4, 105–6, 111, 252, Plate 6

Chicxulub meteorite, 196–97

China: Chinese deserts, 148, 169–70, 198–99; concrete, 235, 238; Green Great Wall, 170; illegal sand dredging, 255; sand encroachment, 169–70; sandpaper, 235; silicon, 244

Chladni, Ernst, 46–48

Chladni patterns, 47–48, 47 fig. 11, 229

Chokwe sand drawings, 215, 217–18, 217 fig. 37

Clapp, Nicholas, 267

Clarke, George K., 221

clasts, 5

clay, 5, 13, 180, 294

Clayton, Patrick, 302, 304

Clemens, Andrew, 226–27, Plate 15

Cleopatra’s Beach, 20

climate change, 170; current/future, 292–98. See also sea level changes

climate change, past, 87–88, 107, 110–11, 139, 291; carbon dioxide levels and, 295; desert dunes and, 149; paleotempestology, 192; Permian-Triassic extinction and, 204, 295; sea level changes, 110–11, 195; Ukhaa Tolgod fauna and, 198–99

clocks, 250, 251; hourglasses, 41, 250–51

coal, coal mining, 98–99, 102–3

coastal deserts, 148

coastal dune systems, 122, 130–34; vins des sables, 269

coastal sediment movement, 107–45; barrier islands, 113–18, 117 fig. 23, 123, 131; beach formation processes, 119–22, 120 fig. 24; climate change and, 293; coastal sediment budgets, 116, 118, 121, 122; erosion and nourishment, 108, 116, 117 fig. 23, 121–25; longshore drift, 115–16, 123; physics of, 109–10, 115–16, 118, 121, 122; storms’ influence, 116, 117 fig. 23, 120, 123; tidal influence, 115–16, 134–35; in the tropics, 138–39; waves’ influence, 115, 119–20, 122. See also beaches; sea level changes

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 272

Colorado: Great Sand Dunes National Park, 163, 165–66

Colorado River, 85–86

Columbia River, 86

Columbia space shuttle, 59

Columbus, Christopher, 246

comets, 285–88

concrete, 235, 238–40, 260. See also aggregates

Congo diamond deposits, 253, 254

Conrad, Joseph, 104–5

construction: artificial island building, 252–53; international sand trade, 255. See also building methods and materials

continental drift, 189, 200–201, 200 fig. 34; climate change and, 296. See also Pangea; plate tectonics

continental shelves and slopes, 111–13, 119, Plate 7; sediment deposition, 136, 142–43, 180

contourites, 143

convection, 44, 45 fig. 10, 48

cooking, sand in, 257

coolers, sand-insulated, 257

Cooper, James Fenimore, 88, 103

Cooper, Tommy, 259

Coosa River, 243–44

corals, coral reefs, 18, 139, 204

Cornwall: Crinnis Beach, 122–23

Cortés, Hernán, 246

cosmic debris. See space debris

cosmic radiation: luminescence dating and, 25–26

Cosmos (television series), 72

counting, 68; counting sand grains, 66–67, 72; star number estimates, 72; very large numbers, 70–73

crabs, 128, Plate 8

cranberries, 269

creation stories, 1–2, 15

cricket, 135–36

criminal investigations, sand forensics in, 23–25

Crinnis Beach, 122–23

crispations, 48

Critchley, Jay, 224–25

cross-bedding, 91–92, 92 fig. 19, 95, 99, 164; on Mars, 283, Plate 16

Curie, Marie, 189

Curie, Pierre, 189

currents: beach surface patterns and, 126–27; tidal currents, 134–35, 212. See also ocean currents

cyanobacteria, 60

Dakota Building, 211

Dalí, Salvador, 226

dams, 83–84, 85–86; ice dams, 87–88; Susquehanna River, 101, 103

darcy, 245

Darcy, Henry Philibert Gaspard, 245, 263

Dark Dry Sand Drawing (Goldsworthy), 224

Darwin, Charles, 124, 171, 185, 186, 189

Darwin, George, 126

dating techniques: luminescence/exposure dating, 25–28; radioactive dating, 189–90

Dauphin Island, 116

Daytona Beach, 131

Dead Sea, 58

Dead Sea Scrolls, 268

debris flows: on Mars, 282–83; submarine, 45, 141–42, 193, 194, 197. See also landslides; turbidites

Deep Impact project, 287, 289

deep time, 73

The Deerslayer (Cooper), 88

deflation, 167

Delany, Samuel R., 72

Delphic oracle, 67

de Michele, Vincenzo, 302

Denevan, Jim, 214, 222, 223 fig. 40, 224

deposition. See sediment deposition

Descartes, René, 273

desert dune systems, 12, 130, 198, Plates 9–13; climate change and, 293; dune encroachment, 166–70; dune types, 162–66, Plates 11–12; formation and behavior, 149, 154–55, 158, 160, 162–66; migration rates, 164–65

desertification, 151, 169, 170

deserts, 146–75; author’s experiences in, xi-xiii, 301, 304; Bagnold’s work, 12, 154–58; climate change and, 293; desert fauna, 172–75; desert winds, 147; human populations, 151; locations and characteristics, 147–48, 150; sand encroachment on human infrastructure, 166–70; sand movement/deposition, 146, 149–51, 155–60

desert sands, 12, 13; grain shape, 159–60, 159 fig. 28; grain size, 158; surface features, 161–62

desert sandstones, 160

Devonian, 208, 209; Devonian sandstones, 209–11, Plate 13

diagenesis, 178–79, 180–81, 201

diamonds, 16, 253, 254; artificial, 271

diastems, 191

Dickens, Charles, 5

Dickinson, William, 207

Dikika baby, 176–77

dilatancy, 55–56; earthquakes and liquefaction, 57–59

dinosaurs, 197–98, 199–200; Chicxulub meteorite and, 196; Ukhaa Tolgod site, 197–99

dissolved sediment load, 85

divination, 231

doping, of silicon, 242

Double Negative (Heizer), 222

Down the Susquehanna to the Chesapeake (Brubaker), 87

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 80–81

dredging operations, 109, 114, 122, 251–53

dromedaries, 174

Dubai, island-building projects in, 252–53

dunes, 7; classification of, 163; coastal dune systems, 122, 130–34; dune sounds, 170–72; dune vegetation, 131, 149, 270; formation processes, 32, 130–31, 158, 280–81; on Mars, 280–83, 281 fig. 47, 282 fig. 48; mobility/dynamism, 130, 131, 133; submarine (sand waves), 135; on Titan, 272, 276–77, 277 fig. 45; on Venus, 285. See also desert dune systems; specific locations

dune stabilization, 168, 170, 269

dust, windblown, 150, 159, 169, 293; Martian dust devils, 278–79

Earth: age of, 73, 74, 183, 184, 189–90; Moon and, 211, 212, 296; scale of, 290; uniqueness and suitability for life, 290, 291, 292, 296

Earthquake Rose, 233, 233 fig. 43

earthquakes, 39, 57–59, 113; geological results of, 57, 58–59, 86, 142, 182, 194, 195, 203; Newfoundland, 1929, 140–41, 142; New Madrid, 57–58, 99; Pacific Northwest, 194; western Mediterranean, 195. See also tsunamis

