
Note: Illustrations are indicated by an i following the page number

Aboriginal economies, 77, 145

Aboriginal land claims, 199200

Aboriginal mental and aesthetic culture, 3

Aboriginal plant knowledge, 81, 219n33

Aboriginal pre-colonial economies, 567, 5960

Aboriginal religion

innovation and conservation, 702

See also Dreaming, spiritual propagation

Acacia seed maintenance rites, 34

academy, authority of, 21

‘agricultural’ implements

Bogan picks, 1617

cylindro-conical stones (cylcons), 15761

juan knives, 1679

types categorised by Pascoe, 1567

agricultural societies, emergence of, 10

agriculture, 85

as bar to colonisation, 217n4

definition, 8, 86, 87

glamorising of, 90

incipient agriculture, 74, 89

proto-agriculture, 589, 74, 87

reasons not adopted by the Old People, 1115, 62

resistance to, 625, 901, 14950

Alberts, Eileen, 194

Alcheringa (ABC documentary), 1345

Allam, Lorena, 160

Allen, Harry, 16, 71, 77

Altman, Jon, 40, 145

Ampeybegan, Johnny Lak Lak, 30i

Anbara group, 79

Anderson, Chris, 65, 145

Anindhilyakwa people, 81

Anmatyerr language, 4950


activism in support of Indigenous causes, 62

‘armchair’ anthropologists, 61

participant-observation studies, 612

study of Aboriginal economies, 145

aquaculture, 1012, 123, 196

archaeological classifications, 189

archaeological investigations, surveys and research, 142, 145, 180, 1967

‘armchair’ anthropologists, 61

Arnhem Land

fish traps, 20, 20i, 101, 102

influence of missionaries, 65

looking after country, 84

resistance to gardening, 64

seasonal camps, 116

spiritual propagation, 402

types of shelters, 117

use of fire, 534

Arrernte people, 357

Austin, Peter, 46

Australia, evidence for human occupation, 1, 170, 172, 173, 174

Australia and the Origins of Agriculture (Gerritsen), 3, 4

Australia Day, 198

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), 1412

Bagshaw, Geoffrey, 49, 223n71

Baker, John Sterry (Boraltchou), 22

banana, 12

band sizes, 122

banyan trees, 81

baobab trees, 82

Barrett, Charles, 129

barramundi maintenance site, 289, 29i

Bates, Daisy, 37

Batey, Isaac, 148

Bathurst Island mission, 63

bee increase rite, 32

Bellwood, Peter, 8, 10

Berndt, Catherine, 34, 40, 53, 64, 96, 1312, 138

Berndt, Ronald, 33, 34, 40, 412, 53, 64, 96, 1312, 138, 143

Beveridge, Peter, 107, 155

Black, Lindsay, 160

Blandowski, William, 195

Bleakey, JW, 129

Blundell, Valda, 107

bodily adornments, 401, 67, 97, 229n2

Bogan picks, 1617

Bourke, Colin, 138

Bowler, Jim, 172

Bradley, John, 423

Bradshaw rock art, 16

Bramwell, Elsie, 162

Brewarrina fish traps, 17, 17i, 19, 71, 101

Brough Smyth, Robert, 111

Buckley, William

on band mobility, 1256, 144

band movements recorded by, 22, 106, 2049

on camp sizes, 1212

on clothing, 95, 234n6

described by Stapylton, 1467

on dwellings, 107, 10810

on Lake Condah eel traps, 143

on women’s clothing, 95

Budj Bim (Mount Eccles), 178

Builth, Heather, 70, 1868, 189, 190, 1912, 194, 195, 197

Bunbujee, Kelly, 43

Bunha-bunhanga exhibition, 166

bunya nut, 87

Burarra Dictionary, 49

Burning Questions (Langton), 567

bush harvesting practices, 58

bushfires, 1889, 191

cabbage palms, 81

Campbell, Alastair, 87, 92


size, 11923, 236n2

wet-season camps, 1367

Cane, Scott, 142

Cape York Peninsula

cultural influence by Torres Strait peoples, 48

dwellings, 116, 116i, 124, 124i, 136

mobility, 135

resistance to gardening and agriculture, 623

spiritual propagation, 2532

tuber conservation, 7980

See also Wik people

