Solutions, Answers, or Hints to In-Text Exercises

As we mentioned in the Preface, solving the in-text exercises as you encounter them in the text is an essential task. Make earnest attempts on your own to solve each problem that shows up in the text before reading any further or consulting the material in this appendix. Use the solutions, answers, and comments below to check your work or assist your progress if you get stuck.

Chapter 1

Exercise 1.1   Here’s one way to show that if a and b are two non-negative real numbers, then image



because the square of any real number is non-negative. Expanding the left-hand side yields


Adding image to both sides gives


Since ab is non-negative, we know further that


This can be rewritten as


The conclusion we desire now follows from taking square roots.


Take a look at your scratch work and attempts on this problem. You might have started with image, squared both sides, and then followed a series of calculations and deductions that are similar to the steps just given, but in reverse. That is certainly a correct approach to first understand the problem. However, the proof should end with image as the conclusion, not the first step. “If …, then …” statements and their proofs are studied in Chapter 2.

Exercise 1.2   In the sixth month, the original pair and their first and second offspring each create offspring, bringing the total number of pairs to 8.

In the seventh month, the original pair; their first, second, and third offspring; and their first offspring’s offspring each create offspring, bringing the total number of pairs to 13.

Now things are getting quite complicated – there must be a better way to keep track of things …

Exercise 1.3   They are


Exercise 1.4   The key here is to make sure that image counts all of the rabbit pairs that exist in month image in a way that doesn’t count any pair twice. Every rabbit pair in month image is exactly one of two types:

(a)   It already existed in month n.

(b)   It did not exist in month n.

How many pairs are in case (a)? That’s image. How many pairs are in case (b)? That’s image, because we can count their parents, pairs that must have existed two months prior to month image. Add these two numbers together to get image.

Notice that, in order to justify that image is the correct count for the number of rabbit pairs in month image, we are tacitly assuming that image is the correct count for month n and image is the correct count for month image. This type of reasoning lies at the heart of proofs by mathematical induction, a topic we preview in this chapter and study in Section 2.6.

Exercise 1.5   Let image give the number of different ways to make sums of 1s and 2s that equal n. Then the displayed equalities show that image, image, image, and image. You might now guess that image for image as well. How could you make yourself feel more confident about this guess? And if the equality indeed holds in general, how might you prove it?

Exercise 1.6   The correct value for P should certainly be greater than image. If image, then image, while image causes image .

Exercise 1.7   The calculations are




Exercise 1.8   The first verification is the calculation


For the second one, first rewrite




While it would be easy enough to continue from here by substituting the numerical formulas for ϕ and image, let’s instead foreshadow the proof technique of Proposition 1.4 by rearranging the terms in the numerator to give


Since you already know that




it must be the case that


Exercise 1.9   First use Lemma 1.5 to rewrite




Then rearrange the terms in the numerator to give


Exercise 1.10   (a) If image, image, and image, then image and image, but image and so image. Thus, the statement is false.

This is only one of many different counterexample sets of values for a, b, and c; another one is image, image, and image. You only need one counterexample to prove that the statement is false.

(b) All of your experimentation should have led you to guess that the statement must be true. For instance, if you tried image, image, and image, then that particular instance is true because image.

Here’s a proof that the statement is true in general.

PROOF.   Since you are assuming that image, you know that there is a natural number m such that image. Multiplying both sides of this equation by c gives


But now look: bc is a times the natural number mc. This means that image by the definition of divisibility.


(c) This statement is true and is called the “transitive” property of divisibility. In Chapter 6 you will study the transitive law in several different contexts.

PROOF.   Since image, there is some natural number m such that image. Since image, there is some natural number n such that image. Since image and mn is a natural number, we conclude that image.


(d) This proof will follow the proof of Proposition 1.7 very closely. Be sure that you understand how the numbers 2 and 3 can be inserted into that proof with little difficulty.

PROOF.   Since image, there is a natural number m such that image. Similarly, since image, there is a natural number n such that image. This means that


where image is a natural number, which shows that image.


(e) Look ahead to Lemma 1.10!

Exercise 1.11   (a) Here’s one way to prove that this statement is true.

PROOF.   If image, then there exists a natural number c such that image. Multiplying both sides of this equation by n gives


which shows that image (because nc is a natural number).


Another way is to use the result of part (b) in Exercise 1.10. Can you see how to do this?

(b) This statement is not the same as the one in (a) because the hypothesis and conclusion have switched places, so don’t expect a proof of (b) to be similar to a proof of (a).

PROOF.   Natural numbers are either odd or even. If n were odd, then image would also be odd, which would imply that image. So the only cases when image must have n even, which means that image.


(c) This statement is false: for a counterexample, simply let image.

Exercise 1.12   Since image, there is a natural number c such that image. Since


and both a and image are non-negative, we know that image. Thus image.

Exercise 1.13   The only way to factor 1 is image, and those two factors aren’t distinct.

Exercise 1.14   There are 25 primes less than 100:


Notice that the proportion of natural numbers between 1 and n that are prime seems to decrease as n gets larger. If this fascinates you, research the “prime number theorem.”

Exercise 1.15   They are


Do you see the systematic way we enumerated them? Maybe you found a better way to do this.

Exercise 1.16   If a is any integer, then image. This means that image.

If a is any non-zero integer, then there’s no image such that image. This means that image. However, given our definition of divisibility, image seems to be true, since any integer c satisfies image. But you’ve likely heard that it’s never good to divide by 0, so we should really modify our definition of divisibility for image to exclude this possibility. If you need convincing, see Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife [Sei00].

Exercise 1.17  

Proposition 1.7  If a, b, and c are any integers such that both image and image, then image.

PROOF.   Since image, there is an integer m such that image. Similarly, since image, there is an integer n such that image. This means that


which shows that image is an integer multiple of a. In other words, image.


Lemma 1.10  If a, b, and c are any integers such that both image and image, then image.

PROOF.   Since image, there is an integer m such that image. Similarly, since image, there is an integer n such that image. Thus


which shows that c is an integer multiple of a, so we conclude that image.


Exercise 1.18   In view of


we see that image.



shows that image.

