The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader. Numbers in italics indicate pages with figures or illustrations.
absolute growth rate, 217
absolute temperature, 175, 177
abundance, 369–71
accelerating expansion of the universe, 209
accelerating expansion of urbanized world, 8–10, 209–22
cautionary tales, 218–22
definition of, 216–18
energy use, 233–45
global population explosion, 209–13, 210
innovation optimists and, 231–33, 234–35
long-term real growth in U.S. GDP, 210
Malthus and neo-Malthusians, 227–30
rise of the industrial city, 222–26
urbanization and global sustainability, 28–32, 213–15, 411–26
wheat and chessboard problem, 218–20
accelerating pace of life, 7, 326–32, 412–13
acquisitions and mergers, 33, 403–4
survivorship curves, 396–97, 399
active metabolic rate, 18–19
adaptation, 60, 84–85, 89, 143
adaptive systems. See complex adaptive systems
adenosine diphosphate (ADP), 99–100
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 99–100, 118, 173–74, 204
free radicals and, 200
temperature rise and, 173–74, 175
age and size changes, 163–73
agent-based modeling, 382–84
aging and death, 6, 11–12, 84–85, 88, 178–207
decline of body functions with age, 195, 197, 201, 202
extension of life span, 182–94, 203–7
leading causes of death, 192, 192–94, 193
maximum life span, 188–94
metaphysical questions, 178–82
quantitative theory of, 199–203
significant properties of, 195–99
tests, predictions, and consequences, 203–7
agriculture, 9, 213, 229–30, 236
algorithms, 22, 143–44, 382, 443–44, 446
Allen, Drew, 174
Allen, Woody, 182
allometric scaling, 97, 98, 103, 163–64
network principles and origins of, 111–18
optimization, 115–17
space filling, 112–13
terminal units, 113–14
definition of, 97
alternating current (AC), 123–24
altruism, 287
American Medical Association, 182
Anderson, Philip, 436
growth curves, 166–67, 168–71, 171–72
heartbeats per lifetime, 2, 2n, 3, 5, 6, 196, 204
heart rates and body size, 93, 94, 95
maximum size, 158–63
metabolic rate, 2, 2n, 3, 13, 18–19, 25–26, 91–92, 285–86
metabolic rate and circulatory systems, 118–22
minimum size, 155–58
white and gray matter of brains, 94, 96
Anthropocene, 213–14, 234, 236
anti-aging, 182–83
ants (ant colonies), 22, 23, 102, 282–83
Applied Complexity Network, 432
arched stone bridges, 61
Archimedes, 77
area-preserving branching, 120–22, 154, 157
areas and volumes scale. See square-cube law
Argentina, 9
Aristotle, 36, 48, 247, 270–71
Arizona State University, 249, 274
arms races, 133
Arrhenius, Svante August, 177–78
Arrhenius equation, 177–78
Arrow, Kenneth, 436
artificial intelligence, 443–44
Arup, 299
astronomical time, 423–24
Atlas of Economic Geography, An (Bartholomew), 330
Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 243
Attlee, Clement, 226
Austin, Texas, growth curve, 376
autobahns, 292
automobiles, 75, 194–95, 198–99, 381
road and transport networks, 284, 285, 291, 292–94, 293
average idealized organism, 81, 117
“average man,” 56
Ayer, A. J., 179
bacterial colonies, 220–22, 290–91, 291
Bank of Korea, 406
survivorship curves, 396–97, 398
Barber, Benjamin, 262
Bartholomew, John, 330
basal metabolic rate, 18–19, 90–93, 160
Bavinger House, 259
beam experiment, 42
Beckham, David, 63
Bettencourt, Luis, 274–75, 341, 356, 364
big data, 57, 270, 325, 338, 439–48
Big Data Institute (BDI), 442–43
Big Picture, 1–33
cities and global sustainability, 28–32
companies and businesses, 32–33
energy, metabolism, and entropy, 12–15
exponentially expanding socioeconomic urbanized world, 8–10
growth from cells to whales, 25–28
introduction, overview, and summary, 1–8
matter of life and death, 10–12
scaling and complexity, 19–25
scaling and nonlinear behavior, 15–19
big-picture theory of cities, 6, 269–71, 325–26, 338
biological metabolic rate, 13, 373
biological networks, 103–5, 104, 111–18, 153–54, 284–85
biological time, 327
biomechanical constraints, 122, 158–63
biophysics, 83–84
Black Swan, The (Taleb), 383
blood flow, 74, 118–20, 124–26, 128–29, 155
blood pressure, 51, 89, 125–26, 162
blue whales, 1, 18, 91, 119, 158, 159–60, 234
body functions, decline by age, 195, 197, 201, 202
body mass, 18–19
life spans scale, 195–96
metabolic rate of animals, 2, 2n, 3, 13, 18–19, 25–26, 91–92, 285–86
body-mass index (BMI), 55–56, 57–59
extending life span and, 203–4
body weight and drug dosages, 53–55
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 109
Bombay, growth curve, 375
border paradox, 135, 136–40, 138, 152
movement in, 348–49, 349–50, 353–54
Boulding, Kenneth, 229
Bragg, Lawrence, 437