The Earth’s Crust: A New Approach to Physical Geography and Geology (Stamp), 77–78

earthworks, 224. See also land art

Earthworks (Aldiss), 224, 272

The Edge of the Sea (Carson), 59–60

Edison, Thomas, 127, 239

Egypt: Bagnold in, 152, 154; natural silica glass, 301–4, Plate 17; sand encroachment in, 166–67

Egypt, ancient: archaeological excavations, 152–53, 268, 301–2; building methods and materials, 235, 238, 268; glassmaking in, 246; mummification, 258–59; placer mining, 254; Sphinx, 152–53

Einstein, Albert, 12, 33, 96

electricity: aeolian sand transport and, 156; conductive concretes, 239; conductivity of silicon, 242

electronics: nanoelectronics, 260; silicon chips, 241–44

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1, 77, 107

Emery, K. O., 58

Empty Quarter, xi–xiii, 149

EMTs (estuarine maximum turbidity zones), 105–6

Ende, Michael, 2

Endurance Crater (Mars): Burns Cliff, 277–78, 283–84, Plate 16

England, English coasts: coastal dunes, 131–32, 132–33; coastal erosion, 122–23, 123–25, 124 fig. 25; sandbank cricket matches, 135–36; Thames River and Estuary, 105, 134; Triassic sandstones, 202–3

The English Patient (film), 149

ergs, 149, 293

erosion, 293–94; beach and coastal cliff erosion, 108, 121–25, 124 fig. 25; carbon dioxide levels and, 294, 295; in dune evolution, 131; future climate change and, 297–98; global, 84–87; on Mars, 282; riverbanks, 91; sea level changes and river gradients, 97; on Titan, 276. See also sediment transport

estuaries, 104–6, 109

estuarine maximum turbidity zones (EMTs), 105–6

eternity, 76

Eubilides, 33–34

Ewing, Maurice, 141

exposure dating, 25–28

extinctions: Chicxulub meteorite, 196; Permian-Triassic extinction, 203–5, 295, 298

extraterrestrial sands, 272–300; comets, asteroids, and cosmic debris, 285–89; on Mars, 277–80, 279 fig. 46, 280–84; Moon sands, 290; outside our solar system, 289–90; on Titan, 274, 275 fig. 44, 276, 277 fig. 45; on Venus, 284, 285

extremophiles, 299–300

facies, 187

Faraday, Michael, 48

Faraday waves, 48

faults, 201, 208

fauna: beach dwellers, 128–29, Plate 8; biogenic sands, 18–20, 60, 138, 139, 293; desert dwellers, 172–75; extremophiles, 299, 300; fossil fauna, 182, 198–200, 208–9; meiofauna, 59–63, 62 fig. 15, 127, 128–129, 299–300, Plate 8; ostriches, 261; Sable Island horses, 137; sand consumption, 261. See also extinctions; life

feldspars, 4, 5, 180, 207

fennec foxes, 174

Fibonacci, Leonardo, 68, 70

film, sand in, 2, 55–56, 133–34, 149, 259–60

filtration: fluidized-bed systems, 263; sand filtration, 245–46; silicon membranes for, 260

Fine Dry Sand (Goldsworthy), 224

fish, as sand source, 20, 138

Five-Finger Strand, 120–21

floodplain formation, 102

floods, 102; Biblical flood, 183; flood sediment deposits, 176, 192–95; glacial floods, 87–88; sandbag defenses, 241; sediment transport during, 85–86, 95, 103; Susquehanna River, 95, 103

flora. See life; plants

Florida: Florida keys, 139; Saharan dust in, 150

fluidized beds, 262–63

fluvial geomorphology. See rivers; sediment deposition; sediment transport

folktales. See myths and legends

Fontainebleau sand, 248–49, 261

foraminifera, foram sands, 18–20, 19 fig. 4, 29, Plate 1

forensic geology, 23–25; dating techniques, 25–28

Fortey, Richard, 209

fossils: Dikika baby, 176–77; early interpretations of, 182–83, 199; Ukhaa Tolgod site, 198–99

foundry technologies, 244, 245

Franklin, Benjamin, 199

Frost, Robert, 130

Fuerteventura, 150

fulgurites, 303

Galaxies Like Grains of Sand (Aldiss), 72

Ganges Delta, Ganges River, 70, 72, 94

gas, 264–65

gastrotrichs, 61

geckos, 173

Gehry, Frank, 236, 239

gems, 16, 253, 254, 271

geological processes, 11, 73–74, 77, 78, 290–92; basin formation, 179–80, 208; Earth’s dynamism, 291–97; extraterrestrial, 274, 277, 282–83; future climate change and, 293–96; lithification/diagenesis, 6, 139, 178–79, 180–81; luminescence dating and, 26–28; subsidence, 179–80, 181; uplift/orogeny, 80, 98, 113, 180, 181, 206. See also erosion; plate tectonics; weathering

geologic time, 73–76, 182–85, 187, 189–92, 212

geomancy, 231

geophagy, 261

Géricault, Théodore, 135

Gettysburg, Battle of, 203

geysers, 50–51, 50 fig. 13; on Mars, 280–81

ghibli, 147

ghost crabs, 128, Plate 8

ghost shrimp, 128

Ghosts (Ibsen), 69

Gimzewski, James, 219–20

Giotto space probe, 286

glacial activity, debris, 78, 87–89, 115, 136, 149, 238–39

glass, 16–17, 246–50, 271, 273; natural silica glass, 301–4, Plate 17

The Glass Bathyscaphe: How Glass Changed the World (Macfarlane and Martin), 249–50

Glen Canyon Dam, 85

global warming, 293–96. See also climate change

glossopetrae, 182

Gobi Desert, 148, 170, 198; Ukhaa Tolgod site, 198–99

gold, 23, 254

Goldsworthy, Andy, 224

golf, golf courses, 50–51, 132, 237

Goodwin Sands, 135

googol, googolplex, 72–73, 76

grading, 10, 11 fig. 2, 41–46, 42 fig. 9, 91, 253–54; reverse grading, 45

“A Grain of Sand” (Service), 2

grain silos, 40–41

grain size, 6–12; desert sands, 158; importance of, 7–8, 144–45; ranges and distributions of, 10–12, 37–38, 37 fig. 7, 158; sand behavior and, 10–13, 37–41, 144–45; sand composition and, 144; sediment transport/deposition and, 12, 90, 144–45, 156, 158, 159; Udden-Wentworth scale, 8–10, 9 fig. 1, 37, 38

