

Acciughe Fritte, 1

Acquacotta, 1

Affettati, 1

Aglione Sauce, 1


Almond Biscotti, 1

Sienese Almond Cookies, 1


Ugly But Good Cookies, 1

Anchovies, Fried, 1

Andreotti, Lucia, 1

Andreucci, Giordano, 1


Apples, Baked, 1


Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup, 1

trimming, 1

Wild Boar and Artichokes,



Crudités with Olive Oil, 1

Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup, 1


Baccalà in Zimino, 1

Baked Apples,

Baked Beans,

Baked Bread Soup,

Baked Pasta, 1 

Baked Winter Squash,

Balsamella, 1


Baked Beans, 1 

Baked Bread Soup,

Bread Soup, 1

Classic Tuscan Vegetable-Bread Soup, 1

Cooked Cannellini Beans, 1

Farro Salad,

Farro Soup, 1

Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup, 1

Recooked Vegetable Stew (Ribollita), 1

Roasted Tomatoes, Beans, and Onions,

Stewed Chickpeas, 1

Tuscan Cornmeal, Kale, and Bean Soup, 1

Vegetable Soup,


Braised Beef with Marrow and Shallots, 1

Florentine Tripe, 1

Meat Loaf, 1

Meat Stock,

Stewed Peppery Beef Cheeks, 1

Bell peppers 

Crudités with Olive Oil, 1

Farro Salad, 1

Bertucci, Andrea, 1

Biscotti, Almond, 1

Biscotti dei Poveri, 1

Boar, Wild, and Artichokes, 1

Braised Beef with Marrow and Shallots, 1

Braised Pork Shanks,

Brasato al Midollo, 1


Baked Bread Soup, 1

Bread, Onions, and Greens Soup, 1 

Bread Salad, 1

Bread Soup,

Classic Tuscan Vegetable-Bread Soup, 1

Farmyard Crostini,

Grape Focaccia, 1

Holy Bread, 1

Onion Soup, 1

Pasta with Spicy Bread Crumb Topping, 1

Peasant Cookies, 1

Recooked Vegetable Stew (Ribollita), 1

Stuffed Squid, 1

Toasted Bread with Tomato, 1

Tomato-Bread Soup, 1

Unsalted Tuscan Bread, 1

Bressi, Anna, 1, 2

Bruschetta al Pomodoro, 1

Brustico, 1

Brutti Ma Buoni, 1




Chestnut Cake, 1

Ricotta Cake, 1

Tuscan Ring Cake, 1

Zucchini Cake, 1

Camaldoli monks, 1, 2

Cantucci, 1

Capraia, 1, 2 



Braised Pork Shanks,

Crudités with Olive Oil, 1

Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup, 1 

Meat Loaf, 1

soffritto, 1

Casalini, Miriam Serni, 1, 2

Casentino, 1, 2

Castagnaccio, 1

Cavallucci, 1

Cavolo nero 

Baked Bread Soup,

Bread Soup, 1

Classic Tuscan Vegetable-Bread Soup, 1

Holy Bread, 1

Recooked Vegetable Stew (Ribollita), 1

Tuscan Cornmeal, Kale, and Bean Soup, 1

Vegetable Soup, 1

Cecchini, Dario, 1

Ceci Stufati, 1

Cenci, 1


Baked Pasta, 1

Chestnut Cake, 1

Chestnut Crêpes, 1

Corn Polenta,

Onion Soup, 1

Pork Rolls Stuffed with Ricotta and Spinach, 1

Ricotta Cake, 1

Spinach and Ricotta Dumplings,

Stuffed Zucchini Flowers, 1 

Tortelli with Potato Filling and Melted Butter and Sage,

Virio’s Stuffed Figs, 1

Chestnuts, 1, 2, 3

Chestnut Cake, 1

Chestnut Crêpes, 1

Chestnut Polenta with Fresh Sausage, 1


Chicken Stock, 1

Roasted Chicken with Vin Santo Sauce,

Farmyard Crostini, 1


Farro Salad, 1

Stewed Chickpeas, 1

Ciambellone, 1

Cicoria in Padella, 1

Cinghiale e Carciofi in Umido, 1

Cioni, Carlo, 1, 2 

