
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Aerial hacking drone 
quadcopters 224
I2C 234
IMU 234
Phantom 233
vs. QuadShot 234
SPI 234
advantages 224
Alfa adapter 228, 228f
BeagleBone installation 227–228, 227f
Cappuccino 224–225, 225f
disadvantages 227
Latte 224–225
LIA controller board 228, 229
Mocha 224–225, 225f
power conservation 230–233
vs. quadcopters 234
router-only operation 229–230
Xbee adapter and cape 229, 229f
Xbee serial interface board 226–227, 226f
selection factors 223, 224
Aircrack-ng 195, 196f
Alfa wireless adapter 7–8, 95
American wire gauge (AWG) 98, 98t
Analogue to digital converters (ADCs) 20–21
Arch Linux 34–35, 34t, 35f
Army secret 
drones installation 
equipment removal 222
initial hiding 220–221
maintenance 222
wired drone 216, 219f
wireless battery-powered drone 216, 219f
wireless USB-powered drone 216, 220f
hacking drones hiding 
artificial plants 209–211
audio visual control panel 209–211, 212f
building roofs 207, 208f
Buzz Lightyear 216, 218f
car drone 208, 209f
Dalek Desk Defender toy 214, 216f, 217f
desks 208–209, 210f
drop ceilings 209, 211f
fake nest 206–207, 207f
floor panel 209–211, 212f
hand sanitizer dispenser 209–211, 214f
haxtar 216, 219f
network printer 209–211, 213f
phone stand 209–211, 213f
plants 209–211, 215f
rocks 207
snow-covered bush 206–207, 206f
storage closets 209
table 209–211, 215f
TARDIS toy 214, 217f
wall-mounted televisions 209–211
Attack planning 191–192
ATMega328P microcontroller 237
AWG  See American wire gauge (AWG)


Basic service set identification (BSSID) 108
Battery power 
Duracell batteries 99–100, 101, 101t
NiMH batteries 101, 101t
power supply 
heat sink 99, 100f
prototyping board 99, 100f
7805 voltage regulator 99, 99f
TO-220 package 99 Foundation 2
Beagle-Board Web site 2–3
BeagleBoard-xM 7, 7f
above view 14, 15f
vs. BeagleBone Black 26, 26t
below view 14, 15f
custom-etched enclosure 17, 17f
DB9 RS-232 serial port 17
DM3730 processor 14
DVI-D connection 16
HDMI connector 16
integrated Fast Ethernet port 17
JTAG connector 17
LCD screen 16
LEDs 16–17
microSD card slot 16
NEON SIMD coprocessor 14
package on package design 14
S-Video connection 16
TPS65950 chip 16
USB 2.0 host ports 16
Windows CE 27–28
ADCs 20–21
advantage 20
Arduino-type board 18
vs. BeagleBoard-xM 26, 26t
vs. BeagleBone Black 26, 26t
CAN buses 20
capes 18
Cortex-A8 processor 19
EEPROM 19, 21
Ethernet port 18, 18f, 19f
microSD socket 20
PWM 20–21
serial ports 20
SPI and I2C 20
System Reference Manual 19
Texas Instruments TPS65127B 19
USB 20
BeagleBone Black 7f, 8
above view 21, 22f
vs. BeagleBoard-xM 26, 26t
vs. BeagleBone 26, 26t
below view 21, 22f
DDR3 memory 21–23
eMMC nonvolatile storage 23–24
enclosure or embedding 24
HDMI video 24
lunchbox edition 105
microHDMI connector 24
operating system  See (Operating system)
power consumption 103
power requirements 95
purchasing capes 24
Special Computing case 24, 25f
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 28–29
Buildroot 37, 38t
Buzz Lightyear lunchbox 7, 7f


BeagleBone 2, 18, 129–141
contemplations 236
LCD 4 125, 126f
XBee full-cape 
double-sided circuit board 139, 140f
pin descriptors 136, 137t
single-sided circuit board 139–141, 141f
XBee mini-cape 
device trees 134
GPIO pins 134, 135
Configuring devices 192–193, 192t
Cracking wireless network 195, 195f