Grand Banks, 136, 140

Grand Canyon, 85, 181

granite, 4, 5, 28

granular behavior, 32–36, 279; Brazil nut effect, 43–45, 49; convection, 44, 45 fig. 10, 48; density and, 41, 46, 127; extraterrestrial, 59, 279; packing, 54; piles and avalanches, 33–36, 38–41, 49; in response to sound, 46–48, 47 fig. 11; reverse Brazil nut effect, 46; sand sounds, 171–72; segregation and grading, 10, 11 fig. 2, 41–46, 42 fig. 9, 91, 253–54; similarity to liquid behavior, 32, 44, 48, 50–51. See also sand behavior and properties

grapevines, 268–69

gravity, 39; liquefaction and, 58–59; in sediment transport/deposition, 89, 90

gray whales, 128

Great Sand Dunes National Park, 163, 165–66

Great Sand Sea, 154, 301–4

Great Wall of China, 169

greenhouse effect, 293, 294, 295. See also climate change

Greenland: Old Red Sandstone, 209, Plate 13; Saharan dust in, 150

Gressly, Amanz, 186–87

Gulf of Cádiz, 195

Gulf of Mexico, Gulf coast: barrier islands, 115, 116, 117 fig. 23; Chicxulub meteorite, 196–97; past hurricane frequency, 192

Gulf State Park, 116, 117 fig. 23

Guri Dam, 83

gypsum sands, 7, 283

hafnium, 244–45

Hallam, Tony, 189

Halley’s comet, 286–87

Hall, Henry, 269

“Happiness” (Borges), 251

Happisburgh, 124 fig. 25, 125

Happy Days (Beckett), 29

Harbor Island, 251

Hartley, Bob, 44

harmattan, 147

Hatoum, Mona, 230

Hawaiian sands, 16, 20, 22

Hayabusa asteroid probe, 289

Haynes, Vance, 164

Hébert, Jean-Pierre, 230

Heezen, Bruce, 141

Heizer, Michael, 222

hematite “blueberries,” 283, Plate 16

Heraclitus, 31

Herodotus, 67, 147, 160

Higgins, Robert, 61, 63

Himalayas, 84, 294

Hindu-Arabic numerals, 68

Hindu religion/mythology, 69

HMS Challenger, 111–12, 140

Hoedeman, Co, 259

Holling, Holling Clancy, 78

Holmes, Arthur, 141

Homer, 195

Hong Kong sand dredging, 255

Hooke, Robert, 182, 184

hourglasses, 41, 250–51

Hourglass Sea (Syrtis Major), 278, 279 fig. 46, 281 fig. 47

The House of Sand (film), 133–34

How Nature Works (Bak), 39, 40

Hubble space telescope, 29, 289

Hugo, Victor, 1

human activities and influence, 192; beach formation/erosion and, 121–22, 123; beach nourishment, 108, 122–25, 150; coastal dunes and, 130, 131–32; dams, 83–84, 85–86, 103; in deserts, 151; sand as threat to, 132–34, 166–70

Hunt, William Holman, 188

hurricanes, 192, 293; Hurricane Ivan, 116, 117 fig. 23; Hurricane Katrina, 116, 192, 241; Hurricane Wilma, 123

Hutton, James, 84–85, 183–85, 189, 212–13

Hutton’s unconformity, 184–85, 184 fig. 33, 190, 208, 213

Huygens, Christiaan, 17, 272, 273–74, 278

Huygens probe, 272, 274–77

hydraulic mining, 254

hydrocarbons, 263–65; in space, 288; on Titan, 274, 276

hydrogen production, 263

Ibn Battuta, 175

Ibsen, Henrik: Ghosts, 69

ice: ice dams, 87–88; on Mars, 280–81

ice ages, 295; future, 297; in northeastern U.S., 87–88. See also climate change, past; sea level changes

imagination, sand and, 2–3, 29–30, 175, 213, 234; divination, 231. See also metaphor; sand art; sand writing; scale

India: Bhuj earthquake, 57; sand drawings, 218–19, 218 fig. 38

Indiana Jones, 56

Indonesian sand export ban, 255

infinity, 76

In Praise of Darkness (Borges), 234

insects, 174, 241, 261; phylloxera louse, 269

international sand trade, 255

Ireland: Five-Finger Strand, 120–21

iron, iron sands, 16, 254, 267; beach ripples, 127; in glassmaking, 249; magnetic sands, 16, 127, 137; sand filtration with, 246

iron oxide, 16, 127, 246, 249; hematite, 283, Plate 16

islands, artificial, 251–53

Isle of Wight, 15, 226

itjaritjari, 173

Itokawa asteroid, 289, 289 fig. 49

Iwo Jima, 14, 33

Jabès, Edmond, 175

Jack Hills zircons, 27–28

Jaeger, Heinrich, 44, 46, 48, 49

Jamestown glassmaking, 249

Japan, Japanese coasts: Hayabusa asteroid probe, 289; Nima Sand Museum, 251; sand baths, 266; sands in World War II balloon bomb ballast, 22–23; star sands, 19–20, 19 fig. 4; steelmaking sand sources, 254; Tottori dunes, 133

jarosite, 283

Jason, and Golden Fleece, 254

Jasper, David, 175

jewelry, 253–54

jinns, 146, 170, 171

Joyce, James, 76

“Jurassic tank,” 90–91

Kahn, Ned, 230

Kalahari desert, 147

karesansui, 222, 229–30, 271

Karoo, 178–79, 178 fig. 31, 181, 204

Kasner, Edward, 73

Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord, 189–90

Kenfig, Wales, 132–33

Kepler’s conjecture, 54

Khafre, 152

khamsin, 147

Kharga, 166–67

kinorhynchs, 61

Kitty Hawk, 118

Knox Mine disaster, 98–99

Knut, King, 68

Kok, Jasper, 156

kolam sand drawings, 218–19, 218 fig. 38

Koran, 69–70

Korean sand trade, 255

Kristensen, Reinhardt, 63

Kuenen, Philip H., 144–45

Kuiper Belt, 288

Lake Assal, 7

Lake Guri, 83

Lake Michigan dunes, 130

Lake Pontchartrain, 192

land art, 222–25, 223 fig. 40

landslides, 33, 40, 86; on Mars, 282–83; submarine, 193, 194, 197. See also debris flows

Lang, Nikolaus, 15

language, “sand” in, 265–66, 270. See also metaphor; sand writing

lava sands, 16

law of the chief ingredient, 11, 37

Lawrence, T. E., 56, 175

Leatherman, Stephen “Dr. Beach,” 131

Leibniz, Gottfried, 29, 273

leisure activities, 255–58, 270; golf, 50–51, 132

Lenardic, Adrian, 298

Lenček, Lena, 118–19

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, 133–34

Lennon, John, 211

Leonid meteor shower, 285–86

Leptis Magna, 150

Libyan desert glass, 301–4

lichens, 4

life: atmospheric chemistry and, 294–95; Earth’s suitability for, 290, 291, 292; origins and flowering of, 60, 191, 209–10, 288; potential future of, 299–300

Life: An Unauthorised Biography (Fortey), 209

lighthouses, 105, 107–8, 109

limestone, 20, 139, 294. See also calcium carbonate

linear dunes, 165, 168; on Titan, 276, 277, 277 fig. 45

liquefaction, 57–59, 252

liquids: fluid dynamics, 245, 263; sand’s absorbency, 237, 258–59, 268; sand’s permeability, 245–46, 264; sand’s porosity, 263–65; similarity of liquid and granular behaviors, 32, 44, 48, 50–51

