
ablation 68

accommodation of lens 3737

acuity 56

action potentials 68

active vision 9

activity in brain 8181


to disturbed image 138138

to image 47

perceptual 143

proprioceptive 143


contingent 147, 149

figural 144144

after-images 5757

rotary 109

agnosia 168168

algorithm, computer 80

Alhazen 34

ambiguities in vision 11, 53, 195, 2058, 22731, 247247

perceptual 195

ambiguous objects 9


Albert 185185

room 185185

window 158

Anableps 3737

analogue computer 8282

anatomy of eye 3636

anomalascope 131131

anomaly 130130

apparent depth, measurement of 234

aqueous humour 25, 36

architecture 1735, 1779, 1848, 192, 214

area striate 6870, 75, 76

Aristotle 110


cave art 170170

Chinese art 173173

Egyptian art 172172

Japanese art 173173

Op-Art 200200

oriental art 173173

perspectives in 171171

realities of 170170

arthropod 25

artificial nets 8282

astigmatism 145

Atkinson, Janette 164

autokinetic phenomenon 105105

baby vision, see infant

Barbaro, Damielo 34

bee 134, 137

behaviour 8, 158, 160

chicken 139

monkey 139

see also infant

behaviourism 3

Berkeley, Bishop George 107, 152, 153, 161161

Biederman, Irving 7979

binocular cell 62

Blakeman, Colin 138, 217

bleaching of pigments 57, 86

blind spot 5858

blindness 85

colour 128, 130130

recovery from 151151

blinking 44, 75

blue–green colour blindness 130

bottom-up signals 11, 2068, 22731, 249, 2512, 254

Bower, T. G. R. 163

Bradick, Oliver 164

brain activity 4, 6767

damage to 67

imaging 8181

simulation 7474

Brewster, David 190

brightness, seeing 8484

Brown, G. C. 142

Brunelleschi, Filippo 175

Bruner, Jerome 163

café wall illusion 20912, 216, 249

camera obscura 345, 176, 181

Canaletto, Antonio 177

cartoon 120

causality, illusion of 119119

cave art 170170

cell death in lenses 38

cephalopod 53

cerebral cortex 68, 75

Cézanne, Paul 79

Cheseldon, William 153

chicken behaviour 139

child development, see infant

Chinese art 173173

cinema 116, 118118

cochlea 37

cognitive psychology 4

colours 55, 7171

blindness 128, 130130

complementary 128

constancy 133133

contrast of 8787

detection of 7777

red–green blindness 130

receptors 122, 124

seeing 121121

subtractive 128128

triangle 128128

complementary colours 128

complexity of eyes 25

compound eye 25, 278, 3232

computer algorithm 80

conceptual illusion 196196

conditioned reflex 3

cones 545, 8686

consciousness 252252

constancy scaling 1848, 222222

contingent after-effects 147, 149

contrast of colour 8787

copepod 2929

Copilia 2930, 32

cornea 36, 37, 44

corneal lens 27

corpus callosum 75

correcting vision 5050

Craik, Kenneth 4

crystalline lens 3737

cultural differences in vision 150150

Curie, Pierre 212

Daphnia 29

dark–light adaptation 57, 8585

Darwin, Charles 2, 24

decision-taking 5

deduction 246

depth vision 606, 177, 185, 1923, 232232

cues 1647, 217217

flipping 11, 64, 66, 2078, 210, 231

measuring 232, 234

reversal 646, 190190

Descartes, René 1718, 37, 52, 151, 1956, 222222

deuteranopia 130130

development of infant, see infant

digital computer 8282

dim light 28, 57

disparity 61, 64

displaced images 138138

displacement in time 145145

distortion 144, 204, 20812, 231, 247247

by absence of perspective 232

empathy theories for 214

eye movement theories for 214, 216

feature detector theories for 216216

good-figure theory for 212, 214

limited acuity theories for 216

perspective 217217

disturbed image, adaptation to 138138

dreams 198198

hypnagogic 199

drugs 74, 199

Duncker, Carl 113

