
The following abbreviations are used in the Notes:

AA—Al Alvarez

BL—British Library

DA—Diana Athill

DP—David Plante

EB—Eliot Bliss

EM—Ellen Moerman

ERW—Edward Rees Williams

ES—Evelyn Scott

FW—Francis Wyndham

GR—Germaine Richelot

JL—Jean Lenglet

JR—Jean Rhys

LHS—Lancelot Hugh Smith

LTS—Leslie Tilden Smith

McFarlin—McFarlin Library (Special Collections), University of Tulsa, Oklahoma

MH—Max Hamer

MM—Maryvonne Moerman

OH—Olwyn Hughes

OS—Oliver Stonor

PAS—Phyllis Antoinette Smyser

PK—Peggy Kirkaldy

SO—Sonia Orwell

SVD—Selma Vaz Dias


1.Jean Rhys, Smile Please: an Unfinished Autobiography, “From a Diary: at the Ropemakers’ Arms,” André Deutsch, 1979, p. 163.


Chapter 1—Wellspring (1890–1907)

1.Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, Penguin, 1966, p. 85.

2.Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert, Phyllis Shand Allfrey: A Caribbean Life, Rutgers University Press, 1996, p. 15. Willie’s wildness was further confirmed when he was sentenced to six months’ hard labour in an English prison in 1927, after stealing a fellow lodger’s suit and defrauding three constables.

3.JR to FW in her poem, “Obeah Night,” 14 April 1964, in Francis Wyndham and Diana Melly (eds.), The Letters of Jean Rhys, 1931–1966, André Deutsch, 1984, p. 265.

4.Jean Rhys, “The Sound of the River,” Tigers are Better-Looking, André Deutsch, 1968.

5.Jean Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Jonathan Cape, 1931, Part 2, Chapter 12, “Childhood.”

6.Catherine Rovera discusses Rhys’s reworking of these events in her notebooks, in relation to Good Morning, Midnight and the first stirrings of Wide Sargasso Sea in: “Jean Rhys’s Phantom MSS: ‘December 4th 1938. Mr Howard’s House. CREOLE’,” in Women: A Cultural Review, 31:2, pp. 187–98, 18 August 2020; online, DOI:10.1080/0957042.2020.17/67836.

7.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, André Deutsch, 1966, p. 147.

8.Rhys, “Geneva,” Smile Please, André Deutsch, 1979.

9.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 3, André Deutsch, 1966, p. 173.

10.House of Commons reports, 1 July 1844, p. 247.

11.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, André Deutsch, 1966, p. 155.

12.JR to DP, nd, McFarlin, Plante Papers, 007.15.f2.

Chapter 2—Floggings, School and Sex (1896–1906)

1.Jean Rhys, “My Day: 3 Pieces,” in Invitation to the Dance, edited by Frank Hallman (New York, 1975).

2.JR to DP, nd, McFarlin, Plante Papers, 007.15.f1.

3.Rhys, “Meta,” Smile Please.

4.JR, McFarlin 1.6.f11.

5.JR, McFarlin 1.3.f8.

6.JR, McFarlin 1.1.f6.

7.JR, McFarlin 1.1.f16.

8.JR, McFarlin 1.6.f11.

9.JR, McFarlin 1.1.f1.

10.Henry Hesketh Bell, Glimpses of a Governor’s Life from Diaries and Memoranda, Sampson Low, 1946.

11.GBR/0115/Y3011C-N, Sir Henry Hesketh Bell Collection, Royal Commonwealth Library, Cambridge University Archive.

12.Rhys, “The Zouaves,” Smile Please.

13.JR to EM, 11 January 1960, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

14.Jean Rhys, “Mixing Cocktails,” Jean Rhys: The Collected Short Stories, Penguin, 1987, p. 36.

15.Rhys, “Goodbye Marcus, Goodbye Rose,” Collected Short Stories, p. 278.

16.Rhys, “Goodbye Marcus, Goodbye Rose,” Collected Short Stories, p. 277.

17.See Chapter 1, n. 6.

18.JR, “Triple Sec,” unpublished manuscript, McFarlin 1.5.11-12.

19.JR, Black Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.3.f5 and 1.3.f11.

20.Rhys, “Leaving Dominica,” Smile Please.

21.Rhys, “First Steps,” Smile Please.


Chapter 3—Stage-struck (1907–13)

1.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, Penguin, p. 65.

2.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, Penguin, p. 70.

3.Rhys, “From a Diary: at the Ropemakers’ Arms,” published as an appendix to Smile Please.

4.Rhys, “First Steps,” Smile Please.

5.Rhys, “Overture and Beginners,” Collected Short Stories, p. 307.

6.Rhys, “First Steps,” Smile Please.

7.Peter Eyre interviews with author, July 2018.

8.Rhys, “Chorus Girls,” Smile Please.

9.JR to MM, 19 November 1959.

