Map 1.1 Austro-Hungarian Naval Bases
Table 1.1 Nationalities of Austro-Hungarian Officers and Seamen, 1885 and 1910
Table 1.2 Principal Austro-Hungarian Naval Guns
Table 1.3 Austro-Hungarian Torpedoes
Table 1.4 Results of German and A–H Submarines against Merchant Tonnage in the Mediterranean, 1914–18
Table 2.1 French Warship Strengths and Types
Table 3.1 Strength of Kaiserliche Marine
Table 3.2 German Light Cruiser Classes
Table 3.4 U-Boat Building Contracts and Overall Deliveries, 1906–18
Table 3.5 German U-Boat Types Contracted and Delivered, 1906–18
Table 3.6 Nominal and Operational Strength of German U-Boats during World War I
Table 4.1 Strength of British Royal and Dominion Navies
Table 4.2 Royal Navy Order of Battle, 10 September 1914
Table 4.3 Royal Navy and Royal Marine Personnel, 1914–18
Table 4.4 Particulars of British Light Cruisers, 1905–18
Table 4.5 Particulars of British Destroyers and Leaders, 1903–18
Table 4.6 Particulars of British Submarines, 1903–18
Table 4.7 British Warship Losses to Submarines, 1914–18
Table 5.1 Regia Marina Order of Battle
Table 5.3 The Regia Marina’s Ispettorato per l’Avizione Air Service War Activity
Table 6.1 Russian Army and Navy Expenditures, 1905–14
Table 6.2 Ships Added to the Baltic Fleet, 1914–18
Table 6.3 Ships Added to the Black Sea Fleet, 1914–18
Table 6.4 Major Shipyards Engaged in Warship Construction, 1906–17
Table 6.5 The Russian Mercantile Marine as of 1 January 1914
Table 6.6 Number of Officers, by Assignments, 1914
Table 6.7 Sailors in Service, All Fleets and Flotillas
Table 6.9 Rearming of Cruisers, 1914–17
Table 6.10 Major Russian Guns, 1914–17
Table 6.12 Russian Depth Charges
Table 6.14 Principle Aircraft Types of the Russian Navy, 1914–18
Table 7.1 U.S. Navy Order of Battle, April 1917
Table 7.2 U.S. Navy Large- and Medium-Caliber Guns
Table 8.1 Japanese Navy, August 1914 and August 1918
Table 8.2 Ottoman Navy, August 1914 and August 1918
Photo 1.1 The executive officer of a Tegetthoff-class battleship
Photo 1.2 Destroyer Dukla of the improved Tátra class
Photo 1.4 Austro-Hungarian scout cruiser Helgoland
Photo 2.1 Danton-class battleship Diderot
Photo 2.2 Battleship Condorcet
Photo 2.3 Armored cruiser Ernest Renan
Photo 3.1 U 27 loading torpedoes
Photo 3.2 Battle cruiser Derfflinger
Photo 3.3 Light cruiser Ariadne
Photo 3.4 Battleship Westfalen
Photo 4.1 Admiral Sir John Fisher
Photo 4.2 Forward 6-inch gun of the light cruiser Phaeton
Photo 4.3 Battleship Dreadnought
Photo 4.4 Midships 13.5-inch turret of the battle cruiser Lion
Photo 5.1 Admiral Thaon di Revel and Captain Costanzo Ciano
Photo 5.3 Torpedo tube on the torpedo boat 34 PN
Photo 5.4 The Italian battle fleet sailing from Taranto
Photo 6.1 Black Sea Fleet dreadnought Imperatritsa Ekaterina Velikaia
Photo 6.2 The armored cruiser Riurik
Photo 6.4 Red Navy destroyer Trotskii
Photo 7.1 Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels and Admiral William S. Benson
Photo 7.2 Crew of a 4-inch/50 on the foredeck of a “thousand tonner”