1. See, for instance, Milkman, Ruth, Stephanie Luce, and Penny Lewis. 2013. Changing the Subject: A Bottom-Up Account of Occupy Wall Street in New York City. New York, NY: The Murphy Institute; Occupy Research. January 7, 2012. “Preliminary Results: Demographic and Political Participation Survey.” http://occupyresearch.net/2012/03/23/preliminary-findings-occupy-research-demographic-and-political-participation-survey/; Panagopoulos, Costas. October 18, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street Survey Results, October 2011.” Fordham Center for Electoral Politics and Democracy.
2. For notable exceptions, see Writers for the 99%. 2011. Occupying Wall Street. Chicago, IL: OR Books; Mason, Paul. 2012. Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere. New York, NY: Verso Books; Chomsky, Noam. 2012. Occupy. Brooklyn, NY: Zuccotti Park Press; Sitrin, Marina and Dario Azzellini. 2014. They Can’t Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy. New York, NY: Verso Books; McCleave Maharawal, Manissa. 2013. “Occupy Wall Street and a Radical Politics of Inclusion.” Sociological Quarterly 54 (March): 177–81.
3. For romantic representations, see Graeber, David. 2013. The Democracy Project: A History, a Crisis, a Movement. New York, NY: Random House; Mitchell, W.J.T., Bernard Harcourt, and Michael Taussig. 2013. Occupy: Three Inquiries in Disobedience. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; Van Gelder, Sarah, et al., eds. 2011. This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99 Percent Movement. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. For demonizing representations, see, for instance, Hedges, Chris. February 6, 2012. “The Cancer in Occupy.” Truthdig. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_cancer_of_occupy_20120206; Bannon, Stephen, et al. 2012. Occupy Unmasked. Dallas, TX: Magnolia Pictures, DVD.
4. See, for instance, Castells, Manuel. 2012. Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age. Cambridge, UK and Malden, MA: Polity Press; Gerbaudo, Paolo. 2012. Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism. London, UK: Pluto Press; Bennett, Lance and Alexandra Segerberg. 2012. “The Logic of Connective Action.” Information, Communication & Society 15:739–768; Yardley, William. November 28, 2011. “The Branding of the Occupy Movement.” The New York Times, B1. For a critique, see Cohen, Daniel Aldana. March 18, 2013. “Counterpower’s Long Game.” Public Books. http://publicbooks.org/briefs/counterpowers-long-game
5. See Milkman, Luce, and Lewis, Changing the Subject; Gitlin, Todd. 2012. Occupy Nation. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers; Calhoun, Craig. 2013. “Occupy Wall Street in Perspective.” The British Journal of Sociology, 64: 26–38; Juris, Jeffrey. 2012. “Reflections on #Occupy Everywhere: Social Media, Public Space, and Emerging Logics of Aggregation.” American Ethnologist 39.2: 259–79; Smucker, Jonathan Spring 2013. “Occupy: A Name Fixed to a Flashpoint.” The Sociological Quarterly 54.2: 219–25; and essays in Panitch, Leo, Greg Albo, and Vivek Chibber, eds. 2012. “The Question of Strategy.” Socialist Register 49.
6. On the economic crisis of 2007–2009, see Stiglitz, Joseph. 2010. Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy. New York, NY: W.W. Norton; Harvey, David. 2010. The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; Duménil, Gérard and Dominique Lévy. 2013. The Crisis of Neoliberalism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. On the crisis of democracy, see Jacobs, Lawrence and Desmond King. April 2009. “America’s Political Crisis: The Unsustainable State in a Time of Unraveling.” PS: Political Science & Politics 42.2:277–85; Calhoun, Craig and Georgi Derluguian, eds. 2011. The Deepening Crisis: Governance Challenges after Neoliberalism. New York, NY: New York University Press.
7. On the connection between wealth and political power in contemporary U.S. society, see Ferguson, Thomas. 1995. Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Party Competition and the Logic of Money-Driven Political Systems. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; Bartels, Lawrence. 2008. Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; Hacker, Jacob S. and Paul Pierson. 2010. Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer—and Turned its Back on the Middle Class. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster; Gilens, Martin and Benjamin Page. Forthcoming. “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens.” Perspectives on Politics.
8. For distinct, but related accounts of the movement’s demographic makeup and its class composition, see Chomsky; Mason; Milkman, Luce, and Lewis; Dean, Jodi. 2011. “Claiming Division, Naming a Wrong.” Theory and Event 14.4 (Supplement); Gautney, Heather. 2012. “Occupy X: Repossession by Occupation.” South Atlantic Quarterly 111.3 (Summer): 597–607; Clegg, John. 2013. “The Holding Pattern: The Ongoing Crisis and the Class Struggles of 2011–2013.” Endnotes 3 (September). http://endnotes.org.uk/issues/3
9. On the interaction between the occupiers and the news media, see Costanza-Chock, Sasha. 2012. “Mic Check! Media Cultures and the Occupy Movement.” Social Movement Studies (August): 1–11; Gitlin, Occupy Nation; Seltzer, Sarah. “What the Mainstream Media Is Missing,” in Hazen, Don, Tara Lohan, and Lynn Paramore, eds. 2011. The 99 Percent: How the Occupy Wall Street Movement is Changing America. San Francisco, CA: AlterNet Books; Goodwin, Jeff. January 16, 2012. “Occupy the Media.” Mobilizing Ideas” http://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com; Knefel, John. May 1, 2012. “Bored with Occupy—and Inequality.” Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting.
10. See, for instance, Editors of TIME Magazine. 2011. What Is Occupy? Inside the Global Movement. Des Moines, IA: TIME Books; Editors of The Huffington Post. 2011. Occupy: Why It Started. Who’s Behind It. What’s Next. New York, NY: HP Media Group; Bivens, Josh and Lawrence Mishel. October 26, 2011. “Occupy Wall Streeters Are Right about Skewed Economic Rewards in the United States.” Economic Policy Institute.
11. For a full list of grievances, see New York City General Assembly. September 29, 2011. “Declaration of the Occupation of New York City.” http://www.nycga.net/resources/declaration
12. See, for example, Baumann, Adrian. September 25, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street’s Leaderless Democracy.” The Indypendent; Myerson, J.A. October 6, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street Welcomes Solidarity—but Stays Leaderless.” In These Times; Gautney, Heather. October 10, 2011. “What Is Occupy Wall Street? The History of Leaderless Movements.” The Washington Post; The Economist Staff. October 19, 2011. “Leaderless, Consensus-Based Participatory Democracy and Its Discontents.” The Economist. See also Shirky, Clay. 2008. Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations. New York, NY: Penguin.
13. New York City General Assembly. “Frequently Asked Questions.” http://www.nycga.net. For more on the theory and practice of horizontalism at OWS, see Sitrin, Marina. Spring 2012. “Horizontalism and the Occupy Movements.” Dissent. http://dissentmagazine.org/article/?article=4246
14. For more on the intersection between horizontal and vertical organization in the 99 Percent movement, see Lerner, Stephen. April 2, 2012. “Horizontal Meets Vertical; Occupy Meets Establishment.” The Nation.
15. See Chapters 7 and 8 for a discussion of the split between “Occupy” and “99 Percent” coalitions.
16. See, for example, New York City General Assembly. November 10, 2011. “Statement of Autonomy.” http://www.nycga.net/resources/statement-of-autonomy. For an autonomist perspective, see also Hardt, Michael and Antonio Negri. October 11, 2011. “The Fight for ‘Real Democracy’ at the Heart of Occupy Wall Street.” Foreign Affairs; Hardt and Negri. May 2, 2012. “Declaration.” http://hardtnegrideclaration.com
17. On the federal government’s crisis of legitimacy, see Greenberg, Stan. September 28, 2011. “Crisis of Legitimacy.” Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. On municipal austerity measures in New York City, see Gralla, Joan. February 17, 2011. “New York City to Fire Teachers, Cut Capital Spending.” Reuters. For historical background, see Blyth, Mark. 2013. Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
18. Milkman, Luce, and Lewis, Changing the Subject; Occupy Research; Douglas E. Schoen LLC. October 10–11, 2012. “Occupy Wall Street Poll Results.” Such surveys, however, should be taken with a grain of salt, given the difficulty of attaining a representative sample of such a diffuse and diverse movement. See Chapter 8 and Conclusion for a discussion of the movement’s ambivalence toward electoral politics. For a comparison with the Tea Party, see Piven, Frances Fox, et al. October 7, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party Compared.” The Guardian; Bauer, A.J. December 9, 2012. “This Is What Democracy Feels Like: Tea Parties, Occupations, and the Crisis of State Legitimacy.” Social Text; Skocpol, Theda and Vanessa Williamson. 2012. The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
19. See Clark, Richard. November 14, 2011. Letter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg. http://www.scribd.com/doc/72810292/Letter-to-the-Mayor-11-14-11; Kuruvila, Matthai, Justin Berton, and Demian Bulwa. October 25, 2011. “Police Tear Gas Occupy Oakland Protesters.” San Francisco Chronicle; Davies, Lizzy. November 15, 2011. “Occupy Movement: City-by-City Police Crackdowns So Far.” The Guardian.
20. Occupy Arrests. November 15, 2011. “Details for All Arrests.” http://occupyarrests.com
21. See Chapter 8 and Conclusion for a discussion of the data on participants’ perceptions of the movement’s impact.
22. On the practice of participant observation in the study of social movements, see Burawoy, Michael, et al. 1991. Ethnography Unbound: Power and Resistance in the Modern Metropolis. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press; McCleave Maharawal, Manissa and Zoltán Glück. “Occupy Ethnography.” March 14, 2012. Social Science Research Council; Juris, Jeffrey and Alex Khasnabish, eds. 2013. Insurgent Encounters: Transnational Activism, Ethnography, and the Political. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
1. Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. September 15, 2008. “Press Release: Lehman Brothers Inc. Announces It Intends to File Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Petition.”
2. Dow Jones Indexes. December 31, 2011. “Dow Jones Industrial Average.” http://www.djindexes.com/mdsidx/downloads/brochure_info/Dow_Jones_Industrial_Average_Brochure.pdf
3. See The U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. January 2011. “The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report.” For a more in-depth analysis, see also Duménil and Lévy, Crisis of Neoliberalism; Harvey, The Enigma of Capital; Stiglitz, Freefall.
4. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. September 16, 2008. “Press Release.” http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/other/20080916a.htm
5. Arun Gupta, e-mail to author, September 20, 2008.
6. On the role of emotion in social movements, see Goodwin, Jeff, James Jasper, and Francesca Polletta, eds., 2001. Passionate Politics: Emotions and Social Movements. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. On ACT UP, see Gould, Deborah. 2009. Moving Politics: Emotion and ACT UP’s Fight Against AIDS. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press. On the “Billionaires,” see Haugerud, Angelique. 2013. No Billionaire Left Behind: Satirical Activism in America. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
7. U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, “The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report:” 401; Hall, Kevin. April 1, 2011. “Why Corporate Profits are Soaring as Economic Recovery Drags.” The Los Angeles Times; Sum, Andrew, et al. May 2011. “The ‘Jobless and Wageless’ Recovery from the Great Recession of 2007–2009: The Magnitude and Sources of Economic Growth through 2011 and Their Impacts on Workers, Profits, and Stock Values.” Center for Labor Market Studies, Northeastern University: 19; Saez, Emmanuel. March 2, 2012. “Striking it Richer: Evaluation of Top Incomes in the United States (Updated with 2009, 2010 estimates).” http://elsa.berkeley.edu/~saez/saez-UStopincomes-2010.pdf. See Chapter 2 for a discussion of the politics of the “1 Percent” and the “99 Percent.”
8. On the growth of economic inequality, see Saez, Emmanuel and Thomas Piketty. January 2006. “The Evolution of Top Incomes: A Historical and International Perspective.” No. 11955, National Bureau of Economic Research; Stiglitz, Joseph. 2013. The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Co.; Noah, Timothy. 2013. The Great Divergence: America’s Growing Inequality Crisis and What We Can Do about It. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Press. For a cross-national analysis, see Piketty, Thomas. 2014. Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
9. Bricker, Jesse, et al. June 2012. “Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2007 to 2010: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances.” Federal Reserve Bulletin; U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee. May 2010. “Understanding the Economy: Unemployment Among Young Workers:” 1; Shierholz, Heidi. January 7, 2011. “Labor Force Smaller Than Before Recession Started.” Economic Policy Institute. http://www.epi.org/publication/labor_force_smaller_than_before_recession_started
10. U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. “The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report:” 391; Bricker, et al. “Changes in U.S.”; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. May 2013. “Annual Report 2012.” http://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/ar/2012/PDFs/ar12_complete.pdf. See Chapter 7 for further discussion of the foreclosure crisis and its consequences.
11. Oliff, Phil. et al. March 19, 2013. “Recent Deep State Higher Education Cuts May Harm Students and the Economy for Years to Come.” Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; College Board Advocacy & Policy Center. 2010. “Trends in College Pricing 2010.” Trends in Higher Education Series 3; Landy, Benjamin. March 21, 2013. “Graph: As State Funding for Higher Education Collapses, Students Pay the Difference.” The Century Foundation; Chopra, Rohit. March 21, 2012. “Too Big to Fail: Student Debt Hits a Trillion.” Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. http://www.consumerfinance.gov/blog/too-big-to-fail-student-debt-hits-a-trillion
12. On the politics of occupation in Argentina, see Acuña, Claudia, Judith Gociol, et al., eds. 2004. Sin Patrón: Fábricas y Empresas Recuperadas por sus Trabajadores. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Lavaca Editora; Sitrin, Marina, ed. 2005. Horizontalidad: Voces de Poder Popular. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Cooperativa Chilavert.
13. On the Zapatistas, see Ramirez, Gloria Muñoz. 2008. The Fire and the Word: A History of the Zapatista Movement. San Francisco, CA: City Lights. On the Oaxaca uprising, see Denham, Diana and CASA Collective. 2008. Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca. Oakland, CA: PM Press. On South African movements, see Ballard, Richard, et al., eds. 2006. Voices of Protest: Social Movements in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. On the Greek youth revolt, see Schwarz, A.G., Tasos Sagris, et al., eds. 2010. We Are an Image from the Future: The Greek Revolt of December 2008. Oakland, CA: AK Press.
14. See also Piven, Frances Fox and Richard Cloward. 1977. Poor People’s Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail. New York: Vintage Books; McAdam, Doug. December 1983. “Tactical Innovation and the Pace of Insurgency.” American Sociological Review 48.6: 735–54; Epstein, Barbara. 1991. Political Protest and Cultural Revolution: Nonviolent Direct Action in the 1970s and 1980s. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
15. On the role of occupations in the global justice movement, see Juris, Jeffrey. 2008. Networking Futures: The Movements against Corporate Globalization. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. On housing occupations, see Rameau, Max. “Occupy to Liberate,” in Khatib, Kate, et al., eds. 2012. We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation. Oakland, CA: AK Press. On factory occupation of 2008, see Lyderson, Kari and James Tracy. January 2009. “The Real Audacity of Hope: Republic Windows Workers Stand Their Ground.” Dollars and Sense. On 2009–2010 student occupations, see “Communique from an Absent Future,” in Palmieri, Tania and Clare Solomon, eds. 2011. Springtime: The New Student Rebellions. New York, NY: Verso Books.
16. For more on the Arab revolutions, see Al-Zubaidi, Layla and Matthew Cassel, eds. 2013. Writing Revolution: The Voices from Tunis to Damascus. New York, NY: I.B. Tauris; El-Ghobashy, Mona. Spring 2011. “The Praxis of the Egyptian Revolution.” Middle East Report 258: 2–12; Abul-Magd, Zeinab. 2012. “Occupying Tahrir Square: The Myths and the Realities of the Egyptian Revolution.” South Atlantic Quarterly 111.2: 565–72. On the links between the Arab Spring and OWS, see Kerton, Sarah. 2012. “Tahrir, Here? The Influence of the Arab Uprisings on the Emergence of Occupy.” Social Movement Studies 11.3–4: 302–8; Schiffrin, Anya and Eamon Kircher-Allen, eds. 2012. From Cairo to Wall Street: Notes from the Global Spring. New York, NY: New Press.
17. Madrigal, Alexis. January 27, 2011. “Egyptian Activist’s Action Plan: Translated.” The Atlantic. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/01/egyptian-activists-action-plan-translated/70388/
18. Shierholz, Heidi. February 4, 2011. “Labor Market Moving in Two Directions at the Same Time.” Economic Policy Institute; see also Krugman, Paul and Robin Wells. “The Widening Gyre: Inequality, Polarization, and the Crisis,” in Byrne, Janet, ed. 2012. The Occupy Handbook. New York, NY: Back Bay Books.
19. Davey, Monica and Steven Greenhouse. February 12, 2011. “Wisconsin May Take an Ax to State Workers’ Benefits and Their Unions.” The New York Times, A11.
20. Krugman, Paul. February 21, 2011. “Wisconsin Power Play.” The New York Times, A17.
21. Goodman, Amy and Mahlon Mitchell. February 21, 2011. “‘We Have a Fire in the House of Labor. We Are Here to Put It Out’: Wisconsin Firefighters and Police Officers Join Massive Protests Against Anti-Union Bill.” Democracy Now! http://www.democracynow.org/2011/2/21/we_have_a_fire_in_the
22. Wright, Erik Olin and João Alexandre Peschanski. April 2011. “The Wisconsin Protests.” University of Wisconsin. http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~wright/Published%20writing/Wisconsin%20Protests%202011-%20final.pdf; Madison Teaching Assistant Association. February 16–21, 2011. “Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill Protest.” http://www.youtube.com/user/MadisonTAA/videos
23. Olsen, Scott. “Iraq Veterans Against the War.” http://www.ivaw.org/scott-olsen
24. Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. February 24, 2011. “Biggest Day of Demonstrations Outside Madison in Wisconsin History.” http://wisaflcio.typepad.com/wisconsin-state-afl-cio-blog/2011/02/biggest-day-of-demonstrations-outside-madison-in-wisconsin-history.html
25. For more on Wisconsin, see Wright and Peschanski, “Wisconsin Protests”; Nichols, John. 2013. Uprising: How Wisconsin Renewed the Politics of Protest. New York, NY: Nation Books; Collins, Jane. 2012. “Theorizing Wisconsin’s 2011 Protests: Community-Based Unionism Confronts Accumulation by Dispossession.” American Ethnologist 39: 6–20.
26. For more on the indignados, see Fernández-Savater, Amador, et al. 2011. Las Voces del 15-M. Barcelona, Spain: Los Libros del Lince; Castells, Manuel. 2012. Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age. Malden, MA: Polity Press; Morella, Mayo Fuster. 2012. “The Free Culture and 15M Movements in Spain: Composition, Social Networks and Synergies.” Social Movement Studies 11.3–4: 386–92; Baiocchi, Gianpaolo and Ernesto Ganuza. February 14, 2012. “No Parties, No Banners.” Boston Review; Feixa, Carles and Jordi Nofre, eds. 2013. #GeneraciónIndignada: Topías y Utopías del 15M. Lleida, Spain: Editorial Milenio.
27. Elola, Joseba. May 22, 2011. “El 15-M Sacude El Sistema,” El País. http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2011/05/21/actualidad/1305999838_462379.html
28. Assembly of Acampada Sol. May 20, 2011. “Proposals Approved at May 20th Assembly.” http://www.actasmadrid.tomalaplaza.net
29. International Commission of Acampada Sol. July 15, 2011. “How to Cook a Non-Violent #Revolution”; Oikonomakis, Leonidas and Jerome Roos. February 2013. “‘Que No Nos Representan’: The Crisis of Representation and the Resonance of the Real Democracy Movement from the Indignados to Occupy.” Reflections on a Revolution. See also Azzellini and Sitrin, They Can’t Represent Us.
30. Hellenic Statistical Authority. September 8, 2011. “Labour Force Survey: June 2011.” http://www.statistics.gr/portal/page/portal/ESYE/BUCKET/A0101/PressReleases/A0101_SJO02_DT_MM_06_2011_01_F_EN.pdf; For more on the Greek crisis, see Lapavitsas, Costas. 2012. Crisis in the Eurozone. New York, NY: Verso Books; Douzinas, Costas. June 15, 2011. “In Greece, We See Democracy in Action.” The Guardian.
31. See Paraskeva, Despoina. March 2013. “The Invisible Generation.” Ektos Grammis 32 (March).
32. Statements from the “People’s Assembly of Syntagma Square, June 28–29, 2011” and interviews with author.
1. The May 12 Coalition. “Action Logistics.” http://onmay12.org/action/action-logistics
2. The May 12 Coalition. “Call to Action.” http://onmay12.org/action/call-to-action
3. Katz, Celeste. April 25, 2011. “Mayor Bloomberg to Unions: These Aren’t the Protests You’re Looking For.” The New York Daily News.
4. See Harvey, David. October 2008. “The Right to the City.” New Left Review 53: 23–40; Brenner, Neil, Peter Marcuse, and Margit Meyer. 2012. Cities for People, Not for Profit: Critical Urban Theory and the Right to the City. New York, NY: Routledge Press. On the class politics of the Bloomberg era, see Brash, Julian. 2011. Bloomberg’s New York: Class and Government in the Luxury City. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
5. The Independent Budget Office. March 24, 2011. “Mapping Senior Centers That May Be Closed.” http://ibo.nyc.ny.us/cgi-park/?p=280; New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts. “Informational Leaflet.” http://nocutsny.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/nyabc-leaflet.pdf
6. Ibid.; Metropolitan Council Inc. v. Safir, 99 F.Supp.2d 438 (S.D. New York 2000).
7. For an oral history of the Hooverville period, see Terkel, Studs. 1986. Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression. New York, NY: New Press.