Dürer, Albrecht 177

dynamics 33

Egyptian art 172172

Einstein, Albert 107

electromagnetic radiation 1717

Emmert’s law 2256, 231

emotions 244244

empathy theories for distortion 214

Erisman, T. 142

Euclid 14

Euclidian geometry 137

evolution 2

of eye 2424

Ewert, P. H. 142

Exner, Selig 29

eye 113, 21, 2424

anatomy 3636

complexity of 25

compound 25, 278, 3232

evolution of 2424

movement 447, 164164

recording of 45, 101101

theories for distortion 214, 216

muscles 4444

as optical instrument 3434

passive movement 102, 104104

pigments 124, 127127

primitive 2626

receptor 5454

scanning 2929

sensitivity 22, 9292

simple 25, 3232

voluntary movement 102, 104104

eyeglasses 5050

eye–head movement 1004, 107, 109, 112

face recognition 74, 164, 166

Fantz, Robert 164164

Faraday, Michael 253

feature detector 138

theories for distortion 216216

Fechner’s paradox 8888

fiction 195, 204, 23943, 247247

figural after-effects 144144

figure–ground switching 9, 11, 249

fish vision 3737

fixing retinal images 4747

flicker 116, 118, 249

flipping 2058, 228228

depth 11, 64, 66, 2078, 210, 231

focusing of lens 3737

on retina 5252

forgetting how to see 168168

Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon 18

fovea 44, 55, 98

Freud, Sigmund 5, 199

Frisby, John 235

Gauss, Karl 137

geometric perspective 175175

geon 80

Gestalt therapy 34, 5, 6, 106, 113, 118, 142, 208, 212

Gibson, Eleanor 164164

Gibson, James J. 9

Giotto 184

Goodale, Mervyn 160

good-figure theory for distortion 212212

Greek philosophers 1, 14

grey vision 55

Grimes, James 4747

Gross, Charles 73

grouping of patterns 6

hallucinations 198198

Harris, John 233

Hebb, Donald 82

Hecht, S. 23

Hein, Alan 143143

Held, Richard 143143

Helmholtz, Hermann von 2, 45, 42, 69, 1023, 122, 126, 216

holism 33

hollow mask 64, 66, 2078, 210

homunculus 53, 68, 70

Hooke, Robert 121

horseshoe crab, see Limulus

Hubel, David 757, 78

hue discrimination 126126

Huxley, Aldous 199

Huygens, Christian 14, 16, 18

hypnagogic dreaming 199

hypothesis of perception 99

iconoscope 65

illusion 112, 194243, 246

causality of 119119

cognitive 197

conceptual 196196

definition 194194

destruction of 233233

of moon 230230

Muller–Lyer arrows 151, 214, 216, 21921, 226, 233, 234, 237, 248, 249

perceptual 196196

perspective 212212

physical 247247

Poggendorff 235

Ponzo 21819, 226, 231, 249

size–weight 1978, 249

Titchner 158, 160

waterfall effect 109109

illusion-destruction 233233

illusory triangle 239239


adaptation to 47, 138138

displaced 138138

distortions 144, 204, 20812, 231, 247247

disturbed 138138

stabilizing 4747

image–retina movement 99104, 109, 112, 118

imaging the brain 8181

impossible triangle 235, 2389, 240, 248, 249

inappropriate constancy-scaling theory 225225

indirect vision 9

induced movement 113113

induction 246


boredom 163

development of sight 1367, 156, 158, 250

permanence of objects 161161

prediction 162

preferences 163

surprise 162162

vision 6, 161161

visual cliff 164164

inflow theory 102, 104

innate knowledge 136136

insect 25, 2727

instinct 136136

intelligence, machine 75

inverted vision 6, 523, 13943, 145

inverting goggles 139139

iodopsin 57

iris 37, 3939

isomorphic brain traces 5

Ittleson, W. H. 226

James–Lange theory 245, 255

Japanese art 173173


bela 6262

technique 217, 6262

Kaffka, Kurt 106


Gaetano 239239

triangle 23942, 248, 249

Kepler, Johannes 35, 52, 53

Kohler, Ivo 142, 146146

Kohler, Wolfgang 4

Land, Edwin 133133