10.JR to FW, 26 October 1961, McFarlin 2.15.f1.

11.Rhys, “Chorus Girls,” Smile Please.

Chapter 4—Fact and Fiction: A London Life (1911–13)

1.Extract from unpublished memoirs of Constance, Lady Hugh Smith (1900), Roehampton University Archive, pp. 88–91.

2.Rhys, “The Interval,” Smile Please.

3.Rhys, “The Interval,” Smile Please.

4.Jean Rhys, Voyage in the Dark, Constable, 1934, Part 1, p. 7.

5.Rhys, “First Steps,” “Christmas Day,” Smile Please.

6.Rhys, “First Steps,” “Christmas Day,” Smile Please.

7.JR to PK, May 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

8.JR to MM, November 1965, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

9.Carole Angier, Jean Rhys, Life and Work, André Deutsch, 1990, p. 87.

10.JR, McFarlin 1.1.5.f9.

11.Rhys, “World’s End and a Beginning,” Smile Please.

12.Stella Bowen, Drawn from Life, Reminiscences, Collins, 1941, p. 37.

13.Nina Hamnett, Laughing Torso, Constable, 1932, p. 36.

Chapter 5—London in Wartime (1913–19)

1.Adrian Allinson, “A Painter’s Pilgrimage,” unpublished memoir in typescript, McFarlin.

2.Bowen, Drawn from Life, p. 36.

3.Hamnett, Laughing Torso, p. 86.

4.Janie Lomas, “War Widows in British Society 1914–1940,” unpublished PhD thesis, appendix A, Table 1, Stafford University.

5.Rhys, “Leaving England,” Smile Please.

6.Rhys, “Leaving England,” Smile Please.


Chapter 6—A Paris Marriage (1919–25)

1.In what seems to have been forgetful old age, Rhys annotated this group of photographs as: “Austria.”

2.JR, Green Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.2; Jean Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Constable, 1939, p. 100.

3.Fonds Louis Gustave Richelot (1858–1956), Repertoire numerique detaille, d/AB/XIX/4224-AB/XIX/4227, Archives Nationale de France, 1015.

4.JR, unpublished poem, “Prayer to the Sun,” McFarlin 1.2.f10.

5.JR, McFarlin 011.1.f10, from the scattered pages of a typescript titled “And Paris Sinister,” later incorporated into Jean Rhys, The Left Bank: Sketches and Studies of Present-Day Bohemian Paris, Jonathan Cape, 1927.

6.JR, “Prayer to the Sun,” McFarlin 1.2.f10.

7.JR, McFarlin, Plante Papers, 007.15.f5.

8.Jean Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 2, Chapter 5, “Acton.”

9.Rhys, “Vienne,” Collected Short Stories, p. 110.

10.Rhys, “Vienne,” Collected Short Stories, p. 118.

11.Rhys, “Paris Again,” Smile Please.

Chapter 7—“L’affaire Ford” (1924–26)

1.JR, McFarlin 1.5.f9.

2.Paul Nash to Anthony Bertram, 2 March 1925, quoted in Max Saunders, Ford Madox Ford: A Dual Life: the After World, Vol. II, OUP, 1996, p. 282.

3.Saunders, Ford Madox Ford, p. 284.

4.JR to FW, 16 July 1967, McFarlin 2.14.f1.

5.All details concerning Rhys’s departure from Paris and stay in Cros de Cagnes come from the unpublished memoir of Margaret Odeh Nash, and from Paul Nash’s subsequent letter to Anthony Bertram, 2 March 1925. Nash papers, quoted in Saunders, Ford Madox Ford, p. 282.

6.Rhys, “La Grosse Fifi,” Collected Short Stories, p. 78.

7.Saunders, Ford Madox Ford, pp. 284, 603.

8.Bowen, Drawn from Life, p. 167.

9.JR, “L’affaire Ford,” McFarlin, Plante Papers, 1981–007 f5.

10.JR, “The Forlorn Hope” (unpublished) was drafted in two versions and related to David Plante in 1977, McFarlin 1.1.f17.

11.JR, “L’affaire Ford,” McFarlin, Plante Papers, 1991–007 f5.

12.JR, first page of Black Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.f3, later incorporated into the story “Tigers are Better-Looking.”

13.JR to JL, nd, McFarlin 2.15.f4.

14.Here, I have followed Max Saunders, since his is the most convincing explanation of a complicated sequence of events, Ford Madox Ford, pp. 295–7.

15.Bowen, Drawn from Life, pp. 166–7.

Chapter 8—Hunger, and Hope (1926–28)

1.Patrick Hamilton to his brother Bruce Hamilton, May 1927, quoted in Sean French, Patrick Hamilton: A Life, Faber, 1993, p. 86.

2.Valentine Williams to GR, 19 January 1927, McFarlin 2.9.f6.

3.Saunders, Ford Madox Ford, p. 608.

4.Saunders, Ford Madox Ford, p. 608.