8. For an overview of the political practice of hacktivism, as deployed by Anonymous and other networks, see Coleman, Gabriella. 2011. “Hacker Politics and Publics.” Public Culture 23.3: 511–16.
9. On the critique of “clicktivism,” see Morozov, Evgeny. 2013. To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism. New York, NY: Public Affairs.
10. Anonymous. June 15, 2012. “OpESR Status Update: Empire State Rebellion Day 1.” http://ampedstatus.org/opesr-status-update-empire-state-rebellion-day-1
11. Tarleton, John. June 20, 2011. “Bloombergville Lives: Consigned Across from City Hall, Protesters Refuse to Give Up but Struggle to Increase Their Numbers.” The Indypendent.
12. For the origins of the concept of the meme, see Dawkins, Richard. 1976. The Selfish Gene. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. On the use of the meme in contemporary social movements, see Canning, Doyle and Patrick Reinsborough. 2010. Re:Imagining Change. Oakland, CA: SmartMeme Project/PM Press.
13. “About.” Adbusters. July 13, 2011. https://www.adbusters.org/about/adbusters; “Adbusters.” Adbusters. July 13, 2011. https://www.adbusters.org
14. “#OccupyWallStreet.” Adbusters. July 13, 2011. https://www.adbusters.org/blogs/adbusters-blog/occupywallstreet.html
16. These are the author’s working hypotheses. Further research will be required to establish any causal connection.
17. “#OccupyWallStreet.” Adbusters.
18. On the history of the Indymedia network, see Nogueira, Ana. “The Birth and Promise of the Indymedia Revolution,” in Shepard, Benjamin and Ron Hayduk. 2002. From ACT UP to the WTO: Urban Protest and Community Building in the Era of Globalization. New York, NY: Verso Books; Wolfson, Todd. 2013. “Democracy or Autonomy? Indymedia and the Contradictions of Global Social Movement Networks.” Global Networks 13: 410–24. For a sociological perspective on transnational networks, see Evans, Peter. 2005. “Fighting Marginalization with Transnational Networks: Counter-Hegemonic Globalization.” Contemporary Sociology 29.1: 230–41.
19. Ferrill, Paul. September 6, 2011. “America’s Tahrir Moment.” Adbusters. https://www.adbusters.org/blogs/adbusters-blog/occupy-wall-street-will-lay-siege-us-greed.xhtml; AnonOps. August 30, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street—Sep17.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSpM2kieMu8
20. NYABC. “Debt Ceiling Protest/General Assembly.” http://www.facebook.com/events/174935459243842
21. For an alternative interpretation of the August 2 assembly, drawing different conclusions from the same observable evidence, see Graeber, The Democracy Project. For more in-depth discussion of the role of anarchism in OWS, see Bray, Mark. 2013. Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall Street. Hants, UK: Zero Books; Schneider, Nathan. 2013. Thank You Anarchy: Notes from the Occupy Apocalypse. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
22. This exchange was also recorded by other observers. See, for instance, Graeber, The Democracy Project.
23. New York City General Assembly. “Who We Are.” http://www.nycga.net/about
24. “#OccupyWallStreet.” Adbusters.
25. On the origins of such debates in the global justice movement, see Juris, Jeffrey. 2008. Networking Futures: The Movement against Corporate Globalization. Durham, NC: Duke University Press; Shepard and Hayduk; Della Porta, Donatella, ed. 2006. The Global Justice Movement. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers; Pleyers, Geoffrey. 2010. Alter-Globalization: Becoming Actors in a Global Age. Malden, MA: Polity Press. On lessons for the occupiers, see Klein, Naomi. October 10, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street: Lessons from Anti-Globalization Protests.” Rabble. http://rabble.ca/columnists/2011/10/occupy-wall-street-lessons-anti-globalization-protests
26. See, for instance, Graeber’s claim to have invented the “99 Percent part” of the slogan: “As a matter of historical record . . . [regarding] the origin of the slogan ‘We Are the 99 Percent’ . . . I threw in the 99 percent part” (2013: 41).
27. Saez, “Striking It Richer”; Saez and Piketty, “Evolution of Top Incomes”; see, for instance, Noah, The Great Divergence; The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Spring 2010. “Income Inequality: It’s Not So Bad.” Inside The Vault 14.1.
28. The Other 98 Percent. “How We Got Started.” http://other98.com/history
29. DeGraw, David. February 15, 2010. “The Economic Elite vs. The People of the United States of America.” http://ampedstatus.com/the-economic-elite-vs-the-people-of-the-united-states-of-america-part-i
30. E-mail to author from an affiliate of Right to the City—New York.
31. On the interaction between virtual and physical spaces of protest, see Castells, Networks of Outrage and Hope; Mason; Gerbaudo Fernández-Savater, et al.; Costanza-Chock. For a more cautious view, see Juris, “Reflections on #Occupy Everywhere.” For a critique, see Morozov; Robert McChesney. 2013. Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism Is Turning the Internet Against Democracy. New York, NY: New Press; “#OccupyWallStreet.” Adbusters.
32. E-mail to author; “We Are the 99 Percent.” August 23, 2011. http://wearethe99percent.tumblr.com/post/9289779051/we-are-the-99-percent
33. “We Are the 99 Percent.” Tumblr. http://wearethe99percent.tumblr.com
1. Quoted in “CNN Sunday Morning.” September 18, 2011. CNN. http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1109/18/sm.02.html
2. On the history of affinity groups, see Finnegan, William. “Affinity Groups and the Movement against Corporate Globalization,” in Goodwin, Jeff and James Jasper. 2009. The Social Movements Reader: Cases and Concepts. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 210–218; Juris, Networking Futures; Shepard and Hayduk, From ACT UP to the WTO. For a participant perspective, see San Filippo, Roy, ed. 2003. A New World in Our Hearts. Oakland, CA: AK Press.
3. See also NYCGA. September 17, 2011. “Occupy Wall St Sept 17 Orientation Guide.”
4. Adbusters. “#OccupyWallStreet.” Adbusters.
5. Brookfield Office Properties. “One Liberty Plaza, History.” http://www.brookfieldofficeproperties.com/content/quick_links/history-10526.html
6. Brookfield Office Properties. “About” and “Portfolio.” http://www.brookfieldofficeproperties.com; Scola, Nancy. October 4, 2011. “Owners of the Park at the Center of Occupy Wall Street Protests Are Losing Patience.” Capital New York. For historical background, see Quindlen, Anna. April 29, 1980. “John Zuccotti: Out of Office, Still in Power.” The New York Times; Fitch, Robert. 1993. The Assassination of New York. New York, NY: Verso Books.
7. On public space, see Bell, Rick, Lance Brown, et al., eds. Beyond Zuccotti Park: Freedom of Assembly and the Occupation of Public Space. New York, NY: New Village Press; Marcuse, Peter. 2011. “Occupy and the Provision of Public Space.” Berkeley Journal of Sociology (December). http://bjsonline.org/2011/12/understanding-the-occupy-movement-perspectives-from-the-social-sciences; Schrader, Stuart and David Wachsmuth. 2012. “Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, the State, and Space.” City 16.1: 243–248.
8. Moore, Alan. February 9, 2012. “V for Vendetta and the Rise of Anonymous.” British Broadcasting Corporation.
9. On the practice of consensus-based decision-making, see Mansbridge, Jane. 1980. Beyond Adversary Democracy. New York, NY: Basic Books Publishers; Polletta, Francesca. 2002. Freedom Is an Endless Meeting. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; Kauffman, L.A. “The Theology of Consensus,” in Taylor, Gessen, et al., eds., 2011. Occupy! Scenes from Occupied America. New York, NY: Verso Books: 46–51; Cornell, Andy. “Consensus: What It Is, What It Is Not, Where It Came From and Where It Must Go,” in Khatib, et al., eds., 163–173.
10. On the People’s Microphone, see Writers for the 99%; Costanza-Chock; Kim, Richard. October 3, 2011. “We Are All Human Microphones Now.” The Nation; Appel, Hannah. October 13, 2011. “The People’s Microphone.” Social Text; Garces, Chris. February 14, 2013. “People’s Mic and ‘Leaderful’ Charisma.” Cultural Anthropology.
11. NYCGA. “Legal Fact Sheet.” http://www.nycga.net/resources/legal-fact-sheet
12. NYCGA. “Statement of Purpose.” http://www.nycga.net/group-documents/statement-of-purpose
13. See also “NYCGA Minutes.” September 21, 2011. http://www.nycga.net/2011/09/nycga-minutes-9212011
14. Silver, Nate. October 7, 2011. “Police Clashes Spur Coverage of Wall Street Protests.” The New York Times.
15. Video can be viewed at http://www.occupywallst.org/article/a-message-from-occupied-wall-street-day-four
16. International Brotherhood of Teamsters. December 22, 2011. “Teamsters Publish Online Petition to End Sotheby’s Lockout.”; NAACP. “Significant Doubts About Troy Davis’ Guilt: A Case for Clemency.” http://www.naacp.org/pages/troy-davis-a-case-for-clemency
17. Social Science Research Council. “Congressional District Maps At-a-Glance.” Measure of America: American Human Development Project. http://measureofamerica.org/file/Congressional_District_Maps-At-A-Glance.pdf
18. Video footage at http://www.occupywallst.org/article/Officer-Bologna
19. See Writers for the 99%, Occupying Wall Street.
20. On the “battle of the story,” see Arquilla, John and David Ronfeldt, eds. 2001. Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; Canning and Reinsborough, Re:Imagining Change.
21. FreePress. “Who Owns the Media?” http://www.freepress.net/ownership/chart
22. On social movements as spectacle, see Gitlin, Todd. 2003. The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press; Gitlin, Occupy Nation; Corrigall-Brown, Catherine. February 2012. “The Power of Pictures: Images of Politics and Protest.” American Behavioral Scientist 56:131–243; Doerr, Nicole, Alice Mattoni, and Simon Teune. “Toward a Visual Analysis of Social Movements, Conflict, and Political Mobilization,” in Doerr, et al., eds., 2013. Advances in the Visual Analysis of Social Movements. Bingley, UK: Emerald, xi–xxvi. Fahlenbrach, Kathrin, Erling Sivertsen, and Rolf Werenskjold, eds. 2014. Media and Revolt: Strategies and Performances from the 1960s to the Present. New York, NY: Berghahn Books.
23. Bauder, David. October 20, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street, Media Have Complicated Relationship.” Associated Press.
24. Goldstein, Joseph. September 26, 2011. “Videos Show Police Using Pepper-Spray at Protest on Financial System.” The New York Times.
