
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


# (hash), Hexadecimal Values
% (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
* (universal selector), Universal selector: *
+ (adjacent sibling selector), Adjacent sibling combinator: E + F
/ (forward slash), HTML Element/Attribute Syntax
; (semicolon), CSS Syntax
<> (angle brackets), HTML Element/Attribute SyntaxHTML Element/Attribute Syntax
> (child selector), Child combinator: E > FChild combinator: E > F
{} (curly braces), Keyframes
~ (general sibling selector), General sibling combinator: E ~ F


<a> element, <a>
AAC audio format, Media Types
Aardwolf, JavaScript debugging with Aardwolf
<abbr> element, Unchanged Elements
accelerometers, Phone Movement and Direction
accessibility, Global and Internationalization Attributes, ARIA accessibility attributes, AccessibilityAccessibility
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA)
accessibility, AccessibilityAccessibility
additional information, Accessibility
attributes supported, Global and Internationalization Attributes, ARIA accessibility attributes
accesskey attribute, accesskey
<acronym> element, Text-Level Semantic Elements New to HTML5
:active pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
activeBorder system color, Browser Color Values, Browser Color Values
activeCaption system color, Browser Color Values
ADB (Android Debug Bridge), Android debugging tools
addEventListener method, Touch Me
<address> element, Not New, but Not Often Used: <address>
adjacent sibling selector (+), Adjacent sibling combinator: E + F
Adobe Edge Inspect, weinre, Adobe Edge Inspect and Ghostlab
::after pseudoelement, title, ::before and ::after
AMOLED screens, Use Dark Colors
Android Debug Bridge (ADB), Android debugging tools
Android Debug Monitor, Android debugging tools
Android devices
browser support, Browser
debugging tools, Android debugging toolsAndroid debugging tools
emulators for, Emulators and Simulators
form validation and, Form Validation
link handling, Mobile-specific link handling
testing on, Android
Android Virtual Device Manager, Android debugging tools
angle brackets (<>), HTML Element/Attribute SyntaxHTML Element/Attribute Syntax
angle measurements (CSS), CSS Angle Measurements, Gradient angles and directionsGradient angles and directions
animation (CSS3)
about, CSS3: Transforms, Transitions, and Animations, CSS3 Animation
animating sprites, Animating spritesAnimating sprites
applying, Applying animations
bouncing ball, Bouncing ball animation
CubeeDoo example, CubeeDoo animations
keyframes and, CSS Transitions, KeyframesCubeeDoo animations
performance considerations, Transitions, Animations, and Performance, Animation
animation shorthand property, CSS3 Animation
animation-delay CSS property, CSS3 Animation
animation-direction CSS property, CSS3 Animation
animation-duration CSS property, CSS3 Animation
animation-fill-mode CSS property, CSS3 Animation
animation-iteration-count CSS property, CSS3 Animation
animation-name CSS property, CSS3 Animation
animation-play-state CSS property, CSS3 Animation
animation-timing-function CSS property, CSS3 Animation
anti-patterns, <style> and mobile performance: standards anti-pattern, CSS Syntax, Performance anti-patterns
Apache Cordova project, PhoneGap/Apache Cordova
.appcache file, The cache manifest file
Appcelerator Titanium framework, Appcelerator Titanium
apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag, apple-mobile-web-app-capable
apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style meta tag, apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style
application cache API
about, Application Cache
cache manifest file, The cache manifest file
event handlers, Updating the cache
update() method, Updating the cache
updating cache, Updating the cacheUpdating the cache
appWorkspace system color, Browser Color Values
<area> element
about, <area>
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)
accessibility, AccessibilityAccessibility
additional information, Accessibility
attributes supported, Global and Internationalization Attributes, ARIA accessibility attributes
aria-label attribute, SVG, Including SVG in Your Documents
<article> element, <article>
<aside> element, <aside>, flex
<samp> element, Unchanged Elements
aspect-ratio, media query feature, Media Queries
async attribute (<script> element), JavaScript performance tips
attribute selectors, Attribute SelectorsCubeeDoo
attributes, Attributes
(see also specific attributes)
about, Attributes
ARIA supported, Global and Internationalization Attributes, ARIA accessibility attributes
best practices, Best PracticesBest Practices
Boolean, Attributes, Best Practices
case sensitivity, Best Practices
custom data, Global and Internationalization Attributes, Custom data attributes with data-*Dataset API
global, Global and Internationalization Attributesdir, New to HTML5: Global Accessibility and Interactive Attributesitemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype
HTML syntax, HTML Element/Attribute Syntax
HTML4 made core in HTML5, HTML 4 Attributes Made Core in HTML5accesskey
interactive, New to HTML5: Global Accessibility and Interactive Attributesitemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype
internationalization, Global and Internationalization Attributesdir
media elements, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
microdata, Global and Internationalization Attributes, itemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype, Microdata
quotation marks, Best Practices
<audio> element
about, Embedded Elements
ARIA support, Accessibility
browser support, Audio/Video
canPlayType() method, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
controlling with JavaScript, Video and Audio and JavaScript
CubeeDoo game and, CubeeDoo
media types, Media Types
<source> element and, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
autocomplete attribute (<input> element), The autocomplete Attribute
autocorrect attribute, spellcheck
autofocus attribute (<input> element), The autofocus Attribute
automated testing, Automated Testing
autoplay attribute
<audio> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
<video> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>


<b> element, Text-Level Element Changes from HTML 4, CSS: A Definition and Syntax
backface-visibility CSS property, The backface-visibility property
background system color, Browser Color Values
background-clip CSS property, The CSS Box Model
background-image CSS property
CubeeDoo examples, CubeeDoo SVG
gradients and, Gradient angles and directions
multiple background images, Multiple background images
SVG format and, SVG
background-origin CSS property, The CSS Box Model
background-position CSS property, SVG, Avoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value Declarations, iPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradients
background-repeat CSS property, background-size
background-size CSS property, iPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradientsDPI and background-size, background-size
Bada devices, Browser
<base> element
about, The <base> of Your Web Page
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
battery life, Battery LifeAvoid repaints and reflows
Battery Status API, Battery
<bdi> element, <bdi>
<bdo> element, <bdi>, Unchanged Elements
::before pseudoelement, title, ::before and ::after
binary files, compressing, Compress binary files
BlackBerry devices
browser support, Browser
simulators for, Emulators and Simulators
testing on, BlackBerry
Web Inspector, BlackBerry 10 Debugger
Blink, Browser, 3D Transform Functions
block elements, Elements That Are New in HTML5
<blockquote> element, Grouping Content: Other New HTML5 Elements
<body> element, The <body> element, A <body> of elements
Boolean attributes, Attributes, Best Practices
border properties (CSS), CSS Box Model Propertiesborder-width
border-color CSS property, border-color
border-image shorthand property, Border ImagesBorder-image shorthand
border-image-outset CSS property, border-image-outset
border-image-repeat CSS property, border-image-repeat
border-image-slice CSS property, border-image-slice
border-image-source CSS property, border-image-source
border-image-width CSS property, border-image-width
border-radius CSS property, border-radiusborder-radius for native-looking buttons on the iPhone and in CubeeDoo
border-style CSS property, border-style, Setting Border Images
border-width CSS property, border-width
bottom keyword, Gradient angles and directions
bouncing ball animation, Bouncing ball animation
box model (CSS)
about, The CSS Box Model
postive margins, Margins
properties, CSS Box Model PropertiesMargins
box-shadow CSS property, Box ShadowBox Shadow
box-sizing CSS property, box-sizing, iPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradients
<br> element
about, Unchanged Elements
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
breakpoints, Media Queries, Breakpoints, and Fluid Layouts
browser labs, Browser labs
addEventListener method and, Touch Me
animation support, Keyframes
ARIA support, Accessibility
audio/video support, Audio/Video
box model properties and, CSS Box Model Properties
dealing with quirks, Setting the Stage to Learn Mobile HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript APIs
form validation, Form Validation
linear gradients and, iPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradients
normalizing, 3. Normalize browsers with a CSS reset or normalizer
performance considerations, Browser cache
pointer events and, Touch events
selecting for development environment, Browser
standards compliant, Pep Talk (or Leaving Old Internet Explorer Behind)
SVG support, SVG
touch events and, Touch events
transform support, CSS3 Transforms
Web SQL Database support, executeSQL() method
<button> element, <menu> and <menuitem>, <button>
button input type, Button: <input type=“button”>, <button>
buttonFace system color, Browser Color Values
buttonHighlight system color, Browser Color Values
buttonShadow system color, Browser Color Values
buttonText system color, Browser Color Values