Exercise 1.19   The Division Algorithm says that, given a natural number b, every integer can be written in the form image, where r is an integer between 0 and image (inclusive). So if image, every number can be written as image, which is just a small variation on the statement that every integer can be expressed as image, or image.

Exercise 1.20  

(a)   image is not true. Natural numbers are positive.

(b)   image is true from the definition of image.

(c)   image is not true, as was proved in Proposition 1.14.

(d)   Since image, the statement is true.

(e)   image is not true. We can prove this with a short proof by contradiction.

PROOF.   Assume for the moment that the statement image is true. Then image, where image is a rational number. That implies that image, where image is another rational number, namely image. This contradicts the fact that image is not a rational number.


(f)   image is also not true. Try a short proof by contradiction, like the one just given above.

(g)   image, so the previous result applies.

(h)   image is true, because image.

One of the take-aways from this exercise is that while the sum (or product, or difference) of two rational numbers is rational, the same can’t be said for irrational numbers.

Chapter 2

Exercise 2.1   As in Example 2.1, let C be the proposition “Cecelia is a knight” and let D be “Desmond is a knight.” Then the truth of Cecelia’s statement is determined by the fourth column of the table at the top of the next page.

Since Cecelia is making the statement, we are looking for any rows where the first and final entries agree. This only happens in the final row, so both Cecelia and Desmond are knaves.

C D image image

Exercise 2.2   P is true and Q is false, hence image is true. This means image is true. One way to express this statement is “4 is a divisor of image or 4 is not a divisor of 6.”

Exercise 2.3   They are

P Q image


P Q image image image image image

Notice that the first, second, and last columns of the two tables agree. This means that whatever statements you might use to replace P and Q, the truth values of image and image will be the same. Later we will say that these two statements are “logically equivalent.”

Exercise 2.4   There will be image rows for each table because there are 3 statements (P, Q, and R) and 2 possible values for each variable (T and F). Here are the tables:

P Q R image image


P Q R image image

Exercise 2.5   Observe that the final column of

P Q image image

is all Ts.

Exercise 2.6   Truth tables show that the statements in Exercise 2.3 are logically equivalent, while the statements in Exercise 2.4 are not.

Exercise 2.7   The third and sixth columns are the same in this truth table:

P Q image image image image

Exercise 2.8   You can verify this claim by comparing the truth tables for image and image.

Exercise 2.9   You can visualize the sum image as a sequence of stacked squares, the first stack being of height 1, the second of height 2, and so on. Add n squares to the top of the first stack, and then image squares to the second stack, and so forth. The result is a rectangular array of boxes that is image. Thus, as before, image. Can you think of a way to draw a diagram illustrating the general case?

Exercise 2.10  

(a)   image

(b)   This might require some insight. Since




we have


Thus image.

Exercise 2.11  Let a be a natural number and let x be an irrational number. Assume to the contrary that the product ax is rational, so that image for some integer m and some natural number n. Then image, where an is a natural number, contradicting the fact that x is irrational.

What happens if you try the argument above with image?

Exercise 2.12   No, because image has a rational solution of image.

Exercise 2.13  

(a)   Original implication: “If image is even, then n is even.”
Contrapositive: “If n is not even, then image is not even.” Because the contrapositive is logically equivalent to the original implication, either both statements are true or both statements are false. In this case, the contrapositive is probably in the best form to prove that they are true: if n is not even, then image for some integer k, and so image, which is certainly not even.
Converse: “If n is even, then image is even.” This is also true, but for a reason that is completely independent of the other two cases (see Exercise 1.11).

(b)   Original implication: “If image is rational, then x is rational.” This is false: a counterexample is image.
Contrapositive: “If x is not rational, then image is not rational.”
Converse: “If x is rational, then image is rational.” This is true. The proof is direct: if x is rational, then image for some image and image, and so image, which is also a rational number.

(c)   Original implication: “If image, then image.” This is false: a counterexample has image and image.
Contrapositive: “If image, then image.” Notice how negating image leads to image.
Converse: “If image, then image.” This is true. Can you prove it?

(d)   Original implication: “If the professor is 5 minutes late, then class is cancelled.” This is likely false; consult your instructor for the correct answer.
Contrapositive: “If class is not cancelled, then the professor is not 5 minutes late.” Be sure you understand why this statement must have the same truth status as the original implication.
Converse: “If class is cancelled, then the professor is 5 minutes late.” This is almost certainly false. Class could be cancelled for lots of reasons that have nothing to do with your instructor being late. For example, if she happens to walk by some pygmy marmosets just before class, she will probably not make it to class that day: she’ll just keep petting them.

Exercise 2.14   We hope you can do these types of problems quite well by now …

Exercise 2.15   …including this one!

Exercise 2.16   After rewriting the inequality as image, we can factor the right-hand side as image. If n is greater than 1, both n and image are positive, so image. Also, if n is less than 0, both n and image are negative, so image. The only integer values of n we haven’t yet considered are image and image, and each one makes image. Thus, image for all integers n.

Exercise 2.17   Replace n with q in the preceding proof, and all is fine until you get to the sentence that starts with “The only …”. For a specific counterexample, try image.

Exercise 2.18   Two of the four statements are true – which ones?

Exercise 2.19  Part (a) shows that a solution exists, while part (b) shows that the solution is unique. Proving the truth of a image statement usually requires two arguments like these.

Exercise 2.20  

(a)   image, h is mortal.

(b)   image, h scored higher than me on the test.

(c)   image, t is better than apple pie).

For practice, rewrite part (c) starting with image.

Exercise 2.21   The first one can be “For every real number y there is a real number x such that image.” The second can be “There is a real number x such that, for all real numbers y, image.”

Exercise 2.22   She said image persons, image true soul mate; in this order, the soul mate can depend on the person. Dilbert stupidly thought image true soul mate for all persons. His question about the monkey is a good one.

Exercise 2.23  Only one of the statements is false – which one?

Exercise 2.24  

(a)   image

(b)   image Now try to write this with an image but no ~.

(c)   image, t can’t stop the Sandman!

(d)   image, d will not open. One wonders why they bother to make the stop! What is a more accurate statement as the train approaches the station?

Notice that in part (a), the statement accommodates either image or image. Another possible statement would be

(a)   image

The reason this statement also works is that for any two distinct real numbers, one of them must be less than the other, and so we might as well call the smaller one r.

