Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian tragedy 233
88 out of 14,000 208, 214–16
Abu Ghraib 10, 172–3, 294–5, 311–18, 323
Adams, Randall 312
Afghanistan 5, 64, 68, 120
AFPU – Army Film & Photographic Unit 99
Agnew, Vanessa 178, 204
Al Jazeera 56
Allemagne 90 neuf zero (Germany year 90 Nine Zero) 6, 152–65
Alphaville 154
Amanpour, Christiane 28, 34, 40
American Civil War 180, 188, 198
Amnesty International 22
Ancestral Altars 212
Andrizzi, Mauro 45
Antonio das Mortes, O Dragão da Maldade contra o Santo Guerreiro (The Dragon of Evil Against the Warrior Saint) 87
Aprisiyanto, Markus 230, 237
Archive Project Group 207
Arendt, Hannah 100, 106
Argentina 45, 80, 89
Armes, Roy 86–8
Around Scotland: The Jacobites 183
Auschwitz 59, 97–8, 103–8, 112, 115–18, 219, 222
Austin, J. L. 294, 299, 308
Avenge But One of My Two Eyes 7, 169–76
B’Tselem 5, 51–62, 171–2
Baer, Ulrich 210, 222
Baghdad 10, 64, 69
Bakhtin, Mikhail 195, 201
Bann, Stephen 199
Barravento (The Turning Wind) 85–6
Barthes, Roland 199, 204
Bathrick, David 116–18
Battle of Orgreave 7–8, 188, 190–205
Battlefield Britain: The Battle Of Culloden 1746 183
Baudrillard, Jean 32, 40
Bauer, Jack 2
Baumann, Zygmunt 214, 223
Beginning to Remember; The Past in the Indonesian Present 233, 240
Beirut 120–1, 128
Benjamin, Walter 7, 23, 34, 37, 83, 90, 107, 223
Bennett, Jill 211, 222–3
Bergen-Belsen 99, 106, 116–17
Berlin Wall 26, 154
Bernstein, Sidney 102
Blahyi, Joshua Milton 2, 11
Bolex camera 41
Bomba, Abraham 108–9, 114
Borgmann, Monica 259
Bosnia 19–40
Brauman, Rony 22, 39
Brazil 82–7, 91
Bringas, Sylvie 6, 113–15
Brittain, Donald 103–4
Broadcasting Research Unit (BRU) 192, 203
Browning, Margot 176
Buck-Morss, Susan 189
Burma 4, 47–57
Burma VJ 47, 51–7, 60
Burton, Julianne 82, 94
Butler, Judith 92, 299, 308–9
Cambodia 4, 8, 206–11, 217–23, 243, 250–4
Camp Pendletonin, California 63
Caujolle, Christian 209
Celan, Paul 106, 108
Chelmno 98, 108–9
Chile 80
Chonique d’un été (Chronicle of a Summer) 103
Cinema Novo 82
Cohen, Roger 29
Cohen, Stanley 305
Cold War 21, 26, 154, 156, 225, 231, 236, 239
Collingwood, R. G. 176–8, 180, 186–8
Communism/Communist 2, 8, 107, 220, 224–5, 227–8, 230–1, 249, 269–74, 282–8, 295, 310
Cowie, Elizabeth 99, 116
Crimean War 179, 188
Cuba 80–1, 84, 94, 180
Cushman, Thomas 32, 34, 40
Danh, Binh 209, 211–14
Danner, Mark 20–1, 38
Daravuth, Ly 209, 217–20
de Beauvoir, Simone 109
de Duve, Thierry 209
De Mille, Cecil B. 305
de Waal, Alex 22–3
Deller, Jeremy 7–8, 188–205
Democratic Voice of Burma 57
Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (Black God, White Devil) 83, 86, 88
Discovering the Other: Tuol Sleng – After All Who Rewrites History Better Than You 209, 215–17
Dix, Otto 131
Dizdarevic, Zlatko 18, 38
Djarot, Eros 232
Djedjakdarah: Suratteruntukadinda (Bloody Footsteps: Letter to the Beloved) 230
Dray, William H. 178, 188
Edwards, Elizabeth 220, 222–3
Einsatzgruppen 97–8