Classic Tuscan Vegetable-Bread Soup, 1

Cod, Salted, with Greens, 1

Colognora, 1

Coniglio con i Funghi, 1

Cooked Cannellini Beans, 1


Almond Biscotti, 1

Peasant Cookies, 1

Sienese Almond Cookies, 1

Sienese Horse Cookies, 1

Ugly But Good Cookies,

Corn, 1

Corn Polenta, 1

Tuscan Cornmeal, Kale, and Bean Soup, 1

Crêpes, Chestnut, 1

Crostate di Prugne, 1

Crostini, Farmyard, 1

Crostini del Cortile, 1

Crudités with Olive Oil,



Da Delfina, 1, 2

Dandelion greens 

Eggs with Wild Greens, 1 

Sautéed Wild Greens, 1

Del Bianco, Renza, 1,

Desserts, 1


Farmyard Crostini, 1

Dumplings, Spinach and Ricotta,




Bread, Onions, and Greens Soup, 1 

Eggs with Wild Greens,

Marelia’s Peas and Eggs, 1 

Erbe aromatiche al sale, 1



Fagioli al Fiasco, 1

Fagioli Cannellini, 1

Farinata Toscana, 1

Farmyard Crostini,

Farro, 1

Farro Salad, 1

Farro Soup,

Fegatelli alla Fiorentina, 1


Crudités with Olive Oil,

Roasted Tomatoes, Beans, and Onions, 1

Wild Boar and Artichokes, 1

Fichi allo Virio, 1

Field, Carol, 1

Figs, Virio’s Stuffed, 1

Fiori di Zucchini, 1


Freshwater Fish Stew, 1

Fried Anchovies, 1

Grilled Freshwater Fish, 1

Mullet with Garlic, Parsley, and Tomatoes, 1

Salted Cod with Greens, 1

Florence, 1,

Florentine Pork Livers, 1

Florentine Tripe, 1

Focaccia, Grape, 1

Franceschi, Meri, 1

Freshwater Fish Stew, 1

Fried Anchovies, 1

Fried Carnival Sweets, 1

Fried Flowers and Vegetables, 1

Frittata con Cicoria, 1

Frittura Mista di Verdure, 1

Funghi Porcini alle Brace, 1




Garmugia Lucchese, 1

Gnudi, 1


Farmyard Crostini,

Grains, 1

Grape Focaccia, 1


Baked Bread Soup, 1

Bread, Onions, and Greens Soup, 1 

Bread Soup, 1

Classic Tuscan Vegetable-Bread Soup, 1

Eggs with Wild Greens,

Recooked Vegetable Stew (Ribollita), 1

Salted Cod with Greens, 1

Sautéed Wild Greens, 1

Vegetable Soup,

Grilled Freshwater Fish, 1

Grilled Porcini Mushrooms with Mint and Garlic, 1



Hare. See Rabbit and wild hare 


toasting and skinning, 1

Ugly But Good Cookies, 1

Herbal remedies, 1

Holy Bread,



Il Vecchio Mulino, 1

Insalata di Farro, 1

Involtini di Maiale, 1



Jenkins, Nancy Harmon, 1, 2




Baked Bread Soup, 1 

Bread Soup,

Classic Tuscan Vegetable-Bread Soup, 1

Holy Bread, 1

Recooked Vegetable Stew (Ribollita), 1

Tuscan Cornmeal, Kale, and Bean Soup, 1

Vegetable Soup,



Lago di Chiusi, 1, 2

Leonardi, Ivano, 1, 2

Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup, 1

Lunigiana, 1



Machlin, Edda Servi, 1

Magi, Franca, 1

Marcucci, Eni, 1, 2

Marelia’s Peas and Eggs, 1

Maremma, 1

Mazzetti, Lina, 1, 2,

Meat Loaf, 1 

Meat Stock, 1

Medici, Cosimo di, 1

Mele al Forno, 1

Milling, 1

Minestra di Pane, 1

Minestra di Pane al Forno,

Minestra di Verdura, 1

Montepulciano, 1,

Mullet with Garlic, Parsley, and Tomatoes, 1


Grilled Porcini Mushrooms with Mint and Garlic, 1

Rabbit and Mushrooms, 1

Wild Boar and Artichokes, 1



Necci, 1,

Neri, Virio, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

