Genealogy of (Ex 6:16–20; Jos 21:4, 10; 1Ch 6:3–15).
Priesthood of (Ex 28:1; Nu 17; Heb 5:1–4; 7), garments (Ex 28; 39), consecration (Ex 29), ordination (Lev 8).
Spokesman for Moses (Ex 4:14–16, 27–31; 7:1–2). Supported Moses’ hands in battle (Ex 17:8–13). Built golden calf (Ex 32; Dt 9:20). Talked against Moses (Nu 12). Priesthood opposed (Nu 16); staff budded (Nu 17). Forbidden to enter land (Nu 20:1–12). Death (Nu 20:22–29; 33:38–39).
Rev 9:11 whose name in Hebrew is A
Dt 4:31 he will not a or destroy you
1Ki 6:13 and will not a my people Israel.”
Ne 9:19 compassion you did not a them
9:31 not put an end to them or a them,
Ps 16:10 because you will not a me
Ac 2:27 because you will not a me
1Ti 4:1 in later times some will a the faith
Mk 14:36 “A, Father,” he said,
Ro 8:15 by him we cry, “A, Father.”
Gal 4:6 the Spirit who calls out, “A,
Deported to Babylon with Daniel (Da 1:1–6). Name changed from Azariah (Da 1:7). Refused defilement by food (Da 1:8–20). Refused idol worship (Da 3:1–12); saved from furnace (Da 3:13–30).
Second son of Adam (Ge 4:2). Offered proper sacrifice (Ge 4:4; Heb 11:4). Murdered by Cain (Ge 4:8; Mt 23:35; Lk 11:51; 1Jn 3:12).
Lev 26:30 of your idols, and I will a you.
Ps 26:5 I a the assembly of evildoers
139:21 a those who are in rebellion against
Am 6:8 “I a the pride of Jacob and detest
Ro 2:22 You who a idols, do you rob
High priest in days of Saul and David (1Sa 22; 2Sa 15; 1Ki 1–2; Mk 2:26). Escaped Saul’s slaughter of priests (1Sa 22:18–23). Supported David in Absalom’s revolt (2Sa 15:24–29). Supported Adonijah (1Ki 1:7–42); deposed by Solomon (1Ki 2:22–35; cf. 1Sa 2:31–35).
1. Sister of David (1Ch 2:16–17).
2. Wife of Nabal (1Sa 25:30); pled for his life with David (1Sa 25:14–35). Became David’s wife after Nabal’s death (1Sa 25:36–42); bore him Kileab (2Sa 3:3) also known as Daniel (1Ch 3:1).
Son of Aaron (Ex 6:23; 24:1, 9); killed for offering unauthorized fire (Lev 10; Nu 3:2–4; 1Ch 24:1–2).
1. Second son of Samuel (1Ch 6:28); a corrupt judge (1Sa 8:1–5).
2. An Aaronic priest (1Ch 24:10; Lk 1:5).
3. Son of Jeroboam I of Israel; died as prophesied by Ahijah (1Ki 14:1–18).
4. Son of Rehoboam; king of Judah who fought Jeroboam I attempting to reunite the kingdom (1Ki 14:31—15:8; 2Ch 12:16—14:1; Mt 1:7).
Ex 35:34 tribe of Dan, the a to teach others.
Dt 8:18 for it is he who gives you the a
Ezr 2:69 According to their a they gave
Mt 25:15 one bag, each according to his a.
2Co 1:8 far beyond our a to endure,
8:3 were able, and even beyond their a.
1. King of Gerar who took Abraham’s wife Sarah, believing her to be his sister (Ge 20). Later made a covenant with Abraham (Ge 21:22–33).
2. King of Gerar who took Isaac’s wife Rebekah, believing her to be his sister (Ge 26:1–11). Later made a covenant with Isaac (Ge 26:12–31).
3. Son of Gideon (Jdg 8:31). Attempted to make himself king (Jdg 9).
Shunammite virgin; attendant of David in his old age (1Ki 1:1–15; 2:17–22).
Son of Zeruiah, David’s sister (1Sa 26:6; 1Ch 2:16). One of David’s chief warriors (1Ch 11:15–21): against Edom (1Ch 18:12–13), Ammon (2Sa 10), Absalom (2Sa 18), Sheba (2Sa 20). Wanted to kill Saul (1Sa 26), killed Abner (2Sa 2:18–27; 3:22–39), wanted to kill Shimei (2Sa 16:5–13; 19:16–23).
Nu 14:16 ‘The LORD was not a to bring
1Ch 29:14 that we should be a to give as
2Ch 2:6 who is a to build a temple for him,
Pr 17:16 they are not a to understand it?
Eze 7:19 gold will not be a to deliver them
Da 3:17 the God we serve is a to deliver us
4:37 walk in pride he is a to humble.
Mt 9:28 you believe that I am a to do this?”
Lk 13:24 try to enter and will not be a to.
14:30 to build and wasn’t a to finish.’
21:15 your adversaries will be a to resist
21:36 pray that you may be a to escape
21:36 you may be a to stand before
Ac 5:39 will not be a to stop these men;
11:29 as each one was a,
Ro 8:39 will be a to separate us
14:4 the Lord is a to make them stand.
16:25 to him who is a to establish you
2Co 9:8 God is a to bless you abundantly,
Eph 3:20 him who is a to do immeasurably
6:13 may be a to stand your ground,
1Ti 3:2 respectable, hospitable, a to teach,
2Ti 1:12 that he is a to guard what I have
2:24 be kind to everyone, a to teach,
3:15 which are a to make you wise
Heb 2:18 he is a to help those who are being
7:25 he is a to save completely
Jas 3:2 a to keep their whole body in check.
Jude 24 To him who is a to keep you
Rev 5:5 He is a to open the scroll and its
Cousin of Saul and commander of his army (1Sa 14:50; 17:55–57; 26). Made Ish-Bosheth king after Saul (2Sa 2:8–10), but later defected to David (2Sa 3:6–21). Killed Asahel (2Sa 2:18–32), for which he was killed by Joab and Abishai (2Sa 3:22–39).
Da 11:31 and will a the daily sacrifice.
Hos 2:18 and battle I will a from the land,
Mt 5:17 think that I have come to a the Law
5:17 I have not come to a them
Da 9:27 set up an a that causes desolation,
11:31 set up the a that causes desolation.
12:11 the a that causes desolation is set
Mt 24:15 in the holy place ‘the a that causes
Mk 13:14 “When you see ‘the a that causes
Ex 34:6 to anger, a in love and faithfulness,
Nu 14:18 a in love and forgiving sin
Dt 33:23 “Naphtali is a with the favor
Ne 9:17 slow to anger and a in love.
Ps 86:5 a in love to all who call to you.
86:15 to anger, a in love and faithfulness.
103:8 gracious, slow to anger, a in love.
Joel 2:13 slow to anger and a in love, and he
Jnh 4:2 slow to anger and a in love, a God
2Co 1:5 also our comfort a through Christ.
