Arabic names starting with the definite article (al-) are filed under the main element of the name; e.g. al-Assad is filed as Assad, Hafez al.
Abdul Hamid, Sultan 279
Aberdeen, George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of 224
Abkhazia 521
Abo, Treaty of 102
absolutism 47, 62, 90, 122, 191, 273
Austrian neo-absolutist modernization 219–20, 227
Habsburg 83
Prussian 48
Russian 119
Abyssinia 265
Action Committee for a United States of Europe 421
Adenauer, Konrad 395, 398, 403, 409, 412, 413, 414, 416, 420, 422, 424, 426, 429–30, 434, 439
Adrianople, Treaty of 193
Adzhubei, Alexei 439–40
Aehrenthal, Alois Lexa von, Baron 279
British–Russian modus vivendi on 279
as jihadist base 484
Taliban 503–4
and the USSR 460, 470, 471, 479, 480, 482, 483, 486
AFL–CIO (American Federation of Labor–Confederation of Industrial Organizations) 474
African colonial soldiers 330
Herrero rising, South-West Africa 280
North see North Africa
slave trade see slavery/slave trade
South see South Africa
and British Tariff Reform 272
Soviet collective farming 339
Ahmed III 73
aircraft hijackings 466
Aitchison, David R. 223
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of 103, 108
Akkerman, Convention of 192
Aksakov, Ivan Sergeyevich 240–41
Aksakov, Konstantin 253
Albania 434
EU admission 521
Muslims of 504
Albany Congress 110
Alberoni, Giulio, Cardinal 81, 82
Albert, Charles d’, Duke of Luynes 23
Albigensians 3
Albright, Madeleine 499
Alexander I of Russia 161, 162, 163, 164, 170, 172–3, 179, 185, 187, 189, 190, 192
Alexander II of Russia 222, 224, 225, 231, 242, 250
Alexander III of Russia 259
Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix of Hesse) 309–10
Alfonso of Aragon 3
as an Ottoman vassal 9
Algiers 193
Ali, Ben 526
Ali, Rashid (Rashid Ali al-Gaylani) 367–8
Allgemeine Zeitung 220
Allied Control Council of Germany 385
Almansa, battle of 73
Alsace 69, 73, 99, 146, 147, 170, 243–4
Alsace-Lorraine 244, 245, 256, 260, 263, 285, 313, 320, 334, 382, 387
Altranstädt, Treaty of 69
American Civil War 229–31, 235, 236
American Federation of Labor–Confederation of Industrial Organizations (AFL–CIO) 474
American Revolution see North America: Revolution
Caribbean see Caribbean
Central America 93, 177, 183, 199–200, 235
European colonization 34–6
European discovery of 34
independence movements 188, 189
Latin America see Latin America
North America see North America
South America see South America
Spanish Empire in see Spanish Empire: in the Americas
USA see United States of America
battle of 317
Amin, Hafizullah 470
Amnesty International 462
Treaty of (1997) 502–3
anarchists 232
ancien régime see European ancien régime states
Ancillon, Friedrich 199
Ancona 195
Angell, Norman 293
Anne of Cleves 14
Anne of Russia 97
Ansbach 73
European, after Second World War 388
German: Berlin attacks of 1969 453; First World War 303; and Hitler’s Mein Kampf 336; Hitler’s pre-war actions 344–5, 353, 358; Holocaust 371, 375, 387, 388; Kristallnacht 358; Second World War 363, 369, 371, 375, 387, 388
of Hamas 484–5
Holocaust denial 520
propaganda 447
Ukrainian pogroms 303
Antoine, Duke of Montpensier 208
Antonescu, Ion, Romania under 379
Antwerp, siege of (1832) 196
Appomattox 231
Arab League 527
and First World War 298
and Islam see Islam and Muslims
and Israel see Israel, state of: and the Arab nations
and the League of Nations 322
nationalism 367
OPEC 456
Palestinian 352–3, 400, 442, 471, 475
and Second World War 367–8
slave trade 257
Aragon 30
union with crown of Castile 72, 81
Aranjuez, Treaty of 110
Arbatov, Georgy 452
Argenson, René Louis de Voyer de Paulmy d’ 100
Argentina 475
Falklands War 474–5
Croatian 57
French 50, 70, 117, 142, 143, 147, 165
and Joseph II 134
Mecklenburgian 79
medieval 1
Prussian 90
revolt against Charles XI of Sweden 63
Russian 89
arms control see under military
arms races 279, 287, 390, 455, 482
Army Reform Bill (Britain, 1901) 271
Arnhem, battle of 382
Ashton, Catherine 525
Asia 408, 418; see also specific countries Far East see Far East
Asiento 77
Aspern-Essling, battle of 169
Asquith, H. H., 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith 300
Assad, Bashar al- 526
Assad, Hafez al- 456
Assekuration 27
Atlantic, Battle of the 378
Atlantic Charter (1941) 370
atomic weapons see nuclear weapons
Auerstedt, battle of 167
Aughrim, battle of 61
Augsburg 35
Diet of 32
League of 58; Nine Years War 60–64
Treaty of 36–7
Augustus II, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland 67, 68–9, 80, 87
Aulic Council 73
Auschwitz concentration camp 375
protests 525
Austerlitz, battle of 162
Australia 133, 271–2, 399, 430
and First World War 297, 302, 309
and the Nazis 349
annexation by Hitler 355
Anterior 180
Austro-Spanish attempt to dominate Europe 10–11; see also Habsburgs
and Britain see Britain and the United Kingdom: and Austria
and Bukovina 125
bureaucracy 169
dual monarchy see Austro-Hungarian Empire
exclusion from Germany at Treaty of Prague 234
fiscal-political gridlock 211, 212
and France see France/the French: and Austria; Habsburgs: and France; Seven Years War
Frankfurt Union against 99
Freedom Party 508
Habsburgs see Habsburgs
Hungarian border opening (1989) 486
imperial crown, in opposition to Napoleon 161
and Italy see Habsburgs: in Italy; Italy: and Austria
Landwehr (national militia) 169
Münchengrätz Agreement 199
nationalist movements across Habsburg Empire 208, 213–14
Nazi party in 345
neo-absolutist modernization 219–20, 227
partitioning after Second World War 387
Pragmatic Sanction 86, 87, 93, 97
Privy Council for Financial Affairs 88
