Nijmegen, Treaty of 53, 56

Nine Years War 60–64, 70

Nitti, Francesco 324

Nitze, Paul 467

Nixon, Richard 431, 449–50, 452, 453, 454, 455

    impeachment 461

    and Mao 454

    Watergate cover-up 453–4

Nixon Doctrine 449–50

NKVD 362

nobility see aristocracy/nobility

Non-Proliferation Treaty 444, 531

Nootka Sound 147

Normandy 379

North, Frederick, Lord North 127

North Africa 9, 27, 33, 271, 372, 378, 503, 512

    Barbary corsairs see Barbary corsairs

    and France 257, 329

    and Italy 365, 367

    Ottomans 193

    Second World War 365, 367

North America

    Albany Congress 110

    American Civil War 229–31, 235, 236

    and the British Empire see British Empire: and North America

    centralizer/representative contention 63

    Confederacy 230–31, 235, 236

    and the creation of the USA 107, 126–9

    and the European Seven Years War and aftermath 109–10, 111–12, 120–21, 123

    expansionism 123, 127

    and the French threat 109–10

    Indians see Indians, American

    Proclamation Line 123, 127

    public sphere 61

    Revolution 127–9, 130, 131, 174; debts 137; impact on European politics 132–3

    thirteen colonies 107, 109, 112, 123, 126–32

    USA see United States of America

North Atlantic Treaty Organization see NATO

North German Confederation 234

North Korea 407, 409

North Vietnam 420, 437, 455, 461, 465; see also Vietnam: War

Northern Ireland 446, 448

    Ulster see Ulster

Norway/Norwegians 9, 364

Nova Scotia 77, 111–12

Novgorod 68

Novikov, Nikolai 394

Novotný, Antonin 447

NPT (Nuclear Partial Test Ban Treaty) 436–7, 443

nuclear weapons 389, 390–91, 431–2, 467

    activists against 472

    American 390, 408, 419, 430, 431–2

    arms race 390–91

    Bermuda agreement 430

    British 390, 416, 430

    Chinese 434

    and the Cuba crisis 433–4, 439

    and EURATOM 421

    European Nuclear Disarmament 472

    French 425

    INF Treaty 483

    Japanese cities bombed by 390

    ‘missile gap’ 431

    Multi-Lateral Force 435, 436, 437

    Non-Proliferation Treaty 444, 531

    Nuclear Partial Test Ban Treaty 436–7, 443

    Soviet 390, 407, 433, 439, 459, 473, 476, 480

    Soviet encouragement of Western disarmament 472, 476

    ‘Star Wars’ Strategic Defence Initiative 473, 476, 477, 479, 480, 482, 483

    Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement: SALT I 454; SALT II 467, 471

