24.1.2 When to Use Abbreviations
24.1.3 How to Format Abbreviations
24.2.4 Agencies, Companies, and Other Organizations
24.6 The Bible and Other Sacred Works
24.6.1 Jewish Bible/Old Testament
24.7 Abbreviations in Citations and Other Scholarly Contexts
This chapter offers general guidelines for using abbreviations. Abbreviations in formal writing were once limited to a few special circumstances, but they are now widely used in writing of all kinds. Even so, their use must reflect the conventions of specific disciplines. The guidelines presented here are appropriate for most humanities and social science disciplines. If you are writing a paper in the natural or physical sciences, mathematics, or any other technical field, follow the conventions of the discipline.
In some disciplines you may need to use abbreviations not covered here. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary gives many abbreviations from many fields. Another resource is chapter 10 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition (2010). For style guides in various disciplines, see the bibliography.
If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, your department or university may have specific requirements for using abbreviations, which are usually available from the office of theses and dissertations. If you are writing a class paper, your instructor may also ask you to follow certain principles for using abbreviations. Review these requirements before you prepare your paper. They take precedence over the guidelines suggested here.
Terms can be shortened, or abbreviated, in several ways. When a term is shortened to only the first letters of each word and pronounced as a single word (NATO, AIDS), it is called an acronym; if the letters are pronounced as a series of letters (EU, PBS), it is called an initialism. Other terms are shortened through contraction: just the first and last letters of the term are retained (Mr., Dr., atty.), or the last letters are dropped (ed., Tues.). This chapter treats all of these forms under the general term abbreviations, with distinctions between types noted as relevant.
In most papers, use abbreviations only sparingly in text because they can make your writing seem either too informal or too technical. This chapter covers types of abbreviations that are preferred over spelled-out terms and others that are considered acceptable in academic writing if used consistently.
If your local guidelines allow it, you may use abbreviations for names, titles, and other terms used frequently in your paper. Give the full term on first reference, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. For subsequent references, use the abbreviation consistently. If you use more than a few such abbreviations, consider adding a list of abbreviations to the front matter of the paper to aid readers who might miss your first reference to an abbreviation (see A.2.1).
Abbreviations are more common, and are often required, outside the text of the paper. This chapter discusses some abbreviations that may be used in tables, figures, and citations. For additional discussion of abbreviations in tables and figures, see chapter 26; for abbreviations in bibliography-style citations, see 16.1.6 and chapter 17; for abbreviations in author-date citations, see 18.1.6 and chapter 19.
Although abbreviations follow the general principles discussed here, there are many exceptions.
■ Capitalization. Abbreviations are given in all capital letters, all lowercase letters, or a combination.
Dist. Atty.
■ Punctuation. In general, abbreviations given in all capital letters do not include periods, while those given in lowercase or a combination of capital and lowercase letters have a period after each abbreviated element. However, as you can see from the examples above, there are exceptions: metric units of measure (see 24.5) are in lowercase without periods; and no periods are used for academic degrees, whether or not they include lowercase letters (see 24.2.3). Other exceptions are noted throughout this chapter.
■ Spacing. In general, do not leave a space between letters in acronyms (NATO) and initialisms (PBS), but do leave a space between elements in abbreviations formed through shortening (Dist. Atty.), unless the first element is a single letter (S.Sgt.). If an abbreviation contains an ampersand (&), do not leave spaces around it (Texas A&M). For spaces in personal names, see 24.2.1.
■ Italics. Abbreviations are not normally italicized unless they stand for an italicized term (OED, for Oxford English Dictionary).
■ Indefinite articles. When an abbreviation follows an indefinite article, choose between a and an depending on how the abbreviation is read aloud. Acronyms (NATO, AIDS) are pronounced as words; initialisms (EU) are read as a series of letters.
member nation of NATO
a NATO member
person with AlDS
an AlDS patient
member nation of the EU
an EU member
the FFA
an FFA chapter
In general, do not abbreviate a person’s first (Benj. Franklin) or last name. Once you have used a full name in text, use just the person’s last name in subsequent references. However, if you are referring to more than one person with that last name, use first names as necessary to avoid confusion (Alice James, William James). If you refer to these names very frequently in your paper, you may instead use abbreviations that you devise (AJ, WJ), but be sure to use these abbreviations as specified in 24.1.2.