carpet snake maintenance rites, 33, 34

carving, long yam carvings, 25, 25i

castaways, 22, 58

Central Australia

food storage, 218n10

plant use, 86

seed broadcasting, 88

spiritual propagation, 347

Chase, Athol, 26, 623, 83, 228n31

Chaseling, Wilbur, 634

Chewings, Charles, 129, 130

Clarke, Anne, 183, 184, 185, 189

Clarke, Philip, 6, 1819, 56

Clemens, Helen, 18

clothing, 5, 19

absence of, 67

bodily adornments, 401, 67, 97, 229n2

ceremonial use, 93, 95, 99, 99i

footwear, 96, 234n1, 234n9

gender differences, 946

grass skirts, 99, 99i

kangaroo skin cloaks, 93, 94i

paperbark aprons, 96, 96i, 2345n11

possum skin cloaks, 93, 95

regional differences, 96100

sewn clothing, 69, 93

symbolic use, 100

women’s aprons, 96, 96i, 98, 98i, 100, 2345n11

women’s utility pads, 99, 100

See also picture section in book

coconuts, 11

Collins, David, 978

colonisation, presence of agriculture as bar to, 217n4

Condah Swamp, 179, 180, 193

Cooksey, Thomas, 1589

cosmology, 15

Coutts, Peter, 179, 180, 181, 182, 189, 190

Cribb, Roger, 84, 141

Cuddie Springs site, 723

cultivation, 8, 60, 869

cultural diversity, 131

cultural relativism, 131

culture, reflection in language, 46

cycad maintenance rites, 423

cylcons, 15761

damming, 233n5

Dark Emu in the Classroom, 101

flaws and errors of fact, 1234

Dark Emu (Pascoe)

arguments presented in, 2, 67, 10, 745

flaws, omissions and errors, 14, 23, 434, 46, 52, 61, 723, 87, 89, 1034, 112, 11718, 128, 14555, 170, 173, 174, 183, 187, 199201

labels and definitions, 611

positive contribution of, 46

as revelation, 1520

social evolutionism in, 9, 6673

sources, 202, 61, 14555

success of, 223

See also Young Dark Emu (Pascoe)

Darling Basin peoples, 77

Davidson, DS, 75

Davis, James (Duramboi), 22, 119

Dawson, James, 179, 1901, 195

Dawson, John, 105

demand-sharing, 28, 221n11

digging sticks, 1667, 169

dingo maintenance rites, 35

dingoes, 194, 255n81

Dix, Warwick, 889

Diyari people, 46

domiculture, 834, 85, 86

Dreaming, 12, 13, 15, 65, 702, 86

duck nets, 18i

Duncan-Kemp, Alice, 91


Buckley’s descriptions, 10910

Cape York types, 124, 124i

in classical period, 4

descriptions of, 16

domed structures, 11718

dry-season shelter, Cape York, 116i

huts, 11819

permanent housing, 68, 69, 1056, 108, 144

Punga-style dwelling, 124i

regional differences, 667, 130

seasonal use, 17, 19, 66, 106, 11519, 1367, 236n5

‘shelter’ trees, 191, 192i, 194

use of stone, 10715, 116, 143, 18090, 238n32, 238n39

‘villages,’ 107, 147, 153, 155, 181, 183, 236n5, 245n82

See also picture section in book

eaglehawk maintenance rites, 33

ecological agency, 7, 9, 523, 54, 59, 912, 130, 153

Edwards, Bill, 138


short-finned eels (Anguilla australis), 179

traps at Lake Condah, 19, 70, 101, 102, 143, 144, 178i

Elkin, AP, 34, 38, 62, 130, 132

Ellis, Bob, 823

emu maintenance rites, 34, 367

environmental management

fire management, 18, 526, 58

pre-1788, 4, 7

See also spiritual propagation

Etheridge, Robert, 1523, 157, 15960

evolutionary schemes, 910

Fantin, Shaneen, 117


distinguished from horticulture, 8

learnt at missions, 229n55

fire management, 4, 18, 526, 58

‘firestick farming,’ 545

firewood, collection of, 117, 118i

First Australians, arrival, 1, 2023

First Footprints (ABC TV series), 142

First Nations People, 1

fish traps

Brewarrina fish traps, 17, 17i, 71, 101

Glyde River fish trap, 101, 1023

Lake Condah fish and eel trap, 19, 70, 101, 102, 143, 144, 176, 178i, 17980, 182, 191, 1967

