Aalu sarson ki sabzi (potato/mustard seeds), 99

Abelia, 4, 372

Abies pindrow, 47, 50, 189, 365, 372, 421423

Acacia catechu, 189, 330, 364, 372, 419

Acer, 3

caesium Wall. ex Brandis, 372, 423

cappadocicum, 423

oblongum Wall. ex DC., 372, 468, 469

pectinatum Wall. ex G. Nicholson, 372

villosum Wall.,, 372, 423

Achyranthes bidentata, 330, 372, 421, 422

Aconitum heterophyllum, 4, 50, 121, 122, 138, 146, 153, 154, 159, 177, 183, 187, 190, 422, 423

violaceum, 121, 138, 154, 423

Acorus calamus, 50, 153, 177, 178, 186, 187, 191, 330

Adiantum venustum, 422

Adulterants, 294, 303, 308

Adulteration, 303, 307

Aegle marmelos, 50, 172, 177, 186, 187, 192, 330, 426

Aerial parts, 161, 175, 180, 181, 258, 328

Aesculus indica, 105, 106

Ageratina adenophora, 439

Ageratum conyzoides L., 178, 192, 331, 439

Agriculture, 14, 15, 24, 29, 117, 136, 363365, 464

field, 172, 361, 367, 460, 464

intensification, 19

pastoral community, 136

practices, 12, 25, 365

Agro-climatic conditions, 19, 23

Agropastoralism, 15

Agrostis, 4, 373

Agro-technology, 163

Ajuga bracteata, 178

parviflora, 153, 193, 331

Alcoholic drink, 106, 315

Alexipharmic treatment, 297

Alimanty diseases, 328

Alkaloids morphine, 321

Allium, 42, 51, 123, 144, 174, 183, 193, 194, 305, 329332, 374

govanianum, 159

humile, 153

Allopathic medicine/treatment, 188, 329

Alnus nitida, 421

Aloe barbadensis, 153, 159, 173, 194

Aloe vera, 177, 187, 194

Alpha-pinene, 367

Alpine flora, 138, 139, 168

marshes, 117

meadows, 118, 139, 173, 359, 361, 430, 437, 438, 452, 462

pasture, 120, 152, 424, 425, 438, 439, 453

plant communities, 120

regions, 6, 118122, 139, 326

screes, 121

zone, 3, 41, 115117, 139, 154159, 187

Altitude grazing lands, 118

medicinal plants, 165

Altitudinal range, 119, 156, 358, 359

zones, 121, 364

Amanita muscaria, 315, 320

Amaranthus, 53, 179, 183, 195, 332

spinosus L, 179, 195

viridis L, 47

Ambua, 101

Amchi medicine, 17, 158, 160, 168

Amshavan, 319

Amshumat, 319

Analgesic, 171, 177, 201, 300, 315, 321

Anaphalis, 120, 183, 195, 196, 332, 374

Anaphalis cuneifolia, 120

Ancient rituals, 411

spirits, 414

woodland, 25

Andrographis paniculata, 177, 179, 187, 196

Andropogon munroi, 361

Anemone, 4, 120, 196, 197, 332

Anemone rivularis, 120

Angelica archangelica, 120, 197

Angelica glauca, 54, 120, 121, 138, 153, 159, 184, 197, 329, 423

Angiosperm, 421

Animal grazing, 439

health care, 327, 328

healthy, 327

husbandry, 5, 20, 21, 136, 361

interact, 20

Animistic, 24, 413, 419

Anorexia, 131, 302, 331, 332, 341, 351

Anthelmintic, 179, 191, 194, 198, 201, 205209, 221, 223, 232, 240, 241, 248, 252, 258, 268, 269, 302

Anthropogenic disturbance, 410, 424, 438

influence, 27

interferences, 307

pressures, 138, 184, 439

Anthropologists, 448, 458, 463

Anthropology, 274, 461

Antiasthmatic, 305

Antidiarrheal, 300, 301

Antihelmintic, 302, 304

Anti-inflammatory, 177, 299301

Antioxidant properties, 297

Antipyretic/anticonvulsant activity, 301

Antipyretics, 177

Antirheumatic drug, 167, 297, 305

Antiseptic, 128, 170, 177, 202, 238, 245

Aphrodisiac, 172, 181, 193, 201, 205, 213, 222, 258, 297, 299302, 304

Apiaceae, 116, 123, 125, 127, 130133, 137, 159, 174, 180, 181, 328

Apium graveolens, 153

Appetizer, 138, 171, 190, 191, 206, 228, 229, 243, 247, 248, 251, 262, 267, 301304

Arabidopsis himalaica, 41, 54, 213

Archaeological records, 33

study, 320

Archangelica himalaica, 153

Architectural heritage, 33

styles, 26

Arid lands, 20

Arisaema jacquemontii Blume, 47, 54

Arnebia benthamii, 123, 138, 178, 184

euchroma, 54, 154, 186, 360

Aromatic plants, 118, 169, 171, 174, 184, 188, 359

Art forms, 15, 26, 31

Artemisia, 54, 153, 174, 181, 183, 198200, 328, 333, 374

Artemisia absinthium, 153

Arthritis, 17, 171, 174, 177, 190, 206, 219, 236, 250, 258, 302, 328, 331, 337

Artifacts, 33, 35

Artistic creation, 14

Aryan shamanism, 323

strains, 12, 15

vedic culture, 317

Asclepias acida, 319, 322

Ashada Poornima, 412

Ashtavarga, 47, 293295, 303, 306308

churna, 306

plants, 7, 307

herbs, 304

Asparagus adscendens, 54, 153, 303, 333, 375, 468470

filicinus, 54, 153, 200, 375

racemosus, 173, 177, 187, 200, 296, 303, 375

Ashtavarga species, 297

crepidium acuminatum, 299300

habenaria intermedia, 302303

lilium polyphyllum, 298299

malaxis muscifera, 300

polygonatum cirrhifolium, 301302

polygontum verticillatum, 300301

roscoea purpurea, 297298

Asteraceae, 46, 116, 122128, 133, 134, 137, 174176, 180184, 328, 421

Asthma, 17, 123, 125, 133, 166, 171, 174, 181, 189, 191193, 201209, 212, 215224, 226, 229233, 238, 245, 251, 252, 258, 262, 263, 267, 270, 297, 302, 304

Astragalus, 4, 55, 121, 123, 143, 174, 183, 201, 360, 375

Astringent, 171, 189, 190, 197, 202, 205, 211215, 234, 242, 246, 250, 251, 259, 268, 299

