A | B | C | D | E
F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O
P | Q | R | S | T
V | W | Y | Z
10-Layer Slow-Cooker Dish
“Absent Cook” Stew
Acorn Squash
African Chicken Treat
A Hearty Western Casserole
All-American Snack
All-Day Roast
Allen’s Beans
Almond Tea
Curried Almonds
Ann’s Boston Baked Beans
Ann’s Chicken Cacciatore
Anona’s Beef Vegetable Soup
Another Chicken in a Pot
Apple Bean Bake
Apple-Bean Pot
Apple Cake
Apple Caramel Pie
Apple Honey Tea
Apple Oatmeal
Apple Peanut Crumble
Apple Topping
Ann’s Boston Baked Beans
Apple Bean Bake
Apple-Bean Pot
Apple Cake
Apple Oatmeal
Apple Peanut Crumble
Apple Topping
Autumn Brisket
Baked Apples with Raisins
Bavarian Cabbage
Blushing Apple Tapioca
Caramel Apples
Charlotte’s Apple Butter
Chunky Applesauce
Cider and Pork Stew
Fruit Compote Dessert
Fruit/Nut Baked Apples
Old World Sauerkraut Supper
Polish Kraut ’n’ Apples
Pork and Cabbage Dinner
Pork and Kraut
Pork and Sauerkraut
Pork Spareribs with Sauerkraut
Raisin Nut-Stuffed Apples
Rhonda’s Apple Butter
Sauerkraut and Pork
Scandinavian Fruit Soup
Shirley’s Apple Butter
Sweet-Sour Cabbage
Dolores’ Apple Butter
Lilli’s Apple Butter
Marshmallow Applesauce Dessert
Apricot-Pineapple Wassail
Apricot-Pineapple Wassail
Barbecue Beef
Barbecued Hot Dogs
Fruit/Nut Baked Apples
Golden Fruit Compote
Hot Curried Fruit Compote
Hot Fruit Compote
Peach or Apricot Butter
Pork and Apricots with Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Scandinavian Fruit Soup
Chicken on a Whim
Roasted Pepper and Artichoke Spread
Asian-Style Country Ribs
Aunt Lavina’s Sauerkraut
Autumn Brisket
Autumn Chicken and Veggies
Autumn Pork Chops
Autumn Sipper
Autumn Tea
Awfully Easy Barbecued Ribs
Bacon See Pork, Bacon
Baked Apples with Raisins
Baked Bean Soup
Baked Brie with Cranberry Chutney
Baked Chicken Breasts
Baked Lamb Shanks
Baked Oatmeal
Baked Potatoes in Foil
Baked Steak
Fruit Compote Dessert
Hot Curried Fruit Compote
Barbara’s Calico Beans
Barbara’s Creole Chicken
Barbara’s Scalloped Potatoes with Ham
Barbecue Beef
Barbecue Beef Sandwiches
Barbecue Brisket
Barbecue Chicken for Buns
Barbecued Beans
Barbecued Green Beans
Barbecued Ham Sandwiches
Barbecued Hot Dogs
Barbecued Lentils
Barbecued Lima Beans
Barbecued Meatballs
Barbecued Mini-Franks
Barbecued Pork
Barbecued Pork and Beef Sandwiches
Barbecued Pork in the Slow Cooker
Barbecued Pork Steaks
Barbecued Ribs
Barbecued Roast Beef
Barbecued Sausage Pieces
Barbecued Spareribs
Barbecued Spoonburgers
Barbecue Hamburger Steaks
Chicken Barley Chili
Hamburger Soup with Barley
Vegetarian Minestrone Soup
Barley, Pearl
Beef Roast with Mushroom Barley
Wild Mushrooms Italian
Bavarian Cabbage
BBQ Meatballs
Bean Soup
Bean Tater Tot Casserole
Beans and Tomato Chili
Beans with Rice
Beans, Baked
Ann’s Boston Baked Beans
Apple-Bean Pot
Baked Bean Soup
Doris’ Sweet-Sour Bean Trio
Four-Bean Medley
Fruity Baked Bean Casserole
Linda’s Baked Beans
Lizzie’s California Beans
Lotsa-Beans Chili
Lotsa Beans Vegetarian Chili
Main Dish Baked Beans
Marcia’s California Beans
Mary Ellen’s Three-Bean Dish
Mixed Slow-Cooker Beans
Nan’s Barbecued Beans
Pork Chops in Bean Sauce
Sausage Bean Quickie
Beans, Barbecue
Marcia’s California Beans
Beans, Black
Beans and Tomato Chili
Black Bean and Butternut Chili
Black Bean and Corn Soup
Black Bean Soup
Caribbean-Style Black Bean Soup
Casey’s Beans
Chicken Barley Chili
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Ed’s Chili
Four Beans and Sausage
Hearty Black Bean Soup
Katelyn’s Black Bean Soup
Slow-Cooker Black Bean Chili
Slow-Cooker Enchiladas
Taco Soup with Black Beans
Three Bean Taco Soup
Turkey Bean Chili
Beans, Black-Eyed
Black-Eyed Pea and Vegetable Chili
White Bean Chili
Beans, Butter
Barbara’s Calico Beans
Carla’s Baked Beans
Casey’s Beans
Ethel’s Calico Beans
Five-Bean Hot Dish
Four-Bean Medley
Four Beans and Sausage
Hearty Slow-Cooker Beans
Joan’s Calico Beans
Lauren’s Calico Beans
Linda’s Baked Beans
Lizzie’s California Beans
Lotsa-Beans Chili
Mixed Bean Casserole
Sausage Bean Casserole
Six-Bean Barbecued Beans
Veggie Stew
White Bean Chili
Beans, Cannellini
Chicken and Ham Gumbo
Tuscan Beef Stew
Winter Squash and White Bean Stew
Beans, Chili
Chili and Cheese on Rice
Cindy’s Chili
Hearty Slow-Cooker Beans
Pizza in a Pot
Beans, Garbanzo
Beans and Tomato Chili
Chicken Casablanca
Forgotten Minestrone
Lotsa Beans Vegetarian Chili
Vegetable Curry
Vegetarian Minestrone Soup
Vegetarian Minestrone Soup with Pasta
Veggie Chili
White Bean Chili
Beans, Great Northern Apple Bean Bake
Bean Soup
Four Beans and Sausage
Frances’ Slow-Cooker Beans
From-Scratch Baked Beans
Healthy Bean Soup
Kelly’s Baked Beans
LeAnne’s Calico Beans
Marcia’s California Beans
New England Baked Beans
Northern Bean Soup
Six-Bean Barbecued Beans
Tuscan Garlicky Bean Soup
Vegetable Bean Soup
White Chili
Beans, Green
All-Day Roast
Another Chicken in a Pot
Barbecued Green Beans
Bean Soup
Bean Tater Tot Casserole
Chicken-Vegetable Dish
Dutch Green Beans
Easy Beef Stew
Four-Bean Medley
Green Beans and Sausage
Ground Beef Casserole
Jeanne’s Hamburger Stew
Jeanne’s Vegetable Beef Borscht
Lauren’s Calico Beans
LeAnne’s Calico Beans
Lizzie’s California Beans
Lotsa-Beans Chili
Marcia’s California Beans
Mixed Slow-Cooker Beans
Nancy’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Round Steak Casserole
Round Steak Casserole with Carrots
Ruby’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Santa Fe Stew
Sharon’s Vegetable Soup