25. Holcomb, Jesse. October 9, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street Drives Economic Coverage.” Pew Research Journalism Project. http://www.journalism.org/2011/10/09/pej-news-coverage-index-october-39-2011
26. OccupyWallSt.org October 1, 2011. “‘We Are the 99 Percent’ Solidarity March with #OccupyWallStreet at 3 PM.” http://occupywallst.org/article/oct1-march
27. See, for instance, Kleinfield, N.R. and Cara Buckley. September 30, 2011. “Wall Street Occupiers, Protesting Till Whenever.” The New York Times; Lowry, Rich. October 4, 2011. “The Left’s Pathetic Tea Party.” National Review.
1. Baker, Al, et al. October 1 2011. “Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge.” The New York Times. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/police-arresting-protesters-on-brooklyn-bridge
2. OccupyWallSt.org. October 1, 2011. “Brooklyn Bridge Occupied.” http://occupywallst.org/article/brooklyn-bridge-occupied
3. “Second Amended Complaint—Section Six, Prior Executions of Unconstitutional Mass Protest Arrests Using Tactics Challenged Herein.” The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund; Garcia et al. v. Bloomberg et al., 11 Civ. 6957, filed October 4, 2011. See also Knuckey, Sarah, Katherine Glenn, and Emi MacLean. July 25, 2012. “Suppressing Protest: Human Rights Violations in the U.S. Response to Occupy Wall Street.” Protest and Assembly Rights Project. http://chrgj.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/suppressingprotest.pdf
4. Powell, Michael and Michelle Garcia. September 20, 2004. “Arrests at GOP Convention Are Criticized: Many in N.Y. Released Without Facing Charges.” The Washington Post, A1. For more on the policing of protest at the RNC, see Vitale, Alex. December 2007. “The Command and Control and Miami Models at the 2004 Republican National Convention.” Mobilization 12.4: 403–415; American Civil Liberties Union. May 16, 2007. “Policing Protest: The NYPD’s Republican National Convention Documents.” http://www.nyclu.org/RNCdocs
5. For more on the Occupy-labor alliance, see Lewis, Penny and Stephanie Luce. 2012. “Labor and Occupy Wall Street: An Appraisal of the First Six Months.” New Labor Forum 21.2 (Spring): 43–49; Shepard, Benjamin. March 2012. “Labor and Occupy Wall Street: Common Causes and Uneasy Alliances.” WorkingUSA 15.1: 121–134. On precursors to the Occupy-labor alliance, see Clawson, Dan. 2003. The Next Upsurge: Labor and the New Social Movements. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
6. DC 37. November 10, 2011. “DC 37 Opens Contract Negotiations with the City of New York.” http://www.dc37.net/news/newsreleases/2011/nr11_10.html; Santos, Fernanda. October 8, 2011. “672 School Jobs Are Lost in Largest Single-Agency Layoff under Bloomberg.” The New York Times: A15; United Federation of Teachers. 2011. “UFT, NAACP, Elected Officials, Parents, Sue to Halt Closing and Co-location Plans for Dozens of Public Schools”; Johnson, Candice. August 19, 2011. “CWA: Verizon’s Cuts Are Bad for Workers, Bad for the Economy.” Communication Workers of America; Brown, Jenny. August 22, 2011. “Verizon Strike Ends, for Now.” Labor Notes.
7. Transport Workers Union Local 100. “New York’s Public Transit Union.” http://www.twulocal100.org/new-yorks-public-transit-union
8. Vitale, Alex. “Demonstration in Solidarity With Occupy Wall Street.” http://www.facebook.com/events/214291185301829
9. 1199SEIU. “1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East.” http://www.1199seiu.org/about; 1199SEIU. October 10, 2011. “1199SEIU, Other Unions March on Solidarity With Wall Street Protests.” http://www.1199seiu.org/1199seiu_other_unions_march_in_solidarity_with_wall_street_protests; Hall, Mike. October 5, 2011. “Union Movement Opens Arms and Hearts to Occupy Wall Street Activists.” AFL-CIO. http://www.aflcio.org/Blog/Corporate-Greed/Union-Movement-Opens-Arms-and-Hearts-to-Occupy-Wall-Street-Activists
10. Nichols, John. September 30, 2011. “AFL-CIO’s Trumka Hails Occupy Wall Street.” The Nation. http://www.thenation.com/blog/163737/afl-cios-trumka-hails-occupy-wall-street-protests#
11. OccupyWallSt.org. October 4, 2011. “#OccupyWallStreet Union March from Foley Square on Wall Street.” http://occupywallst.org/archive/Oct-2011/page-11/
12. 18 USC § 2385 (1940).
13. The phrase “complex unity” was coined by Angela Davis at Occupy Wall Street. See Davis, Angela. November 15, 2011. “The 99%: A Community of Resistance.” The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/nov/15/99-percent-community-resistance
14. People of Color Working Group / #OccupyWallStreet. October 4, 2011. “Callout to People of Color from the #OWS POC Working Group.” http://pococcupywallstreet.tumblr.com/post/11049895469/call-out-to-people-of-color-from-the-ows-poc-working. See also http://www.infrontandcenter.wordpress.com
15. For more on the debates surrounding the Declaration of Occupation, see McCleave Maharawal, “Occupy Wall Street and a Radical Politics of Inclusion”; “POCcupy,” in Writers for the 99%, Occupying Wall Street, 111–22. See also Rameau, “Occupy to Liberate”; Yen Liu, Yvonne. “Where Is the Color in Occupy?” in Khatib, et al., eds. We Are Many, 75–80; Martinez, Elizabeth Betita. March 10, 2000. “Where Was the Color in Seattle?” Colorlines; Juris, Jeffrey, Michelle Ronayne, et al. July 2012. “Negotiating Power and Difference within the 99 Percent.” Social Movement Studies 11.3–4: 434–440; Mouffe, Chantal. February 2013. “Constructing Unity across Differences: The Fault Lines of the 99 Percent.” Tidal: Occupy Theory, Occupy Strategy 4: 5–6. For a compelling defense of universalism, see Chibber, Vivek. 2013. Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital. New York, NY: Verso Books.
16. Oakland General Assembly. October 8, 2011. “A Message from the Oakland General Assembly.”
17. Occupy Oakland Research Group. February 1, 2012. “Occupy Oakland Serves the People.” Unpublished draft.
18. Overcoming-Love Ministries. “Welcome to Overcoming-Love Ministries, Inc.” http://oclm.org/home.html
19. NYCGA. October 27, 2011. “A Friendly Announcement from the Food Working Group.” http://www.nycga.net/group-documents/a-friendly-announcement-from-the-food-working-group
20. NYCGA. October 18, 2011. “General Assembly and Facilitation Guide.” http://www.nycga.net/group-documents/general-assembly-script-as-of-101711. On the distribution of power within “non-hierarchical” organizations, see Freeman, Jo. 1972. “Tyranny of Structurelessness.” Berkeley Journal of Sociology 17: 151–165; Rothschild-Whitt, Joyce. 1979. “The Collectivist Organization: An Alternative to Rational-Bureaucratic Models.” American Sociological Review 44: 509–527; Mansbridge, Beyond Adversary Democracy; Polletta, Endless Meeting; Polletta. 2005. “How Participatory Democracy Became White.” Mobilization 10.2: 271–288.
22. NYCGA. October 13, 2011. “Good Neighbor Policy.” http://www.nycga.net/resources/good-neighbor-policy
23. Colvin, Jill. September 30, 2011. “Bloomberg Says Wall Street Protesters ‘Blame the Wrong People.’” DNA Info; CBS New York. October 7, 2011. “Bloomberg: Wall Street Protests Trying to ‘Get Rid’ of Jobs, Hurting Tourism.” CBS News.
24. Rubinstein, Dana. October 10, 2011. “Zuccotti Park’s Landlord’s Shared Interests with the City (and Genial Reputation) Mean ‘Occupation’ Decision Is Likely Mutual.” Capital New York; Brookfield Office Properties. October 31, 2011. “Brookfield Office Properties Executes 767,000-Square-Foot Lease Renewal”; Fractenberg, Ben. September 28, 2011. “Zuccotti Park Can’t be Closed to Protesters, NYPD Says.” DNA Info.
25. Scola. “Losing Patience”; Clark, Richard B. October 11, 2011. Letter to Raymond W. Kelly. http://info.publicintelligence.net/ZuccottiParkComplaint.pdf
26. Brookfield Properties. “Notice of Cleaning and Upkeep Operations to Commence Friday, October 14, 2011.”
27. Aronsen, Galvin. October 11, 2011, “Arrests and Pepper Spray at Occupy Des Moines; Governor Faults Protesters.” http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2011/10/occupy-des-moines-iowa-arrests; Occupy Arrests, “Details”; Mitchell, Greg. October 11, 2011. “The OccupyUSA Blog for Tuesday, With Frequent Updates.” The Nation.
28. OccupyWallSt.org. October 13, 2011. “Emergency Call to Action: Keep Bloomberg and Kelly From Evicting #OWS.” http://occupywallst.org/archive/Oct-13-2011
29. Wedes, Justin. October 12, 2011. “Operation #wallstcleanup.” E-mail forwarded to author.
30. Seitz-Wald, Alex. October 14, 2011. “Fourteen City Councilmen Call on Bloomberg to Let Protesters Stay.” Truth Out. http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/3991:fourteen-new-york-city-councilmen-call-on-bloomberg-to-let-protesters-stay; de Blasio, Bill. October 13, 2011. “Statement by Public Advocate de Blasio on Occupy Wall Street”; MoveOn.org. October 13, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street Petition Update.” http://www.moveon.org/emails/2011-10-13-occupy-wall-street-petition-update.html
1. “#OWS Victory: The People have Prevailed, Gear Up for Global Day of Action.” Occupy Wall Street. October 14, 2011. http://occupywallst.org/article/ows-victory-people-have-prevailed-gear-global-day
2. “United For Global Change.” Democracia Real Ya. http://international.democraciarealya.es/october-15th
3. Volcanic Thunder. “Inside—NYC Citibank Occupation Arrests—Inside the Bank.” Video. October 20, 2011. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovMV2ml3UL8
4. Data compiled by author from Occupy Colleges affiliates.
5. N.Y. Penal Law § 240.35(4).
6. OccupyWallSt.org. 2011. “Occupy Wall Street—Global Day of Action: NYC Live Updates.” OccupyWallSt.org. October 15 http://occupywallst.org/article/october-15th-global-day-action
7. See Rhodes, Dawn. October 16, 2011. “175 Chicago Protesters Arrested After Being Told to Leave Grant Park.” The Chicago Tribune; Byrne, John and Dawn Rhodes. October 19, 2011. “Emanuel: I Talked with Top Cop before Police Arrested Protesters.” The Chicago Tribune.