Some individuals are known primarily by initials in place of a first and/or middle name. Such initials should be followed by a period and a space. If you abbreviate an entire name, however, omit periods and spaces.
G. K. Chesterton
M. F. K. Fisher
Social titles such as Ms. and Mr. should always be abbreviated and capitalized, followed by a period. In most papers, however, you need not use such titles unless there is a possibility of confusion, such as referring to either a husband or a wife.
Write abbreviations such as Sr., Jr., III (or 3rd), and IV (or 4th) without commas before them. Normally these abbreviations are used only after a full name, although royal and religious figures may be known only by a first name. In frequent references to a father and a son, shortened versions may be used (Holmes Sr.), but only after the full name has been presented. Do not spell out the term when it is part of a name (for example, not John Smith Junior).
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
William J. Kaufmann III
Mary II
Some individuals have civil, military, or religious titles such as the following along with their personal names. Many of these titles are conventionally abbreviated rather than spelled out in text when they precede and are capitalized as part of a personal name.
Adm. | Admiral |
Ald. | Alderman, Alderwoman |
Atty. Gen. | Attorney General |
Capt. | Captain |
Col. | Colonel |
Dist. Atty. | District Attorney |
Dr. | Doctor |
Fr. | Father |
Gen. | General |
Gov. | Governor |
Hon. | Honorable |
Lt. | Lieutenant |
Lt. Col. | Lieutenant Colonel |
Maj. | Major |
Pres. | President |
Rep. | Representative |
Rev. | Reverend |
Sen. | Senator |
Sgt. | Sergeant |
S.Sgt. | Staff Sergeant |
Sr. | Sister |
St. | Saint |
On first reference to an individual with such a title, use the abbreviation with the person’s full name. (If you prefer, you may spell out the titles, but do so consistently.) For subsequent references, you may usually give just the person’s last name, but if you need to repeat the title (to distinguish two people with similar names, or as a disciplinary sign of respect), give the spelled-out title with the last name. Never use Honorable or Hon. except with a full name. If you spell out Honorable or Reverend before a full name, the title should be preceded by the.
Sen. Richard J. Durbin
Senator Durbin
Adm. Michael Mullen
Admiral Mullen
Rev. Jane Schaefer
Reverend Schaefer
Hon. Patricia Birkholz
the Honorable Patricia Birkholz
If you use one of these titles alone or after a personal name, it becomes a generic term and should be lowercased and spelled out.
the senator from Illinois
Mullen served as an admiral
An exception to the general pattern is Dr. Use either the abbreviation Dr. before the name or the official abbreviation for the degree (see 24.2.3), set off with commas, after the name. Do not use both together.
Dr. Lauren Shapiro discovered the cause of the outbreak.
Lauren Shapiro, MD, discovered …
Dr. Shapiro discovered …
The doctor discovered …
In addition to academic degrees (24.2.3), here are a few professional titles that may be abbreviated following a personal name. Such titles should be set off with commas, as in the examples above.
justice of the peace
licensed practical nurse
member of Parliament
Society of Jesus
You may use abbreviations in text and elsewhere for the common academic degrees. Some of the more common degrees are noted in the following list. Most are initialisms (see 24.1.1), which are written in capital letters, without periods or spaces. Others contain both initials and shortened terms and therefore both capital and lowercase letters, also without periods or spaces. Traditionally all these forms appeared with periods (M.A., Ph.D., LL.B.), a style still preferred by some institutions.
