Aberlich, Mike, 49–50

Absolut vodka, 47–48, 71–72, 161, 169, 214–15, 221, 227, 241–44, 247–49, 304

Academy Awards ceremony, 34

Acura automobiles, 97

Adbusters magazine, 69, 72, 304

Addiction, 25, 26, 29, 30, 130, 216, 217–33

     to alcohol, 119, 156, 179, 191, 219–21, 226–28, 230–33

     to consumption, 44

     denial and, 228

     and diminished capacity for joy, 227

     disconnection and, 251–69

     to food, 108, 118–19

     to nicotine,

see Cigarettes normalization of, 230–33

     in public health systems approach, 303

     recovery from, 313

     as relationship, 234–50

     treatment of, 293–94

     violence and, 288–90

Ad-Free Zones, 304

Adidas, 58

Adolescents, see Teenagers

Advertising Age, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 48, 54, 55, 58, 59, 62, 67, 70, 72, 96, 120, 160, 162, 183–85, 205, 278, 283

Advertising Age International, 51

Affluent, ads targeting, 36–37

African-Americans, 37, 38, 40, 216, 281, 295, 296

     alcohol and, 48, 164–65, 173, 242, 246, 301

     children, 142

     drug use by, 294

     smoking and, 29, 181, 184, 187, 191, 198, 200–202, 301

     young women, 130, 140, 144, 150, 152

AIDS, 232, 239, 249, 298

Air France, 59

Aiwa, 60

Akvavit, 172

Alcohol, 20, 24, 26, 29, 30, 73, 135, 155–79, 218

     addiction to, 119, 156, 179, 191, 219–21, 226–28, 230–33

     college students and, 165–67, 229

     disconnection and, 253, 254

     freedom linked with, 214–15

     gay and, 39s

     image advertising of, 71–72

     minorities and, 164–65

     peer pressure and, 40

     public health systems approach to, 298–302

     rebelliousness and, 168–72, 177–78

     relationships and, 86, 235–42

     sex and, 242–50

     sexual assault and, 274–75

     teenagers and, 129, 130, 148, 149, 151, 155–65

     women and, 47–48, 166–68, 170–79

     see also Beer; Liquor; specific brands

Alcohol Research Group, 156

Alcoholics Anonymous, 313

Alka-Seltzer, 295

Allen, Woody, 60

Allison, Dorothy, 191

Allure magazine, 55, 161

Alvarez, Everett, 213–14

Amarige perfume, 264

America Online (AOL), 63

American Academy of Pediatrics, 158

     Media Matters course of, 304

American Airlines, 61

American Association of University Women, 286

American Automobile Association, 105

American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 35, 61

American Cancer Society, 185

American Express, 39, 60

American Medical Association, 119, 189

American Public Health Association, 158

American Society of Magazine Editors, 50

American Tobacco Company, 187

Andersen, Kurt, 50

Anderson, Marian, 55

Andy’s Candies, 110

Anheuser-Busch, 53, 156, 158

     see also Budweiser beer

Anholt, Simon, 55

Aniston, Jennifer, 60

Anorexia, 135, 191

Anti-advertising, 64–65

Antiwar movement, 21–22

Anxiety disorders, 190

Apostolides, Marianne, 259

Apple Computers, 74

Archer Daniels Midland, 49

Archives of General Psychiatry, 119

Armani, Giorgio, 82, 91

Armstrong, Louis, 55

Armstrong, Nicholas, 166

Arnold Communications, 34

Asians, 38, 130, 187

Asner, Ed, 50

Astaire, Fred, 60

Athletic shoes, 70

     see also specific brands

Atkinson, Holly, 53

Austrian Railways, 60

Automobiles, see Car ads

Avis, 63

Bacardi rum, 164, 174, 175, 227, 241, 274

Backstreet Boys, 55

Bad Frog beer, 168

Bailey’s liqueur, 39, 219

Bainbridge, Michael, 223

Baldwin, James, 67

Baltz, Leslie, 166

Banderas, Antonio, 60

Barbie dolls, 132, 150, 160

Barron’s, 36, 41

Bateson, Gregory, 289

Battery, 254–55, 277

Baywatch, 55, 61

Beale, Howard, 314

Beatles, 60

Beavis and Butthead (television program), 161

Becker, Anne, 132

Beefeater gin, 226

Beer, 156