    unilateral disarmament 478

    US Atomic Energy Act 390

    Vladivostok Agreement 459

    and West Germany 429, 436–7, 438–9, 443, 472, 478

    Yom Kippur War alerts 456

Nuremberg 32, 355

NUWSS (National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies) 282

Nystad, Treaty of 80

Obama, Barack 523, 524, 527

O’Connell, Daniel 202

Octobrist party, Russia 280, 305, 309

Odessa 255

oil 469, 470, 471, 500

    crisis of Yom Kippur War 456

Oldenburg 170

oligarchy 102

Oliva, Treaty of 45

Olivares, Gaspar de Guzmán, Count 12, 23

Ollivier, Émile 242

Olympic boycott (1980) 471

Omar Pasha of Algiers 184

Omar Saeed Sheikh 503

Onate, Inigo Velez de Guevara, 7th Count 21

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Nations) 456

Operation Barbarossa 367, 369–70, 372–3, 378

Operation Cyclone 471

Operation Desert Storm 491–2

Operation Muskateer 424–5

Oppenheim, Max von 297

Orange, House of 135

Orange Free State 269

Orders in Council (Britain 1807) 165, 170

Ordin-Nashchokin, Afanasin 47

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe 497

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Nations (OPEC) 456

Orlando, Vittorio 324

Orléans, Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of 203

Orlov, Yuri 467

Orthodox Church 123, 135

    Russian 123, 480

Orwell, George: Animal Farm 411

Osiander, Andreas 19

Osnabrück, Treaty of 38

Ostend Company 83

Ostende manifesto 223

Ostermann, Andrei Ivanovich, Count 84


    advance into Europe 8–10, 40–41, 56, 64

    and the Armenians 303–4

    and the Balkan Wars 289, 290

    in Bosnia-Herzegovina 251

    and Britain 205

    in Bulgaria 251, 482

    and Byzantium 3, 8

    Committee for Union and Progress 279

    Crimean War 221–5

    end of Ottoman Empire in Europe 289

    and European expansion 33–4

    and the fall of Constantinople 8–9

    and First World War 295, 298, 312, 317

    and the four-power agreement of July 1840 202–3

    and France 21, 61, 193, 202–3; Crimean War 221–5

    and Greece 188, 189, 192–3, 284

    and the Habsburgs 9, 10, 11, 26–7, 32, 40, 51, 56–7, 58, 62, 64, 65, 82, 94

    and the Holy League 57

    and the Holy Roman Empire 10, 11, 16, 24–5, 27, 31, 32–3, 51, 56–7, 65, 86, 135

    and Hungary 9, 10, 16, 51, 56, 57, 65

    Islamic reform 92

    Janissary revolt 72–3

    and the Jews 202–3

    and Lutherans 22

    and Mehmet Ali 192, 194

    Orthodox Church in Ottoman Empire 135

    Porte (government) 84, 92, 108, 124, 221, 222, 252, 289

    and Prussia 145

    public sphere 92

    and the Reformation 19

    and Russia see Russia: and the Ottomans

    slavery abolition 223

    and the Slavs 251

    in Spain 26–7

    Vienna battle defeat 57

    and the War of the Spanish Succession 72

    Young Turks 279

Oudenaarde, battle of 73

Oxenstierna, Axel 15

Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, Shah of Iran 469

Paine, Thomas 128–9, 147, 151–2

Painlevé, Paul 315

Pakistan 399, 460, 470, 503 intelligence agency (ISI) 471

Palatinate 21, 24, 36, 38, 57–8, 320, 331, 386

    Elector Palatine 20, 21

    John Casimir of the Palatinate 14

    Nine Years War 60–64

    Palatine Protestants 83

    and the War of the Polish Succession 88

Paléologue, Maurice 294

Palermo 213


    and al-Qaeda 513

    and the birth of the state of Israel 400

    and Britain 298, 322, 388, 393; Arab revolt (1936–9) 352–3; Balfour Declaration 6, 308, 313, 322; First World War 311, 317; Peel Commission 352; withdrawal 400

    and the EEC 471

    Gaza Strip 442

    Holy Land as centre of the world 2

    Palestinian Arabs 352–3, 400, 442, 471, 475

    Palestinian guerrillas 466

    partitioning 382, 400

    and the ‘Sixty-Eighters’ 445, 446

    and the UN 400

    West Bank 400, 442

    and West Germany 453

    and Zionism see Zionism

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 442, 452–3, 471, 475, 484

Palm, Johann Philipp 164

Palmerston, John Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount 199, 200–201, 202, 205–6, 208, 216, 217, 224

