
ABC News, 228

Abelson, Robert P., 237

Aberdeen American News: in ad study, 53; lowest advertising rate, 54; most trusted by sources, 91

Accuracy study: and credibility, 91; methodology of, 85; questionnaire, 1015

Advertising: additional sales per dollar spent, 61; agency payment method, 60; and bar code scanners, 61; CPM, 51; direct marketing, 61; duplication of, 51; and gross rating points, 50; and involvement index, 61; linked to editorial content, 64; and newspaper market share, 42; testing for effects of, 61

Advertising Research Foundation, 120

Akron Beacon Journal: best edited, 140; decline in spelling, 145; editorial vigor of, 132; and Fire-stone investigation, 69; and kids' page, 69; Meyer's work with, 165; supportive of community, 70

Allen, Dale, 140, 6263

American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), 22526

American Journalism Review, 25, 64

American Meteorological Society, 229

American Press Institute, 202, 206

American Society of Newspaper Editors: code enforcement, 223; credibility study, 57; and ethical sanctions, 228; newsroom census, 21, 145, 152; Statement of Principles, 201

American University, 209

Anderson, Jack, 225

Angelo, Frank, 207

Anger, Paul, 187

Annapolis Capital, 140

Arant, Morgan David, 139

Associated Press, 106, 139

Association for Education in Journalism, 77

Audit Bureau of Circulations, 2829, 50, 79, 95, 148


Bad competitors, 232

Bakersfield Californian, 202

Bankruptcy scenario, 4748

Barnes & Noble, 63 Batten, James K.: concern for children, 68; and contingency budgets, 173; death of, 175; and Meyer's MBO, 200; and readership decline, 122; watching the bad guys, 175

Bellows, Jim, 124

Bezanson, Randall, 200

Biloxi, Miss., 114

Black, Cathleen, 45

Blair, Jayson, 82

Boca Raton News, 116

Bogart, Leo: advice to editors, 137; evaluating editors, 7778; and Newspaper Readership Project, 205; and read yesterday measure, 12024

Borders, 62

Boulder, Colo., 114

Boulder Daily Camera: and “general consensus,” 147; spelling errors in, 141

Bower, Joseph L., 203

Boyle, David, 5

Broward County (Fla.), 71

Buffett, Warren, 17, 190

Business model and revenue categories, 41

Business Office Must (BOM), 208

Business Week, 209


Calder, Bobby J., 7980

Capacity measures, 99

Cappo, Joe, 60

Carpentier, Francesca, 22

Carter, Hodding, 228

Catalog function, 62

Center for Public Integrity, 209

Centre Daily Times, 115, 159

Certification: defined, 220; and mid-career training, 220; and needed programs, 219

Challenger, 52

Chapman, Alvah: admiration for Neuharth, 172; and command-and-control structure, 167; history, 16466; on profit and quality, 173; walking around with his clipboard, 193

Charlotte Observer, 140, 147; accuracy studies, 8485; and editorial vigor, 132; high on civic journalism, 73

Charnley, Mitchell, 84

Chiquita Banana Company, 228

Chi-Town Daily News, 134

Christensen, Clayton, 202, 203, 212

Christian Science Monitor, 187

Circulation robustness. See Penetration robustness

Civic journalism: defined, 73; early sources, 75; effects, 74. See also Public journalism

Clark, Ruth, 123

Classified advertising on the Internet, 62

Clay Center Dispatch, 79

Clay County Community High School, 106

Cleveland Plain Dealer, 132

Columbia Journalism Review, 64, 157

Columbus Dispatch, 132

Columbus Ledger, 131

Common Cause, 72

Community affiliation, 6768, 70

Community dictionary (DICTION), 76

Community Media Workshop, 219

Competitive Advantage (Porter), 212

Confidence in the press, 18

Congressional Quarterly, 72

Consumer Price Index, 172

Copy editors: and quality control, 138; and respect, 149

Correlation analysis, 79, 233

Cost per thousand (CPM), 51, 5859

Costs, fixed versus variable, 6364, 193

Cote, Jane, 17, 180

Couch, Arthur, 219

Cowles family, 15

Craigslist, 24, 47, 189, 212

Cranberg, Gilbert, 84n6, 200

Credibility: and advertising rates, 5256; causes of, 3334; components of, 71; counties ranked by, 31; Gaziano-McGrath scale, 67; like blood pressure, 71; as lovability, 70; measurement of, 72; stability of, 7072, 206

