NOTE: Page references in italics refer to figures.


Abrams, Creighton, Jr., 110

Abundance (Diamandis), 135

Accessibility, 243

Accountability, 8384

ADD, as “Ferrari brain,” 4446

Advice, detrimental, 4952

After-sale relationship, 147164

“camping out” in people’s minds for, 153156

managing people’s feelings with, 147151

relationships vs. transactions, 160161

resist assumptions for, 161164

showing reciprocity for, 156159

understanding people for, 151153, 159

Assessment, for setting goals, 1516

Assumptions, 161164, 191192

Attraction and persuasion, 123145. See also After-sale relationship

for marketing and sales, 126127

as money compounder, 123126

power of passion for, 144145

resisting overselling, 142143

scarcity mind-set as inner villain, 135136

selling people what they want, 136138

storytelling for, 138142

transparency and trust for, 132134

understanding people and, 127130, 134

unfair deal closers, 131132

Avatar, of heroic persona, 101102


“Bad wolf” analogy, 3637

Battery chargers, battery drainers vs., 6265

Be a Real Estate Millionaire (Graziosi), 161

Better Life Challenge (exercise), 212214

Better Life Challenge, 212214

Book Resources, 52

Cool About You exercise, 99100

D.O.S. (Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths) Conversation exercise, 113115

Get Amazing form, 46

Magic List exercise, 108112

Negative Story exercise, 73

Seven Levels Deep exercise, 2233, 32, 226227

30-day challenge, 64

Trigger Words cheat sheet, 6061

Two Pics blueprint, 100102

U.A. (Unique Ability) Circle exercise, 115118

Bezoni, Josh, 195199

Binary thinking, 222223, 226

BioTrust Nutrition, 197

Book Resources, 52. See also

Bouncing back (from setbacks), 188

Branson, Richard, 77, 149150

Buffett, Warren, 108

Burchard, Brendon, 25, 183


“Camping out,” 153156

Capabilities, 9697

Cash, saving, 184185

Challenge, 201215

Better Life Challenge, 212214

countering criticism and, 207208

in first 90 days, 202206

implementing success habits with, 201202

practice and persistence, 208212

realizing potential during, 206207

timing for success, 214215

Championship Mode mind-set, 174


creating, 8991

difficulty of, 5455

fear of, 112113

Charity, 194

“Chunking,” 240241

Churchill, Winston, 176

Climbing, sliding vs. (Productivity Habit #1), 224228

Closing of deals, 131132

Commitment, 96, 97

Confidence, four C’s of, 9397. See also Inner hero

Control, 2729, 228232

Conventional path, 5355

Conversation with God (exercise), 7879

Cool About You (exercise), 99100

Courage, 95

Courage Day (Better Life Challenge), 213

Creative time, daily need for, 182183

Criticism, countering, 207208


Daily thoughts, negative vs. positive, 40

Deadlines, 240

Deal making and prioritization (Productivity Habit #5), 244248

DeJoria, John Paul, xixvi, 9, 150

Delegating, 197

“Depression era” beliefs, 7475, 116117

Diamandis, Peter, 135

Discipline, 228232

Distractions, eliminating, 241244

D.O.S. (Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths) Conversation (exercise), 113115


Economic issues, 19

making small shifts in, 89

of middle class, 45

E-mail, 243

Empowerment, 103106, 139142

Excuses, 7879


Better Life Challenge, 212214

Conversation with God, 7879

Cool About You, 99100

D.O.S. (Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths) Conversation, 113115

Look Back from the Future, 1720

Magic List, 108112

Negative Story, 73

Seven Levels Deep, 2233, 32, 226227

30-day challenge, 64

Trigger Words, 6061

Two Pics blueprint, 100102

U.A. (Unique Ability) Circle, 115118


of others, 161164, 191193

of self, 120122

for specific outcomes, 175176, 211

External forces, as villain, 3841, 5558



overcoming, 2122, 112113

resisting fear of failure, 176177

“Ferrari brain,” 13, 4446

Following up. See After-sale relationship

Framing. See Storytelling

Franklin, Benjamin, 14


Gap, recognizing, 118122

Get Amazing ( form), 46

Goals, 1133

assessing current situation for, 1516

happiness vs., 169

importance of goal setting, 1114

Look Back from the Future exercise, 1720

motivation and, 2021

overcoming fear for, 2122

setting one shining goal (See Prioritization)

Seven Levels Deep exercise for, 2233, 32, 226227

vision for, 1617

God, Conversation with (exercise), 7879

“Good at” list, creating, 4749

“Good enough,” striving for more than, 179

Gratefulness, 178179

Gratitude, 183184

Graziosi, Dean. See also

Be a Real Estate Millionaire, 161

biographical information, 2627, 42, 80, 9495

early businesses of, 116117, 249250

infomercials, 5152, 139, 161164, 221

productivity of, 220222

Totally Fulfilled, 4244, 161, 23

Gretzky, Wayne, 177

Grudges, 177178


Habits, making small shifts in, xixxx.