Abram, son of Terah (Ge 11:26–27), husband of Sarah (Ge 11:29).
Covenant relation with the LORD (Ge 12:1–3; 13:14–17; 15; 17; 22:15–18; Ex 2:24; Ne 9:8; Ps 105; Mic 7:20; Lk 1:68–75; Ro 4; Heb 6:13–15).
Called from Ur, via Harran, to Canaan (Ge 12:1; Ac 7:2–4; Heb 11:8–10). Moved to Egypt, nearly lost Sarah to Pharoah (Ge 12:10–20). Divided the land with Lot; settled in Hebron (Ge 13). Saved Lot from four kings (Ge 14:1–16); blessed by Melchizedek (Ge 14:17–20; Heb 7:1–20). Declared righteous by faith (Ge 15:6; Ro 4:3; Gal 3:6–9). Fathered Ishmael by Hagar (Ge 16).
Name changed from Abram (Ge 17:5; Ne 9:7). Circumcised (Ge 17; Ro 4:9–12). Entertained three visitors (Ge 18); promised a son by Sarah (Ge 18:9–15; 17:16). Questioned destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Ge 18:16–33). Moved to Gerar; nearly lost Sarah to Abimelek (Ge 20). Fathered Isaac by Sarah (Ge 21:1–7; Ac 7:8; Heb 11:11–12); sent away Hagar and Ishmael (Ge 21:8–21; Gal 4:22–30). Covenant with Abimelek (Ge 21:22–32). Tested by offering Isaac (Ge 22; Heb 11:17–19; Jas 2:21–24). Sarah died; bought field of Ephron for burial (Ge 23). Secured wife for Isaac (Ge 24). Fathered children by Keturah (Ge 25:1–6; 1Ch 1:32–33). Death (Ge 25:7–11).
Called servant of God (Ge 26:24), friend of God (2Ch 20:7; Isa 41:8; Jas 2:23), prophet (Ge 20:7), father of Israel (Ex 3:15; Isa 51:2; Mt 3:9; Jn 8:39–58).
Son of David by Maakah (2Sa 3:3; 1Ch 3:2). Killed Amnon for rape of his sister Tamar; banished by David (2Sa 13). Returned to Jerusalem; received by David (2Sa 14). Rebelled against David; siezed kingdom (2Sa 15–17). Killed (2Sa 18).
Col 2:5 For though I am a from you
1Ti 5:2 women as sisters, with a purity.
Ex 19:15 A from sexual relations.”
Nu 6:3 they must a from wine and other
Ac 15:20 them to a from food polluted
1Pe 2:11 and exiles, to a from sinful desires,
Ro 14:6 and whoever a does so to the Lord
Ge 41:29 great a are coming throughout
Job 36:31 the nations and provides food in a.
Ps 66:12 but you brought us to a place of a.
Ecc 5:12 rich, their a permits them no sleep.
Isa 66:11 and delight in her overflowing a.”
Jer 2:22 and use an a of cleansing powder,
Mt 13:12 more, and they will have an a.
25:29 more, and they will have an a.
Lk 12:15 not consist in an a of possessions.”
1Pe 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in a.
2Pe 1:2 yours in a through the knowledge
Jude 2 peace and love be yours in a.
Dt 28:11 will grant you a prosperity—
32:2 grass, like a rain on tender plants.
Job 36:28 and a showers fall on mankind.
Ps 68:9 You gave a showers, O God;
78:15 gave them water as a as the seas;
132:15 I will bless her with a provisions;
145:7 They celebrate your a goodness
Pr 12:11 work their land will have a food,
28:19 work their land will have a food,
Jer 33:9 will tremble at the a prosperity
Ro 5:17 who receive God’s a provision
2Ti 3:2 proud, a, disobedient to their
Lk 8:31 not to order them to go into the A.
Rev 9:1 given the key to the shaft of the A.
9:2 he opened the A, smoke rose
9:2 darkened by the smoke from the A.
9:11 king over them the angel of the A,
11:7 up from the A will attack them,
17:8 will come up out of the A and go
20:1 having the key to the A and
20:3 He threw him into the A,
Ex 23:8 not a a bribe, for a bribe blinds
Dt 16:19 Do not a a bribe, for a bribe blinds
Job 42:8 and I will a his prayer and not deal
Pr 10:8 The wise in heart a commands,
19:20 Listen to advice and a discipline,
Ro 15:7 A one another, then, just as Christ
Jas 1:21 humbly a the word planted in you,
Pr 21:3 just is more a to the LORD than
Ro 11:15 what will their a be but life
1Ti 1:15 saying that deserves full a:
4:9 saying that deserves full a.
Ge 4:7 do what is right, will you not be a?
Job 42:9 and the LORD a Job’s prayer.
Lk 4:24 “no prophet is a in his hometown.
Gal 1:9 you a gospel other than what you a,
Est 1:14 who had special a to the king
Ro 5:2 through whom we have gained a
Eph 2:18 through him we both have a
2Co 9:13 obedience that a your confession
Ecc 2:2 And what does pleasure a?”
Isa 44:28 and will a all that I please;
55:11 but will a what I desire and achieve
Ge 2:4 This is the a of the heavens
5:1 This is the written a of Adam’s
6:9 This is the a of Noah and his
10:1 This is the a of Shem,
11:10 This is the a of Shem’s family line.
11:27 This is the a of Terah’s family line.
25:12 This is the a of the family line
25:19 This is the a of the family line
36:1 This is the a of the family line
36:9 This is the a of the family line
37:2 This is the a of Jacob’s family line.
Mt 12:36 will have to give a on the day
Lk 16:2 Give an a of your management,
Ro 14:12 of us will give an a of ourselves
Heb 4:13 of him to whom we must give a.
Eze 3:18 I will hold you a for their blood.
3:20 I will hold you a for their blood.
33:6 I will hold the watchman a for
33:8 I will hold you a for their blood.
34:10 and will hold them a for my flock.
Da 6:2 The satraps were made a to them
Jnh 1:14 Do not hold us a for killing
Ro 3:19 and the whole world held a to God.
2Pe 2:14 are experts in greed—an a brood!
1Ti 5:19 not entertain an a against an elder
Job 31:35 let my a put his indictment
Ps 109:6 let an a stand at his right hand.
Isa 50:8 Who is my a? Let him confront
Jn 5:45 Your a is Moses, on whom your
Rev 12:10 the a of our brothers and sisters,
Job 40:2 Let him who a God answer him!”
Isa 54:17 will refute every tongue that a you.
Rev 12:10 who a them before our God day
Ro 2:15 their thoughts sometimes a them
Pr 14:13 Even in laughter the heart may a,
King of Gath before whom David feigned insanity (1Sa 21:10–15). Later “ally” of David (2Sa 27–29).
Jer 3:13 Only a your guilt—
Hos 6:3 Let us a the LORD; let us press
Mt 10:32 also a before my Father in heaven.
