
1.1 The Sustainable Development Goals 2016–30

1.2 The Marshall Plan 1948–51

1.3 Concerts, celebrities and aid campaigns

1.4 Different political perspectives on aid

2.1 President Truman and the post-war Western justification for aid

2.2 Key Institutions: the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD

2.3 Emerging aid donors: Chile

2.4 Defining aid: in-country refugee costs as ODA

2.5 The Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme in New Zealand: aid through labour mobility?

2.6 Key institutions: the World Bank

2.7 Measuring Chinese aid

2.8 South-South co-operation: Cuban medical aid

3.1 China and the Pacific Islands

3.2 St Helena: aid and airport development in an island territory

4.1 The Colombo Plan 1950–77

4.2 The Paris Declaration 2005

4.3 The Addis Ababa Action Agenda 2015

5.1 Humanitarian relief: the role of NGOs and agencies

5.2 Development consortia: Fonterra and New Zealand aid

5.3 Development impact bonds: the Cameroon Cataract Bond

5.4 DFID and the private sector

6.1 Aid to Afghanistan

6.2 Aid volatility: the case of Granada

6.3 The Danish Peace and Stabilisation Fund

6.4 Oxfam and aid successes

7.1 Lessons for effective aid