Cronbach's Alpha, 68n4, 86n9, 149n17

Cronkite, Walter, 45, 48

Crossword puzzles, 211

C-Span, 223

Curtis, Richard, 217


Data-Text, 219

DataTimes, 139

Davis, James A., 19, 33

Des Moines Register, 1516

Detroit Free Press: 1967 Detroit riot, 207; excluded from ad study, 53; high staff-written story rate, 128; home delivery curtailed, 187; paired for credibility study, 92

Detroit News, 92, 140, 168, 187, 225

Detroit newspaper strike, 96

Detroit Times, 168

Detroit Urban League, 207


Direct marketing, 6265

Dirks, Lee, 47

Disruptive technology, 6, 10, 11

Dodge Brothers, 14, 17

Dole, Sen. Bob, 225

Dougherty, Geoff, 134

Douglass, Frederick, 224

Drewry, William, 183, 195

Durham Herald, 140

Dynamite Kids' Page, 69, 70n8


Editing, importance of, 216

Editorial vigor, 13132

Edmonds, Rick: best-staffed newspaper, 188; on Knight Ridder staff cuts, 17980; and measuring capacity, 124, 152; and NPR donor policy, 208; on staff size and quality, 15759; on vegetables in media stew, 207

Edwards, Charles, 16

El Nuevo Herald, 30

Error types: as predictors of robustness, 97; classified, 86; relative importance of, 97

Errors: causes of, 98; frequency of, 8687; newspaper rankings, 8890


Faulkner, William, 110

Fee, Frank, 138, 147

Fico, Frederic, 12428, 13536

Fielder, Virginia Dodge, 57n12

Fighting Sioux, 71

Fine, Lauren Rich, 18284, 195, 197

Firestone 500, 69

Flesch, Rudolf, 107

Flesch-Kincaid test, 110

Flesch reading ease formula, 107

Florida Health Insurance Study, 98

Florida Today, 168

Food production versus processing, 216

Ford, Henry, 1415, 18

Ford Foundation, 209

Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 158


Frederick-Collins, Jana, 59

Friedman, Milton, 14

Fuller, Jack, 35


Gallup Organization, 25

Gannett Company, 1, 15; and Real Life, Real News, 205; and Chiquita Banana case, 228; earnings management, 41; going public, 16870

Gans, Herbert, 46

Gardner, John, 72

Gary Post-Tribune, 53

Gaziano, Cecilie, 58, 79, 80, 90

Gilbert, Clark, 203, 204

Golden Age (for newspapers), 24

Goodstein, Jerry, 180

Google, 62, 202

Graham, Katharine (Kay), 171, 190, 191

Grammatical accuracy, 146

Grand Forks County (N.D.), 71

Grand Forks Herald, 71, 113, 115, 119

Grand Rapids Press, 73

Greensboro News & Record, 108

Gross, Daniel, 196

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator, 172

Gunning, Robert, 109

Gutenberg, Johannes, 211

Guttman Scale, 160n12


Hampton University, 228

Harris, Jay, 17879

Harvard Business Review, 10

Harvard Data-Text, 123

Harvard University, 212

Harvesting strategy, 1314, 37, 44, 46, 195

Hawkins, Frank, 11

Hearst, William Randolph, 137

Heinlein, Robert A., 151

Henry, Patrick, 110

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 207

Hess, David, 69

Hills, Lee: “There is no excuse for a newspaper to be dull,” 215; farewell address, 18485

Household penetration, 9

Houston Chronicle, 113

Hunter-gatherer model, 213

Hussman, Walter, 188

Hutchins commission, 127


Industrial revolution, 211

Influence model: applies to niches, 231; as cycle, 26, 27; inevitability of, 49; introduced, 2, 1112, 17; testing of, 25, 27; and Web contribution, 204