cache manifest file
about, The cache manifest file
CACHE section header, The cache manifest file
FALLBACK section header, The cache manifest file
NETWORK section header, The cache manifest file
SETTINGS section header, The cache manifest file
cache, updating, Updating the cacheUpdating the cache
candy buttons, Gradient colors, Candy buttons and hard stops
<canvas> element
about, Embedded Elements, Canvas
ARIA support, Accessibility
beginPath() method, Your first <canvas>
closePath() method, Your first <canvas>
code example, Your first <canvas><canvas> code example
fill() method, Your first <canvas>
fillRect() method, Your first <canvas>
getContext() method, Your first <canvas>
getImageData() method, Your first <canvas>
SVG versus, Canvas Versus SVG
captions, adding to videos, The <track> element
captionText system color, Browser Color Values
Cascading Style Sheets (see CSS)
case sensitivity, Best Practices, Class selector
CasperJS API, Automated Testing
CDNs (content delivery networks), CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
ch (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
charset attribute (<meta> element), The Required Components, <meta charset=“UTF-8”>
checkbox input type, Checkbox: <input type=“checkbox”>
checked attribute, Attributes
:checked pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
child elements
about, Elements
nesting, HTML Element/Attribute Syntax
child selector (>), Child combinator: E > FChild combinator: E > F
Chrome browsers
developer tools, Desktop DebuggersMobile viewport
devices supported for testing, Browser
remote debugging, Remote Debugging
tracking memory consumption, Manage memory
Web SQL Database and, executeSQL() method
<circle> SVG element, SVG
<cite> element, Text-Level Element Changes from HTML 4
class attribute, class, Microdata versus microformats, Class selector
class selector, Class selector, Class selector: .class
classList object
add() method, classList
contains() method, classList
remove() method, classList
toggle() method, classList
click events, Pseudo or Not-So-Pseudo Click Events
Client-Hints, Client Hints
closing tags, HTML Element/Attribute SyntaxBest Practices
Clown Car Technique, <img>, Clown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground ImagesClown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground Images
cm (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
CMYK color format, CSS Color Values, CMYK
<code> element, Unchanged Elements
<col> element, Self-Closing Elements, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
color input type, The pattern Attribute, Color: <input type=“color”>, Hexadecimal Values
color stops, CSS gradients, Gradient colorsGradient colors, background-size, Stripey Gradients, Candy buttons and hard stops
color values (CSS), CSS Color ValuesWhich color syntax should I use?, Gradient colorsGradient colors
cols attribute (<textarea> element), <textarea>
<colspan> element, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
column-count CSS property, Multiple Columns
column-fill CSS property, Multiple Columns
column-gap CSS property, Multiple Columns
column-rule CSS property, Multiple Columns
column-rule-color CSS property, Multiple Columns
column-rule-style CSS property, Multiple Columns
column-rule-width CSS property, Multiple Columns
column-span CSS property, Multiple Columns
column-width CSS property, Multiple Columns
columns CSS property, Multiple ColumnsMultiple Columns
columns, multiple, Multiple ColumnsMultiple Columns
command attribute (<menuitem> element), <menuitem>
<command> element, Self-Closing Elements
comments, adding to manifest file, Updating the cache
compassneedscalibration event, Phone Movement and Direction
content delivery networks (CDNs), CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
contenteditable attribute, contenteditable
contextmenu attribute, contextmenu
controls attribute
<audio> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
<video> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
cookies, session management and, The cookie comparison, Minimize cookies
CORS (cross-origin resource sharing), CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
cross-document messaging API, Cross-Document Messaging
cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
about, CSS: A Definition and Syntax
angles, times, and frequencies, Angles, Times, and FrequenciesCubeeDoo, Gradient angles and directionsGradient angles and directions
best practices, CSS Best Practices5. Don’t use inline styles or the !important modifier
box model properties, CSS Box Model PropertiesMargins
color values, CSS Color ValuesWhich color syntax should I use?
gradients, CSS GradientsPutting It All Together: CubeeDoo
length values, CSS Length ValuesCubeeDoo
making triangles, Making triangles with CSS
masking, CSS Masking: Creating Transparent JPEGs
performance considerations, Weigh the benefits of CSS
resolution units, dpi, dpc, dppx, DPI and background-size
shorthand properties, Avoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value DeclarationsAvoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value Declarations
specificity and, Specificity Trumps Cascade: Understanding CSS Specificity
syntax for, CSS SyntaxCSS Syntax
transitions, CSS TransitionsMultiple Transitions
UI improvements with, Easy UI Improvements with CSSStyling to enhance usability
value declarations, Avoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value DeclarationsAvoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value Declarations
about, Upgrading to CSS3
animation, CSS3: Transforms, Transitions, and Animations, CSS3 AnimationTransitions, Animations, and Performance
learning, Learning CSS3border-radius for native-looking buttons on the iPhone and in CubeeDoo
new features, What’s New in CSS?
transforms, CSS3 TransformsPutting It All Together
CSS3 Writing Modes specification, <bdi>
CubeeDoo game
about, CubeeDoo: HTML5 Mobile GameCubeeDoo: HTML5 Mobile Game
animation example, CubeeDoo animations
<audio> element, CubeeDoo
child combinator, Child combinator: E > F
CSS angle units and, CubeeDoo
CSS length values, CubeeDoo
data-value attribute and, CubeeDoo
gradients and, iPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradientsiPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradients, Gradients in CubeeDoo
header and footer example, CubeeDoo Header and Footer
localStorage and, CubeeDooclassList
<output> element, CubeeDoo
page controls, Page controls
pseudoelements and, CubeeDoo
sessionStorage and, CubeeDooclassList
shadows and, Putting It All Together: CubeeDooPutting It All Together: CubeeDoo
SVG and, CubeeDoo SVGCubeeDoo SVG
transform example, Putting It All TogetherPutting It All Together
Web SQL Database and, openDatabase methodCubeeDoo high scores code
cubic Bézier functions, The transition-timing-function Property
curly braces {}, Keyframes
currentColor keyword, CSS Color Values, CurrentColor, Text Shadow
custom data attributes, Global and Internationalization Attributes, Custom data attributes with data-*Dataset API
cx attribute (<circle> SVG element), SVG
cy attribute (<circle> SVG element), SVG