8. Occupy Arrests, “Details.”
9. Garofoli, Joe. October 24, 2011. “Top Candidates Happy to Take Wall Street’s Money.” The San Francisco Chronicle; Haake, Garrett. October 10, 2011. “Romney Avoids Reporters but Not Tough Questions.” NBC News; Geiger, Kim, et al. October 11, 2011. “Mitt Romney Sympathizes With Wall Street Protests.” The Los Angeles Times.
10. Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. October 24, 2011. “Public Divided Over Occupy Wall Street Movement.” On allegations that OWS was a “mob,” a “youthful rabble,” or the domain of “lefty fringe groups”, see Lowry. “The Left’s Pathetic Tea Party”; Sonmez,. Felicia. October 11, 2011. “Cantor Retreats from ‘Mob’ Comment about Occupy Wall Street Movement.” The Washington Post; Marshall, Will. October 17, 2011. “How Occupy Wall Street Will Hurt Liberals.” The New Republic.
11. NYCGA. October 28, 2011. “NYCGA Minutes.” http://www.nycga.net/2011/10/nycga-minutes-10282011
12. NYCGA. October 29, 2011. “OWS Structure Proposal.” NYCGA. http://www.nycga.net/group-documents/final-proposal-thursday-oct-27-afternoon
14. On the rise and fall of the OWS Spokescouncil, see also Bray, Translating Anarchy; Graeber; Gitlin, Occupy Nation; Schneider, Thank You Anarchy; Holmes, Marisa. “The Center Cannot Hold,” in Khatib, et al., eds., 151–162.
15. On the history of the spokescouncil model, see Epstein, Political Protest; Shepard and Hayduk, From ACT UP to the WTO; Cornell, Andy. 2011. Oppose and Propose: Lessons from Movement for a Free Society. Oakland, CA: AK Press; Wood, Lesley. 2012. Direct Action, Deliberation and Diffusion: Collective Action after the WTO. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. On alternative forms of democratic deliberation and coordination, see Malleson, Thomas. 2014. After Occupy: Economic Democracy for the 21st Century. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
16. NYCGA. October 21, 2011. “OWS Structure Proposal”; “NYCGA Minutes 10/21/2011.” http://www.nycga.net/2011/10/nycga-minutes-10212011
18. InterOccupy Network. “Connect to Other Occupations through Committees of Correspondence.” http://interoccupy.net/services/connect-to-other-occupations
19. See “Conference Call Minutes.” Movement Building Working Group. October 24–November 7, 2011. Available at http://www.interoccupy.org
20. See Chapter 6 for a discussion of InterOccupy’s role in the “national days of action.”
21. For further analysis of police tactics and strategies, see Knuckey, et al., “Suppressing Protest”; Stamper, Norm. November 28, 2011. “Paramilitary Policing from Seattle to Occupy Wall Street.” The Nation; Vitale, Alex. 2012. “Managing Defiance: The Policing of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.” Unpublished draft; Gillham, Patrick, Bob Edwards, and John Noakes. March 2013. “Strategic Incapacitation and the Policing of Occupy Wall Street Protests in New York City, 2011.” Policing and Society 23.1: 81–102; Schrader, Stuart. December 9, 2012. “Policing Political Protest: Paradoxes of the Age of Austerity.” Social Text. http://what-democracy-looks-like.com/policing-political-protest-paradoxes-of-the-age-of-austerity
22. Israel, Jeff. “Re: Snow Park” to Arturo Sanchez et al.” October 18, 2011. http://www.insidebayarea.com/data/ci_20030387/ooemails; Bulwa, Demian. October 20, 2011. “Oakland Orders Occupy Protesters to Leave Plaza.” San Francisco Chronicle,
23. Frazier Group, LLC. June 14, 2012. “Independent Investigation: Occupy Oakland Response October 25, 2011.”
24. Via GlobalRevolution.tv livestream; interviews by author; “Occupy Arrests.”
25. “Independent Investigation.”
26. In Scott Olsen’s own words, “I suffered a 2-inch skull fracture in several pieces, brain hemmoraging, broken bones in my neck and face, traumatic brain injury, aphasia. . . . I underwent neurosurgery to sanitize my brain material and reconstruct my skull. . . . I’ve recovered much from my injuries, but not completely. I still have noticeable trouble speaking, and deal with the effects of TBI [Traumatic Brain Injury]. I do not let this stop me from doing what is important, fighting for justice, and creating a healthy community.” Full story at http://scottolsen.org.
27. Occupy Oakland. October 27, 2011. “General Strike & Mass Day of Action—November 2.” http://occupyoakland.org/2011/10/general-strike-mass-day-of-action
28. “Tactical Briefing #18.” Adbusters, November 14, 2011. https://www.adbusters.org/blogs/adbusters-blog/adbusters-tactical-briefing-18.html
29. “Occupy Arrests.”
30. For the original source of the allegations, see Ellis, Rick. November 15, 2011. “Occupy Crackdowns Coordinated with Federal Law Enforcement Officials.” Business Examiner. For more substantiated claims, see Duara, Nigel. November 16, 2011. “Officials Around US Shared Advice on Occupy Protests.” Associated Press. For the official response, see Gold, Jim. November 15, 2011. “Mayors Deny Colluding on ‘Occupy’ Crackdowns.” NBC News. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/45312298/ns/us_news-life/#.UnG9eGTk8fJ
31. On Fusion Centers, see “Federal Support For and Involvement in State and Local Fusion Centers.” U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Investigations. October 3, 2012. On Joint Terrorism Task Forces, see “A Review of the FBI’s Investigations of Certain Domestic Advocacy Groups.” U.S. Department of Justice. September 2010. On DHS private sector partnerships, see “Critical Infrastructure.” DHS. http://www.dhs.gov/critical-infrastructure. For an overview see Morabito, Andrew, et al. 2005. New Realities: Engaging the Private Sector to Promote Homeland Security. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Assistance.
32. See “Our Mission” and “Council Members.” Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council. http://fsscc.org; “Charter of the Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council.” DHS. http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/cipac/cipac_charter.pdf; “Financial Services Sector Committee Membership.” DHS. http://www.dhs.gov/council-members-critical-infrastructure-partnership-advisory-council; author’s calculations based on DHS. “Private Sector Information-Sharing Working Group Participants,” in Strength Through Collaboration. DHS. March 28, 2011.
33. U.S. Department of Homeland Security—National Protection and Programs Directorate. October 2011. “Special Coverage: Occupy Wall Street.” Available in Hastings, Michael. February 28, 2012. “Exclusive: Homeland Security Kept Tabs on Occupy Wall Street.” Rolling Stone. http://www1.rollingstone.com/extras/13637_DHS%20IP%20Special.pdf. On the FBI’s role in the surveillance of OWS, see Clark Estes, Adam. December 23, 2012 “The FBI Treated Occupy Like a Terrorist Group.” The Atlantic Wire, http://www.thewire.com/national/2012/12/fbi-treated-occupy-terrorist-group/60289
34. Baker, Al and Joseph Goldstein. November 16, 2011. “Operation to Clear Zuccotti Park, Carefully Planned, Unfolded without Warning.” The New York Times: A31.
35. November 14, 2011. “Letter to Michael Bloomberg” Brookfield Office Properties. http://editorial-ny.dnainfo.com/downloads/letter_to_the_mayor_11-14-11.pdf; quote from counterprotest flyer observed by author.
36. Taylor, Kate. November 2, 2011. “Wall St Protest Is Hurting Area’s Families, Bloomberg Says.” http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/02/wall-st-protest-is-hurting-areas-families-bloomberg-says; Russo, Melissa and Erika Tarantal. November 14, 2011. “Angry Residents, Businesses Protest Occupy Wall Street Protest.” NBC News.
37. Committee to Protect Journalists. 2011. “Journalists Obstructed from Covering OWS Protests.” November 15. http://www.cpj.org/2011/11/journalists-obstructed-from-covering-ows-protests.php
1. Via GlobalRevolution.tv livestream; interviews by author.
2. Interviews by author; “Occupy Arrests”; selections from TARU video footage available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-SnG8BvAS8. For news coverage of the raid as it occurred, see Wells, Matt and Peter Walker. November 15, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street: Police Evict Protesters—As It Happened.” The Guardian. http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/blog/2011/nov/15/occupy-wall-street-police-action-live. For evidence of violations of press freedoms, see “Index of Arrests of Journalists and Others Documenting Occupy Wall Street.” Committee to Protect Journalists. November 15, 2011. http://www.cpj.org/2011/11/journalists-obstructed-from-covering-ows-protests.php. For evidence of human rights violations, see Knuckey, Glenn, and MacLean, “Suppressing Protest.”
3. See Industrial Workers of the World. 2003. I.W.W. Songs. Chicago, IL: Charles H. Kerr.
4. Hardesty, Michele. May 24, 2012. “OWS and People’s Librarians File Federal Lawsuit against the City for 11/15 Raid on Zuccotti Park.” Occupy Wall Street Library. http://peopleslibrary.wordpress.com/category/announcements
5. Rosario, Frank. November 15, 2011. “NYPD Raiders Roust OWS Rabble.” The New York Post.
6. Office of the Mayor. November 15, 2011. “Statement of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Clearing and Re-opening of Zuccotti Park.”
7. Moynihan, Colin. November 15, 2011. “Police Clear Church-Owned Lot, Arrest About 2 Dozen.” The New York Times. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/15/updates-on-the-clearing-of-zuccotti-park
8. Smucker, Jonathan Matthew, et al. November 15, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street: You Can’t Evict an Idea Whose Time Has Come.” The Guardian.
9. New York City Council. November 15, 2011. “Statement on the Eviction of Occupy Wall Street.” http://bradlander.com/news/updates/statement-on-the-eviction-of-occupy-wall-street
10. See Jennifer Waller, et al. v. The City of New York et al. November 15, 2011. “Transcript of Hearing Seeking Temporary Restraining Order.” Supreme Court of the State of New York, 933 N.Y.S.2d 541, 543. Text of final decision available at http://www.uslaw.com/occupywallstreet/tro_decision
11. “Statement of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Clearing and Re-opening of Zuccotti Park.”
12. Holmes, David. November 16, 2011. “Zuccotti Park Is Not Tianamen Square.” The New Yorker. http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2011/11/the-crisis-in-a-nutshell-zuccotti-park-is-not-tiananmen-square.html; Rubin, Jennifer. November 15, 2011. “Occupy Movement Deteriorates.” The Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/the-left-occupy-what/2011/11/14/gIQAngZHON_blog.html; O’Reilly, Bill. “The Failure of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.” Fox News.