Bragg, William, 437
brain size and social groups, 308–9
branching, 151–52, 154, 155, 157
area-preserving, 120–22, 154, 157
branching ratio, 306–7
Brand, Stewart, 211–12
British Classical Association, 86
British Meteorological Office, 132
Brownsville, Texas, 358
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, 63–68, 65, 70–71, 86, 177
Brunel, Marc, 64
Bryson, Bill, 266
budget, U.S., 233–34
Burundi, 9
business diversity, 363–71
business ecosystem, 249–50
businesses. See companies
business mortality. See company mortality
Calico, 184
Calment, Jeanne, 188–90
caloric restriction, 205–7, 206
Cambridge University, 263, 265
Canberra, 266
capillaries, 113–14, 116, 119, 125, 151, 160
capitalism, 211, 228, 233, 369, 380
car accidents, 244
cardiac power output, 118–22
cardiovascular disease, 126, 193, 193–94
cargo ships, 66–68
Carnegie Mellon University, 369–70, 381–82
Caro, Anthony, 299
cell phone data, as detector of human behavior, 337–45, 351–52, 439
cells, 6, 17, 21, 25–27, 88, 100–103
centenarians, 188–89
central place theory, 288–90, 347
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), 294–95
champion weight lifters, strength of, 48–51, 49, 352–53
charge conservation, 197–98
Chekhov, Anton, 199
Chernobyl disaster, 244
chessboard problem, 218–20, 219
Chicago, 310
childhood mortality, 185–86
China, 280
one-child policy, 227
Chinese stock market, 389–90, 390
cholesterol, 441
Christaller, Walter, 288–91, 289
Churchill, Winston, 63
circulatory system, 6, 104, 117, 118–22, 124–26, 327
impedance matching, 122–23, 128–29
metabolic rate and, 118–22, 124–26, 157
Navier-Stokes equation, 71
quarter-power scaling, 27, 113, 147, 148, 150–51
big-picture theory of, 6, 269–71, 325–26, 338
as biological organisms, 10–12, 247–53, 372–73
characteristics of, 271–74, 273
commuting time and size of, 332–35
consequences and predictions, 325–78
definitions of, 461–62n
exponential growth of. See accelerating socioeconomic expansion
global sustainability and, 28–32, 213–15
growth and the metabolism of, 371–78
Howard and garden cities, 254–56, 263–65
Le Corbusier and, 255–58
mobile phones as detectors of human behavior, 337–40, 351–52
pace of life in, 30–31, 326–32
physical infrastructure. See physical infrastructure
rankings, 352–59
rise of the industrial city, 222–26
scaling of. See scaling of cities
science of. See science of cities
social connectivity in, 340–45
as social incubators, 295–304
socioeconomic diversity and business activity, 363–71, 367
structure of movement in, 346–52
walking pace in, 335–36
water supply, 360–63
wealth, innovation, crime, and resilience, 355–59
Zipf and word use, 309–15
Clausius, Rudolf, 14
Clifton Suspension Bridge, 61, 64, 65
climate change. See global warming
Clinton, Bill, 82
closed systems, 236
Club of Rome, 231, 239, 416–17
coastline paradox, 136–40, 138, 152
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 361–62
commuting time, 332–35
companies, 379–410
as biological organisms, 10–12, 247–53
cities compared with, 6–7, 407–10
definition of, 379
financial characteristics of, 387–89, 388
frequency distribution of, 310, 312, 379, 381–82
income and assets of, 2, 2n, 4, 32
myth of open-ended growth, 391–93
network-based theory of, 407–8
scaling exponent of, 32–33, 385–92, 408
science of. See science of companies
company mortality, 6, 191, 393–410
growth of sales, 395
revenue of major U.S. companies, 393, 394
revenue with inflation deflator, 393, 394
survivorship/mortality curves, 397, 398–400, 400–402
competition, 381
complex adaptive systems, 23–24, 116, 430–31, 433, 435
big data and, 439
cities as, 355–56
characteristics of complex systems, 21–25, 72
definitions of, 19–21
grand unified theory of, 430–31
scaling and, 19–25
simplicity underlying, 90–93, 116
turbulence and, 72
composite risk index, 315
computer programming, 264–65
consciousness, 87, 178–79, 181–82, 282, 283
conservation of electric charge, 197–98
conservation of energy, 164–65, 197–98
contraction of time, 332
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 37
Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 252–53
Cornell University, 274, 298, 300
“corporate social responsibility,” 233
cosmic scale factor, 209
Cowan, George, 438
Cray-2, 439–40
“creative destruction,” 403
Creative Destruction (Foster), 404
ranking of cities and, 355–59
crinkliness (fractality), 130, 139, 141, 152, 291
crumpled balls of paper, 153
cube-square law, 39–42, 43, 58, 59, 158–59
cumulative advantage, 368–71
cyberattacks, 134
Daepp, Madeleine, 402–3
damage-based theories of aging, 199–203