Exercise 2.25   image and image.

Exercise 2.26   The inductive assumption lets us know that expression B is a multiple of 6.

Exercise 2.27   The only modification necessary to the template is replacing “Assuming that image is true for all values of k with image” with “Assuming that image is true.” Now revisit Theorem 2.12 with 9 and 10 in place of 6 and 7.

Exercise 2.28  

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

It is pretty clear that simple induction will not be helpful, as there is no apparent way to relate the factorization of image to the factorization of n.

Exercise 2.29   In the final presentation of your proof, five base cases might be acceptable but are certainly unnecessary and possibly distracting: only two bases are needed. In your initial work on the problem you might have directly verified that the statement holds for five cases like these, and that’s totally fine.

Exercise 2.30   The proof uses strong induction because both image and image, which are the respective formulas




are assumed to be true to prove that image is true.

Exercise 2.31   Despite the fact that Exercises 1.45 and 1.46 involve the Fibonacci numbers, neither requires consideration of only the two previous cases: Exercise 1.45 can be proved using simple induction and a single base case, while Exercise 1.46 is probably best proved with a single base case and a strong induction step that assumes the truth of the statement over a wide range of previous cases.

Exercise 1.47 might best be proved directly: consider the expression


after writing n in terms of powers of 10.

Exercise 1.48 is probably best proved using strong induction, by letting image be the highest power of 2 less than or equal to image and using the inductive assumption to tell you something about image. The argument is similar to one you might use for Exercise 1.46.

Exercise 2.32   Start by declaring at the outset that x is a real number such that image. The proof uses simple induction on the natural number n.

Base Case: If image, image and image both equal image, so the inequality holds (as an equality).

Inductive Step: We assume that the inequality is true for image. Then to prove that the inequality is true for image, consider


where the first inequality in the derivation uses the inductive assumption, and the final inequality holds because image can’t be negative. Once you have also said where it is important in the derivation that image, you will have a complete proof.

Exercise 2.33   Look for them!

Exercise 2.34   There is no absolute minimum number of examples that are needed to provide the basis for a conjecture, and it is sometimes the case that more examples are better. Using data for only the first four positive integers might not be enough for this problem. On the other hand, you can waste a lot of time checking cases when an attempted proof might highlight the sort of cases that could be problematic.

Exercise 2.35   Before you play, be kind and wish your friend good luck.

Exercise 2.36   Among other things, be sure that you explain why the second player always has a move to make.

Exercise 2.37   The case of image is handled in the paragraph that follows this exercise.

Exercise 2.38   If four cases aren’t enough, try eight or more.

Exercise 2.39   For example,


Exercise 2.40   Here’s an easy question to ask: “Can you always avoid using image?”

Exercise 2.41   In part (b), you need to point out that image so that you avoid dividing by 0.

Exercise 2.42   Using no lines leaves the plane whole, so image seems best.

Chapter 3

Exercise 3.1   Try “image” or “image.”

Exercise 3.2   When image, the element image is an integer, so it’s already in the set in the form image.

Exercise 3.3   We know that image because setting image and image in the definition of image gives image.

We also know that image because taking image and image in the definition of image gives image. Note that there is no requirement in the definition of image that image be in lowest terms when image is an integer.

Now let’s show that image, using a proof by contradiction. Suppose for the moment that image. Then Exercise 3.2 implies that


Cross-multiplying gives image, but the right-hand side is divisible by 3 while the left-hand side is not. This is a contradiction, so we conclude that image.

Exercise 3.4   Regarding the existential quantifier, the assertion that image is non-empty means that there is at least one element x in that set; and, by the definition of the set, image is true, so image is true as well. Conversely, if image is true, then image is true for some image. This means that x is in the set image, so the set is non-empty.

Exercise 3.5   If image, then image for integers x and 0, so image.

Here’s one reason image is a proper subset of image if image: image, but image.

Exercise 3.6  

(a)   4 is not equal to 1, 2, 3, or image, so image.

(b)   Since image, image.

(c)   image is not equal to 1, 2, 3, or image, so image.

(d)   image, but image.

Exercise 3.7   We can put them in a line: image. They are proper subsets owing to numbers like image, image, and image, respectively.

Exercise 3.8   They are image, image, image, image, image, and image.

Exercise 3.9   This requires two arguments: one to show that image, and one to show that image.

For the first, let image. Then image for some image, so that image with image. This means that image, so image.

The second argument is easy: image, but image.

Exercise 3.10   The sets are as follows.

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

(e)   image

Exercise 3.11   Both statements are logically equivalent to image.

For the first statement, image implies that B contains no elements of A, and image implies that A contains no elements of B; thus A and B have no common elements. Conversely, if A and B have no common elements, then we must also have image and image.

Exercise 3.12   Remember that image.

Exercise 3.13   (a) In Figure 2 on page 71, both image and image can be seen as the crescent-shaped region on the left.

(b) First, let image. This means that image and image. Since x is not an element of B, it can’t be an element of both A and B, so image. Thus, image and image, so image.

Second, let image. This means that image and image. Since image, the only way that x is not in image is if image. Since image and image, image.

Exercise 3.14   The proof is similar to the first half. Let image. By the definition of the union of two sets, this implies that image or image, which (again by the definition of union) means that image or image or image. This in turn means that image or image, which implies that image. Thus, we have shown that image.

Exercise 3.15   Let image. Then it must be the case that image or image. Either way, we know image. We also know that image or image, and so image. Thus, image.

Exercise 3.16   Begin by assuming that image, and use the assumption that image to prove that image.

Exercise 3.17   Both expressions describe the shaded region in Figure 1. This should be a sufficient hint for leading you to a proof (or a radioactive safe room).


Figure 1. The set image.

Exercise 3.18   Looking at a 2-set Venn diagram, we see that enumerating all of the elements of A plus all of the elements of B double-counts the elements in image. So, to get the correct size of image, we must subtract the number of elements in image from image.

A similar formula for image accounts for double- and triple-counting certain elements:


Exercise 3.19   There are many good ways to do this. Our attempt at a picture is shown in Figure 2. The intervals are nested, as each sits inside the previous interval, like a matryoshka doll.