“Smothered” Steak
Sweet and Sour Beans
Tater Tot Casserole
Vegetable Curry
Veggie Stew
Beans, Kidney
A Hearty Western Casserole
Allen’s Beans
Barbara’s Calico Beans
Beans and Tomato Chili
Beef and Beans
Berenice’s Favorite Chili
Best Bean Chili
Black Bean Soup
Carla’s Baked Beans
Carol’s Calico Beans
Casey’s Beans
Chet’s Trucker Stew
Chili and Cheese on Rice
Chili con Carne
Chipotle Chili
Corn Chili
Cowboy Casserole
Doris’ Sweet-Sour Bean Trio
Dorothea’s Slow-Cooker Chili
Easy Chili
Ed’s Chili
Ethel’s Calico Beans
Five-Bean Hot Dish
Four-Bean Medley
Four Beans and Sausage
Fruity Baked Bean Casserole
Hearty Beef and Cabbage Soup
Hearty Slow-Cooker Beans
Hot Bean Dish Without Meat
Italian Vegetable Soup
Joan’s Calico Beans
Joyce’s Minestrone
Judy’s Chili Soup
Lauren’s Calico Beans
Linda’s Baked Beans
Lotsa-Beans Chili
Lotsa Beans Vegetarian Chili
Marcia’s California Beans
Mary Ellen’s Three-Bean Dish
Mixed Bean Casserole
Mixed Slow-Cooker Beans
New Orleans Red Beans
Oriental Turkey Chili
Pirate Stew
Sante Fe Soup with Melted Cheese
Sara’s Bean Casserole
Sausage Bean Quickie
Sausage, Beans, and Rice
Six-Bean Barbecued Beans
Slow-Cooker Enchiladas
Taco Soup with Black Beans
Taco Soup with Pork and Beans
Taco Soup with Whole Tomatoes
Texican Chili
Three-Bean Barbecue
Three Bean Taco Soup
Trail Chili
Vegetarian Chili
Vegetarian Minestrone Soup
Vegetarian Minestrone Soup with Pasta
Beans, Lima
Barbecued Lima Beans
Betty’s Calico Beans
Brunswick Soup Mix
Carla’s Baked Beans
Carol’s Calico Beans
Chet’s Trucker Stew
Doris’ Sweet-Sour Bean Trio
Easy Lima Bean Soup
Five-Bean Hot Dish
Fruity Baked Bean Casserole
Grace’s Minestrone Soup
Gran’s Big Potluck
Hot Bean Dish Without Meat
Joy’s Brunswick Stew
Marcia’s California Beans
Mary Ellen’s Three-Bean Dish
Mixed Bean Casserole
Mixed Slow-Cooker Beans
Mulligan Stew
Rump Roast and Vegetables
Three-Bean Barbecue
Beans, Mix
Calico Ham and Bean Soup
French Market Soup
Beans, Navy
Mom’s New England Baked Beans
Navy Bean Soup
New England Baked Beans
No Meat Baked Beans
Six-Bean Barbecued Beans
Vegetable Bean Soup
White Bean Chili
Beans, Pinto
Apple Bean Bake
Beans and Tomato Chili
Bean Soup
Best Bean Chili
Betty’s Calico Beans
Chili Sans Cholesterol
New Mexico Pinto Beans
Quick and Easy Chili
Refried Beans with Bacon
Scandinavian Beans
Six-Bean Barbecued Beans
Taco Soup with Pinto Beans
Three Bean Taco Soup
Turkey Bean Chili
Vegetable Bean Soup
Beans, Pork and
Allen’s Beans
Barbara’s Calico Beans
Barbecued Beans
Best Baked Beans
Carla’s Baked Beans
Carol’s Calico Beans
Casey’s Beans
Chet’s Trucker Stew
Chops and Beans
Ethel’s Calico Beans
Five-Bean Hot Dish
Hearty Slow-Cooker Beans
Joan’s Calico Beans
Lauren’s Calico Beans
LeAnne’s Calico Beans
Maple Baked Beans
Marcia’s California Beans
Mixed Bean Casserole
Sara’s Bean Casserole
Six-Bean Barbecued Beans
Sweet and Sour Beans
Taco Soup with Pork and Beans
Three-Bean Barbecue
Beans, Ranch-Style
Allen’s Beans
Beans, Red
Bean Soup
Beans with Rice
Cajun Sausage and Beans
Five-Bean Hot Dish
Red Beans and Rice
Refried Beans with Bacon
Turkey Bean Chili
Turkey Chili
Beans, Refried
Championship Bean Dip
Hot Refried Bean Dip
Quick and Easy Nacho Dip
Southwest Hot Chip Dip
Beans, Waxed
Chet’s Trucker Stew
Beans, White
Sausage White Bean Soup
Southwest Chicken and White Bean Soup
Becky’s Beef Stew
Beef and Beans
Beef and Lentils
Beef and Pork Spaghetti Sauce
Beef and Vegetables Spaghetti Sauce
Beef Burgundy
Beef Enchiladas
Beef Ribs
Beef Roast with Mushroom Barley
Beef Stew
Beef Stew Bourguignonne
Beef Stew Olé
Beef Stew with Vegetables
Beef Stroganoff
Beef, Tomatoes, and Noodles
Beef with Mushrooms
Beef, Blade Roast
Savory Sweet Roast
Beef, Brisket
Autumn Brisket
Barbecue Brisket
Goodtime Beef Brisket
Mexican Pot Roast
Smoky Brisket
Beef, Chuck
Beef Stew
Layered Herby Stew
Pungent Beef Stew
Savory Beef Pot Roast
Savory Hungarian Goulash
“Smothered” Steak
Winter’s Night Beef Soup
Beef, Chuck Roast
Barbecue Beef
Barbecued Roast Beef
Beef Enchiladas
Beef Roast with Mushroom Barley
Chuck Wagon Beef
Creamy Beef Pot Roast
Delicious, Easy Chuck Roast
Diane’s Gutbuster
Dripped Beef
Easy Pot Roast and Veggies
Forget It Pot Roast
Hearty New England Dinner
Mile-High Shredded Beef Sandwiches
Paul’s Beef Bourguignonne
Piquant French Dip
Pot Roast with Ketchup
Powerhouse Beef Roast with Tomatoes, Onions, and Peppers
Savory Sweet Roast
Slow-Cooker Beef Sandwiches
Southwestern Flair
Tangy Barbecue Sandwiches
Beef, Corned
Corned Beef
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Corned Beef Dinner
Eleanor’s Corned Beef and Cabbage
Reuben Sandwiches
Reuben Spread
Beef, Flank Steak
Southwestern Flair
Beef, Ground
10-Layer Slow-Cooker Dish
A Hearty Western Casserole
Allen’s Beans
Barbecued Meatballs
Barbecued Spoonburgers
Barbecue Hamburger Steaks
BBQ Meatballs
Bean Tater Tot Casserole
Beef and Lentils
Beef and Pork Spaghetti Sauce
Beef and Vegetables Spaghetti Sauce
Beef Stroganoff
Berenice’s Favorite Chili
Best Bean Chili
Betty’s Calico Beans
Carla’s Baked Beans
Carol’s Calico Beans
Casey’s Beans
Char’s Spaghetti Sauce
Cheese and Chile Enchilada Olé
Chet’s Trucker Stew
Chili and Cheese on Rice
Chili-Cheese Dip
Chili-Cheese Taco Dip
Chili con Carne
Chili con Queso Cheese Dip
Chinese Hamburger
Chunky Spaghetti Sauce
Cocktail Meatballs
Corn Chili
Cowboy Casserole
Creamy Spaghetti
Dorothea’s Slow-Cooker Chili
Dottie’s Creamy Steak Soup
Easy-Does-It Spaghetti
Ed’s Chili
Enchilada Casserole