Aswamedha Yagna, 320

Atharva veda, 7, 320

Athyrium attenuatum, 422

schimperi, 362, 375

Austro-Asiatic language family, 22

Avalanches, 439

Ayurveda, 308

Ayurvedic formulation, 306

physicians, 308

texts, 295

Azardirachta indica, 153, 172


Bistoria macrophylla, 120

Berberis umbellata, 120

Bistorta vivipara, 120

Babila ghass, 165

Babroo, 101

Babru, 40

Bacopa monnierii, 153

Baglamukhi, 425

Balti, 12, 16, 17, 167

Baltistan, 16

Balya Rasayana, 303

Banis, 438

Bankh ki sabzi, 99

Banraut, 17

Bargad, 383, 463

Baries, 107

Baril, 100

Barleria prionitis L, 178, 202

Barley grains, 105

Basella cordifolia, 319, 322

Bathua ki sabzi, 99

Bauhinia purpurea L, 55, 178, 376

variegata L, 103, 153, 203, 334, 376

Bedding material, 361, 362, 431, 472

Bedu roti, 48, 101

Beduan roti, 40, 101

Beedis, 136

Belize stone collection, 35

Belizean culture, 35

Berberidaceae, 46, 123, 124

Berberis, 4, 46, 108, 120124, 153, 181, 183, 186, 187, 203, 307, 328, 335, 364, 421, 422, 468470

jaeschikeana, 120

Bergenia ciliata, 47, 181, 335

ligulata, 153, 187, 335, 469

Beta-pinene, 367

Betula, 4, 56, 124, 138, 145, 153, 177, 335, 456

Bhalla, 43, 101

Bhandari, 427, 428, 434

Bhat ke dubake, 98

Bhaturu, 40, 101

Bhavaprakasa Nighantu, 303

Bhoska, 17

Bhotia, 15, 17, 121, 135, 136, 152, 155, 176, 180, 361

Bhotiya tribal community, 121, 364

Bhoxa community, 135

Bhruni ki sabji, 40, 102

Bhunda, 423

Bidens bipinnata, 177

Bidens pilosa, 44, 335, 439

Biochemical investigation, 42

Biodiversity, 48, 2224, 36, 37, 117, 121, 152, 156, 169, 178, 410414, 419, 423, 424, 428430, 446451, 457, 460, 468, 471473

conservation, 410, 411, 424, 429, 448, 472

heritage sites (BHS), 446, 449451, 455, 467, 468, 472

Management Committee (BMC), 446, 450, 451

Biological diversity, 14, 167, 464, 468

resource, 36, 157, 359

water humor, 322

Biomedicines, 329

Biopiracy, 30, 188

Bistorta affinis, 57, 120, 124, 204

Blisters, 171, 183, 190, 197, 230, 241, 258, 265 , 328331, 338, 340, 343, 353

Blood purifier, 123, 202, 209, 223228, 231, 233, 249, 253, 268, 269, 301, 331

Boenninghausenia albiflora, 205, 362

Boerhavia diffusa, 57, 179, 187, 468

Bombax ceiba, 57, 205, 329, 377, 426, 438

Bone fracture, 125, 174, 181, 245, 265, 268, 328331, 336, 337, 341

Boraginaceae, 129, 174

Botanical curiosities, 168

identity, 168, 295, 297, 314, 318

Botany, 1, 11, 39, 115, 149, 274, 313, 325

Boti, 17

Brachiaria villosa, 361, 377

Brahini gutika, 306

Brahmakamal, 438, 452, 453, 460, 462

Brahmanas, 315

Brahmanical gods, 151

Brassica campastris, 41

Brassicaceae, 46, 129, 174

Breathing problems, 170, 250

Breeding pools, 437

British colonialism, 31

Bromus, 4

Bronchodilator activity, 301

Bubble gum, 4750

Buckwheat Seed flour, 48

Buddhism, 1215, 26, 135, 410, 411, 424, 437

Buddhist community, 173

people, 424, 425

Budnamel, 46

Buds/pseudostems, 328

Buffer zone, 169, 172

Bugyals, 116, 118, 120, 430, 437

Bugyals-Alpine meadows, 120

Bunium persicum, 58, 153, 186, 205

Bupleurum falcatum, 153, 205

Burman, 5, 12, 15, 22, 64, 136

Burning sensation, 213, 231, 262, 265, 299302

Butea monosperma, 58, 172, 438

Butter milk, 105

Butterfly corridor, 35

Buxus, 3, 58, 337, 422


Caesalpiniaceae, 46

Calotropis gigantea, 153

Candidate species, 318, 319

Cannabaceae family, 369

Cannabis, 47, 58, 101, 206, 315, 319321, 337, 363, 378

Cannabis sativa, 47, 58, 101, 315, 319, 321, 337, 363

Capparis spinosa, 41, 207

Capsella bursa-pastoris, 58, 178, 207, 337

Caragana versicolor, 207, 360

Carbon stock potential, 429

Carcinoma, 177

Carminative, 189, 205, 210, 223, 240, 249, 268, 304

Carpinus viminea, 338, 365, 423, 468, 470

Cassia fistula, 153, 177, 187, 207, 338, 419, 426

Cassiope, 59, 120, 378

Cassiope fastigata, 120

Caste equity, 427

Catharanthus pusillus, 439

roseus, 177, 207

Cedrus deodara, 48, 305, 36568, 379, 414417, 419, 421423, 428, 456, 460, 463, 468, 469