Dalek 193, 202–203
Debian packages 
Linux 39–41, 40t
todo-packages.txt file 65–67
Deck 235
devices running 2–3, 3f
HID 235
packages 2
penetration testing tools 
aircrack-ng 3, 4f
airodump-ng utility 3, 4f
cracking user passwords 6
dropbox 8–9
Fern Wireless Cracker 5, 5f
graphical user interface desktop system 7–8, 7f
hacking drone 9–11, 10f
Hydra online password cracker 6f
Metasploit 5, 6f
Nikto 6f
Nmap 5, 6f
Python libraries 6
Scapy Python tool 5
Wireshark 5, 6f
ports 236–237
active user 116–117, 116f
battery power  See (Battery power)
consumption  See (Power consumption)
payload 115
power sources 96–102
requirements 94–96
solar power 102, 102t
USB power 97–98, 98t
wall power 97
Digital Video Interface-Digital (DVI-D) protocol 123–124
Display Data Channel (DDC2B) 16
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 110


existing makefiles 
build configuration 71–73, 73f
compiler paths 73–74, 74f
creation 71, 72f
importing 71–73, 72f
library paths 74, 75f
new projects 74
remote debugging 
configuration 77–79, 83f
default SSH user 77, 82f
IP address 75–76
Linux connection 77, 78f, 79f
mobile and device development 75, 76f
open perspective window 77, 77f
Remote System Explorer 77, 78f
SSH process 77, 80f, 81f, 82f
website 71
Electronic display identification data (EDID) 124
Enabling encryption 
Series 2 coordinator 187–188, 189f
Series 2 router 187–188, 188f
Series 1 XBee modems 187, 187f
End-user license agreements (EULA) 13
Enhanced Display ID (EDID) 16
Erlang programming language 37


Fedora project 38–39, 39t
Fern Wireless Cracker 5, 5f
FreeBSD 28–29, 30f
FTP log-ins 201, 201f
Future Technology Devices International (FTDI) 237


General-purpose input/output (GPIO) lines 236
Gentoo Linux 35–36, 36t


Human interface device (HID) 235
Hydra online password cracker 6f


IEEE 802.15.4 networking 
Digi International 156
gateways 189–190
mesh networking 158–159
point-to-multipoint networking 156–158
routers 188–189
Series 1 modem configuration 161–162, 163f
Series 2 modem configuration 
battery-powered drones 166, 167f
default configuration 163, 164f
reconfigured 163, 165f
router 165, 166f
update firmware 163, 164f
X-CTU  See (X-CTU modem configuration)
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) 234
Input and output devices 
BeagleBoard-xM 123–124
BeagleBone Black 123–124
BeagleBone capes 
open-drain lines 130
SCL 130
SDA 130
XBee  See (XBee, full-cape See also XBee, mini-cape)
IEEE 802.11 wireless 126–127, 127f
IEEE 802.15.4 wireless 128–129, 129f
keyboards 126
LCD3 126
LCD4 125, 126f
LCD7 124, 125, 125f
mouse 126
network hubs and switches 129, 130f
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 234, 236


Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) 55–56
Angström distribution 31–42, 32t, 34f
Arch Linux 34–35, 34t, 35f
Buildroot 37, 38t
Debian 39–41, 40t
definition 31, 32–33
Fedora 38–39, 39t
Gentoo 35–36, 36t
Nerves project 37, 38t
Sabayon 37, 37t
Ubuntu 41–42, 41t
Log-in credentials 120
Lunchbox pentest system 105, 106f
JSON format 149–150


Mesh networking 158–159
Metasploit 90–92, 200–201, 200f
payload 115
show options command 115
Metasploit console 114, 114f, 153
show options command 115
Meterpreter shell 115, 115f, 116f
MicroSD card 45–46


Nerves project 37, 38t
NETGEAR router 199
Network Address Table (NAT) 165–166
Nikto 120–121
Nmap 5, 6f


Online password cracker 197–198
Open hardware 13
Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) 
client 112, 112f
PFE network 112, 113f
scan assistant 112, 113f
SSH server 117
Operating system 
Angström distribution 31–42, 32t, 34f
Arch Linux 34–35, 34t, 35f
Buildroot 37, 38t
Debian 39–41, 40t
definition 31, 32–33
Fedora 38–39, 39t
Gentoo 35–36, 36t
Nerves project 37, 38t
Sabayon 37, 37t
Ubuntu 41–42, 41t
microSD card 45–46
non-Linux options 
Android 29–31, 31f
FreeBSD 28–29, 30f
QNX RTOS 28, 29f
StarterWare 29
Windows CE 27–28, 28f
penetration testing Linux distribution 42–43
Ubuntu options 
ARM platform 44
BeagleBone Black 43–44
device trees 45
variants 44