Lk 12:8 also a before the angels of God.
Jn 12:42 they would not openly a their faith
Ro 14:11 every tongue will a God.’ ”
Php 2:11 every tongue a that Jesus Christ is
1Th 5:12 a those who work hard among you,
Heb 3:1 whom we a as our apostle and high
1Jn 4:3 spirit that does not a Jesus is not
Lk 7:29 words, a that God’s way was right,
Ps 91:14 will protect him, for he a my name.
Mt 10:32 “Whoever a me before others,
Lk 12:8 you, whoever publicly a me before
1Jn 2:23 whoever a the Son has the Father
4:2 Every spirit that a that Jesus Christ
4:15 If anyone a that Jesus is the Son
Pr 18:15 of the discerning a knowledge,
Ex 23:7 to death, for I will not a the guilty.
1Ki 2:2 “So be strong, a like a man,
Ps 106:3 Blessed are those who a justly,
119:126 It is time for you to a, LORD;
Gal 6:4 Each one should test their own a.
Titus 1:16 God, but by their a they deny him.
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is alive and a.
1Ch 16:9 tell of all his wonderful a.
Ps 40:9 I proclaim your saving a in the
71:15 of your saving a all day long—
71:16 come and proclaim your mighty a,
71:24 tell of your righteous a all day long,
105:2 tell of all his wonderful a.
106:2 Who can proclaim the mighty a
145:4 they tell of your mighty a.
145:12 people may know of your mighty a
150:2 Praise him for his a of power;
Isa 64:6 all our righteous a are like filthy
1. First man (Ge 1:26—2:25; Ro 5:14, 45; 1Ti 2:13). Sin of (Ge 3; Hos 6:7; Ro 5:12–21). Children of (Ge 4:1—5:5). Death of (Ge 5:5; Ro 5:12–21; 1Co 15:22).
2. City (Jos 3:16).
Dt 4:2 Do not a to what I command you
12:32 do not a to it or take away from it.
Pr 1:5 wise listen and a to their learning,
9:9 and they will a to their learning.
30:6 Do not a to his words, or he will
Mt 6:27 you by worrying a a single hour
Lk 12:25 by worrying can a a single hour
Rev 22:18 them, God will a to that person
Ecc 3:14 nothing can be a to it and nothing
Ac 2:47 the Lord a to their number daily
Gal 3:19 It was a because of transgressions
Titus 2:3 to be slanderers or a to much wine,
Php 4:8 whatever is lovely, whatever is a—
Col 1:28 a and teaching everyone with all
1. Son of David by Haggith (2Sa 3:4; 1Ch 3:2). Attempted to be king after David; killed by Solomon’s order (1Ki 1–2).
2. Levite; teacher of the Law (2Ch 17:8).
Gal 4:5 that we might receive a to sonship.
Eph 1:5 he predestined us for a to sonship
Ro 8:15 brought about your a to sonship.
8:23 wait eagerly for our a to sonship,
9:4 Theirs is the a to sonship;
SS 1:4 How right they are to a you!
1Pe 3:5 hope in God used to a themselves.
1Pe 3:3 should not come from outward a,
Ps 93:5 holiness a your house for endless
Pr 15:2 tongue of the wise a knowledge,
Isa 61:10 as a bridegroom a his head like
61:10 as a bride a herself with her jewels.
Lev 20:10 both the a and the adulteress are
Job 24:15 The eye of the a watches for dusk;
Heb 13:4 for God will judge the a and all
1Co 6:9 nor idolaters nor a nor men who
Hos 3:1 loved by another man and is an a.
Jer 3:8 sent her away because of all her a.
Ex 20:14 “You shall not commit a.
Dt 5:18 “You shall not commit a.
Mt 5:27 was said, ‘You shall not commit a.’
5:28 lustfully has already committed a
5:32 makes her the victim of a,
5:32 a divorced woman commits a.
15:19 murder, a, sexual immorality, theft,
19:9 another woman commits a.”
19:18 you shall not commit a, you shall
Mk 10:11 woman commits a against her.
10:12 another man, she commits a.”
10:19 you shall not commit a, you shall
Lk 16:18 marries another woman commits a,
18:20 ‘You shall not commit a, you shall
Jn 8:4 a woman caught in the act of a.
Rev 18:3 of the earth committed a with her,
1Co 14:20 infants, but in your thinking be a.
Job 32:7 a years should teach wisdom.’
Ex 22:22 “Do not take a of the widow
Dt 24:14 Do not take a of a hired worker
Ro 3:1 What a, then, is there in being
2Co 11:20 or exploits you or takes a of you
1Th 4:6 should wrong or take a of a brother
1Ki 12:8 Rehoboam rejected the a the elders
12:14 he followed the a of the young men
2Ch 10:8 Rehoboam rejected the a the elders
Pr 12:5 but the a of the wicked is deceitful.
12:15 to them, but the wise listen to a.
19:20 Listen to a and accept discipline,
20:18 Plans are established by seeking a;
27:9 springs from their heartfelt a.
Pr 11:14 but victory is won through many a.
Job 16:19 is in heaven; my a is on high.
Jn 14:16 he will give you another a to help
14:26 But the A, the Holy Spirit,
15:26 “When the A comes, whom I will
16:7 away, the A will not come to you;
1Jn 2:1 sin, we have an a with the Father—
2Pe 1:7 mutual a; and to mutual a, love.
Job 2:7 a Job with painful sores
36:6 alive but gives the a their rights.
Ps 9:12 does not ignore the cries of the a.
9:18 the hope of the a will never perish.
73:14 All day long I have been a,
119:67 Before I was a I went astray,
119:71 me to be a so that I might learn
119:75 that in faithfulness you have a me.
Isa 49:13 have compassion on his a ones.
53:4 by God, stricken by him, and a.
53:7 He was oppressed and a, yet he did
Na 1:12 Although I have a you, Judah,
Dt 16:3 the bread of a, because you left
Ps 107:41 he lifted the needy out of their a
Isa 30:20 of adversity and the water of a,
48:10 have tested you in the furnace of a.
La 3:33 For he does not willingly bring a
Ro 12:12 patient in a, faithful in prayer.
Col 1:24 still lacking in regard to Christ’s a,
Ge 3:10 and I was a because I was naked;
26:24 Do not be a, for I am with you;
Ex 2:14 Then Moses was a and thought,
3:6 because he was a to look at God.
Dt 1:21 Do not be a; do not be
1:29 be terrified; do not be a of them.
20:1 than yours, do not be a of them,
20:3 Do not be fainthearted or a;
2Ki 25:24 “Do not be a of the Babylonian
1Ch 13:12 David was a of God that day
Ps 27:1 of my life—of whom shall I be a?
56:3 I am a, I put my trust in you.
56:4 in God I trust and am not a.
Pr 3:24 you lie down, you will not be a;
Isa 10:24 Zion, do not be a of the Assyrians,
12:2 I will trust and not be a.
44:8 Do not tremble, do not be a.
