
almond butter: almond

butter morning

cookies 1

almonds: plum and almond

galette 1

apples: bonfire apples 1

red cabbage and apple

slaw 1

spiced apple oat pots 1

asparagus: grilled baby

gem, asparagus and

petits pois salad 1

aubergine kebabs, harissa 1

avocados: black bean,

sweetcorn, and

avocado quesadillas 1

guacamole 1

smashed avocado,

parsley and tomato

bagels 1

bagels, smashed avocado,

parsley and tomato 1

bananas: banana split ice

cream 1

grilled bananas and

chocolate sandwiches 1

peanut butter and

banana milkshake 1

beans: piri-piri bean grill 1

rustic ribollita 1

Tuscan bean gnocchi 1

beetroot: beetroot and

pickled walnut salad 1

beetroot ketchup 1

berry compote, warm 1

black bean, sweetcorn, and

avocado quesadillas 1

blackberry mojito 1

bread: cinnamon toast 1

edamame beans on

toast 1

grilled bananas and

chocolate sandwiches 1

pitta pizzas 1

rustic ribollita 1

sweet tomato bruschetta 1

breakfast burritos 1

broccoli: tenderstem

broccoli with orange

and chilli 1

brownie, chocolate and

cherry mug 1

bruschetta, sweet tomato 1

burritos, breakfast 1

butter bean mash 1–2

butternut squash: butternut

squash and sage

macaroni 1

squash and orange salad 1

cabbage: red cabbage and

apple slaw 1

caramel: the lazy


shortbread pudding 1–2

carrots: carrot and

cardamom falafel 1

carrot and ginger zinger 1

cashews, sweet and sour

with 1

cauliflower: cauliflower

and dill mash 1

Kerala cauliflower curry 1

cherries: cherry and

garden mint smoothie

bowl 1

chocolate and cherry

mug brownie 1

chickpeas: caramelized red

onion houmous 1

carrot and cardamom

falafel 1

chickpea, apricot, and

maple pan-tagine 1

smoky chickpea soup 1

chillies: chilli salt tortilla

chips 1

one-pot chilli with

cinnamon 1

chocolate: chocolate and

cherry mug brownie 1

grilled bananas and

chocolate sandwiches 1

the lazy millionaire’s

shortbread pudding 1–2

salted chocolate mousse 1

2 minute chocolate chip

and pecan cookie 1

chutney, smoky tomato

pan- 1

cinnamon toast 1

coconut milk: coconut and

lemongrass rice 1

lime and coconut

syllabub 1

red coconut bisque 1

compote, warm berry 1

cookies, almond butter

morning 1

courgettes: courgette and

lemon pappardelle 1

courgette and thyme

scones 1

courgette, pea, and

watercress minestrone 1

cranberries: cranberry and

orange granola 1

cranberry and orange

sauce 1

crêpes 1

crumble, raspberry, rose,

and pistachio 1

cucumber: watermelon,

cucumber, and mint

breakfast salad 1

curry, Kerala cauliflower 1

dates: sticky nutmeg and

date palmiers 1

edamame beans: edamame

beans on toast 1

edamame fried rice 1

edamame, lime, and

sesame jar salad 1

fajitas, field mushroom and

red pepper 1

falafel, carrot and

cardamom 1

figs: caramelized fig and

pistachio salad 1

flapjacks, peanut butter

blondie 1

fritters, pea and garden

mint 1

galette, plum and almond 1

gnocchi, Tuscan bean 1

granola, cranberry and

orange 1

grapefruit, grilled 1

guacamole 1

houmous, caramelized red

onion 1

ice cream, banana split 1

jam, cheat’s strawberry

balsamic 1

juice: carrot and ginger

zinger 1

kale, paprika-roasted

crispy 1

kebabs, harissa aubergine 1

Kerala cauliflower curry 1

ketchup, beetroot 1

kidney beans: rainbow

chard, red bean, and

peanut stew 1

the lazy millionaire’s

shortbread pudding 1–2

lettuce: grilled baby gem,

asparagus and petits

pois salad 1

Mediterranean cassoulet 1

milkshake, peanut butter

and banana 1

mince pies, St Clement’s 1

mojito, blackberry 1

mousse, salted chocolate 1

mushrooms: field

mushroom and red

pepper fajitas 1

mushroom and ale

stroganoff 1

tomato-stuffed field