     addictive mind-set and, 219–20, 231

     on college campuses, 165–66

     rebelliousness and, 169–70

     relationship with, 234–36

     self-worth and, 92

     sexualization of, 243

     teenagers and, 155, 157–63

     television ads for, 54

     see also specific brands

Beer Connoisseur, 36

Benetton, 38, 297–98

Benson & Hedges cigarettes, 194, 212–13, 236

Bepko, Claudia, 289, 290

Bergdorf Goodman, 50

Bernadez, Teresa, 190

Bernays, Edward, 187, 188

Bernini perfume, 88

Bertelsmann, 54

Better Bear Pops, 229

Betty Crocker frosting, 113

Bias, Len, 166

BIC pens, 285

Bill of Rights, 213, 310

Billboards, 58

Birth control pills, 17–18

Bitch skateboards, 277

Black & White scotch, 227

Black Newspaper Network, 48

Black Velvet alcoholic beverage, 246

Blass, Bill, 82

Blenders, 163

Blythe, Will, 50

BMW automobiles, 99, 101, 102, 106

Body doubles, 123

Body Shop, 124–25

Bogart, Humphrey, 59

Breyer’s ice cream, 115

Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Boston), 132

Brinkley, David, 49

Briones cigars, 256

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 21

British Columbia, University of, Advertising Archives, 206

Brock, Rita Nakashima, 254

Bronner Slosberg Humphrey Inc., 42

Brosnan, Pierce, 63

Brothers McMullen, The (film), 63

Brown, Helen Gurley 47, 53

Brown, Jane, 148

Brown & Williamson Company, 61, 186

Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 153

Buck cigarettes, 209

Budweiser beer, 58, 63, 157–62, 164, 165, 235–26, 240, 243, 310

Buffalo jeans, 140, 199

Bulimia, 116, 119, 135

Bullitt-Jonas, Margaret, 237, 313

Burger King, 82, 83, 111

Burke, Delta, 125

Burnett, Leo, 40

Busch, August, III, 156

Buses, advertising on, 58

Bush, George, 75

Bush, George W., 37–38

Bushey, John, 46

Byrd, James, 169

Cable News Network (CNN), 49

Caffeinated soft drinks, 222–23

Califano, Joseph, Jr., 181

Camel cigarettes, 158, 183–84, 186, 197, 202, 206–7, 211–12, 215, 301

Cameron, Mike, 46

Campaign advertising, 308–9

Campari, 244

Campbell Mithun Esty, 160

Candies shoes, 144

Candy, 114, 120–21

     women and, 110, 119–20, 218–19

Capp, Al, 23

Capri cigarettes, 204, 210, 254

Captain Morgan’s rum, 161–62, 164

Car ads, 95–107

     children and, 77, 78, 96–97, 160

     dreamworld in, 217–18, 224, 225

     rebellious, 95–96, 105–7

     romantic, 95–98

     sex in, 100–102

     for SUVs, 102–4

     see also specific makes

Carlton cigarettes, 256

Carnegie Corporation, 129

Cash, Johnny, 283

Cazadores tequila, 176

Celebrities, 59–61

     products as, 81–82

     and sexualized products, 244

Center for Media Education, 44, 82, 161

Center on Alcohol Advertising, 160

Channel One, 45, 83

Chaplin, Geraldine, 244

Charlie’s Angels (television program), 133

Charmin bath tissue, 76

Chayevsky Paddy, 314

Cheers (television program), 59

Cherry Kijafa, 242

Chesterfield cigarettes, 193

Chevrolet automobiles, 97, 100, 104

Chevron, 43

Chicago Tribune, The, 34

Child, Julia, 61

Child magazine, 142

Children, 28–31, 43–46, 57–59

     and alcohol advertising, 157–61

     cigarettes and, 180–84, 186, 206–8

     connecting with, 312–13

     cynicism and, 66

     disconnection experienced by, 252

     food and, 109–10, 117

     gender differences in power of, 141–42

     images of, 77–81

     Internet and, 43

     magical products and, 221–23

     media literacy for, 304–5

     in school, 45–46

     sexualization of, 281–85

     sexually abused, 253–54, 266–67, 303

     television and, 44–45, 57

     violence and, 282–83

     “virtual relationships” of products and, 82

Chinn, Steve, 82

Chivas Regal scotch, 175

