Set out to find sweeping desert solitude, climb craggy Andean summits or wander the sacred forests of poet Pablo Neruda. Surf, paddle or sail the endless coast. Explore the mysteries of Easter Island, stargaze, soak in hot springs or watch glaciers calve. In Chile, all roads lead to nature.
Parque Nacional Rapa Nui is filled with enigmatic moai (large anthropomorphic statues).
This Unesco Biosphere Reserve is home to glistening Lago Chungará, one of the world’s highest lakes.
Boat and kayak trips to the cool marble caves of Capilla de Mármol.
Experience giant sand dunes and surreal, lunar-like landscapes.
Enormous colonies of squawking Magellanic penguins reside on Isla Magdalena from October to March.
Resembling a giant, gurgling steam bath, El Tatio is fed by 64 geysers and 100 fumaroles.
This adobe precordillera oasis sits at the heart of some of northern Chile’s most spectacular scenery.
Dramatic peaks, azure lakes and one big, radiant blue glacier comprise Chile’s finest national park.