AB |
artium baccalaureus (bachelor of arts) |
AM |
artium magister (master of arts) |
BA |
bachelor of arts |
BD |
bachelor of divinity |
bachelor of fine arts |
BM |
bachelor of music |
BS |
bachelor of science |
DB |
divinitatis baccalaureus (bachelor of divinity) |
DD |
divinitatis doctor (doctor of divinity) |
DMin |
doctor of ministry |
DO |
osteopathic physician (doctor of osteopathy) |
EdD |
doctor of education |
JD |
juris doctor (doctor of law) |
litterarum humaniorum doctor (doctor of humanities) |
LittD |
litterarum doctor (doctor of letters) |
legum baccalaureus (bachelor of laws) |
legum doctor (doctor of laws) |
MA |
master of arts |
master of business administration |
MD |
medicinae doctor (doctor of medicine) |
master of fine arts |
MS |
master of science |
PhB |
philosophiae baccalaureus (bachelor of philosophy) |
PhD |
philosophiae doctor (doctor of philosophy) |
SB |
scientiae baccalaureus (bachelor of science) |
SM |
scientiae magister (master of science) |
sacrae theologiae baccalaureus (bachelor of sacred theology) |
You may use abbreviations in text and elsewhere for the names of government agencies, broadcasting companies, associations, fraternal and service organizations, unions, and other groups that are commonly known by acronyms or initialisms (see 24.1.1). Spell out the full name on first reference, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses (see 24.1.2). Such abbreviations are in full capitals with no periods. Here is a representative list of such abbreviations; other names within these categories (for example, ABA, CBS, and NEH) should be treated similarly.
If a company is not commonly known by an abbreviation, spell out and capitalize its name in the text. The names of some companies contain abbreviations and ampersands. If in doubt about the correct form, look up the company name at its corporate website or, for historical forms, in an authoritative reference. You may omit such terms as Inc. or Ltd. from the name, and do not capitalize the word the at the beginning of the name. Subsequent references can drop terms such as & Co. or Corporation.
Merck & Co.
RAND Corporation
the University of Chicago Press
In tables, figures, and citations, you may use any of the following abbreviations in company names.
LP (limited partnership)
PLC (public limited company)
RR (railroad)
Ry. (railway)
In text, always spell out and capitalize the names of countries, states, counties, provinces, territories, bodies of water, mountains, and the like (see 22.1.1).
Always spell out United States when using it as a noun. When using it as an adjective, you may either abbreviate it to US or spell it out (for a more formal tone).
She was ineligible for the presidency because she was not born in the United States.
His US citizenship was revoked later that year.
In tables, figures, citations, and mailing addresses, abbreviate the names of US states using the two-letter postal codes created by the US Postal Service.
AK |
Alaska |
AL |
Alabama |
AR |
Arkansas |
AZ |
Arizona |
CA |
California |
CO |
Colorado |
CT |
Connecticut |
DC |
District of Columbia |
DE |
Delaware |
FL |
Florida |
GA |
Georgia |
HI |
Hawaii |
IA |
Iowa |
ID |
Idaho |
IL |
Illinois |
IN |
Indiana |
KS |
Kansas |
KY |
Kentucky |
LA |
Louisiana |
MA |
Massachusetts |
MD |
Maryland |
ME |
Maine |
Ml |
Michigan |
MN |
Minnesota |
MO |
Missouri |
MS |
Mississippi |
MT |
Montana |
NC |
North Carolina |
ND |
North Dakota |
NE |
Nebraska |
NH |
New Hampshire |
NJ |
New Jersey |
NM |
New Mexico |
NV |
Nevada |
NY |
New York |
OH |
Ohio |
OK |
Oklahoma |
OR |
Oregon |
PA |
Pennsylvania |
Rl |
Rhode Island |
SC |
South Carolina |
SD |
South Dakota |
TN |
Tennessee |
TX |
Texas |
UT |
Utah |
VA |
Virginia |
VT |
Vermont |
WA |
Washington |
Wl |
Wisconsin |
WV |
West Virginia |
WY |
Wyoming |
You may also abbreviate the names of Canadian provinces and territories where state names would be abbreviated.
AB |
Alberta |
BC |
British Columbia |
MB |
Manitoba |
NB |
New Brunswick |
NL |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
NS |
Nova Scotia |
NT |
Northwest Territories |
NU |
Nunavut |
ON |
Ontario |
PE |
Prince Edward Island |
QC |
Quebec |
SK |
Saskatchewan |
YT |
Yukon |
In text, spell out and capitalize terms that are part of addresses, including those listed below and similar ones (other synonyms for street, for example). In tables, figures, citations, and mailing addresses, use the abbreviations. Note that all the abbreviations use periods except for the two-letter initialisms (such as NE). See 23.1.7 for an example of an address in text.
