ablation 68
acuity 56
action potentials 68
active vision 9
to image 47
perceptual 143
proprioceptive 143
rotary 109
algorithm, computer 80
Alhazen 34
ambiguities in vision 11, 53, 195, 205–8, 227–31, 247–247
perceptual 195
ambiguous objects 9
window 158
apparent depth, measurement of 234
architecture 173–5, 177–9, 184–8, 192, 214
Aristotle 110
arthropod 25
astigmatism 145
Atkinson, Janette 164
autokinetic phenomenon 105–105
baby vision, see infant
Barbaro, Damielo 34
chicken 139
monkey 139
see also infant
behaviourism 3
Berkeley, Bishop George 107, 152, 153, 161–161
binocular cell 62
blindness 85
blue–green colour blindness 130
bottom-up signals 11, 206–8, 227–31, 249, 251–2, 254
Bower, T. G. R. 163
Bradick, Oliver 164
damage to 67
Brewster, David 190
Brown, G. C. 142
Brunelleschi, Filippo 175
Bruner, Jerome 163
café wall illusion 209–12, 216, 249
Canaletto, Antonio 177
cartoon 120
causality, illusion of 119–119
cell death in lenses 38
cephalopod 53
Cézanne, Paul 79
Cheseldon, William 153
chicken behaviour 139
child development, see infant
cochlea 37
cognitive psychology 4
complementary 128
red–green blindness 130
complementary colours 128
complexity of eyes 25
computer algorithm 80
conditioned reflex 3
constancy scaling 184–8, 222–222
contingent after-effects 147, 149
corneal lens 27
corpus callosum 75
Craik, Kenneth 4
cultural differences in vision 150–150
Curie, Pierre 212
Daphnia 29
dark–light adaptation 57, 85–85
decision-taking 5
deduction 246
depth vision 60–6, 177, 185, 192–3, 232–232
flipping 11, 64, 66, 207–8, 210, 231
Descartes, René 17–18, 37, 52, 151, 195–6, 222–222
development of infant, see infant
distortion 144, 204, 208–12, 231, 247–247
by absence of perspective 232
empathy theories for 214
eye movement theories for 214, 216
feature detector theories for 216–216
good-figure theory for 212, 214
limited acuity theories for 216
disturbed image, adaptation to 138–138
hypnagogic 199
Duncker, Carl 113
Dürer, Albrecht 177
Einstein, Albert 107
electromagnetic radiation 17–17
empathy theories for distortion 214
Erisman, T. 142
Euclid 14
Euclidian geometry 137
evolution 2
Ewert, P. H. 142
Exner, Selig 29
complexity of 25
theories for distortion 214, 216
voluntary movement 102, 104–104
eye–head movement 100–4, 107, 109, 112
Faraday, Michael 253
feature detector 138
theories for distortion 216–216
fiction 195, 204, 239–43, 247–247
figure–ground switching 9, 11, 249
depth 11, 64, 66, 207–8, 210, 231
Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon 18
Frisby, John 235
Gauss, Karl 137
geon 80
Gestalt therapy 3–4, 5, 6, 106, 113, 118, 142, 208, 212
Gibson, James J. 9
Giotto 184
Goodale, Mervyn 160
good-figure theory for distortion 212–212
grey vision 55
Gross, Charles 73
grouping of patterns 6
Harris, John 233
Hebb, Donald 82
Hecht, S. 23
Helmholtz, Hermann von 2, 4–5, 42, 69, 102–3, 122, 126, 216
hollow mask 64, 66, 207–8, 210
Hooke, Robert 121
horseshoe crab, see Limulus
Huxley, Aldous 199
hypnagogic dreaming 199
iconoscope 65
cognitive 197
Muller–Lyer arrows 151, 214, 216, 219–21, 226, 233, 234, 237, 248, 249
Poggendorff 235
distortions 144, 204, 208–12, 231, 247–247
image–retina movement 99–104, 109, 112, 118
impossible triangle 235, 238–9, 240, 248, 249
inappropriate constancy-scaling theory 225–225
indirect vision 9
induction 246
boredom 163
development of sight 136–7, 156, 158, 250
prediction 162
preferences 163
intelligence, machine 75
inverted vision 6, 52–3, 139–43, 145
iodopsin 57
isomorphic brain traces 5
Ittleson, W. H. 226
Kaffka, Kurt 106
Kohler, Wolfgang 4