Paneuropa 332–3

Pan-European Union 332–3

Pan-German League 263

Pankhurst, Christabel 282

Pankhurst, Emmeline 282, 304

Panther (cruiser) 283

Paoli, Pasquale 125, 126

papacy 1, 249

    restoration of pope by Napoleon III 215

Papal States 195, 226

Papen, Franz von 342

Paris 155, 194–5, 212

    1763 Treaty of 115

    1783 Treaty of 131

    1814 Treaty of 177

    1856 Treaty of 222; Black Sea clauses 225, 240, 244, 246

    Accord (1973) 455

    Commune revolt 244

    crowning of Napoleon 161

    revolution of 1848 213

    riots of 1968 446

Parkes, Sir Henry 271

parliamentary/representative government 1, 18

    versus autocracy 27–8

    British Parliament 85, 91, 92

    constitutionalism 138–9

    English Parliament 1, 28–9, 54, 62, 71, 85, 91, 92

    and external weakness 29–30

    and the monarchy 28–9, 47–8, 52, 54, 59–60, 94, 131

    parliamentary release of diplomatic papers 91

    Polish Parliament 46–7, 80

    post-Seven Years War debates on 122

    Scottish Parliament 1, 71

    spread through enlargement of NATO 501–2

    Swedish Parliament 15, 30, 49

Parma 103, 180, 194

Parthenopean Republic 152

Passarovitz, Treaty of 82

Passchendaele campaigns 316

Patkul, Johan, Count 63, 68

Patriot Party 135


    American 316, 374, 446

    British 251, 303, 304, 477

    and criminality 166

    female 282, 304

    French 196

    German 23, 66, 85, 99, 173, 198, 204–5, 302

    imperial 23, 85

    Italian 187

    Polish 124

    Russian 305

Patten, Chris 506

Paul I of Russia 157

Paul-Boncour, Joseph 346

Paulus, Friedrich 385

Pavelić, Ante 367

    Croatian state under 379

Pearl, Daniel 503

Pearl Harbor attack 371

‘Peasant War’, German 19

peasantry 1, 3, 19, 47, 48, 89, 90, 118, 134, 166, 167, 218, 220, 251, 330, 339

Peel Commission 352

‘Pentagon Papers’ 453

Percentages agreement 383, 401

Perle, Richard 467

Pershing, John J. 299

Pershing II missiles 469, 472, 478, 479

Persia 278–9

Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm 491–2

Peru 35

Pétain, Philippe, Marshal 364, 392

Peter III of Russia 115

Peter the Great 65, 67, 71, 78–80

    reforms under 89–90

Peyssonnel, Claude-Charles 146

Pfeiffer, Christoph Ludwig 140

Philadelphia 137–8

Philip I of Hesse 11

Philip II of Spain 10, 12, 17, 25, 26–7, 35, 37, 40, 61

Philip III of Spain 12, 20, 27, 40

Philip IV of Spain 50

Philip V of Spain, Philip of Anjou 65, 71–2, 74, 77, 81–2, 83

Philip of Spain, Don Philip, Duke of Parma 98

Philippines, Spanish colonization 10

Piacenza 103

Piedmont 98, 162, 179, 188, 213, 219, 222, 225

    Franco-Piedmontese war against Austria 225–7

    Piedmont-Savoy 179, 185–6

    Plombières Agreement of 1858 225–6

PIIGS economic crisis 525, 527–8

Pillnitz, Convention of 147

Pilsudski, Joseph 327, 336

Pinerolo 56

Pinsk 387

Piontkovsky, Andrei 486

Pitt, William, the Elder 5, 6, 114

Pitt, William, the Younger 5, 157, 161, 162, 167

    government of 157

Pius VII, pope 163, 165

Plantation of Ulster 26

Plehwe, Vyacheslav 275

Plevin, René 412

PLO see Palestine Liberation Organization

Ploetz, Hans-Friedrich von 502

Plombières Agreement (1858) 225–6

Podolia 65, 255

Poincaré, Raymond 285, 332


    and Austria 57, 124; revolt in Galicia 208

    Belarus and the ‘Union of Poles’ 516

    and Britain 334–5

    Catholicism 80, 123

    civil war following Bar Confederation 124

    Commonwealth of Poland 26, 46–7, 67, 81, 87–8, 92, 121, 123–4, 140

    Confederation of Bar 124

    Congress Poland 181, 182

    and Czechoslovakia 358

    dawning of national consciousness 2

    diplomatic service 122

    end of revival under Jan Sobieski 65

    EU admission 495, 507, 517

    and France 170, 194–5, 214, 329

    and Germany 150, 320; Hitler’s 1934 non-aggression pact 345; Hitler’s attack of September 1939 362; inter-war period 336, 345, 346, 361; rejection of Hitler’s approach (1938) 361; Second World War 373; after Second World War 387; Treaty of Warsaw (1970) 451

    Grand Duchy of Warsaw 163, 164, 169, 170

    Great Northern War 68–9, 80–81

    inter-war period 326, 336, 345, 346, 361

    Jews 124, 264, 336, 363

    Kingdom of Poland 187

    liberum veto 46–7, 121, 122, 149

    monarchy 80

    and Napoleon 155, 163

    NATO admission 502, 503

    nobility 67, 80

    Orthodox 123

    and the Ottomans 57

    Parliament (Sejm) 46–7, 80, 90

    partitioning of Poland 124–5, 149–50, 173, 362

    Poland–Lithuania 26, 30

    Polish deportations, after Second World War 387

    Polish Diet 1, 30, 88, 150

    Polish Home Army 379, 382

    Polish ‘liberties’ 68, 126

    Polish succession 67–8, 87–8; War of 87–8, 89, 93

    Protestantism 20, 124

    and Prussia 67–8, 80, 110–11, 124, 149–50, 387

    ‘reform’ party 90

    refugees 452

    and Russia/USSR 26, 67–8, 80–81, 121–2, 123–4, 140, 149–50, 179, 187, 196, 215–16, 360, 387, 522; executions under Stalin 354; Katyn Wood massacre 363; partitioning 124–5, 149–50, 173, 362; Perpetual Treaty 124; Red Army 327; revolt of 1863 231–2; riots and reforms (1956) 423; ‘Russification’ 255; Second World War 379; after Second World War 393; and Solidarity 472–3, 474; treaty of 1945 385; Warsaw uprising (1830) 194