Christian right, 310

Chrysler Corporation, 49–50, 106

Cigar Aficionado magazine, 36

Cigarettes, 20, 26, 29, 30, 73, 180–216, 218

     alcohol and, 157, 171

     children and, 180

     freedom linked with, 213–14

     image advertising of, 71

     job stress and, 193–94

     peer pressure and, 40

     phallic imagery of, 205–9

     public health systems approach to, 298–301

     rebellion and, 189, 199–203, 209–13

     relationship with, 236–37, 249, 256–57

     teenagers and, 129, 130, 149, 151

     weight control and, 203–5

     women and, 51, 52, 175, 186–203

Clairol hair color products, 89

Clapton, Eric, 167

Clinton, Bill, 214

Clothes: for adolescent girls, 136–37, 140, 144, 151–52

     for children, 141–42

     logos on, 70

Coastal Living magazine, 36

Coca-Cola, 46–47, 60, 61, 81, 82, 84, 94, 123, 222, 278, 279, 309–10

Cold War, 309

Coles, Robert, 225

College campuses: drinking on, 165–67, 229

     sex on, 268

Colt 45 malt liquor, 242

Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 35, 49

Columbia Journalism Review, 50

Columbia University, 66

Commission for a Healthy New York, 189, 199

Commitment to products, 85–86, 98

Compulsive eating, 111, 119, 121

Comstock pies, 109

Condemned isolation, 252, 254

Congress, U.S., 25, 166, 299, 301, 307, 310

     Seventh Special Report on Alcohol and Health, 161

Connection, desire for, 90, 92–93

Constitution, U.S., First Amendment to, 310–11

Consumer Reports magazine, 48

Contact (film), 49

Cool Whip, 113

Coors Brewing Company, 39, 58, 159, 165, 169–70

Corporate power, abuses of, 306–8

Cortese, Anthony, 150

Cosmetics, 55

     adolescent girls and, 138, 140, 141, 145

Cosmopolitan magazine, 47–48, 53, 101, 266

Costner, Kevin, 60

Council for Aid to Education, 46

Counteradvertising, 300, 303–4

Courvoisier cognac, 219

Cousins, Norman, 267

Crain, Rance, 59, 67, 184–85

Crawford, Cindy, 55, 68–69, 280, 285

Crime, alcohol and, 156, 169–70

Cristal alcoholic beverage, 245

Crouch, Stanley, 294

Cuervo tequila, 162, 168, 274

Cultural denial, 26

Cultural Environment Movement, 314

Cutty Sark scotch, 65, 151

Cynicism, 65–67

Daily Herald, 35

Daly, Mary, 278

DDB Needham Worldwide, 27, 40

Dead celebrities, 59–60

Dean, James, 82


alcohol-related, 156, 166–67

     cigarettes as cause of, 181–82

     by violence, of women, 277

Dee, Jonathan, 74, 75

Delaney, Sue, 216

Democratic party, 27, 38

Denby, David, 292

Denial, 228, 229, 233, 241, 249–50

     cultural, 26

     reinforcement of, 231

Depression, 189–90

Depth interviews, 40

Deutsch, Robert, 40

Developmental theory, 89

Dewar’s scotch, 163

DiCaprio, Leonardo, 60

Die Hard films, 55

Diet industry, 47, 117, 121–27

     women’s magazines and, 51

     see also Thinness, obsession with

Dior, Christian, 82

Direct marketing, 41–42

Discover Card, 93

Disney Corporation, 54

Disneyland, 59

Dissociation, 253–54

Divorce rates, 93

Dockers slacks, 63

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (television program), 35

Dodge automobiles, 100

Dole, Bob, 59

Doral cigarettes, 52, 209–10

Dove bar, 219

Drinking, see Alcohol

Drugs, 22, 29, 218, 228–29

     on college campuses, 166

     language associated with, 221–22

     relationships and, 245

     teenagers and, 129, 130, 149

     see also Alcohol

Dunkin’ Donuts, 58, 59

Dylan, Bob, 60

Easy jeans, 65

Eating disorders, 111, 116–17, 119, 191

     of adolescent girls, 129, 130, 135

     public health systems approach to, 301

     recovery from, 313

Eating Disorders (journal), 286

Ebony magazine, 48

Editorial content, influence of advertisers on, 48–49

Edsel automobiles, 74

