1. Gary Smalley, The Key to Your Child’s Heart (Dallas: Word, 1984).
2. Strong’s Concordance, s.v. “dar·kōw,” Bible Hub, accessed September 16, 2017, http://biblehub.com/hebrew/darko_1870.htm.
3. Barnes’ Notes, “Proverbs 22,” Bible Hub, accessed September 16, 2017,
4. Strong’s Concordance, s.v. “derek,” Bible Hub, accessed September 16, 2017, http://biblehub.com/hebrew/1870.htm.
5. Charles F. Boyd, Different Children, Different Needs: The Art of Adjustable Parenting (Sisters, OR: Multnomah, 1994).
6. Some characteristics in this section are adapted from the descriptions of personality types by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias, You Can’t Make Me, but I Can Be Persuaded: Strategies for Bringing Out the Best in Your Strong-Willed Child (Colorado Springs: WaterBrook, 1999); and Florence Littauer, Personality Plus for Parents: Understanding What Makes Your Child Tick (Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revell, 2000).
7. Ross Campbell, “How to Show Love through Physical Contact,” chapter 5 in How to Really Love Your Child, 3rd ed. (Colorado Springs: David C Cook, 2015).
8. From an article by Francesca di Meglio, “Four Signs Your Kids Are Lying,” formerly available at www.lhj.com.
9. Tobias, You Can’t Make Me, 50–51.
10. James Dobson, The New Dare to Discipline (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House, 1992), 96.
11. Mark Brandenburg, “Dads, Don’t Fix Your Kids,” newsletter, May 2005.
12. Smalley, Key to Your Child’s Heart, 29.
13. Caroline Stanley, “How Kids Decide If You Are Fair,” American Academy of Pediatrics (2005).