Land, Michael 2929

lateral geniculate nucleus 78

law of

qualities 97

refraction 1717

learned knowledge 136136

learning how to see 1369, 153153

left–right reversal 5, 139, 1423, 145

lens 14, 2430, 36, 58

accommodation of 3737

cell death in 38

change in shape 3838

corneal 27

crystalline 3737

cylinder 27, 29

focusing of 3737

Lettvin, J. Y. 99

light 1414

dim 28, 57

nature of 18

response to 25

sensitivity 22, 9292

speed of 17, 20

wavelength of 201, 84, 197

light–dark adaptation 57, 8585

limited acuity theories for distortion 216

limpet 25

Limulus 9292

Lipps, Theodore 214

Livingstone, Margaret 78

Locke, John 152, 153

luminosity curve 89

Mach, Ernst 105, 206, 209

Mach’s bands 55


intelligence 75

vision 7980, 83

McCollough, Celeste 147, 149

MacKay, Donald 200200

magno cell 78

mammal 53

Marr, David 79, 80

Maxwell, James Clark 122

measurement of visual depth 232, 234

mesopic vision 55

Michotte, Albert 119

Mill, John Stuart 161

Milner, David 160

Minsky, Marvin 82

mirror reflection 195, 249

moiré pattern 200, 202, 249

Molyneux, William 152, 153

monkey behaviour 139

moon illusion 230230

motion parallax 11415, 227

movement 1004, 107, 109, 112

detection 9898

of eye 447, 164164

recording of 45, 101101

eye–head 100100

image retina 9999

induced 113113

passive eye 102, 104104

perception of 112112

phi 118118

receptors 99126, 200200

recording of 45

relativity of 112112

seeing of 9898

signals of 116

velocity 9999

of voluntary eye 102, 104104

Muller, Johannes 70, 97

Muller–Lyer arrows illusion 151, 214, 216, 21921, 226, 233, 234, 237, 248, 249

myelin sheath 69

Nautilus 25

Necker cube 188, 205, 227, 249

negative perspective 1734, 185185


cell 6868


activity 9292

conduction 73

impulse speed 7070

optic fibre 75, 93

sensory 97

nervous system 122

neural net 8282

Newton, Sir Isaac 14, 1819, 121, 195195

NMR 68, 81


activity 9292

neural 9494

nuclear magnetic resonance, see NMR


changing 11

constancy 162

recognition 161

occipital region 69

occlusion 193

Offray de la Metrie, Julien 253

ommatidium 278, 29

Op-Art 200200

ophthalmoscope 4242


chiasma 7575

nerve fibre 75, 93

optical instrument (eye) 3434

organ of Corti 37

organizing patterns 6

oriental art 173173

outflow theory 102102

painting 1701, 249

Panum, P. L. 62

Papert, Seymour 82

paradox 112, 11415, 204, 22830, 2359, 247247

perceptual 195

parvo cells 78


eye movement 102, 104104

vision 2

Pasterson, J. K. 142


grouping 6

moiré 200, 202, 249

organizing 6

recognition 4, 6, 161

Pavlov, Ivan 3

Penfield, Wilder 198

Penrose, Lionel 235

Penrose, Roger 235, 253253

perception 55, 15860, 17784, 22830, 245245

adaptation to 143

consistency of 149

hypothesis 99

of movement 112112

paradigm of 33

velocity 112


ambiguities 105

illusion 196196

paradox 195

scaling 172

permanence of objects 161161

Perrett, David 73


absence of 232

ambiguities of 171171

in art 171171

distortion 217217

geometric 175175

illusion 212212

negative 1734, 185185

PET 68, 81, 252

Pfister, M. H. 139

phenomenal phenomena 248248

classification of 204204

phi movement 118118

photographs 1845, 134

photon 22

photopic vision 55

physics of seeing 23

Piaget, Jean 160, 161161

pictures 1701, 249

pigments, eye 124, 127127


camera 34

image 1414

Pirenne, M. H. 23

Plato 14

Poggendorff illusion 235

pointillism 128

Poisson distribution 23

Ponzo illusion 21819, 226, 231, 249

Porta, Giovanni Batista della 34

positron emission tomography, see PET

pregnance 34, 212212