data attribute (<object> element), <object>
data URIs, Data URIs, Data URIs/inline images
data-* attributes, Global and Internationalization Attributes, Custom data attributes with data-*Dataset API
<datalist> element, The <datalist> Element and the list AttributeGraceful degradation of the <datalist>
dataset API, Dataset API
date input type, Date: <input type=“date”>
datetime attribute (<time> element), <time>
datetime input type, Datetime: <input type=“datetime”>
datetime-local input type, Datetime-local: <input type=“datetime-local”>
debugging tools, Debugging Tools
default attribute (<track> element), The <track> element
:default pseudoclass, State Pseudoclasses
defer attribute (<script> element), JavaScript performance tips
deg (CSS angle unit), Degrees, Gradient angles and directionsGradient angles and directions
<del> element, Unchanged Elements
<desc> SVG element, SVG
descendant elements, Type selector
descendant selector, Descendant combinator: E F
description meta tag, Description meta tag
designing mobile applications
about, CSS Features in Responsive Web Design, Designing Mobile Applications
battery life considerations, Battery LifeAvoid repaints and reflows
breakpoints, Media Queries, Breakpoints, and Fluid Layouts
capturing touches, Touch MeTouching to scroll
considerations before starting, Considerations Before You Start
defining what application does, What Is Right for You?
design considerations, Design ConsiderationsWhat Is Right for You?
device status, Device Status
fluid layouts, Media Queries, Breakpoints, and Fluid Layouts
home screen icons, Home Screen Icons
immersive applications, Entertainment: Immersive Applications
latency considerations, LatencyMemory management
media queries, Media Queries, Breakpoints, and Fluid Layouts
minimizing keyboard entry, Minimize Keyboard Entry
multiple columns, Multiple ColumnsMultiple Columns
navigation bar, Navigation BarNavigation bar size and color
other user experience considerations, Other User Experience Considerations
phone movement and direction, Phone Movement and Direction
possibilities with mobile platform, The Mobile Platform: Rich with PossibilitiesDevelopment Considerations
productivity applications, Tools: Productivity Applications
responsive media, Responsive MediaClient Hints
scaling down to size, Scaling Down to Size@viewport
startup image, Startup Image
status bar, Status Bar
succinctness when, Be Succinct
targeting mobile WebKit, Targeting Mobile WebKitOther User Experience Considerations
testing, Testing
UI responsiveness, UI Responsiveness
utility applications, Utility
desktop debuggers, Desktop DebuggersMobile viewport
<details> element, <details> and <summary>
development environment
browsers, Browser
debugging tools, Debugging Tools
desktop debuggers, Desktop DebuggersMobile viewport
IDE, Text Editor
setting up, Development Tools
text editor, Text Editor
device-aspect-ratio, media query feature, Media Queries
device-height, media query feature, Media Queries
device-width, media query feature, Media Queries
deviceOrientation event, Phone Movement and Direction
<dfn> element, Unchanged Elements
dir attribute, dir
disabled attribute
about, Attributes
<fieldset> element, The disabled Attribute, <fieldset> and <legend>
<input> element, The disabled Attribute
:disabled pseudoclass, The disabled Attribute, Pseudoclasses
display CSS property, Flexbox
<div> element, Grouping Content: Other New HTML5 Elements
Document Type Declaration (DTD)
about, The Document Type Declaration
HTML5 and, HTML5 Syntax
Dojo library, Accessibility
double-colon notation, Pseudoelements, Understanding double-colon notation
download attribute (<a> element), <a>
dpc (resolution unit), dpi, dpc, dppx
dpi (resolution unit), dpi, dpc, dppx, DPI and background-size, Retina®: high pixel-density displays
dppx (resolution unit), dpi, dpc, dppx
draggable attribute, draggable
DragonFly developer tool, Desktop Debuggers
drop shadows, Adding Transparency with RGBA
dropzone attribute, dropzone
DTD (Document Type Declaration)
about, The Document Type Declaration
HTML5 and, HTML5 Syntax


element selector, Type selector, Type selector: E
elements, Elements
(see also specific elements)
about, Elements
attributes and, Attributesitemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype
best practices, Best PracticesBest Practices, 4. Use the weakest specificity for ease of overwriting
block, Elements That Are New in HTML5
components of, Elements
embedded, Embedded Elements<embed>
empty, Elements
found in <head>, Elements Found in the <head>
grouping, Grouping Content: Other New HTML5 Elements
inline, Elements, Elements That Are New in HTML5
interactive, Interactive ElementsAll of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
media, Embedded Elements, Audio/VideoThings to know about <video> implementation
nesting, HTML Element/Attribute Syntax, Best Practices
new to HTML5, What’s New(t)? New Elements and APIsOther APIs
reflowing, Avoid repaints and reflowsAvoid repaints and reflows
required components, The Required ComponentsThe <body> element
sectioning, Sectioning Elements in HTML5<li> and <ol> Attribute Changes
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements, Best Practices
styles and, CSS Syntax
targeting, Single elements
text-level, Text-Level Semantic Elements New to HTML5Unchanged Elements
web form, New Form ElementsThe <label> Element
<ellipse> SVG element, SVG
em (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
<em> element, Unchanged Elements
<embed> element
about, Embedded Elements, <embed>
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
SVG and, Including SVG in Your Documents
embedded elements, Embedded Elements<embed>
embedded styles, CSS Syntax
empty elements, Elements
:empty pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
emulators, Emulators and SimulatorsEmulators and Simulators
:enabled pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
Error Console, Desktop Debuggers
even keyword, Even and odd
event handlers
<output> element, The <output> element
application cache API, Updating the cache
<body> element, A <body> of elements
hovering with, Pseudoclasses
usage considerations, The <body> element
ex (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
external stylesheets
best practices, 2. Use external stylesheets
usage considerations, CSS SyntaxThe media attribute


F12 developer tool, Desktop Debuggers
favicons, The <title> element
Fibonacci sequence, Web Workers
<fieldset> element, The disabled Attribute, <fieldset> and <legend>
<textarea> element, <textarea>
<figcaption> element, <figure> and <figcaption>
<figure> element, <figure> and <figcaption>
file input type, File: <input type=“file”>
Firebug extension (Mozilla), Desktop Debuggers
Firefox browsers
color values, Browser Color Values
devices supported for testing, Browser
Firefox OS Simulator, Emulators and Simulators
Modify Headers add-on, Online Tools
remote debugging, Remote Debugging
styling input types, Styling Input Types
Web SQL Database and, executeSQL() method
Firefox OS Simulator, Emulators and Simulators
:first-child pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
::first-letter pseudoelement, Pseudoelements
::first-line pseudoelement, Pseudoelements
:first-of-type pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
flex shorthand property, flexflex
flex-basis CSS property, flex
flex-direction CSS property, Flexbox
flex-flow shorthand property, Flexbox
flex-grow CSS property, flex
flex-shrink CSS property, flex
flex-wrap CSS property, Flexbox
flexbox layout mode, FlexboxFeature Detection with @supports
:focus pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
font icons, Font icons
<footer> element, <footer>
for attribute
<label> element, The <output> element, The <label> Element
<output> element, The <output> element
form attribute
<fieldset> element, <fieldset> and <legend>
<input> element, The form Attribute
<form> element, The form Attribute, The <form> element
format-detection meta tag, format-detection
forward slash (/), HTML Element/Attribute Syntax
from keyword, Keyframes