Ethel’s Calico Beans
Family Favorite Casserole
Five-Bean Hot Dish
Good ’n’ Hot Dip
Great Meatballs
Green Chili Stew
Ground Beef Casserole
Ground-Beef Stew
Hamburger Cheese Dip
Hamburger Hot Dip
Hamburger Lentil Soup
Hamburger Potatoes
Hamburger Soup with Barley
Hash Brown Dinner
Hearty Beef and Cabbage Soup
Hearty Italian Sandwiches
Hearty Slow-Cooker Beans
Helen’s Lasagna
Hot Refried Bean Dip
Italian Spaghetti Sauce
Jean and Tammy’s Sloppy Joes
Jeanne’s Hamburger Stew
Judy’s Chili Soup
Judy’s Hamburger Stew
Karen’s Nacho Dip
LeAnne’s Calico Beans
Loretta’s Spanish Rice
Lotsa-Beans Chili
Main Dish Baked Beans
Mary Ann’s Italian Meatloaf
Mary Ellen’s Barbecued Meatballs
Meatball Stew
Meatloaf Dinner
Meatloaf Sensation
Mexican Corn Bread
Michelle’s Taco Dip
Mom’s Spaghetti and Meatballs
Nan’s Barbecued Beans
Nan’s Sloppy Joes
Noodle Hamburger Dish
Nutritious Meatloaf
Pecos River Red Frito Pie
Penny’s Sloppy Joes
Pirate Stew
Pizza Fondue
Poor Man’s Steak
Quick and Easy Chili
Quick and Easy Italian Vegetable Beef Soup
Quick and Easy Nacho Dip
Ruth Ann’s Meatloaf
Sante Fe Soup with Melted Cheese
Sausage-Beef Spaghetti Sauce
Shell Casserole
Sloppy Joes
Slow-Cooked Cabbage Rolls
Slow-Cooker Enchiladas
Slow-Cooker Pizza
Slow-Cooker Spaghetti Sauce
So-Easy Spaghetti
Southwest Hot Chip Dip
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
Spicy Lasagna
Spicy Potato Soup
Steak Soup
Stick-to-Your-Ribs Veggie Soup
Stuffed Bell Peppers
Stuffed Green Peppers
Suit-Yourself Veggies with Beef
Swedish Cabbage Rolls
Sweet and Sour Meatballs with Pineapples
Sweet and Sour Meatballs with Vegetables
Taco Bake
Taco Soup with Black Beans
Taco Soup with Pinto Beans
Taco Soup with Pizza Sauce
Taco Soup with Pork and Beans
Taco Soup with Whole Tomatoes
Tamale Pie
Tasty Meatball Stew
Taters ’n’ Beef
Tater Tot Casserole
Three-Bean Barbecue
Three Bean Taco Soup
Tracey’s Italian Meatloaf
Trail Chili
Vegetable Soup with Noodles
Vegetable Soup with Potatoes
Violette’s Lasagna
White Bean Chili
Wild Rice Casserole
Beef, Pot Roast
Chinese Pot Roast
Dilled Pot Roast
Horseradish Beef
Pepsi Pot Roast
Pot Roast
Rump Roast and Vegetables
Savory Beef Pot Roast
Spicy Pot Roast
Sturdy Pot Roast
Beef, Ribs
Easy Barbecued Beef or Pork Ribs
Sauerkraut and Ribs
Beef, Roast
All-Day Roast
Beef Ribs
Deep Pit Beef
Easy Barbecued Venison
Easy Roast
Easy Vegetable Soup
Full-Flavored Beef Stew
Good ’n’ Easy Beef ’n’ Gravy
Herbed Roast with Gravy
Italian Beef
Jeanne’s Vegetable Beef Borscht
Lauren’s Italian Beef
Nancy’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Pat’s Meat Stew
Peppery Roast
Slow-Cooker Stew with Vegetables
Beef, Round
Rump Roast and Vegetables
Beef, Round Roast
Herbed Beef Stew
Mile-High Shredded Beef Sandwiches
Pot Roast with Gravy and Vegetables
Roast Beef
Shredded Beef for Tacos
Beef, Round Steak
Baked Steak
Barbecue Beef Sandwiches
Beef and Beans
Creamy Swiss Steak
Frances’ Hearty Vegetable Soup
Gone-All-Day Casserole
Hearty Alphabet Soup
Hungarian Goulash in Sour Cream Sauce
Jacqueline’s Swiss Steak
Margaret’s Swiss Steak
Nadine and Hazel’s Swiss Steak
Pepper Steak Oriental
Round Steak
Round Steak Casserole
Round Steak Casserole with Carrots
Saucy Round Steak Supper
Slow-Cooked Pepper Steak
Slow-Cooker Stew with Vegetables
“Smothered” Steak
Spanish Round Steak
Steak Hi-Hat
Steak Stroganoff
Succulent Steak
Sweet-Sour Beef and Vegetables
Swiss Steak
Tangy Swiss Steak
Beef, Rump Roast
Carol’s Italian Beef
French Dip
French Dip Roast
Italian Roast Beef
Old World Sauerbraten
Pot Roast with Gravy and Vegetables
Pot Roast with Mushrooms
Sturdy Pot Roast
Beef, Shanks
Kim’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Beef, Short Ribs
Beef Ribs
Chianti-Braised Short Ribs
Kim’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Old-Fashioned Vegetable BeefSoup
Beef, Shoulder Roast
Beef, Sirloin
Santa Fe Stew
Beef, Sirloin Roast
Slow-Cooker Roast Beef
Beef, Soup Bone
Anona’s Beef Vegetable Soup
Beef, Stewing
“Absent Cook” Stew
Anona’s Beef Vegetable Soup
Barbecued Pork and Beef Sandwiches
Becky’s Beef Stew
Beef Burgundy
Beef Stew Bourguignonne
Beef Stew Olé
Beef Stew with Vegetables
Beef, Tomatoes, and Noodles
Beef with Mushrooms
Chipotle Chili
Crab Soup
Dale and Shari’s Beef Stroganoff
Donna’s Beef Stew
Easy Beef Stew
Easy Company Beef
Easy Dinner Surprise
Ernestine’s Beef Stew
Forgotten Minestrone
Gran’s Big Potluck
Healthy Beef Stew
Hearty Alphabet Soup
Hearty Slow-Cooker Stew
Herby Beef Stew
Judy’s Beef Stew
Lilli’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Pot Roast with Ketchup
Ruby’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Santa Fe Stew
Scrumptious Beef
Sharon’s Vegetable Soup
Slow-Cooker Beef
Slow-Cooker Minestrone
Steak San Morco
Texican Chili
Tuscan Beef Stew
Venison or Beef Stew
Waldorf Astoria Stew
Zippy Beef Tips
Beef, Veal
Gran’s Big Potluck
Veal and Peppers
Beer Brats
Berenice’s Favorite Chili
Best Baked Beans
Best Bean Chili
Betty’s Calico Beans
Bits and Bites
Black and Blue Cobbler
Black Bean and Butternut Chili
Black Bean and Corn Soup
Black Bean Soup
Black-Eyed Pea and Vegetable Chili
Black-Eyed Peas See Beans, Black-Eyed
Black and Blue Cobbler
Black and Blue Cobbler
Blushing Apple Tapioca
Braised Chicken with Summer Tomatoes,
Bread Pudding
Bread Pudding
Breakfast Casserole
Cheese Souffle Casserole
Chicken and Stuffing
Egg and Cheese Bake
Great Meatballs
Moist Poultry Dressing
Potato Filling
Ruth Ann’s Meatloaf