Information age, 213

Information economy, 13

Ingle, Bob, 24, 203

Internet: accelerating specialization, 231; and direct marketing, 62; fixed cost of, 194; and market hopping, 63; and specialized information, 6

Interpublic Group of Companies, 60

Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), 220

Investigative Reporting Workshop, 209

IRE Award, 209


Jacobs, Mike, 71

Jinks, Larry, 198

Jobs, Steve, 3

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. See Knight Foundation

Johnson, Timothy, 228

Journalism education, 221, 217

Jurgensmeyer, Hal, 11, 45, 72


Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 203

Kennedy, John F., 110

Khurana, Rakesh, 17

Kids, newspaper content for, 6869

Kim, Koang-Hyub, 12627

Kim, Minjeong, 152, 162

Kincaid, Peter, 109

King, Martin Luther, 207

Kish, Leslie, 147

Knight, James L. (Jim): and cost analysis, 19192; at Miami Herald, 166

Knight, John S. (Jack): on appearance of Miami Herald, 196; “Get the truth and print it,” 215; death of, 185; as editor emeritus, 190, 191; opposition to Inquirer acquisition, 169; speech to analysts, 164; and spelling accuracy, 140

Knight Foundation: community program, 27; community survey, 92; history of, 52n6; training for journalists, 206 Knight Newspapers, going public, 164

Knight Ridder, 1, 11, 111, 196; and breakup value, 46; centralized management of, 178; and electronic delivery, 44; forced breakup of, 46; and growth under Chapman, 173; and Meyer's MBO, 200; price/credibility effect, absence of, 58; readership studies, 121; stock options, 201; Viewtron trial, 203

Kohut, Andrew, 25


Lacy, Stephen, 12428, 135, 136, 19798

Lahey, Edwin A., 106, 165

Latent variables, 68, 79

Lawrence, David, 25

Lazarsfeld, Paul, 94, 96, 137, 213

Lee Enterprises, 1

Leinwand, Donna, 8283

Levine, Robert A., 208

Levitt, Theodore, 10

Lewis, Charles, 209

Licensing: defined, 220

Lipset, Seymour Martin, 71

Little Rock Democrat-Gazette, 18889

Localism, 130

London Observer, 161

Long Beach Press-Telegram, 53, 116

Loomis, David, 74, 77

Louisville Courier Journal, 161

Lowenstein, Ralph, 10

Lownes, Tom, 143

Luntz, Frank, 226

Lyons, Louis, 5, 6


MacDougall, Curtis, 66, 205

Macon Telegraph, 128

Madison, James, 10

Maier, Scott, 85, 140

Maisel, Richard, 6, 10

Malthouse, Edward C., 7980

Management by Objective (MBO), 200

Manhattan Mercury-Chronicle, 192

Martin, Hugh, 19798

Mass audience, 214

McCarthy, Sen. Joseph, 98

McClatchy, C. K., 167; on Thomson newspapers, 197; and two classes of stock, 170; wide-open mind, 167

McClatchy, Eleanor, 16768

McClatchy, Jim, 170, 189, 191

McClatchy Newspapers, 1; centralized management of, 178; going public, 169; Knight Ridder purchase, 47; relative concern for community, 76

McCorkindale, Douglas H., 177, 180

McGrath, Kristin, 25, 80; credibility scale, 90; and measurement, 58, 79

Media effects, 77, 137

Media Management Center (Northwestern), 81

Meow Mix, 61

Merrill, John, 10

Merritt, W. Davis (Buzz): on Batten, 175; and centralized decision making, 178; on nonconsequentialism, 221; and profit in Wichita, 16

Mesa Verde, 120

Meyer, Jacob, 196

Miami Herald, 1; bayfront land for sale, 182; as big stick in community, 66; and Business Monday, 214; classified ad records, 166; excluded from ad study, 53; federal grant to, 208; inconsistent editing, 147; Meyer's first day, 215; Meyer's work with, 165; Neuharth's arrival, 168; paired for credibility study, 92; weekly news summary, 160