Centella asiatica, 172, 177, 178, 187, 339

Central nervous system (CNS), 315

Cereal crops, 137

Cereals production, 117

Ceremonial forms, 12, 15

Cha Kholak, 100

Chacha, 102

Chamba district, 184, 412

Chamchuda, 40, 98

Champa, 17

Chandramah, 319

Chappatis, 106

Chaulai ka bhat, 98

Chaulai ka halwa, 40, 98

Chaulai ki kheer, 98

Chaulai leaves, 47

Chemical constituents, 43, 294, 298

industry, 367

Chemoprofile, 43

Chenopodium, 44, 46, 60, 99, 209, 339, 439

Chhakinal watershed, 169, 419

Chhang, 40, 100

Chhola roti, 98

Chhurphe, 100, 106

Chilblains, 182

Chilgoza nut, 47

Chitrakadi taila, 306

Chlorophytum arundinaceum, 296, 304

Chronic digestive problems, 17

Chronic fever, 177

Chrysanthemum leaves, 105

pyrethroides, 360

Chubtsos, 100

Chuli Chhu, 100

Chutkani, 48, 99, 101

Chuu kholak, 100

Chyavanprash rasayan, 306

Cicer microphyllum, 339, 360, 361

Cigarettes, 136

Cinnamomum tamala, 153, 187, 209, 339, 469

Circinate leaves, 48, 65

Cissampelos pareira L., 179, 209, 379

Civil Soyam forests, 456

Clannish, 12, 23, 25

Classification of, taboo system, 467

Climate change, 27

Climax vegetation, 414

Codonopsis clematedia, 41

Cold arid zone, 360

Cold desert, 360, 425

area, 169, 425

ecosystems, 359

plants, 176

Colocasia, 44, 62, 99, 101103, 340

Combretaceae, 46

Commercialization, 13, 108

Commiphora wightii, 187

Community conservation, 139, 174

custodianship, 471

decision making, 5

ecosystems, 119, 156

members, 37, 464

Cordia dichotoma L, 62, 104, 211, 379, 438

Coriandrum sativum, 41, 62, 329

Coriaria, 4, 62, 380, 421

Cornus, 3, 62, 361, 380

Corydalis, 4, 121, 125, 154, 183, 211, 212

Corylus, 3, 62, 153, 364, 380, 423

Cosmeceuticals, 5

Cosmetics, 36, 184, 367

Cotoneaster, 4, 62, 212, 365, 366, 380

Cotoneaster microphyllus, 120

Cough and cold, 116, 137, 304

Cow dung, 102

sheds, 365

Crepidium acuminatum, 296, 299, 304, 306

Crop plants, 414

Cross roads, 27

Crude drugs, 159, 162

Crushed seeds, 106

Cucurbitaceae, 181, 328

Cultivation, 149, 273

Cultural asset, 116

attitudes, 368, 414

beliefs, 438, 439, 448

discoveries, 36

diversity, 14, 450

evolution, 29

festivals, 32

forms, 21, 29, 3135

heritage, 14, 17, 3137

industries, 35

mosaic, 118

perceptions, 458

protection and promotion, 30

avenues for practice, 32

conservation focus, 34

conservation of material culture, 3334

culture based enterprises, 3536

documentation of related traditional knowledge, 34

eco-museums, 3435

fairs and functions, 32

government efforts, 30

patenting uniqueness, 36

preservation of language and other intangible cultural forms, 31

preservation of monuments and material cultural forms, 33

research/documentation, 3233

region, 18

sovereignty, 27

technique, 170

variation, 19

Cupressus, 4, 380, 421, 422, 456, 463, 468470

Curative conservation, 33

Curculigo orchioides, 153, 187, 296, 303, 304

Curcuma domestica, 158, 177, 213, 329

Cuscuta reflexa, 172, 178, 183, 341

Cymbopogon martini, 367


Dactylorhiza, 41, 125, 138, 144, 153, 154, 177, 184187, 215, 296, 307, 342, 423

Dactylorhiza hatagirea, 41, 125, 138, 144, 153, 154, 177, 184187, 215, 296, 423

Dahin Bhalla, 101

Damstra cikitsa, 294

Danthonia cachemyriana, 120

Daphne, 4, 381

Darats, 18

Dardi, 12, 16

Dards, 167

Daucus carota, 41, 64, 215

Deforestation, 27, 108, 429

Degradation, 27, 33, 118, 429, 430, 447, 461

Delphinium, 121126, 138, 154, 183, 215, 216, 342, 360, 381, 423

brunonianum, 125, 138, 360

cashmerianum, 154

Deodar groves, 368

oil, 367

wood, 365

Der Kholak, 100

Dermatitis, 171, 328, 350

Dermatological diseases, 297

disorders, 180, 182, 328

problems, 172, 182

Derris indica, 187

Desi ghee, 49

Destructive distillation, 367

Detection, 163

Detergents, 367

Dev Bhumi, 410, 413

Devagiris, 317

Devasahas, 317

Devbhumi, 119

Development activities, 151, 155, 188, 273

policy, 29

projects, 30

purposes, 439

Deviation, 447

Devotees, 47, 58, 412

Devta, 413, 419, 420, 431, 435, 439

goods, 427

lands, 426

Sahib Bondra, 423

system, 413

Dhoo, 48

Dhumavati, 425

Dialect, 12, 15, 102, 135, 137

Dicotyledons, 45, 47

Digestive disorders, 180, 328

Digital library, 33

Dioscorea bulbifera, 153, 217, 296, 303, 304

deltoidea, 4, 138, 217

kumaunensis, 167

Diplazium esculentum, 104, 108, 382

frondosum, 48

maximum, 422

polypodioides, 55, 362

Dish of lentils, 104

Diversity of flora/fauna, 157

Doltok, 104

Domestic animals, 326

energy, 366

uses, 365

Dough of wheat flour, 105

Dravidian, 5, 22

Dried berries, 48

Drink liquor, 462

Drug markets, 159

Drukap, 17

Dryopteris wallichiana, 362

Durvasoma, 319

Dwarf willows, 120

Dwindling tribe, 28

Dye yielding plants, 364, 369

characteristics, 364


Ear and eye problem, 116, 137

Earthen structures, 26

Eclipta alba, 187, 218

Eco-friendly, 472

Ecological adaptations, 448, 472

balance, 155, 439

conditions, 23, 24, 155

differentiation, 19

dimensions, 419

importance, 414

knowledge, 20, 450, 473

life, 471

perspective, 448, 472

services, 464

significance, 412

status, 429

Ecomuseum concept, 35

Economic development, 151, 273

resources, 136

Ecosystem services, 29, 411, 428, 429, 431, 451, 467

Eczema, 17, 127, 130, 138, 171, 195, 197, 202, 231, 234, 243, 251, 269, 328, 331, 336, 337, 339, 341

Edible plants, 4047, 184, 358

Education system, 31, 440

Elaeganaceae, 46

Elaeganus, 46

Eleusine coracana, 48, 66, 126, 319, 322, 343

Elsholtzia fruticosa, 153, 219

Emaciation, 299302

Emblica officinalis, 67, 153, 159, 185187, 219, 343, 364

Endangered species, 4, 35, 139, 150, 155, 172, 273, 451, 463, 464

Endemic sub-alpine species, 116

Endemism, 172, 449

Environmental changes, 151, 273

compulsions, 326

conditions, 150, 414

heterogeneity, 117

Environmentally beneficial, 188

Ephedra, 67, 120, 126, 186, 219, 307, 315, 319, 320, 343, 366, 383

Ephedra gerardiana, 120, 126, 186, 219, 343

Epilobium, 183, 219, 383

Epiphytic, 299

Epithets, 319

Erigeron, 183, 220, 221, 421

Ethnic art, 26

communities, 5, 7, 8, 106, 107, 121, 135, 158, 169, 172

diversity, 1, 4, 5, 8, 14, 37

central Himalaya, 1516

western Himalaya, 16

tribal diversity in western/central Himalayas, 1618

food plants, 6, 40, 41, 106108

food preparation, 40, 41, 108

peoples, 14, 28

spectra, 18

Ethnobiological heritage, 170

importance, 170

information, 164, 169, 179

knowledge, 154, 358361

listings, 118

notes, 167, 170

observation, 169

species, 178

studies, 42, 43, 116, 118, 164171, 173176, 179, 182184, 359, 426

survey, 169, 176, 180, 182

treatment, 166

uses, 117, 175, 182, 358, 359

Ethno-botanico-medico beliefs, 316

Ethnobotanists, 41, 274

Ethnobotany, 18, 43, 45, 150, 151, 164170, 183, 185, 359, 369

Ethnoconservation, 8, 440

Ethno-linguistic group, 17

Ethnomedicinal, 6, 46, 118, 138, 148, 150, 163, 167, 171, 173183, 185, 188, 274, 329

knowledge, 115, 116

plants, 6, 118, 138, 139, 148, 150, 163, 167, 168, 170, 171, 173175, 178180, 182, 183, 188, 274, 327, 329

study, 175

survey, 46

Ethnomedicine, 166, 168, 172

Ethno-medico-botany, 174, 175

survey, 165

Ethno-medico-zoological wisdom, 174

Ethnoveterinary, 7, 174, 188, 326329

medicine, 7, 327, 326, 329

plants, 174, 188, 326328

practices, 327

Eucalyptus citriodora, 221, 438

Eunymus tingens, 165

Euonymus hamiltonianus, 361

Euphorbia royleana Boiss, 48

stracheryi, 121

Evolvulus alsinoides, 187, 222, 468

Expectorant, 189, 191, 194, 195, 197, 205, 207, 215, 229, 231, 237, 269, 297, 299, 301