decline of body functions with age, 195, 197, 201, 202
dark energy, 238
Darwin, Charles (Darwinism), 23–24, 60, 63, 87, 89–90, 98, 106, 185, 228, 428
Darwin, Charles Galton, 331–32
Darwinian fitness, 115
data. See big data
data analytics, 443–44
data binning, 388–89
deadly quarrel, 133–34
death. See aging and death
Death and Life of Great American Cities, The (Jacobs), 253–54
de Beauvoir, Simone, 257–58
decay rate, 190–91
Deng Xiaoping, 389
determinate growth, 165–66
Detroit, 359
“developing” countries, 9, 185, 280
Dickens, Charles, 186, 223, 225, 226
caloric restriction, 205–7, 206
life extension and, 189
2,000 food calories a day, 13, 90, 234, 373
of cities, 409
of companies, 409–10
dimensionless quantity, 76–77, 167
dinosaurs, 158–59
direct current (DC), 123–24
Dirksen, Everett, 233–34
discontinuities, 130, 139, 141
Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences (Galileo), 38–42
dissipation, 14, 41–42, 124–25, 199
DLD Conference, 340–41
DNA damage theory of aging. See damage-based theories of aging
doubling time, 210, 211, 217–18
Dow Jones Industrial Average, 142, 144
Down Under: Canberra (Bryson), 266
drinking water, 360–63
drug dosages, 52–55
Duany, Andrés, 224
Dunbar, Robin, 305–9, 306, 315–16, 317–19
Dunbar numbers, 306, 319, 321, 324, 345
earthquakes, 45–47
East End (London), 224–26, 263–64
Ecological Society of America, 174
Ecology (journal), 174
economic diversity, 363–71
economic forecasting, 382–83
economies of scale, 19, 92–93, 173, 412–13
econophysics, 142
Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 86
Edison, Thomas, 123
Eduard Meier Company, 406
Ehrlich, Paul, 231–32, 239, 416–17
Eichmann, Adolf, 301
Einstein, Albert, 38, 115, 172, 339, 458n
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 292
electrical outlets, 114
electricity, 123–24
electrocardiograms (EKGs), 142–43
electromagnetic waves, 78, 109, 119–20, 428
electromagnetism, 109, 115, 241–42, 428
elephants, 6, 25–26, 41–42, 52–53, 93
elixir vitae, 183
Ellison, Larry, 183–84
embryonic development times, 174–75, 176, 177
emergence, 23
emergent behavior, 23
Empire State Building, 114
conservation of, 164–65, 197–98
emergent laws and hierarchy of life, 99–103
growth process and, 164, 164–65
metabolism and entropy, 12–15
thermodynamics and, 69
use of term, 20–21
energy sources, 213, 236–37, 240–42. See also specific sources
energy use, 233–45
Engels, Friedrich, 228
entropy, 13, 14–15, 69, 199–200
environmental movement, 233
Essay on the Principle of Population, An (Malthus), 227
ethnic group, 98
Etruscan shrew, 158
Euclidean geometry, 130–31, 141–42, 152
evolution, 2, 23–24, 79, 84–85, 87, 89–90, 98, 285, 428
exercise, 189
“Experience of Living in Cities, The” (Milgram), 302–3
exponential decay, 190–91, 400
“exponential,” definition of, 216–18
exponential function, 190
exponentially expanding socioeconomic urbanized world, 8–10, 209–22
cautionary tales, 218–22
definition of, 216–18
energy use, 233–45
global population explosion, 209–13, 210
innovation optimists and, 231–33, 234–35
long-term real growth in U.S. GDP, 210
Malthus and neo-Malthusians, 227–30, 414–15
rise of the industrial city, 222–26
urbanization and global sustainability, 28–32, 213–15, 411–26
wheat and chessboard problem, 218–20
exponential scaling of temperature, 173–78
exposure time, 334
extension of life span, 6, 183–94, 203–7
body temperature and, 203–4
caloric restriction and, 205–7, 206
heartbeats and pace of life, 204–5
factory farming, 230
fat-tail distributions, 314–15
federal budget, U.S., 233–34
Ferdowsi, 218–19
fertility rate, 229
Feynman, Richard, 72
financial crisis of 2008, 24
financial markets, 142, 144, 389–90
finite time, 423
finite-time singularity, 31, 413–17, 414, 447
fire, 236
“first order,” 109–10
fitness (biology), 115
Flint, Michigan, water supply, 360
Florida, Richard, 262
fluid dynamics, 71–72
food calories a day, 13, 90, 234, 373
food productivity, 229–30
Forrester, Jay, 231–32
fossil fuels, 178, 221–22, 236–38, 240, 241–42
Foster, Richard, 404–5
fourth dimension of life, 151–54
Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery, The (Hey, ed.), 443
fractal dimension, 130, 138, 140–45
of cities, 290–95
Fractal Geometry of Nature, The (Mandelbrot), 143–44
fractals, 27, 92, 130–45, 315–16
characteristics of, 126–28, 127
coastline paradox, 136–40, 138, 152
freedom of choice, 56–57
free market economy, 229, 232, 233, 238, 380
free radicals, 200
free will, 56–57
frequency distributions
of companies, 310, 312, 379, 381–82
of personal incomes, 312–13, 379
of wars, 134