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 193

Eisner, William, 38

Electronic media, see Radio; Television

Elle magazine, 276

Ellen (television program), 39

Ellerbee, Linda, 49

Emme, 125

Empowerment, 90, 91

     addiction and, 239

     of girls, 150–51

and obsession with thinness, 137–38

     Esquire magazine, 50

Evangelista, Linda, 264

Eve cigarettes, 194, 206

Evian water, 65

Excedrin, 296

Exxon, 46

E-Z rolling papers, 171

Fabio, 73

Faculty, The (film), 63

Fair, Lilith, 63

Family Circle, 47–48, 51–52

Fat people, attitudes toward, 115, 134

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 44, 73, 301

fen/phen, 125

Ferguson, Sarah, 59

Film Threat Webzine, 63

Films, product placement in, 61–64

Finlandia vodka, 172

Flashpoint media literacy program, 304

Fleet Financial Group, 59

Florio wine, 244

Focus groups, 40

Food, 108–27

     addiction to, 252

     cigarettes and, 204

     dreamworld and, 218–19

     love and, 109–10, 112–13

     moralistic attitudes toward, 115–16

     normalization of problem attitudes toward, 116–21

     as reward, 110

     sex and, 111–15

     teenagers and, 133–34

     see also Diet industry; specific products

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 125, 229, 301

Football games, televised, 34

Foote, Emerson, 185

Foote, Cone & Belding, 27, 185

Forbes, Steve, 38

Forbes magazine, 62

48 Hours (television program), 49

For Women First, 52

Ford, Harrison, 60

Ford Motor Company, 74, 98, 104

Fortune 1000 companies, 38

Fox, Michael J., 60

Frankel, Max, 311

Freedom, co-optation of concept of, 214–15, 309–11

French Connection UK, 65

Freud, Sigmund, 189

Friends (television program), 61

Frusen Glädjé ice cream, 110

Gaitskill, Mary, 258

Gandhi, Mohandas K., 74

Gap, 74

Gardenburger, 74

Garfield, Bob, 106, 120, 160, 185, 232, 298

Gassy Gators, 229

Gays, ads targeting, 38–39

Gender stereotypes, 23, 175–78

Generation X, 41

Generation Y, 41

Gerbner, George, 56, 73, 313–14

Gere, Richard, 123

Gilligan, Carol, 129, 149

Girls, adolescent, 128–53

     alcohol and, 174

     enforced passivity of, 141–42

     obsession with thinness of, 132–38

     rebellion of, 149–54

     sex and, 145–51

     sexual harassment of, 286–88

     shaming and trivialization of, 143

     silencing of, 138–40

     smoking by, 186–87, 199, 203, 204, 207, 210, 215, 216

Global Report on Women’s Human Rights, 277–78

Goebbels, Joseph, 64

Goffman, Erving, 141, 143

GoGo soft drink, 222

Goldberg, Whoopi, 60

Goodall, Jane, 59

Goodman, Ellen, 135

Goodwin, Richard, 309

Gordon, Barbara, 215–16

Gore, Chris, 63

Gore, Leslie, 111

Grable, Betty, 125

Grapevine Mills shopping mall, 59

Greaves, Lorraine, 191, 256

Greenbrier High School (Evans, Georgia), 46

Greenfield, Thomas, 156

Grey Goose vodka, 242

Guess Corporation, 46, 82

Guinness stout, 173, 235

Gun industry, 301

Gwich’in tribe, 56

Häagen-Dazs ice cream,110, 112, 117–19, 241

Hair color products, 89, 92

Halston, 152

Harkaway, Jill, 111

Harley-Davidson, 255

Hartford Financial Services Group, 38

Harvard School of Public Health, 166

Hass, Robert, 265

Healey Bernadine, 156

Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of, 157

Health information, media as source of, 52–53

Heineken USA, 63, 74

Hemingway, Ernest, 55

Hendrix, Jimi, 60

Hennessy cognac, 238

“Heroin chic,”64, 283

Herman, Judith, 291

Heublein Corporation, 63, 162

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, 312

Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, 300

Hilfiger, Andy, 63

Hilfiger, Tommy, 63, 70

Hill, George Washington, 187

Hiram Walker liqueurs, 245

Hirschman, Elizabeth, 207

