Abbey, John, 257

Abbott, Lynn, 397

ABC/Dunhill Records, 356

Abco Records, 4041, 44n8

ABC-Paramount Records, 394

Abner, Ewart, 75

“Above a Whisper,” 260n52

Abrahams, Bernard, 106

“Abyss,” 260n53

Ace Records, 307, 312, 397n12, 398n19, 398n25, 403

Aces, The, 2223, 30, 39, 41, 92, 105

Ackers, Graham, xix

Acon, Eddie, 259n20

Adams, A.D., 373

Adams, Doctor JoJo, 65, 71, 91nn34, 91n11

Adams, Joe, 363

Adams, Marie, 364

Adams, Woodrow, 185, 186

Adins, George, x

Advent Records, 23

Adventures in Babysitting (movie), 345

“After Hours,” 171n7

Age Records, xvi

“Ala Carte,” 66

Aladdin Records, 362, 364

Albert Collins and the Collinaires, 350

Ali, Bardu, 364, 417, 427

Ali, Tila, 427

“All Around the World,” 410

Allen, Lee, 391

Allen, Leonard, 91n9

Alley Records, 258n2

Alligator Records, 345, 35657

“All My Love Belongs to You,” 405

“All Night Long Blues,” 316, 318, 321

“All Shook Up,” 198, 203

All Stars, The, 107

“All Your Love,” 40

“Alright, Buddy,” 121

Alton Crusaders, The, 259n18

American Folk Blues Festival (AFBF), xvi, xx, 92, 1034, 105n1, 325

American Negro Folk Songs, ix

AMFPR Records, 400n34

“Am I Blue?,” 269

Ammons, Albert, 15, 69, 337

Ammons, Gene, 72, 81, 89

Amsterdam News, 344n4

Anderson, Bob, 60

Anderson, Dr. Christine, 404

Anderson, Ivie, 426

Anderson, Marion, 236

“Angel of Love,” 225, 259n27

Ann Arbor Blues Festival (Ann Arbor, MI), 153, 325

Apollo Theater (New York, NY), 33, 38, 56, 9697, 240, 25152, 260n50, 301, 366, 383, 422