Toolondo, 179

weirs, 19i, 1920, 20i, 101, 220n45

fishing, 9i, 1012

fishing nets, 17, 18i, 19

Flinders, Johnny, 48, 64

Flinders, Matthew, 11011

Flinders Island language, canoe-related vocabulary, 489

Flinders Ranges, distribution of iga (native orange), 823

Flood, Josephine, 144

food preservation, 187, 190

food storage, 56, 18, 89, 132, 150, 151, 155, 218n10

foragers, 7

Frank, Rudy, 179, 190

Frankel, David, 148

Fuller, Tilly, 128

Gaiarbau (Willie MacKenzie) (Duungidjawu man), 33

game nets, 1545

Gammage, Bill, 3, 4, 1314, 1819, 53, 108, 143, 166, 219n38

‘garden magic’, 12

gardening vocabulary

in Aboriginal languages, 4951

in Torres Strait languages, 478

Garrwa people, 423

Gerritsen, Rupert, 3, 4, 6, 14, 67, 68, 87, 88, 108, 169

Gertz, Harry. See picture section in book

Gill, Edmund, 170

Gillen, Frank, 35, 36

Gilmore, Mary, 81, 88

Glyde River fish trap, 19, 101, 1023

Goodale, Jane, 234n11

Gothachalkenin, Rupert, 29

grain storage, 89

Gregory, AC, 153, 167, 169, 2467n26

Gregory, JW, 159

Grey, George, 147

Griffin, GF, 138

Griffiths, Tom, 66, 70

grindstones, 72, 757, 76i, 77i

Groote Eylandt, 81

Gsell, Francis Xavier, 63

Gulf of Carpentaria, 423

Gunditjmara people, 67, 183

guralal root, 81

Gurambara, Lily, 40, 49, 223n71

hairy yam/may ka’ err (Dioscorea bulbifera), 312

Hallam, Sylvia, 87, 128

Hamm, Giles, 183

Hardwick, Jeff, 82

Harper, Walter, 157, 1589

Harris, David, 64, 82

Head, Lesley, 74

Heath, Jeffrey, 40

Henry, Jim, 170

hereditary chiefdoms, 186, 187

High Cliffy Island, 107, 108

hoes, 152, 157

honey maintenance rites, 33

Hopkins River midden, 1703

Horsman, Robyn, 1278


absence horticultural vocabulary in traditional Australia, 467

definition, 78

incipient horticulture, 79

missionary support for, 65

pre-1788, 12

reasons not adopted by the Old People, 1115, 62

resistance to, 625, 901, 14950

in Torres Strait, 46

Horton, David, 141, 1745

housing. See dwellings

Howitt, AW, 33

Hughes, Philip, 179, 190

Hume, Hamilton, 150

Hunn, Eugene, 56

hunter-gatherer-cultivators, 60, 74


challenge to orthodox views on, 176

definition, 7

differences from agricultural farming peoples, 10

label problem, 74

hunter-gatherers-plus, 9, 11, 57, 74, 81

hunting and gathering

complexity of, 89

knowledge and skills required, 9

reversion to, 59

and shift to farming, 10, 59, 176

hunting nets, 17, 18i

Hynes, Ross, 83

iga (native orange), 823

incipient agriculture, 74, 89

incipient horticulture, 79

increase rituals. See spiritual propagation

Ingram, Alexander, 110

invasion of Australia, 1

irrigation, 89

Irvine, FR, 87

Japaljarri, Engineer Jack, 65

Jingulu language, 50

Jones, Jonathon, 166

Jones, Rhys, 52, 534, 74, 79, 834, 122

juan knives, 1679

Kaberry, Phyllis, 37, 58, 133

Kala Lagaw Ya language, 47

kangaroo farming, 1745

Kangaroo Island, 174

kangaroo maintenance rites, 33, 34

kangaroo skin cloaks, 93, 94i

Karrajarri language, 223n60

Kaurna language, 51

Kaytetye language, 50

Keen, Ian, 21, 33, 41, 43, 5960, 74, 77, 193

Kelly, Caroline Tennant, 32

Kenyon, Alfred, 107, 110

Kerrup Jmara people, 183

Kikuyu people, 59

Kimber, Dick, 88

Kimberley region, spiritual propagation, 378

King, Phillip Parker, 11213

Knight, James, 168

Kul-ler-kul-lup, 111, 238n30

Kumbaingeri (Gumbaynggirr) language, 33

Kŭnai people, 33

Lake Condah

caching of live fish, 1956

drainage works, 180

fish and eel trap system, 19, 70, 101, 102, 143, 144, 178i, 17980, 182, 191, 1967