5.Pearl Adam to JR, 13 December 1926, McFarlin 2.1.f1.

6.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 2, Chapter 5. “Acton,” Chapter 9, “Golders Green.”

7.LHS to JR, 5 May 1927, McFarlin 2.5.f11. The folded paper is apparent from the fact that the upper part of the words “dear kitten” is missing.

8.LHS to JR, 27 May 1927, McFarlin 2.5.f11.

9.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 2, Chapter 6, “Mr James.”

10.GR to JR, 18 November 1929, McFarlin 2.9.f11.

11.JR, nd, Green Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.f3.

12.BL, Rhys Archive, ad. ms 57859.

13.GR to JR, September 1927, McFarlin 2.9.f6.

14.Jean Rhys, Quartet, Chapter 1; GR to JR, September 1927, McFarlin 2.9.f6.

15.Rhys, Quartet, Chapter 23.

16.Rhys, Quartet, Chapters 18, 21.

17.Rhys, Quartet, Chapter 18.

18.GR to JR, 15 November 1928, McFarlin 2.9.f6.

19.Rhys, Quartet, Chapter 12.

20.Manchester Guardian, 26 October 1928.

21.Rhys, Quartet, Chapter 12.

22.JL to JR, 21 February 1929, BL, Rhys Archive, ad. ms 8819.

23.A report from “the inner sanctum of Simon & Schuster, US, by ‘M.L.S.’,” in the substantial collection of documents copied from the McFarlin Library originals, BL, Rhys Papers, ad. ms 8819.


Chapter 9—Two Tunes: Past and Present (1929–36)

1.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 1, Chapter 3, “Mr Horsfield.”

2.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 3, Chapter 3, “Last.”

3.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 1, Chapter 1, “The Hotel on the Quay.”

4.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 1, Chapter 1, “The Hotel on the Quay.”

5.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 1, Chapter 2, “Mr Mackenzie.”

6.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 2, Chapter 3, “Uncle Griffiths.”

7.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 2, Chapter 6, “Mr James.”

8.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 2, Chapter 6, “Mr James.”

9.Rhys, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Part 3, Chapter 1, “Île de la Cité.”

10.Observer, 8 February 1931; Daily Telegraph, 30 January 1931; Saturday Review of Literature, US, 25 July 1931.

11.The Times and Times Literary Supplement, 5 March 1931.

12.Rebecca West, Daily Telegraph, 30 January 1931.

13.PAS to DA, 27 January 1967, McFarlin 2.4.f7.

14.JR, Black Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.1, pp. 12, 98–9.

15.André Breton, Nadja, Librairie Gallimard, 1928, p. 142. Rhys’s fellow admirer was the francophile musician, George Melly.

16.JR to PK, 4 May 1931, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

17.ES to JR, 9 June 1931, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

18.MM to PAS, 30 April 1968, McFarlin 10.2.f1.

19.JR to FW, 19 June 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

20.Rhys, Voyage in the Dark, Part 1, ch. 1.

21.Rhys, Voyage in the Dark, Part 1, ch. 6.

22.Rhys, Voyage in the Dark, Part 1, ch. 7.

23.Rhys, Voyage in the Dark, Part 4, ch. 1.

24.Charlotte Brontë, writing her Introduction to Emily’s Wuthering Heights as “Currer Bell.”

25.JR to ES, 1933, nd, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

26.JR to ES, 1933, nd, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

27.JR to AA, 7 September 1974, BL, Alvarez Papers, ad. mss. 88595.

28.JR to AA, 7 September 1974, BL, Alvarez Papers, ad. mss. 88595.

29.PAS to FW, 5 June 1982, McFarlin 10.3.f1.

30.LTS to JR, nd, private collection.

31.Rhys, manuscript of Voyage in the Dark, McFarlin 1.5.13.

32.Rhys, Voyage in the Dark, Part 4, Chapter1.

33.Angier, Jean Rhys, p. 293, quoting from a personal interview with Dorothy Rees Williams.

34.Transcript of Paul Bailey BBC radio interview, 15 April 1981, McFarlin 1.2.f11.

35.MM to DA, nd, McFarlin 2.2.f10.

36.JR to ES on her drinking habits, 18 February 1934, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

37.Angier, Jean Rhys, p. 338, quoting from her interview with Rosamond Lehmann, 1986, p. 701.

38.JR to ES, 16 February 1936, McFarlin 2.9.f11.

Chapter 10—A la recherche, or Temps Perdi (1936)

1.JR to ES, December 1935, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

2.JR to ES, nd, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

3.LTS to PAS, 19 March 1936, McFarlin 2.10.f1.

4.The term “white zombi” appears in “Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers,” a story about Mr. Ramage which Rhys worked on for many years and which was published in her final collection “Sleep It Off Lady.” Collected Short Stories, pp. 264–73.

5.Rhys, “Geneva,” Smile Please.

