


Aberdeen, Scotland 22, 23

airplane types 3, 64, 65, 67, 71, 72, 80, 82, 83, 87, 88, 89, 97, 98

Alexandria, Egypt 107

American Expeditionary Forces 40

American Flying Service 99

American Hospital 109110, 123

American Legion 125, 127, 130

Angoulême, France 123

anti-aircraft guns 85

Arc de Triomphe 131132

Armstrong, Louis 112, 131

Artois, battle of 3943

Atlanta, Georgia 13, 14, 18

Austro-Hungarian Empire 33

Avord School of Military Aviation 7277


Bader, Major 121, 122

Baldwin, Chris 2526, 27

Bar-le-Duc, France 56, 57, 87, 91, 103104

Bastille Day ceremonies 131

Battle of Artois 3943

Battle of Champagne 4648, 49

Battle of Verdun 5154

Beau-Zie-sur-Aire, France 80

Belgium, and WWI 34

Bethonsart, France 39

Biarritz, France 108, 123, 124, 125

“Big Chief Ox”. See Bullard, William Octave

Blackfriars Ring 28

Blériot Penguin 65, 6567

Bleriot, Roleur 6768

Bolling, Colonel Raynal 100, 102

Bordeaux, France 125

Bosnia-Herzegovina 33

Boucher, Captain 77

Bradley, W. C. 510

Brown, Aaron Lister 2628, 30, 31. See also “The Dixie Kid”