H.264 video format, Media Types
hard color stops, gradients, Gradient colors, background-size, Stripey Gradients, Candy buttons and hard stops
hardware access
about, Hardware Access
device status, Device Status
phone movement and direction, Phone Movement and Direction
web apps and, Native Web Apps, Packaged Apps, and Hybrids
hash (#), Hexadecimal Values
hCard microformat, Microdata versus microformats
<head> element
about, The <head> element
elements found in, Elements Found in the <head>
<header> element, <header>CubeeDoo Header and Footer
height attribute (<video> element), Attributes of <video> and <audio>
height, media query feature, Media Queries
hexadecimal color format, CSS Color Values
hidden attribute, hidden, Microdata versus microformats
hidden input type, Hidden: <input type=“hidden”>
high attribute (<meter> element), <meter>
highlight system color, Browser Color Values
highlightText system color, Browser Color Values
home screen icons, Home Screen Icons
:hover pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
hovering with event handling, Pseudoclasses
<hr> element
about, Grouping Content: Other New HTML5 Elements, <hr>
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
href attribute (<link> element), Attributes of the <link> tag
hreflang attribute
<area> element, <area>
<link> element, Attributes of the <link> tag
HSL color format, CSS Color Values, Hue, Saturation, and Lightness: HSL()
HSLA color format, CSS Color Values
.htaccess file, <meta charset=“UTF-8”>, <meta http-equiv=“. . .”>, The cache manifest file
<html> element
about, The <html> element
AppCache API and, Application Cache
setting primary direction, dir
HTML syntax
about, HTML5 Syntax, HTML Element/Attribute SyntaxHTML Element/Attribute Syntax
adding metadata, <meta>: Adding Metadata
attributes, Attributesitemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype, HTML Element/Attribute Syntax
<base> element, The <base> of Your Web Page
best practices, Best PracticesBest Practices
elements, Elements
<head> element, Elements Found in the <head>
<link> element, <link>s Aren’t Just for StylesheetsA <body> of elements
mobile meta tags, Mobile Meta Tagsformat-detection
required components, The Required ComponentsThe <body> element
self-closing elements, Self-Closing Elements
HTTP requests, 1. Minimize HTTP requests, Data URIs, Reduce the Number of HTTP RequestsInspecting network requests
http-equiv attribute (<meta> element), <meta http-equiv=“. . .”>


<i> element, Text-Level Element Changes from HTML 4, CSS: A Definition and Syntax
id attribute
about, id
anchors, <a>
<datalist> element, The <datalist> Element and the list Attribute
<form> element, The form Attribute
<menu> element, <menu> and <menuitem>
ID selector, ID selector, ID selector: #id
IDE (integrated development environment), Text Editor
<iframe> element, <iframe>
image input type, Image: <input type=“image”>
ImageAlpha tool, Optimize Images
ImageOptim tool, Optimize Images
images dialog, Kill the images dialog
images, optimizing, Optimize ImagesMemory management
<img> element
about, <img>
child elements and, Elements
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
SVG and, Including SVG in Your Documents
immersive applications, Entertainment: Immersive Applications
implicit labels, id
!important modifier, 5. Don’t use inline styles or the !important modifier
in (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
:in-range pseudoclass, State Pseudoclasses
inactiveBorder system color, Browser Color Values
inactiveCaptionText system color, Browser Color Values
:indeterminate pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
IndexedDB API, IndexedDB
infoBackground system color, Browser Color Values
infoText system color, Browser Color Values
inline elements, Elements, Elements That Are New in HTML5
inline styles, CSS Syntax, 5. Don’t use inline styles or the !important modifier
<input> element
attributes supported, Attributes of <input> (and Other Form Elements)The autofocus Attribute
menus for form controls, <menu> and <menuitem>
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
styling, Styling Input Types
type attribute, <input> Types and AttributesStyling Input Types
input types
about, Re-introduction to Input Types You Think You Know
button, Button: <input type=“button”>, <button>
checkbox, Checkbox: <input type=“checkbox”>
color, The pattern Attribute, Color: <input type=“color”>, Hexadecimal Values
date, Date: <input type=“date”>
datetime, Datetime: <input type=“datetime”>
datetime-local, Datetime-local: <input type=“datetime-local”>
file, File: <input type=“file”>
hidden, Hidden: <input type=“hidden”>
image, Image: <input type=“image”>
month, Month: <input type=“month”>
number, Number: <input type=“number”>
password, Password: <input type=“password”>
radio, Radio: <input type=“radio”>
range, Range: <input type=“range”>
reset, Reset: <input type=“reset”>, <button>
search, Search: <input type=“search”>
submit, Re-introduction to Input Types You Think You Know, Submit: <input type=“submit”>, <button>
tel, Telephone: <input type=“tel”>
text, Text: <input type=“text”>, New Values for <input> Type, Email: <input type=“email”>
time, Time: <input type=“time”>
url, URL: <input type=“url”>
week, Week: <input type=“week”>
<ins> element, Unchanged Elements
integrated development environment (IDE), Text Editor
interactive attributes, New to HTML5: Global Accessibility and Interactive Attributesitemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype
interactive elements, Interactive ElementsAll of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
internationalization attributes, Global and Internationalization Attributesdir
Internet Explorer browsers
ARIA support, Accessibility
developer tools, Desktop Debuggers
Web SQL Database and, executeSQL() method
:invalid pseudoclass, The required Attribute, The pattern Attribute, New Values for <input> Type, State Pseudoclasses
iOS devices
browser support, Browser
form validation and, Form Validation
link handling, Mobile-specific link handling
simulators for, Emulators and Simulators
testing on, iOS
iPhone app
CSS example, Learning CSS3border-radius for native-looking buttons on the iPhone and in CubeeDoo
linear gradients, iPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradientsiPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradients
native-looking buttons, border-radius for native-looking buttons on the iPhone and in CubeeDooborder-radius for native-looking buttons on the iPhone and in CubeeDoo
striped gradients background, Stripey GradientsStripey Gradients
itemid attribute, itemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype
itemprop attribute, itemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype, Microdata
itemref attribute, itemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype, Microdata
itemscope attribute, itemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype, Microdata
itemtype attribute, itemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype, Microdata
iTunes links, Mobile-specific link handling


Japanese flag
Canvas example, Your first <canvas>
SVG example, SVG
Jasmine development framework, Automated Testing
controlling <audio> element, Video and Audio and JavaScript
controlling <video> element, Video and Audio and JavaScript
debugging with Aardwolf, JavaScript debugging with Aardwolf
form validation, Form Validation
performance tips, JavaScript performance tips, Reduce JavaScript, Combined JavaScript file
testing libraries for, Automated Testing
JPEG images, CSS Masking: Creating Transparent JPEGs, Use JPEGs
jQuery library, Accessibility
JSON object
parse() method, CubeeDoo
stringify() method, CubeeDoo, classList