    and Saxony 67–9

    and the Seven Years War legacy 121–2

    Solidarity 472–3, 474, 477, 485

    and Sweden 26, 30, 45, 63

    taxation 123

    and the Treaty of Vienna 179

    Uniates 123

    and Second World War 373

Pole, William de la, 1st duke of Suffolk 22

political culture

    and the counter-culture of the ‘Sixty-Eighters’ 445–6

    emergence of the public sphere 22–3; see also political public sphere

    late medieval 1–2

    and the relation of representative and monarchical government 28–9

political public sphere 53, 61, 85, 141, 186, 210

    American 109

    British 75, 92, 109, 120, 224

    emergence of 22–3; pan-European liberal 188

    English 22

    French 186, 201

    German 23, 198, 210, 250, 285

    Jewish 201

    liberal nationalist 186, 198, 210

    and newspaper readership 85

    Ottoman 92

    pan-European liberal 188

    proto-nationalist 23

    Prussian 96

    Russian 187, 240, 260, 480

Polk, James 206

Polo, Marco 2

Poltava, battle of 78, 104

Pomerania 38, 39, 45, 58, 80, 110, 113, 387, 452

Pompadour, Madam de 115

Pontiac, Chief 121

Poos, Jacques 493

Popular Front 348, 351, 352

populations 15, 40, 123, 243

Port Arthur 274, 275

Portland, William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of 168

Portobello 95


    and Ceuta 2

    civil war 201

    and communism 465

    economy 525, 527

    EEC admission 477

    and England 51

    and the Moors 33

    and Napoleonic France 165

    Portuguese Empire 10, 34

    Quadruple Alliance of 1834 200–201

    revolution of 1974 460

    and slavery 200

    and Spain 10, 52; Quadruple Alliance of 1834 200–201; War of the Oranges 160

Potsdam settlement 386–7, 389, 459

power balance in Europe see European balance of power

Pragmatic Sanction, Habsburg 86, 87, 93, 97

Prague 213

    expulsion of Jews 100–101

    Hitler’s occupation of (March 1939) 358, 359

    Treaty of 234, 236

‘Prague Spring’ 447–8

Presbyterianism 25

press see newspapers


    Diet of 169

    Treaty of 162

‘Prester John’, legendary ruler 2

Preuss, Hugo 323

priests see clergy

printing revolution 23

Prittwitz, Ernst von, General 218

Prodi, Romano 514

proletariat 232, 289, 319; see also working classes

propaganda 168, 423

    anti-Semitic 447

    Nazi 379


    Calvinism 20, 21, 39

    versus Catholicism 20–21, 531

    Cromwell’s Protestant crusade in Europe 44–5

    in England 19, 20, 59–60; and the English Civil War 24

    Evangelical Union 20

    German 5, 19, 22, 35, 36, 59, 82

    Irish Protestants 288

    Lutheranism see Lutheranism

    Palatine Protestants 83

    Polish 20, 124

    Presbyterianism 25

    Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland 130–31

    Reformation see Reformation, Protestant

    Silesian Protestants 69

    Sweden as Protestant ‘guarantor’ 43, 52

    Toleration Edict (1781) 133

‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ 264, 520


    abolition of state (1947) 399

    absolutism 48

    army size 120

    and Austria/the Habsburgs 66, 73–4, 99–100, 130, 145, 233–4; Austrian succession 96–7, 98–9; Austro-Prussian War of 1866 234; Congresses in early 1820s 190; Convention of Gastein 233–4; Convention of Reichenbach 146; and the four-power agreement of July 1840 202–3; Quadruple Alliance of 1815 180; and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War

    and Bohemia 99

    Brandenburg–Prussia 30–31, 45–6, 48, 51, 53, 58

    and Britain: armistice of Malmo 219; and the four-power agreement of July 1840 202–3; Quadruple Alliance of 1815 180

    cantonal system 90

    Customs Union (Zollverein) 193, 197, 238–9

    Diet 210–11

    domestic reforms 167

    Ducal (East) 48

    fiscal-political gridlock 210

    and France 56, 58, 150, 193, 198, 215, 228, 241–3; Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71 242–3, 245, 246–7; Napoleonic Wars and era 155, 160–61, 162, 163, 167, 172, 173–4

    franchise 305

    General Directory 90

    and German unity 193, 213, 217, 218–19, 220, 227, 228–9, 232, 233–4, 238–9, 241–3

    governmental reforms 90

    Hohenzollerns see Hohenzollerns

    and the Holy Roman Empire 4, 73–4, 96–7, 99–100, 104, 135–6, 158; see also Prussia: and Austria/the Habsburgs

    and Hungary 234

    and Italy 226, 234

    Jewish emancipation 211

    Karlsbad Decrees 187

    Landtag 220, 228, 229, 232, 239

    and the leadership of Germany 209–10

    liberal nationalism 198

    and Luxemburg 197

    military 173–4, 228

    Münchengrätz Agreement 199

    nationalism 198, 204–5, 210

    nobility 90

    and the Ottomans 145

    partitioning after Second World War 386–7

    and Poland 67–8, 80, 110–11, 124, 149–50, 387

    Provinziallandstände 184

    public sphere 96

    Quadruple Alliance of 1815 180

    railways 210–11

    revival of power, 1813 172

    and Russia see Russia: and Prussia and Saxony 67–8, 97, 110, 112

    serfdom 90, 120

    and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War

    Staatschuldengesetz (State Indebtedness Law) 184

    and Sweden 69, 108

    taxation 210, 220

    and the Third Germany 173, 204–5, 228–9, 234

    and the Treaty of Vienna 180, 181

    Triple Alliance with Holland and Britain 135

    and the United Provinces 135, 141

    and the Versailles Treaty of 1919 320

    and Vienna 66, 73–4

    and the War of the Bavarian Succession 130

Prutz, Robert 205

public sphere see political public sphere

Pueblo 123

Pufendorf, Samuel von 55

Pulteney, William 94

Puritans 36

Putin, Vladimir 510–11, 516, 520

Pyrenees, Peace of the 45

Qaeda, al- 484, 504, 511, 513, 514

Quadruple Alliance against Spain 81–2

Quadruple Alliance of 1815, and the Congress System 180

Quadruple Alliance of 1834 200–201

Quebec 76, 77, 109, 114

Quebec Act (1774) 127

Québecois 121

Quito 123

Radek, Karl 345

Radetzky von Radetz, Joseph 218

Radio Free Europe 410

Radziwill, Michael 121

railways 207, 210, 211, 234, 242, 261, 267, 278, 298

Rákosi, Mátyás 423

Raleigh, Sir Walter 35

Ramadan, Said 418

Rapallo, Treaty of 328

Rasputin, Grigori 305, 310

Rastatt 182

    Congress of 155

    Treaty of 76

Rathenau, Walther 302, 308–9

Reagan, Ronald 467, 472, 473–4, 476, 478, 482, 483

Realpolitik 260, 418, 449, 527

Red Army 327, 353, 357, 370, 379, 382, 388, 479, 487

Redmond, John 288

Reform Act (1867, Britain) 239

Reformation, Protestant 19–22

    and the ‘culture of persuasion’ 19–20

    English 19

    German origin 5, 19

    and the Ottomans 19

Regensburg 44, 52

Reichenbach, Convention of 146

Reichsexecutionsarmee 113

Reichstag 1, 3, 4, 16, 31, 41, 43, 48, 52, 53, 78, 112, 140, 256, 262, 286, 311, 335, 344