“Apple Tree,” 140

Aquarius (Hastings, UK), 361

Arcade Theater (Detroit, MI), 164, 166

Arch, Cleotis “Big Tiny,” 34849

Archia, Tom, 65, 72

Archie Bell and the Drells, 351

Argo Records, 433

Argus, The, 294, 399n29

Arhoolie Records, xx, xxii, 64n12, 325

Arista Records, 427

Aristocrat Records, 72, 91n3

Armstrong, Henry, 275

Armstrong, Liny, 316

Armstrong, Louis, 275

“Army Blues,” 318

Arnold, Billy Boy, xxi, 19, 56, 91n10

Arnstein, Harold, 431

Art Ensemble of Chicago, 292

Artettes, The, 232

Artistic Records, 190, 226

Ashby, Gill, 88

Ashby, Harold, 813, 89

Atkins, Boyd, 7

Atlantic Records, 10, 91n14, 356, 366

Avalon, Frankie, 366

Baby Dotson, 335, 338

Baby Face Leroy, 7, 134, 138, 143, 145

Baby Sister, 195, 196

Background of the Blues, ix

“Back Home to Mama,” 91n19

“Bacon Fat,” 82

“Bad Boy,” 291

“Bad Breaks,” 328

Bailey, John Mac (aka “St. Louis Red Mike”), 289n5

Baker, LaVern, 160

Baker, Mary, 116

“Baker Shop Boogie,” 50, 64n1

Ballard, Hank (and The Midnighters), 242, 365, 416, 430

Bamboo Key Club, (E. St. Louis, IL), 228

Bankhead, Tommy, xxv

Banks, Kenneth, 64n7

Banks, Malcolm, 308

Barbee, John Henry, 110, 114, 133

Barber, Chris, xvi, 59, 60, 64n15

Bard, Ben, 422

Barksdale, Don, 420, 424

Barner, Juke Boy, 325

Barnes, Earl, 376

Barnum, H.B., 394

Barrelhouse (Los Angeles, CA), 363, 365, 417, 419, 428

Barrelhouse Lounge (Chicago, IL), 19

Barrelhouse Records, 184n3

“Bar Room Blues,” 388, 398n22

Bart, Ben, 385, 388

Bartholomew, Dave, 385, 388, 408

Bass, Fontella, xxv, 219, 222, 232, 257, 259n23, 260n37, 291303

Bass, Martha, 291, 292, 303n3

Bass, Ralph, 303, 41633

Bastin, Bruce, xxii, xxiii

Bates, Lefty, 65, 75, 82, 84

Battise, Harold, xxvi

Battle, Joe Von, 159

Baum, Wolfie, xvii

BBC Television, 23

Bea and Baby Records, 58, 64n13

Beale Street USA, xvii

“Beale St. Stomp” (Chop Chop Boogie), 91n7

Bear Family Records, 403

Beatles, The, xxi, 414

Be Bop Club (Chicago, IL), 7

Be-Bop Hall, The (West Memphis, AR), 49

Beckton, L.D., 55, 64n9

“Bedroom Blues,” 121

“Beer Barrel Polka,” 112

Beige Room (Chicago, IL), 80

Belcher, Calvin, 69

Bell, Jesse, 282

Bell’s Bar (Kenner, LA), 328

Bells of Joy, The, 341, 344n2

Below, Fred, 22, 3031, 36, 3840, 92105

“Be Mine Alone,” 91n18

“Be My Chauffeur,” 186

Bennett, Boyd, 406

Benson, Al, 79, 142, 144, 159, 251

Benson, George, 66, 89

Bentley, William, xxi

Bernard (aka “Fat”), 144

Bernholm, Jonas, 368, 399n29, 400n34, 403

Berry, Chuck, x, xvii, xviii, 41, 80, 88, 201, 22021, 227, 231, 366

Besman, Bernie, 179

Bethlehem Records, 385, 413

“Bewilered (and Confused),” 158

Bibbs, Sir Oliver, 40

Bienstock, Freddy, 399n30

“Big Apple Swing,” 48

Big Bill Blues, ix, xxi, 167

Big Bopper, 349

Big City Four, 206

Big Foot Albert, 197. See also King, Albert

Big Maceo, 141, 16271, 182, 189, 192, 200

Big Maybelle, 160

Big Mouth, 156

“Big Question, The,” 211, 258n10

“Big Road Blues,” 168

“Big Stick Candy,” 184n2

“Big Ten Inch Record,” 405

Big Three Trio, 101

“Big Town,” 38789, 398n22, 398n24

Big Walter, 358n6

Bihari Brothers, 362, 408

Billboard, xvi, 258n11, 292

Billy Riley’s Palace Park (Shreveport, LA), 372

Birdcage, The (St. Louis, MO), 218

Birdlegs and Pauline, 103

“Bird Nest Bound,” 321

Birdsong, Larry, 399n29

Bishop, Elvin, 355

Bishop, Joe, 131

Bishop, Minnie, 131

Bishop, Sam, 131

Black, Bill, 99

Black, Stu, 105n5

Black Albert, 193, 197. See also King, Albert

Black & White Records, 426

Black Bob, 112

Black Bubble, 155

Black Cat, The (Pine Bluff, AR), 182

Black Frank, 130n6

Black Hawk (Detroit, MI), 171n5

Black Matt, 196, 197

“Black Pony,” 307

Black Tank, 338

Black Velvet (Mt. Clemens, MI), 160

Black Willie’s (Osceola, AR), 194

Blackwell, Louis, 81

Blackwell, Willie “61,” 15455, 158, 182

Blair, Sonny, 53

Blake, Eubie, 27576

Blake, Sonny, 53

Blanchard, Edgar, 390

Bland, Bobby, 52, 53, 81, 84, 89, 2035, 247, 35051, 353, 356, 399n28

“Blessed Name of Jesus, The,” 277

Blissett, John (aka Al Blounder), 137

“Bloodshot Eyes,” 411

Bloom, Willie, 258n2

Bloomfield, Mike, 355

Bloom’s (Osceola, AR), 198, 257, 258n2

Blue, Leon, 236

Bluebird (Detroit, MI), 171n5

Bluebird Records, 165, 282, 284, 289n4, 289n6, 307, 310

“Blue Danube,” 67

Blue Flame (East St. Louis, IL), 238

“Blue Hawaii,” 371

“Blue Heaven,” 270, 274

Blue Heaven (St. Louis, MO), 286

Blue Horizon Records, xxii, xxv

Blue Lake Records, 153, 159, 161

“Blue Monday,” 269

Blue Note Club (East St. Louis, IL), 259n33

Blue Notes, 428

“Blues after Hours,” 34, 213

Blues and Gospel Records 1902–1943, xviii, 289nn45, 290n10, 319n3, 320

Blues: A Regional Experience, 183n1, 277n1

“Blues, Blues, Blues,” 328

Blues Boogie Woogie Piano Duets and Solos, 13

Blues Classics Records, xxii

Blues DeLuxe, 398n22

Blues Discography 1943–1970, 171n12, 397

Blues Fell This Morning, ix

Blues for Two, 349

Blues Guitar Hero, 3

Blues Live In Japan, 23

Bluesman, The, 91n6. See also Sykes, Roosevelt

Bluesmen, The, 320

Blues People, ix

Blues Records 1943–1966, xix, 44n7, 91n14

Blues Research, ix

Blues Twins, 377, 379

Blues Unlimited Records, 325, 330

Bluesway Records, 394

Blues World, 320

“Bluesy,” 40, 44n8

Blue Thumb Records, 41, 44n9, 358n7

Board, Sam, 264

Bobbin Records, 22425, 259n26, 260n43, 291, 29899, 303nn56

“Bobby Sox Baby,” 426

Bo Diddley, x, xvii, xviii, 41, 433

“Body and Soul,” 69

Body Shop, The (Vancouver, Canada), 355

Bolic Sounds studio (Los Angeles, CA), 355

“Bold Soul Sister,” 355

Bonner, Weldon “Juke Boy,” xvi, xx, 32534

“Boogie at Midnight,” 380, 387, 398n18, 408

Boogie Blues-Women Sing and Play Boogie Woogie, xxi

“Boogie Chillun,” 346

“Boogie Twist,” 144

“Boogie Woogie,” 270, 281

Boogie Woogie Red, 153, 159, 162, 167, 179, 184n2

Booker, Charley, 191, 312

Booker, Ollie, 191

Booker T and the MGs, 349, 356

Booker Washington Theater (St. Louis, MO), 270

Boone, Pat, 366, 39091

Boot’s Place (St. Louis, MO), 283

Bootlegger’s Alley (Osceola, AR), 19495

Bop Records, 42627

Bostic, Earl, 406, 433

“Bottle Up and Go,” 13839

“’Bout the Break of Day,” 44

Bowers, John, 53, 64n7

Bowie, Lester, 292, 296

“Bowlegged Woman,” 405

“Boxtop,” 22223, 226, 259n21

Boy Blue, 174, 183

Boyan, Sonny, 356

Boyd, Eddie, 8, 140, 169

Boyd, Sam, 274

Bracey, Ishman, xxx

Bracken, Jimmy, 145

Bradshaw, Tiny, 387, 398n23, 405

Brandly, Clint, 432

“Brand New Love,” 291

Braun, David, 375, 408

Braun, Jules, 3756, 408

Brensten, Jackie, 50, 190, 206, 209, 21214, 21618, 228, 259n31

Brim, Grace, 170, 181

Brim, John, 141, 170, 181

“Broke and Hungry,” 172, 184n2

Brookmount Hotel (Chicago, IL), 31, 95

Brooks, Elkie, 257

“Broomduster,” 74

Broonzy, Big Bill, ix, xvi, xxii, 109, 130n2, 13334, 141, 162, 164, 16768, 289n5, 30910, 332, 365