See also Happiness; Productivity

Hallowell, Ned, 44

Happiness, 165180

creating internal happiness, 165167

defining what happiness looks and feels like to you (Happiness Habit #1), 168169

focusing on positive outcome (Happiness Habit #4), 172175

gratefulness for what’s in front of you (Happiness Habit #8), 178179

identifying happy places, 189190

letting go of grudges (Happiness Habit #7), 177178

letting go of specific outcomes (Happiness Habit #5), 175176

making the present your friend (Happiness Habit #2), 169171

observing happy people, 189

overcoming fear of failing (Happiness Habit #6), 176177

refusing to settle for “good enough” (Happiness Habit #9), 179

resisting overthinking (Happiness Habit #3), 171172

Hero. See Inner hero

Heroic persona, 101102

Hiring of services, prioritizing by, 116118, 197

Holiday, Ryan, 247


“I don’t wants,” 12

Income, productivity vs., 2, 24, 3

Inner circle

choosing, 6265

influence of, 231

Inner hero, 85106. See also Happiness

Cool About You exercise, 98100

defined, 8587

developing power phrase for, 103106

examples, 8993

four C’s of confidence for, 9397

as state of mind, 8788

Two Pics blueprint for, 100102

Inner villain, 3565. See also Storytelling

“bad vs. good wolf” analogy, 3637

choosing inner circle and, 6265

cost of bad advice, 4952

external forces of, 3841, 5558

finding strengths, 4446

following conventional path as, 5355

importance of word choice and, 5862

improving strengths, 4649

as parasitic, 3738

scarcity thinking as, 135136

self-doubt as, 3536

Two Pics blueprint (, 100102 (See also Inner hero)

working on strengths vs. weaknesses, 4144

Inputs from outside world, 3841, 5558

Investing, in yourself, 186

“I,” overusing, 128


Jordan, Michael, 208

Journaling, for identifying negative beliefs, 75

Judgment, resisting, 192193


Katie, Byron, 247248

King, Larry, 161, 221


Larson, Matt, 204206

Learning style, xviii, 4446

Listening, 127130, 134

Look Back from the Future exercise, 1720


Magic List (exercise), 108112

Manning, Peyton, 206

Marketing. See After-sale relationship; Attraction and persuasion

“Me,” overusing, 128

The Miracle Mindset (Virgin), 93

Momentum, 232235, 240

Money. See also Goals; Prioritization; Success hacks

attraction and persuasion as money compounder, 123126

Magic List exercise for, 108112

perception of, 58

productivity vs. income, 2, 24, 3


happiness and, 198

identifying your “why,” 2021

understanding, 2729


Narrative. See Storytelling

Navajo story, about “bad vs. good wolf,” 3637

Negativity. See also Inner villain

friends as negative influences, 6265, 231

Negative Story exercise, 73

Negotiation, 143. See also Attraction and persuasion

News stories, as villain, 4851

Not-to-Do List. See also Prioritization

Better Life Challenge, 213

Magic List exercise, 108112


The Obstacle Is the Way (Holiday), 247

Optimism, 187188. See also Happiness

Osteen, Joel, 161

Overselling, resisting, 142143

Overthinking, 171172


Pampering, 185186

Parasitic behavior, eliminating, 3738

Passion, power of, 144145, 198199

Patrón, xvi

Pattern disruption, 6872

Paul Mitchell, xixvi

Peale, Norman Vincent, 251

Perfectionism, 238

Persuasion. See Attraction and persuasion

Phillips, Michelle, xvi

Physical activity, 190191

Polish, Joe, 23, 62, 151, 220

Positivity. See also Happiness; Inner hero

finding “positive point,” 1617

focusing on a positive outcome, 172175

friends as positive influences, 6265

Potential, 6872, 206207

The Power of Now (Tolle), 81, 170171

Practice/persistence, importance of, 208212

Present, living for, 169171

Prioritization, 107122. See also Success hacks

deal making and prioritization (Productivity Habit #5), 244248

D.O.S. (Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths) Conversation exercise, 113115