Reinsurance Treaty (1887) 260, 261

Reinsurance Treaty (1926) 334, 336

religion see also Church

    Catholicism see Roman Catholicism

    and the French Revolution 143

    and geopolitics 19–22

    Hindu nationalism 297

    Islam see Islam and Muslims

    Orthodox see Orthodox Church

    Protestantism see Protestantism; Reformation, Protestant

    religious compromise 39

    religious toleration 25, 27, 127, 166; Toleration Edict (1781) 133

    treatment of religious minorities 26–7, 39

Renaissance 23

representative government see parliamentary/representative government

revolutionary liberal movements

    of 1820s, early 186–92

    of 1830s, and counter-revolutions 193–202

    of 1840s 212–19

Revue des deux mondes 244

Rhee, Syngman 408, 409

Rheinbund (Confederation of the Rhine) 163, 164, 169, 173, 177

Rhenish Circle 57

Rhenish League 44

Rhine Crisis (1840) 203–4

Rhine Valley 57–8

Rhineland 3, 60, 146, 171, 180, 186, 207, 219, 320, 323, 330, 331, 332, 337, 351, 386

Rhodes 9

Rhodes, Cecil 265

Rhodesia 265

Ribbentrop, Joachim von 355, 367–8

Ribot, Alexandre 315

Richelieu, Cardinal (Armand Jean du Plessis) 13, 22, 23, 46

Rifkind, Malcolm 492

Riga, Treaty of 327

Risorgimento 187

Robertson, Sir William 316

Robespierre, Maximilien de 166

Rockwell, Norman 374

Röhm, Ernst 344

Roman Catholicism 1

    in Britain 157, 168; Emancipation of 1829 192

    Catholic unity 1, 3

    in England 52

    equality with Lutheranism, under Treaty of Augsburg 37

    and France: as Catholic ‘guarantor’ 43; and Napoleon 165; and the Revolution 143

    German Catholics 250, 254; Centre Party 262–3, 279–80, 304, 344

    and the Holy Roman Empire 4, 39

    Irish Catholics 130–31; in Northern Ireland 446

    and the Jews 206–7

    medieval abuses 3, 19

    Polish 80, 123

    versus Protestantism 20–21, 531

    reforms under Joseph II 133–4

Roman Law 1

Roman Republic 152

Romania 253, 313, 358, 365, 369, 382, 388, 481–2, 485–6

    under Antonescu 379

    collapse of communism in 486

    EU admission 507, 517, 520

    ‘Little Entente’ 329

    NATO admission 512

    and the Percentages agreement 383

Romanov dynasty 30, 47–8, 310

Rome 213, 215, 226

    Mussolini’s seizure of 328

    Treaty of 427

Rommel, Erwin 367, 372, 378

Rompuy, Herman van 525

Roosevelt, Eleanor 406

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 5, 347, 349, 359–60, 368–9, 370–71, 372, 375, 376, 386

    and Europe: and Axis 354; inter-war relations 354

Roosevelt, Theodore 272–4, 275, 284

Root, Elihu 325

Rossbach, battle of 113–14, 115, 116–17, 122

Rossi, Ernesto 391

Rostopchin, Fedor 159

Rostow, Eugene 437

Rostow, Walt 431

Rote Armee Fraktion (Baader–Meinhof Group) 448, 466

Rothschilds 206, 264

Rottier, Eugen 248

Rousseau, Jean Jacques 117

Royal Air Force 366, 377, 426

Royal Navy 66, 81, 84, 130, 168, 171, 202, 252, 276

    Corfu Incident 329

    Home Fleet 271

    and the Second Coalition 158

    and slave ships 168, 188–9, 199, 257

    ‘two-power standard’ 261

    and the War of the Austrian Succession 98

Rubin, James 524

Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin 35–6

Ruhr region 329, 376

    1923 crisis 331–2, 333–4

Rumbold, George 161

Rumsfeld, Donald 515

Rusk, Dean 443

Russell, John, 1st Earl 184, 216, 217–18, 221

Russell, Odo 245


    absolutism 119

    aristocracy 89

    army 103

    and Austria 84, 88, 93–4, 102–3, 198–9; and Bulgaria 259, 260; Congresses in early 1820s 190; and the Crimean War 222, 223–4; and the four-power agreement of July 1840 202–3; London Straits Convention 205; Münchengrätz Agreement 199; and the Napoleonic Wars and era 157, 158, 161–3; Quadruple Alliance of 1815 180; and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War; Three Emperors’ League 250, 255

    autocracy 30, 273, 280, 305, 309; see also Russia: Tsarist Empire

    and the Balkans see Balkans: and Russia/USSR

    Bolshevism see Bolshevism/Bolsheviks

    and Bosnia 496–7

    Boyar Duma (council) 47

    and Britain see Britain and the United Kingdom: and Russia/USSR

    Brusilov offensive 312

    and Bulgaria 259–60

    and Chechnya 497, 509–10, 511

    and the Congress of Berlin 253

    and the Cossacks 47

    and the Crimea 57, 124, 135; Crimean War 221–5

    Decembrist movement 187, 192

    derzhavnost 499

    diplomacy 65, 132

    domestic politics of the mid-1990s 498–9

    Duma 275, 280, 286, 287–8, 300, 305

    economy 89

    energy supplies from 516, 518

    First World War see World War, First

    and France see France/the French: and Russia/USSR

    gas 516

    and Georgia 521–2

    and Germany see Germany: and Russia/USSR

    Great Northern War 68, 71, 78–81

    and Greece 190; ‘Greek project’ 135

    and the Habsburgs 219, 244–5, see also Russia: and Austria; and the Crimean War 222, 223–4