6.Phyllis Shand Allfrey, The Orchid House, Rutgers University Press, 1996. Introduction by Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert, p. xxiv.

7.Rhys, “Geneva,” Smile Please.

8.JR to ES, nd., “Hampstead,” Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

9.Elma Napier to Alec Waugh, 30 January 1949, Waugh Papers, Boston University 20th Century Archive.

10.LR to PAS, 29 February and 18 March 1936, McFarlin 2.10.f1.

11.Rhys, “Temps Perdi,” Collected Short Stories, p. 262.

12.Rhys, “Temps Perdi,” Collected Short Stories, p. 263.

13.Jean Rhys, “The Imperial Road,” version 4, Jean Rhys Review, 11, 2, Spring 2000.

14.LTS, map, McFarlin 2.10.f1.

15.LTS to PAS, 19 March 1936, McFarlin 2.10.f1.

16.JR to ES, 10 August 1936, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

17.JR to ES, 1936, nd, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

18.ES to Emma Goldman, 25 May 1937, quoted in Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters, p. 34.

Chapter 11—Good Morning, Midnight (1936–39)

1.JR, Green Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.2.

2.JR to DA, 29 May 1966, McFarlin 2.3.f5.

3.JR to ES, 10 August 1936, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

4.JR to ES, 10 August 1936, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

5.JR, “The Martyr,” Orange Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.f4.

6.JR to PK, 9 March 1949, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

7.Paravisini-Gebert, Phyllis Shand Allfrey: A Caribbean Life, p. 48.

8.JR, Orange Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.f4.

9.Angier, Jean Rhys, pp. 361–2.

10.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, p. 128.

11.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, 2019, p. 3.

12.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 4.

13.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 4.

14.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 17.

15.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 11.

16.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 40.

17.Judith Thurman, “The Mistress and the Mask: Jean Rhys’s Fiction,” Ms, 4, No. 7, January 1976, pp. 51–2.

18.Judy Froshaug, “The Book-Makers,” Nova, September 1967, p. 45.

19.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 6.

20.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 6.

21.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 15. Stephen Romer points out that Rhys has altered the original line in a poem by Desnos, reading: “Belle, comme une fleur de verre, Belle, comme une fleur de chair” (flesh) to read: “Beautiful, she’s beautiful as a flower in glass, Beautiful as a flower in earth.”

22.Jean Rhys used these words to describe the tone employed by George Moore in Esther Waters in a letter to OS, 5 March 1953, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

23.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 190.

24.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 27.

25.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 130.

26.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 169.

27.Simon Segal to JR, nd, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters, pp. 138–9. With thanks to Stephen Romer for this translation.

28.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, p. 43. With thanks to Stephen Romer for this translation.

29.JR to SVD, 4 November 1956, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

30.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, pp. 7, 25.

31.JR to FW, 14 May 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

32.Violet Hammersley to JR, McFarlin 2.5.f8.

33.JR, “Creole,” McFarlin 1.3.f5.

34.Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight, Penguin, pp. 145–6.

35.JR to PK, [October] 1945, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

36.Author interviews with Carole Angier (12 September 2019) and David Plante (28 November 2019), to whom Rhys would eventually give her single-sheet plan for “Wedding in the Carib Quarter.” I’m also indebted to Catherine Rovera for drawing my attention to her fine essay, “Jean Rhys’s Phantom Manuscript: 4 December 1938. Mr Howard’s House. CREOLE,” Women: a Cultural Review, 18 August 2020, 31:2, pp. 187–99.


1.Peggy Kirkaldy, “Portrait of a Lost Friend,” McFarlin 2.7.f1.

Chapter 12—At War with the World (1940–45)

1.Rhys, “A Solid House,” Collected Short Stories, p. 212.

2.JL to JR, 17.1.1940, McFarlin; Edouard de Néve, “Jean Rhys, romancière inconnu,” Les Nouvelles Litteraires, August 1939.

3.Rhys, “Temps Perdi,” Collected Short Stories, p. 249.

4.Rhys, BL, Rhys Archives, ad. mss. 57858.

5.Norwich Mercury and People’s Weekly Journal, 1 August 1940.

6.Rhys, “From a Diary: at the Ropemakers’ Arms,” Smile Please.

7.Angier, Jean Rhys, pp. 442, 707, based upon letters to Carole Angier from Willis Feast’s daughter and Eric Griffiths.

8.Angier, Jean Rhys, pp. 442, 707; John Bolland to author, 28 June 2021.

9.Angier, Jean Rhys, pp. 442, 707; John Bolland to author, 28 June 2021.

10.Rhys, “A Solid House,” Collected Short Stories, p. 218.

11.Angier, Jean Rhys (p. 219) identifies Louis Rose but provides no confirmation that he treated Rhys; John Bolland to author, 28 June 2021, provided further details on Rose.

12.JR, “Cowslips,” McFarlin 1.1.f13.

