13.3 Path Extensions

Extensions are simple external programs that perform some actions on the selected objects in the document. They are represented by the commands in the submenus of the Extensions menu. However, they should not be confused with path effects; they are one-off, destructive operations that change objects without preserving the originals. The only way to reverse the effect of an extension command is by using EditUndo.

A typical extension has a number of parameters you can set in a dialog before running the extension. Most extension dialogs have the Live preview checkbox which, when checked, lets you preview the effect of various parameters in the document without having to undo and call the extension again. Note that while the Live preview is off, the extension dialog is not modal, which means you can pan the canvas and select different objects; as soon as you turn Live preview on, the dialog locks the rest of Inkscape so you can only change the parameters in the dialog and see their effect on the current selection. (There’s usually a pause between changing the parameters and updating the canvas with Live preview.) To apply the changes as final, click the Apply button; to cancel without applying, click Close.

Not all extensions deal with paths; some extensions were already mentioned where it was relevant, and others will be covered throughout the book. In this chapter, we will look only at the extensions that modify or create path objects.

In the Generate from Path submenu, there are several extensions that take the selected path and generate some new path or paths from it:

Inset/Outset Halo



Pattern Along Path

The Modify Path submenu contains extensions that change the selected path directly:

Add Nodes

Envelope and Perspective

Flatten Béziers and Straighten Segments

Jitter Nodes


Rubber Stretch


The Render submenu contains extensions that generate entirely new objects not based on anything in your document:



Function Plotter


Random Tree


Finally, the Visualize Path submenu collects extensions that, in one way or another, visualize the selected path:

Number Nodes

Draw Handles


Measure Path