    and the Holy Roman Empire 57, 65, 78–81, 84, 86, 103, 104, 132–3, 135; and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War

    and Hungary see Hungary: and Russia/USSR

    imperialism 84

    internal politics shaped by alliance against Germany 263

    and Japan 274–5

    Jews 206, 255, 264, 273, 303, 369, 375, 406–7, 447

    Kadet party 280, 305, 309

    and the Kosovo War 509–10

    liberal nationalism 187, 192

    Mensheviks 315

    military 71, 89–90, 179, 276; defence spending 263

    Münchengrätz Agreement 199

    nationalism 187

    and NATO 5, 496, 509–10

    navy 221

    Octobrist party 280, 305, 309

    and the Ottomans 84, 85, 93–4, 124–5, 134–5, 175, 187–8, 192–3, 196, 244–5, 251–2; and Constantinople 135, 196, 223, 245, 252, 291; Crimean War 221–5; First World War 312

    and the Poles see Poland/Poles: and Russia/USSR

    Progressive Block 305

    and Prussia 198–9, 233; alliance 67–8, 80, 102; armistice of Malmo 219; and Bismarck 231–2, 233, 240–41; Congresses in early 1820s 190; and the four-power agreement of July 1840 202–3; and the Napoleonic Wars 172–3; and the partitioning of Poland 124, 149–50; Quadruple Alliance of 1815 180; and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War

    public sphere 187, 240, 260, 480

    under Putin 510–11, 520

    Quadruple Alliance of 1815 180

    reforms under Peter the Great 89–90

    Revolution (1917) 307, 312

    Romanov dynasty 30, 47–8, 310

    and the Second Coalition 157–8

    and the Serbs 292–3, 496–7

    serfdom 224; 1649 serfdom law 47

    and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War

    Siloviki 510–11

    Single Economic Space 516

    and the Slavs 241, 244

    Southern Society 187

    ‘sovereign democracy’ 510–11, 516

    sovereignty: declared (1990) 487; gained (1991) 491

    and the Straits 196, 205, 252, 260–61, 279, 284, 290–91, 293, 294, 300

    and Sweden 68, 78–81, 102, 136, 170

    taxation 288

    and the Third Coalition 161–4

    Three Emperors’ League 250, 255

    ‘Time of Troubles’ (1598–1613) 30

    Trans-Siberian railway 261

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 314–15

    and the Treaty of Paris (1856) 222; Black Sea clauses 225, 240, 244, 246

    Tsarist Empire 65, 119, 175, 192, 201, 206, 214, 215–17, 221, 246, 253, 255, 259, 274–5, 290–91, 297, 303; Crimean War 221–5; War of the Tsarist Succession 327