and Prussia see Prussia: and Austria/the Habsburgs
Quadruple Alliance of 1815 180
railways 211
and Russia see Russia: and Austria
and the Second Coalition 157–8
and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War
socio-economic and politico-diplomatic crises of 1847 211–12
and Spain 37; Austro-Spanish alliance 83; and the Quadruple Alliance 81–2
and the Spanish Netherlands 76, 77–8
Staatsrat (State Council) 169
succession issue to Charles VI 86, 96–7; War of the Austrian Succession 97–103
Swiss crisis of 1847 211–12
and the Third Coalition 161–3
and the Treaty of Vienna 179–80, 182–3
Triple Alliance with Germany and Italy 255, 296; see also World War, First
Turkish War 56–7, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65
and the War of the Polish Succession 87–8
and the Weimar Republic 345, 355
Austrian Netherlands 82, 88, 98, 129–30, 134, 144
Austro-Hungarian Empire 244
and Bosnia-Herzegovina 253, 279
Dual Alliance with Germany 254, 260; Caprivi’s New Course 261–2
First World War see First World War
formation of the dual monarchy 240
and Italy 284
and the Magyars 286
and the Serbs 291–3
Three Emperors’ League 250, 255
autocratic/representative government debate 27–8
Russian 30, 273, 280, 305, 309; see also Russia: Tsarist Empire
Avertinus, Johannes 23
Avignon 78
Second World War see Second World War
Tripartite Pact 367
Azov 65
Azzam, Abdullah 484
Baader–Meinhof Group (Rote Armee Fraktion) 448, 466
Baathists 515
Baden, Ludwig Wilhelm von 64, 66
Baden 163, 173, 180, 198, 203, 209, 213, 239, 386
Baghdad 367–8
Bahrain 526
Bakunin, Mikhail 248
balance of power in Europe see European balance of power
Balfour Declaration 6, 308, 313, 322
Balfour government 280
Balkans 57, 64, 134–5, 146, 155, 192, 205, 240–41, 251, 252–3, 259–60, 284
Balkan League’s attack on Ottomans 289
Bosnian War 493–5, 497–8, 499, 500, 501, 503
ethnic cleansing 494, 497, 503
impact of crises on European integration 506
nationalism 259–60, 481–2, 487
and Russia/USSR 155, 192, 240–41; Second World War 365
Second Balkan War 295
Second World War 365
Ball, George 431
Baltic 26, 45, 63, 68, 78, 79, 80, 84, 219, 362, 387, 485, 518; see also specific states
Bank of France 351
banking 35, 212, 341; see also specific banks
crisis of 2008 522
run on the pound 490
Bar, Confederation of 124
Barbarossa, Operation 367, 369–70, 372–3, 378
Barbary corsairs 29, 136, 184, 193
Barra, Franciso León de la 284
Barthou, Louis 346
Basel 75
Treaty of 154
Basques 72
Bassermann, Ernst 286
Bastian, Gert 476
Battle of Dorking, The 246
Bauer, Otto 289
Bautzen, battle of 174
Bavaria, Maximilian I, Duke and Elector of 20, 21, 37
Bavaria 51, 57, 74, 98, 129–30, 134, 163, 173, 180, 181, 197, 203, 213, 239
Bavarian Republic 323
War of the Bavarian Succession 130
Bayreuth 73
Bebel, August 287
Bechuanaland 258
Begg, Moazzam 503
Begin, Menachem 336
Beirut 475
Bekaa Valley 475
Belgium/Belgians 149, 150, 152, 180, 258, 351, 456; see also Flanders
Brussels Pact 398
economy 526
First World War 294
and Germany: Locarno Treaty 334–5, 336; Ruhr crisis of 1923 331
railways 242
revolt and declaration of independence (1830) 194
Second World War 364
separation from Holland 195–6
Belgrade 9, 57, 64, 82, 290, 291–2, 401
Belleau Wood, battle of 317
Benelux countries see Low/Benelux Countries
Beneš, Edvard 387
Benghazi 527
Benin, Africa 258
Bennigsen, Rudolf von 260
Bentov, Mordechai 400
Berchtold, Leopold, Count 292
Berlin 53, 68, 115, 199, 209–10, 213, 234, 237, 436, 451–2, 456
anti-Semitic attacks of 1969 453
blockade 401
Congo Conference (1884) 257–8
Congress of 252–3
crisis of 1958–62 429–30, 432–3, 434
Decrees (1806) 165
partitioning of 386–7
Peace of 99
student demonstrations 446–7
and the World Zionist Executive 264
Berlin–Baghdad railway 267, 278, 298
Berliner Privilegierte Zeitung 96
Berliner Tageblatt 260
Berlusconi, Silvio 515
Bernis, François-Joachim de Pierre de 113
Bernstorff, Christian Günther von, Count 193, 199
Bert, Paul 256
Berthold von Henneberg 31
Betar 352
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von 283, 285, 294, 311
Beust, Friedrich Ferdinand von, Count 240, 244
Beveridge Report 373–4
Bidault, Georges-Augustin 403
Bilderberg group 410
Bin Laden, Osama 470, 491, 503–4, 511
Bismarck, Otto von 5, 220–21, 228–9, 231–2, 233, 234, 238, 240–42, 243, 244, 245, 248–9, 250–51, 252, 254–6, 258, 259, 260, 261, 531
influence on Kissinger 449
Bjorko, Treaty of 277
Black Sea clauses, Treaty of Paris 225, 240, 244, 246
Blair, Tony 498, 500, 505, 510, 511, 514, 519
Blaker, Peter, Lord 474–5
Bleichroeder, Gerson 264
Blenheim, battle of 67
Blomberg, Werner von 355
Blondel, Louis-Augustin 108
Boers 258, 265, 267, 268, 269–70
Bohemia 21, 24, 89, 99, 100–101, 234, 358
Hussites 3
Protestantism 20
and the Seven Years War 112–13
and the Thirty Years War 24; see also Thirty Years War
Boleyn, Anne 19
Bolingbroke, Henry St John, 1st Viscount 76, 77
Bolshevism/Bolsheviks 312, 314, 319–20, 327, 329
Judaeo-Bolshevik–plutocrat alliance 371
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 314–15
Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon I
Borodino, battle of 171
Bosnia-Herzegovina 221, 251, 253, 279, 487, 491, 521
Bosnian War 493–5, 497–8, 499, 500, 501, 503
and Russia 496–7
Bosphorus 3, 205, 290; see also Straits, Turkish
Boswell, James 125
Boulanger, Georges Ernest, General 260
Bourassa 349
Bourbons 65, 67, 75, 77, 87, 120, 128, 131
Bourbon France 89, 107, 141–2, 177, 181, 186, 193–4
Habsburg–Bourbon coalition 110, 116; see also Seven Years War
Habsburg–Bourbon/Valois enmity 110