Gap recognition for, 118122

Magic List exercise, 108112

overcoming fear for, 112113

prioritizing time, 237241

saying “no” and, 107108, 245

time and prioritization (Productivity Habit #3), 232235 (See also Productivity)

U.A. (Unique Ability) Circle exercise, 115118

Proactive planning, 234235, 240241

Problems, as good sign, 251252

Problem solving, for others, 127130

Productivity, 217254

achievement of, 217

binary thinking for, 222223, 226

climbing vs. sliding (Productivity Habit #1), 224228

control (Productivity Habit #2), 228232

deal making and prioritization (Productivity Habit #5), 244248

finding time and, 219222

prioritizing time for, 237241

selfishness (Productivity Habit #4), 241244

success tax (Productivity Habit #6), 249252

time and prioritization (Productivity Habit #3), 232235


Random Act of Kindness (Better Life Challenge), 213

Rationalization, 7879

Real estate, prioritizing tasks for, 238239

Reciprocity, 156159

RehabTime, 173174

Relationship building. See After-sale relationship

Return on investment perspective, 116

Rewards, for meeting goals, 118119

Risk, taking, 4952, 74

Robbins, Tony, 25, 5960, 77, 81, 103104, 175, 211, 231

Rossi, Richard, 94


Sabotage, unintentional, 50

Sales. See After-sale relationship; Attraction and persuasion

Savings, 184185

Scarcity mind-set, 135136

Scheduling, 230231

Self-appreciation, 120122

Self-doubt, 3536

Selfishness (Productivity Habit #4), 241244

“Sell people what they want, and give them what they need,” 137. See also Attraction and persuasion

Setbacks, bouncing back from, 188

Seven Levels Deep (exercise)

completing, 3133, 32

example, 2931

explained, 2227

for productivity, 226227

for understanding motivation, 2729

Shelton, Trent, 173174, 221

Shining goal. See Prioritization

Shortcomings, overcoming, 7778

Smiling, 5658, 186187

Social media, time spent on, 242243

Solutions, finding, 93, 188

Spiritual connection, 180

Stephenson, Sean, 98

Stinson, Carol, 8991

Storytelling, 6784

aligning with vision, 6768

for attraction and persuasion, 138142

comparing new to old stories, 7980, 8384

Conversation with God exercise, 7879

identifying, 7275

impact on, 7677

improving narrative of, 8081

overcoming shortcomings of, 7778

pattern disruption for, 6872

saying story out loud (framing), 7980

shifting, 8183

Strategic Coach, 8384, 95


finding, 4446

improving, 4649

working on strengths vs. weaknesses, 4144

Striving, 179, 194195

Stump, Joe, 2228

Subconscious, 56

Success, measuring, 45

Success hacks, 181199

Bezoni on, 195199

bouncing back from setbacks, 188

charity, 194

exercising, 190191

finding good in bad, 187188

gratitude alarms, 183184

gratitude for other jobs, 183

identifying happy places, 189190

impact of, 181

investing in yourself, 186

making daily creative time, 182183

observing happy people, 189

resisting judgment, 192193

saving cash, 184185

smiling and energy, 186187

solutions vs. problems, 188

spoiling yourself randomly, 185186

striving to do your best, 194195

understanding and, 191192

Success tax (Productivity Habit #6), 249252

Sullivan, Dan, 18, 8384, 95, 108, 113115


30-day challenge (exercise), 64

Time magazine, cover stories of, 39

Tolle, Eckhart, 25, 81, 170171

Totally Fulfilled (Graziosi), 4244, 161

Transactions, relationships vs., 160161

Transparency/trust, 132134

Trigger Words (exercise), 6061

True You (Better Life Challenge), 213

Twitter, 176

Two Pics blueprint (exercise), 100102


U.A. (Unique Ability) Circle exercise, 115118


for after-sale relationship, 151153, 159

“camping out” for understanding others, 153156

taking time for, 191192


Villain within. See Inner villain

Virgin, Grant, 9193

Virgin, JJ, 9193

Virgin Unite, 149150

Vision, story alignment with, 6768. See also Storytelling

Visualization, 1720


Weaknesses, misconception about, 4149

Wealth. See Money, 23

Weldon, Joel, 61

“Why,” identifying, 2022

Woods, Tiger, 206

Word choice, 5862

Worrying, 68, 247248


“Yes,” after. See After-sale relationship