Ave. |
Avenue |
Blvd. |
Boulevard |
Ct. |
Court |
Dr. |
Drive |
Expy. |
Expressway |
Pkwy. |
Parkway |
Rd. |
Road |
Sq. |
Square |
PI. |
Place |
St. |
Street |
N. |
North |
S. |
South |
E. |
East |
W. |
West |
NE |
Northeast |
NW |
Northwest |
SE |
Southeast |
SW |
Southwest |
You may use the abbreviations a.m. (ante meridiem, or before noon) and p.m. (post meridiem, or after noon) in text and elsewhere to designate specific times. The abbreviations should be lowercase and in roman type. Do not combine them with in the morning, in the evening, or o’clock; see also 23.1.5.
In text, spell out and capitalize the names of days of the week and months of the year; see also 23.3.1. In tables, figures, and citations, you may abbreviate them if you do so consistently. (Note that some months in this system are not abbreviated.)
There are various systems for designating eras, all of which use abbreviations with numerical dates. BC and AD are the most common designations, though BCE and CE may be used instead. To refer to the very distant past, a designation such as BP or MYA may become necessary. AD precedes the year number; the other designations follow it (see also 23.2.4 and 23.3.2).
BC | before Christ |
AD | anno Domini (in the year of the Lord) |
BCE | before the common era |
CE | common era |
BP | before the present |
MYA (or mya) | million years ago |
In the humanities and social sciences, spell out the names of units of measure such as dimensions, distances, volumes, weights, and degrees. Spell out the numbers or use numerals according to the general rule you are following (see 23.1.1).
five miles
150 kilograms
14.5 meters
In the sciences, use standard abbreviations for units of measure when the amount is given in numerals. (You may use abbreviations in other disciplines, depending on your local guidelines.) Leave a space between the numeral and the unit, except where convention dictates otherwise (36°; 512K), and note that abbreviations are the same in singular and plural. Spell out units of measure when they are not preceded by a number or when the number is spelled out (as at the beginning of a sentence; see
We injected 10 µL of virus near the implants.
Results are given in microliters.
Twelve microliters of virus was considered a safe amount.
For a list of abbreviations including common units of measure, see 10.52 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition (2010).
When you refer in text to whole chapters or books of the Bible or the Apocrypha, spell out the names of the books, but do not italicize them.
Jeremiah 42–44 records the flight of the Jews to Egypt.
The Revelation of St. John the Divine, known as “Revelation,” closes the New Testament.
When you cite biblical passages by verse (see 17.5.2 and 19.5.2), abbreviate the names of the books, using arabic numerals if they are numbered (1 Kings). Also use arabic numerals for chapter and verse numbers, with a colon between them. Since different versions of the scriptures use different names and numbers for books, identify the version you are citing. Depending on the context, you may either spell out the name of the version, at least on first occurrence, or use abbreviations (see 24.6.4), without preceding or internal punctuation.
1 Song of Sol. 2:1–5 NRSV
Ruth 3:14 NAB
The following sections list both traditional and shorter abbreviations for the books of the Bible, arranged in alphabetical order. If you are unsure which form of abbreviation is appropriate, consult your instructor. Where no abbreviation is given, use the full form.
Note that the abbreviation for Old Testament is OT.