13.Rhys, “The Insect World,” Collected Short Stories, p. 343.

14.Rhys, “Outside the Machine,” Collected Short Stories, p. 196.

15.Rhys, “I Spy A Stranger,” Collected Short Stories, p. 144.

16.Dr. Ellen Moerman kindly supplied or confirmed the information about her mother given in this paragraph.

17.Rhys, “The Sound of the River,” Collected Short Stories, p. 230.

18.JR to PAS, 10 October 1945, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

19.Rhys, “The Sound of the River,” Collected Short Stories, p. 228.

20.JR to PK, [October] 1945, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

21.Angier, Jean Rhys, p. 431, from interviews with DRW.

Chapter 13—Beckenham Blues (1946–50)

1.JR, Orange Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.4.

2.JR to PK, 11 February 1946 and 3 July 1946, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

3.Information about Job kindly supplied by Dr. Ellen Moerman.

4.JR to PK, 21 April 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

5.JR to PK, 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

6.Bromley & West Kent Mercury, 1 April 1948.

7.JR to MM, 11 January 1949, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

8.JR to PK, nd, 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

9.Dr. Ellen Moerman in conversation with author and Gaia Banks (Sheil Land Agency), December 2019.

10.JR to PK, 9 March and [October] 1949, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

11.JR to PK, nd, 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

12.Beckenham Journal, 27 May 1949.

13.JR to PK, nd., 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters, “Let Them Call It Jazz,” Collected Short Stories, p. 161.

14.JR to PK, 4 October 1949, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

15.JR to MM, 10 July 1949, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

16.JR to MM, 24 October 1949, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

17.Tara Fraser (granddaughter of SVD) to author, 13 July 2018.

Chapter 14—The Lady Vanishes (1950–56)

1.JR to OS, 5 March 1953, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

2.JR to PK, 10 March 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

3.JR to PK, 21 April 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

4.JR to PK, 21 April 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

5.JR to PK, May 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

6.JR to PK, 21 April 1950, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

7.JR to DP, McFarlin 14.2.f1.

8.Rhys, “Ropemakers’ Arms,” Smile Please.

9.Rhys, “Ropemakers’ Arms,” Smile Please.

10.Rhys, “Ropemakers’ Arms,” Smile Please.

11.JR to MM, 22 June and 31 August 1952, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

12.MH to OS (“Morchard Bishop”), 29 December 1952, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

13.JR to OS, 27 January 1953, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

14.JR to OS, 5 March 1953, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

15.JR to OS, 7 April 1953, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

16.JR to SVD, 27 March 1953, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

17.JR to SVD, 8 June 1953, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

18.JR to MM, 8 June 1953, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

19.JR to MM, 29 August and 16 September 1953, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

20.JR to MM, 31 January and 4 April 1954, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

21.JR to MM, 5 July and 16 October 1956, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

22.JR to MM, 22 October 1956, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

23.SVD to JR, 19 October 1956, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

24.JR to SVD, 12 November 1956, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

25.JR to SVD, 18 March 1957, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.


1.JR, Green Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.2.

Chapter 15—A House by the Sea (1957–60)

1.JR to MM, 14 January 1958, quoting from her own unpublished fragment of a children’s story for Maryvonne—and then her granddaughter—about “Mitsou San,” Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

2.PK to JR, no date but evidently 1957, McFarlin 2.7.f1. The cache of letters from Rhys to Peggy Kirkaldy published in Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters was found in a doctor’s surgery in Colchester and provided to Rhys’s letter-editors in the 1980s.

3.JR to SVD, 6 November 1957, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

4.Anne Dunn to author, 30 May 2020.

5.JR to FW, 29 March 1958, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

6.Francis Wyndham’s funeral tribute (copy provided by Alan Hollinghurst to author).

7.Margaret (Peggy) Ramsay to SVD, 2 October 1958 (private collection).

8.I’m again indebted here to Dr. Ellen Moerman for details about the Moermans’ difficult life in the Netherlands.

9.JR to SVD, 21 December 1957.

10.JR to MM, 4 May 1959; 28 December 1960, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

11.JR to MM, 4 June 1959, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

12.JR to MM, 19 November 1959, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

13.JR to MM, April 1958, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

14.JR to SVD, 9 April 1958, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

15.JR to SVD, 10 January 1959, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

16.JR to SVD, 27 May 1959, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

17.JR to SVD, 14 June 1959, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

18.Alec Hamer to JR, 31 January 1959, McFarlin 2.2.f8.

19.JR to FW, 14 September 1959, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters. Wyndham had taken the reference to Rhys’s Scottish blood—she had distant Scottish forebears on her Lockhart side—from Selma’s 1957 article for the Radio Times.

20.JR to EB, 2 February 1960, McFarlin 2.1.f4.