Lisbon earthquake, 195

Lissajous, Jules-Antoine, 230–31

lithification, 6, 139, 178–79

littoral cells, 121

lizards, 173, 174

Llewellyn Formation, 98

load. See sediment load

logarithmic scales, 9, 37–40; very large numbers, 70–73

Loma Prieta earthquake, 57, Plate 5

Longbaoshan, 169

Long Island: aggregate mining, 238–39; black sands, 127, 254

Long Range Desert Group, 155

longshore drift, 115–16, 123

loogaroo, 66–67

loricifera, 63

Lost Oasis: In Search of Paradise (Twigger), 147, 301

The Lost World (Doyle), 80–81

Louisiana v. Mississippi, 99–101

Louis IX, 108–9

loup-garou, 67

luminescence dating, 25–28

lung disease, 236–37

Lyell, Charles, 123–25, 186, 189, 199

Macfarlane, Alan, 249–50

magic sand, 53

magnesium, 242

magnetic sands, 16, 127, 137

magnetite, 127

Mahantango Mountain, 101

Makse, Hernán, 41, 43

Malaysian sand exports, 255

Malibu Beach, 131

mandalas, 219–20, 221, Plate 14

manuscripts, sand-preserved, 268

Marathon des Sables, 257–58

marine life: sand fauna, 59–63, 62 fig. 15, 127, 128–29, 299–300, Plate 8; shells constructed from sand grains, 20, 129, 294; as source of sand, 18–20, 138, 139

marine navigation: hourglass and, 250–51

Mariner 9 probe, 278

marine sediment deposition. See submarine sediment deposition

Marino, Al, 239

Mars, 277–84, 292; Burns Cliff, 277–78, 283–84, Plate 16; micrometeorites from, 285; Proctor Crater, 281–82, 282 fig. 48; sands and dunes, 279, 280–84, 281 fig. 47, 282 fig. 48; sandstorms, 278–79; Syrtis Major (Hourglass Sea), 278, 279 fig. 46, 281 fig. 47

Mars rovers, 277–80

Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens), 5

Martin, Gerry, 249–50

Masson, André, 226

mathematics: sona and kolam sand drawings, 217–18, 217 fig. 37. See also numbers

Mathematics and the Imagination (Kasner and Newman), 73

Mauch Chunk Formation, 101

Maupassant, Guy de, 171

Maynard, Robert, 114

meanders, meandering rivers, 92–94, 93 fig. 20, 93 fig. 21, 96–97, 102

measurement: avalanche size and frequency, 38–39, 39 fig. 8; estimates of universe size, 71, 72–73; grain size, 7, 8–12, 37, 38; grain size distribution, 37–38; sand grains as, 28–29; sediment load of rivers, 85

Medici, Ferdinand de’, 182

Mediterranean ports, 108–9, 195

Megalosaurus, 199

mega-ripples, 162, 162 fig. 30

meiofauna, 59–63, 62 fig. 15, 127, 128–29, 299–300, Plate 8

metals, metal production, 244, 245, 254, 270–71

metaphor, sand as, 2–3, 5, 266, 269; for very large numbers, 68–70, 74, 75 fig. 17, 76, 273

meteorites, meteor impacts, 3, 196–97, 204, 303; micrometeorites, 285

“Meteorologica” (Aristotle), 107

meteor showers, 286

methane: extraterrestrial, 274, 276, 280; hydrogen production from, 263

Meunier, Jean, 168–69

microdermabrasion, 236

microscopes, microscopic views, 16–17, 188, 248, 250; rock, 181 fig. 32, 188; sand, 18 fig. 3, 21 fig. 5; van Leeuwenhoek’s investigations, 17–18, 18 fig. 3, 273

microtektites, 197

Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 112–13, 180, Plate 7

millet, 269–70

Millet, Jean-François, 226

milpatjunanyi, 214–15

mineral deposits, 127. See also mining

mining: aggregate/sand mining, 235, 238–39, 244, 255; coal, 98–99, 102–3; placer mining, 254; sand, 122–23; titanium oxides, 241. See also dredging operations

Miró, Joan, 226

The Mirror of the Sea (Conrad), 104–5

Mirrors and Shelly Sand (Smithson), 224

Les Misérables (Hugo), 1

Mississippi basin, 84

Mississippi River, 83, 86–87, 94; Stack Island boundary dispute, 99–101

Missouri: New Madrid earthquakes, 57–58, 99

MIT Media Lab, 228

Modderman, Loes, 15, Plate 2

Monet, Claude, 225

Monterey Canyon, 142

Moody, Pliny, 199

Moon, 211, 212, 290, 296

Moro, Aldo, 25

morphing, 259–60

mountains: Canaima table mountains, 80–81, 81 fig. 18; rain shadow deserts, 147–48; uplift/orogeny, 80, 98, 113, 206; weathering, 5, 80, 82, 84–85, 205, 206, 294. See also specific ranges

Mount St. Helens, 86, 204

movies, sand in, 2, 55–56, 133–34, 149, 259–60

mud, 12–13

Muir, John, 290, 291

mummies, 258–59

Munroe, Richard, 23

Murano glassmaking, 248

Murchison, Roderick Impey, 209

mushrooms, 270

music, 39, 259

My First Summer in the Sierra (Muir), 290

myriads, 71

myths and legends, 20, 41, 68–69, 147; creation stories, 1–2, 15; dune sounds, 171; Japanese star sands, 19–20; sand burials, 160–61; sand grain counting in, 66–67; Sodom and Gomorrah, 58

Nagel, Sidney, 44, 48, 51

Namibia, Namib Desert, 16, 148, 174, 254, Plate 9

Nanomandala, 219–20, 228

nanoparticles, 29

nanotechnology, 244, 246, 260, 263, 288

NASA. See space exploration

National Center for Earth-Surface Dynamics, 90–91

natron, 246, 247, 258

natural gas, 264–65

Navajo sand paintings, 220–21, 221 fig. 39

Navajo Sandstone, 200–201, 283

Nazca lines, 222

neap tides, 212

Nebraska Sand Hills, 149, 163, 170, 264

Neev, David, 58

Nelson, Larry, 51–54, 52 fig. 14

The Neverending Story (Ende), 2

Newfoundland earthquake, 140–41

New Madrid earthquakes, 57–58, 99

Newman, James, 73

New Orleans: Hurricane Katrina effects, 192

New Red Sandstone, 201–3

Newton, Isaac, 273

New York City stones and buildings, 98, 203, 211, 236, 238–39

New Zealand beach placer mining, 254

Nile Delta, 86

Nima Sand Museum, 251

nitrogen, 288

Nobel, Alfred, 132

North Carolina: Outer Banks, 113, 114–16, 118

North Sea, 110–11

Norwegian Sea landslides, 194

Nouakchott, 168–69

Nubian Sandstone, 268

numbers: counting methods, 68; counting sand grains, 66–67, 72; origins of Hindu-Arabic numerals, 68; very large, names and calculation methods, 70–73; very large, sand as symbol of, 68–70, 74, 75 fig. 17, 76, 273. See also mathematics; measurement