Traditional |
Shorter |
Full name |
Amos |
Am |
Amos |
1 Chron. |
1 Chr |
1 Chronicles |
2 Chron. |
2 Chr |
2 Chronicles |
Dan. |
Dn |
Daniel |
Deut. |
Dt |
Deuteronomy |
Eccles. |
Eccl |
Ecclesiastes |
Esther |
Est |
Esther |
Exod. |
Ex |
Exodus |
Ezek. |
Ez |
Ezekiel |
Ezra |
Ezr |
Ezra |
Gen. |
Gn |
Genesis |
Hab. |
Hb |
Habakkuk |
Hag. |
Hg |
Haggai |
Hosea |
Hos |
Hosea |
Isa. |
Is |
Isaiah |
Jer. |
Jer |
Jeremiah |
Job |
Jb |
Job |
Joel |
Jl |
Joel |
Jon. |
Jon |
Jonah |
Josh. |
Jo |
Joshua |
Judg. |
Jgs |
Judges |
1 Kings |
1 Kgs |
1 Kings |
2 Kings |
2 Kgs |
2 Kings |
Lam. |
Lam |
Lamentations |
Lev. |
Lv |
Leviticus |
Mal. |
Mal |
Malachi |
Mic. |
Mi |
Micah |
Nah. |
Na |
Nahum |
Neh. |
Neh |
Nehemiah |
Num. |
Nm |
Numbers |
Obad. |
Ob |
Obadiah |
Prov. |
Prv |
Proverbs |
Ps. (plural Pss.) |
Ps (plural Pss) |
Psalms |
Ruth |
Ru |
Ruth |
1 Sam. |
1 Sm |
1 Samuel |
2 Sam. |
2 Sm |
2 Samuel |
Song of Sol. |
Sg |
Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) |
Zech. |
Zec |
Zechariah |
Zeph. |
Zep |
Zephaniah |
The books of the Apocrypha are included in Roman Catholic but not Jewish or Protestant versions of the Bible. Note that the traditional abbreviation for Apocrypha is Apoc. (no shorter abbreviation).
Traditional |
Shorter |
Full name |
Bar. |
Bar |
Baruch |
Bel and Dragon |
— |
Bel and the Dragon |
Ecclus. |
Sir |
Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) |
1 Esd. |
— |
1 Esdras |
2 Esd. |
— |
2 Esdras |
Jth. |
Jdt |
Judith |
1 Macc. |
1 Mc |
1 Maccabees |
2 Macc. |
2 Mc |
2 Maccabees |
Pr. of Man. |
— |
Prayer of Manasses (Manasseh) |
Song of Three Children |
— |
Song of the Three Holy Children |
Sus. |
— |
Susanna |
Tob. |
Tb |
Tobit |
Wisd. of Sol. |
Ws |
Wisdom of Solomon |
— |
— |
Additions to Esther (Rest of Esther) |
Note that the abbreviation for New Testament is NT.
Traditional |
Shorter |
Full name |
Acts |
— |
Acts of the Apostles |
Apoc. |
— |
Apocalypse (Revelation) |
Col. |
Col |
Colossians |
1 Cor. |
1 Cor |
1 Corinthians |
2 Cor. |
2 Cor |
2 Corinthians |
Eph. |
Eph |
Ephesians |
Gal. |
Gal |
Galatians |
Heb. |
Heb |
Hebrews |
James |
Jas |
James |
John |
Jn |
John (Gospel) |
1 John |
1 Jn |
1 John (Epistle) |
2 John |
2 Jn |
2 John (Epistle) |
3 John |
3 Jn |
3 John (Epistle) |
Jude |
— |
Jude |
Luke | Lk | Luke |
Mark |
Mk |
Mark |
Matt. | Mt | Matthew |
1 Pet. | 1 Pt | 1 Peter |
2 Pet. | 2 Pt | 2 Peter |
Phil. | Phil | Philippians |
Philem. | Phlm | Philemon |
Rev. | Rv | Revelation (Apocalypse) |
Rom. | Rom | Romans |
1 Thess. | 1 Thes | 1 Thessalonians |
2 Thess. | 2 Thes | 2 Thessalonians |
1 Tim. | 1 Tm | 1 Timothy |
2 Tim. | 2 Tm | 2 Timothy |
Titus | Ti | Titus |
These abbreviations cover many standard versions of the Bible. If the version you are citing is not listed here, consult your instructor.
American Revised Version |
American Standard Version |
AT |
American Translation |
AV |
Authorized (King James) Version |
Contemporary English Version |
DV |
Douay Version |
English Revised Version |
EV |
English version(s) |
JB |
Jerusalem Bible |
New American Bible |
New English Bible |
New Revised Standard Version |
Revised Standard Version |
RV |
Revised Version |
Vulg. |
Vulgate |
Many sacred works of other religious traditions are divided into parts similar to those of the Bible. Capitalize and set in roman type the names of the works themselves (Qur’an [or Koran], Vedas), but italicize the names of their parts (al-Baqarah, Rig-Veda). Although there is no widely accepted method for abbreviating the names of these works or their parts, you may punctuate citations from them similarly to those from the Bible (see also 17.5.2 and 19.5.2). If a work has multiple numbered divisions, you may substitute periods or commas for colons or make other adaptations to clarify the location of the cited passage.
