page ii Hank raising the American flag at the new white camp
page iv Black tar heroin, rigs, and cooker
page vi Max in his camp under the freeway overpass
page viii Under the pedestrian ramp crossing the two freeways
page x Felix muscling in the abandoned shack in the alley behind the corner store
page xii Hank and Petey’s clothesline
page xiv Hank backloading heroin into the syringe of a peripheral member of our network
page xvi Frank in a temporary camp under the freeway overpass
page xviii Philippe comforting Spider-Bite Lou while the doctor on our ethnographic team changes Lou’s bandages on a street corner
page xx Carter helping Tina inject
page xxii Hank muscling in his camp following his early release from the hospital
page xxiv Hank preparing to leave his camp in the morning
page 2 Frank injecting in the hole
page 7 Hank helping Sonny inject
page 10 Nickie fixing with Petey inside Hank and Petey’s compound
page 10 Nickie: “If you can’t see the face, you can’t see the misery.”
page 20 Felix nodding by the A&C corner store
page 24 Carter, Spider-Bite Lou, and Vernon nodding in the shack
page 46 Tina and Carter inside the Chinook camper
page 49 Tina, after taking a hit from her crack pipe
page 61 Early morning at the I-beam camp
page 62 Cooking dinner
page 72 Tina at Twin Peaks, posing for a picture for her mother on Mother’s Day
pages 74–75 The road crew lick
page 78 Hogan leaving camp
page 81 Hank, dopesick, by the freeway retaining wall
page 85 Sonny, Carter, and Tina smoking crack in the factory camp
page 86 Hank being treated to a hit of crack in his tent
page 86 Hank and Petey muscling in the foyer of their compound
page 89 Crazy Carl with Sonny nodding in the alley behind the corner store
page 89 Frank and Max nodding in their camp under the freeway
page 92 Frank, Tina, Felix, and Carter by the corner store
page 97 Max, halfway through an abscess surgery, waiting for a skin graft
page 101 Sonny’s first and only abscess
page 104 Hogan during his hospitalization for necrotizing fasciitis
page 105 Hogan in the bus shelter by the corner store after muscling into his right shoulder, showing the skin graft on his left shoulder
page 110 Frank abandoning the white camp during the big Caltrans eviction with his sign painting tools and jacket
page 116 Tina at the beach
page 136 Felix keeping his leg elevated following two knee surgeries, after he was hit by the Pizza Hut delivery car
page 146 Max piling sandbags at Macon’s construction supply depot
page 168 Christmas at Hank and Petey’s camp
page 169 Hank preparing for a day of panhandling
page 176 Carter and Sonny sorting wood for sale after hitting a lick
page 182 Sonny looking for his son’s gravestone with Jeff and Carter
page 208 Sonny comforting Hank: “Everyone’s rooting for you. Lord, please protect our Petey.”
page 211 Hank and Petey
page 216 Hank positioning the flag next to Jeff’s Thanksgiving barbecue group portrait
page 220 Hank, Felix, and Carter cutting pockets of brush on the embankment for the Bayshore business owners
page 231 Petey in intensive care for liver failure
page 233 Hank having blood drawn during one of his hospitalizations
page 234 Hank AWOL from the hospital, attempting to trade a stolen bouquet of flowers for a bag of heroin
page 240 Carter and Tina
page 243 Al helping Tina inject
page 245 Tina demonstrating that she has learned to inject herself
page 250 Carter and Tina hitting a lick at a construction site
page 258 Carter and Tina receiving the Holy Ghost at Crystal’s evangelical church
page 270 Tina preparing to enter the detox program’s van
page 278 Persia visiting Tina in the detox program
page 283 Tina looking for food in a dumpster behind the Discount Grocery Outlet
page 288 Carter celebrating a full year of sobriety at the graduation ceremony of his court-mandated drug rehab
page 291 Carter’s viewing in the funeral home
page 295 Carter’s military burial
page 300 Hogan in Paul’s garage
page 313 Frank inhaling crack through his tracheotomy hole
page 314 Max in the city’s long-term hospice for the chronically ill and indigent