21.JR to SVD, 24 February 1960; to FW, 12 April 1960; to MM, 22 June 1960, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

22.JR to MM, 6 October 1960, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

23.JR to FW, 31 May 1960, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

24.JR to FW, 14 July 1960, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

Chapter 16—Cheriton Fitzpaine

1.Robert Herrick, “Discontents in Devon,” in The Poetical Works of Robert Herrick, edited by F. W. Moorman, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1915, p. 19.

2.Author interview with Roy Stettiford, 26 April 2019.

3.JR to SVD, 17 September and 27 November 1963, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

4.JR to DA, 3 August 1963, McFarlin 2.3.f3.

5.Author visit to Cheriton Fitzpaine, 20 June 2019.

6.JR to DA, 3 August 1963, McFarlin 2.3.f3.

7.JR to FW, 23 July 1967, McFarlin 2.14.f1.

8.JR to MM, 15 and 17 July 1961, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

9.Frances Wood to author, 27 March 2020. Wood learned about William Trevor’s friendship with Rhys when talking to him during a Booker shortlist photoshoot at Hatchards in 2002.

10.Author interview with Samantha Moss, 7 July 2021.

11.JR to MM, 6 October 1960, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

12.JR to FW, 6 June 1961, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

13.JR to FW, 23 May 1961, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

14.JR to SVD, 25 September 1963 and to FW, 16 October 1963, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

15.JR to SVD, 17 September 1963, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

16.JR to SVD, 30 September 1963.

17.DA to author, 24 September 2018.

18.JR to EB, 2 October 1964, McFarlin 2.1.f4.

19.Robert Herrick, “Discontents in Devon,” Hesperides (1647).

Chapter 17—The Madness of Perfection (1960–63)

1.JR to SVD, September 1963, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

2.JR to FW, 6 October 1960, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

3.JR to DA, 28 April 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

4.JR to SVD, 9 January 1961, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

5.JR to FW, 11 October 1961, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

6.JR to FW, 11 October 1961, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

7.JR to FW, 17 October 1961, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

8.Author interview with Tara Fraser, 8 July 2021.

9.JR to SVD, 9 January 1961, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

10.Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, an Autobiography, Smith, Elder & Co., 1847, Chapter 26.

11.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, Penguin, p. 40.

12.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 3, Penguin, p. 123.

13.JR to FW, 12 September 1962, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

14.MH to JR, April–May 1963, Angier, Jean Rhys, p. 498.

15.JR to EB, 18 April 1963, McFarlin 2.1.f4.

16.JR to DA, 5 June 1963, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

17.FW to DA, 4 May 1963, McFarlin 2.4.f10.

18.Francis Wyndham, Introduction to Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters, p. 12.

19.JR to DA, 7 July 1963, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

20.EW to author, 20 May 2020; Esther Menell, Loose Connections, West Hill, 2014, pp. 144–5.

21.EW to author, 20 May 2020.

22.JR to SVD, 6 September 1963, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

23.JR to FW, 11 October 1963, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

24.Anne Dunn to author, 30 May 2020.

25.SVD to JR, 21 and 26 November 1963, McFarlin 2.12.f1; JR to SVD, 27 November 1963, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

26.JR to SVD, March 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

27.Francis Wyndham, Introduction to Wide Sargasso Sea, first published in Art and Literature, March 1964.

28.JR to FW, 25 March 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

29.“Obeah Night,” in JR to FW, 14 April 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

30.JR to FW, 14 April 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

31.JR to FW, 14 April 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

32.JR to FW, 15 July 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

33.ERW to DA, 28 July 1964, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

Chapter 18—An End and a Beginning (1964–66)

1.DA to Alec Hamer, 3 March 1966, McFarlin 2.2.f8.

2.JR to OH, recalling Selma’s 1965 hospital visit, 25 February 1966, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

3.DA interview with author, 20 July 2018. Tara Fraser to author, 20 September 2021.

4.DA told me this well-honed story in June 2018, but also DA to ERW, 8 January 1965, and ERW to DA 14 January 1964, McFarlin 2.4.f10.

5.JR to OH, 25 February 1966, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

6.JR to MM, 4 August 1965, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

7.JR to MM, 9 November 1965, and (nd) November 1965, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

8.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, Penguin, p. 70.

9.Anne Dunn telephone interview with author, 30 May 2020.

10.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, Penguin, p. 149.

11.JR to SVD, 3 March 1966, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

12.JR to DA, 9 March 1966, Wyndham and Melly (eds.), Letters.

13.DA to JR, 28 March 1966; DA to author, 23 July 2018.


Chapter 19—No Orchids for Miss Rhys (1966–69)

1.JR to FW, 21 July 1960, McFarlin 2.3.f5.

2.Alec Hamer to DA, March 1966, McFarlin 2.2.5.

3.JR to MM, 18 March 1966, Angier, p. 571.

4.JR to SO, 17 November 1966, McFarlin 2.7.f8.

5.DA to SO, 2 October 1966; SO to DA, 13 October 1966, McFarlin 2.5.f9.