Figure 2. Our attempt for Exercise 3.19.

Exercise 3.20   The key is that “for some” expresses the same concept as “or,” and “for all” corresponds to “and.”

Exercise 3.21   The union consists of all of the points on the curves in Figure 3. The intersection contains four points:



Figure 3. The curves image, image, and image.

Exercise 3.22   There are no ordered pairs because there is no element available for the first entry, so image.

Exercise 3.23   Suppose that A and B are both finite. Since an ordered pair is just a short sequence of length 2, Proposition 2.13 tells us that


because there are image choices for the first term and image choices for the second term. If at least one of A and B is empty, then either Exercise 3.22 or Proposition 2.13 shows that the formula still holds. The only other case is if at least one of A and B is infinite and the other is non-empty, and it shouldn’t be too hard to see that image must be infinite in this case.

Exercise 3.24   image, whereas image.

Exercise 3.25  

(a)   Any set A with image can be expressed as image for some element a, so image.

(b)   Similarly, if image, then image for some distinct elements a and b, so image.

(c)   image if image. Can you write down all eight elements of image?

Exercise 3.26   Since image, image is equal to the 4-element set


image contains 16 elements – can you find all of them?

Exercise 3.27   The first case requires image, so the eight possible subsets B are


The second case requires image. The subsets B are listed below, and the corresponding sets image are obtained by simply removing the element d:


Exercise 3.28  In no particular order, they are


Exercise 3.29  For the partition into three blocks, note that


Exercise 3.30   Since there are n options for the ith term of the sample, the total number of samples is


Exercise 3.31   image counts the number of ordered samples of size 2, without replacement:


Exercise 3.32   The empty set is the first set in any path. Regardless of the choices made along the way, it is clear from the number of edges directly above each subset in the diagram that there are 4 options for the second set on the path, 3 options for the third, 2 options for the fourth, and the path ends with image. By Proposition 2.13, there are image such paths.

Now see if you can arrive at image in a different way, by having a permutation of image determine the four edges of the path.

Exercise 3.33   Notice that each 2-combination of image is represented by exactly image of the image ordered samples in Exercise 3.31, so the number of 2-combinations is


Exercise 3.34  Every subset of an n-element set contains either 0 elements, or 1 element, or 2 elements, …

Exercise 3.35  You will get the same partition by choosing image to be a subset of S or its complement in S. And you had better not let image equal either S or its complement, image.

Exercise 3.36  The number of blocks can be image only if all of the blocks contain a single element of S, except for one block containing two elements. In how many ways can you choose these two elements?

Chapter 4

Exercise 4.1   No. If you thought q was it, consider image.

Exercise 4.2   After some experimentation, and deciding that “0 cents postage” doesn’t make much sense, we know that we can create the following values using only 10 and 4 cent stamps.


We can prove that all of these values are possible by considering numbers of the form image and image.

We conjecture that this is a complete list. To prove this conjecture, assume to the contrary that there are counterexamples. By the Well-Ordering Principle there must be a minimal counterexample, m, which we know by our earlier computations must be at least 20. We also know that m must be even, since 4 and 10 are even. Because image, it must be the case that image is an even integer that is at least 16. Thus image for some non-negative integers a and b. But then image, which contradicts the claim that m is the minimal counterexample.

Exercise 4.3   Finding an integer combination that equals 1 isn’t hard to do: image is one, as is image. How many different possibilities are there? Finding a combination of 8 and 3 that equals 0 might help.

On the other hand, 8 and 6 are both even, so any integer combination of them must be even, too.

Exercise 4.4   The pairs are image, image, image, image, image, image, image, image; no pair shares a common integer divisor greater than 1. But image and image, as you might also recall from Section 2.9.2.

Exercise 4.5   There are only two integers relatively prime to 0, and 0 isn’t one of them.

Exercise 4.6  

(a)   False: For example, let image and image.

(b)   True: A proof very similar to the one given in Lemma 4.7 works here, although you’ll need to tweak Exercise 1.17.

(c)   True: Again, a proof with the same overall logic as the one given in Lemma 4.7 works here. A few tweaks will be needed; and remember that if image, then image for any integer c.

(d)   False: For example, let image, image, and image.

Exercise 4.7   Yes. The “only if” part of the theorem doesn’t depend on whether a and b are positive, negative, or 0. And by Exercise 4.5, 0 is only relatively prime with 1 and image. Since image and image both equal 1, the “if” part of the theorem is true as well.

Exercise 4.8   Yes. Again, the “only if” part of the theorem doesn’t depend on whether a and b are positive, negative, or 0; and Exercise 4.7 handles the situations when at least one of them equals 0.

We are thus left with two cases not yet handled by Theorem 4.8:

One possible way to handle each of these cases is to use induction on the quantity image (which of course equals image when both a and b are positive). You will need to rearrange and alter some of the inequalities given in the proof, and refer to image and image instead of a and b; and for one of the cases, you may need to use image instead of image.

Another way to handle these cases is just to use Theorem 4.8 directly applied to image and image, which are both positive. In any resulting linear combination, you can replace image with a and image with b, so long as you negate certain coefficients. You would then need only a lemma that says a and b are relatively prime if and only if image and image are relatively prime, regardless of their signs.

Good luck putting the pieces together!

Exercise 4.9   For certain values of a and b, it may be challenging to find integer combinations that equal 1 by trial and error. There is a method, called the Euclidean Algorithm, that works for any pair of integers; we hope that these exercises motivate you to research it!

(a)   Since image, we have image.

(b)   Since image, we have image.

(c)   Notice that image. Do you think it’s a coincidence that 13 is another Fibonacci number?

Exercise 4.10   Recall the structure of the proof of Proposition 2.13.

Exercise 4.11   There will be a quiz later!

Exercise 4.12   For the first part, you can simply let one of a and b be equal to 15 and the other 225; there are other possibilities as well. For the second part, notice that image; explain why this is problematic.

Exercise 4.13   For one approach, note that the product ab is a multiple of both a and b, so the smallest common multiple of a and b is in the finite set of natural numbers image.

For a different approach, consider the set M of all common multiples of a and b, and notice that image means that it is a non-empty subset of image.