Scalloped Pineapples
Slow-Cooker Stuffing with Poultry
Sweet and Sour Meatballs with Vegetables
Bread Crumbs
Barbecue Hamburger Steaks
Mary Ellen’s Barbecued Meatballs
Meatloaf Sensation
Salmon Cheese Casserole
Slow-Cooker Stuffing
Sweet and Sour Meatballs with Pineapples
Tracey’s Italian Meatloaf
Breakfast Casserole
Broccoli Cheese Casserole
Broccoli Cheese Dip
Broccoli-Cheese Soup
Broccoli-Cheese with Noodles Soup
Broccoli Corn Bread
Broccoli Cheese Casserole
Broccoli Cheese Dip
Broccoli-Cheese Soup
Broccoli-Cheese with Noodles Soup
Broccoli Corn Bread
Cream of Broccoli Soup
Doris’ Broccoli and Cauliflower with Cheese
Egg and Broccoli Casserole
Savory Slow-Cooker Chicken
Wanda’s Chicken and Rice Casserole
Brown Jug Soup
Brunswick Soup Mix
Butter-Rubbed Baked Potatoes
Cheesy Hash Brown Potatoes
Cabbage Dinner
Autumn Brisket
Bavarian Cabbage
Cabbage Dinner
Chicken and Vegetables
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Corned Beef Dinner
Easy Vegetable Soup
Eleanor’s Corned Beef and Cabbage
Forgotten Minestrone
German Potato Soup
Grace’s Minestrone Soup
Ham and Cabbage Supper
Hearty Beef and Cabbage Soup
Hearty New England Dinner
Jeanne’s Vegetable Beef Borscht
Kielbasa and Cabbage
Lilli’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Nutritious Meatloaf
Pork and Cabbage Dinner
Ruby’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Sausage, Cabbage, and Potatoes: One-Pot Dinner
Sharon’s Vegetable Soup
Slow-Cooked Cabbage Rolls
Swedish Cabbage Rolls
Sweet-Sour Cabbage
Vegetarian Minestrone Soup with Pasta
Cajun Sausage and Beans
Apple Cake
Cherry Delight
Chocolate Pudding Cake
Hot Fudge Cake
Lemon Pudding Cake
Peanut Butter and Hot Fudge Pudding Cake
Self-Frosting Fudge Cake
Calico Ham and Bean Soup
California Chicken
Candies, Caramel
Apple Caramel Pie
Caramel Apples
Candies, Cinnamon
Blushing Apple Tapioca
Caramel Apples
Chunky Applesauce
Hot Cranberry Citrus Punch
Spiced Cider
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Caramel Apples
Caramelized Onions
Slow-Cooker Chai
Caribbean-Style Black Bean Soup
Carla’s Baked Beans
Carolers’ Hot Chocolate
Carol’s Calico Beans
Carol’s Italian Beef
“Absent Cook” Stew
All-Day Roast
Anona’s Beef Vegetable Soup
Another Chicken in a Pot
Autumn Chicken and Veggies
Beef Stew
Beef Stew Olé
Beef Stew with Vegetables
Black Bean Soup
Black-Eyed Pea and Vegetable Chili
Brown Jug Soup
Calico Ham and Bean Soup
Cheese and Corn Chowder
Chicken and Rice Casserole
Chicken and Vegetables
Chicken Casablanca
Chicken Corn Soup
Chicken in a Pot
Chicken Noodle Soup
Chicken-Vegetable Dish
Chicken with Vegetables in Gravy
Cider and Pork Stew
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Corned Beef Dinner
Crab Soup
Creamy Chicken and Carrots
Donna’s Beef Stew
Dorothy’s Split Pea Soup
Easy Beef Stew
Easy Lima Bean Soup
Easy Pot Roast and Veggies
Ernestine’s Beef Stew
Family Favorite Casserole
Forget It Pot Roast
Frances’ Hearty Vegetable Soup
Full-Flavored Beef Stew
German Potato Soup
Glazed Root Vegetable Medley
Grace’s Minestrone Soup
Gran’s Big Potluck
Ground-Beef Stew
Hamburger Lentil Soup
Hamburger Potatoes
Hamburger Soup with Barley
Healthy Bean Soup
Healthy Beef Stew
Hearty Black Bean Soup
Hearty New England Dinner
Hearty Potato Sauerkraut Soup
Hearty Slow-Cooker Stew
Herbed Beef Stew
Italian Vegetable Soup
Jacqueline’s Swiss Steak
Jeanne’s Hamburger Stew
Jeanne’s Vegetable Beef Borscht
Joyce’s Minestrone
Judy’s Beef Stew
Judy’s Hamburger Stew
Karen’s Split Pea Soup
Kelly’s Split Pea Soup
Kim’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Layered Herby Stew
Lentil and Squash Soup
Lilli’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Manhattan Clam Chowder
Meatball Stew
Meatloaf Dinner
Mjeodrah or Esau’s Lentil Soup
Northern Bean Soup
Old-Fashioned Vegetable Beef Soup
Orange Glazed Carrots
Pat’s Meat Stew
Pot Roast
Pot Roast with Gravy and Vegetables
Pungent Beef Stew
Quick and Easy Italian Vegetable Beef Soup
Round Steak Casserole with Carrots
Ruby’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Rump Roast and Vegetables
Ruth Ann’s Meatloaf
Santa Fe Stew
Sauerkraut Soup
Sausage Sauerkraut Supper
Sausage White Bean Soup
Savory Beef Pot Roast
Sharon’s Vegetable Soup
Slow-Cooker Minestrone
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
Steak Soup
Sturdy Pot Roast
Suit-Yourself Veggies with Beef
Sunday Chicken Stew with Dumplings
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Sweet and Sour Meatballs with Vegetables
Sweet Potato Lentil Soup
Sweet-Sour Beef and Vegetables
Tangy Swiss Steak
Tasty Meatball Stew
Texican Chili
Turkey Stew
Tuscan Beef Stew
Vegetable Bean Soup
Vegetable Curry
Vegetable Medley
Vegetable Soup with Potatoes
Vegetarian Minestrone Soup
Vegetarian Minestrone Soup with Pasta
Veggie Stew
Venison or Beef Stew
Venison Swiss Steak
Waldorf Astoria Stew
Wild Rice Casserole
Casey’s Beans
Doris’ Broccoli and Cauliflower with Cheese
Double Cheese Cauliflower Soup
Golden Cauliflower
Celery Root
Autumn Chicken and Veggies
Championship Bean Dip
Charlotte’s Apple Butter
Char’s Spaghetti Sauce
Cheese and Chile Enchilada Olé
Cheese and Corn Chowder
Cheese Souffle Casserole
Cheese, American
Broccoli Cheese Dip
Cheesy Corn
Cream of Broccoli Soup
Egg and Cheese Bake
Hot Refried Bean Dip
Karen’s Nacho Dip
Loretta’s Hot Chicken Sandwiches
Macaroni and Cheese
Supreme Sausage Dish
Welsh Rarebit
Cheese, Brie
Baked Brie with Cranberry Chutney
Cheese, Cheddar
Beef Enchiladas