Ocean Beach, 122, 135

ocean currents, 136, 143, 148; turbidity currents, 142, 178. See also tides

Oceano dunes, 132

oceans: area, 110; biochemistry, 205, 293, 294, 295; temperatures, 295, 297. See also ocean currents; ocean sediment movement; submarine topography

ocean sediment movement, 134–37; barrier islands, 113–18, 117 fig. 23, 123; deep ocean transport and deposition, 140–43; future climate change and, 298; offshore bars and banks, 114–15, 135–38, 139; submarine avalanches and landslides, 141–42, 193, 194, 197. See also coastal sediment movement; submarine sediment deposition

Ocracoke Beach, 131

Ocracoke Inlet, 114

Odyssey (Mars satellite), 278

Ogallala aquifer, 264

Ogden’s cigarette cards, 261

oil, 205, 264–65

Old Red Sandstone, 208–11, Plate 13

olivine sands, 16, 287, 288, Plate 1

ooliths, 20, 139, Plate 1, Plate 4

Oort Cloud, 288

Opportunity rover, 278, 279, 280, 283

Oregon coast: dunes, 130, 131; tsunami sands, 193–94

Oregon Inlet, 114, 115–16

orogeny, 80, 98, 113, 206. See also uplift

oscillons, 48, 49 fig. 12

ostriches, 261

Othello (Shakespeare), 212

Otsego Lake, 88, 89

Outer Banks, 113, 114–16, 118

oxygen, 3–4, 60, 288, 294; luminescence dating and, 26, 28; Permian-Triassic extinction and, 205; in quartz, 4–5, 242; silicon and, 242, 244

“Ozymandias” (Shelley), 175, 268

Pacific coast: offshore topography, 135, 142–43

packing behavior, 54–55

Paddle-to-the-Sea (Holling), 78–79

PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), 288

paint, painting, 225–26, 240–41

paleogeography, 186–87; Mediterranean/eastern Atlantic, 195; northeastern U.S., 210; results of continental drift, 200–202, 200 fig. 34

paleontology: Dikika baby, 176–77; early fossil interpretations, 182–83, 199; Ukhaa Tolgod site, 198–99

paleotempestology, 192–93

Pangea, 98, 295–96; breakup, 180, 200–201, 200 fig. 34, 202 fig. 35; formation, 205–6

papermaking, 262

parrot fish, 20

particle size. See grain size

Pascal, Blaise, 273

“A Passion in the Desert” (Balzac), 147

Penn, William, 246–47

Pentagon, 238

Pepys, Samuel, 235–36

percolation, 44

Perfect Storm, 137–38

Permian-Triassic extinction, 203–5, 295, 298

Persian Gulf island-building projects, 252–53

personal care products, 262

Petra, 268

pharmaceuticals, 262

Phoenix rover, 280, 282

phylloxera, 269

The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes (Bagnold), 155, 160

Picasso, Pablo, 221–22, 226

The Pioneers (Cooper), 103

Pitjantjatjara, 214

placer sands, placer mining, 253–54

planetary exploration. See space exploration; specific planets

plants, 4, 269–70, 295; for dune stabilization, 168, 170, 269; dune vegetation, 131, 149, 270; future climate change and, 297–98; grapevines, 268–69. See also extinctions; life

plaster, 240

plate tectonics, 112–13, 179–80, 181, 195, 201; carbon dioxide levels and, 294; climate/climate change and, 295–96, 297–99; Devonian, 208; extraterrestrial, 292; Moon and, 296; potential future of, 297–98; sediment provenance studies and, 207–8; subduction, 113, 142–43, 194, 298; water and, 296. See also continental drift; Pangea; rifting

Plato, 195

play, 31–32, 256, 257, 266. See also leisure activities

Playfair, John, 184, 185, 213

Pliny the Elder, 235, 246, 258, 261

plum trees, 269

+ and – (Hatoum), 230

point bars, 91–92, 92 fig. 19, 93 fig. 20, 93 fig. 21, 94–95, 102, 126

Pollock, Jackson, 226

Polo, Marco, 170, 175

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 288

polysilicon, 244

Popp, Georg, 24

porcelain, 261–62

porosity, 263–65. See also reservoirs; spaces between sand grains

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce), 76

ports: siltation and dredging operations, 109, 195, 252

potassium, 294

power generation, 263

pressure: sand-pile physics and, 40, 54; in sand/sediment transport, 156

Principles of Geology (Lyell), 123–25, 186

Principles of Physical Geology (Holmes), 141

Proctor Crater (Mars), 281–82, 282 fig. 48

provenance, 206–8

Prudhoe Bay oil field, 264–65

psammon, 63

psammophiles, 14, 63

Puget Sound, 135

Pyrococcus furiosus, 300

QFL plots, 207

quartzites, 243–44

quartz, quartz sands, 3–4, 4–5, 13, 15, 16, 60–61; as abrasive, 235; in sandstones, 180, 181 fig. 32, 207; silicon production from, 242–44

Queen Anne’s Revenge (ship), 114

quicksand, 55–57; artificial, 262–63

radioactive dating techniques, 189–90

radioactive sands, 254

The Raft of the Medusa (Géricault), 135

rain shadow deserts, 147–48

rangoli sand patterns, 218, 219

RBN (reverse Brazil nut effect), 46

Renno, Nilton, 156

reservoirs, 263–65; aquifers, 263–64, 268; sandstones as, 264–65; as sediment traps, 83–84

reverse Brazil nut effect (RBN), 46

reverse grading, 45

Reynolds dilatancy, 55

Reynolds, Osborne, 55

Rhône delta, 108–9

Richard II (Shakespeare), 69

Richard Montgomery wreck, 105

rifting, rift valleys, 201–3, 202 fig. 34; Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 112–13, 180, Plate 7

ripples: water-formed, 125–26, 126 fig. 26, 135, 253–54; wind-formed, 161–62, 162 fig. 30. See also wave patterns

ritual. See ceremony and ritual

rivers, 84–87; ancient river systems, 91–92, 204, 210; base level changes, 97, 102, 104, 191; bends and meanders, 91, 92–95, 93 fig. 20, 93 fig. 21, 96–97, 102; channel bars and braided channels, 99–101, 100 fig. 22, 102, 204, 210, 298; channel migration, 94, 99, 101, 102; coastal deposition by, 115, 121; effects of dams, 83–84, 85–86, 103; effects of earthquakes and volcanic activity, 86, 204; estuaries, 104–6, 109; floodplain formation, 102; future climate change and, 293, 297–98; offshore extensions of, 141–42; terraces, 93 fig. 20, 102. See also sediment deposition; sediment transport; specific rivers

The Road to Ubar (Clapp), 267

Roanoke Island, 114

rotifers, 61, 299

Rub’ al-Khali, xi–xiii, 149

rule of thalweg, 100–101

Ruskin, John, 188, 189

Rutherford, Ernest, 189, 190

Sable Island, Sable Island Bank, 136–38, 141

Sabratha, 150

The Sacred Desert: Religion, Literature, Art, and Culture (Jasper), 175

Sagan, Carl, 72–73, 278, 285, 290

Sahara Desert, 147, 149, 150; Marathon des Sables, 257–58; sand encroachment in, 166–67, 168–69; sands, 159 fig. 29; underlying aquifer, 264, 268; winds, 147