6.JS to Margaret (Peggy) Ramsay, 30 July 1966, BL, Ramsay Archive, ad. mss. 88915 1/182/7.

7.JR to SVD, 16 September 1966, McFarlin 2.12.f2.

8.MM to DA, 15 October 1966, McFarlin 2.5.f10.

9.SVD to DA, 1 November 1966, McFarlin 2.4.f9.

10.JR to EB, nd, 1966, McFarlin 2.1.f1.

11.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 1, Penguin, p. 16.

12.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, Penguin, p. 106.

13.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 2, Penguin, p. 55.

14.Hunter Davies to author, 21 June 2020. Davies’s interview appeared in the Sunday Times, 6 November 1966.

15.SO to FW, 11 April 1967, BL, FW archive (not yet catalogued).

16.JR to DA, 1 and 2 December 1966, McFarlin 2.3.f8.

17.JR to SO, 7 January 1967, McFarlin 2.3.f9.

18.DA to Margaret (Peggy) Ramsay, 2 February 1967, BL, Ramsay Archive, ad. mss. 88915 1/182/7.

19.Selma Vaz Dias, 5 February 1967, BL, Ramsay Archive, ad. mss. 88915 15/1/206.

20.MR to Bryan Forbes, 3 February 1967; BF to MR, 6 February 1967, BL, Ramsay Archive, ad. mss. 88915 1/182/7.

21.DA to JR, nd, July 1967, McFarlin 2.3.f10.

22.JR to SO, mid-July, nd, 1967, McFarlin 2.7.f8.

23.JR to FW, 23 July 1967, McFarlin 2.1.f4.

24.JR to DA, 7 October 1967, McFarlin 2.3.f10.

25.JR to SO, 20 October 1967, McFarlin 2.7.f8.

26.JR to FW, 13 December 1967, McFarlin 2.14.f2.

27.FW to SVD, 19 December 1967, McFarlin 2.12.f8.

28.SVD to MM, 6 December 1967; MM to SVD, 8 December 1967, McFarlin 2.12.f8.

29.EM to author, 15 December 2020.

30.SVD to JR, 6 February 1968, McFarlin 2.12.f3.

31.JR to SVD, 6 February and 3 April 1968, McFarlin 2.12.f3; SVD to MR, 10 June 1969, BL, Ramsay Archive, ad. mss. 88915 15/1/206.

32.MM to PAS, 30 April 1968, McFarlin 10.2.f1.

Chapter 20—Rhys in Retreat (1967–74)

1.JR to OS, 3 August 1968, McFarlin 10.2.f5.

2.JR to FW, 2 December 1968, McFarlin 2.14.f2; JR to MR, 9 August 1969, BL 88915/1/182.

3.Marcelle Bernstein: “The Inscrutable Jean Rhys,” Observer Magazine, 1 June 1969, and to author, 13 July 2020, and 18 March 2021.

4.EM to author, 12 December 2020.

5.Herbert Ronson, “Meeting Jean,” London Magazine, July 1988, pp. 75–8.

6.JR to Rachel Ingalls, 20 June 1971, private collection.

7.JR to OS, 3 August 1968, McFarlin 10.2.f5.

8.SVD to MR, 10 June, BL, Ramsay Archive, 88915, 15.1.206.

9.JR to MR, 18 October 1969, McFarlin 2.4.f5.

10.MR to JR, 11 September 1969, BL, Ramsay Archive, 88915/1/182; JR to FW, 22 October 1969, McFarlin 2.14.f5.

11.Marcelle Bernstein, “The Inscrutable Jean Rhys,” Observer Magazine, 1 June 1969.

12.Marcelle Bernstein to author, 20 June 2020.

13.Barbara Ker-Seymer to JR, 15 January 1969, McFarlin 2.6.f10. A correspondence of fifteen letters between Rhys and Ker-Seymer (1969–70) is in the Tate Archives at Millbank.

14.JR to Antonia Fraser, 26 October 1969, McFarlin 2.5.f7.

15.Antonia Fraser to author, 12 May 2018; 5 September 2018.

16.JR to Rachel Ingalls, 25 July 1971, private collection.

17.JR to SO, 21 May 1970, McFarlin 2.8.f4.

18.Jan van Houts, “The Hole in the Curtain,” in Pierrette M. Frickey, Critical Perspectives on Jean Rhys, Three Continents, 1990.

19.JR to MM, 26 November 1970, Angier, p. 603.

20.This was how Dorothy Rees Williams described the funeral scene to Carole Angier, Jean Rhys, pp. 602–3.

21.David Plante, in an unpublished article about Rachel Ingalls, 2019, and to author, 20 June 2020; Ingalls, Times obituary, March 2019.

22.JR to Rachel Ingalls, 25 July and 24 August 1970.

23.Author interview with DA, 23 May 2018.