lateral geniculate nucleus 78
law of
qualities 97
learning how to see 136–9, 153–153
left–right reversal 5, 139, 142–3, 145
cell death in 38
corneal 27
Lettvin, J. Y. 99
nature of 18
response to 25
light–dark adaptation 57, 85–85
limited acuity theories for distortion 216
limpet 25
Lipps, Theodore 214
Livingstone, Margaret 78
luminosity curve 89
Mach’s bands 55
intelligence 75
magno cell 78
mammal 53
Maxwell, James Clark 122
measurement of visual depth 232, 234
mesopic vision 55
Michotte, Albert 119
Mill, John Stuart 161
Milner, David 160
Minsky, Marvin 82
monkey behaviour 139
recording of 45
signals of 116
Muller–Lyer arrows illusion 151, 214, 216, 219–21, 226, 233, 234, 237, 248, 249
myelin sheath 69
Nautilus 25
Necker cube 188, 205, 227, 249
negative perspective 173–4, 185–185
conduction 73
sensory 97
nervous system 122
Newton, Sir Isaac 14, 18–19, 121, 195–195
nuclear magnetic resonance, see NMR
changing 11
constancy 162
recognition 161
occipital region 69
occlusion 193
Offray de la Metrie, Julien 253
optical instrument (eye) 34–34
organ of Corti 37
organizing patterns 6
Panum, P. L. 62
Papert, Seymour 82
paradox 112, 114–15, 204, 228–30, 235–9, 247–247
perceptual 195
parvo cells 78
vision 2
Pasterson, J. K. 142
grouping 6
organizing 6
Pavlov, Ivan 3
Penfield, Wilder 198
Penrose, Lionel 235
perception 55, 158–60, 177–84, 228–30, 245–245
adaptation to 143
consistency of 149
velocity 112
ambiguities 105
paradox 195
scaling 172
Perrett, David 73
absence of 232
Pfister, M. H. 139
photon 22
photopic vision 55
physics of seeing 23
camera 34
Pirenne, M. H. 23
Plato 14
Poggendorff illusion 235
pointillism 128
Poisson distribution 23
Ponzo illusion 218–19, 226, 231, 249
Porta, Giovanni Batista della 34
positron emission tomography, see PET
Pulfrich pendulum effect 90–90
Johannes Evangelista 89
shift 90
range-finder convergence 60–1, 64
Rayleigh, Lord 131
recognition of
object 161
recording eye movements 45
red-eye, cause of 42
red–green colour blindness 130
reflex 8
of blinking 44
conditioned 3
innate 3
refraction 17
Reisen, A. H. 151
relativity of movement 112–112
seeing your own 58
Reutersvard, Oscar 235
reversal of vision 64–6, 190–190
right–left reversal 5, 139, 142–3, 145
robotics 79
Roemer, Olaus 17
Rogers, Brian 114
Rosenblatt, Frank 82
Rushton, W. A. H. 86
Scheiner, C. 52
Schlaer, S. 23
scotopic vision 55
primitive 98
Sejnowski, Terence 83
sensory nerves 97
shape constancy 225
Sherrington, Sir Charles 102
signals of movement 116
size constancy scaling 184–8, 222–222
size–weight illusion 197–8, 249
Skinner, B.F. 3
Snell, Willebrod von Roijen 17
Sperry, R. W. 139
stereo projection 115
Wheatstone 61
stereoscopic vision 60–6, 138, 163, 217, 232
stress 44
superior colliculus 75
surface cortex 68
symbols 244
telestereoscope 65
Thompson effect 74
three-dimensional vision 60–6, 235–235
threshold intensity 95
top-down knowledge 11, 66, 72, 206, 208, 227–32, 240, 247, 249, 251–2, 254
touch 6, 30, 53, 143, 151, 235
trapezoid window 188
tropic responses 7
upside down vision 5–6, 52–3, 139–42, 145
Valvo, Alberto 157
perception of 112
Vermear, Jan 177
visible light 21
active 9
cultural differences in 150–150
depth 60–6, 177, 185, 192–3, 232–232
grey 55
indirect 9
mesopic 55
passive 2
photopic 55
postulates 242
psychology of 9
scotopic 55
upside down 5–6, 52–3, 139–42, 145
vitreous humour 52
voluntary eye movements 102, 104–104
Wallace, Jean 153
Watson, John Broadus 3
wavelengths of light 20–1, 84, 197
Sir Charles 61
stereoscope 61
Winograd, Terry 79
Wright, W.D. 126
Zeki, Semir 134
zonula 38