Broonzy, Rose Allen, 167

Broven, John, xvi, xvii, xix, xxi, xxiiixxvi, 36162, 368

Brown, Andrew, 397

Brown, Bill, 431

Brown, Buster, 241

Brown, Charles, xxx, 332, 362, 364, 396

Brown, Cleo, 389

Brown, Connie, 396

Brown, Elder, 375

Brown, Fanny, 375

Brown, Gatemouth, 332, 344n3, 347, 352

Brown, Gertie, 380

Brown, Henry, xxx, 269, 274

Brown, James, x, 10, 245, 249, 355, 399n28, 413, 416, 422, 429, 43233

Brown, Joe, 121, 144

Brown, Lee Edward, 6, 143

Brown, Lucy Kate, 162

Brown, Nappy, 56, 81, 350, 392

Brown, Othum, 27, 106

Brown, Piney, 351

Brown, Roy, xxvi, 25556, 332, 364, 36899, 404, 408, 411, 415n3

Brown, Ruth, 388

Brown, Shorty, 5

Brown, True Love, 369

Brown, Wilbert, 37273

Brown, Willie, xxvix, 31618, 321

Brown, Yancy, 369

Brown Derby (Detroit, MI), 158

Brown’s Bar (Detroit, MI), 165, 177

Brunswick Records, 265, 267

Bruynoghe, Yannick, ix, xxii, 162

“B.U. Blues,” xxi

BU Booklets, xviii

Buddah Records, 61

Buffalo Booking Agency, 354, 356

Buford, Mojo, 53

Bug Mouth, 156

Bull City Red, xi, xvii

Bull Moose Jackson (and the Buffalo Bearcats), 4045

Bullet Records, xvii

Bullock, Anna Mae, 211

Bumble Bee Slim, 130n5, 289n6

Burley, Dan, 344n4

“Burner, The,” 89

Burnette, Dorsey, 399n27

Burnette, Johnny, 399n27

Burns, Eddie, 161, 181

Burrage, Harold, 8

Burton, Aaron, 357

Burton, John, 8, 300

Burton, Larry, 357

Busung, Jane, 259n27

Busy Bee (Helena, AR), 156

Butler, Jerry, 241

Butterfield, Paul, 404

“Buzzard Lope, The,” 224

“Bye Baby Bye,” 398n19

Byrd, Roy, 430

“By the Moon and Stars,” 318, 321

Cadet Records, 159, 433

Cadillac Baby, 58

“Cadillac Baby,” 398nn2223

Cadillac Bob, 80

“Caldonia,” 150

Caldwell, Fred, 341

“Call Operator 210,” 364

“Call to Quarters,” 139

Calt, Steve, 319n1

Calumet Club (St. Louis, MO), 265, 275, 288

Camarigg, Mark, 4, 308, 335, 345

Camp, Celia, 3, 99n29

Candid Records, 333

Canned Heat, 345, 354

Can’t Get No Grindin’, 61, 64n17

“Can’t Hardly Keep from Crying,” 327

“Can’t Hold Out Much Longer,” 44n3

“Can’t Let Your Troubles Get You Down,” 328

Cantor, Eddie, 430

Capitol Records, 366, 399n27, 428

Capone, Al, 69

Capone, Ralph, 69

Carpenter, Louis, 79, 81

Carr, James, 219, 296, 297, 298

Carr, Leroy, 15, 171n2, 282

Carrillo Ballroom (Santa Barbara, CA), 366

Carter, Benny, 408

Carter, Bo, 289n6

Carter, Eloise (Eloise Hester), 235, 242, 260n40

Carter, Goree, 333

Carter, Navada, 294

Casba (Detroit, MI), 160

Casbah (Chicago, IL), 8

Cashbox, xvi, 105n4

Caston, Bobbie, 158, 408

Caston, Leonard “Baby Doo,” 105n6

Cat Patch (Santa Fe Springs, CA), 395

Cedar Club (Chicago, IL), 7

Champion, Mickey, 42023

Champion Records, 283

Chance Records, 75, 91n7, 144

“Chantilly Lace,” 349

Charles, Frank, 10

Charles, Maceo, 166

Charles, Ray, 103, 228, 250, 294, 36364, 366, 370, 392

Charles, Thomas “Sunnyland,” 67, 12

Charley Patton, 320

Charly Records, 403

Charms, The, 413

Charters, Samuel B., ix, 319n1, 320

“Chase,” 426

Chase Hotel (St. Louis, MO), 297

Chatman, Lossie, 13132

Chauffeurs Club (St. Louis, MO), 26465

Chauvard, Marcel, xvii, xxii, 11

Checker Records, 43n2, 44n3, 44n5, 292, 303n1, 307, 415n4, 433

“Checking On My Baby,” 44n7

Chenault, Anthony, 237

Chenier, Clifton, xvi

Cherry, Ruben, 393, 399n29

Chess, Leonard, 29, 35, 57, 72, 9799, 227, 292, 300302, 432

Chess, Phil, 35, 97, 99, 302

Chess Records, xvii, xviii, xxiv, 8, 12, 22, 58, 64n8, 64nn1718, 66, 72, 7576, 8384, 92, 98, 101, 1034, 105n9, 14445, 227, 29193, 299303, 303n8, 399n34, 41617, 433