<kbd> element, Unchanged Elements
keyboard entry, minimizing, Minimize Keyboard Entry
keyframe selectors, Keyframes
about, CSS Transitions, KeyframesKeyframes
animating sprites, Animating spritesAnimating sprites
applying animation, Applying animations
bouncing ball animation, Bouncing ball animation
CubeeDoo example, CubeeDoo animations
@keyframes rule, Keyframes
<keygen> element
about, <keygen>
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
keyword meta tag, Keyword meta tag
kind attribute (<track> element), The <track> element
Kindle Fire, Kindle
Koblentz, Thierry, Responsive video sizing


label attribute
<menu> element, <menu> and <menuitem>
<track> element, The <track> element
<label> element, id, The <output> element, The <label> Element
lang attribute, lang, The <html> element
:lang pseudoclass, :lang(en)
:last-child pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
:last-of-type pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
latency, mobile performance and, <style> and mobile performance: standards anti-pattern, CSS Syntax, LatencyMemory management
lazy block loading, Other User Experience Considerations
left keyword, Gradient angles and directions
<legend> element, <fieldset> and <legend>
length values (CSS), CSS Length ValuesCubeeDoo
<li> element, <li> and <ol> Attribute Changes
<line> SVG element, SVG
linear gradients
about, Gradient Type: Linear or RadialLinear Gradients
angles and directions, Gradient angles and directionsGradient angles and directions
CubeeDoo game, iPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradientsiPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradients
including colors, Gradient colorsGradient colors
iPhone app, iPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradientsiPhone and CubeeDoo linear gradients
repeating, Repeating Linear GradientsTools for gradients
<link> element
about, <link>s Aren’t Just for Stylesheets
adding for stylesheets, Add <link>s for your stylesheets
attributes supported, Attributes of the <link> tag
external stylesheets and, CSS SyntaxThe media attribute
media queries, Media Querieswindow.matchMedia
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
:link pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
link types (mobile devices), Mobile-specific link handling
list attribute (<input> element), The <datalist> Element and the list Attribute
localStorage object
about, Local and Session Storage
clear() method, The cookie comparison
cookies and, The cookie comparison
CubeeDoo game and, CubeeDooclassList
enhancing performance, LocalStorage to enhance mobile performance
getItem() method, The cookie comparison
key() method, The cookie comparison
length property, The cookie comparison
removeItem() method, The cookie comparison, CubeeDoo high scores code
setItem() method, The cookie comparison, CubeeDoo high scores code
loop attribute
<audio> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
<video> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
low attribute (<meter> element), <meter>
lowercase markup, Best Practices


magnetometers, Phone Movement and Direction
mailto: link, Mobile-specific link handling
<main> element, <main>
manifest attribute (<html> element), The <html> element, Application Cache
manifest file, Application Cache, Updating the cache
margin properties (CSS), CSS Box Model Properties
<mark> element, <mark><mark>
masking (CSS), CSS Masking: Creating Transparent JPEGs
match system color, Browser Color Values
matchMedia() method, window.matchMedia
matrix() function, CSS transforms, matrix()
max attribute
<input> element, Minimum and Maximum Values: The min and max Attributes
<meter> element, <meter>
<progress> element, <progress>
max-aspect-ratio, media query feature, Media Queries
max-column-count, media query feature, Multiple Columns
max-device-aspect-ratio, media query feature, Media Queries
max-device-height, media query feature, Media Queries
max-device-width, media query feature, Media Queries
max-height, media query feature, Media Queries
max-width, media query feature, Media Queries
maxlength attribute (<input> element), The maxlength Attribute
media attribute
<a> element, <a>
<area> element, <area>
<link> element, Attributes of the <link> tag, The media attributewindow.matchMedia
media elements, Embedded Elements, Audio/VideoThings to know about <video> implementation
media queries, Media Querieswindow.matchMedia, Media Queries, Breakpoints, and Fluid Layouts
@media rule, Media Queries
memory management, Less MemoryManage memory, Memory, Memory managementMemory management
menu attribute (<button> element), <menu> and <menuitem>
<menu> element, <menu> and <menuitem>, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
menu system color, Browser Color Values
menuitem attribute (<input> element), <menu> and <menuitem>
<menuitem> element, <menuitem>
menuText system color, Browser Color Values
<meta> element
about, <meta>: Adding Metadata
charset=“UTF-8”, <meta charset=“UTF-8”>
child elements and, Elements
http-equiv=“...”, <meta http-equiv=“. . .”>
mobile meta tags, Mobile Meta Tagsformat-detection
name=“apple-mobile-web-app-capable”, apple-mobile-web-app-capable
name=“apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style”, apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style
name=“description”, Description meta tag
name=“format-detection”, format-detection
name=“keyword”, Keyword meta tag
name=“viewport”, Viewport meta tagViewport meta tag
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
metacharacters, The pattern Attribute
metadata, adding, <meta>: Adding Metadata
<meter> element, <meter><meter>
Metro-style applications, Browser
about, Microdata
attributes related to, Global and Internationalization Attributes, itemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype
microformats versus, Microdata versus microformatsMicrodata versus microformats
microdata API, Microdata API
about, Microdata
microdata versus, Microdata versus microformatsMicrodata versus microformats
midpoint rule, The transition-property Property
min attribute
<input> element, Minimum and Maximum Values: The min and max Attributes
<meter> element, <meter>
min-aspect-ratio, media query feature, Media Queries
min-column-width, media query feature, Multiple Columns
min-device-aspect-ratio, media query feature, Media Queries
min-device-height, media query feature, Media Queries
min-device-width, media query feature, Media Queries
min-height, media query feature, Media Queries
min-width, media query feature, Media Queries
mm (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
mobile devices, Phones
(see also specific devices)
anti-patterns, <style> and mobile performance: standards anti-pattern, CSS Syntax, Performance anti-patterns
designing mobile applications, Touch MeTouching to scroll
development considerations, Minimal DocumentationDevelopment Considerations
device status, Device Status
home screen icons, Home Screen Icons
link handling, Mobile-specific link handling
memory considerations, Less MemoryManage memory
minimizing keyboard entry, Minimize Keyboard Entry
navigation bar, Navigation BarNavigation bar size and color
phone movement and direction, Phone Movement and Direction
radial gradients and, Radial Gradients
scaling, Scaling Down to Size@viewport
serving images to, Serving ImagesFont icons
small screen, Small Screen
startup image, Startup Image
status bar, Status Bar
testing on, PhonesWebOS, Testing
viewing constraints, One Window, One Application at a Time
mobile viewport
mimicking, Mobile viewportMobile viewport
performance considerations, Viewport: Out of sight does not mean out of mind
modernizr library, The <html> element, Your first <canvas>
month input type, Month: <input type=“month”>
mouse events, Mouse Events, Touch Events
Mozilla browsers (see Firefox browsers)
ms (CSS time unit), Times


name attribute
<fieldset> element, <fieldset> and <legend>
<meta> element
apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag, apple-mobile-web-app-capable
apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style meta tag, apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style
description meta tag, Description meta tag
format-detection meta tag, format-detection
keyword meta tag, Keyword meta tag
viewport meta tag, Viewport meta tagViewport meta tag
<param> element, <param>
named colors, CSS Color Values, Named Colors
native applications
approval process, Native Applications Versus Web Applications
web applications versus, Native Applications Versus Web ApplicationsRelease of the SDK: Beginning of Third-Party Applications
<nav> element, <nav>
navigation bar, Navigation BarNavigation bar size and color
Navigator object
connection speed, Connection speed
network connection, Network connection
onLine property, Am I Even Connected to the Internet?
standalone property, apple-mobile-web-app-capable
nesting elements, HTML Element/Attribute Syntax, Best Practices
Network API, Network connection
no-js class, The <html> element
node package manager (npm), Using weinre
Nokia devices, Nokia
normalizing browsers, 3. Normalize browsers with a CSS reset or normalizer
<noscript> element, When a user has JavaScript turned off, <noscript>
:not pseudoclass, :not(s), or the negation pseudoclass
novalidate attribute (<form> element), The <form> element
npm (node package manager), Using weinre
:nth-child pseudoclass, Structural PseudoclassesExercise
:nth-last-child pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
:nth-last-of-type pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
:nth-of-type pseudoclass, Structural PseudoclassesExercise
number expressions, Number expressions
number input type, Number: <input type=“number”>