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies 226
restoration of monarchy under Louis XVIII 177, 181
and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War
War of the Spanish Succession see War of the Spanish Succession
Bourquenay, Adolphe de 198, 227
Boyne, battle of the 61
Law of Devolution 51
Bradley, Omar 415
Brandenburg, Mark 30–31
Brandenburg–Prussia 30–31, 45–6, 48, 51, 53, 58, 386
Brandt, Willy 448–9, 450, 451, 452, 466
Brauchitsch, Walter von 355
Brazil 200
Breisach 13
Breitenfeld, battle of 15
Bremner, Robert 201
Brest-Litovsk 387
Treaty of 314–15
Briand, Aristide 333, 334, 338, 340–41
Brienne, Henri-Auguste de Lomenie, Count of 13
Brihuega, battle of 75
Britain, Battle of 366
Britain and the United Kingdom (see also England/the English; Northern Ireland; Scotland)
Act of Union of 1707 (England and Scotland) 71, 138
Act of Union of 1800 (Great Britain and Ireland) 157
and America see British Empire: and North America; United States of America: and Britain
and Austria: British occupied zone after Second World War 387; London Straits Convention 205
and the Baltic 79
Beveridge Report 373–4
blue water policy 109, 133, 348
British Secret Intelligence Service 410
Brussels Pact 398
and Bulgaria 259–60
Chartists 208
Committee of Imperial Defence 271, 337
Conservative Party 272, 280, 281–2, 391, 403–4, 417, 489, 498; see also Tories
constitutional freedoms and European balance of power 76
Convention of Westminster 111
Crimean War 221–5
and Denmark 168
diplomacy 91
domestic politics: in Cold War era 416–17; and First World War 316; after French 1871 collapse 246; and the rise of Hitler 347–8, 357, 359; after Second World War 391
domestic reform, early nineteenth century 167–8
and the Dutch 77, 85, 104–5, 109, 130; Triple Alliance with Prussia 135
East India Company 61
economy see economy: British
and the EEC 427, 430, 435, 443, 454–5, 465, 477–8
effects of global crises on foreign and domestic politics at start of 20th century 270–71
empire of see British Empire
and the ERM 489–90
and the European balance of power 76, 104–5
and European integration 533; after Second World War 398–9
Eurosceptics 498
Falklands War 474–5
First World War see World War, First
Foreign Office 225; Information Research Department 411, 455
and France see France/the French: and Britain; French Empire: and Britain
franchise 194, 239, 256; for women 282
and Germany see Germany: and Britain
and the Habsburgs see Habsburgs: and Britain
and Hanover 82, 83, 84, 100, 101, 107, 111, 112, 161, see also George I of Great Britain, and Elector of Hanover; Hanoverian Succession 76
House of Commons 288
House of Lords 281
Imperial Election Scheme 110
imperialism 77, 111–12, 133, 257, 349, 353, 475
industrialization 207
inter-war period 318–19, 323–4, 325, 329, 333, 346–8, 350, 351–2
Iraq War 514–16
and Ireland see Ireland: and Britain
and Italy see Italy: and Britain
Jacobites 82
Joint Intelligence Committee 404, 405
Labour Party 357, 373, 392, 403–4, 416–17, 455, 465, 466, 476, 477–8
Liberal Party 253–4, 280–82, 288, 301
liberalism 199, 200–202, 246, 249, 280–82
Midwives Act 282
military 183–4, 209, 247, 271; Army of the Rhine 417, 426, 443, 444; conscription 301, 404; Eighth Army 378; Expeditionary Force 295, 364; National Service 272, 301; Territorial and Reserve Forces Act 281
Militia Bill (1757) 113
Ministry of All the Talents 168
Ministry of Munitions 301
monarchy 303
National Baby Week 282
national efficiency movement 272
National Health Service 373
naval power 84, 95, 120, 130, 131, 158, 168, 208, 261; see also Royal Navy
non-interference but supportive foreign policy 199
and the Ottomans 205, 252; Crimean War 221–5
and Poland 334–5
and Prussia see Prussia: and Britain
public sphere 75, 92, 109, 120, 224
Quadruple Alliance of 1815 180
Reform Act of 1867 239
Royal Commission for defence 225
Royal Navy see Royal Navy
and Russia/USSR 278–9; and the Anglo-Japanese alliance 271; armistice of Malmo 219; and Bulgaria 259–60; colonial entente of 1907 278–9; and the four-power agreement of July 1840 202–3; and the German Question at end of First World War 319–20; Glasnost 482, 483; and Greece 192–3, 383; inter-war period 329; London Straits Convention 205; and the Napoleonic Wars and era 157, 158, 161–3; and the Ottomans 252; Percentages agreement 383, 401; after Second World War 404; Quadruple Alliance of 1815 180; Soviet covert funding of groups 472, 476; and Thatcher 466, 471; Triple Entente with France 279, 283, 285, 294, 298, 302, 306, 312–13, 315, 317, 327, see also First World War; First World War see First World War; Second World War 365, 372–3, see also Grand Alliance against the Axis; Second World War
and the Second Coalition 157–8
Second World War 363, 364, 365–6, 367–8, 371–9
Secret Service Bureau 281
Septennial Act 91
and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War
and slavery see slavery/slave trade: and Britain/British Empire
social welfare 373–4
socialism 404
and Spain see Spain/the Spanish: and Britain
and the Spanish Civil War 352
statehood 92, 131; fiscal-military 122, 131, 151–2, 183; laissez-faire 183–4
and the Stresa Front 350
and Sweden 95
tariff reform 272, 280; Tariff Reform League 272
taxation see taxation: British
Tea Act 127
Thatcherism 471, 489; see also Thatcher, Margaret
and the Third Coalition 161–5, 168
Tories see Tories
and the Treaty of Vienna 179, 180, 181
Triple Alliance with Holland and Prussia 135
and the US see United States of America: and Britain
volunteering movement 227
and the War of the Austrian Succession 97–9, 101
and the War of the Polish Succession 88