primitive eye 2626

principal colours 123123

printing 127127

prism 18, 20

problem solving 33

protanopia 130130

pseudoscope 6464

Pulfrich pendulum effect 9090

pupil 424, 89


Johannes Evangelista 89

shift 90

qualia 251, 253253

quantum 2222

range-finder convergence 601, 64

Rayleigh, Lord 131

realities of art 170170


colour 122, 124

in eye 5454

for movement 99126, 200200

recognition of

face 74, 164, 166

object 161

pattern 4, 6, 161

recording eye movements 45

red-eye, cause of 42

red–green colour blindness 130

reflex 8

of blinking 44

conditioned 3

innate 3

refraction 17

refractive index 25, 37

Reisen, A. H. 151

relativity of movement 112112

restoration of sight 151151


fixing of images 4747

focusing 5252

seeing your own 58

retinal rivalry 612, 249

Reutersvard, Oscar 235

reversal of vision 646, 190190

rhodopsin 57, 86

right–left reversal 5, 139, 1423, 145

Riley, Bridget 2001, 203

robotics 79

rods 545, 86

Roemer, Olaus 17

Rogers, Brian 114

Rosenblatt, Frank 82

Rushton, W. A. H. 86

saccades 44, 4747

Sacks, Oliver 157, 168168

scanning eye 2929

Scheiner, C. 52

Schlaer, S. 23

Schumann, F. 239, 241

scotoma 5860, 249

scotopic vision 55


brightness 8484

cause 119119

colour 121121

movement 9898

primitive 98

Sejnowski, Terence 83

semantics 5, 120, 251


of eye 22, 9292

to light 22, 9292

sensory nerves 97

servo-control system 4040

shading 189189

shadow 189189

shape constancy 225

Sherrington, Sir Charles 102

side-ways rules 227, 247, 251

sight, restoration of 151151

signals of movement 116

simple eye 25, 3232

sine law 1717

size constancy scaling 1848, 222222

size–weight illusion 1978, 249

Skinner, B.F. 3

Smith, K.V. 145145

Snell, Willebrod von Roijen 17

spectacles 5050

spectrum 18, 20, 89, 126126

speed of light 17, 20

Sperry, R. W. 139

stabilizing image 4747

stereo projection 115

stereoscope 61, 66, 242

Wheatstone 61

stereoscopic vision 606, 138, 163, 217, 232

Stratton, G. M. 139139

stress 44

striate cortex 689, 70

superior colliculus 75

surface cortex 68

symbols 244

syntax 5, 120, 251

telestereoscope 65

television 116, 11819, 145

texture 191191


inflow 102, 104

James–Lange 245, 255

Thompson effect 74

Thoules, Robert 223, 225

three-dimensional vision 606, 235235

threshold intensity 95

time displacement 1456, 148

Titchner illusion 158, 160

top-down knowledge 11, 66, 72, 206, 208, 22732, 240, 247, 249, 2512, 254

touch 6, 30, 53, 143, 151, 235

trapezoid window 188

Treisman, Anne 7171

trilobite 25, 27

tritanopia 130130

tropic responses 7

upside down vision 56, 523, 13942, 145

Valvo, Alberto 157


measurement 9999

perception of 112

Vermear, Jan 177

Vinci, Leonardo da 176176

visible light 21

vision 11

active 9

agnosia 168168

cliff experiment 164164

correcting 5050

cultural differences in 150150

depth 606, 177, 185, 1923, 232232

fish 3737

grey 55

indirect 9

infant 6, 161161

inverted 6, 523, 13943, 145

machine 7980, 83

mesopic 55

passive 2

photopic 55

postulates 242

psychology of 9

reversal 646, 190190

scotopic 55

upside down 56, 523, 13942, 145

vitreous humour 52

voluntary eye movements 102, 104104

Wallace, Jean 153

wandering light 105105

waterfall effect 109109

Watson, John Broadus 3

wavelengths of light 201, 84, 197

Weber’s law 9494

Western Renaissance 175175


Sir Charles 61

stereoscope 61

Wiesel, Torstin 7575

Winograd, Terry 79

Wright, W.D. 126

Yarbus, Alfred 44, 46

yellow, perceptin of 124, 131

Young, Thomas 1226, 134

Zeki, Semir 134

zonula 38