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 172

Salmon River (Oregon), 193–94

salt, 7, 34–35

saltation, 90, 156–58, 157 fig. 28, 167

sand, definitions of, 11–12, 32

sand art, 14–15; bottled sands, 226–27, Plate 15; contemporary transient art, 51–54, 52 fig. 14, 221–25, 227–28; dynamic installations, 219–20, 228–31, 230 fig. 41; individual grain carvings, 227; mandalas, 219–20, Plate 14; nature-created patterns in sand, 232 fig. 42, 233 fig. 43; Navajo sand paintings, 220–21, 221 fig. 39; Pacific, African, and Indian sand drawings, 215–19, 216 fig. 36, 217 fig. 37, 218 fig. 38; painting with sand, 225–26; sand as medium, 215, 219, 221, 227

sandbags, 241, 270

sand barrels, 237

sandbars: channel bars, 99–101, 100 fig. 22, 102; offshore bars and banks, 114–15, 135–38, 139; point bars, 91–92, 92 fig. 19, 93 fig. 20, 93 fig. 21, 94–95, 102, 126

sand baths, 266

sand behavior and properties, 32–33, 41; absorbency, 237, 258–59, 268; airspaces between grains and, 49–51, 52–53; filtration properties, 245–46; fluidized beds, 262–63; geysers, 50–51, 50 fig. 13; grain size and, 10–13, 37–41, 144–45; medium and, 10–11; mysteries, 63–65, 64 fig. 16, 170–72; permeability/porosity, 245–46, 264; piles and avalanches, 33–36, 38–41, 49, 251; quicksand, 55–57; segregation and grading, 10, 11 fig. 2, 41, 43–46, 91, 253–54; thermal properties, 239, 257, 262; vibration responses, 46–49, 57–59; weight/density, 127, 253–54, 270. See also granular behavior; sediment transport; wet sand behavior

sandblasting, 236–37

sand burial, 160–61; sand baths, 266–67

sand casting, 245

The Sand Castle (film), 259

sand castles, 51–54, 239

sand collecting, 14–15; collection photos, Plates 1–2

sand composition, 4–7, 13, 15–20, 138, Plates 1–4; biogenic sands, 18–20, 60, 138, 139, 293; diagenesis and, 179, 180; glassmaking and, 247, 248–49; grain size and, 144; magnetic sands, 16, 127, 137; precious minerals, 253–54; sediment transport/deposition and, 127, 144

sand consumption, 261

sand drawings. See sand art

“Sand Dunes” (Frost), 130

sand encroachment, 166–70, 195; harbor siltation, 108–9, 195, 252

Sand Family (Critchley), 224

Sandford, Scott, 288

sand forensics, 22–28; criminal investigations, 23–25; luminescence dating, 25–28; World War II incendiary bombs, 22–23. See also sedimentary geology

sandglasses, 41, 250–51

sand grains, 1–30; counting, 66–67, 72; formation, 3–6; as measurement, 28–29; physiognomy of, 17, 18 fig. 3, 21–22, 21 fig. 5; shape of, 7, 13, 40–41, 159–60; shells constructed from, 20, 129, 294; uniqueness of, 22; weathering of, 13, 21–22, 159–60. See also grain size; sand behavior and properties; sand composition

Sand Hills (Nebraska), 149, 163, 170, 264

sandhogs, 265

“Sand—Its Origin, Transportation, Abrasion and Accumulation” (Kuenen), 144–45

Sandman, 259–60

sandpaper, 235

“Sandpaper Ballet” (Anderson), 259

sand piles, 33–36, 38–41; hourglasses, 41, 251; to represent very large numbers, 74, 75 fig. 17; wet sand, 51–54. See also avalanches

“Sandpiper” (Bishop), 129

sand play, 31–32, 256, 257, 266

The Sand Reckoner (Archimedes), 70–71

SandScape, 228

sand scorpions, 172–73

sand sculpture, 51–54, 52 fig. 14. See also sand art

sand skink, 173, 174

Sand Sports, 256

sandstones, 6, 80, 82, 181 fig. 32; bedding, 91–92, 92 fig. 19, 95; as building material, 98, 203, 211, 237–38; Burns Cliff (Mars), 277–78, 283–84, Plate 16; desert sandstones, 160, 303; Devonian, 209–11, Plate 13; Fontainebleau, 248–49; formation, 6, 177–81; Navajo, 200–201, 283; New Red, 201–3; Nubian, 268; Old Red, 208–11, Plate 13; provenance determinations, 206–7; quartzite sandstones, 243–44; as reservoirs, 264–65; Triassic, 199–203, 238. See also sedimentary geology

sandstorms, 158–59, 160–61, 169; on Mars, 278–79

sand therapy, 266–67

sand transport. See sediment transport

sand traps, 50–51

sand vipers, 174

sand volcanoes, 57, 58, Plate 5

sand waves, 135, 162, 162 fig. 30

Sand, Wind, and War (Bagnold), 56, 146, 152, 153, 163, 167

sand wines, 268–69

sand writing: Aboriginal storytelling ritual, 214–15; divination, 231; Pacific, African, and Indian sand drawings, 215–19, 216 fig. 36, 217 fig. 37, 218 fig. 38; sand as information medium, 215, 219, 227–28

San Francisco Bay, 122, 135; Treasure Island, 251

Sardon, Mariano, 228

satestu (Japanese iron sand), 254

Saturn, Saturn’s moons, 273–74, 277; Titan, 272, 274–77, 275 fig. 44, 277 fig. 45

Saussure, Horace-Bénédict de, 188

saw blades, abrasive, 235–36

scale, 2–3, 29–30; Earth in the universe, 290; geologic time and eternity, 73–76; sand art and, 224, 227. See also logarithmic scales; measurement

scarab beetles, 174

scorpions, 172–73

Scotland: Hutton’s unconformity, 184–85, 184 fig. 33, 190, 208, 213; Old Red Sandstone, 209; tsunami sands, 194

The Sea Around Us (Carson), 176

seabed topography. See submarine topography

sea level, absolute vs. relative, no

sea level changes: Atlantis and, 195; climate change and, 110–11; future, 298; river dynamics and, 97, 104; sediment transport/deposition and, 110–11, 115, 191, 293