Exploitation, 29, 31, 108, 151, 152, 154, 165, 440, 446, 451, 457, 458, 460462, 472

Extraction, 94, 178, 362, 364, 366


Fabaceae, 45, 46, 123, 125, 174, 175, 182, 328

Fagopyrum esculentum, 48, 126

tataricum, 48, 126

Farming communities, 107

Faunal diversity, 446, 454

Febrifuge, 171, 177, 191, 195, 204, 207, 217, 225, 249, 297, 299301, 305

Fencing, 360, 361, 386, 440

agricultural fields, 361

Fermentation methods, 107

Fermented grains, 105

mixture, 101

Fertile soils, 19, 23

valleys, 14, 358

Ferula jaeschkeana, 68, 153, 222

Ferulic acid, 298, 322

Festuca, 4, 361

Fiber yielding plants, 362, 363, 369

Ficus, 42, 46, 68, 99, 102, 183, 222, 223, 328, 343, 383, 384, 419, 426, 438, 463

palmata, 361

Flat tablelands, 21

Floral species, 152

Floristic diversity, 454

regions, 358

Fly-agaric mushroom, 315, 320

Food gatherers, 136

patterns, 107

preparation, 40, 44, 49, 99, 107, 108

preparations, 5, 6, 41, 100, 106, 108

value, 46

Foothills, 1517, 19, 2123, 31

Forest fringe villages, 411

patch, 428, 430

resources, 472

Fragmentation, 307, 439

Fraxinus, 3, 224, 343, 384

Fritillaria, 69, 127, 138, 144, 154, 183, 224, 296, 305, 307

Fritillaria roylei, 69, 138, 154, 183, 296, 305

Fuel wood, 23, 25, 360, 365367, 375, 376, 379, 381, 384, 396399, 402, 420, 428, 431434, 436


Gahat ki bedu roti, 98

Gahat ki dal, 40, 99

Galactogogue, 297, 299, 301, 305, 330, 344, 346, 352

Galgal, 101

Gallium aparine, 421

Gandpapar ka saag, 99

Ganga, 2, 119, 432, 437

Garam masala, 101104

Garhwal Himalaya, 42, 44, 45, 164166, 169, 170, 173, 176, 300, 364, 430

Garlic-ginger paste, 101

Garudahrita (yellowish drug), 319

Gastrointestinal, 172, 182, 205

Gaultheria trichophlla, 120

Gayatriya, 319

Gehun ki khumani, 98

Genthi ki sabzi, 99

Genthi wood, 137

Gentiana, 4, 70, 121, 127, 153, 174, 183, 211, 225

Gentiana kurroo, 4

Gentiana moorcroftiana, 138

Gentianaceae, 127, 133, 174, 180

Geographical area, 116119, 156, 157, 369

Geographical factors, 23

location, 4, 358, 359

range contraction, 117

region, 317, 318

Geranium, 120, 121, 127, 153, 183, 226, 343, 344, 360, 364, 385, 391, 421

collinum, 120

wallichianum, 127, 153

Geum elatum, 120, 190

Ginjada, 98

Girardinia heterophylla, 227, 363

Glacial cycles, 27

river beds, 120

Global climate, 27

Global warming, 27, 117

Globalization, 5, 34, 37

Glycine max, 43, 48, 70, 101

Glycyrrhiza glabra, 186, 187, 227

Gnaphalium affine, 227, 421

Grasslands, 20, 118, 120, 359, 361, 410

Grassy pastures, 302

Grazing herd, 462

pressure, 452, 462

Great Karakoram ranges, 358

Greenhouse gas emission, 27

Grewia optiva, 70, 361, 363

Groves, 414, 437

Gujjar tribe, 44, 179

Gulgulae, 102

Gur Gur Cha, 102

Gurush ki bedu roti, 98

Gwaral ki sabzi, 99

Gymnema sylvestre, 187

Gymnosperm, 44, 45, 107, 155, 169, 182, 421, 428, 438

Gynecological disorders, 176, 177, 182, 199, 248, 249, 259, 262, 263, 271


Habenaria intermedia, 127, 138, 296, 302, 304

Habitat, 25, 44, 117, 137, 139, 152, 156, 163, 273, 307, 412, 428, 431, 447, 451, 453, 456, 458, 461, 464

Habitats, 25, 116, 117, 119, 120, 151, 319, 326, 411, 451, 453, 458, 462, 463

Hallucinating agents, 315

Hallucinogen, 315, 321, 323

Hallucinogenic effect, 7

Hallucinogens, 315, 316

Halwa, 106

Harbors rich flora, 358

Harijans, 458

Harvesting, 104, 154, 160, 172, 427, 439, 451, 452, 458461, 464

Headache, 116, 122, 126, 127, 133, 137, 170, 171, 176, 177, 181, 182, 190192, 202, 204, 208, 211219, 225228, 232, 233, 235, 238, 241, 244, 245, 249, 255, 260, 264, 265, 272

Healing plants, 315

properties, 36, 138, 413

Health care system, 152, 168, 326, 327, 426

treatment, 326

Heavy biotic pressure, 410

Hedychium spicatum, 153, 187, 227, 364, 469

Helvella compressa, 70, 107

Hematemesis, 299

Hematuria, 210, 328335, 339, 341, 346

Hepatitis, 17, 205, 243, 262

Heracleum candicans, 71, 153

rhamnoides, 138

Herbaceous flora, 184

species, 120

Herbal drugs, 158, 159, 166

industries, 118, 154

materials, 173

medicines, 168, 173, 188

practitioners, 185

shampoo, 359

Herbalists, 150, 159, 187, 274

Hermaphrodite, 302

Hibernation, 26

High altitudes, 12, 15, 16, 19, 2127, 116, 118, 152, 179

desert-steppe, 360

plateau, 20

valleys, 12, 22

species, 117

Hill bamboos, 358, 366

Himachal Pradesh, 1, 3, 4, 11, 16, 34, 4148, 101108, 119, 150, 152, 156, 157, 164, 166169, 171176, 180, 182185, 187, 299, 301, 302, 326, 358361, 364369, 409415, 419, 422, 426, 438, 440