geography of environs, 1789, 182, 184, 187

Indigenous activities in mid to late 1800s, 1901

map of region, 177i

migratory fish, 1789

natural abundance, 176, 1934

population, 1812, 190, 196

semi-sedentism, 1812, 183

smoking of eels in trees, 1905

stone circles, 18090, 185i, 196

Lake Condah Mission, 63, 180, 1889

Lake Killalpaninna, 46

Lamilami, Lazarus, 65, 81

Landis Gothachalkenin, Billy, 44

Langton, Marcia, 567, 140, 141

language, reflection of culture in, 46

language countries map, 141

language group intermarriage, 237n14

Lardil people, 43, 1278

Latz, Peter, 35, 55, 86, 138

Lawrence, Roger, 77

Levitt, Dulcie, 81

Lindsay, HA, 79, 135

Lofgren, Mance E, 889

Long, Jeremy, 120

Lourandos, Harry, 9, 122, 179, 182

Lovett, Johnny, 190

Maasai people, 59

Mabo, Eddie, 54

Mabo case, 54, 227n14

Mabuiag language, 478

Macassans, 11, 13, 49, 2378n27

MacDougall, David, 142

MacDougall, Judith, 142

MacKenzie, William, 231n17

Macquarie Aboriginal Words (Thieberger and McGregor), 47

Maddock, Ken, 25, 229n6

Madjedbebe site, 202

magpie goose egg maintenance site, 2931, 30i

Maiden, JH, 81

Malak Malak people, 3940

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 12, 225n7

Manne, Robert, 140

marriage, 237n14

Martin, David, 31

Massola, Aldo, 137, 176, 179, 188

Mathews, RH, 160

McCarthy, Fred, 53, 75, 130, 133, 134, 161, 162

McConnel, Ursula, 22, 268, 32, 62, 80, 989, 133

McGregor, Bill, 47

McKenzie, Kim, 142

McKinlay, John, 151

McLean Irinyili, Mick, 72

McNiven, Ian, 172, 197

Meehan, Betty, 53, 79, 834, 145

Meggitt, Mervyn, 34

Memmott, Paul

on Aboriginal dwellings, 4, 16, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 117

on increase rites, 43

on mobility in wet season, 1278

Merlan, Francesca, 40

Meryam Mir language, 478

middens, 845, 1703

Midinyan, Queenie, 40

Milingimbi Island, 40, 64

millstones, 72, 757, 76i, 77i

Milne, Edmund, 160

Minong people, 33

missionaries, 634, 65

Mitchell, Thomas, 17, 95, 1456, 14850, 151, 153, 166, 167


Buckley’s records, 106, 1256, 2049

degrees of, 115

hapless nomadism debunked, 13043

ill-informed views on, 129

monsoon-belt peoples, 1278

pattern across Australia, 106

seasons and, 115

sedentism and, 1267, 1434

semi-sedentary land use, 128, 1334

Morgan, John, 125

Mornington Island, 43

Morrill (or Murrells), James, 22

moulting ducks species maintenance, 31

See also picture section in book

mountain trout (Galaxia spp.), 179, 252n10

Mountford, Charles P, 129, 130

mourning caps, 17, 17i, 36

mulga seed ceremony, 34

Mulvaney, John, 137

Murinbata people, 82

Murray Island (Mer), 54

mussel maintenance rites, 40

Myers, Fred, 143

native title, 54, 199

nets, 17, 18i, 154

New Zealand, reversion to hunting and gathering, 59

Ngarinyin people, 33

Ninganga, Ida, 42

nonda plum, 31, 218n7

Noone, Harold, 162

Noongar Dictionary, 49

Nunggubuyu (Wubuy) people, 401

O’Brien, Peter, 220n47

O’Connor, Sue, 107, 108

Old People, 2

Onus, Bill, 134i, 1345

outrigger canoes, 48

Page, Edward, 148

Palmer, Edward, 81

paperbark aprons, 96, 96i, 2345n11

participant-observation studies, 61

Pascoe, Bruce. See Dark Emu (Pascoe)