Hispanic Network, 37

Hispanics, see Latinos

Home Box Office, 59

Honda automobiles, 96, 98, 101, 106

Honeycomb cereal, 222

Hope, Ted, 63

Hopper, Dennis, 60

Horney, Karen, 205

Houlahan, John, 82

Hues magazine, 150

Hydra Zen, 67

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, 73

IBM, 38

Ice cream, 115–16, 241

     see also specific brands

Iggers, Jeremy 257, 263

Image advertising, 71–72

     spoofs of, 64–65

Impotence, 209

Indigo Girls, 150

Infiniti automobiles, 67, 74, 100

Internet, 36–39, 42–43, 82, 83, 150, 161, 285

Jacobson, Bobbie, 191

Jaguar automobiles, 95

James, William, 226

Jane magazine, 147

J&B scotch, 219

Jeep, 96, 224–25, 298

Jefferson Airplane, 289

Jesus jeans, 67

Jewelry: commitment and, 87

     and desire for connection, 92

Jewish girls, 130

Jhally, Sut, 64, 266

Jim Beam Brands, 163, 175

John Paul II, Pope, 67

Johnnie Walker Red scotch, 39, 236

Johnson & Johnson, 38

Jolt cola, 222

Joplin, Janis, 60

Jordan, Judith, 197

Josta soft drink, 226

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 104

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 266, 267, 312

Jovan musk, 145, 263

Jung, Carl, 136, 226–27

Junk food, 117, 268

     diet products and, 122, 123–24

     relationships with, 83

     see also specific brands and specific foods

Junk mail, 59

Justice Department, U.S., 169

Kahlua liqueur, 243

Kalmus, David, 96

Katz, Jason, 279

Kellogg’s cereals, 74–75, 126

Kent cigarettes, 204

Kentucky Hemp Beer, 223

Keynes, John Maynard, 55

Kid Connection, 44

Kidlon, Daniel, 131


Kids ‘R’ Us, 44

Kids-Eeze, 229

Kidstar, 43

KidStyle magazine, 45

Killing Us Softly (film), 18, 24, 259

Kimberly Clark Corporation, 50

King Tee, 164

Kinsey Report, 266

Klein, Calvin, 50, 67, 70, 82, 91, 141–42, 283–84, 310

Kmart, 82

Knapp, Caroline, 237

Knob Creek bourbon, 247

Knowledge of self and others, 90–92

Koch, Ed, 59

Kool cigarettes, 211

Koop, C. Everett, 25, 181, 303

Kosinski, Jerzy, 23

Kraft Foods, 84

Krank20 caffeinated soft drink, 222

Kristofferson, Kris, 309

Krueger, Scott, 166

L.L. Bean, 42

Ladies’ Home Journal, The, 47, 52

Laing, R. D., 257

Lancet, The, 17–18, 23

lang, k. d., 50

Language: associated with drugs, 221–22

          corruption of, 74–75

Lasch, Christopher, 257

Lasn, Kalle, 304

Latina magazine, 37

Latinos, 37–38, 40, 48, 130, 138

Lauren, Ralph, 63, 70, 82

Lazarus, Bill, 307

Leavitt, David, 50

Lee, Spike, 172

Leiber, Laurie, 160

Lennon, John, 60

Leno, Jay, 74

Lesbians, ads targeting, 38–39

Letterman, David, 66

Levi Strauss & Company, 44, 70, 218, 231–32, 285

Lewis, Carl, 106–7

Lexus automobiles, 89, 97, 102, 105, 106

Life magazine, 53, 125

Liggett Group, 185

Lincoln automobiles, 101

Lingerie ads, 88–89

Lion Nathan Brewers, 39


disconnection and, 255

     image advertising of, 72

     and obsession with thinness, 136

     television ads for, 54

     and youth market, 153–64

     see also Alcohol; specific products

Littleton, Colorado, school shootings, 299

Locklear, Heather, 92

Lorde, Audre, 304

L’Oreal, 63, 92

Lorillard Tobacco Company, 186

Lowry Malcolm, 252

Lucky Strike cigarettes, 187, 192, 203, 210

Lunden, Joan, 49

Lung cancer, 188

Mademoiselle magazine, 268

Madonna, 61

Magazine advertising, 34, 58

     customized, 42

     editorial content and, 48–53

     see also specific magazines

Magazine Publishers of America, 50

Malibu rum, 232

Mall of America, 59

Malone, Maurice, 63

Market research, 40

Marlboro cigarettes, 53, 61, 182–84, 192, 193, 215, 310

Marriage, attitudes toward, 25, 93–94

Massachusetts, University of, 133