<object> element, <object>, Including SVG in Your Documents
odd keyword, Even and odd
offline web applications, Offline Web Applications
<ol> element, <li> and <ol> Attribute Changes, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
onclick event handler, onTouchEnd
:only-child pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
:only-of-type pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
opening tags, HTML Element/Attribute SyntaxBest Practices
Opera browsers
Blink and, Browser
Opera Mini simulator, Emulators and Simulators
Opera Mobile Emulator, Emulators and Simulators
Presto rendering engine and, Browser
remote debugging and, Remote Debugging
Web SQL Database and, executeSQL() method
Opera Mini simulator, Emulators and Simulators
Opera Mobile Emulator, Emulators and Simulators
<optgroup> element, <select>, <option>, <optgroup>
optimizing images, Optimize ImagesMemory management
optimum attribute (<meter> element), <meter>
<option> element, <select>, <option>, <optgroup>
:optional pseudoclass, State Pseudoclasses
orientation, media query feature, Media Queries
:out-of-range pseudoclass, State Pseudoclasses
<output> element, The <output> element
overflow CSS property, text-overflow property


<p> element
about, Grouping Content: Other New HTML5 Elements
inline styles, CSS Syntax
padding properties (CSS), CSS Box Model Properties
page controls, Page controls
panning, disabling, Kill panning
<param> element
about, <param>
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
password input type, Password: <input type=“password”>
pattern attribute (<input> element), The pattern AttributeThe pattern Attribute
pc (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
performance considerations
animations, Transitions, Animations, and Performance, Animation
battery life, Battery LifeAvoid repaints and reflows
eliminating network requests, Eliminate Network Requests
enhancing with localStorage, LocalStorage to enhance mobile performance
GPU, WebGL, translateZ(), Hardware Acceleration, GPU benefits and pitfalls
hardware acceleration and, Hardware AccelerationAvoid repaints and reflows
HTTP requests, Reduce the Number of HTTP RequestsInspecting network requests
JavaScript tips, JavaScript performance tips
JPEG images and, Use JPEGs
latency, <style> and mobile performance: standards anti-pattern, CSS Syntax, LatencyMemory management
memory and, Memory, Memory managementMemory management
mobile anti-pattern, <style> and mobile performance: standards anti-pattern, CSS Syntax, Performance anti-patterns
optimizing images, Optimize ImagesMemory management
radio, Eliminate Network Requests
reducing JavaScript, Reduce JavaScript
transitions, Transitions, Animations, and Performance
UI responsiveness, UI Responsiveness
perspective CSS property, The perspective property
perspective() function (CSS), perspective()
Phantom Limb utility, Feature detection for touch events
PhantomJS, Automated Testing
PhoneGap project, weinre
ping attribute
<a> element, <a>
<area> element, <area>
pixel density, Retina®: high pixel-density displays
placeholder attribute (<input> element), The placeholder Attribute
:placeholder-shown pseudoclass, The placeholder Attribute
pointer events (CSS), Pointer events
pointerenter event, Pseudoclasses
pointerleave event, Pseudoclasses
<polygon> SVG element, SVG
<polyline> SVG element, SVG
poster attribute (<video> element), Attributes of <video> and <audio>
<pre> element, Grouping Content: Other New HTML5 Elements
preload attribute
<audio> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
<video> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
preserveAspectRatio attribute (<svg> element), Clown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground Images
Presto rendering engine, Browser
productivity applications, Tools: Productivity Applications
profile attribute (<head> element), The <head> element
<progress> element, <progress>
properties (CSS), CSS Syntax
(see also specific properties)
about, CSS Syntax
animation, CSS3 Animation
border-image, Setting Border ImagesBorder-image shorthand
box model, CSS Box Model PropertiesMargins
media, Media Queries
shorthand, Avoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value DeclarationsAvoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value Declarations
transform, The transform-origin PropertyThe backface-visibility property
transition, The transition-property PropertyMultiple Transitions
pseudoclasses, Pseudoclasses
(see also specific pseudoclasses)
about, PseudoclassesPseudoclasses
additional, More PseudoclassesReal world example
additional information, Other Selectors: Shadow DOM
in development, Other Selectors: Shadow DOMSpecificity Trumps Cascade: Understanding CSS Specificity
state, State Pseudoclasses
structural, Structural PseudoclassesExercise
pseudoelements, PseudoelementsOther Selectors: Shadow DOM
pt (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
px (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values, Retina®: high pixel-density displays


r attribute (<circle> SVG element), SVG
rad (CSS angle unit), Rads, Gradient angles and directions
radial gradients, Gradient Type: Linear or Radial
radio input type, Radio: <input type=“radio”>
range input type, Range: <input type=“range”>
:read-only pseudoclass, State Pseudoclasses
:read-write pseudoclass, State Pseudoclasses
readonly attribute
about, Attributes
<input> element, The readonly Attribute
<textarea> element, The readonly Attribute
<rect> SVG element, SVG
reflowing elements, Avoid repaints and reflowsAvoid repaints and reflows
regular expressions, The pattern Attribute
rel attribute
<area> element, <area>
<link> element, Attributes of the <link> tagThe rel attribute, Using External Stylesheets: <link> Revisited
relational selectors, Relational Selectors: Rules Based on Code OrderGeneral sibling combinator: E ~ F
rem (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
remote debugging
Aardwolf, JavaScript debugging with Aardwolf
about, Remote Debugging
Adobe Edge Inspect, Adobe Edge Inspect and Ghostlab
Android debugging tools, Android debugging toolsAndroid debugging tools
BlackBerry 10 debugger, BlackBerry 10 Debugger
weinre, weinreUsing weinre
removeAttribute() method, Best Practices, The form Attribute
repainting screens, Avoid repaints and reflows
repeating-linear-gradient CSS property, Repeating Linear GradientsTools for gradients
required attribute (<input> element), The required Attribute
:required pseudoclass, The required Attribute, State Pseudoclasses
reset input type, Reset: <input type=“reset”>, <button>
resetting browsers, 3. Normalize browsers with a CSS reset or normalizer
resolution units (CSS), dpi, dpc, dppx, DPI and background-size
responsive media
about, Responsive Media
Client-Hints, Client Hints
creating transparent JPEGs, CSS Masking: Creating Transparent JPEGs
serving images, Serving ImagesFont icons
Retina displays, Retina®: high pixel-density displaysRetina®: high pixel-density displays
reversed attribute (<ol> element), <li> and <ol> Attribute Changes
RGB color format, CSS Color Valuesrgb() Syntax
RGBA color format, CSS Color Values, Adding Transparency with RGBA
right keyword, Gradient angles and directions
role attribute, Global and Internationalization Attributes, ARIA accessibility attributes, AccessibilityAccessibility
:root pseudoclass, Structural Pseudoclasses
rotate() function, CSS transforms, rotate()
rotate3d() function, CSS transforms, rotate3d()
rotateX() function, CSS transforms, rotateX()
rotateY() function, CSS transforms, rotateY()
rows attribute (<textarea> element), <textarea>
<rp> element, <rp>, <rt>, and <ruby>
<rt> element, <rp>, <rt>, and <ruby>
<ruby> element, <rp>, <rt>, and <ruby>