Bullard, Eugene

air combat 8199

as a boxer 2532, 35, 106, 107

as a hurdy-gurdy performer 2324

as a spy 113117

as French aviator 34, 40, 60, 6162, 6499

battle with cancer 135136

childhood of 511

“Darky” 23

death and burial of 135136

divorce of 112

ground combat 3760

“Gypsy” 16, 17, 18

Jacques 32, 35

jobs 17, 18, 22, 24, 106, 118, 128, 131, 132

joins the French Foreign Legion 35

marriage of 108

medals awarded to 50, 58, 59, 63, 104, 118, 131, 134

military promotions 46, 136

nightclubs 106107, 109, 111114, 117

Le Grand Duc 109

L’Escadrille 111, 112, 114

Zelli’s 107

ship travel 1922

shot down 34, 9495

uniforms of 50, 59, 63

wounded in battle 5253, 54, 56, 5758

Bullard, Eugene Jr

birth and death of 108109

Bullard, Jacqueline Jeanette Marcelle 108, 112, 117, 118, 119, 128129

Bullard, Josephine 5, 6

Bullard, Lolita Josephine 109, 112, 117, 118, 119, 128129

Bullard, Pauline 8, 9

Bullard’s Athletic Club 111112

Bullard, Wiley 5

Bullard, William Octave 58


Calais, France 30

Caudron 7172

Caz-au-lac, France 64

Champagne, battle of 4649

Chaplin, Charlie 109

Chapman, Victor 61

Chartres, France 120, 129

Châteauroux, France 71

Chattahoochee River 5

Chevert Barracks 54

Chevillard, Captain 78

Chris Baldwin’s Gymnasium 25

Christmas ceasefire 3839

Columbus, Georgia 5, 130131

Connell, Mrs. 135136

Countess Helene Heloise Charlotte 108


Dawson City, Georgia 17

de Gaulle, Charles 133134

Dickson, Jeff 61, 69, 70, 111112

“Dixie Kid,” The 2628, 31

Douaument, France 54


Edward, Prince of Wales 109

Egypt 29, 107

Elysées Montmarte arena 31

English Channel 23, 30

Escadrille, L’ 111


Ferrolino, Commandant 60, 62

Fitzgerald, F. Scott 109

Fleury, France 56

flu epidemic 105

Fokker 87, 88, 90

Fontaine du Berger, France 105

Forrest, Georges 28, 31


alliances, allies 33

France’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 132

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke 33

assasination of 34

Freedman’s Pickaninnies 3132

French 51st Infantry 120

French 170th Infantry 105, 119

French Flying Service xxi, 60, 99, 105, 110

French Foreign Legion 2, 35, 3660, 37, 70, 136

Marching Regiments 35

uniform of 36

French Hospital, NY 129

French Lafayette Corps xxi, 2, 4

French Underground Resistance 113117, 119, 122


Garroway, Dave 132, 133

Gartz, R. Craine 125

gas, poison 4647, 5152

Genet, Edmond 64, 75

Germany, and WWI 34

Girard, Colonel 77

Glasgow 2324

Grand Duc, Le 109, 111

Great War, The. See also World War I

Gros, Edmund 75, 76, 77, 100, 101, 104, 110, 111, 118, 119

gypsies 1011, 14


Hamburg, Germany 22

Harlem, NY 127

Hemingway, Ernest 109

Henriette, Marcelle Eugenie 108

Herrick, Myron T. 110111

Hotel Claridge 107

Hôtel Dieu [Paris hospital] 57


James, June Jewitt 118

Jamestown, Virginia 18

Jimmy, Bullard’s pet monkey 78, 79, 8081, 84, 87, 90, 92, 95, 96

death of 105


Kisling, Moise 61, 69, 103, 108


Lafayette Escadrille xxi, 64, 75, 110

Lafayette Flying Corps xxi, 4, 91, 110

Le Blanc, France 122

Legion of Honor 131132

Leplanquais, George 113, 117, 119

Liverpool, England 24

Liverpool Stadium 26

Loire River 121

London, England 2728

Lyons, France 57, 58


Manhattan 126127

Marne River 35

“Marseillaise, La” 36

Marta Russ 20

Matthews, barber 1617

McWilliams, Consul 124

Ménard, Victor 80, 81, 87, 99, 100, 102, 103

Metz, Germany (now France) 85

military service

World War II 119122

Montgomery, Alabama 18

Mont-Saint-Eloi, France 43

Moreland, Travis 1516


Navarin Farm 4748

Nesme, Madame 58, 60

Neuilly, France 118

Newport News, Virginia 1819

New York 127136

New York Paris Hotel 130

New York’s Metropolitan Hospital 135

Nieuport 64, 78, 84, 87, 89, 92

Norfolk, Virginia 20

Nouvion, Commander 53


Orleans, France 121, 122


Paleolouge, Captain 53, 56

Paris, France 28, 3132, 35, 36, 61, 6970, 75, 78, 103, 106119

Parsons, Ted 110

Penguin. See Bleriot

Perretti, Justin 114116

Pfalz D.III 97, 98, 99

Picasso, Pablo 109

Pisard, Captain 84, 85, 86

Plessis Belleville, Le 77, 78

Poland 117

Porte D’Italie 119

Porter, Cole 109

posthumously awarded promotion 136137

Princip, Gavrilo 34


racial differences, issues 6, 62, 70, 75, 102, 103, 110, 114, 122, 128, 130, 131

Red Cross 56, 57, 120, 126

Richmond, Virginia 18

Richthofen Flying Circus 92

Richthofen, Manfred, Baron von 88, 92

Robinson, Edward G. 109

Rockefeller Center 132

Rolieu. See Bleriot

Rotonde, La 61


alliances, allies 33, 34


Sarajevo, Bosnia 33

Sasser, Georgia 16

Scanlon, Bob 120, 129

Serbia 33, 34

Sinclaire, Reginald 75

slaves, slavery 5, 6

Smith, Ada Louise “Bricktop” 109

Somme front 36, 37

Souchez, France 44

Spa-85 91

SPAD 34, 80, 81, 84, 9091, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97



Spain 123, 126

Sparks, Colonel 125

Spector, Jack 127, 130

Squadron Spa-93 80

St. Andrews Bay, Florida 18

Stanley, Levy 14

Statue of Liberty 127

Staumann, Louis Albert de 108

Stevens, Columbus supervisor 6, 7

St. Jean de Luz 126

Stuka 120

Summers, Johnny 2627


Terrell County Fair 17

Terrier, Cleopatre 113114, 116, 119

Today Show 132

Tom and Emma, sharecroppers 13

Tourelles Barracks 36

Turner, Zacharias (family) 1718


Underground/Resistance service. See French Underground Resistance


Vadalaincourt, France 91

Vaux, H. C. de 123124

Verdun, battle of 5154, 59, 63

Verdun, France 80, 85, 91, 121, 123

Vosges Mountains 4654

Vouziers, France 47


Waller, Fats 112

Washington, D.C. 129

Welsh, Bill 2627

Westphal, Captain 2122

White, Gilbert 61, 69, 103, 108

Wood, Mary 13

World War II

beginning of 117

World War I (The Great War)

beginning of 3334

end of 105

unofficial Christmas ceasefire 38

U.S. enters WWI 99


Zelli, Joe 106107

Zelli’s 107

Zeppelins 51