Exercise 4.14   Let image. Since d must divide both a and b, its prime divisors can only be among the primes image, so image, where each image is a non-negative integer. If image for each i, then certainly image and image. On the other hand, if some image, then at least one of image and image is true because image would be greater than one of image and image.

The argument for image is similar.

Exercise 4.15   Using the notation in the preceding paragraph, the formulas for image and image imply


Once you have explained why image, you will know that


Exercise 4.16   Since image, we have image

Exercise 4.17   Good luck!

Exercise 4.18   There’s only one such set.

Exercise 4.19   Computations like


show that image is closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication. For division, consider image, where p is a prime that doesn’t divide n.

Exercise 4.20   The hardest step involves the computation


Chapter 5

Exercise 5.1   There are a lot of choices, including the floor and ceiling functions, which are defined later in this section if you have never seen them before. Or you could be boring and just do something like set image for all image.

Exercise 5.2  

(a)   The number of characters in ω is the sum of the numbers of characters in image and image.

(b)   The alphabet for image consists of only the characters 0 and 1, so image is the number of 0s plus the number of 1s.

Exercise 5.3   One possibility for (d) would be


As examples, image and image. What is important for your function is that every ordered pair in image is sent to a unique and unambiguous polynomial in image. Thus the following would not define a function for (d), for a couple of reasons:


Exercise 5.4   The range of image is image, and the range of ϕ is image. As for image, does any polynomial map to the string image consisting of n zeros for any image?

Exercise 5.5   Just two of the seven are not functions. In those cases, there exist elements of the domain whose images are not in the given codomains.

Exercise 5.6  

(a)   Let image and image be any elements of (the domain) image. If image, then image, and squaring both sides gives image. Thus, f is injective.

(b)   The proof of injectivity is essentially the same as the one given in part (a), with reciprocating in place of squaring.

(c)   Note that image, so h is not injective.

(d)   Note that image, so m is not injective.

Exercise 5.7  

(a)   If a is any element in (the codomain) A, then that same a (which is also in the domain A) satisfies image, and thus image is surjective.

If image and image are any elements of (the domain) A such that image, then


so image is injective.

(b)   The floor function is surjective because if n is an integer, then image. It is not an injective function because image. Similar reasonings imply that the same results hold for the ceiling function.

(c)   If image and image are any elements of A such that the ordered pairs image and image are equal, then their first coordinates, image and image, must be equal, so f is injective.

If image, then there are distinct elements image in A, and image is not satisfied for any image, so f is not surjective. However, if image or image … you can take it from here!

Exercise 5.8   For (b), perhaps show that image is both injective and surjective. Does this example suggest a formula for a bijection from image to image for any real numbers image?

The same type of formula probably won’t work for (c). Maybe incorporate image?

Exercise 5.9   Since f is an injection, so is image:


And image, so image is surjective.

Exercise 5.10  

(a)   Each of the 3 elements in A can be paired with one of the 5 elements in B, so you can think of this as creating a sequence of length 3 with 5 options for each term. Perhaps Proposition 2.13 would be helpful?

(b)   After an element of B has been paired with an element of A, it can not be paired with another element of A. Proposition 2.13 still seems like a good approach, or consult Section 3.8.

(c)   None. Why?

(d)   The answer to part (a) simply changes in value; the answer to part (b)    changes entirely!

Exercise 5.11   It is meaningless, because the codomain of g and the domain of f are different.

Exercise 5.12  

(a)   g is not injective because, for example, image. But image is injective: if image, then image and image both being positive means that image, which implies image. Plotting a graph of image will confirm this result.

(b)   An example is shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4. A simple example for Exercise 5.12.

Exercise 5.13   Continuing the hints given in the text …

(a)   …there is a image such that image. Since f is surjective, there is an image such that image. Thus, image, so image is surjective.

(b)   …we know that image. Since f is injective, we know that image. Thus, image is injective.

(c)   There’s at most one sentence to write here!

Exercise 5.14   Yes: f must contain an ordered pair of the form image, and nothing else.

Exercise 5.15   The function image contains eight such elements: ω can be any element of the set


Exercise 5.16   A function is injective if image and image imply that image. A function is surjective if for each image there is an image such that image.

Exercise 5.17   For the second step, if image is not injective, there exist distinct elements image and an element image such that both image and image are in image. But image is a subset of f, so image and image are in f, too.

Exercise 5.18   To find all points of intersection, solve image. This leads to


so the x-values are image, 0, and 1; and the y-values are the same because these points must lie on the line image. Be sure that your two graphs are reflections of each other across this line.

Exercise 5.19   Using the logical equivalences discussed in Exercises 2.7 and 2.8 and the paragraph that follows them, we just need to show that Q image (image) is logically equivalent to image. Try a truth table!

Exercise 5.20   To show that f is injective, suppose that image for elements image. Then image, and so image, implying that image. To show that f is surjective, consider any image. Since image for some image, we have


A similar argument implies that g is bijective as well: just swap the symbols f and g, A and B, and a and b!

Finally, since f is bijective and thus the function image exists, let’s show that image. Let image, and suppose that image and image. Then


from the given properties of f and g, and


from the definition of image. Since f is injective, we must have image. Thus, g and image agree for all b in their common domain, B.

Exercise 5.21  

(a)   Since image exactly when image, the pre-image of 0 is image.

(b)   From the graph (or calculus) it is clear that the pre-image of 6 contains exactly one element. Since image, the pre-image of 6 is image.

(c)   We have image when image; these are the x-values of the points where the local minima and maxima occur. Since image and image, each of the pre-images of image and image are 2-element sets.

Exercise 5.22  

(a)   Use the fact that image, so image.

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

(e)   Since the range of image can only consist of non-negative integers, and since image for image, image as well.

Exercise 5.23   image, and image.

Exercise 5.24   The graphs are best suggested using dotted lines with very fine spacing. We will see in Chapter 7 that some of the lines should have much finer spacing than others!

(a)   image and image.

(b)   image.

(c)   image, because there are rational and irrational numbers in the interval image.

(d)   image.

(e)   Notice that image, because image for each image. Thus, image.

(f)   Since image, we know that image, so image. Since S contains neither 0 nor 1, the answer is image.

Exercise 5.25  

(a)   Try finding a counterexample with image, image, and image.