“Seashore” (Emerson), 107

Sedgwick, Adam, 209

sedimentary geology, 176–213; advances and developments in, 182–90; Appalachian orogeny and, 206–11; Barrell s work, 191–92; catastrophic events and, 192–95; Chicxulub meteorite and, 196–97; continental drift and, 200–201; debate over Earth’s age, 183, 184, 189–90; Devonian sandstones, 209–11, Plate 13; estimating past day-length and month-length changes, 212; fundamental principles, 182–83, 185, 186–87; lithification and diagenesis, 177–82; Permian-Triassic extinction and, 204–5; provenance studies, 206–8; rift valleys and, 201, 203; Ukhaa Tolgod fauna and, 198–99

sedimentary rocks. See sandstones; sedimentary geology

sediment budgets, coastal, 116, 118, 121, 122

sediment deposition, 80, 177–78; in basins and rift valleys, 179–80, 201, 203, 208; by catastrophic events, 176, 192–95; channel bars, 99; climate change and, 293, 298; cross-bedding, 91–92, 92 fig. 19, 95, 99, 164, 283, Plate 16; behind dams, 83–84, 85, 86, 103; dredging operations, 109, 114, 251–53; environmental factors, 110–11, 191; in estuaries, 105–6, 109; grading, 10, 11 fig. 2, 41–46, 42 fig. 9, 91; lithification/diagenesis, 6, 139, 178–79, 180–81; physics of, 90, 91, 99, 191–92; point bars, 91–92, 93 fig. 20, 93 fig. 21, 94–95; sand composition/density and, 127; tidal deposition, 115–16, 212; by tsunamis, 193–94, 197; windblown sediments, 131, 166. See also submarine sediment deposition

sediment load: measuring, 85–86; river capacity for, 91; Susquehanna River, 103

sediment transport, 11, 12–13, 79–106; beginning the journey, 79–84; climate change and, 293; desert sand transport, 149–51, 155–60; during floods, 85–86, 95, 103; flows and, 82–83, 85, 90; future climate change and, 298; grain size and, 12, 90, 144–45, 156, 158, 159; human disturbance and, 103; measuring sediment load, 85–86; physics of, 89–90; sand composition and, 138; sediment sources, 81–86; Susquehanna River example, 87–89, 94–95, 98–99, 101–4, Plate 6; volume of, 82–83, 84; by wind, 130–31, 146, 150, 151, 155–60. See also coastal sediment movement; ocean sediment movement; rivers; sediment deposition

seif dunes, 165, Plate 12

Seine River: Paris beaches along, 134

self-accumulation, 155

self-organized criticality, 40

Service, Robert W., 2, 30

Seurat, Georges, 225

Sèvres porcelain, 261–62

Shakespeare, William, 69, 212

Shanghai, 84

Shapiro, Bruce, 228–30, 230 fig. 41

Shapotou Desert Experimental Research Station, 170

Sharp’s Island Light, 105

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 175, 268

shells: constructed from sand grains, 20, 129, 294; as sand source, 18, 138

Sheringham, 123–25

Shinbrot, Troy, 46, 48, 49

shipwrecks, 114–15, 135, 137, 138

Shodell, Elly, 239

shrimp, 128

Siberian explosions (1908), 303–4

Siccar Point: Hutton’s unconformity, 184–85, 184 fig. 33, 190, 208, 213

sidewinders, 173–74

silica (silicon dioxide), 4–5, 242, 243, 260, 262; silica sands, 4–5. See also quartz, quartz sands

silica glass, 301–4, Plate 17

silicates, 4; carbon-silicate cycle, 294–95; extraterrestrial, 279, 287, 289–90

silicon, 4–5, 26, 241–44, 294

silicon carbide, 235

silicon dioxide. See silica

silicones, 241

silicosis, 236–37

silos, 40–41

simoun, 147

Singapore sand imports, 255

sirocco, 147

Sisyphus (Shapiro), 229–30, 230 fig. 41

Skagen (Andersen), 133

Skeleton Coast, 16

slow-sand filtration, 246

smalt, 241

smelting, 244, 245

Smith, Adam, 184

Smith, John, 105

Smith, Joseph, 94

Smithsonian Institution, 211, 238

Smithson, Robert, 222, 224

snakes, 173–74

soda (natron), 246, 247, 258

sodium, 294

sodium carbonate (natron), 246, 247, 258

Sodom and Gomorrah, 58

soils, 60, 293; grapevines and, 268–69

sona sand drawings, 215, 217–18, 217 fig. 37

Sorby, Henry Clifton, 187–88, 207, 280

sorites paradox, 33

sound: dune sounds, 170–72; granular materials’ responses to, 46–48, 47 fig. 11; speaker stabilization, 237

South Africa: Karoo, 178–79, 178 fig. 31, 181, 204; tidalites, 212

space debris, 285–89; asteroids, 288–89, 289 fig. 49, 304; comets, 285–88

space exploration, 284; Cassini and Huygens probe, 272, 274–77; comet and asteroid probes, 286–89; extraterrestrial liquefaction experiments, 59; Mars rovers, 277–80, 282, 283

space sand, 53

spaces between sand grains, 49–51, 52–53; dilatancy, 55–56; meiofauna inhabiting, 59–63, 62 fig. 15, 127, 128, 299–300; packing behavior and, 54–55; porosity, 263–65. See also reservoirs

spherules, 197

Sphinx, 152–53

Spider-Man 3 (film), 259–60

Spinoza, Benedict de, 273

Spiral Hill (Smithson), 224

Spiral Jetty (Smithson), 222

Spitzer space telescope, 289–90

spontaneous collapse, 40–41

spontaneous segregation, 43

sports, 256, 257–58, 270; golf, 50–51, 132, 237

spring tides, 212

Stack Island boundary dispute, 99–101

Stamp, L. Dudley, 77

St. Andrews, Scotland, 132

Stanley, Eugene, 43

star dunes, 165

Stardust project, 287–88

star number estimates, 72

star sands, 19–20, 19 fig. 4

Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand (Delany), 72

static electricity, 156

steel, 244, 254

Steno, Nicolaus, 182–83, 184

St. Lawrence Canyon and River, 141

Storegga slides, 194

storms: beach formation/erosion and, 116, 117 fig. 23, 120, 123; England, 1953, 125; impacts on barrier islands, 116, 117 fig. 23; ocean sediment movement and, 135; paleotempestology, 192–93; Perfect Storm of October 1991, 137–38. See also hurricanes; sandstorms

storytelling ritual, sand drawings in, 214–15, 217

Straits of Gibraltar, 195

stratigraphy, 182–83

Stratographs (Shapiro), 229

stromatolites, 60

Study for “Portrait of Van Gogh” III (Bacon), 226

subduction, 113, 142–43, 298; Cascadia subduction zone, 194

submarine sediment deposition, in, 113, 140, 180; deep-ocean deposits, 142, 143; deposits as aggregate source, 235; offshore sandbars and banks, 114–15, 135–38, 139; turbidites, 142, 178, 195, 197

submarine topography, 111–13, 135–37, Plate 7; continental shelves and slopes, 111–13, 119, 136, 141–43, Plate 7; offshore bars and banks, 114–15, 135–38, 139; submarine slopes and canyons, 137, 141–42, 178. See also submarine sediment deposition

subsidence, 179–80, 181

sulfate sands, 283

sulfur bacteria, 205

Sun: solar radiation, 297, 298; tides and, 212

superposition, 183

surface creep, 156

surface tension, wet sand, 53

suspended sediment load, 85

Susquehanna River, 87–89, 94–95, 98–99, 101–4, Plate 6; age of, 101–2; coal and coal mining, 98–99, 102–3; dams, 101, 103; floods, 95, 103