Micro Power & Light, 108

Microsoft Word, 108

Milton, John, 222, 227

Minnesota, University of, 84

Minnesota Daily, 84

Minnesota News Council, 225, 228, 219

Minorities, 23

Missouri, University of, 217

Mitchell, Lawrence E., 200

Moore, Wilbert, 222, 224

MORI Research, 25

Morton, Charles, 9

Morton, John: on earnings smoothing, 171; and good will, 47; on incentives for analysts, 17677

Morton Thiokol, 52

Moyers, Bill, 228

Multimedia, 181

Multiple regression, 55


Nabisco Fruit Newtons, 61

National Association of Computer-Assisted Journalists, 220

National Inquirer, 50

National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting, 206

National Public Radio, 208, 209

National Right to Life Committee, 226

National Science Foundation, 61

National Weather Association, 229

Neuharth, Al: and bad spelling, 143; and earnings management, 4142, 171; educating Wall Street, 170; founding Florida Today, 48; and Little Rock Gazette, 188; at Miami Herald, 19192; move to Detroit, 168; recognizing profit potential, 15; and risk taking, 184

Neuharth, Dan, 164

Neuman, Russell, 4445

New England Journal of Medicine, 110

New York Times: and Howell Raines departure, 64; and Jayson Blair, 82; and ombudsman, 162; relative concern for community, 76; and Rupert Murdoch, 197

Newmark, Craig, 24, 212

News credibility, 25

News hole, 13335

Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 120

Newspaper Association of America, 61

Newspaper Next, 202

Newspaper Survival Book (Meyer), 124

Newspapers: and content for kids, 6869; influence of, 63; as manufacturing enterprises, 63; portability of, 63; readability rankings, 115; reading ease rankings, 11213; Web sites, 62

Nieman Foundation, 9, 203, 207

North Carolina State University, 217

Nowak, Glen J., 59n17


O'Donnell, Patrick, 39, 4849, 49n9

Office of Economic Opportunity, 208

Ombudsman, 152, 16163

Omnicon Group, 60

Operationalization, 151

Opinion Research Corporation, 226

Oregon Survey Research Laboratory, 85

Organization of Newspaper Ombudsmen (ONO), 161

Overholser, Geneva, 228


Packard, Reynolds, 106n1

Paddock, Polly, 147

Palm Beach Post, 29

Paynter, Marion, 140

Pearson, Karl, 233

Penetration robustness: and accuracy studies, 95; defined, 2728

Pérez Peña, Richard, 209

Perkins, Blanche, 106

Pew Center for Civic Journalism, 76

Pew Charitable Trusts, 207

Philadelphia County (Pa.), 71

Philadelphia Daily News, 53, 91, 92

Philadelphia Inquirer: 9/11 coverage, 159; and editorial vigor, 13132; excluded from ad study, 53; paired for credibility study, 92

Picard, Robert, 41, 42, 200, 212

Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, 226

Porter, Michael E., 14, 36, 43, 44, 198, 212, 225

Potter, Deborah, 72

Potts, Erwin: and Charlotte Observer, 166; and community-profit score, 167; and financial community, 174; and happy work place, 175; at Miami Herald, 166; to McClatchy, 167, 173, 193

Powell's, 62

Poynter Institute for Media Studies: 1996 election study, 72; and computer-assisted reporting, 220; as training provider, 206; and Web site, 64

PoynterOnline, 64

PPS sampling, 14748

Precision journalism, 160

Preserving the Press (Bogart), 122

Press and Public (Bogart), 124

Press Gallery, U.S. House and Senate, 224

Printing technology, 171

Pritchard, Stephen, 161

Profit: and effect of inflation, 40; and market share, 40; margin defined, 39; in monopoly market, 39; and product turnover, 39; and return on investment, 39; and vanity circulation, 40

Profit dictionary (DICTION), 7576

ProPublica, 209

Pruitt, Gary: avoiding layoffs, 174, 18182; criticism of analysts, 177; publisher in Fresno, 178

Public journalism, 46. See also Civic journalism

Public Opinion Quarterly, 208

Publicis Groupe, 60

Pulitzer Prize, 11

Putnam, Robert, 111


Raines, Howell, 64 Raleigh News & Observer, 46

Readability: and advertising rates, 11718; and calculations, 108; and editing capacity, 117; and robustness, 118; and stretch, 11415