13. OccupyWallSt.org. “International Day of Action.” http://occupywallst.org/action/november-17th
15. Rebuild the Dream. October 8, 2011. “What’s Next? We Have a Plan.” http://www.rebuildthedream.com/blog_whats_next_we_have_a_plan
16. Occupy the Boardroom. November 17, 2011. http://www.occupytheboardroom.org
17. OccupyWallSt.org. November 17, 2011. “Watch Wall Street Shut Down. Live.” http://occupywallst.org/article/watch-wall-street-shut-down-live
18. Gresham, George. November 15, 2011. “Emergency! Please Read Now!” E-mail to members of SEIU Local 1199.
19. OccupyWallSt.org. “#N17—Resist, Reclaim, Recreate—Call to Action.” https://www.facebook.com/events/241419422582978; MoveOn.org. “We Are The 99% Event.” http://pol.moveon.org/event/events/index.html?action_id=260
20. Occupy Colleges. December 4, 2011. “Occupy Colleges Now: Students as the New Public Intellectuals.” http://occupycolleges.org/2011/12/04/occupy-colleges-now-students-as-the-new-public-intellectuals
21. Committee of U.C. Berkeley Police Review Board. May 29, 2012. “Report on November 9, 2011.”; Haas, Robert. November 19, 2011. “Poet-Bashing Police.” The New York Times; Mathews, Miles. November 9, 2011. “Occupy Cal 11/9/11.” http://youtu.be/buovLQ9qyWQ; Occupy Oakland. November 12, 2011. “Occupy Cal Strike & Day of Action.” http://occupyoakland.org/ai1ec_event/occupy-cal-strike-day-of-action
22. Footage available from Think Progress. November 15, 2011. “Honest Chung from UC Berkeley Explains Protest.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvOnZD_1OCE; Asimov, Nanette. November 15, 2011. “UC Regents Cancel Meeting Fearing Violent Protest.” The San Francisco Chronicle.
23. See International Student Movement. November 6, 2011. “Global Weeks of Action for Education.” http://www.ism-global.net/coordinations_november2011; Roos, Jerome. November 18, 2011. “17N: The Global Revolutionary Wave of 2011 Thunders On.” Reflections on a Revolution. http://roarmag.org/2011/11/17-n-global-protests-occupy-wall-street-student-strikes; Fairbanks, Amanda. November 18, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street’s Student Supporters Walk Out of Class in Solidarity.” Occupy Colleges. http://occupycolleges.org/2011/11/18/occupy-wall-streets-student-supporters-walk-out-of-class-in-solidarity; additional data from Occupy Texas State, Occupy Oklahoma State, and Occupy Oregon State affiliates.
24. Jardin, Xeni. November 20, 2011. “Interview with Pepper-Sprayed UC Davis Student.” Boing Boing. http://boingboing.net/2011/11/20/ucdeyetwitness.html
25. “Interview with Pepper-Sprayed UC Davis Student”; Occupy UC Davis. November 23, 2011. “Press Release: Campus-Wide Strike.” http://occupyucdavis.org/2011/11/press-release-strike
26. For a visual illustration of police attack on unarmed students, see author’s footage in Speri, Alice, et al.. November 21, 2011. “CUNY Students Protesting Tuition Increase Clash With Police.” The New York Times City Room. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/21/arrests-in-tuition-protest-at-baruch-college
27. Kroll Associates. January 4, 2011. “Review of Events Occurring at Baruch College on November 21, 2011.” http://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/chancellor/Kroll-Report2013.pdf
28. NYC spokescouncil. November 16, 2011. “NYC Operational Spokes Council Minutes 11/16/2011.” http://www.nycga.net/2011/11/nyc-operational-spokes-council-minutes-11162011
1. American Community Survey 2011. 2013. “Census Tract 21, New York County, New York” and “Census Tract 1,126, Kings County, New York.” United States Census Bureau.
2. For in-depth analysis of the movement against home foreclosures, see Gottesdiener, Laura. 2013. A Dream Foreclosed: Black America and the Fight for a Place to Call Home. New York, NY: Zuccotti Park Press. See also Taylor, Astra. December 7, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street on Your Street.” The Nation.
3. See Office of the State Comptroller. March 2011. “Foreclosures in New York City”; New York Communities for Change. January 2011. “Foreclosure Crisis: Disproportionate Impact on African-American and Latino Households and Neighborhoods.” For OWS response, see OccupyWallSt.org. December 1, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street Goes Home.” http://occupywallst.org/archive/Dec-1-2011
4. RealtyTrac. January 9, 2012. “2011 Year-End Foreclosure Report.” http://www.realtytrac.com/content/foreclosure-market-report/2011-year-end-foreclosure-market-report-6984
5. Occupy Our Homes. December 6, 2011. “National Day of Action to Stop and Reverse Foreclosures.” http://occupyourhomes.org/blog/2011/dec/6/national-day-action-stop-and-reverse-foreclosures; Occupy Our Homes. December 5, 2011. “National Day of Action Event Details.” http://occupyourhomes.org/blog/2011/dec/5/join-national-day-action-tomorrow
6. RealtyTrac, “2011 Year-End Foreclosure Report.”
7. Abelson, Max. April 26, 2011. “Wall Street Tracks ‘Wolves’ as May 1 Protests Loom.” Bloomberg.
8. BAC Field Services Communications. December 5, 2011. “Occupy Our Homes—December 6, 2011.” Available at http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/12/06/1042826/-LEAKED-Bank-of-America-Panicking-over-Occupy-Our-Homes
9. Giove, Candice. January 15, 2012. “They Took My Place! Single Dad Trying to Take Back Home Occupied by OWS.” The New York Post.
10. For historical background, see Wilder, Craig Steven. 2000. A Covenant with Color: Race and Social Power in Brooklyn. New York, NY: Columbia University Press; Metzger, John. 2000. “Planned Abandonment: The Neighborhood Life-Cycle Theory and National Urban Policy.” Housing Policy Debate, 11; Thabit, Walter. 2003. How East New York Became a Ghetto. New York, NY: New York University Press. For recent data, see Applied Research Center. May 2009. “Race and Recession.” http://www.arc.org/content/view/726/13
11. Trinity Wall Street. May 9, 2013. “2012 Trinity Wall Street Financial Report.” http://www.trinitywallstreet.org/blogs/news/2012-trinity-wall-street-financial-report
12. OccupyWallSt.org. December 16, 2011. “D17 ReOccupy Schedule.” http://occupywallst.org/article/d17-reoccupy-schedule; NYCGA. December 6, 2011. “Minutes, DAWG Meeting, December 5, 2011.” http://www.nycga.net/group-documents/minutes-dawg-meeting-dec-5-2011
13. Pinto, Nick. June 19, 2012. “Eight Occupy Wall Street Protesters Found Guilty of Trespassing, One Sentenced to 45 Days in Jail.” The Village Voice. http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2012/06/eight_occupy_wa.php
14. For more on the logic of autonomous action, see Khatib, et al., eds.; Bray; Graeber; Gautney, “Occupy X”; Hardt and Negri, “Manifesto”; Sitrin and Azzellini, “They Can’t Represent Us!”; Taylor, Blair. December 2013. “From Alterglobalization to Occupy Wall Street: Neoanarchism and the New Spirit of the Left.” City 17.6: 729–747.
15. InterOccupy. “Proposal for a Coordinated West Coast Port Blockade Passed Unanimously at the Occupy Oakland General Assembly 11/18/2012.” http://interoccupy.net/blog/west-coast-port-blockade-1212; Slaughter, Jane. February 16, 2012. “ILWU Takes Risks, Breaks Rules, Gets Deal with Grain Company.” Labor Notes; Coalition for Clean and Safe Ports. October 17, 2011. “Tricking Taxpayers and Truck Drivers: Goldman Sachs Brings Wall Street to the Waterfront.” http://www.cleanandsafeports.org
16. Occupy Oakland. “Why We Are Shutting Down the Port.” http://interoccupy.net/blog/west-coast-port-blockade-1212; Wohlsen, Marcus. December 8, 2011. “Port Shutdown Pledged by Occupy Protesters Despite Union Rejection.” The Seattle Times.
17. JOC Staff. December 13, 2011. “Oakland, Portland Work on Occupy Backlogs.” The Journal of Commerce. http://www.joc.com/port-news/oakland-portland-work-occupy-backlogs_20111213.html
18. Bureau of Labor Statistics. June 3, 2011. “May 2011 Employment Situation.” U.S. Department of Labor.
19. Communication Workers of America. January 26, 2012. “Cablevision Workers Triumph: Brooklyn Technicians Vote to Unionize.”; see also “Stand Up for the Cablevision 99 Percent.” http://www.thecablevision99.org
20. Laundry Workers Center. January 16, 2012. “Liberation Action”; on the outcome of the Hot and Crusty campaign, see Gottesdiener, Laura. December 1, 2012. “A New Face of the Labor Movement.” Waging Nonviolence. For a study of recent immigrant worker organizing in related industries, see Milkman, Ruth and Ed Ott, eds. 2014. New Labor in New York: Precarious Workers and the Future of the Labor Movement. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
21. Occupy Atlanta Media. February 13, 2012. “We Have Drawn a Line in the Sand.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-crEy7aqcX4
22. WSB-TV News. March 17, 2012. “Protesters Say New Bill Aims to Stop Peaceful Protest.” WSB-TV News; Franzen, Tim. March 26, 2012. “Historic Win For AT&T Workers in the Southeast.” American Friends Service Action Committee/Atlanta. http://afscatlanta.blogspot.com/2012/03/historic-win-for-at-workers-in.html
23. Francescani, Chris. March 18, 2012. “Dozens Arrested at Occupy’s 6-Month Anniversary Rally.” Reuters; Gabbatt, Adam. February 10, 2014. “Occupy Activist Faces Up to Seven Years in Jail for ‘Assault’ on Police Officer.” The Guardian; interview by author.
24. Shut Down the Corporations. “70 Cities Nationwide Stand Up to Corporate Greed and ALEC.” http://press.nycga.net/2012/02/24/f29; F the Banks. “Foreclose the Banks.” http://fthebanks.tumblr.com; 99 for Earth. “A Message from Occupy Wall Street: Time to Disrupt Dirty Power.” http://350.org/message-occupy-wall-street-time-disrupt-dirty-power
25. United for the People. “Local and State Resolutions.” http://www.united4thepeople.org;Bachko, Katia. September 19, 2012. “The Occupy Candidate.” The New Yorker; Bum Rush the Vote. June 3, 2012. “Occupy Wall Street Activist George Martinez to Run for NYC’s 7th Congressional District”; Harkinson, Josh. March 12, 2012. “10 ‘Occupy’ Candidates Running for Congress.” Mother Jones; Brecher, Jeremy. July 9, 2012. “Occupy and the 99 Percent Opposition.” The Nation.
26. Occupy Our Homes ATL. “News.” http://occupyourhomesatl.org; Occupy Our Homes MN. “News.” http://www.occupyhomesmn.org; Cancino, Alejandra. February 23, 2012. “Republic Windows, Redux? Workers Occupy Goose Island Plant.” The Chicago Tribune; Save Oakland Schools. “Sit-In at Lakeview Elementary.” http://saveoaklandschools.org; Lennard, Natasha. March 22, 2012. “Occupiers March for Trayvon Martin at ‘Million Hoodie March.’” Salon. http://www.salon.com/2012/03/22/occupiers_march_for_trayvon_martin_at_million_hoodie_march.