    and the Ukraine 516

    and the UN 509

    and the US see United States of America: and Russia/USSR

    after Vienna Settlement 185, 187

    and the War of the Polish Succession 88

    White Russia 327, 347, 354, 373

    Zemskii Sobor (Assembly of the Land) 47–8

Russian Orthodox Church 123, 480

Ryswick, Treaty of 64

Saakashvili, Mikhail 521–2

Sacheverell, Henry 75

Sadat, Anwar al- 455–6

Saddam Hussein 469, 491–2, 498, 514–15

Sadowa, battle of 234, 236

Saigon 431, 432, 437, 442, 449, 461, 464–5, 467

Saint-Domingue 64, 145

St Gotthard, battle of 51

St John, Henry, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke 76, 77

Saint-Omer 53

St Petersburg 81, 102, 108, 111, 116, 124, 199, 263, 264, 312

    Convention of 192

Saint-Pierre, Charles-Irénée Castel, Abbé de 93

Saint-Pierre islands 115

St Vincent 115, 126

Sakharov, Andrei 467

Salandra, Antonio 296

Salic Law 19

Salisbury, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of 257

Salm, Prince 73–4

Salm-Dyck, Joseph zu 198

SALT I 454

SALT II 467, 471

Salvius, Johan Adler 15, 39

San Ildefonso, Treaty of 158

San Stefano, Treaty of 252

Sanders, Liman von 290

Sandoval, Francisco Gomez de, Duke of Lerma 23

Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th Earl of 103, 130

Santo Domingo 273

Sarajevo 291–2, 497, 498

Saratoga, battle of 130

Sardinia 77, 81, 82, 179; see also Piedmont

Sargent, Sir Orme 399

Sarkozy, Nicolas 519, 522

Sarraut, Albert 324

Saudi Arabia 469, 470, 491, 504, 513, 526

Savoy 12, 56, 59, 69, 76–7, 82, 150, 177, 179, 186, 225, 226, 227

    Piedmont-Savoy 179, 185–6

Saxony, John Frederick I of 11

Saxony/Saxons 11, 45, 67–9, 97, 100, 110, 112, 163, 174, 194, 386

Sazanov, Sergei Dmitrievich 290–91, 293

Scandinavia 45

    Protestantism 20

Scharping, Rudolf 505

Scheidemann, Philip 280

Scheldt, River 77

Schinderhannes (Johannes Bückler) 166

Schleicher, Kurt von, General 342, 343

Schlesinger, Helmut 490

Schleswig 208–9, 211, 213, 217, 232, 234, 320, 387

Schleyer, Hanns-Martin 466

Schlieffen, Alfred von, Count 277

Schlieffen Plan 261, 277, 293

Schmalkaldic League 11, 13

Schmidt, Helmut 466, 468–9, 472, 476, 478

Schmoller, Gustav 267

Schönbrunn, Treaty of 162

Schröder, Gerhard (b. 1910, German foreign minister) 439

Schröder, Gerhard (b. 1944, German chancellor) 505–6, 511, 515, 516, 519

Schumacher, Kurt 416

Schuman, Maurice 392

Schuman, Robert 403, 409, 411, 427

Schuschnigg, Kurt 355

Schwarzenberg, Felix of, Prince 217–18

Schwendi, Lazarus von 33


    clearances 111

    and England 25–6; Act of Union (1707) 71, 138

    Parliament 1, 71

    Protestantism 20

SDI see Strategic Defence Initiative

SDP, Germany 254, 259, 286–7, 292, 416, 452, 472, 478

Sebastopol 135, 222

Second Coalition, War of the 157–8

Second International 300

Second World War 362–80, 382–3, 386

    Atlantic Charter 370

    build-up from November 1937 to 355–62

    civilian casualties: German 378; Japanese 390

    D-Day 379

    and the ethnic transformation of Europe 387–8

    and the European balance of power 362, 364–5, 368

    and the geopolitical transformation of Europe 387–8

    Grand Alliance see Grand Alliance against the Axis, Second World War

    post-war German Question 382, 383–7, 391, 395–6, 399, 401, 403, 436, 452, 458–9, 481, 483, 488, 529

    post-war reconstruction 391, 392, 405

    reparations 384, 385, 395, 401

    submarine warfare 372, 378

    and the world balance of power 368, 377, 390

Secret Service Bureau 281

secularization 37, 166

Sedan, battle of 243

Sedition Act (US, 1918) 316

Ségur, Louis Philippe, Count de 142

Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of 167

Senckenberg, Renatus Karl von 154

Senegal 115

Septennial Act, British 91

Serbia/Serbs 221, 253, 279, 313, 487, 491, 493, 494, 497–8, 499

    and the Balkan Wars 290

    and First World War 295

    and the Habsburgs 291–3

    Kosovo War 504–5

    and the Ottomans 284

    and Russia 292–3, 496–7

    and Second World War 367, 379

serfdom 144

    and Joseph II 134

    Prussian 90, 120

    Russian 47, 224

Settlement, Act of (England 1701) 71

Seven Years War 112–16

    aftermath and legacy 116–25, 175

    background to 107–12

    and the creation of the USA 107

Seward, William 237–8

Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 469

Shay’s rebellion 137

Shiites 469, 475, 515, 526

Shirley, William 110

Siberia 79, 353, 373; see also Gulag

Sicily 77, 81, 82, 88

    Kingdom of the Two Sicilies 226

    Messina revolt 53

Sieyes, Emmanuel 143

Sigismund Vasa III of Poland and Sweden 26, 30

Silesia 24, 96–7, 99, 100, 103, 108, 110, 111, 115, 320, 387, 452

    Protestants 69

silver 35

Singapore 372

Single Economic Space 516

Single European Act 477

Sinn Féin 309, 325

Sinope, battle of 221

Six-Day War 442

‘Sixty-Eighters’ counter-culture 445–6

Slansky, Rudolf 407

slavery/slave trade 77, 117–18, 126, 145, 183, 199–200, 205–6, 235, 256, 259

    Arab trade 257

    and Britain/British Empire 126, 145, 199, 247–8, 257; abolition in British Empire 199; abolition of international trade 168; abolition within Britain 126; British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society 200; Le Louis judgment 188; and the Royal Navy 168, 188–9, 199, 257

    and Cuba 118, 200, 223, 229, 238

    and the French Empire 145, 181, 200, 205

    Missouri Compromise 200

    Ottoman abolition 223

    and the Spanish Empire 117–18, 200

    and the Sudan 258

    and the Treaty of Vienna 181

    in the US and North America 139, 145, 168, 183, 200, 206, 223; and the American Civil War 229–30

    World Anti-Slavery Convention 200

Slavonia 65, 494

    Muslims of 57

Slavs 241, 244

    and the Ottomans 251

    Panslavism 244, 245, 249, 259, 260, 499

Slingelandt, Simon van 91

Slovakia 358–9, 369, 379, 388

    EU admission 495, 507, 517

    NATO admission 512

Slovenia 487, 491, 494

    EU admission 495, 507, 517

    NATO admission 512

Sobchak, Anatoly 487

social democracy 289

    German Social Democratic Party 254, 259, 286–7, 292, 416, 452, 472, 478

socialism 215, 232, 289, 300

    Bolshevik see Bolshevism/Bolsheviks

    Brezhnev Doctrine 448, 485

    British 404

    communist see communism

    French 209, 300, 348, 392

    German 262, 263, 300; see also German Democratic Republic (GDR)