Breakfast Casserole
Championship Bean Dip
Cheese and Chile Enchilada Olé
Cheese and Corn Chowder
Cheese Souffle Casserole
Cheesy Hash Brown Potatoes
Cheryl’s Macaroni and Cheese
Chicken and Rice Casserole
Chicken Clam Chowder
Chicken Corn Chowder
Chicken Olé
Chicken Tortillas
Creamy Hash Browns
Creamy Spaghetti
Doris’ Broccoli and Cauliflower with Cheese
Egg and Broccoli Casserole
Enchilada Casserole
Extra Cheesy Mac and Cheese
Family Favorite Casserole
Ham and Scalloped Potatoes
Hot Cheese and Bacon Dip
Macaroni and Cheese
Marilyn’s Chili con Queso
Marsha’s Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Mexican Corn Bread
Miriam’s Scalloped Potatoes with Ham
Pizza Fondue
Potatoes O’Brien
Potluck Potatoes
Quick and Easy Nacho Dip
Reuben Spread
Scalloped Taters
Short-Cut Fondue Dip
Slow-Cooker Cheese Potatoes
Slow-Cooker Eggs and Ham
Slow-Cooker Pizza
Slow-Cooker Scalloped Potatoes
Tamale Pie
Tina’s Cheese Dip
Very Special Spinach
Wanda’s Chicken and Rice Casserole
Welsh Rarebit
Cheese, Cheez Whiz
Nancy’s Meatballs
Cheese, Colby
A Hearty Western Casserole
Cheese, Mexican-Blend
Cheese and Chile Enchilada Olé
Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Cheese, Monterey Jack
Championship Bean Dip
Cheesy New Orleans Shrimp Dip
Easy Spinach Quiche
Polish Sausage Stew
Slow-Cooker Enchiladas
White Queso Dip
Cheese, Mozzarella
Breakfast Casserole
Chicken Parmigiana
Helen’s Lasagna
Italiano Spread
Pizza Fondue
Pizza Potatoes
Slow-Cooker Pizza
Spicy Lasagna
Stuffed Green Peppers
Violette’s Lasagna
Zucchini Special
Cheese, Parmesan
Italiano Spread
Roasted Pepper and Artichoke Spread
Slow-Cooker Cheese Potatoes
Cheese, Processed
Broccoli-Cheese with Noodles Soup
Cheese, Swiss
Chicken Reuben Bake
Ham and Swiss Chicken
Melanie’s Chicken Cordon Bleu
Reuben Sandwiches
Reuben Spread
Stuffed Chicken Rolls
Cheese, Velveeta
Brown Jug Soup
Chili-Cheese Dip
Chili-Cheese Taco Dip
Chili con Queso Cheese Dip
Good ’n’ Hot Dip
Hamburger Cheese Dip
Hamburger Hot Dip
Jeanne’s Chile con Queso
Linda’s Baked Beans
Macaroni and Cheese
Marilyn’s Chili con Queso
Maryann’s Chili Cheese Dip
Mexican Chip Dip Olé
Michelle’s Taco Dip
Potato Cheese Puff
Potatoes and Ham
Sante Fe Soup with Melted Cheese
Scalloped Potatoes and Chicken
Slow-Cooker Cottage Potatoes
Southwest Hot Chip Dip
Texas Queso Dip
Tex-Mex Chicken Chowder
Cheesy Corn
Cheesy Hash Brown Potatoes
Cheesy New Orleans Shrimp Dip
Barbecued Ribs
Hot Fruit Compote
Scandinavian Fruit Soup
Cherries, Maraschino
Hot Curried Fruit Compote
Cherry Delight
Cheryl’s Macaroni and Cheese
Chet’s Trucker Stew
Chianti-Braised Short Ribs
Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken and Ham Gumbo
Chicken and Rice Casserole
Chicken and Stuffing
Chicken and Vegetables
Chicken Barley Chili
Chicken Broth
Chicken Cacciatore
Chicken Casablanca
Chicken Clam Chowder
Chicken Corn Chowder
Chicken Corn Soup
Chicken Curry
Chicken Delicious
Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Chicken in a Pot
Chicken in Mushroom Gravy
Chicken in Wine
Chicken Noodle Soup
Chicken Olé
Chicken on a Whim
Chicken Parmigiana
Chicken Reuben Bake
Chicken Rice Soup
Chicken Spaghetti
Chicken Sweet and Sour
Chicken Tortillas
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Chicken-Vegetable Dish
Chicken with Tropical Barbecue Sauce
Chicken with Vegetables in Gravy
Ann’s Chicken Cacciatore
Barbecue Chicken for Buns
Brunswick Soup Mix
Chicken and Stuffing
Chicken Barley Chili
Chicken Broth
Chicken Casablanca
Chicken Clam Chowder
Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Chicken Noodle Soup
Chicken Olé
Chicken Spaghetti
Chicken Tortillas
Chili, Chicken, Corn Chowder
Cranberry Chicken
Creamy Mushroom Chicken
Easy Teriyaki Chicken
Elizabeth’s Hot Chicken Sandwiches
Fruited Barbecue Chicken
Greek Chicken
Groundnut Stew
Ham and Swiss Chicken
Hearty Potato Sauerkraut Soup
Hot Chicken Salad
Joyce’s Chicken Tetrazzini
Loretta’s Hot Chicken Sandwiches
Marcy’s Barbecued Chicken
Mexican Cheesecake
Savory Slow-Cooker Chicken
Slow-Cooker Stuffing with Poultry
Sunday Chicken
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Wanda’s Chicken and Rice Casserole
Wild Rice Hot Dish
Chicken, Breasts
Autumn Chicken and Veggies
Baked Chicken Breasts
Barbara’s Creole Chicken
Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken and Rice Casserole
Chicken and Vegetables
Chicken Cacciatore
Chicken Corn Chowder
Chicken Corn Soup
Chicken Curry
Chicken Delicious
Chicken in Mushroom Gravy
Chicken in Wine
Chicken on a Whim
Chicken Parmigiana
Chicken Reuben Bake
Chicken Rice Soup
Chicken Sweet and Sour
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Chicken-Vegetable Dish
Chicken with Tropical Barbecue Sauce
Chicken with Vegetables in Gravy
Continental Chicken
Coq au Vin
Creamy Chicken and Carrots
Creamy Chicken Italiano
Creamy Cooker Chicken
Dale and Shari’s Chicken Cacciatore
Darla’s Chicken Cacciatore
Donna’s Cooked Chicken
Easy Chicken a la King
Golden Chicken and Noodles
Honeyed Chicken
Joy’s Brunswick Stew
Lemon Garlic Chicken
Marsha’s Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Melanie’s Chicken Cordon Bleu
Mushroom Chicken
No-Peek Chicken
One-Dish Chicken Supper
Orange Chicken and Sweet Potatoes
Orange-Glazed Chicken Breasts
Ruth’s Slow-Cooker Chicken
Salsa Chicken
Scalloped Potatoes and Chicken
Sharon’s Chicken and Rice Casserole
Slow-Cooker Tex-Mex Chicken
Southwest Chicken and White Bean Soup
So You Forgot to Defrost!
Stuffed Chicken Rolls
Tex-Mex Chicken Chowder
White Chili
Zesty Chicken in Cream Sauce
Chicken, Drumsticks
Chicken and Vegetables
Orange Chicken Leg Quarters
Tasty Drumsticks
Chicken, Giblets
Slow-Cooker Stuffing with Poultry
Chicken, Legs
Fruited Chicken Curry
Mulligan Stew
Chicken, Quarters
Dale and Shari’s Chicken Cacciatore
Chicken, Stewing Hen
Gran’s Big Potluck
Mulligan Stew
Chicken, Thighs
African Chicken Treat
Chicken and Ham Gumbo
Chicken and Vegetables
Fruited Chicken Curry
Mulligan Stew
Orange Chicken Leg Quarters
Sweet Aromatic Chicken
Chicken, Whole
Another Chicken in a Pot
Braised Chicken with Summer Tomatoes
California Chicken
Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken in a Pot
Frances’ Roast Chicken
Honeyed Chicken
Lemon Honey Chicken
Oriental Chicken
Sunday Chicken Stew with Dumplings
Chicken, Wings
Donna’s Chicken Wings
Mary’s Chicken Wings
Rosemarie’s Barbecued Chicken Wings
Tracy’s Barbecued Chicken Wings
Chickpeas See Beans, Garbanzo
Chili and Cheese on Rice
Chili-Cheese Dip
Chili-Cheese Taco Dip
Chili, Chicken, Corn Chowder
Chili con Carne
Chili con Queso Cheese Dip
Chili Nuts
Chili Sans Cholesterol
Chili Verde con Queso Dip
Beans and Tomato Chili
Berenice’s Favorite Chili
Best Bean Chili
Black-Eyed Pea and Vegetable Chili
Chicken Barley Chili
Chili, Chicken, Corn Chowder
Chili con Carne
Chili Sans Cholesterol
Chipotle Chili
Cindy’s Chili
Corn Chili
Dorothea’s Slow-Cooker Chili
Easy Chili
Ed’s Chili
Judy’s Chili Soup
Lotsa-Beans Chili
Lotsa Beans Vegetarian Chili
Oriental Turkey Chili
Pirate Stew
Quick and Easy Chili
Slow-Cooker Black Bean Chili
Texican Chili
Trail Chili
Turkey Bean Chili
Turkey Chili
Vegetarian Chili
Veggie Chili
White Bean Chili
White Chili
Chinese Hamburger
Chinese Pot Roast
Chipotle Chili
Chocolate Fondue
Chocolate Fudge Sauce
Chocolate Pudding Cake
Carolers’ Hot Chocolate
Chocolate Fondue
Chocolate Fudge Sauce
Chocolate Pudding Cake
Easy Chocolate Clusters
Minty Hot Chocolate
Self-Frosting Fudge Cake
Seven Layer Bars
Spiced Coffee
Chops and Beans
Chops and Kraut
Cheese and Corn Chowder
Chicken Clam Chowder
Chicken Corn Chowder
Chili, Chicken, Corn Chowder
Corn Chowder
Corn Chowder with Sausage
Manhattan Clam Chowder
Special Seafood Chowder
Sweet Potato Chowder
Tex-Mex Chicken Chowder
Chuck Wagon Beef
Chunky Applesauce
Chunky Spaghetti Sauce
Cider and Pork Stew
Great Mulled Cider
Hot Caramel Apple Cider
Hot Cider
Hot Mulled Cider
Kate’s Mulled Cider / Wine
Spiced Cider
Yummy Hot Cider
Sweet Potato Lentil Soup
Cindy’s Chili
Cocktail Meatballs
Carolers’ Hot Chocolate
Hot Fudge Cake
Peanut Butter and Hot Fudge Pudding Cake
Seven Layer Bars
Coconut Milk
Sweet Aromatic Chicken
Spiced Coffee
Stick-to-Your-Ribs Veggie Soup
Continental Chicken
Cooker Chops
Coq au Vin
Corn Bread From Scratch
Corn Chili
Corn Chowder
Corn Chowder with Sausage
Corn on the Cob
Corn Stuffing Balls
10-Layer Slow-Cooker Dish
A Hearty Western Casserole
Betty’s Calico Beans
Black Bean and Corn Soup
Brown Jug Soup
Brunswick Soup Mix
Carol’s Calico Beans
Cheese and Corn Chowder
Cheesy Corn
Chicken Barley Chili
Chicken Clam Chowder
Chicken Corn Chowder
Chicken Corn Soup
Chili, Chicken, Corn Chowder
Corn Chili
Corn Chowder
Corn Chowder with Sausage
Corn on the Cob
Easy Southern Brunswick Stew
Grace’s Minestrone Soup
Gran’s Big Potluck
Green Chili Stew
Jeanne’s Vegetable Beef Borscht
Joy’s Brunswick Stew
Lotsa Beans Vegetarian Chili
Marsha’s Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Mulligan Stew
Nancy’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Old-Fashioned Vegetable Beef Soup
Ruby’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Santa Fe Stew
Sante Fe Soup with Melted Cheese
Slow-Cooker Tex-Mex Chicken
Southwest Chicken and White Bean Soup
Taco Soup with Black Beans
Taco Soup with Pinto Beans
Taco Soup with Pork and Beans
Taco Soup with Whole Tomatoes
Tamale Pie
Three Bean Taco Soup
Turkey Chili
Veggie Stew
Corn, Creamed
Cheese and Corn Chowder
Chicken Corn Soup
Corn Chowder
Corn Stuffing Balls
Mexican Corn Bread
Special Seafood Chowder
Corned Beef
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Corned Beef Dinner
Corn Bread From Scratch
Homemade Cornbread Mix
Mexican Corn Bread
Tamale Pie
Country Ribs and Sauerkraut
Cowboy Casserole
Crab Soup
Baked Brie with Cranberry Chutney
Cranberry-Orange Pork Roast
Cranberry Pudding
Cranberry Chicken
Cranberry-Mustard Pork Roast
Cranberry-Orange Pork Roast
Cranberry Pudding
Cranberry Sauce
Cranberry Chicken
Cranberry-Mustard Pork Roast
Easy and Delicious Turkey Breast
Great Meatballs
Hot Spiced Cranberry Punch
Party Meatballs
Spicy Franks
Cream of Broccoli Soup
Creamy Beef Pot Roast
Creamy Chicken and Carrots
Creamy Chicken Italiano
Creamy Cooker Chicken
Creamy Hash Browns
Creamy Mushroom Chicken
Creamy Red Potatoes
Creamy Spaghetti
Creamy Swiss Steak
Curried Almonds
Curried Pork and Pea Soup
Dale and Shari’s Beef Stroganoff
Dale and Shari’s Chicken Cacciatore
Darla’s Chicken Cacciatore
Deep Pit Beef
Delicious, Easy Chuck Roast
Diane’s Gutbuster
Dilled Pot Roast
Broccoli Cheese Dip
Championship Bean Dip
Cheesy New Orleans Shrimp Dip
Chili-Cheese Dip
Chili-Cheese Taco Dip
Chili con Queso Cheese Dip
Chili Verde con Queso Dip
Good ’n’ Hot Dip
Hamburger Cheese Dip
Hamburger Hot Dip
Hot Caramel Dip
Hot Cheese and Bacon Dip
Hot Refried Bean Dip
Jeanne’s Chile con Queso
Karen’s Nacho Dip
Marilyn’s Chili con Queso
Maryann’s Chili Cheese Dip
Mexican Chip Dip Olé
Michelle’s Taco Dip
Pizza Fondue
Quick and Easy Nacho Dip
Short-Cut Fondue Dip
Southwest Hot Chip Dip
Texas Queso Dip
Tina’s Cheese Dip
White Queso Dip
Dolores’ Apple Butter
Dolores’ Rice Pudding
Donna’s Beef Stew
Donna’s Chicken Wings
Donna’s Cooked Chicken
Doris’ Broccoli and Cauliflower with Cheese
Doris’ Sweet-Sour Bean Trio
Dorothea’s Slow-Cooker Chili
Dorothy’s Split Pea Soup
Dottie’s Creamy Steak Soup
Double Cheese Cauliflower Soup
Dressing See Stuffing
Dripped Beef
Chicken and Dumplings
Sunday Chicken Stew with Dumplings
Dutch Green Beans
Easy and Delicious Turkey Breast
Easy Barbecued Beef or Pork Ribs
Easy Barbecued Venison
Easy Beef Stew
Easy Chicken a la King
Easy Chili
Easy Chocolate Clusters
Easy Company Beef
Easy Dinner Surprise
Easy-Does-It Spaghetti
Easy Lima Bean Soup
Easy Pot Roast and Veggies
Easy Roast
Easy Southern Brunswick Stew
Easy Spinach Quiche
Easy Sweet and Sour Pork Chops
Easy Teriyaki Chicken
Easy Vegetable Soup
Ed’s Chili
Egg and Broccoli Casserole
Egg and Cheese Bake
Bread Pudding
Breakfast Casserole
Broccoli Corn Bread
Cheese Souffle Casserole
Dolores’ Rice Pudding
Easy Spinach Quiche
Egg and Broccoli Casserole
Egg and Cheese Bake
Green Rice Casserole
Lemon Bread
Lemon Pudding Cake
Mexican Cheesecake
Potato Filling
Scalloped Pineapples
Slow-Cooker Eggs and Ham
Slow-Cooker Stuffing with Poultry
Slow-Cooker Tapioca
Tuna Salad Casserole
Very Special Spinach
Eleanor’s Corned Beef and Cabbage
Elizabeth’s Hot Chicken Sandwiches
Enchilada Casserole
Ernestine’s Beef Stew
Ethel’s Calico Beans
Extra Cheesy Mac and Cheese
Extra Good Mashed Potatoes
Family Favorite Casserole
Filling See Stuffing
Five-Bean Hot Dish
Forget It Pot Roast
Forgotten Minestrone
Four-Bean Medley
Four Beans and Sausage
Frances’ Hearty Vegetable Soup
Frances’ Roast Chicken
Frances’ Slow-Cooker Beans
French Dip
French Dip Roast
French Market Soup
French Onion Soup
Fresh Herb Stuffing
From-Scratch Baked Beans
Fruit Compote Dessert
Fruited Barbecue Chicken
Fruited Chicken Curry
Fruit Medley
Fruit/Nut Baked Apples
Fruity Baked Bean Casserole
Full-Flavored Beef Stew
German Potato Salad
German Potato Soup
Autumn Sipper
Peach Chutney
Slow-Cooker Chai
Glazed Root Vegetable Medley
Golden Cauliflower
Golden Chicken and Noodles
Golden Fruit Compote
Golden Glow Pork Chops
Gone-All-Day Casserole
Good ’n’ Easy Beef ’n’ Gravy
Good ’n’ Hot Dip
Goodtime Beef Brisket
Grace’s Minestrone Soup
Gran’s Big Potluck
Tapioca Salad
Great Meatballs
Great Mulled Cider
Greek Chicken
Green Beans and Sausage
Green Beans See Beans, Green
Green Chili Stew
Green Peppers See Peppers, Bell Sweet
Green Rice Casserole
Ground Beef Casserole
Ground-Beef Stew
Groundnut Stew
Ham and Cabbage Supper
Ham and Potatoes
Ham and Scalloped Potatoes
Ham and Swiss Chicken
Ham Barbecue
Ham Hock and Sauerkraut
Ham in Cider
Ham ’n’ Cola
Ham See Pork, Ham
Hamburger Cheese Dip
Hamburger Hot Dip
Hamburger Lentil Soup
Hamburger Potatoes
Hamburger Soup with Barley
Hamburger See Beef, Ground
Harvey Wallbanger Cake
Hash Brown Dinner
Healthy Bean Soup
Healthy Beef Stew
Healthy Whole Wheat Bread
Heart Happy Tomato Soup
Hearty Alphabet Soup
Hearty Beef and Cabbage Soup
Hearty Black Bean Soup
Hearty Italian Sandwiches
Hearty New England Dinner
Hearty Potato Sauerkraut Soup
Hearty Slow-Cooker Beans
Hearty Slow-Cooker Stew
Helen’s Lasagna
Herbed Beef Stew
Herbed Lamb Stew
Herbed Roast with Gravy
Herb Potato-Fish Bake
Herby Beef Stew
Holiday Spice Punch
Homemade Cornbread Mix
Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup – in the microwave
Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup – on the stove
Homemade Frozen Hash Browns
Homestyle Tomato Juice
Honeyed Chicken
Lemon Honey Chicken
Honeyed Chicken
Horseradish Beef
Hot Apricot Zinger
Hot Bean Dish Without Meat
Hot Caramel Apple Cider
Hot Caramel Dip
Hot Cheese and Bacon Dip
Hot Chicken Salad
Hot Cider
Hot Cranberry-Apple Punch
Hot Cranberry Citrus Punch
Hot Curried Fruit Compote
Hot Fruit Compote
Hot Fruit Punch
Hot Fudge Cake
Hot Mulled Apple Tea
Hot Mulled Cider
Hot Refried Bean Dip
Hot Spiced Cranberry Punch
Hot Spicy Lemonade Punch
Hot Wassail Drink
Hungarian Goulash in Sour Cream Sauce
Italian Beef
Italian Chops
Italiano Spread
Italian Roast Beef
Italian Spaghetti Sauce
Italian Vegetable Pasta Sauce
Italian Vegetable Soup
Jacqueline’s Swiss Steak
Jean and Tammy’s Sloppy Joes
Jeanne’s Chile con Queso
Jeanne’s Hamburger Stew
Jeanne’s Vegetable Beef Borscht
Jean’s Pork Chops
Joan’s Calico Beans
Josie’s Hot Cranberry Punch
Joyce’s Chicken Tetrazzini
Joyce’s Minestrone
Joy’s Brunswick Stew
Judy’s Beef Stew
Judy’s Chili Soup
Judy’s Hamburger Stew
Just Peachy Ribs
Vegetarian Minestrone Soup
Karen’s Nacho Dip
Karen’s Split Pea Soup
Katelyn’s Black Bean Soup
Kate’s Mulled Cider / Wine
Kelly’s Baked Beans
Kelly’s Split Pea Soup
Kielbasa and Cabbage
Kielbasa Soup
Kim’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Kraut and Sausage
Lamb Rice
Baked Lamb Shanks
Herbed Lamb Stew
Lamb Rice
Lasagna See Pasta, Lasagna
Lauren’s Calico Beans
Lauren’s Italian Beef
Layered Herby Stew
LeAnne’s Calico Beans
German Potato Soup
Karen’s Split Pea Soup
Potato Soup
Leftover Turkey Soup
Lemon Bread
Lemon Garlic Chicken