of words in English language, 311
friendships, 304–9
Froude, William, 71–75
Fukushima earthquake of 2011, 46, 47, 243–44
Future Cities Lab, 352
Galileo affair, 37–38
Galileo Galilei, 36–42, 37, 45, 48, 50–60, 97–98, 158, 352–53
Gandhi, Mahatma, 286
garden cities, 254–56, 256, 263–65
Gaudí, Antoni, 259
Gauguin, Paul, 189
Gaussian distribution, 56, 313–15
GDP (gross domestic product)
city rankings and, 358
France, 277
Geanakoplos, John, 382
Gehry, Frank, 259
Gell-Mann, Murray, 435
general relativity, 339, 422, 428, 429
genes (genetics), 79–80, 84–85
geometry of urban systems, 288–90
George Mason University, 382
George Westinghouse Company, 123–24
geriatric survivors, 403, 405–6, 406
Gillooly, Jamie, 174
global population explosion, 209–13, 210
global sustainability, 28–32, 213–15, 411–26
global warming, 173, 177–78, 215, 233, 237–38
Godzilla, 36, 39, 158, 160–62, 163
Godzilla (film), 36
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 328–29
Goff, Bruce, 259
Grand Unified Theory (GUT), 82–83, 427–30
grand unified theory of complexity, 430–31
grand unified theory of sustainability, 411–26, 431
gravity waves, 77
Gray, Jim, 443
Great Britain (ship), 67
Great Eastern (ship), 65, 67–71, 73, 74, 300
Great Western (ship), 67
Great Western Railway, 64–66
Great Western Steamship Company, 66–68
greed, and social networks, 286–88
greenhouse effect, 178, 237, 243
Greenwich Village (New York City), 260, 261
group identity and cohesiveness, 305–9
growth, 163–73
innovation and limits of, 59–63
metabolism of cities and, 371–78
open-ended. See open-ended growth
growth curves, 27–29, 166–72, 169–71
of birds, fish and mammals, 170
of cows, 169
of guinea pigs, 168
of guppies, 168
of hens, 169
of insects, 170
Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, 259
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 128
Gustav II Adolf, 70
Haldane, J.B.S., 97
half-life, 190–91
Harry Potter books, 183
Hayflick limit, 188
health and scaling, 51–52, 55–56, 57–59
heart attacks, and HDL levels, 441
heartbeats, 118–21, 124–26, 155, 157, 196
pace of life and, 204–5
per lifetime of animals, 2, 2n, 3, 5, 6, 95, 196, 204
heart (cardiovascular) disease, 126, 193, 193–94
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 107
Helbing, Dirk, 271–72
heliocentrism, 37–38
hexagons, 289–90
hierarchy of life, 99–103, 101
hierarchy of social group structures, 305–9, 306, 315–16
Higgs particle, 78, 83, 110, 338, 444–46
high-density lipoproteins (HDL), 441
high energy physics, 83–84, 107, 405
Hiroshima atomic bombing, 47
Hitler, Adolf, 292
Hollingsworth, Rogers, 433–34
homeostasis, 395–96
homeotherms, 173
Hong Kong Stock Exchange, 390
Hour of the Wolf (film), 178
Houston, 310
Howard, Ebenezer, 254–56, 256, 263, 289
“How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional Dimension” (Mandelbrot), 139
hull shape, 71
Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort (Zipf), 310
hunter-gatherers, 187, 213, 282, 283, 287, 386, 401
Hutton, Will, 263
Huxley, Aldous, 98
Huxley, Thomas, 98
hypoxia, 160
If Mayors Ruled the World (Barber), 262
impedance matching, 122–23, 128–29, 155, 158
increasing returns to scale, 18, 19, 275–76, 378
indeterminate growth, 165–66
Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 38
growth curve, 375
individual performance and deviations from scaling, 50–51
industrial city, rise of, 222–26
Industrial Revolution, 9, 184, 185, 191, 209, 211, 214, 215, 216, 223–26, 229–30, 236–37, 328–29, 416
inequality, 286–87
infant mortality, 185–86
Information Society as a Complex System (ISCOM), 250–51, 385
infrastructural networks, 113, 321, 327, 374
infrastructure. See physical infrastructure
accelerating cycles and open-ended growth, 416–20, 421, 422, 424–25
cycles of singularities and, 28–32
limits to growth and, 59–63
nonlinear leaps in, 69–70
population growth and, 231–33, 234–35
Instagram, 332
Institute for Transport and Economics, 271
Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET), 364
Institution for Naval Architects, 73
internal combustion engines, 198–99
International Computers Limited (ICL), 264–65
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), 333–34
intradisciplinary thinkers, 434–35
invariant, 51, 58, 113–14, 320–21
inverse absolute temperature, 175, 177
inverse square law, 347–48, 350
Jacobellis v. Ohio, 20
Jacobs, Jane, 253–54, 259–62, 264, 288, 304
Fukushima earthquake of 2011, 46, 47, 243–44
Jobs, Steve, 85
Job’s dilemma, 302
Johansen, Anders, 415, 418, 425
John Paul II, Pope, 38
joule (J), 457n
Kant, Immanuel, 86
Kaplan, Edward, 402–3