Eisenstein, Sergei 182
Eisler, Hanns 259
El chacal de Nahueltoro (The Jackal of Nahueltoro) 85
Elsaesser, Thomas 2
Etchells, Tim 202
Evreinov, Nikolai 182
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia 208
Eye/Machine 59, 74, 78
Fanon, Frantz 84, 91, 93
Farocki, Harun 4–5, 43, 59, 63–7
Farquharson, Alex 201–5
Farr, Raye 109, 113, 119
Feldman, Allen 46–7, 49, 59–60
Fenton, Roger 179
Figgis, Mike 8, 197, 204
Final solution/die Endlösing 2
Flaherty, Robert 109, 113
Flusser, Vilhem 78
Folman, Avi 120–5, 128
For Ever Mozart 164
Forgács, Péter 6, 99, 111, 116
Foucault, Michel 142–3, 147–8, 308
France 29, 74, 84, 104–5, 158, 187, 243, 268–9
French Revolution 25
Friedlander, Saul 107, 116–18
Front Pembela Islam 232
Fusil Photographique 41–2
Ganda, Oumarou 268–9
Gemayel, Bashir 121, 129
Genocide 1–2, 8–10, 18, 32–5, 38, 40, 50, 80, 104, 107, 161, 208, 217–23, 247–50, 273, 290–7, 300, 308–9
Getino, Octavio 80–1, 152
Gilbert, David 197
Giles, Howard 194–5, 198–9
Godard, Jean-Luc 3–6, 83, 152–65
Goodman, Yoni 132
Gorin, Jean-Pierre 153, 164
Gourevitch, Philip 312
Goya, Francisco de 131
Green, Anna 197
Grierson, John 109, 116
Groupe Dziga Vertov 153
Gulf War 26, 44, 59, 74–5
Gunner Palace 44
Hacia un tercer cine (Towards a Third Cinema) 81
Haggith, Toby 102
Haggith, Tony 2, 116–19
Haidu, Peter 98, 116
Happy Birthday, Mr. Mograbi 174
Hark, Ina Rae 185
Harootunian, Harry 138, 150
Hart, Janice 220
Hatley, Barbara 230, 239
Heart of Darkness 315
Heathfield, Adrian 201
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 155–8, 160–5
Heritage: Civilization and the Jews 101
Herlihy, David 181
Hersh, Sy 316, 323
Hidenobu, Jinnai 139, 150
Himmler, Heinrich 98, 105
Hiroshima 6, 144, 275
Hirsch, Joshua 2
Hirsch, Marianne 209
Ho Chi Minh City 210
Holocaust 5–6, 97–119, 154, 161, 208–10, 220–3
Holocaust (TV mini-series) 105, 108
How to Live in the FRG 68, 72–3
How We Fight, Part I 45
Hüppauf, Bernd 214
Huyssen, Andreas 119, 165
Ici et ailleurs (Here and Elsewhere) 153
Ignatieff, Michael 21–2, 305, 310
Immersion 5, 63–78
In the Eclipse of Angkor: Tuol Sleng, Choeung Ek, and Khmer Temples 209, 211
Indonesia 2–4, 8–10, 224–40, 269–78, 281–90, 305–10
International Committee of the Red Cross 22
Iraq 4–5, 45, 67, 69, 71, 90, 120, 320
Israel 4, 56, 65, 128, 175, 258, 266
Israeli Defense Force (IDF) 52, 55
Jacoba 111
Jakarta 225, 237–9, 270–81, 286, 306, 309
Jakubowska, Wanda 103
Jameson, Fredric 83, 94, 155, 165
Japan 136, 138, 150–1
Java 229, 232, 276–7, 279–82
Je vous salue, Sarajevo 164
Ju-on (The Grudge) 136, 149
Kadir, Ibrahim 229
Kadountukibu (A Gift for Mother) 228, 230
Kaira 137
Kairo (Pulse) 136, 151
Kaplan, E. Ann 2, 239–40
Kekatos, Kirk, J. 180, 188
Kennan, George 26–7
Khanna, Ranjana 91–2, 94
Khmer Rouge 8–9, 206–8, 217, 219–23, 243, 245, 247, 251–3
King, Rodney 36, 116
Knusden, Henning 104
Komando Aksi, Indonesia 292, 296, 303
Kosovo 15–19, 34, 305
Kouchner, Bernard 22, 25, 39
Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 6, 136–51
La chinoise 153
La Commune 7, 183, 185–7
Lacan, Jacques 147, 151
Langlois, Henri 153
Lanzmann, Claude 2, 5, 97, 100, 107–10, 113–19
Lastri 232
Laufer, Bernard 104
Le Chagrin et la pitié (the Sorrow and the Pity) 104–5
Le fond de l’air est rouge (A Grin without a Cat) 152–3
Lebanon 4, 6, 122–3, 127, 133, 263, 265
Leopold’s Soliloquy 315
Letter to Jane 153, 165
Levi, Primo 98, 247
Liebman, Stuart 105, 109, 115, 118
Liepaja, Latvia 97–8
Lifton, Robert Jay 118
Lincoln, Sarah 233, 240
Lingford, Ruth 114, 119
Loridan, Marceline 103
Lowenthal, David 199, 204
Lustiger, Jean-Marie, Cardinal of Paris 18, 38
Macdonald, Scott 112, 119
Machsomim (Checkpoint) 55
Man of Aran 109
Marey, Etienne-Jules 41–2
Marker, Chris 72, 152
Mass Grave 230–1
Massaker 259
May ’68 152
McKay, Windsor 113
McKenzie Wark, Kenneth 25, 40
McLuhan, Marshall 15, 24, 39
McNamara, Robert 321, 323
Medan ‘boys’ 281, 283
Meimaroglou, Despina 215, 217–20, 223
Memorandum/Pour memoire (NFBC) 104
Memorias de subdesarrollo (Memories of Underdevelopment) 80
Messengers 209, 217–20
Mestrovic, Stjepan 32, 34, 40
Miceli, Alice 209, 214–16, 220
Milgram’s experiments 320
Miller, Emily 312–13
Miners’ Strike, UK, 1984–85 190–1, 193, 196, 200, 203–4, 206
Mizen, Richard 89, 94
Mogadishu 25–8, 32
Mograbi, Avi 4, 7, 9, 169–73, 256–67
Moi, Un Noir 269
Mordere iblandt os (Murderers Among Us) 104
Morin, Edgar 103, 117
Morris, Errol 4, 10–11, 311–23
Morris, Mark 89
Morton, Tom 196, 204
Muan, Ingrid 217, 220
Mulvey, Laura 147–8, 151
Murtopo, Ali, Major-General 280
Nagai, Kenji 49–50
Nagasaki 6, 144, 275
Nakata, Hideo 136
Nanook of the North 113
Nasution, Amir Hasan 278–9, 285, 292, 306, 310
Nath, Vann 243–7
NATO 15, 17–19, 57, 68
Nazi/Nazism 2, 98–104, 107–8, 114–19, 121, 157, 160–3, 187, 249–50, 310
New Objectivity 131–2
New Order regime, Indonesia 224, 234–5
Newman, Joanna 2, 104, 115–16, 119
NGO 5, 47, 56, 228, 238–9
Nhem En 207, 214, 221
Nil’in 172
Niven, Douglas 207, 229
Northern Ireland 47, 49
Notre musique 164
Nugraha, Garin 229
Nuit et Brouilliard (Night and Fog) 101–4, 109–10, 117–18
Numéro deux (Number Two) 153–4
Obyknovennyy fashizm (Ordinary Fascism) 104
October 182
Ophüls, Marcel 2, 38, 104
Os fuzis (The Guns) 83
Ostatni Etap/The Last Stage 103
Østergaard, Anders 47, 57, 60
Otolith Group 67
Our War 44
Palestine 4, 47, 60, 175
Panh, Rithy 2, 4, 9, 243–55
Passion 155
Peeping Tom 44
Peerebom, Max 112
Petersen, Judith 117
Phalangists, Christian (Lebanon) 121, 259
Phnom Penh 8–9, 206, 208, 217, 219, 221
Physicians for Human Rights (Israel) 170
PNI, National Party of Indonesia 273, 278–9
Polonsky, David 4, 127–36
Pompa, Leon 177
Por un cine imperfecto (Towards an Imperfect Cinema) 81
Porot, Antoine 91–2
Prebble, John 184, 189
PTSD – post-traumatic stress disorder 64–5, 106
Puisitakterkuburkan (Poetry That Cannot Be Buried) 229
Putihabu-abu: Masalaluperempuan (Greyish White: Women’s Past) 228