Chicago All Stars, 84

Chicago Blues Band, 84

Chicago Blues Boys, 84

Chicago Blues Stars, 44n9

Chicago Breakdown, xxiii, 11

“Chicago Breakdown,” 168

Chicago Defender, 169, 171n11

“Chicago’s Too Much for Me,” 283

Chicken Shack (Memphis, TN), 26465

“Chicken Shack Boogie,” 364

Chords, The, 365

Chris Barber Presents Jimmy Cotton, 64n16

“Christmas Tears,” 9

Chuck and Al’s (Brooklyn, IL), 297, 300

Chuck’s Corner (Chicago, IL), 146

Chudd, Lew, 391

Churchill, Kenneth, 224

Church’s Park (Memphis, TN), 155

C.J. Records, 64n13

“Clair De Lune,” 364

Clancy, George V., 158

Clapton, Eric, 3

Clark, Dick, 366

Clark, Fred, 74

Clarke, Dee, 8

Claxton, Leon, 295

Clayton, Barbara Jean “Bobbie,” 203

Clearwater, Eddie, 433

Clement, Jack, 349, 357

Clements, Fred, 216

Clovers, The, 193

Club Alabam (Los Angeles, CA), 363, 417, 431

Club DeLisa (Chicago, IL), 65

Club DeLisa (St. Louis, MO), 218, 229, 237

Club Ebony (Indianola, MS), 297

Club Evergreen (Chicago, IL), 76, 91n7

Club 51 Records, 66, 91n8, 91n18

Club Georgia (Chicago, IL), 140

Club Grenada (Galveston, TX), 372, 374

Club Imperial (St. Louis, MO), 231, 260n36

Club Jamboree (Chicago, IL.), 44n11

Club Morocco (Osceola, AR), 198, 203

Club Oasis (Los Angeles, CA), 331

Club Riviera (St. Louis, MO), 294

Coasters, The, 366, 428

Cobbs, Willie, 54

Cobra Records, 40, 44n7, 66, 8384, 91n17, 101, 105n9, 190, 21920, 22628, 259n31

Cohen, Mickey, 228

Cole, Nat “King,” 81, 96, 105n2, 382

Coleman, Joe, 372

Collectors Classics Records, xviii

Collins, Albert (aka Al Jackson), 34558, 357

Collins, Bootsy, 403

Collins, Rev. Campbell, 346

“Collins Shuffle,” 348

Colman, Stuart, 397

Coltrane, John, 61, 79

Columbia Records, xxi, 64n16, 84, 415

“Come Back Sugar Mama,” 172

“Coming Home,” 44n7

“Complete This Order,” 58, 68n14

“Conchita,” 112

Connally, John, 339

Connie Records, 399n34

Connors, Gene “Mighty Flea,” 361

Contempo Records, 190, 257, 260n53

Conversation with the Blues, xxii, 283

Coogan, Jackie, 420, 429

Cook, Bill, 419

Cooke, Sam, 193, 366

Cool Sounds of Albert Collins, The, 345

Cooper, Lee, 7

Cooper, Sonny, 7, 12, 146

Cooperstein, Max, 302

Copeland, Johnny, 345, 350, 358n3

Cordell, Denny, 256

“Cornbread,” 195

Cosmopolitan Hall (East St. Louis, IL), 298, 303n7

Cotillion Records, 10

“Cottage For Sale,” 383

Cotton, Ernest, 7

Cotton, James, xvi, 4564

Cotton, Sylvester, 182

Cotton Club (Chicago, IL—North & South Side), 7, 124

“Cotton Crop Blues,” 45, 53, 64n7

“Cotton Seed Blues,” 45

“Cottontail,” 69

Couch, Robert “Bones,” 253

Count Basie, 7, 36263, 36566, 425

Coun-Tree Records, 259n33

Country Blues, The, ix

“Country Boy,” 3, 8

Country Paul, 40910, 41213

Counts, The, 160

Cowboy Copas, 406

“Cow Cow Blues,” 15

“Crawling King Snake,” 139

Cray, Robert, 345

Crayton, Pee Wee, xxiv, 66, 386

Creath, Charlie, 274

Cristy, June, 105n2

Crosby, Bing, 370, 372, 397n2

Crowley, Louisiana Blues, xviii

Crown Propeller (Chicago, IL), 65, 8182, 88

Crown Records, xvii

Crows, The, 365

Crudup, Arthur “Big Boy,” 142, 30714

Crying for the Carolinas, xxiii

Crystal Bar (Detroit, MI), 165

Crystal Records, 413

Curtis, James “Peck,” 48, 15557

Daddy Stovepipe, 110

Dago Hill (Detroit, MI), 171n5

“Dallas Blues,” 364

Dan Burley’s Original Handbook of Jive, 344n4

Daniels, Larry “Spider,” 356

Daniels, Walter, 376

“Darkest Hour, The,” 260n45

“Dark Road,” 12122

Darnell, Larry, 82

Dave Carey’s Swing Shop, xx

Davenport, Cow Cow, 15, 317

Davers, Rayfield, 237

Davis, Billy, 393

Davis, Burdette, 102

Davis, Cyril, xvii

Davis, Eddie “Lockjaw,” 410

Davis, Tiny, 20

Davis, Tyrone, 9

Davis, Walter, 189, 192, 282, 28485, 288, 289n6

Dawkins, Jimmy, xxiii

Day, Margie, 387, 398n23

Dean, Andrew, 262

Dean, David, 348

Dean, Rev. Joseph Hensky (aka “Joe Dean from Bowling Green”), xxvi, 26177, 281

“Death Valley,” 307

Decca Records, 130n1, 284, 342, 405, 415n1

Dee, Johnny, 6

Dee Clarke Show, 9

“Deep Blues,” 336

“Deep Sea Diver,” 398n19

Dees, Robert, 310, 312

“De-Frost,” 34950, 357

Delgarde, Mario, 428

Dell, Mamie, 393

Dells, The, 84

Delmark Records, 22

Delta Big Four, 316, 320

Delta Country Blues, xix

De Luxe Records, 159, 364, 369, 37576, 37980, 382, 385, 387, 397nn1112, 398nn1822, 398n24, 413, 415n3