Whigs see Whigs
British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society 200
British Commonwealth of Nations 398, 411, 426, 443
British Empire 120–21, 247–8, 268, 271–2, 278–9, 411
and Australia 133
and the Axis 353
building of the second empire 133
and Canada 133, 137, 171, 178, 183, 240, 349; and First World War 302; and Second World War 363, 366
Crimean War 221–5
and Cyprus 253, 425–6, 456, 465
decolonization 425–6
equality of the dominions 337
Falklands War 474–5
First World War see First World War
and the French Empire see French Empire: and Britain
and Gladstone’s Midlothian campaign 253
Imperial War Cabinet 309
in India 121, 159, 221, 225; and the Congress Party 349; East India Company 61, 77, 121, 127, 225; and First World War 295, 297, 309; and independence 399; India Act (1935) 349; Mutiny of 1857 225; and Second World War 366; Victoria made ‘Empress of India’ 247
inter-war period 326, 330, 336–7, 356, 361
and Italy see Italy: and Britain
and Japan 271
and the Middle East 298, 322, 326, 399, 417; Palestine see Palestine: and Britain; Second World War 298, 311, 317; Suez crisis 424–5, 426
and Nazism in the mid-1930s 349
and North America 107, 108, 109–10, 116, 121, 123, 137, 175, 238, 240, see also United States of America: and Britain; 1812 War 171; and American Independence 107, 126–9, 131–2; battle of New Orleans 178; in early nineteenth century 170–71, 177, 178, 183; thirteen colonies 107, 109, 112, 123, 126–32
and Palestine see Palestine: and Britain
partitioning at Treaty of Paris 131
Second World War 363, 365–6, 367–8, 371–9; and aftermath 392
and the Seven Years War 112, 114, 116
and slavery see slavery/slave trade: and Britain/British Empire
and socialism 404
and South Africa 269–70
Stamp Act 123
taxation 123
trade 272
and the Treaty of Vienna 180
and the USSR 365
British National Union of Miners 472
British South Sea Company 77
Broglie, Victor-François, Count 108
Brown, Gordon 500
Brown, John, Revd 113
Brunswick, Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of 148, 150
Brusilov offensive 312
Brussels 100
Brussels Pact 398
Brzezinski, Zbigniew 469, 470, 486
Buchanan, James 223
Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe (1994) 497
Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich 332, 338
Bulganin, Nikolai, Marshal 422
Bulgaria 221, 251, 252–3, 259–60, 279, 358, 485–6, 522
collapse of communism in 486
NATO admission 512
and the Ottomans/Turks 284, 482
and the Percentages agreement 383
Bulletin of the Army of the Reserve 159
Bülow, Bernhard von, Count 274, 277, 283, 341
Bund (political party) 264
Bundesbank 490
Bunker Hill, battle of 127
Burbulis, Gennady 496
Burdett, Sir Francis 168
bureaucracy 94; see also civil service
Austrian 169
dawning of national consciousness 2
England’s breach with Duke of Burgundy 3–4
Burr, Aaron 171
Bush, George H. W. 491, 495, 498
Bush, George W. 510, 511, 513–14, 518–19, 522
Bute, John Stuart, 3rd Earl of 120
Butler, Pierce 138
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell 202
Byng, John, Admiral 112
Byrnes, James F. 395
Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron 189
Byzantine Empire/Byzantium
collapse of 7–8
fall of Constantinople 8
and the Ottomans 3
Cabet, Étienne 209
Cadiz 188
Cadogan, Sir Alexander 356
Caillaux, Joseph 315
Callaghan, Jim 465–6
Calonne, Charles Alexandre de 141
Calvary, Moses 265
Calvinist International 20
Cambodia 420
Cambon, Pierre-Joseph 149
Cambrai 53
Cameron, David 522
Cameroon 258
Campo Formio, Treaty of 155, 156
Canada 115
and Britain 133, 137, 171, 178, 183, 240, 349; and First World War 302; and Second World War 363, 366
Dominion of 240
economy 366
and the European balance 399–400
and First World War 309
and the Nazis 349
New France 50, 63, 64, 115, 127, 349
Canadian Expeditionary Force 302
CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) 427
Cape Colony 180
capitalism 159, 211, 273–4, 302
‘capitalist imperialism’ 391
and communism 207–8, 329–30, 396–7, 479
Caporetto, battle of 311
Caprivi, Georg Leo von, Count 261–2
Captive Nations Day 474
Cardwell, Edward 247
Caribbean 34, 44, 64, 115, 117–18, 121, 156
slave revolt 145
Caribs 126
Carlos II of Spain 65
Carnot, Lazare 151
Carranza, Venustiano 291
Cartagena 95
Carter, Jimmy 467, 468, 469, 470–71, 472
Carteret, John, 2nd Earl Granville, Lord Carteret 101
Casablanca Conference (1943) 377
Casale 56
Casimir, John, of the Palatinate 14
Castile 29–30
dawning of national consciousness 2
union with crown of Aragon 72, 81
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount 178, 179, 180, 181, 189, 190–91
Catherine II, the Great 115, 119, 123, 124, 130, 132, 134–5, 140, 149
Catherine of Braganza 51
Caucasus/Caucasians 193, 312, 393, 491, 521–2; see also Georgia/Georgians (Caucasian state)
Caucasus Summit 489
Cavaignac, Louis-Eugène, General 218
Cavour, Camillo Benso di, Count 225, 226
Caymans 120
CDU see Christian Democratic Union
Cecil, Robert 313
Cecil, William, 1st Baron Burghley 14, 20, 25–6
Central America 93, 177, 183, 199–200, 235
central Europe (see also specific countries and peoples)
and the control of Europe 5
and Eastern Crises of 1839–40 202–4
Holy Roman Empire see Holy Roman Empire
political culture in late Middle Ages 1–2
Thirty Years War see Thirty Years War
unified ‘Mitteleuropa’ 244
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 404, 410, 418, 445, 470, 474
Ceuta 2
Ceylon 180
CFE (Conventional Forces Europe) Treaty 489
Chamberlain, Austen 318–19, 333, 334–5
Chamberlain, Joseph, Tariff Reform League 272
Chamberlain, Neville 356, 357, 358, 359, 366
Chambers of Reunion 56
Chambord, Treaty of 13
Charleroi 53
Charles, Duke of Vieuville 23
Charles I of England 5, 24, 40
Charles II of Great Britain and Ireland 45, 51, 52, 54, 59 Charles II, Elector Palatine 58
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and I of Spain 5, 8, 10, 11–12, 16–17, 18, 21, 24, 29–30, 35, 36–7, 40
and the Spanish colonial empire 34–5
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, Archduke of Austria 65, 67, 73, 76, 78, 79–80, 82, 83, 84–5, 86, 88, 95
Charles X of France 193
Charles XI of Sweden 62, 63, 65
Charles XII of Sweden 65, 68–9, 73, 78
Charles Albert, Elector of Bavaria 97–8, 99, 101
Charles Albert of Piedmont-Sardinia 214, 219
Charles of Austria see Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, Archduke of Austria
Charles Ludwig, Elector Palatine 38
Chartism 208
Chatham, William Pitt the Elder, Ist Earl of 5, 6, 114
Chechnya/Chechens 370, 375, 497, 503, 509–10, 511
Chernenko, Konstantin 478
Chesme, battle of 124
Chesney, G. T. 246
Chiang Kai-shek 408
Chicago Democratic Convention (1968) 446
China 2, 79, 265, 267, 270, 271, 274–5, 284, 326
Civil War 408
and Germany 516; GDR 428, 429, 432
and Hungary 428
Japanese invasion (1937) 354
Kuomintang 408
nuclear weapons 434
People’s Republic of (1949–) 408, 427–8, 429, 432, 434, 445, 449, 454, 469, 485, 495, 516, 523; see also Mao Zedong
Republic of (1912–49) 284, 407–8
Sino-Indian war (1962) 434
Tiananmen Square massacre 485
and the USSR: and Mao 408, 427–8, 429, 432, 434, 439, 450; Sino-Soviet split 434, 445, 449; Sino-Soviet Treaty (1950) 408
and Vietnam 469
Chios 188
Chirac, Jacques 515
Choiseul, Étienne François, Duc de 115, 116, 117
Chou En-lai 428
Chouans 151
and the Holy Roman Empire 4; see also Holy Roman Empire
Christian Democratic Union (CDU, Germany) 416, 444, 478
1990 victory in East Germany 486
Christian I of Denmark, Norway and Sweden 9
Christian VIII of Denmark 208–9
Christopher, Warren 497
clergy see clergy
German 23
Orthodox see Orthodox Church
Protestant see Protestantism
Roman Catholic see Roman Catholicism
and state: and the French Revolution 143; and the Reformation see Reformation, Protestant
Churchill, John, later Duke of Marlborough 53
Churchill, Lord Randolph 256
Churchill, Winston 285–6, 297, 300, 319–20, 346, 357, 366, 367, 370, 371, 376–7, 383, 384, 391, 398, 417
‘Sinews of Peace’ speech 394
CIA see Central Intelligence Agency
Ciano, Galeazzo, Count 353
Cincinnati, Society of the 139
Cisalpine Republic 152
Cispadane Republic 152
cities 1, 3 (see also specific cities) of the Holy Roman Empire 16
Civil Constitution of the Clergy 143, 147
Civil Rights Act (US, 1964) 440
civil service 90
Clarendon, George Villiers, 4th Earl of 222
Clarkson, Thomas 180–81
aristocratic see aristocracy/nobility
conflict 207
and First World War 304
German transcending of class distinctions 344
middle see middle classes
solidarity 248
in tension with nationality 254
working see working classes
Clay, Lucius D., General 395
Clemenceau, Georges 315, 318, 324
Clémentel, Étienne 324
clergy 1, 11, 134, 142, 143, 145
Civil Constitution of the Clergy 143, 147
German 250
Cleveland, S. Grover 266
Clinton, Hillary 523
coal 411
European Coal and Steel Community 411, 412, 421
Cold War 404–6, 407–16, 418–20, 422–35, 438–41, 447–52, 456–7, 462–9, 531
and the Cuba missile crisis 433–4, 439
and détente 444, 447, 450, 452, 454, 458, 459, 461, 462, 473
and domestic politics 406, 409–10, 414–17, 419–20, 422, 430–32, 439–41
emergence in Soviet–western post-war relations 393–7, 398, 400–401, 403–4
and the second Berlin crisis 429–30, 432–3, 434
and the shaping of European governmental structures 404
and the Suez crisis 424–5, 426
and the Third World 418
colonial government 63
colonialism see imperialism/colonialism
Columbus, Christopher 33–4, 41
Cominform 400–401
Committee for Union and Progress 279
Committee of Imperial Defence 271, 337
Committee on the Present Danger 467
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 427
Commonwealth of Nations, British 398, 411, 426, 443
and capitalism 207–8, 329–30, 396–7, 479
clash of national socialism, democracy and 308–80
collapse with democratic revolution of 1989–90 485–7
democratic–communist partitioning 382–457
French Communist Party 363, 392
German: East German 412, 413, 414, 415, see also German Democratic Republic (GDR); German Communist Party 327, 331, 342–3, 344, 385
and The German Ideology (Marx and Engels) 207–8
global battle against world communism 409
Hungarian 485
League of Communists 215
Marxist see Marxism
in Portugal 465
Soviet 353–4, 400–401, 487; see also Comintern; Soviet Union; Stalinism US concern with advancing global communism 464–5
concentration camps 343–4
Second World War death camps 375
Confederation of the Rhine (Rheinbund) 163, 164, 169, 173, 177
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) 459, 464
Congo Basin 257–8
Congress of Cultural Freedom 410
conscription, military 50, 151, 166, 185, 276, 301, 309, 404
Constantine Pavlovich of Russia 135
fall of 8–9
Janissary revolt 72–3
Ottoman rule from 9
and Russia 135, 196, 223, 245, 252
constitutionalism 138–9
Conti, François Louis, Prince of 67
Continental System/Blockade 165, 169–70
Conventional Forces Europe (CFE) Treaty 489
Cooke, Edward 157
Copenhagen Complex 274
Coral Sea, battle of the 378
Corfu 295
Incident 329
Corsairs 10, 29, 136, 184, 193
Cortés, Hernán 34
Cosgrave, W. T. 337
Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard, Count 332, 333
counter-culture 445
counter-reformation 54
Creel, George 316
Crémieux, Adolphe 206
Crépy, Peace of 11
Crimean War 221–5
Khanate 124
Croatia/Croats 32, 65, 487, 491, 493, 494, 497–8
EU admission 521; candidate status 517
and the Habsburgs 25
nobility 57
Pavelić’s Croatian state 379
Cromwell, Oliver 5, 24, 40, 44–5
Crowe, Eyre 278
Cruise missiles 469, 472, 478, 479
crusades 2
CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) 459, 464
Cuba 118, 191, 200, 229–30, 238, 266, 268–9
Castro’s seizure of power 428
Ostende manifesto 223
Cuno, Wilhelm 331
Cuno strikes, Germany 331
Curtius, Julius 341
Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquis 271, 295, 333
Customs Union, Austrian 341, 342
Customs Union, Prussian (Zollverein) 193, 197, 238–9
Cyclone, Operation 471
and Britain 253, 425–6, 456, 465
EU admission 517
NATO admission 503
annexation by Hitler 355–6, 357
anti-Semitism 407
collapse of communism in 486
Czech Republic 502, 503, 522; EU admission 495, 507, 517
Hitler’s occupation of Prague (March 1939) 358, 359
‘Little Entente’ 329
NATO admission 502
and Poland 358
Prague Spring 447–8
refugees 452
Sudeten Germans 452
and the USSR 388, 390, 393, 485–6; Czech government-in-exile/Soviet treaty (1943) 385; and Helsinki Final Act 467; and the Prague Spring 447–8
Daily Mirror 357
Dalai Lama 523
Dalton, Hugh 417
Danes see Denmark/Danes
Danilevich, Andrian A. 459
Danilov, Yuri 291
D’Annunzio, Gabriele 324
Danubian principalities 188, 190, 214, 221, 303; see also Bosnia-Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Moldavia; Serbia/Serbs; Wallachia
Dardanelles 205, 294, 297, 300; see also Straits, Turkish
Dashichev, Vyacheslav 481
Davies, Sir John 24
Dawes, Charles 334
Dawson, William Harbutt 319
Dayton Agreement 498
D-Day 379
de Gaulle, Charles 385, 392, 393, 396, 428, 430, 435, 436, 438, 441–2, 443, 446, 448, 454
de Witt brothers see entries at Witt
Déak, Ferenc 233
Debray, Régis 447
Decembrist movement, Russia 187, 192
de-colonization 5
Deladier, Édouard 398
Delcassé, Théophile 277
Delors, Jacques 483
American 405, 473–4, 495–6, 500
clash of communism, national socialism and 308–80
communist–democratic partitioning 382–457
‘democratic deficit’ 506, 508, 517, 525
democratic enlargement 496, 497, 500, 501–2, 504, 513–14, 523
‘democratic peace’ theory 473–4
democratic revolution of 1989–90 485–7
and the EU boundary 512
federal 399
and franchise see franchise
French 209
imposed democratization 291
and Indian independence 399
Italian 324
National Endowment for Democracy 474
Russian ‘sovereign democracy’ 510–11, 516
social see social democracy
southern European democratization 465
Spanish 465
and stability 505
and the USSR 482
Denmark/Danes 9, 65, 68, 158, 168, 182
rejection of Euro 508
and Sweden 179
Derby, Edward, 15th Earl of 239
Derby, Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of 246
Desert Storm, Operation 491–2
despotism 85, 100, 141, 259; see also autocracy
domestic 91
Dettingen, battle of 98
Deutsche Zeitung 210
Devolution, War of 51
Dewey, Thomas 403
Díaz, Porfirio 284
Dien Bien Phu, battle of 419
diplomacy 20, 85, 183, 189, 221 (see also specific treaties)
Anglo-Hanoverian 83
British 91
Diplomatic Revolution 107, 110, 114
Dutch 61
English 61; Anglo-Hanoverian 83
French 51
Italian 353
parliamentary release of diplomatic papers 91
Polish diplomatic service 122
European Nuclear Disarmament (END) 472
Geneva Disarmament Conference (1932) 342
Soviet encouragement of western disarmament 472, 476
unilateral 478
after First World War 320, 321, 327, 328, 337–8, 342
Disraeli, Benjamin 229, 234, 245, 247, 251, 252, 253, 254
Dodecanese islands 284
Dollfuss, Engelbert 345
Don Carlos, later Charles III of Spain 83, 88, 98
Don Carlos, pretender Carlos V 201
Don Philip, later Duke of Parma 98
Dönitz, Karl, Admiral 386
Douglass, William 109
Dover, Treaty of 52
Drake, Sir Francis 35
Dreadnought battleships 277, 281, 283
Dregger, Alfred 484
Dresden 173
battle of 174
Treaty of 100
Dreyfus, Alfred 264
Drouyn de Lhuys, Édouard 214
Drumont, Édouard 263
Du Buat-Nançay, Louis-Gabriel 116
Dubček, Alexander 447–8
Dubrovnik 494
Duisenberg, Wim 503
Dulles, John Foster 401, 418, 419, 430
Dumouriez, Charles-François 148, 149
Dunes, battle of 45
Duras, Jacques Henri de Durfort de 58
Dutch see Netherlands/the Dutch
Dutch East Indies 371, 372, 393
Dutch Republic see United Provinces/Dutch Republic
Dutschke, Rudi 446–7
East Germany see German Democratic Republic (GDR)
East India Company (British) 61, 77, 121, 127, 225
East Timor 461
Ebert, Friedrich 322
ECB (European Central Bank) 503, 508, 522–3, 528
Austrian 211–12
British 411, 416–17, 426, 443, 454, 465, 500; Black Wednesday 490; and the ERM 490; sterling crises 425, 426, 443, 465, 490
Canadian 366
economic liberalism 167
European economic integration see European integration: economic
European Monetary Union 493, 500, 508–9; see also Euro
financial crisis of 2008 522
French 86
German: and European integration 533; German Mark 493; Nazi 372; Second Reich 243; Weimar Republic 341; West Germany 403, 410, 426; and the western financial crisis 522–3
Marshall Aid and the economic regeneration of Europe 397, 399, 401, 403
of occupied Europe, Second World War 379
protectionism 340
recession 522
Russian 89
US: and the 1992 election campaign 498; Cold War era 419; crisis starting with Lehman Brothers’ collapse 522, 523; Great Depression 341–2, 349; New Deal 349, 372; protectionism 340; socio-economic modernization 431; Wall Street Crash 340
ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) 411, 412, 421
EDC (European Defence Community) 412–13, 417, 419, 420