mushrooms 1

noodles: pad Thai jay with

lime and sesame 1

satay noodles 1

oats: cranberry and orange

granola 1

passion fruit and

lavender porridge 1

peanut butter blondie

flapjacks 1

spiced apple oat pots 1

olive tapenade 57, 1

oranges: squash and orange

salad 1

pad Thai jay with lime and

sesame 1

palmiers, sticky nutmeg

and date 1

passion fruit and lavender

porridge 1

pasta: butternut squash and

sage macaroni 1

courgette and lemon

pappardelle 1

pasta arrabbiata 1

peanut butter: peanut

butter and banana

milkshake 1

peanut butter blondie

flapjacks 1

rainbow chard, red bean,

and peanut stew 1

satay noodles 1

pears, chai tea poached 1

peas: courgette, pea,

and watercress

minestrone 1

grilled baby gem,

asparagus and petits

pois salad 1

pea and garden mint

fritters 1

pecans: 2 minute chocolate

chip and pecan cookie 1

peppers: field mushroom

and red pepper fajitas 1

red pepper gazpacho 1

sweet-stuffed Ramiro

peppers 1

pesto, lemon and almond 1

pilaf, orange, pomegranate,

and pistachio 1

pineapple, spiced rum and

cinnamon grilled 1

piri-piri bean grill 1

pitta pizzas 1

plum and almond galette 1

pomegranate, cucumber,

and mint relish 1

porridge, passion fruit and

lavender 1

potato rosti, crispy 1

quesadillas, black bean,

sweetcorn, and

avocado 1

rainbow chard, red bean,

and peanut stew 1

ramen, yasai miso 1

raspberry, rose, and

pistachio crumble 1

red wine reduction 1

relishes: cucumber, red

onion, and mint relish 1

pomegranate, cucumber,

and mint relish 1

ribollita, rustic 1

rice: coconut and

lemongrass rice 1

edamame fried rice 1

orange, pomegranate,

and pistachio pilaf 1

vanilla rice pudding 1

rosti, crispy potato 1

St Clement’s mince pies 1

salad dressing, lime and

chive 1

salads: beetroot and pickled

walnut salad 1

caramelized fig and

pistachio salad 1

edamame, lime, and

sesame jar salad 1

grilled baby gem,

asparagus and petits

pois salad 1

red cabbage and apple

slaw 1

squash and orange salad

with hazelnuts 1

sumac onion salad 1

watermelon, cucumber,

and mint breakfast

salad 1

salsa, tomato, red onion,

and coriander 1

satay noodles 1

scones: courgette and

thyme scones 1

traditional sultana

scones 1

shortbread pudding, the

lazy millionaire’s 1–2

slushie, summer punch 1

smoothie, fastest fruit 1

smoothie bowl, cherry and

garden mint 1

soups: courgette, pea,

and watercress

minestrone 1

red coconut bisque 1

smoky chickpea soup 1

sweetcorn chowder 1

sponge pudding, syrup 1

stews: Mediterranean

cassoulet 1

rainbow chard, red bean,

and peanut 1

strawberry balsamic jam,

cheat’s 1

stroganoff, mushroom and

ale 1

sultana scones, traditional 1

summer punch slushie 1

sweet and sour with

cashews 1

sweet jacket potatoes 1

sweetcorn: black bean,

sweetcorn, and

avocado quesadillas 1

sweetcorn chowder 1

syllabub, lime and coconut 1

syrup sponge pudding 1

tagine, chickpea, apricot,

and maple pan- 1

tapenade, olive 1, 2

tarte, balsamic tomato and

red onion 1

tempura vegetables 1–2

tomatoes: balsamic tomato

and red onion tarte 1

pasta arrabbiata 1

roasted tomato and

rosemary sauce 1

smoky tomato pan-

chutney 1

sweet tomato bruschetta 1

tomato, red onion, and

coriander salsa 1

tomato-stuffed field

mushrooms 1

tortilla chips, chilli salt 1

Tuscan bean gnocchi 1

vegetables: tempura

vegetables 1–2

vegetable box pie 1–2

waffles, zesty orange and

lemon 1

walnuts: beetroot and

pickled walnut salad 1

watermelon, cucumber,

and mint breakfast

salad 1

yasai miso ramen 1

yoghurt: sweet

jacket potatoes

with yoghurt,

pomegranate, and

toasted walnuts 1

vanilla yoghurt with

warm berry compote 1