Demetre, Jacques, xxii, 11

Dennis, Gene, 12, 146, 148n6

Denson, Ed, xviii

Deshay, James, xxv

“Detroit Blues,” 192

Detroit Count, 180, 407

Devil’s Music, The, 23

Dew Drop Inn (Chicago, IL), 119, 141

Dew Drop Inn (Minden, LA), 175

Dew Drop Inn (New Orleans, LA), 37475

Dew Drop Inn (Pontiac, MI), 186

Dick Clark Show, 393

“Dinah,” 274

Dipsey Doodle, The (Osceola, AR), 258n4

Dirty Inn (St. Louis, MO), 286

Discographie Critique Des Meillerrs Disques De Jazz, ix

Distance (Osceola, AR), 19394, 197

Dixon, Dave, 212, 224, 258n12, 399n29

Dixon, Floyd, 364

Dixon, Robert M.W., xviii, 317, 319n1

Dixon, Tyrelle, 167

Dixon, Willie, 22, 29, 40, 101, 104, 226, 415n4

Dobard, Jeanne, 398n16

Dobard, Ray, 398n16

Dobell’s Record Shop, xx

Doc Terry, 259n16

Doctor Clayton, 309

Document Records, 315

Doggett, Bill, 89, 388, 404

“Doing for Jesus,” 344n2

Dolls, The, 348

Domino, Fats, x, xv, 366, 384, 391

Dominoes, The, 416, 43031

“Don’t Fall in Love with Me,” 410

“Don’t Jump,” 292

“Don’t Lose Your Cool,” 350

“Don’t Mess Up a Good Thing,” 292, 300301

“Don’t Take It So Hard,” 412

“Don’t Take My Blue Day Away,” 268

“Don’t Want No Woman,” 203

Doris Miller Auditorium (Austin, TX), 336, 340

“Dorothy Baker,” 284

Dorsey, Lee, 9

Dorsey, Tommy, 347

“Do Something for Me,” 431

Dot Records, 172, 178, 398n23

Dotson, Willie, 296, 296

“Double Crossing Blues,” 416, 41821

Double L Records, 88, 91n22

Downbeat, x

Down Beat (New Orleans, LA), 37779

“Down in the Bottom,” 221

“Down in the Valley,” 248, 260n46

“Down on Bending Knees,” 350, 358n3

“Down on the Levee,” 283

Doyle, Little Buddy, 153, 156

Drain, Charles, 222, 259n24

Dranes, Earl, 120

DRA Records, 399n34

“Dreaming of You,” 260n40

Dr. Hepcat (aka Albert Lavada Durst), 33544

Dr. Horse Records, 403

Drifters, The, 352, 366, 390

“Drifting Blues,” 362, 364

“Drown In My Own Tears,” 260n46, 364, 407

Duke Ellington Band, 410

Duke Records, xviii, 12, 84, 91n20, 358n2, 364

Dukes, Joe, 66

Duncan, Adolph (aka Billy, aka Eddie), 206, 212, 238

Dundes, Alan, 344n4

Dunson, Johnnie Mae, 12, 121, 130n3

Dupree, Champion Jack, xvi, 409

Dupree, Lucille, 409

“Dupree Blues,” 318

Durling, Vincent, 28, 43n1

“Dust My Broom,” 51, 282, 328

“Dying Flu,” 350

Dynaflow Inn (St. Louis, MO), 258n12

Eagland, Dave, 72

Eagle, Bob, 183n1, 315

Earthworms, The, 291

“East Chicago Blues,” 282

Ebony Lounge (Chicago, IL), 145

Eckstine, Billy, 372, 38283, 397n4, 408

Eddie “Coot” Lewis Combo, 372

Edick, George, 231, 232, 260n36

Edmonds, Elgin, 30, 31, 55, 56, 64n10, 95, 100

Edwards, Charles, 40

Edwards, J.D., 333

El Vido (Detroit, MI), 16566, 171n5

Elam, Jack, 212

Elam, Robert “Big Mojo,” 57, 64n11

El-Bee Records, 3, 8

Eldorados, The, 84, 160

“Eleanor Rigby,” 414

Electrician’s Hall (St. Louis, MO), 297

Elk Club (Los Angeles, CA), 382

Ellington, Duke, 69, 123, 336, 363, 365, 386, 411

Ellis, Dorothy, 430

Ellis (Funeral Home), 292, 303n2

Emerson, Billy “The Kid,” xi, 8, 219, 220

EMI Records, 260n52

Epic Records, 292, 399n32

Ernie K-Doe, 9, 241

Erskine, Alfred (aka Alfred Elkins), 134, 136n1

Escott, Colin, 399n31

Essex Music Records, 260n52

Estes, Sleepy John, 162, 171n6

Evans, Chink, 83, 91n16

Evans, David, 185

Evans, Sam, 79, 145

Everett, Betty, 84, 190, 226, 227, 259n31

Everly Brothers, 406

“Every Beat of My Heart,” 430

“Everybody,” 391

“Every Day I Have the Blues,” 285

“Everyday of My Life,” 259n31

Excello Records, xviii, xxii

Excelsior Records, 362

Exclusive Records, 362

Fabian, 366

“Faded Picture Blues,” 410

Fahey, John, xviii, 317, 319n1, 320

Faith Records, 400n34

Family Inn (Houston, TX), 32628

Famous Flames, 432

Fancourt, Les, 397

“Fanny,” 408

“Fanny Mae,” 241, 408

Fantastic Voyage Records, 344n1

Fat Atlas, 332

“Fat Man, The,” 366

Feather, Will, 137

Federal Records, 8, 10, 190, 258n11, 259nn1718, 365, 413, 417, 42833

“Feeling Good,” 51, 64n3

Fenton and the Castle Rockers, 358n2

“Fever,” 407, 410

Fiddler, Will, 148n2

Fields, Vanetta, 237, 249, 299

5th Avenue Ballroom (Chicago, IL), 119

Fillmore West (San Francisco, CA), 355

Fire Records, 307, 333

Fishman, Ed, 420

Five Blind Boys, The, 193

Five Du-Tones, The, 222

5-4 Ballroom (Los Angeles, CA), 246, 382

Five Masqueraders, The, 224

5 Royales, The, 193, 399n29

Flame Show Bar (Detroit, MI), 160, 16869, 171n5, 171n11, 393

Flame Show Lounge (Chicago, IL), 712

Flamingos, The, 75, 84, 257

Fleming, Jim, 82

Flint Bridge Club (Flint, MI), 177

Flock Rocker, The (Mitchell Hearns), 224

“Flower Song, The,” 67

Flying Fish Records, 13

Flyin’ Lindbergh (Milton Sparks), 290n10