s (CSS time unit), Times
<s> element, Text-Level Element Changes from HTML 4
Safari browsers
devices supported for testing, Browser
link handling, Mobile-specific link handling
Web SQL Database and, executeSQL() method
sandbox attribute (<iframe> element), <iframe>
SauceLabs testing tool, Automated Testing
scalable vector graphics (SVG)
about, SVG
background images and, Clown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground Images
<canvas> versus, Canvas Versus SVG
CubeeDoo game and, CubeeDoo SVGCubeeDoo SVG
including in documents, Including SVG in Your Documents
learning, Learning SVG
responsive foreground images, Clown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground ImagesClown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground Images
scale() function, CSS transforms, scale()
scale3d() function, CSS transforms, scale3d()
scaleX() function, CSS transforms, scaleX()
scaleY() function, CSS transforms, scaleY()
scaleZ() function, CSS transforms, scaleZ()
scoped attribute (<style> element), <style> site, Mobile viewport
<script> element
adding to web pages, Adding a <script> to your web page
ordering JavaScript execution, JavaScript performance tips
scrollbar system color, Browser Color Values
seamless attribute (<iframe> element), <iframe>
search engine optimization (SEO), The <title> element
search input type, Search: <input type=“search”>
<section> element, <section><section> Versus <article>
sectioning elements, Sectioning Elements in HTML5<li> and <ol> Attribute Changes
security for cross-domain messaging, Security
<select> element, <select>, <option>, <optgroup>
selection dialog, Kill the selection dialog
::selection pseudoelement, Pseudoelements
selectors (CSS)
about, CSS Syntax, CSS Selectors, More CSS3 Selectors
attribute, Attribute SelectorsCubeeDoo
basic, Basic SelectorsID selector
general, General Selectors
keyframe, KeyframesKeyframes
number expressions and, Number expressions
pseudoclasses and, PseudoclassesReal world example, Other Selectors: Shadow DOMSpecificity Trumps Cascade: Understanding CSS Specificity
pseudoelements and, PseudoelementsUnderstanding double-colon notation
relational, Relational Selectors: Rules Based on Code OrderGeneral sibling combinator: E ~ F
using, Using the Selectors
self-closing elements, Self-Closing ElementsBest Practices
semicolon (;), CSS Syntax
Sencha Touch framework, Sencha Touch
SEO (search engine optimization), The <title> element
serving images to mobile devices
about, Serving Images
background size, background-size
connection speed, Connection speed
data URIs, Data URIs
font icons, Font icons
Retina displays, Retina®: high pixel-density displaysRetina®: high pixel-density displays
sprites, Sprites
sessionStorage object
about, Local and Session Storage
clear() method, The cookie comparison
cookies and, The cookie comparison
CubeeDoo game and, CubeeDooclassList
getItem() method, The cookie comparison, CubeeDoo
key() method, The cookie comparison
length property, The cookie comparison
removeItem() method, The cookie comparison
setItem() method, The cookie comparison, CubeeDoo
setAttribute() method, Best Practices, The form Attribute
about, Shadows
box, Box ShadowBox Shadow
CubeeDoo game and, Putting It All Together: CubeeDooPutting It All Together: CubeeDoo
text, Text ShadowText Shadow
shorthand hex color format, CSS Color Values
shorthand properties (CSS), Avoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value DeclarationsAvoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value Declarations, border
simulators, Emulators and SimulatorsEmulators and Simulators
Sinon.JS, Automated Testing
size attribute (<input> element), The size Attribute
sizes attribute (<link> element), Attributes of the <link> tag
skew() function, CSS transforms, skew()
skewX() function, CSS transforms, skewX()
skewY() function, CSS transforms, skewY()
<small> element, Text-Level Element Changes from HTML 4
sms: link, Mobile-specific link handling
<source> element
about, Embedded Elements
<audio> element and, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
<video> element and, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
<span> element, Unchanged Elements
specificity, Specificity Trumps Cascade: Understanding CSS Specificity
spellcheck attribute, spellcheck
about, Sprites
animating, Animating spritesAnimating sprites
performance considerations, Image sprites
serving images, SpritesSprites
SQL database storage, SQL/Database StorageIndexedDB
src attribute
<audio> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
<embed> element, <embed>
<link> element, Using External Stylesheets: <link> Revisited
<track> element, The <track> element
<video> element, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
srcdoc attribute (<iframe> element), <iframe>
srclang attribute (<track> element), The <track> element
srcset attribute (<img> element), <img>
startup image, Startup Image
state pseudoclasses, State Pseudoclasses
status bar, Status Bar
step attribute (<input> element), The step Attribute
local and session, Local and Session StorageclassList
Web SQL Database, SQL/Database StorageIndexedDB
<strong> element, Unchanged Elements, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
structural pseudoclasses, Structural PseudoclassesExercise
style attribute
about, style
<svg> element, SVG
style declaration block (CSS), CSS Syntax
<style> element, <style>
elements and, CSS Syntax
embedded, CSS Syntax
in external stylehseets, CSS Syntax
inline, CSS Syntax, 5. Don’t use inline styles or the !important modifier
about, CSS Syntax
external, CSS SyntaxThe media attribute, 2. Use external stylesheets
<link> element and, Add <link>s for your stylesheets
performance considerations, Single stylesheet
<sub> element, Unchanged Elements
submit input type, Re-introduction to Input Types You Think You Know, Submit: <input type=“submit”>, <button>
summary attribute (<table> element), <details> and <summary>
<summary> element, <details> and <summary>
@supports rule, Media Queries, Feature Detection with @supports
SVG (scalable vector graphics)
about, SVG
background images and, Clown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground Images
<canvas> versus, Canvas Versus SVG
CubeeDoo game and, CubeeDoo SVGCubeeDoo SVG
including in documents, Including SVG in Your Documents
learning, Learning SVG
responsive foreground images, Clown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground ImagesClown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground Images
<svg> element
about, SVG
ARIA support, Accessibility


