22 Ladislav Sutnar, Visual Design in Action: Principles, Purposes (New York: Hastings, 1961).
28 Bruno Munari, Arte programmata. Arte cinetica. Opera moltiplicate. Opera aperta. (Milan: Olivetti Company, 1964).
30 Karl Gerstner, “Programme as Computer Graphics,” “Programme as Movement,” “Programme as Squaring the Circle,” in Designing Programmes (New York: Hastings House, 1964), 21–23.
36 Ivan E. Sutherland, “The Ultimate Display,” Proceedings of the IFIP Conference (1965): 506–8.
39 Max Bill, “Structure as Art? Art as Structure?” in Structure in Art and Science, ed. György Kepes (New York: Braziller, 1965), 150.
41 Stewart Brand, “Whole Earth Catalog Purpose and Function,” Whole Earth Catalog: Access to Tools (Menlo Park, CA: Portola Institute, 1968): 2.
42 Wim Crouwel, “Type Design for the Computer Age,” Journal of Typographic Research 4 (1970): 51–59.
48 Sol LeWitt, “Doing Wall Drawings,” Art Now 3, no. 2 (1971): n.p.
58 Sharon Poggenpohl, “Creativity and Technology,” STA Design Journal (1983): 14–15.
62 April Greiman, “Does It Make Sense?” Design Quarterly 133 (1986).
64 Muriel Cooper, “Computers and Design,” Design Quarterly 142 (1989): 4–31.
72 Zuzana Licko and Rudy VanderLans, “Ambition/Fear,” Emigre 11 (1989): 1.
75 Alan Kay, “User Interface: A Personal View,” in The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, ed. Brenda Laurel (Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1990), 191–207.
82 Erik van Blokland and Just van Rossum, “Is Best Really Better,” Emigre 18 (1990).
86 P. Scott Makela, “Redefining Display,” Design Quarterly 158 (1993): 16–21.
88 John Maeda, “End,” in Design by Numbers (Cambridge: MIT, 1999), 251.
98 Ben Fry and Casey Reas, “Processing…,” in Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2012), 1–7.
106 Paola Antonelli, “Design and the Elastic Mind,” in Design and the Elastic Mind (New York: MoMA, 2008), 19–24.
111 Hugh Dubberly, “Design in the Age of Biology: Shifting from a Mechanical-Object Ethos to an Organic-Systems Ethos,” Interactions 15, no. 5 (2008): 35–41.
120 Luna Maurer, Edo Paulus, Jonathan Puckey, Roel Wouters, “Conditional Design Manifesto,” Conditional Design, May 1, 2015, http://conditionaldesign.org/manifesto/.
122 Brenda Laurel, “Designed Animism,” in (Re)Searching the Digital Bauhaus (New York: Springer, 2009), 251–74.
126 Khoi Vinh, “Conversations with the Network,” in Talk to Me: Design and Communication Between People and Objects, ed. Paola Antonelli (New York: MoMA, 2011), 128–31.
132 Keetra Dean Dixon, “Museum as Manufacturer,” Fromkeetra.com, May 1, 2015, http://fromkeetra.com/museum-as-manufacturer/.