Flynn, Errol, 197

Flyright Records, xxii, 130n4, 259n31, 326, 358n6

Folkstar Records, xviii

“Fool In Love,” 22122, 233, 240, 245, 259n19, 260n39

Footwarmers, The (aka The Footstompers), 198

Ford, Wheeler, 316, 320

“Fore Day in the Morning,” 381, 398n18

Forest City Blues Boys, 53

Forest City Joe (aka Forrest City Joe—Joe Bennie Pugh), 3234, 157

Forest House Hotel (Detroit, MI), 180

“40 Cups of Coffee,” 76, 79

“44 Blues,” 1516

Forrest, Earl, 205

Forrest, Jimmy, 205

Fortune Records, 170

Foster, Curtis, 158

Foster, George, 397n10

Foster, Little Bobby, 225, 259n27

Foster, Little Willie, 135

Foster, Rudy, 317

Foster, Willie, 6, 126

Foster’s Rainbow Room (New Orleans, LA), 374, 378, 397n10

Foulks, George, 131

Foulks, Tom, 131

Four Aces, The, 160

“4 X 11 = 44,” 282

Four Freshman, The, 105n2

Fox, John Hartley, 403

Foxhole (Chicago, IL), 149

Fox Theater (Brooklyn, NY), 383

Foxx, Redd, 331, 366, 417

Frank, Edward, 391

Franklin, Aretha, 367, 414

Franklin, Erma, 88

Franklin, Sammy, 426

Frazier, Calvin, 155, 159, 161

Fred Rooney’s (Detroit, MI), 182

Free & Easy, 344

Free at Last, 410

Freeman, Von, 74, 85

“Freeze, The,” 345, 348351, 358n2

Freyer, Winfried, 397

“Friendless Man,” 283

Friendship Records, 395

Fritz, Joe, 35051

Frogman Henry, 385

From The Bayou: The Story of Goldband Records, xix

“Frosty,” 348, 351

Fuller, Blind Boy, xxix, 174, 181

Fuller, Johnny, 330

Fulson, Lowell, 33031, 386

“Further On Up the Road,” 351

“Fussin’ and Fightin’ Blue,” 64n3

Gaillard, Slim, 426

Gant, Cecil, 362, 37476, 397n9

Gant, Jimmie Lee (aka Jimmie Lee Miller), 279, 286, 289n8

Gant, Mahalia, 279, 286

Gant, Rufus, 279, 289n2

Gant, Ruth, 279, 288

Gant, Sullie, 279, 289n1

Garber, Jan, 426

Gardenias, The, 259n18

Garlow, Clarence, xvii

Garner, Erroll, 417, 42627

Garrett, Vernon, 256

Gatewood’s (Chicago, IL), 13334, 141, 165

Gayles, Billy, 54, 21013, 216, 223, 23435, 239, 247, 258n40, 260n40

Gayten, Paul, xxvi, 37576, 378, 385, 397n11, 408

Geddins, Bob, 325, 32931

“Gee,” 365

Geils, J., 356

Genesis Box Sets, xxiv

George York’s Café (Osceola, AR), 194, 198, 204

“Georgia,” 295

Gert Records, 399n34

“Get to Getting,” 354

Gianquinto, Alberto, 60

Gibson, Jerry, 40, 102

Gillespie, Dizzy, 61, 69, 417, 426

Gillett, Charlie, 396, 400n35

Gilmore, Boyd, 205, 312

Gilt-Edge Records, 362, 397n9

“Give Me Your Love,” 260n43

Gladys Knight and the Pips, 9

Glass, Paul, xvi

Glenn, Tyree, 411

Globe Trotter Lounge (Chicago, IL), 12

Globetrotters, The, 12

Glory Records, 413

Glover, Henry, 387, 40316, 431

“God Bless the Child (That Has His Own),” 408

Godrich, John, xviii, 317, 319n1, 319n3, 320

“Goin’ Crazy ‘bout You,” 328

“Going Down Slow,” 192

Going to Cincinnati: A History of the Blues in the Queen City, 404

Gold Star Records, 332, 380, 398nn1920

Goldband Records, xvi, xvii, xx, 329

Goldberg, 25556

Goldberg’s Tavern (Chicago, IL), 115

Golden Eagle Records, 358n3

Goldsberry, Alvin, 193, 199, 257n1

Golson, Benny, 89

“Gonna Murder My Baby,” 64n6

“Gonna Work Out Fine,” 231, 240, 244

Gonzales, Charles (aka Bobby Prince), 74

“Good Morning Judge,” 411

“Goodnight Irene,” 431

Good Rockin’ Brown, 397n12

“Good Rockin’ Man,” 398n24

“Good Rockin’ Tonight,” 364, 368, 372, 37480, 382, 388, 39091, 394, 397n8, 397n11, 397n13, 398n18, 398n26, 399n32, 408

Good Rockin’ Tonight: Sun Records and the Birth of Rock ’n’ Roll, 399n31

Gooden, Leo, 22829, 259n33

Goodtimers, The, 255

Goodwin, Edna, 262

Goon Show, The, xv

Gordon, Dexter, 417, 426

Gordon, Rosco, 2057, 209

Gordy, Berry, 393

Gorgeous George, 24243

Gosden, Robin, xxii, xxiii

“Got a Break Baby,” 332

Gotham Records, 159

“Got My Mojo Working,” 57

“Got No Place to Run,” 327

“Gotta Find My Baby,” 260n43

“Gotta Have You For Myself,” 225, 259n28

“Got the Blues about My Baby,” 285

Graam, Rhonda, 239, 260n42

“Grandma Plays the Numbers,” 411

Grandpa Jones, 406

Graves, Lee, 422, 42829

Gray, Arvella, 120

Gray, Henry, 162

Gray, Wardell, 417, 426

Gray-Haired Bill (aka Willie Evans), 134, 14142, 146

Grayson, Miles, 395

Great Scott Records, 349, 357

Green, Al, 42627

Green, Billy, 93

Green, Candy, 397n8

Green, Clarence “Cal,” 34950

Green, Elisha, 186

Green, Fred, 222

Green, George, 259n17

Green, LC, 17273, 17578, 18083, 184n3, 184n6, 18586

Green, Lee “Porkchops,” 15

Green, Leler, 186

Green, Murray, 259n17

Green, Silas, 301

Green, Wiley, 46

“Green Onions,” 349

Greensmith, Bill, xv, xxv, xxvii, 10, 23, 42, 44, 4647, 66, 90, 9394, 98, 104, 129, 147, 17274, 19091, 29394, 332, 367, 399n29, 417