Nuts. See also individual nuts 

toasting, 1

Walnut and Honey Bars, 1





Octopus from Elba Island, 1


Octopus from Elba Island, 1

oil, 1

Pasta with Wild Hare or Rabbit Sauce, 1 


Bread, Onions, and Greens Soup, 1

Onion Soup,

Roasted Tomatoes, Beans, and Onions, 1

soffritto, 1

Oriente, Maria Aurelia (“Marelia”), 1, 2




Holy Bread, 1

Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup, 1

Marelia’s Peas and Eggs, 1 

Pork Rolls Stuffed with Ricotta and Spinach, 1

Skewered Stuffed Squab, 1

Sliced Cured Meats,

Tuscan Cornmeal, Kale, and Bean Soup,

Pane Sciocco Toscano, 1

Pan’ Santo, 1

Panzanella, 1

Pappa al Pomodoro, 1


Baked Pasta,

Pasta Dough, 1

Pasta with Garlic-Tomato Sauce, 1

Pasta with Spicy Bread Crumb Topping, 1

Pasta with Wild Hare or Rabbit Sauce, 1

Tagliatelle with Sunday Meat Sauce, 1 

Tortelli with Potato Filling and Melted Butter and Sage,

Pasta al Forno, 1

Pasta alle Briciole, 1


Fried Carnival Sweets, 1

Walnut and Honey Bars, 1

Pastry Crust, Short, 1


Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup,

Marelia’s Peas and Eggs, 1

Peasant Cookies, 1

Penne al Sugo di Lepre, 1

Peposo di Guanciale, 1


Freshwater Fish Stew, 1

Grilled Freshwater Fish, 1

Petroni, Sauro, 1

Phillips, Kyle, 1

Piccione Farcito allo Spiedo, 1

Pici all’Aglione, 1

Pietrasanta, 1

Pieve Fosciana, 1

Pine nuts 

Chestnut Cake, 1

Pasta with Wild Hare or Rabbit Sauce, 1

Peasant Cookies, 1

toasting, 1

Pinzimonio, 1

Pitigliano, 1, 2, 3

Plum Jam Tart, 1


Chestnut Polenta with Fresh Sausage, 1

Corn Polenta,

Polenta di Castagna con Salsicce, 1

Pollo Arrosto al Vin Santo, 1

Polpettone, 1

Polpo all’Elbana, 1

Pomodori, Fagioli, e Cipolline, 1

Pork. See also Pancetta; ProsciuttoSausage 

Braised Pork Shanks, 1

Florentine Pork Livers, 1

Meat Loaf, 1

Pork Rolls Stuffed with Ricotta and Spinach, 1

Tagliatelle with Sunday Meat Sauce, 1 

Wild Boar and Artichokes, 1


Baked Bread Soup, 1

Braised Pork Shanks, 1

Bread Soup, 1

Classic Tuscan Vegetable-Bread Soup, 1 

Meat Loaf, 1

Recooked Vegetable Stew (Ribollita), 1

Roasted Tomatoes, Beans, and Onions, 1

Tortelli with Potato Filling and Melted Butter and Sage, 1

Tuscan Cornmeal, Kale, and Bean Soup, 1

Vegetable Soup,


Sliced Cured Meats,

Puccetti, Diana Menchini, 1



Rabbit and wild hare 

Pasta with Wild Hare or Rabbit Sauce, 1

Rabbit and Mushrooms, 1

Ragù, 1

Recooked Vegetable Stew (Ribollita), 1

Regoli, Ercolano,

Ribollita, 1

Ricciarelli, 1

Ricotta cheese 

Chestnut Cake, 1

Chestnut Crêpes, 1

Pork Rolls Stuffed with Ricotta and Spinach, 1

Ricotta Cake, 1

Spinach and Ricotta Dumplings,

Stuffed Zucchini Flowers, 1 

Ristorante Il Pozzo, 1

Ristorante Pesce d’Oro, 1

Roasted Tomatoes, Beans, and Onions,

Rossi, Evelina Modigliani,



Bread Salad,

Farro Salad, 1 


Farro Salad, 1

Sliced Cured Meats, 1 

Salted Cod with Greens, 1


Aglione Sauce, 1

Balsamella, 1 


Tomato Sauce, 1


Chestnut Polenta with Fresh Sausage,