Jer 1:8 Do not be a of them, for I am
Mt 8:26 of little faith, why are you so a?”
10:28 Do not be a of those who kill
10:28 be a of the One who can destroy
10:31 So don’t be a; you are worth more
Mk 5:36 said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be a;
Lk 9:34 and they were a as they entered
Jn 14:27 hearts be troubled and do not be a.
Ac 27:24 and said, ‘Do not be a, Paul.
Heb 13:6 Lord is my helper; I will not be a.
King of Amalekites not killed by Saul (1Sa 15).
Est 8:3 to the evil plan of Haman the A,
Job 12:12 Is not wisdom found among the a?
Pr 17:6 children are a crown to the a,
Pr 30:17 that scorns an a mother, will be
Pr 8:23 I was formed long a ago, at the
Ro 16:25 the mystery hidden for long a past,
Eph 2:7 in the coming a he might show
3:9 for a past was kept hidden in God,
Col 1:26 that has been kept hidden for a
2Co 6:16 What a is there between the temple
1. Son of Omri; king of Israel (1Ki 16:28—22:40), husband of Jezebel (1Ki 16:31). Promoted Baal worship (1Ki 16:31–33); opposed by Elijah (1Ki 17:1; 18; 21), a prophet (1Ki 20:35–43), Micaiah (1Ki 22:1–28). Defeated Ben-Hadad (1Ki 20). Killed for failing to kill Ben-Hadad and for murder of Naboth (1Ki 20:35—22:40).
2. A false prophet (Jer 29:21–22).
1. Son of Jotham; king of Judah, (2Ki 16; 2Ch 28). Idolatry of (2Ki 16:3–4, 10–18; 2Ch 28:1–4, 22–25). Defeated by Aram and Israel (2Ki 16:5–6; 2Ch 28:5–15). Sought help from Assyria rather than the LORD (2Ki 16:7–9; 2Ch 28:16–21; Isa 7).
2. Benjamite, descendant of Saul (1Ch 8:35–36).
1. Son of Ahab; king of Israel (1Ki 22:51–2 Ki 1:18; 2Ch 20:35–37). Made an unsuccessful alliance with Jehoshaphat of Judah (2Ch 20:35–37). Died for seeking Baal rather than the LORD (2Ki 1).
2. Son of Jehoram; king of Judah (2Ki 8:25–29; 9:14–29), also called Jehoahaz (2Ch 21:17—22:9; 25:23). Killed by Jehu while visiting Joram (2Ki 9:14–29; 2Ch 22:1–9).
1. Priest who helped David in his flight from Saul (1Sa 21–22).
2. One of David’s warriors (1Sa 26:6).
One of David’s counselors who sided with Absalom (2Sa 15:12, 31–37; 1Ch 27:33–34); committed suicide when his advice was ignored (2Sa 16:15—17:23).
1Co 7:34 Her a is to be devoted to the Lord
1Co 9:26 not fight like a boxer beating the a.
14:9 You will just be speaking into the a.
Eph 2:2 the ruler of the kingdom of the a,
1Th 4:17 clouds to meet the Lord in the a.
Mt 26:7 him with an a jar of very expensive
Mk 14:3 a woman came with an a jar of
Lk 7:37 so she came there with an a jar
2Co 7:11 indignation, what a, what longing,
Jos 8:4 far from it. All of you be on the a.
Ps 17:11 me, with eyes a, to throw me
Isa 21:7 on camels, let him be a, fully a.”
Mk 13:33 Be a! You do not know
Eph 6:18 be a and always keep on praying
1Pe 1:13 with minds that are a and fully
4:7 Therefore be a and of sober mind
5:8 Be a and of sober mind.
Job 19:13 “He has a my family from me;
Gal 5:4 the law have been a from Christ;
Col 1:21 Once you were a from God
1Sa 2:6 LORD brings death and makes a;
Lk 24:23 vision of angels, who said he was a.
Ac 1:3 convincing proofs that he was a.
Ro 6:11 to sin but a to God in Christ Jesus.
1Co 15:22 die, so in Christ all will be made a.
Eph 2:5 made us a with Christ even
Heb 4:12 the word of God is a and active.
Ge 17:1 to him and said, “I am God A;
Ex 6:3 to Isaac and to Jacob as God A,
Ru 1:20 because the A has made my life
Job 11:7 Can you probe the limits of the A?
33:4 the breath of the A gives me life.
Ps 89:8 Who is like you, LORD God A?
91:1 will rest in the shadow of the A.
Isa 6:3 “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD A;
45:13 or reward, says the LORD A.”
47:4 the LORD A is his name—
48:2 the LORD A is his name:
51:15 the LORD A is his name.
54:5 the LORD A is his name—
Am 5:14 the LORD God A will be with you,
5:15 the LORD God A will have mercy
Rev 4:8 holy is the Lord God A,’ who was,
19:6 For our Lord God A reigns.
Rev 1:8 “I am the A and the Omega,”
21:6 I am the A and the Omega,
22:13 the A and the Omega, the First
Ge 8:20 Noah built an a to the LORD and,
12:7 So he built an a there
13:18 There he built an a to the LORD.
22:9 his son Isaac and laid him on the a,
26:25 Isaac built an a there and called
35:1 and build an a there to God,
Ex 17:15 Moses built an a and called it
27:1 “Build an a of acacia wood,
30:1 “Make an a of acacia wood
37:25 They made the a of incense
Dt 27:5 Build there an a to the LORD your
Jos 8:30 on Mount Ebal an a to the LORD,
22:10 Manasseh built an imposing a
Jdg 6:24 So Gideon built an a to the LORD
21:4 the next day the people built an a
1Sa 7:17 he built an a there to the LORD.
14:35 Then Saul built an a to the LORD;
2Sa 24:25 David built an a to the LORD
1Ki 12:33 went up to the a to make offerings.
13:2 he cried out against the a: “A, a!
16:32 He set up an a for Baal
18:30 he repaired the a of the LORD,
2Ki 16:11 So Uriah the priest built an a
1Ch 21:26 David built an a to the LORD
2Ch 4:1 a bronze a twenty cubits long,
4:19 the golden a; the tables
15:8 He repaired the a of the LORD
32:12 ‘You must worship before one a
33:16 he restored the a of the LORD
Ezr 3:2 began to build the a of the God
Isa 6:6 had taken with tongs from the a.
Eze 40:47 the a was in front of the temple.
Mt 5:23 if you are offering your gift at the a
Ac 17:23 worship, I even found an a
Heb 13:10 We have an a from which those
Rev 6:9 I saw under the a the souls of those
Ps 89:34 or a what my lips have uttered.
Dt 15:11 There will a be poor people
Ps 16:8 I keep my eyes a on the LORD.
51:3 and my sin is a before me.
119:98 Your commands are a with me
Pr 23:7 person who is a thinking
Mt 26:11 The poor you will a have with you, but you will not a have me.