Greer, Sonny, 411

Gregory, Dick, 300

Grey, Henry, 39

Griffin, Jimmy, 386

Griffin, Johnny, 69, 93

Griffin, Marie, 317

Griffin Brothers (Buddy and James), 387, 398n23

“Grinder Blues,” 285

Griswold, Art, 183

“Guess Who?,” 410

Guralnick, Peter, 433

Gusto Records, 403

Guy, Buddy, xi, xvii, xviii, xx, 3, 5, 10, 92, 1023, 105, 190, 22627

Guy, Vernon, 219, 248, 260n46

Hadley, Bob, 56

Haines, Cooder, 138

Hall, Bill, 349, 354, 357

Hall, Bob, 315

Hallaburg, Charles, 34

Hall Records, 349

Hambone, 53

Hamilton, Roy, 82, 419

Hammond, John, 415

Hampton, Lionel, 69

Hancock, Hunter, 363, 431

“Hands Off,” 297

H&T (Chicago, IL), 165

Handy Theatre (Memphis, TN), 253

Hankins, Donald, 40, 1023

Hannusch, Jeff, 397, 399n29

Hanover Books, xxvi

Happy Home (Chicago, IL), 8

“Hard Hearted Woman,” 91n19

“Hard Luck Blues,” 38687, 393, 398nn2223, 399n30, 409

“Hard Road, A,” 44n10

Hare, Pat, 45, 53, 64nn67

Harlem Club (Brooklyn, IL), 219, 297

Harlem Inn (Detroit, MI), 157

Harlem Matinee (radio show), 363

“Harlem Nocturne,” 36263

Harnett, Geep, 414

Harrell, Sandy, 260n39

Harrell, Vern, 296

Harris, Eddie (aka Country Paul, Carolina Slim), 415n5

Harris, Freeman, 37778

Harris, Joe, 200, 201

Harris, Joel, 373, 397n8

Harris, Volley, 200201

Harris, Wynonie, 71, 37475, 37779, 385, 391, 397n13, 398n17, 408, 411

Harrison, Dave, 414

Harrover, Tom, 137

Harry’s Bar (Detroit, MI), 178

Hart’s Bread, 49, 51

Harvey, Bill, 208, 351

Hassett, Walter, 108

“Hastings Street Boogie,” 184n3

Hatch, Pete, 79, 85

“Hattie Green,” 338, 341, 344n1

“Haunted House, The,” 330

“Have You Ever Loved a Woman,” 8, 10

Hawkins, Coleman, 69

Hawkins, Erskine, 166, 171n7

Hawkins, Martin, 399n31

Hayes, Cedric, xvii, xviii

Hayes, Henry, 348

Healy, Tim, 173, 185

Hearns, Mitchell (aka Gabriel), 224, 259n20, n25

“Hearts of Stone,” 413

Heath, Rob, 319n2, 320

Heath, Ted, 105n2

Heath Records, 318

Heatwave (Chicago, IL), 7

Helfer, Erwin, 13

Helm, Levon, 404

“Hen Cackle, The,” 46

Henderson, Arthur, 289n7

Henderson, Herbert, 348

Henderson, Joe, 88

Henderson, Robert “Hindu,” 79, 81

Hendrix, George, 308

Hendrix, Jimi, 352

Henry, Robert, 407, 409, 428

Hepcat Band, The, 341

“Hepcat’s Boogie,” 34142, 344n1

Herzog studio (Cincinnatti, OH), 405

Hess, “Papa,” 429

Hess, Norbert, 41718

“Hey-Hey,” 190, 230, 259n35

“Hey, Jude,” 415

Hi Hat (Chicago, IL), 124

Hibbler, Al, 56

“Hideaway,” 3, 9, 11

Higgins, Red, 73

Highroller, Tom, 148n1

Highway 51 Records, xxii

“Highway 61 Blues,” 283

Hill, Big Bill, 119, 145, 301

Hill, Charles, 182

Hill, Gladys “Gigi,” 351, 358n5

Hill, Harvey, 182

Hill, Henry, 430

Hill, Raymond, 5455, 209, 21213, 216, 22122, 226, 236, 238, 247, 259n14, 259n18

Hinds Farm (Toledo, OH), 181

Hines, Earl, 397n4

Hippodrome, The (Memphis, TN), 55

Hite, Bob, 345, 354

Hodge, Francis, 233, 260n39

Hodge, Tommy, 18991, 210, 214, 223, 226, 235, 259n13

“Ho-Ho,” 230, 259n35

“Hold Me In Your Arms,” 53, 64n7

Hole in the Wall (St. Louis, MO), 286

Holiday, Billie, 408

Holiday, Jimmy, 39596

Holiman, “Sweetheart,” 349

Holiman, Clarence, 34950

Holliday, Billie, 80

Hollins, Tony, 139

Holloway, Red, xxiii, 6591, 93

Hollywood Henderson, 343

Hollywood Records, xvii

Hollywood Rendezvous (Chicago, IL), 3334, 98, 105n4

Holmes, Rick, 222, 223

Holt, Roosevelt, xx

Holtzman, Abe, 14

Home of the Blues Records, 393, 399n29, 399n31

Homesick James, xvi, xxi, xxiii, 1819, 27, 133, 136n1, 14546

“Honey Bee,” 291

“Honeydripper, The,” 362, 405, 415n2, 426. See also Sykes, Roosevelt

“Hoochie-Coochie Man,” 76

“Hoodoo Man,” 34, 44n5, 7576

Hooker, Earl, xvi, 4, 2728, 40, 199, 220

Hooker, John Lee, x, xviii, xx, xxii, 161, 181, 34647, 404, 407

Hooks, Johnny, 159

Hopkin, Doc, 13435

Hopkins, Lightnin’, 5, 33233, 346, 354

Hopkins, Linda, 427

Horne, Lena, 426

Horton, Big Walter “Shakey,” 54, 83, 91n19, 126

“Hot and Cold,” 350

“Hot Box,” 318

“Hot Nuts,” 73

“Hot Rod,” 74

“Hound Dog,” 365, 429

Hound Dog Taylor, 312

House, Son, xviii, xxi, xxvix, 31521

Houston, Charley, 280

Houston Ghetto Blues, 358n6

Howard, Camille, 384

Howard, Johnny, 182

Howard, Paul, 415n5

Howard Theater (Washington D.C.), 240, 383

Howlin’ Wolf, x, xi, xvii, xviii, 45, 47, 5153, 64n8, 65, 7778, 96, 123, 130, 132, 135, 15556, 183, 194, 204, 356, 433

“How Many More Years,” 204

Hubert, L.C., 64n5

Hudson, George, 300

Huggins, Cilla, xxv, xxvi, 18991, 34546

Hughes, Joe, 350

Hunt, Tommy, 257

Hunter, Ivory Joe, 82, 91n14, 367, 395, 406, 410

Hunter, The, 355, 358n7

Huntin’ with Hunter (radio show), 363

Hurd, Robert, 177

Hurt, “Mississippi” John, xi, xviii, xxix

Hutton, Bobby, 301

Huyton, Trevor, xxii

“I Apologize,” 383

“I Believe I’ll Make a Change,” 282

“I Can’t Believe,” 260n41

“I Can’t Go On Without You,” 405

“I Can’t Say It,” 184n3

“Ice Cream Freezer,” 73, 91n6

Ice Pickin’, 345

Icky Renrut, 190, 230, 259n34, n35

“I Cried Last Night,” 342

“I Don’t Hurt Anymore,” 291, 300

“If I Didn’t Care,” 37374

“If I Get Lucky,” 307

“If I Never Had Known You,” 258n11

Iglauer, Bruce, 357

“I Got My Passport,” 325

“(I Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle,” 370

“I Gotta Gal,” 74

“I Had A Woman She Loving Everyway To Me,” 178

I Hear You Knockin’: The Sound of New Orleans Rhythm and Blues, 399n29

Ike and Tina Turner Revue Live, 260n46

Ikettes, The, 232, 235, 24445, 249, 255, 260n47, 299

“I Know,” 251

“I Know Shes Gonna Jump and Shout,” 48

“I Live Where the Action Is,” 327

“I’ll Send My Ship Along at Today’s Funeral,” 406

“I’ll Weep No More,” 259n31

“I Love the Man,” 291

“I Love You, Yes I Do,” 405

“I’m Black and I’m Proud,” 325

“I’m Gonna Play the Honky Tonks,” 364

“I’m Hurting,” 260n40

Imperial Records, 345, 35455, 366, 391, 399n27

Imperials, The, 222

“I’m Satisfied,” 303n1

“I’m So Tired of Being Lonley,” 248

“I’m Tore Down,” 9

“I’m Tore Up,” 258n11

“I’m Waiting Just for You,” 405

“Ina Blues,” 285

“I Need Somebody,” 303n1

“I Need You,” 260n40

Ingram, Luther, 221, 259n18

Ink Spots, The, 37273, 431

Innis, Louis, 411

Innis Records, 260n43

Inspirations, The, 348

Intermedia Records, 400n34

In The Groove Boys, The, 19394, 198, 257n2

“In the Wee Midnight Hours,” 338

“Irish Washerwoman,” 112

Irma Records, 325, 329

Isom, Willie “Shag,” 191, 197

“It Takes Time,” 40, 44n7

“I’ve Got a Woman,” 370

“I’ve Got the Last Laugh Now,” 387, 398n24

“I Want To Marry You,” 260n41

“I Wonder,” 362, 37475, 397n9

“I Wonder If You Know How It Is,” 328

Jack in the Box (Los Angeles, CA), 331

“Jackrabbit,” 190, 230, 259n34

Jackson, Benjamin, 415n2

Jackson, Chuck, 9, 235, 241, 257

Jackson, Jim, 13132

Jackson, Jump, 65, 71, 7374

Jackson, Lil’ Son, 332

Jackson, “Little” George, 17980, 184n2

Jackson, Mahalia, 276

Jamboree (Chicago, IL), 134, 146

James, Elmer, 307, 312

James, Elmore, xvi, xviii, xxii, xxvi, 4, 7, 20, 40, 51, 92, 96, 124, 157, 181, 31013