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 166

MasterCard, 77

Max Factor, 61

Maxwell House coffee, 49

Mazda automobiles, 98

McCaffrey, Barry 166

McCann-Erickson, 185

McCarthy, Jenny, 144

McCue, Bradley, 166

McDonald’s, 46, 59, 82, 83, 113, 159

McKenzie River beverage company, 164

Mead, Margaret, 129

Media Foundation, 306

Media literacy, 304–5

Medical Aid for El Salvador, 50

Mercedes-Benz, 97, 99, 106

Mercury automobiles, 99, 100

Meredith, Robyn, 99–100

Merit cigarettes, 193

Metaxa, 175

Metroliner, 279

Michelob beer, 165, 167, 178, 211, 231, 235, 246

Michigan, University of, 139

Michigan State University 166, 190

Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 68

Miller, Jean Baker, 25, 89–90, 238, 252

Miller, Mark Crispin, 62, 212

Miller beer, 74, 159, 161, 165–6, 175, 215, 236, 246, 255, 297, 298

Minorities, ads targeting, 37–38

     see also specific groups

Mitsubishi Motors, 102, 103

Miyamoto, Masao, 282


and obsession with thinness, 124–25

     pseudo-relationships with, 82–83

Molson beer, 39, 170

Monet, Claude, 59

Monroe, Marilyn, 59, 99, 125, 248

More cigarettes, 206, 242

Moss, Kate, 283

Mount Gay rum, 168

Mountain Dew soft drink, 223

Ms. magazine, 48, 51

MTV, 40, 60, 144, 161, 276

Multinational corporations, 54–55

Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), 59

Music videos, 62

     see also MTV

Nader, Ralph, 301

Nathanson-Moog, Carol, 72

National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), 54, 268

National Cancer Institute, 222

National Enquirer, 283

National Highway Safety Administration, 105

National Parenting Association, 312

Native Americans, 130, 187, 215

Nautica, 82

Nelson, Jill, 191, 216, 313


Network (film), 314

Newman, Paul, 60

New Moon magazine, 134, 150

Newport cigarettes, 184, 196–98, 204, 207

News Corporation, 54

Newspapers advertising, 34, 36, 58, 59

     editorial content and, 48

New Woman magazine, 51, 53

New Yorker, The (magazine), 42, 271

New York magazine, 50

New York Times, The, 36, 65, 271

Newsweek, 50

Nike Corporation, 46, 49, 65–66, 70, 91, 159, 263

Nintendo, 44

Nippon Ham, 60

Nissan Motors, 67, 100, 103

North Carolina, University of, 166

Novello, Antonia, 25, 277, 303

Nude Beer, 246

Obesity, 115, 116


of men, 278–79

     of women, 258–60, 271, 279

O’Donnell, Mark, 61

O’Donnell, Rosie, 125

Ogilvy & Mather, 27

Old Gold cigarettes, 192

Oldsmobile automobiles, 100, 102

Olestra, 124

Olivetti, 73

Olivia Cruises, 38–39

Olympic Games, 49, 59

Omega watches, 63

O’Neill, Eugene, 55

Original Red beer, 247

Ornish, Dean, 313

Osteoporosis, 47, 124

Over-the-counter drugs, 229

Ovulen 21 birth control pills, 17–18

Packard, Vance, 99

Pall Mall cigarettes, 58

Palmer, Mark, 215

Parents magazine, 142

Parker, F. B., 178

Partnership for a Drug-Free America, 53–54

Peachtree liqueur, 164

Peer pressure, 40–41

Penthouse magazine, 133

People magazine, 94, 283

Pepsi, 46, 60, 67, 82, 83, 123, 159, 222, 226, 255, 280, 285

Perfume ads, 82, 148, 150, 152, 262–64, 273

Perrier bottled water, 302

Peters, Bernadette, 115

Phallic imagery, 205–9

Phat Boy malt liquor, 164

Philip Morris, 53, 182, 186, 208, 213–15, 310

Pierce, John, 184

Pinch scotch, 240

Pipher, Mary, 129

Pirelli tires, 99, 106

Pirko, Tom, 223

Pitt, Brad, 60

Playboy magazine, 133

Poe, Edgar Allan, 55

Polanski, Roman, 21

Political advertising, 308–9

Pollay, Richard, 75, 206

Pollock, Linda, 263

Pollock, William, 131

Polo Ralph Lauren, 63, 70

Pontiac automobiles, 105

Popcorn, Faith, 82

Pornography, 271–72

     child, 284

Possession shirts and shorts, 273

Post-traumatic stress disorder, 253, 294

Postman, Neil, 68