28:20 And surely I am with you a,
Mk 14:7 The poor you will a have with you,
Jn 12:8 You will a have the poor among
1Co 13:7 It a protects, a trusts, a hopes,
Php 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord a. I will say it
1Pe 3:15 A be prepared to give an answer
Nephew of David (1Ch 2:17). Commander of Absalom’s forces (2Sa 17:24–27). Returned to David (2Sa 19:13). Killed by Joab (2Sa 20:4–13).
Pr 28:8 or profit from the poor a it for
Mt 7:28 the crowds were a at his teaching,
Mk 6:6 He was a at their lack of faith.
10:24 The disciples were a at his words.
Ac 2:7 Utterly a, they asked:
13:12 for he was a at the teaching
1. Son of Joash; king of Judah (2Ki 14; 2Ch 25). Defeated Edom (2Ki 14:7; 2Ch 25:5–13); defeated by Israel for worshiping Edom’s gods (2Ki 14:8–14; 2Ch 25:14–24).
2. Idolatrous priest who opposed Amos (Am 7:10–17).
Eph 6:20 for which I am an a in chains.
2Co 5:20 We are therefore Christ’s a,
Ro 15:20 It has always been my a to preach
2Co 12:20 fits of rage, selfish a, slander,
Gal 5:20 fits of rage, selfish a, dissensions,
Php 1:17 preach Christ out of selfish a,
2:3 Do nothing out of selfish a or vain
1Th 4:11 make it your a to lead a quiet life:
Jas 3:14 envy and selfish a in your hearts,
3:16 where you have envy and selfish a,
Pr 14:9 Fools mock at making a for sin,
1. Son of Manasseh; king of Judah (2Ki 21:18–26; 1Ch 3:14; 2Ch 33:21–25).
Nu 13:28 even saw descendants of A there.
Dt 1:28 We even saw the A there.’ ”
2:10 and numerous, and as tall as the A.
9:2 “Who can stand up against the A?”
1. Husband of Sapphira; died for lying to God (Ac 5:1–11).
2. Disciple who baptized Saul (Ac 9:10–19).
1Ki 19:4 I am no better than my a.”
Jn 4:20 Our a worshiped on this mountain,
Heb 1:1 to our a through the prophets
1Pe 1:18 handed down to you from your a,
Ro 9:5 them is traced the human a
Heb 6:19 We have this hope as an a
Da 7:9 and the A of Days took his seat.
7:13 He approached the A of Days
7:22 until the A of Days came
Apostle; brother of Simon Peter (Mt 4:18; 10:2; Mk 1:16–18, 29; 3:18; 13:3; Lk 6:14; Jn 1:35–44; 6:8–9; 12:22; Ac 1:13).
Ge 16:7 The a of the LORD found Hagar
22:11 the a of the LORD called
Ex 23:20 I am sending an a ahead of you
Nu 22:23 the donkey saw the a of the LORD
Jdg 2:1 The a of the LORD went
6:22 I have seen the a of the LORD
13:15 said to the a of the LORD,
2Sa 24:16 When the a stretched out his hand
1Ki 19:7 The a of the LORD came back
2Ki 19:35 That night the a of the LORD went
Ps 34:7 The a of the LORD encamps
Hos 12:4 He struggled with the a
Mt 2:13 a of the Lord appeared to Joseph
28:2 for an a of the Lord came down
Lk 1:26 God sent the a Gabriel to
2:9 An a of the Lord appeared to them,
22:43 An a from heaven appeared to him
Ac 6:15 his face was like the face of an a.
12:7 Suddenly an a of the Lord
2Co 11:14 Satan himself masquerades as an a
Gal 1:8 or an a from heaven should preach
Ps 8:5 made them a little lower than the a
91:11 command his a concerning you
Mt 4:6 command his a concerning you,
13:39 of the age, and the harvesters are a.
13:49 The a will come and separate
18:10 that their a in heaven always see
25:41 prepared for the devil and his a.
Lk 4:10 command his a concerning you
20:36 for they are like the a.
1Co 6:3 you not know that we will judge a?
13:1 in the tongues of men or of a,
Col 2:18 the worship of a disqualify you.
Heb 1:4 the a as the name he has inherited
1:6 “Let all God’s a worship him.”
1:7 “He makes his a spirits, and his
1:14 Are not all a ministering spirits
2:7 them a little lower than the a;
2:9 who was made lower than the a
13:2 hospitality to a without knowing it.
1Pe 1:12 Even a long to look into these
2Pe 2:4 if God did not spare a when they
Jude 6 And the a who did not keep their
Ex 15:7 You unleashed your burning a;
22:24 My a will be aroused, and I will kill
32:10 that my a may burn against them
32:11 “why should your a burn against
32:12 Turn from your fierce a;
32:19 his a burned and he threw
34:6 slow to a, abounding in love
Lev 26:28 my a I will be hostile toward you,
Nu 14:18 ‘The LORD is slow to a,
25:11 has turned my a away
32:10 The LORD’s a was aroused
32:13 The LORD’s a burned against
Dt 9:19 I feared the a and wrath
29:28 In furious a and in great wrath
Jdg 14:19 Burning with a, he returned to his
2Sa 12:5 burned with a against the man
2Ki 22:13 Great is the LORD’s a that burns
Ne 9:17 slow to a and abounding in love.
Ps 30:5 For his a lasts only a moment,
78:38 Time after time he restrained his a
86:15 slow to a, abounding in love
90:7 We are consumed by your a
103:8 slow to a, abounding in love.
Pr 15:1 wrath, but a harsh word stirs up a.
30:33 so stirring up a produces strife.”
Jnh 4:2 slow to a and abounding in love,
Eph 4:26 “In your a do not sin”: Do not let
Jas 1:20 because human a does not produce
Ps 2:12 he will be a and your way will lead
95:10 For forty years I was a
Pr 29:22 An a person stirs up conflict,
Mt 5:22 that anyone who is a with a brother
Jas 1:19 to speak and slow to become a,
Jer 4:19 Oh, my a, my a! I writhe in pain.
Zep 1:15 a day of distress and a, a day
Lk 21:25 nations will be in a and perplexity
22:44 And being in a, he prayed more
Ro 9:2 and unceasing a in my heart.
Ge 1:24 the wild a, each according to its
7:16 The a going in were male
Dt 14:4 These are the a you may eat:
Job 12:7 “But ask the a, and they will teach
Isa 43:20 The wild a honor me, the jackals
Mt 6:2 needy, do not a it with trumpets,
Pr 12:16 Fools show their a at once,
Ex 30:10 This a atonement must be made
Jdg 21:19 there is the a festival of the LORD
1Sa 1:21 offer the a sacrifice to the LORD
2:19 her husband to offer the a sacrifice.
20:6 an a sacrifice is being made
2Ch 8:13 Moons and the three a festivals—
Heb 10:3 those sacrifices are an a reminder
Ex 30:26 use it to a the tent of meeting,
30:30 “A Aaron and his sons
1Sa 9:16 A him ruler over my people Israel;
15:1 to a you king over his people Israel;
2Ki 9:3 I a you king over Israel.’