Kaplan-Meier estimator, 402–3
Kelvin scale, 175
Kepler, Johannes, 339
Kerouac, Jack, 248
Keynes, John Maynard, 228, 331
kinetic theory of gases, 109
Kleiber, Max, 90–91
Kleiber’s law, 26–27, 90–93, 117, 145
Knauss, Sarah, 188
Kongo Gumi, 406
Krakauer, David, 438
Krogh, August, 160
Krogh principle, 160
Kuhnert, Christian, 271–72
Lane, David, 249–50
language development, 282–84
Laredo, Texas, traffic flows, 292–94, 293
Large Hadron Collider (LHC), 78, 83, 110, 338–39, 445–46
large urban zones (LUZ), 462n
lasers, 108
Last Man Who Knew Everything, The (Robinson), 126
Las Vegas, 360
laws of motion, 37
Leaning Tower of Pisa, 36
Lebanon, 9
Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris), 255–58, 256, 259, 260
length measurement, 135–37
Lennon, John, 63
Letchworth Garden City, 255
Libya, 9
Lietzke, M. H., 48–49
life expectancy (life span), 6, 11–12, 183–94, 457n
estimated gain in, if given disease was cured, 193, 193–94
human mortality curve, 189–90, 192, 192–94, 193
human survivorship curves, 189–94, 191, 192
temperature dependence of, 175, 176, 177, 203–4
life extension, 6, 183–94, 203–7
body temperature and, 203–4
caloric restriction and, 205–7, 206
heartbeats and pace of life, 204–5
Limehouse (London), 224–26
Limits to Growth, The (Meadows), 231–32
linear thinking, 17–18, 44–45, 72, 157
links and social networks, 297–98, 298, 319–20
Liverpool, walking lanes, 335–36, 336
Living Earth Simulator, 271
Lobo, José, 274–75, 356, 364, 386
garden cities, 255
growth curve, 376
Longevity Prize, 184
Los Alamos National Laboratory, 83–84, 106, 274, 405, 434, 435
growth curve, 377
infrastructure networks, 252
Lösch, August, 290
Lower Manhattan Expressway, 260
LSD, 52–54
machine learning, 443–44
macroecology, 105
self-similarity and origin of, 126–30
universality and, 93–99
maintenance expenses, 391–93
Malthus, Thomas Robert, 227–30, 287, 414–15, 416, 423
mammals. See animals
Manchester, England, 223–24
Mandelbrot, Benoit, 130–31, 132, 138–45, 152, 364
Mandelbrot set, 143–44
manufacturing, 211
Marchetti, Cesare, 333–35
Marchetti’s constant, 334–35
market capitalization, 379, 389–90
market share, 408–9
Masdar (Abu Dhabi), 256, 258, 299
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Newton), 181
mathematics, 8
Euclidean geometry, 130–31, 141–42
matryoshka, 128
maximal Krogh radius, 160
maximum life span, 6, 188–94, 202–3
maximum size of animals, 158–63
Maxwell, James Clerk, 109, 115, 428
McCarthy, Cormac, 425
McMahon, Thomas, 198
Mead, Margaret, 239
Meadows, Dennis, 231–32
measurement process, 135–41
mechanical constraints, 122, 158–63
mechanistic theory, 12, 85, 111–12, 144, 145, 182, 408
Medawar, Peter, 86
medical research, 52–55
Medical Research Council Unit (MRCU), 437
medicine, scaling in, 16, 51–57
megacities, 7, 215, 223–24, 267–68
Meier, Paul, 403
mergers and acquisitions, 33, 403–4
survivorship curves, 396–97, 399
metabolic energy
emergent laws and hierarchy of life, 99–103
growth and, 165–66
metabolic rate, 13, 18–19, 124–26, 201, 234
of animals, 2, 2n, 3, 13, 18–19, 25–26, 91–92, 285–86
of average human, 88–89
of bacteria and cells, 93, 94, 96
of companies, 391–92
definition of, 13
Kleiber’s law and, 26–27, 90–93, 117, 145
in mammals, plants, and trees, 18–19, 118–22
natural selection and, 88–90, 151
metabolic theory of ecology (MTE), 115–16, 173–78, 203–4
of cities, 371–78
energy, and entropy, 12–15
Metabolism (architecture), 247–48
metaphysics, 179–80
Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), 356, 462n
Mexico City, growth curve, 375
caloric restriction and survival curves, 205, 206
Milgram, Stanley, 296–97, 301–4
Milgram experiment, 301–2
Milky Way, 79
Millennium Bridge (London), 298–300
minimum size of animals, 155–58
mitochondria, 100–102, 101, 113
mobile phone data, as detector of human behavior, 337–45, 351–52, 439
modeling, 62–63
Modena, Italy, 249
momentum, 20–21
Moore, James, 249
mortality. See aging and death
mortality curves
companies, 397, 398–400, 400–402
human, 189–90, 192, 192–94, 193
Mother Earth, 211–12
motion and dynamics, 37
Mount Everest, 135
movement of people in cities, 346–52, 349–50
movies, fractals in, 144
Murano, Emma, 188
music, fractals in, 144
musth, 52–53
NASA images of Earth, 211–12
National Institute on Aging, 183
National Science Board, 434
National Science Foundation, 183, 385
National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, 292
“natural” environment, 213, 236, 411
natural philosophy, 181
natural resources, 213, 236–37. See also resource limitation
natural selection, 23–24, 79, 87, 143, 428