27. Occupy Los Angeles General Assembly. December 19, 2011. “May 1st General Strike.” http://www.losangelesga.net/2011/12/may-1st-general-strike. On the “Day without an Immigrant,” see Voss, Kim and Irene Bloemraad. 2011. Rallying for Immigrant Rights: The Fight for Inclusion in 21st Century America. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
28. Parker, Gillian. January 9, 2012. “Nigeria Paralyzed by ‘Occupy’ Strike over Gas Prices.” Time; Wearden, Graeme. February 7, 2012. “Greece Gripped by General Strike.” The Guardian; El País. March 29, 2012. “Rajoy Braces for General Strike against Draconian Labor Reform.” El País.
29. OccupyWallSt.org. April 27, 2012. “Labor, Immigrant Rights, OWS Announce May Day Schedule.” http://occupywallst.org/article/labor-immigrants-rights-ows-announce-may-day-sched/; May 1st Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights. February-April 2012. Archive at http://www.may1.info
30. Coscarelli, Joe. March 20, 2012. “Occupy Wall Street Has Big Plans, But Lacks Backup.” New York.
31. For another view, see Longenecker, Chris. April 27, 2012. “Anarchy and Solidarity on May Day.” Waging Nonviolence. http://wagingnonviolence.org/feature/anarchy-and-solidarity-on-may-day
32. See Direct Action Working Group. January–April 2012. “Minutes.” http://www.da.nycga.net/minutes. On the “diversity of tactics” debate, see Hedges, “The Cancer in Occupy”; Graeber; Gitlin, Occupy Nation; Schneider, Nathan. March 14, 2012. “Paint the Other Cheek: Debates about Violence Threaten to Break Apart the Occupy Movement.” The Nation. For an early and influential intervention in the debate on nonviolence, see Solnit, Rebecca. “Throwing Out the Master’s Tools and Building a Better House,” in Taylor, et al., eds.: 146–56.
33. See Lennard, Natasha. May 3, 2012. “The NYPD May Day Siege.” Salon. http://www.salon.com/2012/05/03/the_nypd_may_day_siege; Abelson, Max. April 26, 2012. “Wall Street Tracks ‘Wolves’ as May 1 Protests Loom.” Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-04-26/wall-street-tracks-wolves-as-may-1-protests-loom.html
34. NYPD SHIELD. April 29, 2012. “Occupy Wall Street—May 1 General Strike.” http://nyopoliticker.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/maydaynypd.pdf
1. New York City Police Department. September 20, 2010. “Midtown Manhattan Security Initiative.”
2. Occupy Wall Street Immigrant Worker Justice Group. May 1, 2012. “Immigrant Worker Justice Throwdown.” Video footage available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1PCuV0ZcMM
3. McGovern, Kyle Thomas. May 1, 2012. “Walkout! Students Rally for Lots of Things at Fort Greene Park.” The Local; Free University. “What Is the Free University?” http://freeuniversitynyc.org/2013/03/05/may-day-in-america
4. By way of contrast, see Brecher, Jeremy. 1997. Strike! Cambridge, MA: South End Press; Boyer, Richard and Herbert Morais. 1994. Labor’s Untold Story. Pittsburgh, PA: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America; Brenner, Aaron, Robert Brenner, and Cal Winslow, eds. 2010. Rebel Rank and File: Labor Militancy and Revolt from Below During the Long 1970s. New York, NY: Verso Books. On the theory of the general strike as a precursor to revolution, see Luxemburg, Rosa. 2004. “The Mass Strike, the Political Party, and the Trade Unions.” InHudis, Peter, and Kevin Anderson, eds. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader. New York, NY: Monthly Review Press: 168–199.
5. On the inner and outer circles of Occupy, see Gitlin, Occupy Nation; Smucker, “A Name Fixed to a Flashpoint”; Smucker, April 17, 2013. “Radicals and the 99 Percent: Building the Core and the Mass Movement.” Occupy.com. http://www.occupy.com/article/radicals-and-99-building-core-and-mass-movement
6. Golden Gate Bridge Labor Coalition. April 20, 2012. “Golden Gate Ferry Workers Strike on May Day”; Los Angeles County Federation of Labor. May 1, 2012. “LAX Workers Strike Airport on May Day”; Lennard; Parascandola, Rocco and Shayna Jacobs. May 2, 2012. “NYPD Arrests 86 in Occupy Wall Street Protests.” The New York Daily News.
7. Elola, Joseba. May 9, 2012. “Where Did the 15-M Movement Go?” El País; quote from GlobalRevolution.tv livestream; Mason, Paul. May 14, 2012. “Greece: Trying to Understand Syriza.” British Broadcasting Corporation.
8. CLASSE. “Stop the Hike.” http://www.stopthehike.ca; #YoSoy132 Media. “Quienos Somos?” http://www.yosoy132media.org/quienes-somos
9. On the challenges of “summit-hopping,” see Juris, Networking Futures; Della Porta, Donatella, Abby Peterson, and Herbert Reiter, eds. 2006. The Policing of Transnational Protest. Farnham, UK: Ashgate; Fernandez, Luis. 2008. Policing Dissent: Social Control and the Anti-Globalization Movement. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press; Malleson, Thomas and David Wachsmuth 2011. Whose Streets? The Toronto G20 and the Challenges of Summit Protest. Toronto, ON: Between the Lines; Burns, Rebecca. May 1, 2012. “Movement Building and ‘Summit Hopping.’” In These Times.
10. Office of the Chicago City Clerk. December 14, 2011. “Amendment of various sections on Municipal Code and providing associated authorization regarding upcoming NATO and G-8 summits”; Office of the Chicago City Clerk. Amended January 18, 2012. “10-8-330 Parade, public assembly or athletic event.”
11. Heinzmann, David and Jeff Coen. May 19, 2012. “NATO Summit Weekend Starts with a Peaceful Protest.” The Chicago Tribune; Song, Susanna. May 15, 2012. “Four Arrested during Immigration Rights Rally in South Loop.” CBS News. http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/05/15/immigration-protesters-to-take-to-streets-for-nato-summit; Petty, Lauren and Alexandra Clark. May 18, 2012. “NATO Protesters Camp Out in Woodlawn.” NBC News. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/NATO-Protesters-Camp-Out-in-Woodlawn-152023965.html
12. Heinzmann, David. September 30, 2011. “Feds Award $55M to Fund Security Planning for Chicago Summits.” The Chicago Tribune.
13. See National Lawyers Guild. May 25, 2012 “Wrap-up of Police Actions during Weeklong NATO Demonstrations.” http://nlgchicago.org/blog/nlg-provides-wrap-up-of-police-reaction-to-nato-demonstrations; Vitale, Alex. August 30, 2012. “Analysis of the Policing of the NATO Summit in Chicago.” http://chicago-nato-report.weebly.com; Martinez, Michael and Paul Vercammen. May 19, 2012. “Police: 3 Terror Suspects at NATO Summit Were Plotting to Hit Obama’s Campaign HQs.” CNN News.
14. Charlotte City Council Ordinance No. 4814 amending chapter 15, ordinance book 57: 501, January 23, 2012; Center for Naval Analyses. March 2013. “Command, Control, and Coordination: A Quick-Look Analysis of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department’s Operations during the 2012 Democratic National Convention.” https://www.bja.gov/Publications/2012-DNC-Quick-Look.pdf; Center for Naval Analyses. March 2013. “Command, Control, and Coordination: A Quick-Look Analysis of the Tampa Police Department’s Operations during the 2012 Republican National Convention.” http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/2012-RNC-Quick-Look.pdf
15. See Francescani, Chris. June 8, 2012. “Insight: Can Occupy Wall Street Survive?” Reuters; Movement Resource Group. “Who We Are.” http://movementresourcegroup.org/?page_id=205
16. Knefel. “Bored with Occupy”; Smith, Jackie and Patrick Rafail. May 8, 2012. “Media Attention and the Political Impacts of Occupy Wall Street.” Common Dreams. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/05/08-8
17. Pinto, “Eight Occupy Wall Street Protesters Found Guilty of Trespassing.”
18. Occupy Student Debt Campaign. “The Student Debtors’ Pledge of Refusal.” http://www.occupystudentdebtcampaign.org/pledge-archive
19. See Strike Debt at http://strikedebt.org.
20. McKee, Yates. July 19, 2012. “A Student Debt Strike Force Takes Off.” Yes Magazine. http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/a-student-debt-strike-force-takes-off
21. See Rolling Jubilee at http://rollingjubilee.org.
22. “@Stake: Occupy Wall Street.” E-mail forwarded to author from Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
23. For further discussion, see Bauer; Piven, Frances Fox, et al. “Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party Compared”; Tarrow, Sydney. October 10, 2011. “Why Occupy Wall Street Is Not the Tea Party of the Left.” Foreign Affairs; Frank, Thomas. January 11, 2013. “Yes, But What Are You For?” Le Monde Diplomatique; Harkinson, Josh. May 2, 2012. “Why Occupy Should Be the Left’s Tea Party.” Mother Jones.
24. 99 Uniting Coalition. “Who’s Uniting.” http://99uniting.org/whos-uniting
25. For another perspective, see Borosage, Robert. December 21, 2012. “Class War in the New Gilded Age.” Reuters. http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2012/12/21/class-war-in-the-new-gilded-age/
26. 99 Uniting Coalition. “Sensata Workers’ Story Hits National News.” http://99uniting.org/2012/10/sensata-workers-story-hits-national-news/#.UpbO7GTk8fI
27. OccupyWallSt.org. August 21, 2012. “Occupy Changed the Conversation: Now We Change the World!” http://occupywallst.org/article/occupy-changed-conversation-now-we-change-world
28. “Optimism of the will” is a phrase popularized by Antonio Gramsci, but originally attributable to the novelist Romain Rolland; cited in Gramsci, Antonio. 1992. Prison Notebooks: Volume I, ed. Buttegieg, Joseph. New York, NY: Columbia University Press: 474n. 8; “Audacity of Hope” is a phrase popularized by President Barack Obama, but originally ascribed to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright; cited in Obama, Barack. 2006. The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. New York, NY: Random House: 556.
29. OccupyWallSt.org. September 14, 2012. “Our Occu-Versary Is Here.” http://occupywallst.org/article/our-occu-versary-here-join-us-weekend-s17
30. See Campaign to End the New Jim Crow at http://www.endnewjimcrow.org; Alexander, Michelle. 2012. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York, NY: The New Press.
1. O’Reilly. “The Failure of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.” Note that the claims cited here were made by different people with radically different audiences.