anticancer plants, 185

cultures risks, 27

cultural depletion, 28

medicinal practices, 2829

melting glaciers/bursting lakes, 2728

paradigms, 2930

sacred natural sites, 411413

mountains, 411412

valleys, 413

groves, 413419

water bodies, 412413

Himalayan communities, 19, 26, 447

Forest Research Institute (HFRI), 424

inhabitation, 18

biodiversity in sacred cliffs, 2425

ecological differentiation, 1920

ethnic art, 2627

inhabitation at mid altitudes, 21

languages, 2223

lifestyle and nature, 23

low altitudes and foothills, 2122

nature connectivity, 24

nomadic pastoralism, 20

nomadism at high altitudes, 2021

religion, 24

rich traditional knowledge, 24

socialability, 25

languages project, 33

medicinal plants, 170

medicine system (HMS), 273

nettle, 363

range, 19, 155, 157

region, 37, 1222, 26, 28, 32, 33, 37, 41, 44, 48, 49, 100, 117, 135, 150, 152, 158, 160, 162, 165173, 177, 179, 181, 185, 187, 273, 274, 307, 317, 326, 329, 358364, 366369

rivers, 2, 19, 23

states, 369

style, 26

style art, 26

tribes, 31

zone, 3, 41, 107, 108

Hinduism, 12, 14, 17, 19, 23, 26, 410, 411, 424, 437

Hippophae, 43, 48, 71, 120, 128, 145, 178, 180, 185, 186, 228, 229, 344, 360, 361, 386

Hippophae rhamnoides L., 48, 71, 145, 186, 228, 360, 361, 366

Hoamas, 315318

Hodh, 48

Homogenization, 5, 34

Homogenized processes, 29

Hordeum vulgare L., 48, 71, 229, 386

Human behavior, 446

brain secretion, 322

communities, 446

cultures, 413

disturbance, 25

exploitation, 19

interaction, 19, 447

population, 4, 35, 458

society, 116, 410

Humulus lupulus, 71, 319, 369, 386

Hydrological cycles, 464

Hydropower dams, 30

Hyoscyamus niger L., 138, 229

Hypericum perforatum, 153, 178, 229


Ichnocarpus frutescens, 319

Ilex dipyrena Wall., 3, 386

Impatiens sulcata, 120, 146

glandulifera, 153

Indian System of Medicines (ISM), 174

Indigenous communities, 13, 36, 135, 179, 410

fermented food, 106

knowledge, 13, 20, 43, 44, 115, 116, 170, 171, 188, 326, 362, 363

Indo-Aryan languages, 15

Indo-Europeans, 4

Indo-Gangetic Plain, 2, 11, 13

Indo-Malayan realms, 14

Indus River, 158, 317, 319

Industrialization, 13, 18

Intellectual property rights (IPR), 37

Inula, 4

cappa, 230, 387

cuspidata C. B.Clarke, 230

grandiflora Willd., 230

obtusifolia A. Kerner, 230

racemosa Hook.f., 230, 387

rhizocephala Schrenk, 230

royleana DC., 231

racemosa, 186

royleana, 154

Iris, 120, 128, 154, 183, 231, 344

kumaonensis, 120, 128, 154

Islam, 12, 1416, 26


Jadhs of Uttarkashi, 135

Jagariya/Ojha/Pucher, 456

Jagata, 319

Jaggery, 47, 48, 53, 98, 105

Jara cikitsa, 294

Jaundice, 116, 123, 127, 137, 138, 171, 174, 179, 181, 182, 191193, 203, 205, 218, 221, 223, 240, 245, 251, 252, 255, 258, 262, 263, 267, 268, 270, 304, 343

Jaunsari tribal community, 17, 116, 121, 135, 165, 173, 327

Jhankara ka saag, 99

Jivaka, 296299, 303, 304, 308

Jivaniya gana Churna, 306

Jivaniya ghrita, 306

Joint Forest Management (JFM)., 430

Juglans, 3, 44, 72, 128, 232, 345, 364, 365, 387, 421, 423

Jumgand, 46

Juniperus communis, 72, 120, 232, 345, 456, 463

Juniperus polycarpos, 232, 419, 425

Juniperus recurva, 232, 360, 387

Jurinea dolomiaea, 120, 128, 145, 233

Jurinella macrocephala, 178

Justicia adhatoda, 72, 153, 186, 233


Kaandal/khandole, 102, 103

Kaddu ka halwa, 40, 98

Kadi, 40, 103

Kakoli, 127, 296298, 303, 304, 308

Kanaka, 40, 98

Kapha, 322

Karalen ki sabzi, 103

Karnah, 46

Kathburiya Devi, 452

Kauni ka bhat, 98

Kauni ki kheer, 40, 98

Kauni ki roti, 98

Kaya cikitsa, 294

Keran, 46

Kernels, 49, 89, 93, 192

Kharif, 98

Khasas, 14, 18, 151

Kholak, 40, 100

Khoru, 103

Khura, 40, 100, 103

Khwaire, 107

Kidney stone, 174, 191, 197, 213, 223, 232, 242, 251, 259, 271

Kinnars, 14, 18

Kinnaur district, 4547, 171, 412

Kirates, 18

Kothiyur ki sabzi, 99

Ksirkakoli, 297, 304, 309

Kullu District, 169, 411, 415, 419

Kutu ki roti, 98


Lactarius, 72, 107, 108

Lama Pakthuk, 100

Lamiaceae, 45, 46, 116, 126, 128130, 134, 137, 166, 174, 176, 182, 184, 328, 421

Land of Gods, 119, 411

Lands of Soma, 317, 320

identity of soma, 318

Lasurae, 104

Lasurae ki sabji, 40

Lathyrus sativus L., 48

Lesuwa roti, 98

Leucoderma, 127, 183, 222, 234, 264

Leukemia, 177

Lilium polyphyllum, 138, 178, 296, 298, 299, 306

Lim Chhi, 49

Lingura ki sabzi, 99

Liver disorders, 170, 171, 267, 328

Liver problems, 17, 177, 352

Livestock, 326

diseases, 329

populations, 118, 326

Lobelia pyramidalis, 166, 345

Lobia ka chaisa, 99

Lobia ki bedu roti, 98

Local bodies, 449

communities, 37, 4244, 116, 117, 137, 174, 176, 179, 182, 186, 187, 414, 428, 437, 457, 471

cultures, 447

deities, 413, 414, 419, 426, 430, 437, 466

deity, 426

inhabitants, 44, 107, 116, 118, 150, 168, 170, 429, 430, 431

pastoral communities, 118

populace, 26, 362, 451

vaidyas, 176

Lonicera webbiania, 120

Losar, 103

Lungdu, 104

Lycoperdon sp., 75, 107, 108


Macrofungi, 44, 46, 107, 108

Macrotyloma uniflorum Lam., 48, 75

Madira/Jhangora ki roti, 98

Madua ki badi/roti, 98

Mahakalyan ghrita, 306

Mahameda, 296298, 301, 303, 306, 309

Mahasoma, 319

Malaxis acuminata, 153, 296, 299, 469

muscifera, 138, 153, 187, 296, 300, 306

Manali harbors, 414

Mandi district, 42, 46, 105, 106, 167, 176, 182, 412, 425

Mangifera indica, 75, 101, 153, 237, 426, 438

Manikaran valley, 420

Manimahesh lake, 412

Margiana region, 320

Mastitis, 328, 335, 336, 341

Masur dal ki sabzi, 99

Materia medica, 273

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), 321

Meconopsis aculeata, 4, 129, 138, 146

Meda, 309

Medicago falcata, 360

Medicinal aromatic plants (MAPs), 118

flora, 151, 162, 168

plants, 57, 43, 116, 118, 138, 139, 150152, 154156, 158, 160188, 273, 304, 307, 327, 359, 422, 423, 426, 436, 438, 439

conservation area (MPCA), 424

conservation potential, 429

practices, 28, 176

properties, 151, 155, 158, 178, 183

purposes, 137, 154, 156, 174, 187

value, 150, 152, 155, 157, 169, 186, 364, 369

wealth system, 158

wealth, 152, 158

Megacarpaea polyandra, 129, 138

Menstrual cycle, 212, 450, 456, 461

Mentha, 76, 129, 153, 183, 238, 346, 367, 390

arvensis, 76, 153

Methi ke laddu, 40, 98

Migratory herders, 327

nomadic graziers, 361

pastoral communities, 139

Mithdoo, 40, 104

Modernization, 12, 28, 41, 273, 368, 410, 439

Monal pheasant, 463

Mongoloid, 5, 12, 15, 18, 25, 135, 151

Moraceae, 45, 46, 328, 362

Morchella, 43, 49, 76, 107, 108, 422

conica Pers., 49, 76, 107

deliciosa Fries., 49, 107

esculenta L., 107

semilebra D.C., 49, 107

Mornaula reserve forest, 44, 175, 176

Morus alba, 77, 438

serrata, 361

Mountain peaks, 2, 13, 119, 411

ranges, 2, 18, 23, 27, 358, 437

regions, 19, 318

women, 23, 25

Mucuna pruriens, 159, 187, 390

Multilingualism, 22, 29, 31

Munjavat, 317, 319

Murari Devi, 46, 182

Muscular disorders, 177

Muscular-pain, 302

Musculo-skeletal diseases, 297

Musk deer, 463, 464

Mustard oil, 48, 99, 102, 104

Myrica, 3, 78, 187, 346, 390

Myricaria, 120, 129, 239, 360, 366, 390

Myricaria-Salix Association, 120

Myrsine, 4, 239


Nagabala sarpi, 306

Namphey, 100, 105, 106

Nanda Astami, 452455, 460, 462

Nardostachys, 129, 138, 154, 159, 187, 307, 367

grandiflora, 129, 138, 154, 187

Nasturtium, 44, 78, 240

National Biodiversity Authority of India (NBAI), 446, 450

National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), 424

Natural artistries, 35

calamities, 138, 439

development, 34

dyes, 363, 364

environment, 155, 447

fibers, 362

forests, 414

habitats, 25, 297

materials, 17

objects, 410

resources supervision, 117

resources, 13, 24, 29, 46, 117, 162, 163, 410, 411, 429, 430, 438, 446, 448, 451, 458, 472

spirits, 419

vegetation, 360

wealth, 440

worship, 24, 29, 410, 411

Negroid, 12, 15

Nelumbium, 240, 319, 321

Nelumbo nucifera, 177

Nomadic nomadism, 18, 21

nomads, 12, 15, 16, 20, 37

pastoralism, 12, 20

pastoralists, 12, 18, 20, 21

practices, 20

racial tribe, 314

Non-wood forest products, 368

hops cultivation in Lahaul valley, 369

kuth (saussurea costus), 368369

saffron/willow, 369

North-western Himalaya, 15, 156, 440

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, 241, 426

Nymphaea, 78, 183, 241, 242, 319, 321

Nymphaeaceae, 181


Ocimum americanum L, 179

Ocimum sanctum, 153, 159, 187, 242, 347

Ocimum tenuiflorum, 177, 242

Onychium contiguum, 422

lucidium, 422

Origanum vulgare, 143, 178, 421, 243, 347

Osmunda claytoniana, 120

Oxalis, 46, 79, 99, 153, 243, 347, 391, 421


Paba, 40, 100, 104

Pahari Madra, 27, 104

Paharis, 12, 15

Pakorus, 101, 104

Pakthuk, 100


Badri, 119

Kedar, 119

Prayag, 119

Pania ka saag, 99

Pankta, 319

Papaver somniferum, 243, 319

Pastoralism, 15, 19, 24, 326

Pastoralists, 14, 20, 326

Pastureland, 21

Patrode, 40, 103

Pedalium murex, 159

Pedicularis, 130, 153, 183, 244

pectinata, 153, 244

Peganum harmala, 319, 322

Pelargonium graveolens, 367, 391

Peonia emodi, 79, 138, 167, 347

Periploca aphylla, 319, 322

Persicaria, 80, 183, 245, 246, 392

Phlomis bracteosa, 120

Phthisis, 254, 299, 301

Phyllanthus amarus, 177, 179

Physalis divaricata D. Don, 179

Picea smithiana, 49, 81, 247, 392, 423

Picrorhiza kurrooa, 4, 130, 138, 153, 154, 184, 187, 247, 307, 347, 422, 423

Pinalu ka gunuwa, 99

Pinus gerardiana, 49, 81, 392

roxburghii, 247, 362, 365, 419, 438, 468

wallichiana, 49, 247, 362, 421

Piper longum, 177, 187

nigrum, 158, 329

Pir Panjal, 2, 4, 16, 157, 358, 412

Pistacia integerrima, 365, 422, 470

integerrmia, 187

Pitta, 297, 299302

Plant diversity, 116, 117, 137, 175, 421, 426, 440

Plantago, 82, 153, 183, 247, 348, 422

depressa, 153, 247

Plant parts collection stages, 160

aerial parts, 161

bark, 161

bulbs, 160

fruits/berries, 161

rhizomes, 161

roots, 161

seeds, 161

tubers, 161

Plectranthes rugosus, 422

Pleurospermum, 120, 121, 130, 131, 247

angelicoides, 120, 130

densiflorum, 121

Pleurospermum sp, 121

Plumbago zeylanica, 177, 187

Poa, 4, 174, 361, 393

Podophyllum, 4, 82, 131, 138, 143, 177, 178, 183, 184, 248, 307, 423

hexandrum, 4, 82, 138, 143, 177, 178, 183, 184

Polygonaceae, 46, 116, 122126, 130, 131, 137, 174, 180

Polygonatum amplexicaule D. Don, 49

cirrhifolium, 143, 296, 301, 306

multiflorum, 82, 153

polystachyum, 120

verticillatum, 138, 153, 184, 248, 296, 300, 306, 307, 421, 469

Polypodiodes microrhizoma, 422

Population, 16, 19, 25, 117, 119, 156, 1

growth, 117, 463

movement, 26

pressure, 151, 429

strategies, 19

Populus ciliata, 248, 360, 361, 419, 425, 426

Potentilla, 4, 83, 120, 121, 131, 143, 174, 183, 249, 348, 393

Poultice, 171, 182, 188, 222

Presiding deity, 420424, 456, 457

Prinsepia utilis, 83, 153, 250, 394, 421, 422

Protection, 36, 37, 316, 366368, 414, 427430, 440, 448, 451, 458, 459, 467, 471, 472

Protoaustroloids, 151

Prunella vulgaris, 178, 250

Prunus armeniaca, 44, 49, 83, 185, 186, 250, 394, 421

Pteridium aquilinum, 362, 394, 422

Pteridophytes, 4447, 107, 108, 155, 169, 182, 362, 421, 422, 428

Pteris multifida, 422

Pueraria tuberosa, 84, 159, 251, 296, 303, 304, 348

Pujari, 159, 426, 427

Punica granatum, 84, 251, 348, 364, 394

Pyrecantha sp, 168


Quantitative assessment, 162

Quercus dilatata, 415, 421

Quercus leucotrichophora, 84, 251, 349, 361, 365, 422, 456, 462, 468, 469


Raji, 17, 116, 121, 136, 137, 171

Ramaria, 85, 107, 108

Rambans ki sabzi, 99

Ranunculaceae, 116, 122126, 134, 137, 328, 421

Ranunculus, 85, 120, 121, 179, 183, 251, 252

Ranunculus hirtellus, 120, 252

Raphanus sativus, 41, 85, 252, 349

Rasayana, 295, 302305, 309

Ratpa, 456, 463

Rauvolfia serpentina, 153, 187, 252

Rejuvenation, 6, 7, 24, 295, 297, 309, 440

Religious beliefs, 368, 414, 420, 439, 471, 472

Remedies, 150, 159, 166, 167, 171188, 274, 327, 329

Renuka Lake, 412

Rheum australe, 4, 85, 121, 131, 138, 154, 184, 253, 349, 364

Rheum moorcroftianum, 13, 3641, 422

Rheum webbianum, 41, 121

Rheumatalgia, 299

Rheumatic pain, 167, 170, 226, 231, 235, 260, 335

Rheumatism, 17, 123, 127, 130, 133, 171, 178182, 190192, 199, 200, 204, 207, 210212, 215, 219, 223, 226235, 237, 242, 245250, 258262, 266269, 271, 328, 337, 342

Rhigopogon, 107, 108

vulgaris, 107

Rhizome, 47, 5256, 62, 63, 78, 84, 94, 97, 191, 196200, 204, 205, 210, 213, 215, 218, 220, 224227, 231, 241, 248251, 262, 266, 268, 271, 297305, 341, 344, 350353, 382, 385, 402

Rhizopogon, 86, 107, 108

luteolus Fr, 86, 107

rubescens Tal., 107

Rhodiola, 41, 49, 86, 105, 183, 186, 253, 254

heterodonta, 41, 49, 86, 253

Rhododendron, 3, 49, 86, 120, 143, 153, 154, 254, 395, 417, 456, 463, 469, 470

arboreum, 365

campanulatum, 4, 463

Rhus, 3, 87, 212, 254, 395, 396, 469

Ribes orientale, 120, 153

Ricinus communis L., 87, 179, 254

Riddhi, 309

Rishis, 294

Rituals, 7, 22, 29, 135, 166, 315, 316, 318, 369, 375, 378, 384, 386, 411, 420, 423, 438

Robinia pseudoacacia, 254, 361

Rorippa indica, 153

Rosa, 4, 87, 108, 120, 183, 255, 349, 366, 367, 396, 421, 422

sericea, 120

Rosaceae, 45, 46, 116, 131, 137, 173, 176, 181, 184, 328, 421

Roscoea purpurea, 296, 297, 303, 306

Rsabhaka, 296298, 309

Rubia cordifolia, 153, 177, 255

Rubus, 4, 46, 49, 88, 108, 173, 256, 328, 396

Rugi ki sabzi, 99

Rumex, 44, 89, 183, 256, 349, 364, 396, 421

Rumex hastatus, 422

Ruta graveolens, 319, 322


Sacred forests, 43, 173, 429, 432, 436, 437, 446, 448451, 453462, 464, 466469, 471, 472

groves, 118, 368, 410420, 423429, 438447, 450, 451, 454, 456459, 461, 464, 471, 472

Himachal Pradesh, 413

other districts of Himachal Pradesh, 425

iodiversity heritage sites, 449

Kinnaur district, 424

Mandi district, 425

Shimla district, 422

natural sites (SNS), 409410, 411, 428, 429, 438, 439, 440, 446450, 453459, 465, 473

plants, 155, 183, 368, 369, 413

water bodies, 412

zone, 456

Sacrosanct boundary, 466

Saffron, 369

Saffron and musk, 305

Sageretia theezans, 421

Sakina ke phoolon ka saag, 99

Salix, 89, 120, 174, 185, 257, 350, 360, 361, 366, 369, 397

denticulata, 360

lindleyi, 120

Salvia moorcroftiana, 257, 422

plebeia, 153, 257

Sapindus mukorossi, 49, 89, 153, 181, 187, 257, 350, 397

Sarcostemma brevistigma, 319

Sarcostemma spp, 322

Satapatha Brahmana, 315

Saussurea, 4, 89, 121, 133, 138, 144, 145, 153, 154, 182, 186, 187, 258, 259, 273, 319, 321, 350, 361, 367, 397, 438, 452, 455, 460, 462

Saussurea costus, 368

graminifolia, 121

Saxifraga, 4, 121, 179, 183, 259

Scabies, 183, 197, 220, 223, 234, 235, 243, 261, 328, 331, 338, 339

Schedule castes/tribes, 121

Sedum ewersii, 41, 260, 350

Sedum heterodontum, 179, 253, 260

wallichianum, 179, 254

Seera, 40, 105

Segment Taboos, 458

Selinum candollei, 138

vaginatum, 120, 260

wallichianum, 120

Sephe Tagi, 100

Sepubari, 40

Sesamum indicum, 158, 350

orientale, 329

Shankara, 319, 320

Shaukas, 17, 135

Shawls, 36, 363, 369

Shorea, 3, 261, 398, 419

Sigesbeckia orientalis, 261, 421

Sinarundianaria falcata, 366

Skin diseases, 17, 165, 170, 171, 183, 189, 194, 202, 203, 206, 207, 215, 218, 223, 231, 232, 235, 241, 253, 255, 261, 262, 302, 338, 367