Qur’an 2:257 or Qur’an 2 (al-Baqarah): 257
Mahabharata 1.2.3
If your paper is in religious studies, consult your instructor for more specific guidance.
Many abbreviations are commonly used and even preferred in citations, especially for identifying the roles of individuals other than authors (ed., trans.), the parts of works (vol., bk., sec.), and locating information (p., n). For guidelines on using abbreviations in citations, see 16.1.6 and chapter 17 or 18.1.6 and chapter 19.
In text, it is usually better to spell things out. Common abbreviations like e.g., i.e., and etc., if used, should be confined to parentheses (see 21.8.1).
Following is a list of some of the most common abbreviations encountered in citations and other scholarly contexts. Unless otherwise shown, most form the plural by adding s or es. None of them are normally italicized.
abbr. |
abbreviated, abbreviation |
abr. |
abridged, abridgment |
anon. |
anonymous |
app. |
appendix |
assn. |
association |
b. |
born |
bib. |
Bible, biblical |
bibliog. |
bibliography, bibliographer |
biog. |
biography, biographer |
bk. |
book |
ca. |
circa, about, approximately |
cap. |
capital, capitalize |
CD |
compact disc |
cf. |
confer, compare |
chap. |
chapter |
col. |
color (best spelled out); column |
comp. |
compiler, compiled by |
cont. |
continued |
corr. |
corrected |
d. |
died |
dept. |
department |
dict. |
dictionary |
diss. |
dissertation |
div. |
division |
digital object identifier |
digital versatile (or video) disc |
ed. |
editor, edition, edited by |
e.g. |
exempli gratia, for example |
enl. |
enlarged |
esp. |
especially |
et al. |
et alii or et alia, and others |
etc. |
et cetera, and so forth |
ex. |
example |
fig. |
figure |
ff. |
and following |
fol. |
folio |
ftp |
file transfer protocol |
http |
hypertext transfer protocol |
ibid. |
ibidem, in the same place |
id. |
idem, the same |
i.e. |
id est, that is |
ill. |
illustrated, illustration, illustrator |
inf. |
infra, below |
intl. |
international |
intro. |
introduction |
l. (pl. II.) |
line (best spelled out to avoid confusion with numerals 1 and 11) |
loc. cit. |
loco citato, in the place cited (best avoided) |
misc. |
miscellaneous |
MS (pl. MSS) |
manuscript |
n (pl. nn) |
note |
natl. |
national |
n.b. or NB |
nota bene, take careful note |
n.d. |
no date |
no. |
number |
n.p. |
no place; no publisher; no page |
NS |
New Style (dates) |
n.s. |
new series |
op. cit. |
opera citato, in the work cited (best avoided) |
org. |
organization |
OS |
Old Style (dates) |
o.s. |
old series |
p. (pl. pp.) |
page |
para. or par. |
paragraph |
pers. comm. |
personal communication |
pl. |
plate (best spelled out); plural |
PS |
postscriptum, postscript |
pseud. |
pseudonym |
pt. |
part |
pub. |
publication, publisher, published by |
q.v. |
quod vide, which see |
r. |
recto, right |
repr. |
reprint |
rev. |
revised, revised by, revision; review, reviewed by |
read-only memory |
sd. |
sound |
sec. |
section |
ser. |
series |
sing. |
singular |
soc. |
society |
sup. |
supra, above |
supp. |
supplement |
s.v. (pl. s.vv.) |
sub verbo, sub voce, under the word |
syn. |
synonym, synonymous |
t.p. |
title page |
trans. |
translated by, translator |
univ. |
university |
uniform resource locator |
usu. |
usually |
v. (pl. vv.) |
verse; verso, right |
viz. |
videlicet, namely |
vol. |
volume |
vs. or v. |
versus (in legal contexts, use v.) |