tabindex attribute, tabindex, Pseudoclasses
<table> element, <details> and <summary>, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
case sensitivity, Best Practices
closing, HTML Element/Attribute SyntaxBest Practices
meta, Mobile Meta Tagsformat-detection
opening, HTML Element/Attribute SyntaxBest Practices
tap-highlight-color CSS property, Tap highlight color
target attribute (<a> element), <a>
:target pseudoclass, :target
<td> element, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
tel input type, Telephone: <input type=“tel”>
tel: link, Mobile-specific link handling
testing tools
about, Testing Tools
automated testing, Automated Testing
on devices, PhonesWebOS, Testing
emulators, Emulators and SimulatorsEmulators and Simulators
online tools, Online Tools
simulators, Emulators and SimulatorsEmulators and Simulators
text editors, Text Editor
text input type, Text: <input type=“text”>, New Values for <input> Type, Email: <input type=“email”>
text-level semantic elements
changed, Changed Text-Level Semantic ElementsText-Level Element Changes from HTML 4
new to HTML5, Text-Level Semantic Elements New to HTML5<wbr>
unchanged, Unchanged Elements
text-overflow CSS property, Shadows, text-overflow property
text-shadow CSS property, Text ShadowText Shadow
<textarea> element, The readonly Attribute
<th> element, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
<thead> element, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
Theora/Ogg video format, Media Types
3D transform functions, CSS transforms, 3D Transform Functions
threeDDarkShadow system color, Browser Color Values
threeDFace system color, Browser Color Values
threeDHighlight system color, Browser Color Values
threeDLightShadow system color, Browser Color Values
threeDShadow system color, Browser Color Values
<time> element, <time>
time input type, Time: <input type=“time”>
title attribute
about, title
<menuitem> element, <menuitem>
<title> HTML element, The <title> elementThe <title> element
<title> SVG element, SVG
to keyword, Linear Gradients, Keyframes
top keyword, Gradient angles and directions
touch events, Mouse Events, Touch Events, Touch events, Touch Events
touch-event emulation, Mobile viewport
touchend event, Pseudoclasses, onTouchEnd
capturing touches, Touch MeTouching to scroll
scaling down to size, Scaling Down to Size@viewport
touchstart event, Pseudoclasses, onTouchEnd
<tr> element, All of XHTML Is in HTML5, Except...
<track> element
about, Embedded Elements
adding captions to videos, The <track> element
self-closing, Self-Closing Elements
transform CSS property, CSS3 Transforms, The transform PropertyskewY()
transform-origin CSS property, CSS3 Transforms, The transform-origin Property, The transform-origin property revisited
transform-style CSS property, The transform-style property
transforms (CSS3)
about, CSS3 Transforms
CubeeDoo example, Putting It All TogetherPutting It All Together
multiple, Multiple Transforms
3D transform functions, 3D Transform Functions
transitioning transformations, Transitioning Transformations
2D transform functions, The transform-origin PropertyskewY()
transition CSS shorthand property, CSS Transitions, The Shorthand transition Property
transition-delay CSS property, CSS Transitions, The transition-delay Property
transition-duration CSS property, CSS Transitions, The transition-duration Property
transition-property CSS property, CSS Transitions, The transition-property PropertyThe transition-property Property
transition-timing-function CSS property, CSS Transitions, The transition-timing-function Property
transitions (CSS)
about, CSS Transitions
multiple, Multiple TransitionsMultiple Transitions
performance considerations, Transitions, Animations, and Performance
properties supporting, The transition-property PropertyThe Shorthand transition Property
transitioning transformations, Transitioning Transformations
translate() function, CSS transforms, translate()
translate3d() function, CSS transforms, translate3d()
translateX() function, CSS transforms, translateX()
translateY() function, CSS transforms, translateY()
translateZ() function, CSS transforms, translateZ()
transparent keyword, CSS Color Values, Adding Transparency with RGBA, CSS Masking: Creating Transparent JPEGs
triangles, making, Making triangles with CSS
TRouBLe mnemonic, Avoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value DeclarationsAvoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value Declarations
turn (CSS angle unit), Turns, Gradient angles and directions
type attribute
<input> element, The type Attribute
<link> element, Attributes of the <link> tag, Using External Stylesheets: <link> Revisited
<menu> element, <menu> and <menuitem>
<menuitem> element, <menuitem>
<object> element, <object>
<ol> element, <li> and <ol> Attribute Changes
type selector, Type selector, Type selector: E


<u> element, Text-Level Element Changes from HTML 4
UI responsiveness, UI Responsiveness
universal selector (*), Universal selector: *
updating cache, Updating the cache
url input type, URL: <input type=“url”>
User Agent switcher, Desktop Debuggers
user experience enhancements
about, Enhanced User Experience
cross-document messaging API, Cross-Document Messaging
geolocation, GeolocationGeolocation
web workers, Web WorkersMicrodata API
UTF-8 character set, <meta charset=“UTF-8”>
utility applications, Utility


:valid pseudoclass, The pattern Attribute, State Pseudoclasses
error messages, Controlling validation bubbles
form, Form ValidationStyling to enhance usability, Other Selectors: Shadow DOM
ValidityState object
customError property, Form Validation
patternMismatch property, Form Validation
rangeOverflow property, Form Validation
rangeUnderflow property, Form Validation, Form Validation
tooLong property, Form Validation
typeMismatch property, Form Validation
valid property, Form Validation
valueMissing property, Form Validation
value attribute
<li> element, <li> and <ol> Attribute Changes
<progress> element, <progress>
<param> element, <param>
values (CSS)
about, CSS Syntax
angles, times, and frequencies, Angles, Times, and FrequenciesCubeeDoo, Gradient angles and directionsGradient angles and directions
color, CSS Color ValuesWhich color syntax should I use?
declaration order, Avoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value DeclarationsAvoiding TRouBLe: Shorthand Properties and Value Declarations
gradients as, CSS Gradients
length, CSS Length ValuesCubeeDoo
<var> element, Unchanged Elements
vh (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
<video> element
about, Embedded Elements
adding captions, The <track> element
adding to websites, Adding <video> to Your Website
ARIA support, Accessibility
browser support, Audio/Video
canPlayType() method, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
controlling with JavaScript, Video and Audio and JavaScript
media types, Media Types
<source> element and, Attributes of <video> and <audio>
styling, Styling VideoThings to know about <video> implementation
viewbox attribute (<svg> element), Clown Car Technique: SVG for Responsive Foreground Images
viewport meta tag, Viewport meta tagViewport meta tag
@viewport rule, @viewport
visibility CSS property, The transition-property Property
:visited pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
vmax (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
vmin (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values
VP8 video format, Media Types
vw (CSS length unit), CSS Length Values


W3C mobileOK Checker, Online Tools
waterfall chart, Inspecting network requests
<wbr> element, Self-Closing Elements, <wbr>
WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), Accessibility
web applications, Testing
(see also designing mobile applications)
about, Introduction
automated testing, Automated Testing
hardware access and, Native Web Apps, Packaged Apps, and Hybrids
iPhone example, Learning CSS3border-radius for native-looking buttons on the iPhone and in CubeeDoo
native applications versus, Native Applications Versus Web ApplicationsRelease of the SDK: Beginning of Third-Party Applications
native-looking buttons, border-radius for native-looking buttons on the iPhone and in CubeeDooborder-radius for native-looking buttons on the iPhone and in CubeeDoo
offline, Offline Web Applications
testing, Testing
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Accessibility
Web databases, SQL/Database Storage
web forms
about, HTML5 Web FormsHTML5 Web Forms
elements supported, New Form ElementsThe <label> Element
styling to enhance usability, Styling to enhance usability
validating, Form ValidationStyling to enhance usability, Other Selectors: Shadow DOM
Web Inspector developer tool, Desktop Debuggers, BlackBerry 10 Debugger
web pages, adding <script> to, Adding a <script> to your web page
Web SQL Database API
CubeeDoo game and, openDatabase methodCubeeDoo high scores code
executeSql() method, executeSQL() method
openDatabase() method, openDatabase method
storage considerations, SQL/Database StorageIndexedDB
transaction() method, transaction method
web workers
about, Web WorkersMicrodata API
close() method, Web Workers
postMessage() method, Web Workers
terminate() method, Web Workers
WebGL, WebGL
WebKit browsers
about, Why This Book?
controlling validation bubbles, Controlling validation bubbles
remote debugging, Remote Debugging, Using weinre
styling input types, Styling Input Types
targeting mobile, Targeting Mobile WebKitOther User Experience Considerations
Web SQL Database and, executeSQL() method
WebOS devices, WebOS
week input type, Week: <input type=“week”>
weinre (web inspector remote)
about, weinre
Adobe Edge Inspect and, weinre, Adobe Edge Inspect and Ghostlab
usage overview, Using weinre
white-space CSS property, white-space property
WIA-ARIA roles, Global and Internationalization Attributes, ARIA accessibility attributes
width attribute (<video> element), Attributes of <video> and <audio>
width CSS property, text-overflow property
width, media query feature, Media Queries
windowFrame system color, Browser Color Values
Windows devices
emulators for, Emulators and Simulators
testing on, Windows
windowText system color, Browser Color Values
Worker object (see web workers)
wrap attribute (<textarea> element), <textarea>