allometric scaling laws and, 26–27, 98, 103–4
death and, 84–85
life expectancy and, 194
Malthus and, 228
maximum size, 162–63
metabolic rate and, 88–90
optimization and, 115
terminal units and, 114, 151–52
Navier, Claude-Louis, 71
Navier-Stokes equation, 71–72, 75, 131–32
neo-Malthusians, 229–30, 238, 414–15, 422–23
network theory, 27–28, 159–60, 407–8
cities and, 247, 250–51, 319–20
ontogenetic growth and, 165–66
origins of allometric scaling and, 103–5, 111–18
New Orleans, 359
New Science of Cities, The (Batty), 294–95
Newton, Isaac, 37, 38, 63, 71, 107–8, 181, 339, 428
New Towns in the United Kingdom, 263–65
New Urbanism, 259–60
New York City, 10, 251, 278, 358
economic diversity, 366–68, 367
growth curve, 377, 418–19, 419
infrastructure networks, 252
pace of life, 327
pollution, 275
population size, 310
water system, 362–63
New York Stock Exchange, 390
“night-lights,” 212
Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan, 406
Nobel Prizes, 78–79, 86, 111, 160, 177, 369–70, 383, 436, 437
nonlinear behavior and scaling, 15–19
normal (or Gaussian) distribution, 56, 313–15
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 364–65, 370
Northridge earthquake of 1994, 46, 47
nuclear energy, 242–44
nuclear fusion, 242–43
obedience experiments, 301–2
obscenity, 20
Oklahoma City, 17–18
bombing, 47
zoo, 52–53
olive oil, 189
Olympic Games (1956), 49
On Growth and Form (Thompson), 86–88
On Man and the Development of His Faculties, or Essays on Social Physics (Quetelet), 56
ontogenesis, 164–65
ontogenetic growth, 165–73
open-ended growth, 31–32
of cities. See exponentially expanding socioeconomic urbanized world
myth of companies and, 391–93
resource limitation and, 415–24, 417, 421
open systems, 236
Oracle, 183–84
orders of magnitude, 45–47
organ functionality, and age, 195, 197
organizational structure, 381
origins of war, 132–35
Ouroussoff, Nicolai, 258
Oxford University, 71, 364, 382
Big Data Institute (BDI), 442–43
oxidative stress, 200–201
pace of life, 7, 28, 326–32, 412–13, 425
heartbeats and, 204–5
pacifism, 132–33
Page, Larry, 184
Palo Alto Institute, 184
panspermia, 177–78
paradigm shifts, 417, 419–20, 421, 424–25, 443, 446–47
parallel mirrors, 128
Pareto, Vilfredo, 312–13
Pareto principle, 312–13
Park Street (Boston), 348–49
“Particle Creation by Black Holes” (Hawking), 403
particle model, 338–39
particle physics, 83–84, 107, 405
patents, scaling curve, 2, 2n, 4, 29, 276, 357, 386
PayPal, 184
percentage growth rate, 217
perpetual motion machines, 14
petioles, 121
pharmaceutical research, 52–55
philanthropy, 287
phone call data, as detector of human behavior, 337–45, 351–52, 439
physical infrastructure, 29, 251–52, 274–75, 372–73
christalls vs. fractals, 288–95
integrating social networks with, 315–24
road and transport networks, 284, 285, 291, 292–94, 293
physics, 81–84
“physics-inspired” theory of cities, 269
Pierce, Chester, 52–53
Pines, David, 436
plant vascular system, 147, 150, 150–51
Pollock, Jackson, 144
Ponderal index, 59
Popular Mechanics (magazine), 36
population bomb, 231, 232–33, 239–40
Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 231
population doubling time, 210, 211, 217–18
population growth, 13, 18, 209–13, 216–22
cities, urbanization, and global sustainability, 213–15
innovation optimists and, 231–33, 234–35
Malthus and neo-Malthusians, 227–30, 414–15
population size
city rankings and, 356
pornography and free speech, 20
positive feedback mechanism, 299, 415–16
cities and, 323, 327, 329, 344, 368, 378
power laws, 25–26, 91–92, 131, 308
exponent of, 272–73
scaling of conflicts, 134–35
“Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of Competition” (Moore), 249
preferential attachment, 368–71
Principia (Newton), 181
principle of least action, 115–16
principle of similitude, 75–78
“Problem of Contiguity, The” (Richardson), 139
Pumain, Denise, 250
quality of life, 212, 355–56, 411, 425
quantitative theory of aging and death, 199–203
quantum mechanics, 107–8
quarter-power scaling law, 26–27, 153–54
circulatory system, 27, 113, 147, 148, 150–51
Kleiber’s law, 26–27, 90–93, 117, 145
network principles and origins of, 103–5, 111–18
optimization, 115–17, 284, 381
respiratory system, 147, 149, 150–51, 204
space filling, 27, 112–13, 129, 201, 284
terminal units, 113–14, 151, 201–2, 284
Quetelet, Adolphe, 55–57
Quetelet index, 55–56
race, 98
Raffles Place (Singapore), 354
railways, 64–66
Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron, 75–78
reductionism, 429–30
research and development (R&D), 409