(b)   Let image. Since f is surjective, there is an image with image. So we know that image, and this implies that image. Thus image, and with part (b)    of Proposition 5.24 we conclude that image.

(c)   Which is most helpful: part (a) or part (b) ?

Exercise 5.26   Try letting X and Y be disjoint.

Chapter 6

Exercise 6.1   The graph of A is a line, the graph of B is a closed half-plane, and the graph of C is shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5. The graph of the relation image.

Exercise 6.2   C is reflexive since image for all image, and it is symmetric because image for all image. But it is not transitive: for example, image and image, but image.

B is reflexive and transitive; A is all three.

Exercise 6.3  Our coin flips asked us to find a relation that is reflexive and symmetric but not transitive. An example of such a relation is C of Example 6.2 .

Exercise 6.4  By the discussion in Section 5.5, any function f is a subset of image, so it’s a relation! One such g is image.

Exercise 6.5  If image and image, then we know there are natural numbers m and n such that image and image. By substitution this implies image and so image. Thus image, so image.

Exercise 6.6  Yes – for example, move 5 and 10 to the left of the rows they are on.

Exercise 6.7  It is a poset because image is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. For example, it is antisymmetric since any two rabbit pairs can’t both be descendants of each other, so image and image implies that x and y are the same pair.

The Hasse diagram for image contains five rabbit pairs, with three minimal elements and the original pair at the top as the maximal element.

Exercise 6.8  This is an interesting infinite poset.

(a)   image, but image.

(b)   The most complicated argument should be the one establishing antisymmetry. Try a proof by contradiction, assuming that image and considering what is implied by image and image.

(c)   Assume to the contrary that image is a maximal element with image. Then consider image.

(d)   See the suggestion for part (c)   .

(e)   image is both maximal and minimal.

Exercise 6.9  The only one that isn’t is (c).

Exercise 6.10  The posets (b) and (d) are well ordered.

Exercise 6.11  We need to establish that image has three properties.

Reflexive: Since image is even for all image, image is reflexive.

Symmetric: If image, then image for some image. But then image also equals image, so image.

Transitive: If image and image, then


for some image. Thus image, which is even. Therefore image as well.

Exercise 6.12  The proof of Proposition 6.11 can be adapted to prove this is an equivalence relation, and again we point you to the more general result in Exercise 6.57.

Exercise 6.13  To answer part (c), notice that an equivalence class corresponds to the set of x-values where a horizontal line intersects the graph of sine. If two x-values correspond to the same horizontal line, their equivalence classes are the same; and if they correspond to different horizontal lines, the two equivalence classes have no x-values in common (because sine is a function). The dotted horizontal line in Figure 6 intersects the graph of sine in the equivalence class of image, which may be helpful for part (b).


Figure 6. Equivalence classes for image correspond to x-values that yield the same value in image.

Exercise 6.14  It’s equality.

Exercise 6.15  Look at Theorem 6.14 and Exercise 3.28.

Exercise 6.16  The equivalence classes modulo 2 are the evens and odds. The equivalence classes modulo 3 are:


Exercise 6.17  We ask you …

Exercise 6.18  …to complete these three exercises …

Exercise 6.19  …without any additional hints from us.

Exercise 6.20   Each element of image is an equivalence class that must be mapped to a unique element of image.

Exercise 6.21   The formulas follow from the fact that image and image in image.

Exercise 6.22   The multiplication table for image is shown in Figure 7. Notice that we have image in image, which is directly related to the factorization image.


Figure 7. Multiplication in image.

Exercise 6.23   Recall the proof of Proposition 2.16 and the discussion preceding it.

Exercise 6.24   The last digit is a 9. Here’s a slightly more difficult computation: What’s the last digit of image?

Exercise 6.25  The argument given for image would fail when applied to the proposed squaring function from image to image. If image, then image for some image. So


Since image and image, we can’t reduce image to zero as we could when we were defining the function from image to image. In particular, we cannot make a statement similar to “Since 3 divides 12 and 36 we know image and image.”

Exercise 6.26   Here is a proof of part (d).

If image in image, then image for some image. Therefore


Thus image, and so image if image.

If you would like an additional challenge, find values of m and n where this squaring function from image to image is not surjective.

Exercise 6.27  You can prove this by mimicking the proof of Theorem 6.19, or you can use an argument inspired by image.

Exercise 6.28  image, so 4 plays the role of “1/4.”

Exercise 6.29  Construct the rows corresponding to multiplication by 2 and 10 in order to verify that [2] and [10] do not have inverses. On the other hand, image, so image is the multiplicative inverse of image and image is the multiplicative inverse of image.

Exercise 6.30  If image and image, then image. This means that image, with image. What can you conclude about m and image?

Exercise 6.31  Figure 8 should get you started, if you are truly stuck.


Figure 8. A hint to help construct the multiplication table for image.

Exercise 6.32  Search for hints among the various facts we have proven about relatively prime integers.

Chapter 7

Exercise 7.1  Suppose that n new guests arrive. Hilbert should announce over the intercom to everyone who already has a room: “I again apologize for the inconvenience, but in order for us to accommodate some new guests, we need you to change rooms. If you are in room #k, please move to room #image for the night. Thank you!” He can then send the new arrivals to rooms #1 through #n.

Exercise 7.2  Hilbert can first move every current guest into an even-numbered room by announcing: “I once again apologize for the inconvenience, but in order for us to accommodate some new guests, we need you to change rooms. If you are in room #k, please move to room #image for the night. Thank you!” He then tells the new guests to move into the odd-numbered rooms, with new guest #n sent to room #image.

Exercise 7.3  None! Cookie #n will be eaten in round n, and that accounts for all of them.

Exercise 7.4  The answers are:

(a)   Cookies #1 through #9 will be on his plate.

(b)   The even-numbered cookies will be on his plate.

If you found this to be an interesting exercise, or if you found it difficult, then you should also work on Exercise 7.22 at the end of the chapter.

Exercise 7.5  If you have worked earnestly on this question for more than two hours and are stuck, then perhaps you should stop and begin reading the remainder of this section and the next, where almost all is revealed.

Exercise 7.6   We recommend using the fact that all of these functions have inverses: the natural logarithm image, image, and image.