2. See also Milkman, Ruth, Stephanie Luce, and Penny Lewis. June 2, 2014. “Occupy after Occupy.” Jacobin 14. http://www.jacobinmag.com/2014/06/occupy-after-occupy; Jaffe, Sarah. May 19, 2014. “Post-Occupied.” Truthout. http://truth-out.org/news/item/23756-post-occupied; Solnit, Rebecca. September 15, 2013. “Joy Arises, Rules Fall Apart: Thoughts for the Second Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street.” TomDispatch. http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175747
3. Occupy Our Homes. October 16, 2012. “Occupy Our Homes Victories.” http://www.occupyourhomes.org; Gottesdiener, Laura. December 24, 2012. “Occupy Homes, One Year On and Growing Daily.” Waging Nonviolence. http://www.wagingnonviolence.org/feature/occupy-homes-one-year-on-and-growing-daily; Making Change at Walmart. October 10, 2012. “Workers, Community Leaders Commit to Reclaiming Black Friday.” http://makingchangeatwalmart.org; Kilkenny, Allison. November 23, 2012. “Occupy Shows Solidarity with Walmart Employees.” The Nation. http://www.thenation.com/blog/171433/occupy-shows-solidarity-walmart-employees
4. Occupy Sandy. October 25, 2013. http://occupysandy.net/2013/10/support-our-ongoing-work. In my own view, Occupy Sandy was an analytically and politically distinct phenomenon, which merits further study in the context of the growing climate crisis. For early analyses, see Jaffe, Sarah. November 3, 2012. “Power to the People.” Jacobin. http://www.jacobinmag.com/2012/11/power-to-the-people; Mohit, Nastaran. February 2013. “On the Margins of Disaster, Revolutionary Acts of Care.” Tidal 4: 24–26; Superstorm Research Lab. 2013. A Tale of Two Sandys. http://superstormresearchlab.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/srl-a-tale-of-two-sandys.pdf
5. Historic Thousands on Jones St. People’s Assembly Coalition. “14 Point People’s Agenda for North Carolina.” http://www.hkonj.com/14_point_agenda; Waggoner, Martha. December 25, 2013. “N.C. Moral Mondays Continue, Spread to Other States.” Associated Press; Detroit Water Brigade. “Mission Statement.” May 2, 2012. http://detroitwaterbrigade.org/mission-statement; Pardo, Steve. July 7, 2014. “Conyers, Detroit Water Brigade Vow Fight to Help Those Threatened by Shut-Offs.” The Detroit News; Pyke, Alan and Adam Peck. May 15, 2014. “How Fast Food Worker Strikes Ignited across the Country.” Think Progress. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2014/05/15/3438218/map-fast-food-strikes-may. See below for further discussion of the low-wage worker revolt.
6. On the Occupy movement in Turkey, see Everywhere Taksim. “Statements.” http://everywheretaksim.net/category/texts/statements; Yilmaz, Çetin Cem. May 31, 2013. “‘Occupy Taksim’ Grows in Spite of Crackdown.” Hürriyet. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/occupy-taksim-grows-in-spite-of-crackdown.aspx. On the movement in Brazil, see Movimento Passe Livre São Paulo. June 19, 2013. “On Fare Hikes, Finance, and Rights.” http://occupywallstreet.net/story/note-movimento-passe-livre-fare-hikes-finance-and-rights; Baiocchi, Gianpaolo and Michael D. Kennedy. June 25, 2013. “Occupy Movements around the World: How Is Brazil's Different?” Occupy.com. http://www.occupy.com/article/occupy-movements-around-world-how-brazils-different
7. Interview by author with Drew Hornbein.
8. Interview by author with Nikky Schiller.
9. Interview by author with Senia Barragan.
10. On the role of narrative in social movements historically, see Thompson, E.P. 1992. The Making of the English Working Class. New York, NY: Penguin; Polletta, Francesca. 2006. It Was Like a Fever: Storytelling in Protest and Politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
11. The unattributed quotes that follow are taken from interviews by author with occupiers in New York City, Atlanta, Chicago, Oakland, and Philadelphia.
12. Interview by author with Michael Premo.
13. Interview by author with Michelle Crentsil.
14. Interview by author with Khadijah Costley White.
15. Interview by author with Bill Dobbs.
16. Interview by author with Isham Christie.
17. See Milkman, Luce, and Lewis, Changing the Subject: A Bottom-Up Account of Occupy Wall Street in New York City.
18. Occupy Research. January 7, 2012. “Preliminary Results: Demographic and Political Participation Survey.” http://occupyresearch.net/2012/03/23/preliminary-findings-occupy-research-demographic-and-political-participation-survey
19. For the feminist origins of this perspective, see Freeman, Jo. 1972. “Tyranny of Structurelessness.” Berkeley Journal of Sociology 17: 151–65; Mansbridge, Jane. 1973. “Time, Emotion, and Inequality: Three Problems of Participatory Groups,” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 9.2: 351–68. See also Mansbridge. Beyond Adversary Democracy; Polletta, Freedom is an Endless Meeting.
20. Gallup Healthways. November 10, 2011. “Americans’ Access to Basic Necessities at Recession Level.” http://www.gallup.com/poll/150122/americans-access-basic-necessities-recession-level.aspx
21. See U.S. Department of Homeland Security—National Protection and Programs Directorate. October 2011. “Special Coverage: Occupy Wall Street”; see also the discussion of security strategy in Chapters 5, 7, and 8.
22. Harris, Elizabeth. October 4, 2011. “Citing Police Trap, Protesters File Suit.” The New York Times.
23. See Alexander. The New Jim Crow. For data on racial profiling in New York City, see Center for Constitutional Rights. July 2012. “Stop and Frisk: The Human Impact.” Available http://stopandfrisk.org/the-human-impact-report.pdf
24. See ACLU, “Policing Protest”; Kayyem, Juliette and Robyn Pangi. 2003. First to Arrive: State and Local Responses to Terrorism. Cambridge, MA: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
25. Occupy Arrests. November 15, 2011. “Details for All Arrests.” http://occupyarrests.com
26. See Morgan, Robin. 1970. Sisterhood Is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women’s Liberation Movement. New York, NY: Vintage; Buechler, Steven. 1990. Women’s Movements in the United States. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press; Piven and Cloward, 1977; Lichtenstein, Nelson. 2002. State of the Union: A Century of American Labor. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; Morris, Aldon. 1984. The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement: Black Communities Organizing for Change. New York, NY: Free Press; McAdam, Doug. 1982. Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930–1970. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
27. See Milkman, Luce, and Lewis, Changing the Subject.
28. Knefel, John. May 3, 2012. “Media Gets Bored with Occupy and Inequality.” Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
29. Interview by author with Arun Gupta.
30. Pew Social and Demographic Trends. January 11, 2012. “Rising Share of Americans See Conflict between Rich and Poor.” http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/files/2013/01/Rich_vs_poor-final_1-10-13.pdf
31. Interview by author with Boots Riley, other Occupy Oakland activists; Greenhouse, Steven. November 29, 2012. “With Day of Protests, Fast-Food Workers Seek More Pay.” The New York Times; Eidelson, Josh. May 7, 2014. “Fast Food Strikes in 150 Cities and Protests in 30 Countries Planned for May 15.” Salon. http://www.saloncom/2014/05/07/exclusive_fast_food_strikes_in_150_cities_and_protests_in_30_countries_planned_for_may_15; Associated Press. July 25, 2014. “Fast-Food Workers Prepare to Escalate Wage Demands.” Associated Press. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/fast-food-workers-prepare-escalate-wage-demands
32. Author’s calculations, based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Major Work Stoppages in 2012.” February 8, 2013; “Major Work Stoppages in 2011.” February 8, 2012; “Major Work Stoppages in 2010.” February 8, 2011; “Major Work Stoppages in 2009.” February 10, 2010. See also Cruz, Mayra. August 11, 2012. “Janitors End Strike by Signing New Contracts.” The Houston Chronicle; Brown, Jenny. January 23, 2013. “In Walmart and Fast Food, Unions Scaling Up a Strike-First Strategy.” Labor Notes; Uetricht, Micah. 2014. Strike for America: Chicago Teachers Against Austerity. New York, NY: Verso Books.
33. Moody, Chris. December 1, 2011. “How Republicans Are Being Taught to Talk about Occupy.” Yahoo News.
34. Greenberg, Stan and James Carville. November 13, 2012. “Voters Push Back against Big Money Politics.” Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research.
35. Frank, Robert. November 7, 2012. “Voters Punished Rich Candidates Last Night.” CNBC News.
36. Milkman, Luce, and Lewis; Douglas E. Schoen LLC. October 10–11, 2012. “Occupy Wall Street Poll Results.” http://douglasschoen.com/occupy-wall-street-poll-results-conducted-in-nycs-zuccotti-park-october-10-11-2012
37. “2012 U.S. Senate Election Results.” The Washington Post. November 19, 2012.
38. On a cautionary note, see Reich, Robert. October 10, 2011. “Occupy Wall Street Isn’t the Left’s Tea Party.” Salon; Goodwin, Jeff. November 6, 2011. “Coalition of the Disenchanted.” Le Monde Diplomatique.
39. See Sunkara, Bhaskar. August 20, 2013. “An Interview with Bill deBlasio.” The Nation. http://www.thenation.com/article/175835/interview-bill-de-blasio; de Blasio, Bill. “One New York, Rising Together.” http://www.billdeblasio.com/issues; Kaplan, Rebecca. November 6, 2013. “Bill de Blasio Wins New York City Mayoral Race in Landslide.” CBS News; Goodman, Amy and Juan Gonzalez. November 8, 2013. “We Are Living in the World Occupy Made.” Democracy Now.
40. On the place of corporate power in the US political system, see Ferguson; Bartels; Hacker and Pierson; Gilens and Page.
41. Beinart, Peter. September 12, 2013. “The Rise of the New New Left.” The Daily Beast. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/09/12/the-rise-of-the-new-new-left.html
42. Cohen, Bryan. November 16, 2013. “For the First Time in Roughly 100 Years, Seattle Has Elected a ‘Socialist’ to a Citywide Post.” Reuters.
43. Associated Press. November 8, 2011. “Ohio Voters Reject Republican-Backed Union Limits.” Associated Press, Robillard, Kevin. November 7, 2012. “Prop 30 Tax Hikes Pass in California.” Politico; The Billings Gazette Staff. November 6, 2012. “Initiative No. 166, Saying Corporations Are Not Human Beings with Constitutional Rights.” The Billings Gazette, 2012; Martinez, Amy. November 26, 2013. “$15 Minimum Wage Passes in SeaTac.” The Seattle Times; Hinz, Greg. January 7, 2014. “Chicago Vote Set on $15 Minimum Wage.” Crain’s Chicago Business; Bigman, Paul. March 17, 2014. “Seattle Marches to a $15 Beat.” Labor Notes; Garofoli, Joe. April 7, 2014. “Minimum Wage Measure Could Make SF Ballot.” The San Francisco Chronicle.