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), 402
resonance, 299–300
resource limitation, 227, 228–29, 416
open-ended growth and, 415–24, 417, 421
respiratory complexes, 99–102, 101, 204
respiratory system, 99–102, 118–22, 327
quarter-power scaling, 147, 149, 150–51, 204
returns to scale, 18, 19, 275–76, 378
with inflation deflator, 393, 394
major U.S. companies, 393, 394
Richardson, Lewis Fry, 131–42, 152, 291, 364
Richardson scale, 133–35
rich get richer, 368–69
Richter scale, 45–47
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The” (Coleridge), 361–62
risk management, 315
River Avon Gorge Bridge, 61, 64, 65
Road, The (McCarthy), 425
road and transport networks, 284, 285, 291, 292–94, 293
Robert H. MacArthur Award, 174
Robinson, Andrew, 126
Rosetta Stone, 126
roulette, 207
Royal Air Force, 132
Royal Geographical Society, 86
Russell, John, 73
Saarinen, Eero, 259
Sagrada Familia (Barcelona), 259
Salt Lake City, 360
Sana’a, Yemen, 248
San Francisco, 261, 278, 279, 358, 360–61
San Jose, California, 357, 359, 361, 366, 367, 463n
Santa Fe
pollution, 275
Santa Fe Institute (SFI), 105–6, 187, 300–301
“cities group,” 249–51, 270, 296
philosophy of, 433–34
transdisciplinarity, complex systems, and, 431–39
Savage, Van, 174
misconceptions of, 43–45, 51–55
use of term, 449
Scale-Adjusted Metropolitan Indicators (SAMIs), 356, 357, 358
scale down, 155–58
complexity and, 19–25
definition of, 15
nonlinear behavior and, 15–19
scaling, overview, 35–78
BMI, Quetelet, the average man, and social physics, 55–59
drug dosages and, 51–55
Froude and origins of modeling theory, 68–75
Galileo and, 35–42
Great Eastern and Brunel, 63–68
individual performance and deviations from scaling, 50–51
innovation and limits to growth, 59–63
misconceptions of scale, 43–45
orders of magnitude and logarithms, 45–48
similarity and similitude, 75–78
Superman and, 43–45
weight lifting, 48–51
biomass production of insect communities, 93, 94, 95
heartbeats per lifetime of animals, 2, 2n, 3, 5
heart rates of animals, 93, 94, 95
income and assets of companies, 2, 2n, 4
metabolic rate of animals, 2, 2n, 3
metabolic rate of bacteria and cells, 93, 94, 96
patents, 2, 2n, 4, 4, 29, 276, 357, 386
white and gray matter of brains, 93, 94, 96, 104
scaling laws, 5–6, 26–27, 427–28. See also quarter-power scaling
networks and origins of quarter-power allometric scaling, 103–5
universality and the magic number four, 93–99
scaling of cities, 28–32, 271–81, 341–42
between different urban systems, 279
metrics, 271–75, 276–77, 279–80
physical infrastructure, 274–75
scaling of companies, 32–33, 385–92, 408
“scattering experiments,” 78
“scattering theory,” 78
Schläpfer, Markus, 352
Schrödinger, Erwin, 84
Science (journal), 54, 302–3, 436
science of cities, 7, 8–9, 215, 269–324
christalls vs. fractals, 288–95
cities as social incubators, 295–304
consequences and predictions, 325–78
Dunbar and numbers, 304–9
integrating social with physical, 315–24
scaling of cities, 271–81
social networks and cities, 281–88
Zipf and word use, 309–15
science of companies, 7, 8–9, 32–33, 379–410
company mortality, 393–410
myth of open-ended growth, 391–93
science of complexity, 23, 79–81
science of materials, 39–42
science of wars, 132–35
scientific method and theory, 48, 106–11, 181, 441–42
Seaborg, Glenn, 243
Second Law of Thermodynamics, 14, 71, 233, 236, 237
“second order,” 110
seismometers, 46
self-interest and greed, 286–88
self-similarity, 91–93, 128, 155
origin of magic number four and, 126–30
Senseable City Lab, 340
Seventh Seal, The (film), 179–80
Shahnameh (Ferdowsi), 218–19
Shakespeare, William, 63, 252–53
Shanghai Stock Exchange, 389–90, 390
Shaw, George Bernard, 226
Shuman, Frank, 241
Silicon Valley, 248–49, 265, 358, 359–60, 432, 442, 447
similitude, 75–78
Simon, Julian, 232–33
simplicity underlying complexity, 90–93, 116
Singapore, 354
singularity, 422. See also finite-time singularity; technological singularity
Singularity Is Near, The (Kurzweil), 422
“six degrees of separation,” 296–97, 301, 304–5
“slum clearance,” 260, 261, 263
“small world problem,” 296–97, 302–4, 305
smart cities, 270, 294, 338, 346
Smith, Adam, 380
social brain hypothesis, 308–9, 315–16
social capital, 278, 286, 372, 392
Social Darwinism, 287
social incubators, cities as, 295–304
social metabolic rate, 13
social metabolism, 13, 373–74, 415
social networks, 344–45
cities and, 281–88, 295–304, 326–27
Dunbar and numbers, 304–9
impedance matching, 123
integrating physical infrastructure with, 315–24
social physics, 56–57
socioeconomic diversity and business activity, 363–71, 367