Exercise 7.7  Constructing an explicit function might help you prove that this is a bijection. Using image in your formula will allow you to change signs back and forth between positive and negative, and the function image is also handy, as for example image.

Exercise 7.8  We already gave you a nice hint!

Exercise 7.9  For part (a), by shifting his current guests from room #n to room #image, Hilbert has opened up room #1 for a frog. It’s quite generous of him to go to all of this trouble for a frog.

For part (b), you might wish to view the partial table presented in this section as one corner of a vast parking lot.

Exercise 7.10  Again, we already gave you a nice hint!

Exercise 7.11  Since image is an infinite subset of image, use Lemma 7.7.

Exercise 7.12  image because image. There are surely simpler examples than this one.

Exercise 7.13  Randomly selecting the image of each image, we created the injective function image defined by


The resulting set is image, which is not in the range of f.

Exercise 7.14  Just change “image is countable” to “image,” and change all occurrences of image to A. And change n to x for style points, if you think n should only represent integers.

Exercise 7.15  We are not uncomfortable with the original argument, so we skipped this exercise.

Exercise 7.16  We know that image. If we assume to the contrary that image is a countable set, then we have expressed image as the union of two countable sets. Lemma 7.10 would then imply that image must be countable, which contradicts Theorem 7.15.

Exercise 7.17  The function image defined by


is a bijection, so image. In the previous paragraph we applied Schröder–Bernstein to prove image. Thus, by the transitivity of image we will be finished if we can show that image. We can do this by considering containment as the injection image and image as the injection image, and then appealing to Schröder–Bernstein.

Exercise 7.18  First prove that h is a surjection. Then argue that it is sufficient to prove that h is injective when restricted to X and when restricted to image.

Exercise 7.19  You could try to do this by mimicking the proof of Lemma 7.20, or you could instead quote results we have already established: image has the same cardinality as the open interval image, which leads to image having the same cardinality as image, and then you can apply Lemma 7.20.

Exercise 7.20  In fact we only need Lemmas 7.21 and 7.22 to prove


Chapter 8

Exercise 8.1   One lower bound is image. Any image is also a lower bound, because if image, then image. Similarly, an upper bound is 2, and any image will serve as an upper bound. Figure 9 might help to clarify things.


Figure 9. The half-open interval image for Exercise 8.1 is displayed in bold.

Exercise 8.2   Every real number r is an upper bound for the empty set, since image for all image: there are no such s! Similarly, every real number is a lower bound.

Since every element of image is an upper bound, there is certainly no least one.

Exercise 8.3   A lower bound is 2 and an upper bound is 3. The greatest lower bound is 2.7, and the least upper bound is e. For a proof that e is irrational, see Section 8.6.2.

Exercise 8.4   The set of all lower bounds for A is image, so the greatest lower bound is image. The set of all upper bounds for A is image, so the least upper bound is 1.

Exercise 8.5   Corollary 8.4 guarantees the existence of an image such that image. There is a largest power of 10 within the non-empty finite set image; suppose it is image for some image. Then image, so image.

Exercise 8.6   Assume to the contrary that image is a lower bound for image. Since r is negative and image, we know that


for all image. Since r is negative, dividing by r changes the order of the inequalities, giving


for all image. Thus


for all image. Since image, we know that image and thus image and image are positive real numbers, so we have a contradiction to Corollary 8.3.

Exercise 8.7   The terms of the first two sequences are heading toward a limit of 0. The terms of the third sequence aren’t heading toward any finite value, so the limit doesn’t exist, or you might say that it’s “image”; see Exercise 8.27. The fourth sequence does have a limit, but it’s not rational. Write the first few terms of the sequence in decimal notation and see if that helps with your guess.

Exercise 8.8   Parts of the definition are matched with phrases of the sentence: “Regardless of how close [image] you want the sequence terms [image] to be to the limiting value [L], you will get your wish [image] so long as you ignore an appropriate number [image] of the initial terms of the sequence.” And order is important here: the value of N depends on the tolerance image. You might wish to write image in place of N, if doing so helps you remember this order.

Exercise 8.9   The same argument that worked for image works for image, requiring the solution of


at the end. Now, sketch a (wide!) extension of Figure 1 on page 190 showing that the terms of the sequence eventually stay inside of a thinner image band around image.

Exercise 8.10   Since the limit is image, we need to show that for every image there is an image such that image for all natural numbers image. Since


for image, we can appeal to the first proof given in Theorem 8.5 to conclude that there is an image such that image. Since image, for any natural number image we have


Exercise 8.11   For the first, it’s


For the second, it’s


Exercise 8.12   If image, then the sequence of partial sums is simply image, so the series converges to 0. Otherwise, if image and image, the series doesn’t converge. For example, if image, then the series is image and the sequence of partial sums is image, which has no finite limit.

Showing that a geometric series doesn’t converge in other cases where image and image requires other arguments, some of which might be assisted by the Comparison Test of Section 8.5.

Exercise 8.13   It is a constant sequence: all of the terms must be equal.

Exercise 8.14  

(a)   The sequence image is monotone and bounded.

(b)   The sequence image is bounded but not monotone. The sequence presented in Figure 1 (page 190) is another example, and also shows that a sequence need not be monotone to have a limit.

(c)   The sequence image is monotone but not bounded.

(d)   The sequence image is neither monotone nor bounded.

Exercise 8.15   Change μ to image, “increasing” to “decreasing,” “least upper bound” to “greatest lower bound,” and so on. Also reverse most of the inequalities and change some – signs to image; but image should remain positive!

Exercise 8.16   You can show that the series converges, and find crude upper and lower bounds for the value of the series, by first comparing it with the geometric series image, and then with image.

Exercise 8.17   First show that image for all image; induction will work, as will a direct argument. This implies that


for all image, and the image terms are both 1, so the Comparison Test applies.

Exercise 8.18   Integration by parts yields


where the final term can be replaced via


whose final term can be replaced via


and so on, until a final term is 0 because image.

When image, the resulting expression is


which evaluates to


as desired.

Exercise 8.19   Among the results you might need are that


when image is non-negative and bounded above by M, and that


for any real number c.

