Backyard Magick by Melanie Marquis
Digging Deeper:
Connecting with a Plant Ally by Darcy Blue French
The Lure and Lore
of the Graveyard by Susan Pesznecker
Magickal, Mystical Salt by Najah Lightfoot
Kitchen Witchery: All the Magic That’s Fit to Eat by Cassius Sparrow
Natural Magical Tools by Autumn Damiana
The Majesty and Magic of the Horse by Suzanne Ress
Proactive Pagans by Boudica
Food and the Four Elements:
Bread and Wine by Emyme
The Perfect Magical Host by James Kambos
Smudging Around the World: Cleansing Rituals Across Cultures by Blake Octavian Blair
Thoughts Frozen in Time by Charlie Rainbow Wolf
A Short History of Rosicrucians by Magenta Griffith
Conflict Resolution
for a Magickal Community by Emily Carlin
Going Postal:
Magickal Uses for Mail by Raven Digitalis
Will the Real Santa Claus
Please Stand Up? by Sybil Fogg
Weather Witching by Charlynn Walls
Zodiac Spells by Ellen Dugan
The To-Go Tarot Kit by Deanna Anderson
Cauldrons, Black Cats,
Brooms, and Pointy Hats by Autumn Damiana
Date, Day, Festivals and Holidays, Moon Sign,
Lunar Phase, Color and Incense of the Day
2015 Sabbats and Full Moons
Get Your Mojo Rising by Tess Whitehurst
Broomstick Basics by Deborah Blake
Menopause and Magick by Ellen Dugan
The Shapeshifting Dance by Lupa
Untying the Knot by Dallas Jennifer Cobb
Nine Woods in the Fire Go ….by Ellen Coutts Waff
The Blessed Bee by Natalie Zaman
Honoring Trickster by Sybil Fogg
The Element of Surprise and Drama in Ritual by Mickie Mueller
Dream Magick
for Night and Day by Melanie Marquis
Wedding as Ritual by Lisa Mc Sherry
Sympathetic Magic
in Shirley Jackson’s “We Have Always Lived in the Castle” by Shawna Galvin
A Stitch in Magic by Charlie Rainbow Wolf
Barley Water:
A Delicious Beverage
with Many Magical Uses by Tess Whitehurst
Brigid’s Well
Kildare, Ireland by Lisa Mc Sherry
Conjuring Up a Good Night’s Sleep by Monica Crosson
Tarot’s Crystal Allies by Lunaea Weatherstone