Swift, Jonathan, 76

Syrtis Major (Hourglass Sea), 278, 279 fig. 46, 281 fig. 47

syzygy, 212

Tabscott, Keith, 56–57

Taklimakan Desert, 148, 258

tar, 58, 258; tar sands, 265

tardigrades, 61, 299

Teach, Edward, 114

Technorama, 229

tectonic processes. See plate tectonics

telegraph cables, transatlantic, 140–41

telescopes, 248, 250, 273; space telescopes, 289–90

Tempel I comet, 287

Tempel-Tuttle comet, 285–86

temperatures: carbon dioxide levels and, 294–95; current/future global warming, 293–96; in diagenesis, 179, 180; extreme, fauna tolerating, 299–300; increasing solar radiation, 297, 298; on Mars, 278, 281–82; ocean temperatures, 295, 297; plate tectonics and, 298; on Titan, 274, 276; on Venus, 284, 292, 293; weathering processes and, 294

termites, 241, 261

terroir, 268

Teshigahara, Hiroshi, 133

thalweg, 100–101

Thames River: estuary, 105; Tower Beach, 134

Thebes, 268

Theory of the Earth (Hutton), 85

therapy, 266–67

Thesiger, Wilfred, 151, 171, 175

Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin), 189–90

Thoreau, Henry David, 133

Three Gorges Dam, 83–84

Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There (Carroll), 66

Tibetan sand mandalas, 219–20, Plate 14

Ticino River, 248

tidalites, 212

tides, 32, 134–35, 211–12; in estuaries, 104, 105–6; quicksand formation and, 56; tidal sediment transport/deposition, 115–16, 134–35, 212

Timbuktu manuscripts, 268

time, time scales, 5, 73–76; day-length and month-length changes, 211, 212; deep, 73; hourglasses, 41, 250–51

Titan, 272, 274–77, 275 fig. 44, 277 fig. 45

titanium dioxide, 239–40, 241

Tom Sawyer Abroad (Twain), 160–61

topography: desert sand movement/dune behavior and, 155, 161, 165–66. See also submarine topography

Tottori dunes, 133

toys, 256, 257

Triassic: Permian-Triassic extinction, 203–5, 295, 298; rifting and sandstones, 199–203, 238

triboelectrification, 172

tropical coasts and beaches, 138–39

Troy, 195

trumpet worms, 128–29, Plate 8

tsunamis, tsunami sands, 142, 193–94, 195, 197

Tunguska event (1908), 303–4

turbidites, turbidity currents, 142, 178, 195, 197, 204, 210

Tutankhamun’s tomb, glass scarab from, 301–2, 304

Twain, Mark, 46, 160–61, 209–10, 211, 266

Twigger, Robert, 147, 301

Tyre, 195

Ubar, 267

Udden, Johan August, 8, 11, 37, 188–89

Udden-Wentworth scale, 8–10, 9 fig. 1, 37

Ukhaa Tolgod, 198–99

Uluru, 214

Umbanhowar, Paul, 48, 49

unconformities, 185; Hutton’s unconformity, 184–85, 184 fig. 33, 190, 208, 213

uniformitarianism, 183, 185, 186, 187, 191–92

universe: birth of, 27, 48; size estimates, 71, 72–73; star number estimates, 72

uplift, 80, 98, 113, 180, 181, 206

urbeaches, 134

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 114

U.S. Geological Survey, 189, 243

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 190

Ussher, James, 183

USS Richard Montgomery wreck, 105

U.S. Supreme Court: Stack Island boundary dispute, 99–101

Valley and Ridge Province (Appalachians), 98

vampires, 66–67

van Gogh, Vincent, 225

van Leeuwenhoek, Antony, 16–18, 28–29, 61, 250, 273; sand grain drawings, 18 fig. 3

van Muschenbroek, Petrus, 16, 127

Vanuatu, 215, 216 fig. 36

velocity, in sediment transport, 90, 91, 151, 156, 158

Venera missions, 284

Venetian glassmaking, 247–48

Venezuela: Canaima National Park, 79, 80–81, 81 fig. 18

Venus, 284–86, 292, 293, 296, 298

Vermeer, Jan, 225

Vesna, Victoria, 219–20

vibration responses, 46–49; liquefaction, 57–59; quicksand, 55–57; in Shapiro’s art, 229

Victoria, Queen, 140, 251

vines and vineyards, 268–69

vins des sables, 268–69

Virginia Beach, 123

volcanic glass, 303

volcanic sands, 16, 33, 266, 267, Plate 1; on Mars, 279, 283

volcanoes, volcanic activity, 86, 113, 204, 205, 296, 298; on Venus, 296

Vulcano Island, 299–300

Waddington, Andrucha, 133–34

Waiting for Godot (Beckett), 29

Washington, George, 199, Plate 15

washover fans, 116

wasps, 26, 174

water, 296; aquifers, 263–64, 268; in diagenesis, 178–79, 180; in Earth’s history, 27, 28; on Mars, 281–84; sand movement through, 10, 12–13, 151; wet sand behavior, 51–54. See also coastal sediment movement; ocean sediment movement; rivers; sediment transport

water gaps, 101

water treatment, sand filtration for, 245–46

Watt, James, 184

wave patterns: in beach sands, 125–26, 126 fig. 26; in granular materials, 48, 49 fig. 12; offshore sand waves, 135. See also ripples; vibration responses

waves, 32, 115, 119–20, 120 fig. 24; beach sand surface details and, 126–28; dune formation and, 131; tsunamis, 142, 193–94, 195, 197. See also coastal sediment movement

weather: climate change and, 293. See also climate change; hurricanes; storms

weathering: of sand grains, 13, 21–22; as source of sand, 3, 4–6, 82, 84–85, 205, 293–94

Wegener, Alfred, 189

Wentworth, Chester K., 6, 8, 9

Western Desert (Egypt), 152, 154, 301–4

Weston, Brett, 132

Weston, Edward, 132

wet sand behavior, 51–54; footprints, 55; liquefaction, 57–59; quicksand, 55–56

whalebacks, 165

whales, 128

White House, 237–38

White Sands National Monument, 7, 283

Wigan, Willard, 227

Wild 2 comet, 287–88

Wilson, Brian, 259

winds, 12, 13, 170, 276; desert winds, 147, 151; dune formation/behavior and, 12, 35 fig. 6, 130–31, 158; dune forms and wind patterns, 163–64, 165, 168, 277; on Mars, 278, 280; on Titan, 276–77; on Venus, 285; wind-formed sand ripples, 161–62, 162 fig. 30. See also aeolian sediment transport; dunes

wine, 268–69

Winter, Martha, 230

Wistar, Caspar (glassmaker), 249

Wistar, Caspar (physician), 199

The Wizard of Oz (Baum), 147

The Woman in the Dunes (Abe), 133, 238

Woman in the Dunes (film), 133

Woodland, Joe, 227

“Woodnotes II” (Emerson), 77

World War II: Bagnold’s activities, 155; incendiary bombs in the U.S., 22–23

worms, 261

Wright, Orville and Wilbur, 118

Wyoming Valley, 98–99, 103

xenotime, 270

Yale University building stone, 211

Yangtze River: Three Gorges Dam, 83–84

“The Young American” (Emerson), 1 yttrium, 270–71

Yucatán: Chicxulub meteorite, 196–97

Zen sand gardens, 222, 229–30, 271

Zeresenay Alemseged, 176–77

zero, 68

Zion National Park, 200–201, 283

zircon, 27–28, 245, 270, 271