Lemon Honey Chicken
Lemon Pudding Cake
Fruit Compote Dessert
Hot Mulled Apple Tea
Hot Spicy Lemonade Punch
Lemon Bread
Lemon Honey Chicken
Lemon Pudding Cake
Mulled Holiday Wassail
Old World Sauerbraten
Wine Cranberry Punch
Lentil and Squash Soup
Barbecued Lentils
Beef and Lentils
Hamburger Lentil Soup
Lentil and Squash Soup
Mjeodrah or Esau’s Lentil Soup
Smothered Lentils
Sweet Potato Lentil Soup
Lilli’s Apple Butter
Lilli’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Linda’s Baked Beans
Lizzie’s California Beans
Loretta’s Hot Chicken Sandwiches
Loretta’s Spanish Rice
Lotsa-Beans Chili
Lotsa Beans Vegetarian Chili
Louise’s Vegetable Spaghetti Sauce
Macaroni and Cheese
Main Dish Baked Beans
Mama’s Rice Pudding
Manhattan Clam Chowder
Maple Baked Beans
Maple Syrup
Apple Topping
Maple Baked Beans
Marcia’s California Beans
Marcy’s Barbecued Chicken
Margaret’s Swiss Steak
Marilyn’s Chili con Queso
Marsha’s Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Marshmallow Applesauce Dessert
Marshmallow Applesauce Dessert
Maryann’s Chili Cheese Dip
Mary Ann’s Italian Meatloaf
Mary Ellen’s Barbecued Meatballs
Mary Ellen’s Three-Bean Dish
Mary’s Chicken Wings
Meatball Stew
Barbecued Meatballs
BBQ Meatballs
Cocktail Meatballs
Great Meatballs
Mary Ellen’s Barbecued Meatballs
Mom’s Spaghetti and Meatballs
Nancy’s Meatballs
Party Meatballs
Sweet and Sour Meatballs with Pineapples
Sweet and Sour Meatballs with Vegetables
Meatloaf Dinner
Meatloaf Sensation
Mary Ann’s Italian Meatloaf
Meatloaf Dinner
Meatloaf Sensation
Nutritious Meatloaf
Ruth Ann’s Meatloaf
Tracey’s Italian Meatloaf
Melanie’s Chicken Cordon Bleu
Melt-in-Your-Mouth Sausages
Mexican Cheesecake
Mexican Chip Dip Olé
Mexican Corn Bread
Mexican Pot Roast
Michele’s Barbecued Ribs
Michelle’s Scalloped Potatoes and Ham
Michelle’s Taco Dip
Mile-High Shredded Beef Sandwiches
Minty Hot Chocolate
Miriam’s Scalloped Potatoes with Ham
Mixed Bean Casserole
Mixed Slow-Cooker Beans
Mjeodrah or Esau’s Lentil Soup
Moist Poultry Dressing
Beef and Lentils
Best Baked Beans
Chicken with Tropical Barbecue Sauce
Cranberry Pudding
Frances’ Slow-Cooker Beans
Fruity Baked Bean Casserole
New England Baked Beans
Old-Fashioned Gingerbread
Six-Bean Barbecued Beans
Sweet-Sour Beef and Vegetables
Mom’s New England Baked Beans
Mom’s Spaghetti and Meatballs
Mulled Holiday Wassail
Mulligan Stew
Mushroom Chicken
Ann’s Chicken Cacciatore
Aunt Lavina’s Sauerkraut
Baked Chicken Breasts
Beef Burgundy
Beef Roast with Mushroom Barley
Beef Stew Bourguignonne
Beef Stroganoff
Beef with Mushrooms
Char’s Spaghetti Sauce
Chicken and Stuffing
Chicken in Mushroom Gravy
Chicken Spaghetti
Chicken-Vegetable Dish
Chunky Spaghetti Sauce
Coq au Vin
Creamy Chicken Italiano
Creamy Mushroom Chicken
Creamy Spaghetti
Dale and Shari’s Chicken Cacciatore
Darla’s Chicken Cacciatore
Easy Company Beef
Easy Dinner Surprise
Easy-Does-It Spaghetti
Gone-All-Day Casserole
Good ’n’ Easy Beef ’n’ Gravy
Healthy Beef Stew
Hearty Potato Sauerkraut Soup
Herbed Roast with Gravy
Herby Beef Stew
Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup – in the microwave
Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup – on the stove
Italian Spaghetti Sauce
Italian Vegetable Pasta Sauce
Joyce’s Chicken Tetrazzini
Main Dish Baked Beans
Moist Poultry Dressing
Nancy’s Meatballs
Orange Chicken and Sweet Potatoes
Pepper Steak Oriental
Pizza Rice
Pork Chops and Mushrooms
Pork Chops with Mushroom Sauce
Pot Roast with Mushrooms
Ruth’s Slow-Cooker Chicken
Salmon Cheese Casserole
Saucy Round Steak Supper
Scrumptious Beef
Sharon’s Chicken and Rice Casserole
Shell Casserole
Slow-Cooker Pizza
Slow-Cooker Stew with Vegetables
Slow-Cooker Stuffing
“Smothered” Steak
So You Forgot to Defrost!
Steak Hi-Hat
Steak Stroganoff
Succulent Steak
Sweet and Sour Meatballs with Vegetables
Tomato Spaghetti Sauce
Veal and Peppers
Venison Stroganoff
Violette’s Lasagna
Wild Mushrooms Italian
Wild Rice Casserole
Wild Rice Hot Dish
Zippy Beef Tips
Nadine and Hazel’s Swiss Steak
Nancy’s Meatballs
Nancy’s Vegetable Beef Soup
Nan’s Barbecued Beans
Nan’s Sloppy Joes
Navy Bean Soup
New England Baked Beans
New Mexico Pinto Beans
New Orleans Red Beans
Nine Bean Soup with Tomatoes
No-Fuss Turkey Breast
No Meat Baked Beans
Noodle Hamburger Dish
No-Peek Chicken
Northern Bean Soup
Nutritious Meatloaf
All-American Snack
Apple Cake
Cherry Delight
Chili Nuts
Cranberry Pudding
Curried Almonds
Fruit/Nut Baked Apples
Hot Curried Fruit Compote
Lemon Bread
Raisin Nut-Stuffed Apples
Self-Frosting Fudge Cake
Seven Layer Bars
Apple Oatmeal
Apple Peanut Crumble
Baked Oatmeal
BBQ Meatballs
Mary Ann’s Italian Meatloaf
Quick Yummy Peaches
Chicken and Ham Gumbo
Gran’s Big Potluck
Seafood Gumbo
Old-Fashioned Gingerbread
Old-Fashioned Rice Pudding
Old-Fashioned Vegetable Beef Soup
Old World Sauerbraten
Old World Sauerkraut Supper
One-Dish Chicken Supper
Onion Turkey Breast
Beef Burgundy
Caramelized Onions
Dutch Green Beans
French Onion Soup
Sweet and Sour Beans
Onions, Green
Black Bean and Corn Soup
Seafood Gumbo
Orange Chicken and Sweet Potatoes
Orange Chicken Leg Quarters
Orange Glazed Carrots
Orange-Glazed Chicken Breasts
California Chicken
Fruited Barbecue Chicken
Hot Fruit Punch
Hot Mulled Apple Tea
Hot Mulled Cider
Orange Chicken Leg Quarters
Oriental Chicken
Oriental Turkey Chili