Passi, David, 54

Peemuggina, Noel, 4, 227n15

Pelletier, Narcisse, 22, 58, 95

Perkins, Rachel, 141

Peterson, Nicolas, 34, 44, 120

picks, 1617

Piddington, Ralph, 38

Pilbara region, spiritual propagation, 39

Pink, Olive, 62

Pintupi people, 143

pituri, 86

plant domestication, 68

plant knowledge, 81, 219n33

Pootchemunka, Dorothy, 31

See also picture section in book

population distribution, in 1788, 77, 78i

possum skin cloaks, 93, 95

possums, 81

pottery, 17, 68, 69

Povinelli, Elizabeth, 26, 145

professional knowledge, versus lay knowledge, 21

proto-agriculture, 589, 74, 87

Radcliffe-Brown, Rex, 33, 389, 77

rainmaking rituals, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 41, 91

rain-serpent maintenance sites, 33

Raymond, Pompey, 4

Reed, AW, 130

religious propagation, 12, 445

reproduction of species. See spiritual propagation

resource management

methods, 568

See also spiritual propagation

Reynolds, Henry, 140

Rice, James, 54

Robinson, George Augustus, 179

Rolls, Eric, 72

Rose, Fred, 22, 145

Rosengren, Neville, 184, 187

Roth, Walter, 119

Rottnest Island, 1734

Roughsey, Elsie, 128

San people, 59

Sandall, Roger, 34, 142

Saunders, Christina, 183

Saunders, Keith, 190

Saunders, Linda, 183

sealing industry, 174

seasons, 11617, 239n45

sedentism, 13, 68, 115, 125, 126, 143

seed broadcasting, 50

seed gathering, 17, 77

seed grinding, 32, 723, 757, 86

seed planting/sowing, 879, 90, 91, 92, 154, 155

semi-cultivation, 87

semi-sedentary land use, 128, 1334, 242n32

settlement, 1

sharing, 150, 151, 246n16

Sharp, Lauriston, 22, 26, 136, 218n7

shell middens, 845, 1703, 171i

shelter. See dwellings

‘shelter’ trees, 191, 192i, 194

Shepherdson, Ella, 64

shifting cultivation, 8

shovels, 166

Silcock, JL, 232n23

Sir Edward Pellew islands, 111

slash-and-burn horticulture, 8

Smith, Mike, 72, 75

Smith, Walter (Arabana man), 88

Smyth, Dermot, 80

social evolutionism, 9, 6673, 87, 90, 131

South-east Australia, spiritual propagation, 323

species abundance, places of, 43

Spencer, WB, 35, 36, 129, 234n11

spiritual propagation

baobab myth, 82

Cape York Peninsula, 2532

Central Australia, 347

combined with physical conservation, 357

as dominant mode of resource management, 435

the Dreaming and, 12, 13, 15, 43, 65, 86, 90

extent of practice, 24

ignoring of culture of, 14

Kimberley region, 37

rituals, 19, 245

significance of, 131

South-east Australia, 323

south-west of Western Australia, 37

Top End and Gulf of Carpentaria, 3943

use of cylcons, 1601

Stanner, Bill, 61, 82, 119, 134, 223n66

Stapylton, Granville, 1467

stingray maintenance rites, 40

Stolen Generations, 140

stone tools

blades, 1679

classification, 162

picks, 1627

on Rottnest Island, 1734

storage of food, 56, 18, 89, 132, 150, 151, 155, 218n10

Strehlow, TGH, 37, 246n16

Sturt, Charles, 150, 151, 153

subsistence modes

analysis of, 229n7

combining of, 8

Sullivan, Tom, 160

surplus food production, 150

surplus resources, 1501

Sutton, Peter, 34

Sutton, Thomas. See picture section in book

swamp grass bulbs maintenance site, 31

sweat, 26

Sweeney, Gordon, 11920

swidden horticulture, 8

Tanami Desert people, 556

Tapnguk, Jimmy, 40

taro, 12