Skyurchuk, 99

Social conventions, 465

gatherings, 419

structures, 18, 21, 22

taboos, 410, 446, 448, 451, 458, 465, 472, 473

Solanum, 178, 179, 262, 328, 350, 398

incanum L., 179

nigrum, 178, 187, 421

khasianum, 422

Soma, 7, 314323

rasa, 323

mixture, 322

plant, 7, 314320

Sorbus, 4, 92, 120, 398

Sorghum, 92, 263, 319, 322

Soybean, 48, 101

Spiraea, 4, 92, 399, 421

Spiritual, 18, 24, 26, 30, 36, 294, 314, 316, 413, 439, 449

flower, 439

site, 413

traditions, 18, 26

Spiti valley, 412

Sriparvathas, 317

Stomachache, 133, 138, 170, 177, 191, 197199, 203, 205, 209, 211, 238, 240243, 247, 262, 264, 268, 271, 328, 330, 332, 337, 343

Suru valley, 165, 167

Swelling, 170, 183, 191, 197, 206, 207, 214, 217, 227, 231, 237, 244246, 250, 254, 257, 271, 306, 328, 330, 349

Swertia angustifolia, 153, 469

Swertia chirata, 138, 187, 264

Syena, 320

Symplocos species, 159

Syzygium cumini, 92, 153, 187, 264, 399, 438


Taboos, 411, 437, 438, 446448, 451, 452, 456, 458465, 467, 471, 472

system, 429, 446, 449454, 457, 458, 467, 468

habitat, 463

life history, 462463

method, 462

segment, 458461

specific-species, 463

temporal, 461

Tacca aspera, 296, 303

Tagetes minuta, 153, 265, 399

Tagi Buskhuruk, 99

Tagi Khambir, 99

Tall herbs, 120

Tamarix, 319, 321, 322

Tanacetum, 133, 138, 145, 153, 183, 192, 228, 265, 399

Tanacetum dolichophyllum, 133, 138, 265

Tangthur, 100, 105

Tantur, 40, 49, 86, 105

Tarur ki sabzi, 99

Tattwakhar, 105, 106

Taxus, 93, 134, 153, 168, 177, 178, 266, 307, 400, 417, 422, 423

Taxus baccata, 93, 153, 168, 177, 178, 423

Temple committee, 420, 423, 426, 427, 440

Tenaxia cumminsii, 361

Terminalia, 46, 153, 159, 177, 185187, 266, 351, 364, 400, 468

bellirica, 185, 187

chebula, 187

Terrain, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 26, 365

Tetepathine, 322

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 321

Thalictrum foetidum, 361

Thalictrum foliolosum, 134, 351, 421, 422, 468, 469

Thamnocalamus spathiflorus, 366, 400

Tharu, 17, 18, 116, 121, 135, 155, 168, 179, 327

Themeda arundinacea, 361, 400

Thukpa, 40, 49, 100, 106

Tibetan bhotiyas, 16

language, 160

plateau, 11, 13, 20, 151

Tilkuta, 98

Timber, 7, 26, 169, 183, 307, 360, 365, 369, 372374, 376381, 383385, 387390, 392395, 397402, 414, 420, 422, 427, 431436

yielding plants, 365

plant community, 117

Tinospora cordifolia, 93, 153, 159, 173, 177, 179, 186, 187, 267, 296, 304, 351

Tobacco, 136, 369, 425

Tolchas, 17, 135

Toothache, 116, 137

Topography, 119, 155, 358, 359

Trachydium roylei, 120, 401

Trachyspermum ammi, 158, 267, 329, 351

Traditional agricultural, 28

arts, 35

beliefs and customs, 446

beverages, 42

communities, 438

customs, 410

food species, 6

foods, 5, 49

herbal healers, 326

heritage, 440

knowledge, 1, 5, 32, 3337, 43, 138, 152, 273, 326, 447

knowledge-based systems (TKBS), 447, 473

medicinal knowledge, 158

medicine, 32

phytotherapy, 168

practices, 168, 173, 327, 410, 438

rural wisdom, 327

therapeutic wealth, 167

Traishtubha, 319

Trans Himalayan region, 157

Trans Himalaya, 42, 43

Trapthuk, 100

Tribal, 43, 48, 165, 166, 329, 461

communities, 48, 40, 45, 49, 108, 116, 121, 136, 137, 157, 163, 171, 174, 176, 183, 185, 306, 307, 327

population, 150, 188

practices, 24

Tribulus terrestris, 94, 134, 159, 186, 187, 267

Trigonella foenum-graecum, 177

Trillidium govanianum, 94, 134, 138, 144, 423

Tsampa, 100, 102, 105

Tuberculosis, 174, 207, 218, 232, 254, 297, 299, 304

Turmeric powder, 101105

Turpentine, 367


Ulcers, 17, 158, 171, 189, 192, 203209, 211, 228, 230, 234, 237240, 243, 250, 254, 258, 264267, 351, 367

Ulmus, 3, 352, 361, 401, 415, 421

Urbanization, 37, 41, 368, 410, 439

Urdhvanga cikitsa, 294

Urinary disorders, 134, 170, 182, 267

problem, 116, 137, 191, 213

troubles, 297, 328

Urinogenital disorders, 174, 180, 189

Urtica dioica, 178, 268, 401, 421

Urtica hyperborea Jacq. ex Wedd, 49, 106


Vachadi taila, 306

Vajikaran ghrita, 306

Valeriana hardwickii, 134, 138, 268

Valeriana jatamansi, 187, 268, 367, 422

Vanshiras, 413, 419

Vasishth, 175, 189192, 197, 200, 208, 209, 215222, 232, 247253, 257, 264, 266, 270

Vedic aryans, 314, 318

meters, 319

periods, 368, 413

shamanism, 7, 316

Verbascum thapsus, 269, 421, 422

Verbenaceae, 175

Vetiveria zizanoides, 367

Viburnum, 3, 95, 120, 269, 352, 402

Vigna mungo, 101, 329

Viola canescens, 421, 422

Visual hallucinations, 315

Vitis vinifera, 271, 319, 322

Vomiting, 129, 171, 181, 194, 203, 207, 214, 215, 233, 238242, 269, 304, 328, 331

Vrsa cikitsa, 294


Waldheimia glabra, 271, 360

Wallichiana, 58, 81, 93, 134, 153, 178, 254, 257, 266, 337, 361365, 374, 397, 401, 417, 419, 422

Water bodies, 410, 412, 446, 448, 453, 458, 460

Wetlands, 430, 437

Withania somnifera, 153, 159, 177, 186, 187, 271, 296, 303, 315, 468

Wood carving, 26

Woodfordia fruticosa, 96, 153, 172, 178, 271, 353, 402

Woolen fabrics, 369

garments, 363

yarn, 136

Worm infestation, 170, 171


Yagnas, 7, 316

Yamuna, 2, 437

Yotches, 104

Yucagenin, 304


Zamashang Phasur, 47

Zanthoxylum armatum, 153, 181, 271, 353, 402, 421, 460, 468, 469

Zaskar range, 358

Zingiber officinale, 97, 271, 305, 329, 353

Ziziphus, 46, 97, 271, 272, 402, 426

jujuba, 46, 271

Zizipus mauritiana, 153