24.All quotations are from Rhys’s privately owned letters to Rachel Ingalls, July 1970 to August 1974.

25.Lidija Haas, “The Hallucinatory Realism of Rachel Ingalls,” New Yorker, 4 March 2019.

26.Author interview with DP, 9 July 2020.

27.V. S. Naipaul, “Without a Dog’s Chance,” New York Review of Books, 18 May 1972, pp. 29–31.

28.“L’affaire Ford” was drafted out in JR’s Green Exercise Book, McFarlin 1.1.1.

29.DP to author, 9 July 2020.

30.FW to JR, 30 June 1972, McFarlin 2.14.f10.

31.JR to FW, 20 October 1972, McFarlin 2.14.f10.

Chapter 21—“Mrs Methuselah” (1973–76)

1.Virginia Stevens, Radio Times, 21 November 1974.

2.FW to JR, 17 August 1974, McFarlin 2.15.f1.

3.JR to Jo Batterham, 27 October 1973, private collection.

4.I’m indebted for these details to Glenda Jackson, Alexis Lykiard, Peter Eyre, Diana Melly and Edna O’Brien, in conversations and correspondence during September 2020.

5.FW to JR, 26 February 1974, McFarlin 2.15.f1.

6.Julie Kavanagh to author, 22 and 26 July 2020.

7.Mary Cantwell, “I’m a Person Without a Mask,” Mademoiselle, October 1974.

8.James Fox to author, 18 January 2019.

9.Tristam Powell to author, 14 January 2019.

10.MR to SVD, 10 December 1974, BL, Ramsay Archive, ad. mss. 88915 15/1/206.

11.Paravisini-Gebert, Phyllis Shand Allfrey, p. 243.

12.FW to JR, 25 July 1975, McFarlin 2.15.f2.

13.Paravisini-Gebert, Phyllis Shand Allfrey, p. 245.

14.JR to FW, 9 October 1975, McFarlin 2.15.f2.

15.JR, “Shades of Pink,” McFarlin, Plante Papers 14.f4.

16.DP to author, 20 April 2020.

17.JR to FW, 15 February 1976, McFarlin 2.15.f2.

18.SO to DA, 2 March 1976, McFarlin 2.2.f12.

19.JR to SO, nd, McFarlin 2.9.f4.

20.Kirkus Reviews, review of Sleep It Off Lady, 1 November 1976.

21.DP and DA to author 18 and 20 July 2018.


1.Rhys, “And Yet I Fear,” BL, Rhys Archives, ad. mss. 57858.

Chapter 22—“The Old Punk Upstairs” (1977–79)

1.DA to FW, 1 January 1980, Wyndham Papers, BL (uncatalogued).

2.JB to SO, 10 March 1977; the rest of the details are from Diana Melly to author, January 2019–January 2020.

3.JR to DA, 29 March 1977, McFarlin 2.3.f8.

4.Louis James, “The Lady is Not a Photograph,” Journal of Caribbean Literatures, 3 (2003), pp. 175–84.

5.SO to JB, 16 August 1977; JR to JB, 7 September 1977 (private collection).

6.Jo Batterham paraphrased the advertisement to SO, 3 October 1977 (private collection); DA to SO, 1 November 1977, McFarlin 2.2.f13.

7.JR to JB, 27 October 1977 (private collection). JB to author, 1 August 2020.

8.George Melly, “The Old Punk Upstairs,” Independent on Sunday, 28 October 1990.

9.Sarah Papineau to author, 9 July 2020, with comments and excerpts from her diary for 1977–8 (private collection).

10.From the private collection of Sarah Papineau.

11.DA to SO, 1977, McFarlin 2.2.f9.

12.SO to DM, 22 December 1977, McFarlin 2.7.f1.

13.DM to SO, 6 January 1978, and to author, 15 January 2020.

14.Plante, Difficult Women: A Memoir of Three, Gollancz, 1983, pp. 17, 46, 51.

15.Thomas Staley to John Byrne, 28 December 1977 (private collection).

16.DM to author, 15 January 2020.

17.Melly, “The Old Punk Upstairs.”

18.SO to DM, February 1978, McFarlin 2.7.f1.

19.Diana Melly, Take a Girl Like Me: Life with George, Chatto, 2005, p. 125.

20.JB to author, 18 July 2020.

21.Rhys’s “Making Bricks without Straw” was first published in Harpers, July 1978. Reprinted in Vogue in 1979, it is included in Frickey (ed.), Critical Perspectives of Jean Rhys.

22.JR, June 1978, nd, McFarlin 1.3.f7.

23.Madeline Slade interview with author, 8 December 2021.

24.DA to author, 17 June 2018 and also DA to SO, nd, McFarlin 2.2.f9.

25.JB to author, 12 September 2018.

26.JB to author, 12 September 2018.

27.Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, Part 3, Penguin.


1.DA to author, 20 June 2018; DP to JB, 21 March 1980 (private collection).