Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, on failure, 134
Access Your Grandchildren’s Strengths (activity), 136–139
accomplishments, on résumé, 91
active listening, 54
Access Your Grandchildren’s Strengths, 136–139
Building a Résumé, 95–97
Developing Relationships, 105–109
Encouraging Self-Expression, 155–157
Goal Setting, 33–35
Handshakes, 63–65
Listening, 52–55
Meet Your Ancestors, 126–128
Planning, 115–118
Public Speaking, 45–48
Share More of
Yourself with Your
Grandchildren, 70–72
Team Building, 84–87
Valuing Your Reputation, 147–149
Activity Time (agenda item), 31
acts of kindness, 204
agendas, 29–31
analytical thinking, 115
activity, 126–128
personality traits from, 122
anti-grandparents, 12
apologizing, 213
Asian cultures, 207
assistance, offering, 190–194
attention, paying, 50, 171, 212
auditory learning style, 123, 127
authentic, being, 164–165, 171
authority, of parents, 181
baby boomers, 183
going beyond, xix, xx, 189–190, 208
mentoring versus, 211
bearded dragon, lessons from the, 161–162
blessings, counting your, 213
intergenerational, 7, 9, 14, 180, 209
via social media, 195
Brown, Jeff, 152
budgeting, teaching about, 201
Building a Résumé (activity), 95–97
business planning, 115–118
Camp Grandma
evolution of, 199–200
origins of, 3–8
as a state of mind, 195
caring less about what others think, 171–172
challenges, 116
charity, 203
cheerleader, being a, 108
childcare, offering to help with, 190–192
childhood development, 152
Christmas, 51
clothing, 44
comfort, sense of, 103
commission, working on, 67–68, 102
commitment to your grandchildren, making a, 106
via asking questions, 165–166
honesty in, 61
importance of, 38–39
competition, 86
complementary personalities, 101, 103–104
confidant, being a, 181
“Connecting the Generations” (Hanks), 187
and interactions, 155
technological, 146
cooking, 81–82
core competencies, 32
corporate retreats, 25–26
course of action, 117
craft projects, 156–157
Cunningham, Charles, 19
curiosity, and age, 165
Developing Relationships (activity), 105–109
Disney, Walt, on failure, 134
Disneyland, 134
donating, 203
downtime, 101
on résumé, 91
unexpected opportunities for, 59
Ellis Island, 17
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, on success, 202
Encouraging Self-Expression (activity), 155–157
Epictetus, on listening and speaking, 52
recognizing passion through, 132
on résumé, 91
Facebook, 143
FaceTime, 195
failure, learning from, 132–135
definition of, 100
importance of, 105
family tree, 122–126
feeling the love, 177
financial wealth, 213
Flat Stanley (character), 151–152
friendships, 104–105
Gallo, Maria, 18
genealogy, 122–123
SMART, 34–35
Goal Setting (activity), 33–35
Golden Rule, 166
golf, 132
good character, importance of, 164
being good at, 179
childcare and, 191
cultural differences in, 207
expectations and, 204
Roma Hanks on, 187
and technology, 207
as unpaid work, 13
job expectations of, 15
and outcome of grandchildren, 173–174
stereotype of, 10–15
Greek culture, 207
growing up, taking your time, 212
grudge, holding a, 213
handshakes, 60–63
Handshakes (activity), 63–65
“Hands-on Activity to Identify Your Child’s Strengths” (Morin), 139
Hanks, Roma, 187
happy, “faking” being, 212
Harbinger Foundation, 187
hard stuff first, doing the, 212
hearing, listening versus, 54
heart, following your, 213
heredity, development from, 172–173
honesty, 61, 107, 124, 136, 164–165, 200–201
hurry, being in a, 213
individuality, acknowledging, 157
individuals, kids as, 155
innocence, 171
inspiring, 135
instincts, trusting your, 69
observing, 130–131
intergenerational bonding, 7, 9, 14, 180, 209
interrupting, 50–51
Jack (author’s grandson), 26–27, 82, 102–104, 131, 173
Jake (author’s grandson), 27–28, 83, 102–104, 131, 174
job expectations, of grandparent, 15
judgments, of others, 172, 176
Katie (author’s granddaughter), 27, 79, 82, 101, 131, 174
kindness, acts of, 204
kinesthetic learning style, 123, 127
Lauren (author’s granddaughter), 28, 31, 82, 101, 131, 173–174
leadership, 86
from arguments, 101
combining play with, 42–43
to lose, 134–135
lessons from our grandchildren, 163–168, 211
asking more questions, 165–167
being an objective listener, 167–168
being honest and authentic, 164–165