“socioeconomic space,” 285
socioeconomic time, 326–32
Sornette, Didier, 415, 418, 425
Soros, George, 364
space filling, 27, 112–13, 129, 201, 284
Spinoza, Baruch, 172
sports rankings, 352–53
square-cube law, 39–42, 43, 58, 59, 158–59
standardized measures, 76
Standard Model of particle physics, 338–39
standard of living, 184, 185–86, 229, 234–35
Stanford University, 265, 301, 303, 329–30, 361, 435–36
steam engines, 69
Stewart, Potter, 20
stock markets, 142, 144, 389–90
Stokes, George, 71
stone arch bridges, 61
strength of materials, 42–45
string theory, 85, 130, 225, 429
Strogatz, Steven, 297–98, 300–301
structuralism, 87
Strutt, Edward, 78
Strutt & Parker, 78
sublinear scaling, 19, 28, 173, 374, 412–13
cities, 272, 273, 274–75, 288, 295, 321, 372, 374–75, 388
patents, 2, 2n, 4, 29, 276, 357, 386
Sumatra earthquake of 2010, 46
supercentenarians, 188–89, 191
Superconducting Super Collider (SSC), 82–83
superexponential growth, 413–14, 414, 417
superlinear scaling, 18, 19, 29, 374
cities, 275–76, 280, 304, 318, 319, 321, 326–27, 342, 355–56, 370, 374, 391–92
survival analysis, 402–3, 405–6
“survival of the fittest,” 87, 89, 403
survivorship curves
companies, 397, 398–400, 400–402
Swift, Jonathan, 128
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 271
Sydney Opera House, 259
Szell, Michael, 352
Takamatsu Corporation, 406
Taleb, Nassim, 383
Taylor Walker (London), 224–26
technological singularity, 28–32, 420, 422, 424
telescopes, 37
exponential scaling of, 173–78
extending life span and, 203–4
temperature dependence of life span, 175, 176, 177, 203–4
temperature rise, 237
terminal units, 113–14, 151, 201–2, 284
terrorist attacks, 134
Tesla, Nikola, 123–24
Texas, flow of transport, 292–94, 293
Thames Tunnel, 64
Theory of Everything (ToE), 429–30, 444
theory of relativity, 107–8, 115, 339, 422, 428, 429
thermodynamics, 14, 69, 71, 233, 236, 237
Thiel, Peter, 184
Thomas, Warren, 52–53
Thomas Edison Company, 123–24
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth, 86–88, 97, 111, 181
¾ power scaling law, 25–27, 93, 155, 458n
time dilation, 332
tipping points, 16, 24, 157–58, 382, 463n
total market capitalization, 379, 389–90, 390
Tottenham Hotspur, 187
“Toward a Metabolic Theory of Ecology” (Brown, Savage, Allen, Gillooly), 174
“toy model,” 109
traffic flows, 292–94
traffic gridlock, 332–33
transportation time, 332–35
travel time, 329–30, 332–35, 346–47
Treatise on Man (Quetelet), 56
trees, 116–17, 121, 121–22, 172, 459–60n
scaling exponents, 147, 150, 150–51
Triumph of the City, The (Glaeser), 213
turbulence, 72
Tusko (elephant), 53
Two New Sciences (Galileo), 38–42
Tycho Brahe, 439
Tyrannosaurus rex, 159
UCLA School of Medicine, 205
Ultimate Resource, The (Simon), 232–33
United Nations Millennium Development Goals, 230–31
unit of length, 135–37
concept of, 76–77
magic number four and, 93–99
“universal laws of life,” 81, 87
universal time, 423–24
University of Modena, 249
University of New Mexico (UNM), 105, 106
urbanization, 6–7, 8–10, 214–15, 223–26
global sustainability and, 28–32, 213–15
life span and, 184–85, 191, 192–93
Urbanocene, 212, 214–15, 236, 262
urban overload, 303–4
urban planning and design, 253–58, 261–67, 290, 294–95
urban psychology, 302–4
urban sociology, 266
Utzon, Jørn, 259
van der Leeuw, Sander, 249–50
van Gogh, Vincent, 189
variational principle, 115–16
Vinge, Vernor, 422
von Neumann, John, 424
wages in cities, 30, 275, 276, 278, 281, 285–86
walking pace, 334, 335–36, 336
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 89, 228
wars, mathematical analysis of, 132–35
washing machine, 152–53
Washington, D.C., 266–67
Washington Square (New York City), 260, 261
water supply, 360–63
watts (W), 457n
Watts, Duncan, 297–98, 300–301
wave theory of light, 126
wealth creation and ranking of cities, 355–59
“wear and tear,” 15, 88, 199–200
decline of body functions with age, 195, 197, 201, 202
weight lifting, 48–51, 50, 352–53
Welwyn Garden City, 255
West, Louis, 52–53
whales, 3, 5, 16, 27, 80, 90–91, 92, 155, 159–60. See also blue whales
What Is Life? (Schrödinger), 84
wheat and chessboard problem, 218–20, 219
Whitfield, John, 431–32
Whole Earth Catalog, 212
wide-gauge railway, 64–65
Wilson, Colin, 179
world energy consumption, 234, 235
World War II, 133–34, 290, 292, 301
X-ray crystallography, 437
Yale University, 132, 301, 382
Youn, Hyejin, 364
Young, Thomas, 125–26
Yule, Udny, 369–70
Yule-Simon process, 368–71
Yun, Anthony “Joon,” 184
Zhang Jiang, 389–90
Zimbardo, Philip, 301–2, 303–4
Zipf, George Kingsley, 310–14