EDI (European (space) Defence Initiative, ‘EUREKA’) 477
Edirne 72
education 243
EEC see European Economic Community
Egypt 156, 202, 230, 248, 258, 276, 329, 513
and Israel 400; Six-Day War 442; Yom Kippur War (1973) 455–6
and the Suez crisis 424–5
and USEUCOM 475
and the USSR 423
Einstein, Lewis 297
Eisenhower, Dwight David 415, 417–18, 419, 422, 425, 435
Eisner, Kurt 323
El Alamein, battle of 378
Elektron incendiary bombs 316
Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine 58
Elizabeth Farnese, Queen consort of Spain 81, 83
Elizabeth of Russia 102–3, 112, 115
Ellsberg, Daniel 453
Encounter 410–11
Engels, Frederick 207–8, 215, 216
England/the English
Act of Settlement 71
American colonization 36
beginning of national consciousness 2
Catholicism in 52
Civil War (Great Rebellion) 23–4, 36
Cromwell’s Protestant crusade in Europe 44–5
and the Dutch 44, 53, 60; Triple Alliance with Dutch Republic and Sweden 52
East India Company 61, 77, 121, 127, 225
English Reformation 19
and France see France/the French: and England and
Germany see Germany: and England
and the Holy Roman Empire 3–4, 14–15, 22, 40, 86; and imperial crown 18
House of Lords 28
and Ireland 25–6
Jacobites 61
Lollards 3
Navigation Act 44
Parliament 1, 28–9, 54, 62, 71, 85, 91, 92
and Portugal 51
Protectorate and Commonwealth 24, 44–5
Protestantism 19, 20, 59–60; Calvinist International 20; and the English Civil War 24
public sphere 61; emergence 22
Royal Navy see Royal Navy
and Scotland 25–6; Act of Union (1707) 71, 138
and Spain see Spain/the Spanish: and England
and the Spanish Empire 35–6, 44–5
statehood 61–2
stock market 61
and the struggle for mastery in Europe 40, 41
Stuarts see Stuarts
and Sweden 52
taxation 28
and the Thirty Years War 11, 24, 35
Tories see Tories
Triennial Act 62
Triple Alliance with Dutch Republic and Sweden 52
Tudors 25–6
War of the English Succession 60
and the War of the Spanish Succession 66, 69–70, 73, 75, 76
Whigs see Whigs
English Commonwealth and Protectorate 24, 44–5
Entebbe hostage affair 466
EPC (European Political Community) 412
Erfurt 164
Erhard, Ludwig 403, 437, 439, 443
ERM (European Exchange Rate Mechanism) 489–90
Erzberger, Matthias 311
Espionage Act (US, 1917) 316
Ethiopia 350
ethnic cleansing 494, 497, 503
EU see European Union
Eurasianism 499
‘EUREKA’ (European (space) Defence Initiative) 477
European Advisory Commission, Second World War 376
European ancien régime states 146, 156, 174, 211, 212
French 100, 103, 116–17, 132, 141–2, 144, 147–8, 174, 211, 212
European balance of power 530–34
and Canada 399–400
and the Congress System 180
and the Crimean War 221–5
and the decline of the Dutch Republic 91
and drives for Universal Monarchy see Universal Monarchy
and the ‘European Federation’ proposal 391
and France 54, 65–7, 68–70, 73–6, 157; Napoleonic Wars and era 161–74
and German hegemomy, Second World War 364; see also World War, Second
Germany as the crux of 3–4, 11–18, 43, 54, 107, 156–7, 216, 271, 301, 308, 364, 401, 446–7, 487, 530–31
and the Great Northern War 68–9, 71, 78–81
and the great standoff of 1725–7 84–5
and the Holy Roman Empire 3–4, 11–18, 54, 86–7, see also War of the Spanish Succession; and the Reichsverfassung (German constitution after Westphalia) 43
and imperialism see imperialism/colonialism
and the inter-war rearmament of Germany 350
and the League of Nations 321
and the revolutions of the 1830s 193–202
and the revolutions of 1848 212–19
following Seven Years War 116
and the slave trade 77
and Suez 426
and the Treaty of Utrecht 76–8, 81–2
and unification of the two Germanies 488
and the US 284, 301, 396, 531–2
and the Versailles Treaty of 1756 110–11
and the Versailles Treaty of 1919 320–21, 326 see also Versailles: 1919 Treaty of
after the Vienna settlement 179–90
and the War of the Austrian Succession 97–103
and the War of the Spanish Succession 65–7, 68–70, 73–6
and First World War 299; see also World War, First
and Second World War 362, 364–5, 368l see also World War, Second European Central Bank (ECB) 503, 508, 522–3, 528
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) 411, 412, 421
European Commission 463
European Convention on Human Rights 406, 411
European Council 463, 493, 495
European Defence Community (EDC) 412–13, 417, 419, 420
European (space) Defence Initiative, ‘EUREKA’ 477
European Economic Community (EEC) 427, 430, 435, 437, 438, 443, 463
and Britain 427, 430, 435, 443, 454–5, 465, 477–8
and France 430, 435, 436, 438, 443
Greece’s admission 477
and Palestine 471
Portugal’s admission 477
Single European Act 477
Spain’s admission 477
European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) 489–90
European expansion 5, 33–5, 41, 93
colonial see imperialism/colonialism
European integration
Action Committee for a United States of Europe 421
and CAP 427
and the ‘capability–expectations gap’ 502–3
and the Cold War era 410, 411–12, 417, 420, 421
and the collapse of communism 492–3
and the containment of Germany 376–7, 396, 410, 531
customs union/common market 421, 427
Draft Treaty on Union (1984) 477
economic 377, 421, 427, 493; European Central Bank 503, 508, 522–3, 528; European Monetary Union 493, 500, 508–9, see also Euro; single currency 493, see also Euro
and the EEC 427, 437, 463–4, 477
and emancipation from American tutelage 492
and the EPC 412
and the ERM 489–90
and the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy 437, 493, 502–3, 508
and EU establishment 493
and EU Security and Defence Policy 507
and EU Treaty for the Constitution of Europe 517–18
and the European Council 463
and the European Monetary System 468