Meat Loaf, 1

Skewered Stuffed Squab, 1

Tagliatelle with Sunday Meat Sauce, 1 

Sautéed Wild Greens,

Scarpaccia, 1

Schiacciata all’Uva, 1


Seasons, cooking with, 1,

Servi, Azelio, 1

Servi, Elena, 1

Sfratti, 1

Short Pastry Crust, 1

Side dishes, 1

Sienese Almond Cookies, 1

Sienese Horse Cookies, 1

Skewered Stuffed Squab, 1

Sliced Cured Meats, 1 

Soffritto, 1

Solociccia, 1


Baked Bread Soup,

Bread, Onions, and Greens Soup, 1

Bread Soup, 1

Classic Tuscan Vegetable-Bread Soup, 1

Farro Soup, 1 

Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup, 1

Onion Soup,

Recooked Vegetable Stew (Ribollita), 1

Tomato-Bread Soup, 1

Tuscan Cornmeal, Kale, and Bean Soup, 1

Vegetable Soup, 1


Bread, Onions, and Greens Soup, 1 

Pork Rolls Stuffed with Ricotta and Spinach, 1

Salted Cod with Greens, 1

Spinach and Ricotta Dumplings, 1

steaming, 1

Squab, Skewered Stuffed, 1


Baked Winter Squash,

Farro Salad, 1

Fried Flowers and Vegetables, 1

Stuffed Zucchini Flowers,

Zucchini Cake, 1


cleaning, 1

Stuffed Squid, 1

Stewed Chickpeas,

Stewed Peppery Beef Cheeks, 1

Stinco di Maiale, 1


Chicken Stock, 1

Meat Stock, 1 

Vegetable Stock, 1

Stuffed Squid,

Stuffed Zucchini Flowers, 1

Swiss chard 

Bread, Onions, and Greens Soup, 1

Salted Cod with Greens, 1

Stewed Chickpeas, 1


Tagliatelle al Ragù di Domenica, 1

Tagliatelle with Sunday Meat Sauce, 1

Tart, Plum Jam, 1

Tegamaccio di Pesce, 1

Toasted Bread with Tomato, 1

Tognocchi, Ilvana Corsi,


Baked Pasta,

Bread, Onions, and Greens Soup, 1 

Bread Salad, 1

Florentine Tripe,

Freshwater Fish Stew,

Mullet with Garlic, Parsley, and 

Tomatoes, 1

Pasta with Garlic-Tomato Sauce, 1

peeling and seeding, 1

Roasted Tomatoes, Beans, and Onions, 1

Stewed Chickpeas, 1

Stuffed Squid, 1

Tagliatelle with Sunday Meat Sauce, 1 

Toasted Bread with Tomato, 1

Tomato-Bread Soup, 1

Tomato Sauce, 1

Torta di Ricotta, 1

Tortelli di Patate del Mugello con Burro Fuso e Salvia, 1

Tortelli with Potato Filling and Melted Butter and Sage, 1

Totani Ripieni, 1

Triglie alla Livornese, 1

Tripe, Florentine,

Trippa alla Fiorentina, 1

Tuscan Cornmeal, Kale, and Bean Soup, 1

Tuscan Ring Cake, 1



Ugly But Good Cookies, 1

Unsalted Tuscan Bread, 1

Uova ai Piselli alla Marelia, 1




Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup, 1

Meat Loaf, 1

Meat Stock, 1

Vegetables. See also individual vegetables 

Baked Bread Soup, 1

Bread Soup, 1

Classic Tuscan Vegetable-Bread Soup, 1 

Crudités with Olive Oil,

Lucca’s Spring Vegetable Soup, 1

Recooked Vegetable Stew (Ribollita), 1

Vegetable Soup, 1 

Vegetable Stock, 1

Viareggio, 1

Vin Santo Sauce, Roasted Chicken with,

Virio’s Stuffed Figs, 1



Grape Focaccia, 1

toasting, 1

Virio’s Stuffed Figs, 1

Walnut and Honey Bars, 1

Wild Boar and Artichokes, 1



Zucca al Forno, 1


Farro Salad, 1

Fried Flowers and Vegetables,

Stuffed Zucchini Flowers,

Zucchini Cake, 1

Zuppa di Farro, 1