Rabine, Giles 29
Rambadeta, Lexy 230, 236
Rambo 2
Re-enactment 7–10, 72–3, 176–88, 191, 194–204, 243, 291, 294–5, 304, 308
Rees, Laurence 98
Renov, Michael 99, 112, 116
Resnais, Alain 101–3, 109, 117
Restrepo 44
Rieff, David 19, 28, 33–5, 38
Riley, Christopher 207, 209, 221
Ringu (Ring) 136, 149
Rizzo, Albert 64–5
Rocha, Glauber 5, 7, 80–93
Romm, Mikhail 104
Ronell, Avital 36, 40
Rosenstone, Robert 181
Rosenthal, Alan 100–2, 117, 189
Ross, Tana 113–14
Rouch, Jean 103, 268–9
Rumsfeld, Donald 321, 323
Russell, William Howard 179
Rwanda 20–1, 38–9
S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine 9, 244–6
Sabanovic, Faruk 24, 29–32
Saffron Revolution 47
Sakebi (Retribution) 137–40, 143, 148–51
Salamon, Henry 104
Samuel, Raphael 177, 199
San Pan 250–1
Santayana, George 145
Sarajevo 4, 18, 20, 24, 27–32, 35–40, 50, 54, 164
Sauve qui peut (la vie) (Everyman for himself) 153
Scargill, Arthur 192, 195
Schneider, Rebecca 295, 309
Second Declaration of Havana 81
Seni Ditating Jaman (The Art That Will Not Die) 227
Shimizu, Takashi 136
Shoah 5, 100, 107–10, 113, 115, 117–19
Sierra Leone 2
Silence 6, 113–15, 119
Slim, Lokman 259
Snake River 9–10, 269, 282, 286, 308
Soerjosoemarno, Yapto 279
Soigne ta droite (Keep your right up) 153
Solanas, Fernando 80–1, 84, 164
Somalia 20, 23, 25–8, 31
Sontag, Susan 93, 106, 118, 312, 316, 318
Spanish-American War, 1899 180, 188
Spiegelman, Art 114, 119
Srebrenica 18, 20, 29
Sribnik, Simon 108–10
Stam, Robert 83
Standard Operating Procedure 311–23
Sturrock, John 193
Suharto, General 224, 270, 273, 279–83, 287–90, 307, 310
Sukanta, Putu Oka 227
Sukarno, President 270–1, 277, 306–10
Syah, Inong 292–3, 309
Taussig, Michael 290, 299, 307, 309
Tel Aviv 108, 127, 134, 256, 258
Tel Rumeida (B’Tselem video) 53
Terra em Transe (Land in Anguish) 86–8
The Act of Killing 2, 9–10, 238, 281, 283, 308
The Aesthetics of Hunger/ The Aesthetics of Violence 81
The Burnt Theatre 253
Theresienstadt 2, 99
Thion, Serge 219
Tohoku Earthquake, 2011 150
Tokyo 137, 139–40, 150
Treblinka 98
Tuol Sleng 8, 206–22
van der Knapp, Edward 117
Vickers, Adrian 234, 240
Victory at Sea 104
Vietnam War 185, 187, 222
Virilio, Paul 15, 17–18, 27, 36–8, 42–3, 59
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy 65, 67, 71
VJ (Video Journalist) 48, 51, 57
von Geldern, James 182
Walsh, Kevin 200, 204
Waltz with Bashir 6, 120–34
Warsaw Ghetto 99
Watkins, Peter 7, 183–7
Webb, Tim 114
Wheldon, Huw 183
Whissel, Kristen 179–80
Wiener, Reinhard 97–8, 115
Wiesel, Elie 106, 114, 118
Wiesenthal, Simon 104
Wiseman, Frederic 112
Wolff, Janet 208, 222
World at War 104
World War II 17, 42, 45, 69, 71, 97, 103, 136–40, 143–4, 161, 164, 187, 214, 249
Yadin, Orly 6, 113–16, 119
Yawar Mallku (Blood of the Condor) 85
Yoda, Tomiko 138, 150
YouTube 45, 60, 183
Z32 9, 175, 256–66
Zimbardo, Philip 320, 323
Ziv, Ilan 99
Žižek, Slavoj 54
Zurbuchen, Mary 233, 237, 240