Ps 23:5 You a my head with oil;
Da 9:24 and to a the Most Holy Place.
Jas 5:14 a them with oil in the name
1Ch 16:22 “Do not touch my a ones;
Ps 105:15 “Do not touch my a ones;
Isa 61:1 because the LORD has a me
Da 9:26 the A One will be put to death
Lk 4:18 because he has a me to proclaim
Ac 10:38 how God a Jesus of Nazareth
Lev 8:12 He poured some of the a oil
1Ch 29:22 a him before the LORD to be ruler
Ps 45:7 your companions by a you
Heb 1:9 your companions by a you
1Jn 2:20 you have an a from the Holy One,
2:27 as his a teaches you about all things
Pr 6:6 Go to the a, you sluggard;
1Jn 2:18 have heard that the a is coming,
2:22 Such a person is the a—
4:3 This is the spirit of the a, which
2Jn 7 person is the deceiver and the a.
1Jn 2:18 even now many a have come.
Ac 11:26 were called Christians first at A.
Pr 30:25 A are creatures of little strength,
Lk 21:34 drunkenness and the a of life,
Php 4:6 Do not be a about anything,
Christian from Alexandria, learned in the Scriptures; instructed by Aquila and Priscilla (Ac 18:24–28). Ministered at Corinth (Ac 19:1; 1Co 1:12; 3:4–22; 4:6; 16:12; Titus 3:13).
Rev 9:11 Abaddon and in Greek is A (that
Ro 11:13 Inasmuch as I am the a
1Co 9:1 Am I not an a? Have I not seen
2Co 12:12 among you the marks of a true a,
Gal 2:8 in Peter as an a to the circumcised,
2:8 work in me as an a to the Gentiles.
1Ti 2:7 was appointed a herald and an a—
2Ti 1:11 a herald and an a and a teacher.
Heb 3:1 whom we acknowledge as our a
See also Andrew, Bartholomew, James, John, Judas, Matthew, Matthias, Nathanael, Paul, Peter, Philip, Simon, Thaddaeus, Thomas.
Lk 11:49 ‘I will send them prophets and a,
Ac 1:26 so he was added to the eleven a.
2:43 and signs performed by the a.
1Co 12:28 placed in the church first of all a,
15:9 For I am the least of the a and do
2Co 11:13 For such people are false a,
11:13 masquerading as a of Christ.
Eph 2:20 built on the foundation of the a
4:11 So Christ himself gave the a,
Rev 21:14 names of the twelve a of the Lamb.
Ge 1:9 to one place, and let dry ground a.”
Lev 16:2 For I will a in the cloud over
Mt 24:30 will a the sign of the Son of Man
Mk 13:22 false prophets will a and perform
Lk 19:11 of God was going to a at once.
2Co 5:10 we must all a before the judgment
Col 3:4 you also will a with him in glory.
Heb 9:24 now to a for us in God’s presence.
9:28 and he will a a second time,
1Sa 16:7 People look at the outward a,
Isa 52:14 his a was so disfigured beyond
53:2 in his a that we should desire him.
Nu 14:10 the glory of the LORD a at the tent
Mt 1:20 an angel of the Lord a to him
Lk 2:9 An angel of the Lord a to them,
1Co 15:5 and that he a to Cephas,
Heb 9:26 But he has a once for all
1Ti 6:14 blame until the a of our Lord Jesus
2Ti 1:10 now been revealed through the a
4:8 to all who have longed for his a.
Titus 2:13 the a of the glory of our great God
Mal 3:2 Who can stand when he a?
Col 3:4 who is your life, a, then you
1Pe 5:4 And when the Chief Shepherd a,
1Jn 3:2 But we know that when Christ a,
Pr 13:2 but the unfaithful have an a
13:4 A sluggard’s a is never filled,
16:26 The a of laborers works for them;
Ecc 6:7 yet their a is never satisfied.
Jer 50:19 their a will be satisfied on the hills
Pr 25:11 Like a of gold in settings of silver is
Pr 2:2 a your heart to understanding—
Ps 61:7 a your love and faithfulness
1Th 5:9 God did not a us to suffer wrath
Titus 1:5 and a elders in every town, as I
Dt 1:15 a them to have authority over you—
Da 11:27 an end will still come at the a time.
Hab 2:3 For the revelation awaits an a time;
Lk 1:20 will come true at their a time.”
Jn 15:16 you and a you so that you might go
Ro 9:9 “At the a time I will return,
Ex 24:2 but Moses alone is to a the LORD;
Eph 3:12 in him we may a God with freedom
Heb 4:16 then a God’s throne of grace
Jdg 18:6 Your journey has the LORD’s a.”
Jn 6:27 the Father has placed his seal of a.”
Ro 14:18 to God and receives human a.
1Co 11:19 to show which of you have God’s a.
Gal 1:10 trying to win the a of human beings,
2Co 10:18 who commends himself who is a,
1Th 2:4 we speak as those a by God to be
2Ti 2:15 to present yourself to God as one a,
Ro 14:22 not condemn himself by what he a.
Pr 15:23 finds joy in giving an a reply—
Husband of Priscilla; co-worker with Paul, instructor of Apollos (Ac 18; Ro 16:3; 1Co 16:19; 2Ti 4:19).
Ge 8:4 to rest on the mountains of A.
2Sa 24:16 threshing floor of A the Jebusite.
Lk 12:14 me a judge or an a between you?”
Pr 26:10 Like an a who wounds at random
Heb 11:10 whose a and builder is God.
Ac 17:19 brought him to a meeting of the A,
17:22 stood up in the meeting of the A
17:34 a member of the A, also a woman
Heb 6:16 is said and puts an end to all a.
Isa 41:21 “Set forth your a,” says Jacob’s
Col 2:4 deceive you by fine-sounding a.
2Ti 2:23 to do with foolish and stupid a,
Titus 3:9 and genealogies and a and quarrels
Ge 6:14 So make yourself an a of cypress
Ex 25:10 “Have them make an a of acacia
25:21 and put in the a the tablets of
Dt 10:5 put the tablets in the a I had made,
1Sa 4:11 The a of God was captured,
7:2 The a remained at Kiriath Jearim
2Sa 6:17 They brought the a of the LORD
1Ki 8:9 the a except the two stone tablets
1Ch 13:9 out his hand to steady the a,
2Ch 35:3 “Put the sacred a in the temple
Heb 9:4 the gold-covered a of the covenant.
9:4 This a contained the gold jar
11:7 in holy fear built an a to save his
Rev 11:19 within his temple was seen the a
Nu 11:23 “Is the LORD’s a too short?
Dt 4:34 hand and an outstretched a,
7:19 mighty hand and outstretched a,
Ps 44:3 nor did their a bring them victory;
98:1 his holy a have worked salvation
Jer 27:5 outstretched a I made the earth
1Pe 4:1 a yourselves also with the same
Rev 16:16 place that in Hebrew is called A.
1Ki 20:11 his a should not boast like one who
Ps 35:2 Take up shield and a;
Jer 46:4 Polish your spears, put on your a!
Ro 13:12 darkness and put on the a of light.
Eph 6:11 Put on the full a of God, so that
6:13 Therefore put on the full a of God,
Dt 33:27 underneath are the everlasting a.
Ps 18:32 It is God who a me with strength
Pr 31:17 her a are strong for her tasks.
31:20 She opens her a to the poor
Isa 40:11 He gathers the lambs in his a
Mk 10:16 And he took the children in his a,
Heb 12:12 strengthen your feeble a and weak
Ps 33:16 king is saved by the size of his a;
Joel 2:2 a large and mighty a comes,
2:5 like a mighty a drawn up for battle.
2:11 thunders at the head of his a;
Rev 19:19 the rider on the horse and his a.
Ge 8:21 The LORD smelled the pleasing a
Ex 29:18 a pleasing a, a food offering
Lev 3:16 as a food offering, a pleasing a.
2Co 2:14 us to spread the a of the knowledge
2:15 the pleasing a of Christ among
2:16 an a that brings that brings death; to the other, an a that brings life.
Ro 11:14 I may somehow a my own people
Ps 78:58 they a his jealousy with their idols.
Mt 10:19 But when they a you, do not worry
1Sa 2:3 or let your mouth speak such a,
Pr 8:13 I hate pride and a, evil behavior
Mk 7:22 lewdness, envy, slander, a and folly.
2Co 12:20 slander, gossip, a and disorder.
Ps 5:5 The a cannot stand in your
119:78 May the a be put to shame
Pr 21:24 The proud and a person—
Ro 1:30 God-haters, insolent, a and
11:20 Do not be a, but tremble.
1Ti 6:17 this present world not to be a nor
Ps 64:3 and aim cruel words like deadly a.
64:7 God will shoot them with his a;
127:4 Like a in the hands of a warrior are
Pr 26:18 Like a maniac shooting flaming a
Eph 6:16 can extinguish all the flaming a
King of Persia; allowed rebuilding of temple under Ezra (Ezr 4; 7), and of walls of Jerusalem under his cupbearer Nehemiah (Ne 2; 5:14; 13:6).
Ac 19:28 “Great is A of the Ephesians!”
King of Judah (1Ki 15:8–24; 1Ch 3:10; 2Ch 14–16). Godly reformer (2Ch 15); in later years defeated Israel with help of Aram, not the LORD (1Ki 15:16–22; 2Ch 16).
1. Nephew of David, one of his warriors (2Sa 23:24; 1Ch 2:16; 11:26; 27:7). Killed by Abner (2Sa 2); avenged by Joab (2Sa 3:22–39).
2. Levite; teacher (2Ch 17:8).
1. Recorder to Hezekiah (2Ki 18:18, 37; Isa 36:3, 22).
2. Levitical musician (1Ch 6:39; 15:17–19; 16:4–7, 37). Sons of (1Ch 25; 2Ch 5:12; 20:14; 29:13; 35:15; Ezr 2:41; 3:10; Ne 7:44; 11:17; 12:27–47). Psalms of (2Ch 29:30; Ps 50; 73–83).
Dt 30:12 “Who will a into heaven to get it
Ps 24:3 Who may a the mountain
Isa 14:13 your heart, “I will a to the heavens;
14:14 will a above the tops of the clouds;
Jn 6:62 of Man a to where he was before!
Ac 2:34 For David did not a to heaven,
Ro 10:6 heart, ‘Who will a into heaven?’ ”
1Ch 16:28 A to the LORD, all you families
16:28 a to the LORD glory and strength.
16:29 A to the LORD the glory due his
Job 36:3 I will a justice to my Maker.
Ps 29:1 A to the LORD, you heavenly
29:1 a to the LORD glory and strength.
29:2 A to the LORD the glory due his
96:7 A to the LORD, all you families
96:7 a to the LORD glory and strength.
96:8 A to the LORD the glory due his
Mk 8:38 If anyone is a of me and my words
8:38 the Son of Man will be a of them
Lk 9:26 Whoever is a of me and my words,
9:26 the Son of Man will be a of them
Ro 1:16 For I am not a of the gospel,
2Ti 1:8 So do not be a of the testimony
2:15 worker who does not need to be a
Son of Jacob by Zilpah (Ge 30:13; 35:26; 46:17; Ex 1:4; 1Ch 2:2). Tribe of blessed (Ge 49:20; Dt 33:24–25), numbered (Nu 1:40–41; 26:44–47), allotted land (Jos 10:24–31; Eze 48:2), failed to fully possess (Jdg 1:31–32), failed to support Deborah (Jdg 5:17), supported Gideon (Jdg 6:35; 7:23) and David (1Ch 12:36), 12,000 from (Rev 7:6).
Jdg 3:7 and served the Baals and the A.
1Co 15:18 who have fallen a in Christ are lost.
1Ti 3:1 Whoever a to be an overseer
Ps 1:5 sinners in the a of the righteous.
35:18 will give you thanks in the great a;
82:1 God presides in the great a;
149:1 praise in the a of his faithful
1Ki 7:14 and did all the work a to him.
Mk 13:34 each with their a task, and tells
1Co 3:5 as the Lord has a to each his task.
7:17 whatever situation the Lord has a
2Co 10:13 of service God himself has a to us,
Pr 22:24 do not a with one easily angered,
Jn 4:9 Jews do not a with Samaritans.)
Ac 10:28 against our law for a Jew to a
Ro 12:16 be willing to a with people of low
1Co 5:9 in my letter not to a with sexually
1Co 5:11 you must not a with anyone who
2Th 3:14 Do not a with them, in order
Heb 10:22 and with the full a that faith brings,
Col 4:12 the will of God, mature and fully a.
Ps 119:67 Before I was afflicted I went a,
Pr 10:17 ignores correction leads others a.
20:1 whoever is led a by them is not
Isa 53:6 have gone a, each of us has turned
Jer 50:6 their shepherds have led them a
1Pe 2:25 For “you were like sheep going a,”
1Jn 3:7 do not let anyone lead you a.
Ge 3:6 wisdom, she took some and a it.
27:25 Jacob brought it to him and he a;
2Sa 9:11 So Mephibosheth a at David’s table
Ps 78:25 Human beings a the bread
Jer 15:16 When your words came, I a them;
Eze 3:3 So I a it, and it tasted as sweet as
Mt 14:20 They all a and were satisfied,
15:37 They all a and were satisfied.
Mk 6:42 They all a and were satisfied,
Lk 9:17 They all a and were satisfied,
Granddaughter of Omri; wife of Jehoram and mother of Ahaziah; encouraged their evil ways (2Ki 8:18, 27; 2Ch 22:2). At death of Ahaziah she made herself queen, killing all his sons but Joash (2Ki 11:1–3; 2Ch 22:10–12); killed six years later when Joash was revealed (2Ki 11:4–16; 2Ch 23:1–15).
2Ti 2:5 competes as an a does not receive
Ex 30:15 to the LORD to a for your lives.
2Ch 29:24 for a sin offering to a for all Israel,
Da 9:24 an end to sin, to a for wickedness,
Dt 21:8 Then the bloodshed will be a for,
1Sa 3:14 of Eli’s house will never be a
Pr 16:6 love and faithfulness sin is a for;
Isa 6:7 is taken away and your sin a for.”
22:14 day this sin will not be a for,”
27:9 will Jacob’s guilt be a for, and this
Ex 25:17 “Make an a cover of pure gold—
30:10 Once a year Aaron shall make a
Lev 17:11 blood that makes a for one’s life.
23:27 this seventh month is the Day of A.
Nu 25:13 God and made a for the Israelites.”
Ro 3:25 presented Christ as a sacrifice of a,
Heb 2:17 that he might make a for the sins
Ps 109:3 they a me without cause.
Pr 4:1 pay a and gain understanding.
4:20 My son, pay a to what I say;
5:1 My son, pay a to my wisdom,
7:24 listen to me; pay a to what I say.
21:11 by paying a to the wise they get
22:17 Pay a and turn your ear
Ecc 7:21 Do not pay a to every word people
Isa 42:20 many things, but you pay no a;
Titus 1:14 and will pay no a to Jewish myths
Heb 2:1 We must pay the most careful a,
Heb 4:12 the thoughts and a of the heart.
Titus 2:10 teaching about God our Savior a.
Pr 29:26 Many seek an a with a ruler, but it
Ro 13:1 be subject to the governing a,
13:5 it is necessary to submit to the a,
13:6 for the a are God’s servants,
Eph 3:10 and a in the heavenly realms,
6:12 against the a, against the powers
Col 1:16 thrones or powers or rulers or a;
2:15 having disarmed the powers and a,
Titus 3:1 to be subject to rulers and a,
1Pe 3:22 a and powers in submission to
Mt 7:29 he taught as one who had a,
9:6 the Son of Man has a on earth
28:18 “All a in heaven and on earth has
Mk 1:22 he taught them as one who had a,
2:10 the Son of Man has a on earth
Lk 4:32 teaching, because his words had a.
5:24 the Son of Man has a on earth
Jn 10:18 I have a to lay it down and a to take
Ac 1:7 the Father has set by his own a.
Ro 7:1 the law has a over someone only as
13:1 for there is no a except
13:2 rebels against the a is rebelling
1Co 11:10 ought to have a over her own head,
15:24 all dominion, a and power.
1Ti 2:2 for kings and all those in a, that we
2:12 to teach or to assume a over a man;
Titus 2:15 Encourage and rebuke with all a.
Heb 13:17 your leaders and submit to their a,
1Pe 2:13 the Lord’s sake to every human a:
Dt 11:14 its season, both a and spring rains,
Ps 84:6 the a rains also cover it with pools.
Jer 5:24 who gives a and spring rains
Joel 2:23 has given you the a rains because
2:23 showers, both a and spring rains,
Jas 5:7 crop, patiently waiting for the a
Jude 12 a trees, without fruit and uprooted
Lev 26:25 on you to a the breaking
Dt 32:35 It is mine to a; I will repay.
32:43 for he will a the blood of his
Ro 12:19 “It is mine to a; I will repay,”
Heb 10:30 him who said, “It is mine to a;
Rev 6:10 of the earth and a our blood?”
Nu 35:27 the a of blood may kill the accused
Jos 20:3 protection from the a of blood.
Ps 8:2 to silence the foe and the a.
Ps 94:1 The LORD is a God who a. O God who a, shine forth.
1Sa 25:26 and from a yourself with your own
25:33 from a myself with my own hands.
Na 1:2 The LORD is a jealous and a God;
Pr 4:15 A it, do not travel on it; turn from
15:12 correction, so they a the wise.
20:3 It is to one’s honor to a strife,
20:19 so a anyone who talks too much.
Ecc 7:18 fears God will a all extremes.
1Th 4:3 you should a sexual immorality;
2Ti 2:16 A godless chatter, because those
Titus 3:9 But a foolish controversies
Pr 16:6 the fear of the LORD evil is a.
Pr 16:17 The highway of the upright a evil;
Ps 17:15 when I a, I will be satisfied
Pr 6:22 when you a, they will speak to you.
1Th 5:6 asleep, but let us be a and sober.
2Ti 4:8 Judge, will a to me on that day—
Ex 34:29 he was not a that his face was
Mt 24:50 him and at an hour he is not a of.
Lk 12:46 him and at an hour he is not a of.
Jos 4:14 they stood in a of him all the days
4:14 as they had stood in a of Moses.
1Sa 12:18 So all the people stood in a
1Ki 3:28 they held the king in a, because
Job 25:2 “Dominion and a belong to God;
Ps 65:8 The whole earth is filled with a
119:120 I stand in a of your laws.
Isa 29:23 will stand in a of the God of Israel.
Jer 2:19 your God and have no a of me,”
33:9 they will be in a and will tremble
Hab 3:2 I stand in a of your deeds, LORD.
Mal 2:5 me and stood in a of my name.
Mt 9:8 saw this, they were filled with a;
Lk 1:65 the neighbors were filled with a,
5:26 They were filled with a and said,
7:16 They were all filled with a
Ac 2:43 Everyone was filled with a
Heb 12:28 acceptably with reverence and a,
Ge 28:17 and said, “How a is this place!
Ex 15:11 majestic in holiness, a in glory,
34:10 among will see how a is the work
Dt 4:34 or by great and a deeds, like all
7:21 is among you, is a great and a God.
10:17 God, mighty and a, who shows no
10:21 a wonders you saw with your own
28:58 revere this glorious and a name—
34:12 performed the a deeds that Moses
Jdg 13:6 looked like an angel of God, very a.
2Sa 7:23 a wonders by driving out nations
1Ch 17:21 a wonders by driving out nations
Ne 1:5 the great and a God, who keeps his
4:14 who is great and a, and fight
9:32 God, mighty and a, who keeps his
Job 10:16 again display your a power against
37:22 God comes in a majesty.
Ps 45:4 your right hand achieve a deeds.
47:2 For the LORD Most High is a,
65:5 answer us with a and righteous
66:3 to God, “How a are your deeds!
66:5 has done, his a deeds for mankind!
68:35 You, God, are a in your sanctuary;
89:7 he is more a than all who surround
99:3 praise your great and a name—
106:22 Ham and a deeds by the Red Sea.
111:9 holy and a is his name.
145:6 tell of the power of your a works—
Isa 64:3 you did a things that we did not
Eze 1:18 Their rims were high and a, and all
1:22 vault, sparkling like crystal, and a.
Da 2:31 dazzling statue, a in appearance.
9:4 the great and a God, who keeps his
Zep 2:11 The LORD will be a to them