being vulnerable, 168
believing anything is possible, 163
letting go, 176
life planning, 115–118
lifetime relationships, building, 104–105
Lincoln, Abraham, on failure, 134
Linkletter, Art, on kids, 142
listening, 49–52
active, 54
hearing versus, 54
objective, 167–168
Listening (activity), 52–55
living in the present, 170–171
looking your best, 212
love, feeling the, 177
managers, 83
map reading, 77
Mary (author’s mother), 123–124
Mead, Margaret, on connections between generations, 209
measuring progress, 112
Meet Your Ancestors (activity), 126–128
memories, creating, 107–108
Midler, Bette, 194
Morin, Amanda, 139
Mother’s Day, 42
motivating, 135
natural talents, 130
nurture versus, 172–175
open, 171
returning to, 146–147
negotiating skills, 162
notes, taking, 97
objectives, setting, 116
obstacles, overcoming, 112, 116, 162
offering assistance, 190–194
online life, 146
open-minded, being, 138
open questions, asking, 137–138
paraphrasing, 55
and boundaries, 182
paying attention to your, 212
role of, 180
Pasquarelli, Dominic, 124
Pasquarelli, Phillippo, 17, 18, 124–125
paying attention, 50
performing, 79–81
personalities, complementary, 101, 103–104
personality traits, 122, 170, 173, 175
planet, respecting our, 213
Planning (activity), 115–118
planning ahead, 89–92, 112–113
planning together, 31–32
plan of attack, 117
play, combining learning with, 42–43
poems, 41
“Power of the Individual, The” (Shellenberger), 20
prepared, being, 43–44
present, being, 106
presentations, 39–45. See also show and tell
benefits of giving, 42–43
key elements of, 43–45
Presentations (agenda item), 30
problem solving, 162
measuring, 112
rechecking, 113–114
public speaking, 39
Public Speaking (activity), 45–48
purpose, knowing your, 43
asking more, 165–166
asking open, 137–138
value of, 167
real, being, 107
relationships, 100–104
building lifetime, 104–105
family, 100
with friends, 104
handshake as first step in building good, 63
letting go of, 176
and need for downtime, 101
power of, in business, 68
activity, 147–149
opportunities affected by, 149
and good character, 142
resources, identifying, 116
respect, showing, 61, 107, 213
responsibilities, 194
to grandchildren, 186
of grandparents, 180–183
and future selves, 200
writing a, 89–95
role model(s)
grandchildren as, 171
of self-expression, through actions, 157
round-table discussions, 31–32
sandwich generation, 192
saying the right thing, 212
school year, 117–118
self-assessments, 71
self-confidence, 168
self-esteem, 133
self-expression, 152
activity, 151–158
conventional means of, 155
self-respect, 115
Share More of Yourself with Your Grandchildren (activity), 70–72
Shellenberger, Goldie, 19–20
showing respect, 61
sincere, being, 44
sitting up front, 212
Skype, 195
SMART goals, 34–35
social interaction, 146
songs, 41–42
sorry, saying you’re, 213
stereotypes, avoiding 138
storytelling, 46, 184–186, 210
straight commission, 67–68
balancing weaknesses and, on teams, 75–76
“Hands-on Activity to Identify Your Child’s Strengths” (Morin), 139
identifying, 130–132
on résumé, 91
understanding your, 76
and weaknesses, 129
structure, value of, 38
Table Time (agenda item), 30
Team Building (activity), 84–87
balancing strengths and weaknesses on, 75–76
planning together as a, 31–32
team structure, managing, 131
and age of child, 86
via cooking/baking, 81–82
via performing, 79–81
via treasure hunt, 77–79
balancing, 146–147
as challenge, 143–147
staying connected via, 195
teeth, taking care of your, 212
texting, 195
Things to Learn (agenda item), 31
thinking outside the box, 163
time management, 202
Titanic (ship), 125
travel, 94–95
treasure hunt, 77–79
trusting your instincts, 69
truthful, being, 61, 107, 124, 136, 164, 200–201
Twain, Mark, on life, 197
Twitter, 143
understanding yourself, 67–70
Understood.org, 139
unpaid work, grandparenting as, 13
of grandparents, to grandchildren, 70, 183–187
of questions, 167
of relationships, 105
of time, 115
Valuing Your Reputation (activity), 147–149
video games, 145
Vietnam, 207
visual learning style, 123, 127
volunteering, 203
weaknesses, balancing strengths and, 75–76
“Wind beneath My Wings” (Midler), 194
work-life balance, 193
being, 175–176
feeling sorry for, 213
understanding, 67–70