technological innovation, 702

The Biggest Estate on Earth (Gammage), 3

Thieberger, Nick, 47

Thomas, William, 106, 107, 111, 236n2, 238n30

Thomson, Barbara, 22

Thomson, Donald, 22, 62, 72, 102, 117, 124, 135, 1389

Tindale, Norman

on Aboriginal economies, 57

on damming, 233n56

on incipient horticulture, 79, 89

map of distribution of seed grinding, 75

on mobility, 135, 143

on proto-agriculture, 589

research interests, 241n14

on sedentism, 1267

on species maintenance rituals, 35

on stone blades, 168

on territory and residence of language groups, 108

on use of fire, 523

Tiwi people, 96, 2345n11

Todd, Andrew, 147

Tonkinson, Robert, 34, 138

Toolondo fish trap, 179

Torres Strait languages, gardening vocabulary, 478

tortoises, 81

totemic centres, 27i, 278, 37

totems, 15

transplanting species, 816

trout, 179

tuber conservation, 7981

Umpithamu language, 221n9

Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella, 36, 55, 56

vegetation planting myths, 82

Victorian Archaeological Survey (VAS), 180, 183, 184, 185, 197

Waddy, Julie, 81

Waliwararra, Kitty, 40

Walker, Johnny (Kuku Yalanji man), 65

Walmbeng, Cecil, 84

Walmbeng, Mary, 31

See also picture section in book

Walmbeng, Rex, 84, 84i

Walsh, Fiona, 14

Walshe, Keryn, 3

Warlpiri language, 35

Warlpiri people, 345, 44, 128, 143

Warner, Lloyd, 41, 117

watercraft, 48, 71, 1034

See also picture section in book

waterlilies, 81

wattle grub maintenance sites, 33

weather control rituals, 15, 33, 34, 41, 44

Webb, Len, 81, 231n17

Wells, Edgar, 65

Western Australia, spiritual propagation in south-west, 379

Western Desert peoples, 1423

Western Desert Pitjantjatjara people, 33

Western District, Victoria, 1256, 1434

whaling industry, 174

Where the Ancestors Walked (Clarke), 1819

White, Cyril, 80

Wiil people, 33

Wik people

absence of agriculture, 801

clothing, 98100, 234n1

food storage, 6

hunting, 4

mobility, 1389

mourning dance, 99i

shelter types, 117

spiritual propagation, 2532

treatment of resources, 25

use of fire, 545, 55i

well digging, 44

yam conservation, 7980

Wik region, totemic centres, 27i, 278

Wik-Mungkan language, 26, 28

Wik-Ngathan language, 28, 55

Williams, Nancy, 56

Williams, RM, 119

Winterbotham, Lindsey Page, 33

Wiradjuri language, 501

Wolfe, Patrick, 140

Wolmby, Alan, 25

Wolmby, Isobel, 28, 44

See also picture section in book

Wolmby, Morrison, 227n15

Wolmby, Ray, 4, 29

Wolmby, Silas, 227n15

Wood, Ray, 12, 48

wooden tools, 169

Worsnop, Thomas, 110, 112, 113

yabby maintenance rites, 40

yam maintenance sites, 33, 40

yams, 12, 25, 312, 77, 7980, 82, 91, 131, 1478, 153, 228n31

Yankunytjatjara people, 86

Yanyuwa language, 43

Yanyuwa people, 423

yarrinyarri (nutgrass) maintenance rites, 38, 39i

Yawarawarrka people, 34

Yawuru season names, 11617

Yegera (Yaygirr) language, 33

Yen, Douglas, 91

Yibarbuk, Dean, 56

Yirrkala mission, 634

Yir-Yoront people, 71

Yolngu people, 41, 67, 102, 139

Young Dark Emu (Pascoe)

flaws and errors of fact, 723, 103, 118, 123

success of, 23

Yukumbil (Yugambeh) language, 33

Yunkaporta, Bruce, 9i

Yunkaporta, Marjorie, 29, 31

Yunkaporta, Perry, 227n15

Yunkaporta, Ursula, 227n15

Yurumua (Nunggubuyu youth), 401