Powermaster malt liquor, 301

Pregnancy, teenage, 146, 149

Prescription drugs, 229

Pretty Woman (film), 123

Printer’s Ink magazine, 160


Procter & Gamble, 35, 73

Psycho (film), 169

Psychoanalytic theory, 89

Psychological research, 40, 71, 111, 141, 185, 196, 235

Public health perspective, 25, 293, 298–306

Quindlen, Anna, 279

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, 185, 186, 206, 213, 214

Radio advertising, 34–35, 58

     children and, 43

     self-censorship and, 50

Ramsey, JonBenet, 283

Reagan, Ronald, 308

Real, Terence, 255

Reason magazine, 64

Rebellion: addiction and, 239

     adolescent girls and, 149–54

     alcohol and, 168–72, 177–78

     cars and, 95–96, 105–7

     cigarettes and, 189, 199–203, 209–13

     redefining and reclaiming, 309, 311

Redbook magazine, 52

Red Bull soft drink, 222

Reebock Corporation, 92

Reed, Lou, 236

Relationships, 76–94

     addiction as, 234–50

     with cars, 100–102

     with children, 77–81, 312–13

     with products, 81–89

     theory of, 89–93

Religious images, 67–68

Remy Martin cognac, 176

Republican party, 27, 38

Revlon, 51

Reyes, Leydiana, 70

Ritts, Herb, 59

“Road rage,”105

Roberts, Julia, 123

Roethke, Theodore, 25

Rogers, Don, 166

Rolex watches, 69

Rolling Stone magazine, 212

Rolling Stones, 60, 63

Rosen, Raymond C., 267

Royal College of Physicians, 162

Royce, James, 228

RuPaul, 176, 264

Russell, Jane, 125

Rutgers University, 207

Saatchi & Saatchi, 44, 83

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, 113

Sackman, Janet, 192

St. Ides malt liquor, 243

St. John, Jill, 244

St. Pauli Girl’s beer, 243

Salem cigarettes, 207

Sam Adams beer, 235

San Francisco Examiner, 49

Sandmaier, Marian, 171, 288

Sassoon, Vidal, 50

Savage, Dan, 267

Sawyer, Darion, 70

Schools: advertising in, 45–46

     media literacy programs in, 304

     sexual harassment in, 286–88

Schwartz, Pepper, 103

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 60–61

Sci-Fi Channel, 54

Seagram Company, 54, 177, 248

Searles, Mike, 44

Seattle School Board, 46

Seinfeld (television program), 62, 74

Seinfeld, Jerry, 62

Self-censorship, 50

Self-knowledge, 90–92

Self-in-relation theory, 90

Self-worth, sense of, 90, 92, 241

Senate clothing company, 285

Seventeen magazine, 41, 131, 140, 145

Sex, 25, 260–69

     addiction to, 229–30

     adolescent girls and, 145–51

     alcohol and, 171–74, 242–50

     cars and, 100–102

     children and, 281–85

     cigarettes and, 187, 200, 205, 206, 210–11

     food and, 111–15

     products and, 87–89

     thinness and, 125

     violence and, 273–75

Sexism, 302

     adolescent girls and, 130

     in image advertising, 73

Sexual abuse, 253–55, 266–67

     public health systems approach to, 303

Sexual harassment, 286–88

Sexually transmitted diseases, 146, 249

Shakespeare, William, 65, 105, 249

Sheen, Charlie, 93–94

Shepard, Matthew, 169

Shepherd, Cybill, 92

Shirley, Danny, 70

Shoe ads, 65

     images of children in, 79, 80

     pseudo-relationships in, 84–85

     rebellious, 150

     sex in, 87, 265

     shaming and trivialization of women in, 144

     see also specific brands

Showtime cable television channel, 224

Sieff, Jeanloup, 112

Simpson, O. J., 306

Skippy Peanut Butter, 58

Sky magazine, 267–68

Sling Blade (film), 63

Slosberg, Mike, 42

Smirnoff vodka, 63, 176, 240–41

Smith, William Kennedy, 275

Smoking, see Cigarettes

SnackWell cookies, 113, 120

Snapple beverages, 309

Snitow, Ann, 265

Social change,

movements for, 292–314

     co-optation of, 295–98

     public health perspective and, 25, 293, 298–306

Soft drinks:

diet, 47

     high-caffeine, 222–23

     instant gratification and, 226

     relationships with, 83

     in school vending machines, 46–47

     see also specific brands

Somers, Mindy, 166

Sony Corporation, 54

Soros, George, 308

Southern Comfort, 86, 169

Speaker, Paul, 63

Spears, Britney, 63

Spice Girls, 150

Spin magazine, 161

Spirituality, co-optation of, 67–69

Sport magazine, 48

Sports, televised, 34, 61

Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, 177

Sport utility vehicles (SUVs), 102–4

Sprint, 60

Sprite, 65

Stallone, Sylvester, 60, 61

Stanford University, 133

Star tabloid, 283

Stark, Steven, 62, 225

Starr, Ken, 214

Starr, Ringo, 21

Stein, Nan, 287–88

Steinem, Gloria, 51

Steiner, George, 74

Steiner-Adair, Catherine, 138

Stewart, Martha, 82

Strega liqueur, 173

Stress, job-related, 193–94

Stroh’s beer, 165

Subaru automobiles, 39, 99

Sullum, Jacob, 64

Super Bowl, 34, 61, 158, 308

Supermarket News, 158

Superwoman, myth of, 296–97

Surge soft drink, 222

T.G.I. Friday’s restaurant chain, 162

Taco Bell, 134

Tamagotchis, 74

Tampax, 298

Tang, 221

Tanqueray alcoholic beverages, 172–73, 177, 246

Tareyton cigarettes, 206

Tatler magazine, 112

“Tattoo You Too!,”46

Teenagers, 29, 70, 128–29, 310

     and addictive mind-set, 223, 231–32

     alcohol use by, 155–65, 220–21

     and food, 113

     and peer pressure, 40–41

     in school, 45, 46

     smoking by, 181, 184–86, 209–10

     and “viral communications, ”66

     see also Girls, adolescent

Teen magazine, 191–92, 216

Teen Voices magazine, 150

Telecommunications Act (1996), 306

Television advertising, 34–35, 58

     on cable, 42

     children and, 43–44, 57

     corporate control and, 54

     editorial content and, 48–50

     hidden, 61

     influence on shows of, 62

     in schools, 45

     teenage sexual activity and, 146–47

     see also specific brands and products

Terkel, Studs, 307

Think Skateboards, 141


obsession with, 115, 116, 123

     of adolescent girls, 132–38

     cigarettes and, 203–5

     public health systems approach to, 301–2

     see also Diet industry

Thompson, Becky, 253

Thompson, Michael, 131

Tide detergent, 296

Tie-ins, 61–64

Time magazine, 50

Time Warner, 54

Titanic (film), 60

Tobacco, see Cigarettes

Tobacco Control Program, 304

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 294

Tom Jones (film), 114

Tomlin, Lily, 229

Tomorrow Never Dies (film), 62–63

Toyota automobiles, 96–99, 101, 106

Toys, television commercials for, 44–45

Tracy, Bernadette, 82

Transsexuals, 177

Triumph cigarettes, 209

Trucks, advertising on, 58

Turner Cartoon Network, 44

TV Guide, 209

Twitchell, James, 68, 74

Two Fingers tequila, 244–45

U.S. News & World Report, 50

Uncle Ben’s rice, 111

United Airlines, 38

United Paramount Network (UPN), 35

Uptown cigarettes, 301

USA Network, 54

USA Today, 36

Valentine, Dean, 35

Valentino clothing, 144

Valium, 216

Vallejo, César, 19

Vaseline, 49

Vespa motorcycles, 99

Viacom, 54

Viagra, 59

Victoria’s Secret, 34, 151, 275

Vietnam War, 21

Violence, 270–91

     addiction and, 288–91

     alcohol and, 156, 169

     in cigarette ads, 195–97

     public health systems approach to, 299, 300, 303

     against women, 272–81

“Viral communications,” 66

Virginia Slims cigarettes, 51–52, 151, 182, 186, 188, 194–205, 207, 208, 210, 215, 236

Virginia Tech, 166

Virginia, University of, 166

Visa International, 63

Vitality, 90

     addiction and, 239

Vogue magazine, 112, 126, 277

Volkswagen automobiles, 65

Voluntary simplicity movement, 305–6

Wallace, David Foster, 59

Warner Brothers, 63

Watch ads, 69

     images of children in, 80–81

     and obsession with thinness, 136

     sex in, 88

Waterford crystal, 94

Wayne, John, 59

Wechsler, Henry, 166

Wehling, Bob, 73

Weight Watchers, 59, 115, 127

Weight Watchers Magazine, 47

Wellesley College, 21–23, 287

     Stone Center, 24–25, 89

Werther’s toffee, 120

West, Cornel, 312

West Side Story, 55

Westheimer, Ruth, 111

Westinghouse Electric, 35

Wilkerson, Jeremiah, 166

Williams, Billy Dee, 242

Williams, Tennessee, 55

Willis, Bruce, 60

Wilsnack, Sharon, 253

Wilson, Harold, 21

Wine, 230–31

Wine coolers, 162, 220

Winfrey, Oprah, 119, 311

Winston cigarettes, 74, 193, 200, 202, 206, 209, 211, 212, 249

Woman’s Day magazine, 51, 52


addiction in, 252–53

     alcohol and, 47–48, 166–68, 170–79, 238–39, 244–45

     cars symbolized as, 98–99

     cigarettes and, 182, 186–203

     depression and anxiety disorders in, 190–91

     dieting and, see Diet industry;

     Thinness, obsession with; food and, 108–11, 218–19

     objectification of, 258–60, 271

     sexuality of, 251

     significance of relationships to, 83–84, 90

     violence against, 272–81

Women’s magazines, 50–53

Wonderbra, 298

Woodman, Marian, 257

World Bank, 182

World War I, 71

World Wide Web, see Internet

XTC soft drink, 222

Yahoo!, 42–43

You’ve Got Mail (film), 63

Young, Neil, 29, 60

Zest, 90

     addiction and, 239

Zima, 170, 239