Reader Behavior Score (RBS), 79

Readership: decline in, 20, 42, 122; and generational replacement, 20; independent of content, 122; by minorities, 23; weekly measure, 21; read-yesterday measure, 2

Readership Institute, 81

Residuals (regression), 235

Return on investment (ROI), 43

Reuters, 225

Revenue, 40

Ridder, P. Anthony (Tony): biggest problem, 176; criticism of analysts, 177; and electronic classifieds, 175; and outside investors, 165; sale to McClatchy, 47; and staff cuts, 179

Roberts, Gene, 228

Robinson, Michael, 25

Robustness, circulation, defined, 78. See also Penetration robustness

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 168

Rochester Times-Union, 168

Rocky Mountain News, 30

Romenesko, Jim, 64

Rossi, Steve, 57

Russial, John T., 14749


Sacramento Bee, 174

Saguaro Seminar, 111

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1, 196

St. Paul Pioneer Press, 56

St. Petersburg Times, 64, 72, 192

San Diego Union-Tribune, 209

San Jose Mercury, 24

San Jose Mercury News: 9/11 coverage, 159; in ad study, 53; as corporate headquarters, 147; and Jay Harris resignation, 179; spelling errors in, 142, 144

Sandler, Herbert, 209

Sandler, Marion, 209

Schaffer, Jan, 76

Schneider, William, 71

Scholastic Inc., 69

Schreibman, Vigdor, 22627

Schuster, Gary F., 225

Schwilling, Lyle, 83

Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 187

Seattle Times, 187

Sedgwick County (Kan.), 71

Sherman, Bruce, 4647

Simmons Market Research Bureau, 121

Simon, Herbert A., 12

Sissors, Jack C., 51n2, 58

Smith, Ken, 59

Social responsibility function, 65

Society of Professional Journalists, 83, 219, 227

SoDak Sports, 168

Soloski, John, 200

Source credibility, 92

South Florida Sun-Sentinel: dominant in Broward County, 29; highest advertising rate, 54, 56; as outlier, 57; paired for credibility study, 92

Spelling errors, table of rates, 141

SPSS, 123

Staff per 1,000 circulation, 153, 15456

Stamm, Keith, 32

Standard Advertising Unit (SAU), 54

Standard Rate and Data Service, 54, 55

Standardized scores, 76n13

Standing Committee of Correspondents, 223

Star, Steve, 188

Star-Tribune, 182

Steiger, Paul, 209

Style book, 139

Sulzberger, Arthur O. Sr., 76

Surge capacity, 159

Sweet spot, 35


Thomson Newspapers, 19798

Thorson, Esther, 5, 78

Thrift, Ralph Jr., 130

Times Mirror newspaper, 25

Times v. Sullivan, 223

Toffler, Alvin, 106

Tolley, B. Stuart, 61

Toronto Globe and Mail, 197

Traxler, Rep. Bob, 225

Tribune Company, 1, 196

Trumbull, Steve, 143

Trust, economic value of, 213

Tukey, John, 155

Turner, Wes, 158

Two-step flow, 9496, 213


United Press International, 37, 106, 123

U.S. Census, 79

University of Florida, 98

University of North Dakota, 71

Upstream strategy, 45

Urban, Christine: credibility study, 8384; sources of trust, 25, 138; vindicated, 95

Urban & Associates, 70 USA TODAY, 1, 13, 51; as investment, 172; as editor-driven paper, 217; and Jayson Blair case, 82; and ProPublica, 209; and struggle for national advertisers, 5960


Veblen, Thorstein, 19596

Viewtron, 203, 209

VU/TEXT, 139


Wall Street Journal, 51, 200; effect on readership studies, 121; misspelling Meyer's name, 83; Murdoch purchase of, 197

Wallace, Mike, 228

Walters, Basil (Stuffy), 169

Washington Post, 50, 162, 183

Wearden, Stanley, 16

Weaver, David, 57

Welles, Orson, 137

West, Mark, 67n3

White, William Allen, 9, 37

Whited, Charles, 169

Wichita Eagle, 16, 71

Wooley, D. E., 110

WPP Group, 60


Yardley, Jonathan, 22122