    Marxist see Marxism

    national see national socialism; Nazism/National Socialists

    Second International 300

    socialist internationalism 208

    Stalin and ‘socialism in one country’ 331–2, 336

Socialist Student League 447

Socialist Unity Party, GDR 414

Society of the Cincinnati 139

Sofia, Eastern Rumelia 259

Solana, Javier 507

Solferino, battle of 226, 227

Solidarity 472–3, 474, 477, 485

Solomon Islands 258

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 462

Somaliland, British 258

Somme, battle of the 297

Sophia of Hanover 71

South Africa 247–8, 257, 258, 265, 267, 269–70, 349

    Boer War 270, 272

    and First World War 302

    and Second World War 363, 366

    and the US 461

South America 77, 93, 165, 183, 199–200, 273, 368; see also Latin America

South Korea 408, 409

South Ossetia 521–2

South Vietnam 420, 432, 461; see also Saigon

Southern Society 187

Soviet Union

    and Afghanistan 460, 470, 471, 479, 480, 482, 483, 486

    anti-Semitism 406–7, 447

    Brezhnev Doctrine 448, 485

    and Britain 365, 372–3; see also Grand Alliance against the Axis, Second World War; Percentages agreement 383, 401; and Thatcher 466, 471

    and China see China: and the USSR

    Cold War see Cold War

    collective farming 339

    Communist Party 487

    Congress of People’s Deputies 485

    covert funding of Western groups 472, 476

    and the CSCE 459, 464

    and the Cuba missile crisis 433–4, 439

    and Czechoslovakia see Czechoslovakia: and the USSR

    and democracy 482

    de-Stalinization 423

    dissolution 491

    economy 372, 441, 479

    and the EDC 412–13

    and Egypt 423

    First Five Year Plan 338–9

    and France 327, 329, 385, 429, 430, 438, 482

    and Germany see Germany: and Russia/USSR

    Glasnost 480, 481–2

    under Gorbachev 479–83, 485

    Gulag 353, 369, 370, 372, 406, 423

    Helsinki Accords/Final Act 464, 466–7

    and human rights 462, 467

    and Hungary see Hungary: and Russia/USSR

    industrialization 339

    inter-war period 327, 328, 329–30; accommodation with the West 331–2

    and Israel 406–7, 456

    and Japan 360

    Jews 369, 375, 406–7, 447, 462–3

    League of Nations admission 346

    military: behaviour of Soviet forces in Germany 395; CFE Treaty 489; cuts under Gorbachev 485; in the mid-1970s 459; and NATO 476; Red Army 327, 353, 357, 370, 379, 382, 388, 479, 487; Strategic Missile Forces 430; youth militarization 338

    nationalism 481–2

    and NATO 455, 464, 469, 476, 479, 483–4, 488

    New Economic Policy 330, 339

    NKVD 362

    and North Korea 407, 409

    nuclear weapons 390, 407, 433, 439, 459, 476, 480; encouragement of Western disarmament 472, 476; and the ‘Star Wars’ Strategic Defense Initiative 473, 476, 477, 479, 480, 482, 483

    Olympic boycott, Moscow 471

    Perestroika 480, 482–3, 485

    and Poland see Poland/Poles: and Russia/USSR

    post-Second World War deteriorating relations with the Western allies 393–8, 400–401, 403–4

    and Romania 383, 388, 390, 393

    Russian expansion by end of Second World War 388

    Second World War 362, 363, 364–5, 367, 369–70, 372–3, 379

    Socialist Unity Party 395

    space exploration 430

    and the Spanish Civil War 352

    Stalinism 336, 339, 344–5, 353

    and the Third World 423, 460, 479

    Treason Trials 347

    and the US see United States of America: and Russia/USSR

    Vladivostok Agreement 459

    and Yugoslavia see Yugoslavia: and the USSR

Sozialdemokrat 248

space exploration 430–31

Spain/the Spanish see also Spanish Empire American airbases in Spain 399

    and the American War of Independence 130, 131

    Armada expedition 10

    and Austria 37; attack on Habsburgs in northern Italy 97; Austro-Spanish alliance 83; and the Quadruple Alliance 81–2; and the War of the Austrian Succession 97, 98

    Bourbons see Bourbons

    and Britain 81–2, 85, 131; and the American War of Independence 130; and naval power 120; Quadruple Alliance against Spain 81–2; Quadruple Alliance of 1834 200–201; and slavery 200; and the War of Jenkins’ Ear 94–5; and the War of the Spanish Succession 73, 75, 76

    Civil War 352

    constitutional changes under Philip V 71–2

    democracy 465

    economy 525, 527

    EEC admission 477

    and England 10, 22, 35–6; Cromwell’s crusade against Spain 44–5; War of the Spanish Succession 66, 69–70, 73, 75, 76

    and France: Bourbon alliance 87; First Family Compact 87; Franco-Spanish wars 37, 38, 44, 45, 46; French invasion of Spanish Netherlands 52, 65–6; French Revolutionary Wars 150; intervention justified by voisinage 201; and Louis XIV 49, 50–51, 52, 56, 65–6; and the Low Countries 49, 50–51, 52, 59, 65–6; marriage alliance announcement (1738) 95; and the Napoleonic Wars and era 165, 166, 172; Quadruple Alliance against Spain 81–2; Quadruple Alliance of 1834 200–201; Second Family Compact 98; and the Spanish revolution in 1823 190, 191; after Treaty of Utrecht 81–2; and the US 191; War of Devolution 51; and the War of the Polish Succession 88; War of the Spanish Succession 65–7, 68–70, 71–2, 73–6

    under Franco 352

    and Gibraltar 83, 84, 98

    Hispano-Dutch alliance 52

    and the Holy Roman Empire 4, 16