Password cracking 88–89
Payload 115
Personal area networks (PAN) 155
Point-to-multipoint networking 156–158
Power consumption 
LED control 104
microSD card 103–104
USB device power 103, 103f, 104f
Pulse width modulation (PWM) 20–21
Pyrit 147, 147f, 148, 148f
Python method 
asynchronous mode 169
GitHub site 183–184
MeshDeckClient class 179
MeshDeckServer class 178, 178f
Series 1 and Series 2 XBee modems 170–178
start, stop/restart command 179–183
sudo update-rc.d meshdeckd defaults command 183
XBee module 168–169


Quadcopters 224
I2C 234
IMU 234
Phantom 233
vs. QuadShot 234
SPI 234
advantages 224
Alfa adapter 228, 228f
BeagleBone installation 227–228, 227f
Cappuccino 224–225, 225f
disadvantages 227
Latte 224–225
LIA controller board 228, 229
Mocha 224–225, 225f
power conservation 230–233
vs. quadcopters 234
router-only operation 229–230
Xbee adapter and cape 229, 229f
Xbee serial interface board 226–227, 226f


Radiofrequency identification (RFID) reader 7–8
Real Time Operating System (RTOS) 28
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 38–39
Regular expression 68–69
Running Nmap 111, 111f
Ruby Version Manager (RVM) 86


Sabayon Linux 37, 37t
Saving power 184–186
Scapy Python tool 5, 142–148
Serial clock line (SCL) 130
Serial data line (SDA) 130
Serial peripheral interface (SPI) 234, 236
Server message block (SMB) protocol 114
Simple Login Manager (SLiM) 60
Single remote drone 
handler function 144
JSON format 149–150
Metasploit console 153
OpenVAS 150–153
pyrit 147, 147f, 148, 148f
Python modules 142
Python scripts 143–144
wireless networks detection 144, 144f
wireless packets capturing 146, 147f
SMB  See Server message block (SMB)
Solar power 102, 102t
StarterWare 29


Texas Instruments (TI) devices Foundation 14
BeagleBoard-xM  See (BeagleBoard-xM)
BeagleBone  See (BeagleBone)
BeagleBone Black  See (BeagleBone Black)
build automation 79–85
Christmas list 63, 64–65
cross compilation 
definition 70
Eclipse  See (Eclipse)
toolchain installation 70–71
Debian packages 
regular expression 68–69
todo-packages.txt file 65–67
translate command 67–68
desired packages 60
graphical environment 
Awk command 57
check_dpkg function 58
grep command 57, 58
LXDE 55–56
pound-bang 56
shell variables 56–57
sudo apt-get update command 57
if statement 59
logical OR 59
Metasploit 90–92
native compilation 70
password cracking 88–89
piping and redirection 57
Python tools 85–86, 90
repository 62–65
RVM tool 86
scanners 89
SLiM 60
todo-packages.txt file 63–64
unset deb_pkgs 59
wireless cracking 86–88
xorg.conf file 61
Translate command 67–68


Ubuntu 41–42, 41t
ARM platform 44
BeagleBone Black 43–44
device trees 45
user 119, 120f
variants 44
USB power 97–98, 98t


Wi-Fi scanning script 193, 194f
Wireless cracking 86–88
Wireless monitoring interface 106, 106f
Wireless network sniffing 107, 107f
Wireshark 5, 6f
WPA2 handshake 108–109, 109f
WPA2-protected networks 107, 108f
wpas.conf file 197
wpa_supplicant configuration file 195–197


double-sided circuit board 139, 140f
pin descriptors 136, 137t
single-sided circuit board 139–141, 141f
IEEE 802.15.4 networking 128–129, 156
device trees 134
GPIO pins 134, 135
point-to-multipoint networking 156–158
Python module 170–178
QuadShot 226–227
radios 166–168
router 229
saving power 184–186
X-CTU modem configuration 
Mac OSX version 159–160
moltosenso Network Manager IRON 160
Series 1 modem 161–162, 163f
Series 2 modem 
Windows version 159–160, 160f
XBee modem discovering 160–161, 161f
X2E-Z3C-W1-A penetration test 189, 190


ZigBee networking 158, 165–166, 187–188
ZuniDigital ZS105G 5-port switch 129, 130f