James, Etta, 66, 392, 433

J&C Records, 407

Jazz Hot, x, xxii

Jazz Journal, x, xxii

Jazzland (Chicago, IL), 27475

Jazz Monthly, x

Jazz Statistics, x

Jazzville (Chicago, IL), 40

“Jealous Heart,” 410

Jefferson, Blind Lemon, xxix, 316

Jefferson, “Little” Walter, 194, 198200, 203

“Jelly, Jelly,” 372, 397n4

Jenkins, Bobo, 179180, 185

“Jenny, Jenny,” 203

Jewel-Paula Records, 292

“Jim Dandy,” 238

Jimmy and Jean, 235, 260n41

Jimmy Smith Club (Los Angeles, CA), 355

“Jingle, Jangle, Jingle,” 397n2

Jives of Dr. Hepcat, 335, 34344

JOB Records, 130n5, 136n1, 144

Joe Denim (James Cotton), 61

Joe Kirby’s Planation (Claxton, MS), 316

Joe Louis Restaurant (Detroit, MI), 180

Joe Lyons Café, xxvii

John, Bobby, 237, 24346

John, “Little” Willie, 250

John, Willie, 41011, 413

John Edwards Memorial Foundation, 319

“John Henry,” 13435

John Roberts and the Hurricanes, 351

Johnny Ace, 205, 351, 364, 399n28

Johnny Moore’s Three Blazers, 362

Johnny Otis Orchestra, 430

Johnny Otis Show, 361, 366, 395

Johnny Otis Show Live at Monterrey!, 399n32

Johnny Otis Talent Show, 331

Johnson, Arthur, 279

Johnson, Bill, 348, 351

Johnson, Buddy, 372, 397n4, 405

Johnson, Delores, 247, 260n43

Johnson, Donald, 428

Johnson, Ed, 258n4

Johnson, Eddie, 274

Johnson, Ella, 372, 397n4

Johnson, Evelyn, 352, 356

Johnson, Guy, ix

Johnson, Hop, 15

Johnson, Ike and Dee Dee, 260n43

Johnson, James “Rabbit,” 180

Johnson, Jesse, 26566, 271, 273, 276, 383

Johnson, Jimmy, 8

Johnson, Joe, 373

Johnson, Johnnie, 220

Johnson, Lonnie, xvi, 15, 26, 28, 141, 309, 40610

Johnson, Louise, 31521

Johnson, Mack, 240, 242

Johnson, Pete, xx, 69, 337

Johnson, Robert, 15657, 174, 365

Johnson, Ron, 250

Johnson, Stacy, 219, 248, 260n46

Johnson, Stump, 28283, 289n4

Johnson, Syl, 5, 8

Johnson, Tommy, xxx, 131

Johnson, Willie, 51

Johnson’s Garage (West Memphis, AR), 154

“Jole Blonde,” 406

Jones, Bill, 88

Jones, Bobby, 41

Jones, Casey, 357

Jones, Curtis, 15, 121, 130n5

Jones, Deacon, 375

Jones, Eddie, 209, 21214, 234, 239

Jones, Floyd, 6, 10650

Jones, Hattie, 107

Jones, Henry, 107, 130

Jones, Joe, xxvi

Jones, Johnny, 7, 141, 395

Jones, Leroy, ix

Jones, Little Johnny, 162, 167, 169

Jones, Max, x

Jones, Moody, 10650

Jones, Robert, 130

Jones, Willie Mae, 107, 120

Jordan, Louis, xxiv, 332, 366

Journal of the Blues Appreciation Society, The, xvii

Joyce Records, 259n20

“Judgment Day,” 145

“Juke,” 20, 32, 44n3, 95, 122, 131

Juke Blues, xxvi

Juke Boy Bonner, 326

Juke Boy Bonner: The One Man Trio, 326

Jukebox Lil Records, 403

Jukes, The, 39

“Jumpin’ at Cadilac,” 58, 64n13

“Jump Sister Bessie,” 44n7

“Junior’s Wail,” 44n5

Just Jazz, xxii

“Just Tryin’ to Please You,” 255

“Just Whaling,” 40, 44n8

JVB Records, 161, 172, 184nn23

Kangaroo Records, 348

Kansas City Red, 7

KATZ Radio, (St. Louis, MO), 212, 224, 258n12, 298, 303n5

“K.C. Loving,” 430

“Keep On Loving Me,” 40

“Keep What You Got,” 117

Kelly, Sam, 172, 180, 184n6

Kelly, Willie, 282. See also Sykes, Roosevelt Kenny, Bill, 431

Kent, Don, xviii

Kenton, Stan, 426

Kent Records, 259n46

KFFA Radio (Helena, AR), 46

“Kid Man Blues,” 168

Kid Riviera, 19

Kindle, James, 110, 116

King Bee, 351

King Biscuit Time (aka King Biscuit Hour, King Biscuit Show), 46, 157, 161, 311

King Kolax, 7

King of the Queen City: The Story of King Records, 403

King Records, 3, 8, 144, 159, 184n2, 258n11, 369, 379, 38588, 392, 397n13, 398nn2123, 398n25, 399n30, 4035, 4078, 41314, 415n1, 426, 429, 43033

King, Albert (Albert Nelson), 52, 55, 64n4, 189, 19294, 195, 197200, 207, 209, 212, 219, 248, 258n5, 296, 299, 358

King, B.B., xvi, xvii, xxxi, 6, 8, 10, 4041, 52, 66, 81, 183, 203, 2058, 223, 297, 301, 331, 347, 351, 35556, 376, 381, 399nn2829, 409

King, Ben E., 241

King, Bobby, 23, 54, 433

King, Earl, 9, 412

King, Freddie, 312, 57, 347, 4034, 433

King, Henry, 426

King, Leon, 5

King, Maurice, 393

King/Federal Records, 11, 416

Kingsbury’s (Madison, IL), 218

Kitty Kat (Chicago, IL), 67, 13940, 145

Kizart, Willie, 51, 206, 217, 260n36

Klatzko, Bernard, xviii

KLCN Radio, (Blytheville, AR), 207

Knight, Jesse Junior, 21213, 217, 225, 23640

Knowling, Ransom, 169

Knox, Buddy, 391

Koester, Bob, xviii

Koret’s Smokehouse Lounge (Houston, TX), 333

Korner, Alexis, 60

KOSE Radio, (Osceola, AR), 207

Kotschack, Jan, 397

Krupa, Gene, 93

KWEM Radio, (West Memphis, AR), 49

Kyser, Kay, 397n2