and the European parliament see European parliament
Fouchet plan 435
and the future 533–4
impact of Balkan crises 506
and NATO 421; see also NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
and the reunification of Germany 492–3
after Second World War 382, 397–9, 410
as a solution to war 506–7
Treaty of Amsterdam 502–3
and the Treaty of Rome 427
and the US 377, 436, 437, 468, 492
European Monetary System 468
European Monetary Union 493, 500, 508–9; see also Euro
European Nuclear Disarmament (END) 472
European parliament 412, 437, 463, 477, 506, 508, 509, 517, 521
European Political Community (EPC) 412
European Security Strategy 514
European Union (EU)
Capabilities Action Plan 512
Common Foreign and Security Policy 437, 493, 502–3, 508, 528
conflicting priorities in 512
and the ‘democratic deficit’ 506, 508, 517, 525
Draft Treaty (1984) 477
European Security Strategy 514
and the future 533–4
and Ireland 508
and the Kosovo Assembly declaration of independence 521
Membership Action Plans 507
Military Committee 507
military impotence 494
moves towards a Union see European integration
Nice Treaty referendum 508
origination/establishment 5, 493
paralysis over War on Terror 513
Political Security Committee 507
Rapid Reaction Force 507
revised constitution 520–21
Security and Defence Policy 507
Treaty for the Constitution of Europe 517–18
and the US 506
and Yugoslavia 493–5
Eurozone 522–3
Evangelical Union 20
Eyskens, Mark 493
Fadeyev, Rostislav, General 245
Falkenhayn, Erich von 296, 302
Falkland Islands 127
Falklands War 474–5
Fanon, Frantz 445
Far East 265, 270, 326, 390, 500; see also specific countries
fascism 324, 348–9, 351, 352, 389
Fashoda 269
Favier, Jean-Louis 114–15
Fawcett, Millicent 282
FDP (Free Democrats, Germany) 416, 452, 478
federalism 138–9, 151, 179, 195, 249, 341, 398
federal democracy 399
German Federal Act 182
Federalist papers 138
Fehbrellin, battle of 53
feminism 445
Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick 113
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor 11, 24–5, 27, 32, 37
Ferdinand I of Naples and Sicily 188
Ferdinand II of Styria, Holy Roman Emperor 20–21
Ferdinand IV, King of the Romans 44
Ferdinand VII of Spain 188, 201
Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 259
Ferry, Jules 259
Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal 163
Napoleonic refeudalization 165
Fez 283
Finland 63, 170, 179, 362, 369, 382, 393
EU admission 495
under Mannerheim 379
First International 249
First World War 293–318
Allied Supreme War Council 314
build-up to 286–93
French casualties 318
maritime blockade 296, 305, 309, 317–18
post-war German Question 318–20, 333
reparations 320, 322, 325, 328, 331, 334, 340, 342
social effects of 303–4
and state power 302
and the Straits 293, 294, 295, 300
submarine warfare 295, 299, 305, 308, 310, 316
Fischer, Joschka 501, 506, 512, 524
Fischer Doctrine 505
Fisher, Warren 349
Fiume (Rijeka) 324
Dutch rebels in 11
Fleury, André-Hercule de, Cardinal 93, 95
Florida 116, 131, 136, 158, 171, 184
Foch, Ferdinand, Marshal 317, 318, 323, 329
Fontainebleau, Treaty of 177
Foot, Michael 416, 472, 475, 477
Foreign Legion 201
Formosa 408
Fort Sumter, battle of 230
Fouchet, Christian 435
Fox, Charles James 168
France Juive, La 263
France/the French
and the American war of Independence 130, 131–2
ancien régime 100, 103, 116–17, 132, 141–2, 144, 147–8, 174, 211, 212
aristocracy/nobility 50, 70, 117, 142, 143, 147, 165
ascendancy in Europe 40
Assembly of Notables 141
and Austria 51, 56, 85–7, 110, 114–15, 116, 201, 240, see also Habsburgs: and France; Seven Years War; Austrian partitioning after Second World War 387; Franco-Piedmontese war against Austria 225–7; French Revolutionary Wars 148–9, 150; London Straits Convention 205; Napoleonic Wars and era 157, 158, 160–61, 162, 163, 168–9, 170
Bastille stormed 142
beginning of national consciousness 2
Bourbon France 89, 107, 141–2, 177, 181, 186, 193–4; see also Bourbons; Seven Years War
and Britain (see also French Empire: and Britain): alliance against the Habsburgs 83–4, 86; and the American War of Independence 130; collaboration against Spain 81–2; and the Continental System 165; Crimean War 221–5; and EEC entry 430, 435, 443; Entente Cordiale 276, 359; First World War see World War, First; and the French collapse of 1871 245–6; French Revolutionary Wars 150; inter-war period 329, 333; and invasion by Charles Edward Stuart 98; liberal alignment 200; London Straits Convention 205; and the Low Countries 76, 98, 104; Napoleonic Wars and era 155, 156, 157, 158–9, 161–2, 165, 167–8, 175, 177, 178; and NATO 428; and naval power 95, 109, 120, 208; and Orders in Council 165, 170; and the Ottomans 202–3; Quadruple Alliance of 1834 200–201; Second World War 362; and the Seven Years War see Seven Years War; Suez crisis 424–5; trade 165, 166; Triple Entente with Russia 279, 283, 285, 294, 298, 302, 306, 312–13, 315, 317, 327, see also World War, First; and the USSR 327, 329; after Vienna Settlement 185; and the War of the Austrian Succession 98, 100
Brussels Pact 398
Chambers of Reunion 56
Civil Constitution of the clergy 143, 147
Constituent Assembly 214
Constitution of Europe rejection 517–18
Continental System/Blockade 165, 169–70
Crimean War 221–5
‘Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen’ 143
democracy 209
destruction of Second Empire 243, 245
diplomacy 51
domestic politics 147–8, 348, 359, 419–20
and the Dutch see Netherlands/the Dutch: and France
and the EEC 430, 435, 436, 438, 443
empire of see French Empire