Chapter 9

Exercise 9.1  There are eight equally likely outcomes:


Of these eight, three contain exactly two heads: HHT, HTH, and THH. So you might expect this result to occur about three-eighths of the time, if you repeat the activity many, many times.

Exercise 9.2  List the 16 equally likely outcomes and tally the ones you want, as in the previous exercise.

Exercise 9.3  Out of 250 flips, there are 124 heads and 126 tails. Out of all 249 2-flip strings, there are 59 HHs, 64 HTs, 64 THs, and 62 TTs. If you only count 125 2-flip strings starting from flips 1, 3, 5, …, 249, you get 29 HHs, 34 HTs, 32 THs, and 30 TTs.

What does this evidence suggest, if anything?

Exercise 9.4  Only the denominator changes: image and image. Since image, the ball is slightly more likely to land on red on a European wheel.

Exercise 9.5  You can determine the numerators of these fractions…

Exercise 9.6  …by counting carefully in Figure 2 (page 212).

Exercise 9.7  Is it close to 1/8?

Exercise 9.8  Symmetry follows from


For unimodality, use the fact that


is true so long as image, and so when image.

Exercise 9.9  image is a 158-digit integer beginning image and ending with 24 0s.

The real number image is approximately image in scientific notation.

Exercise 9.10  The general statement is that, for non-negative integers n,


Mathematical induction seems like an appropriate way to prove this, using the identity image in the inductive step along with Theorem 9.8.

Exercise 9.11  Again, count carefully in Figure 2 (page 212).

Exercise 9.12  The values of the binomial coefficients are


The sum of these numbers is 100 146 724, which upon dividing by image yields


Now, what’s your conclusion?

Exercise 9.13  If you’re not close, keep rolling!

Exercise 9.14  If X counts the points you earn on a die roll, then


Exercise 9.15  If A is the event that at least one 6 is seen, then image is the event that no 6s are seen. It is easier to compute image: by Proposition 2.13, image, so


and thus image This number is larger than image.

Exercise 9.16  We know that image and image, so we are left to determine image. Since




we find that


Thus, image.

Exercise 9.17  It was, in fact, faked.

Chapter 10

Exercise 10.1  If image and image are two points in image, then the distance between them is


which is equal to


the distance between image and image.

Now just see where the two corners go.

Exercise 10.2  It is probably easiest to note that image, which can be applied twice for image and three times for image:


Exercise 10.3  image and image.

Exercise 10.4  You are interested in image, so you first perform image and then image. Since




the composition must be image.

Exercise 10.5 

(a)   In order for a subset image to be an identity element, it must be the case that image for all image. The empty set can function as an identity element, as


for all image. Let A be a non-empty subset of S. The set A cannot serve as the identity element as we would need it to be true that image, but image.

(b)   Since S is non-empty, the set S cannot have an inverse with respect to image. Such a subset A would have to satisfy image, but image since image.

(c)   We’ll let you do these last two parts …

(d)   …on your own.

Exercise 10.6  Here are three very strong hints. You can prove that associativity holds by appealing to the fact that it held for G and H; the identity element is the ordered pair of identity elements image; and the inverse of image is image.

Exercise 10.7  Table 1 on the next page is a partially completed Cayley table for image. In order to avoid cumbersome notation we express image as image.

Table 1 Part of the Cayley table for image.

  image image image image image image image image
image image image image image image image image image
image image image ? ? image ? ? ?
image image ? image ? ? ? ? ?
image image ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
image image image ? ? ? ? ? ?
image image ? ? ? ? ? image image
image image ? ? ? ? image ? ?
image image ? ? ? ? image ? ?

Exercise 10.8  You might do this by first proving that a symmetry of image is determined by where it sends any three vertices on a face of image. Then prove that where these three vertices go is determined by where any one of them goes using the fact that the box is irregular.

Exercise 10.9  In Theorem 10.11 you proved that image is closed under composition, so you know that image. By tracing out the destinations of the corners you will see that α takes a corner to its opposite corner of the box, which the rotations and reflections cannot do. This map is known as the antipodal map, and it has a simple formula: image.

Exercise 10.10  In doing our work we noticed that image for each image.

Exercise 10.11 

(a)   To show that this is a group, you need to mention that multiplication is associative, 1 is the identity element, and as long as image then image. To show it is an Abelian group, you need to highlight that multiplication of rational numbers is a commutative operation.

(b)   This would be similar to part (a), except that 2 does not have a multiplicative inverse within image, so it’s not even a group!

Exercise 10.12  An examination of Table 2 (page 237) shows that image is Abelian. Can you see why a certain form of symmetry in the table implies that the product is commutative? If so, write up your proof by first proving and then using this insight.

Exercise 10.13  The proof of Proposition 10.21 shows that image is a cyclic generator in image. The element image is as well, since


Similar computations will show that every non-zero element of image is a cyclic generator.

Exercise 10.14  Gauss characterized when image is a cyclic group:

image is cyclic if and only if image, or image, where p is an odd prime and image.

For example, image is cyclic while image is not.

Exercise 10.15 

(a)   image. (You may want to look up your answer to Exercise 3.23 if you think the answer is different.)

(b)   image.

(c)   image.

Exercise 10.16  If you are stuck after a couple of hours …

Exercise 10.17  …then you might want to pause until you get to Section 10.8.

Exercise 10.18  Here’s a proof for part (a). Since we know that image for all image, we know that image. Assume by induction that image for an arbitrary image. Then


so this part follows by induction.

Lemma 10.27 establishes (b). An argument like that given above for (a), combined with Lemma 10.28, can be used to prove (c).

Exercise 10.19  There might be some smaller value image with image. For example, in image we have image, so image. However it is also the case that image, so image; and in fact image in image.

Exercise 10.20  Let image be an isomorphism and assume that G is Abelian. Let image and image be any two elements of H. Since f is a bijection, there is a unique pair image and image in G such that image and image. Thus image. By applying the definition of isomorphism twice and appealing to our assumption that G is Abelian, we find that


Thus H is Abelian.

Similarly, if H is Abelian, we may apply the argument above using the isomorphism image to prove that G is Abelian.

Exercise 10.21  Try two adjacent reflections, those whose axes of reflection form an angle of 30image. Their product will be a rotation through 60image, but the order in which you multiply them will determine if it is a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation.