
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), 791
adaptive behaviors, 791
contingencies, focus, 791
mechanism of action in social anxiety
disorder, 791792
therapy, 792
Affiliation biobehavioral system (ABS), 601
endocrine substrates, associated
oxytocin, 601
progesterone, 601
neural association
social exclusion, 601
social rejection, 601
survival chance
key role in increasing, 601
AG, See Agoraphobia
Agoraphobia (AG)
comorbidity with social anxiety disorder, 228
misdiagnosis as social anxiety disorder, 47
subscale assesses fear, 53
symptoms of, 53
Alcohol abuse, social anxiety disorder comorbidity, 244
gender discrepancy, prevalence of, 244
individuals, 47
social anxiety disorder management, 626627
Ambiguous events interpretation, 490495
ecologically valid ambiguous stimuli, 491
interpretation biases
classification, 492
offline, 492
online, 492, 493
studies, 493
social anxiety, 494
interpretation modification program (IMP), 494
advantage, 494
interpretation training, 494
research, 494
negative face stimuli, 492
social anxious individuals (SAIs), 490
characterization of, 490, 493, 495
negative interpretation, 490
vs. non-anxious individuals, 492
γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)
neuronal excitability, 383
reuptake inhibitor, 352
temperament role, 383
across primate species, 421
basolateral region, 422
biological measures, temperament assessment, 427430
hyper-excitable, 424
intercalated islands, 422
prefrontal cortex connectivity, 342
response uncertainty and activation, 419420
role in infant temperament, 421424
high-reactive infant, 422
low-reactive infant, 423
thalamus, 422
Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
creatine ratio, 359
dorsal portions of, 336
neuroimaging in social anxiety disorder
emotion regulation, activation studies, 343344
functional neuroimaging, 339340, 342343, 352354
structure, 336
posterior, 513
rostral, 336
Anticonvulsants, social anxiety disorder management
gabapentin, 645
levetiracetam, 646
pregabalin, 645646
tiagabine, 647
topiramate, 646
valporic acid, 647
bupropion, 641
mirtazapine, 640
nefazodone, 641
reboxetine, 641
tricyclic antidepressants, 641
Antipsychotics, atypical, 647
social anxiety disorder management, 647
Anxiety disorders interview
schedule for DSM-IV (ADIS-IV), 48
current comorbidity, social anxiety disorder, 237
psychiatric disorders, 236
social anxiety evaluation, 48
Anxiety prevention
core feature, social anxiety, 318
meta-analysis, 318
social anxiety disorder (SAD)
modifiable risk and protective factors, strategies to address, 319
summary, 319
Anxiety-related syndromes, 4
Anxious symptomology, risk factors in development of
behavioral inhibition, 314
meta-analysis, 314
temperamental trait, 314
comorbid symptoms, severity of, 313
internalizing disorders, 313
etiology of, 313
heritability of, 313
negative life events, 313
parental psychopathology, 313
environmental, 313
genetic, 313
social phobia
empirically-based model, 313
summary, 316
Attention, See Attentional biases
Attentional biases
causal role, 487489
attention bias modification (ABM) groups, 488
attention control condition (ACC) groups, 488
mediational analyses, 488
treatments, 489
evidence, 484485
dot-probe detection paradigm, 484
emotional Stroop paradigm, 484
vs. dot-probe detection paradigm, 485
facial expressions, 484
human attentional system, limited capacity, 484
probe detection task, 484
social anxiety individuals (SAIs), 484
color-naming task, 484
spatial cueing paradigms, 485
methods, assessing limitations, 485486
electroencephalogram (EEG) recording, 486
event-related potentials (ERPs), 486
findings interpretation, complications in, 485
psychophysiological measures, 486
standardized assessment procedures, lack of, 485
modification, 487489
effect on anxiety, to examine, 487
threat/attentional control, 489
antisaccade task, 489
anxious individuals, 489
multi-session study, 489
probe detection task, modified version, 489
Attentional processes
attention-training programs, 679
cognitive models of social anxiety disorder, 679
social anxiety treatment impact, 679679
Attention control condition (ACC), 679
attentional bias, 487
trains attention, 679
Attention modification program (AMP)
intervention for social anxiety disorder, 690
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
parasympathetic system, 75
sympathetic system, 75
Avoidant personality disorder (APD), 4
clinical, personality pathology of, 40
conceptualization of, 27
construct, empirical evidence, 3637
course of social phobia (SP), 34
low remission rates, chronic, 34
overlap of GSP, 34
criteria for social phobia, 9
development of, 27
distinguishing features of, 15
DSM criteria for, 28
stimulated interest, 27
empirical evidence relationship with social anxiety disorder, 3738
empirical findings, 38
exclusionary criterion, 9
findings on disability, 39
genetic findings, 39
longitudinal studies, social anxiety disorder, 39
outlined in the DSM-5, 14
overlap, 30
paranoid personality disorders, 27
pathology, 40
psychological treatments, social anxiety disorder, 34, 35
psychopharmacological treatment studies, social anxiety disorder studies, 34, 35
psychotherapeutic interventions, 40
relating persons, problem, 27
social anxiety disorder comparison, 3030
social interactional component, 14
state effects, 36
state personality effects, 3838
symptoms, 40
Behavioral assessment test (BAT)
measurement, 211
performance sense, 198
role-play tests, 198
socially phobic individuals, 202
Behavioral avoidance, social anxiety treatment impact, 686687
Behavioral avoidance test (BAT), 686687
Behavioral inhibition (BI)
adolescence, level, 334
prevention, 318
symptoms, 100
evidence of, 102
future anxious symptomology, 314
genetically stable traits, 314
interpersonal constraint, 458
social phobia, development of, 361
Behavioral inhibition system (BIS), anxiety role, 780
Behavioral ratings, performance quality
comorbid avoidant personality disorder, 690
social anxiety treatment impact, 688690
computer-assisted CBGT, 689
received rational-emotive therapy, 688
social behaviors, micro ratings, 688
Behavioral theory, See also Cognitive behavioral model
contemporary status in social anxiety and phobia
generalization of social anxiety disorder
functional equivalence, 461462
response generalization, 462463
stimulus equivalence, 461
stimulus generalization, 460461
initiation, 457460
behavioral cusps, 472473
behavioral momentum, 473
delayed events, 466467
matching law, 464465
reinforcement amount and certainty, 466470
rule-governed behavior, 465466
signal detection, 470471
therapeutic change, 472
models, overview of, 451456
Belongingness changes, responses to
popularity, 611
manipulation of, 611
non-socially anxious individuals, 611
positive social attention effects, 611
socially anxious individuals, 611
social exclusion, 610611
interpersonal rejection, 610
online ball-tossing task, 611
profoundly affect, 610
social anxiety affects, 610
socially anxious individuals, 610
high, 610
low, 611
temperamentally shy children, 610
alprazolam, 642
anxiolytic properties, 641
benefits, 643
bromazepam, 643
children and adolescents use, 648
efficacy of, 642
paroxetine, treatment augmentation of, 643
vs. alprazolam, 642
social anxiety disorder management, 643
standing-dose treatment, 641
Beta-adrenergic blockers, social anxiety disorder management, 643644, 755
Biological factors, social anxiety
amygdala, 259263
brain/cognitive development, 258259
genetic influence, 256258
pediatric clinical syndromes, 256
puberty, 263266
Bipolar disorder, social anxiety disorder comorbidity, 240240
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), 239240
DSM-IV criteria, 239
shubo-kyofu, social anxiety disorder, 240
social anxiety disorder comorbidity, 4, 239240
Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
depression prediction, temperament, 382
gene, allele possession, 382
Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (BFNE), 681
Brief social phobia scale (BSPS)
observer-rater instrument, 51
psychometric properties of, 51
Brofaromine, social anxiety disorder management, 629
Bromazepam, social anxiety disorder management, 643
Bupropion, social anxiety disorder management, 641, See also Antidepressants
sustained-release (SR), 641
social anxiety disorder management, 644645
azapirone, 644
Cannabidiol, social anxiety disorder management, 647
cannabis sativa plant, derived from, 647
Child-adolescent anxiety multimodal study (CAMS), 284
childhood anxiety disorders, treatment of, 284
cognitive behavioral therapy
combination of, 284
efficacy, 284
document availability, 284
participants of, 284
Chronic shyness
adolescent onset, 103
age of onset, 102
areas of overlap, 102
attribution style, 101
behavioral inhibition (BI), 100
anxiety symptoms, 100
cognitive control, 100
development, 100103
empirical findings, 101
maladaptive attributions, 101
negative stereotyping of, 100
observational learning, 100
one size fits all model, 100
private self-consciousness, 101
relationship of, 100
ruminative cycles, 101
shy adolescents, 101
self-consciousness, 101
skilled social behavior, 101
theory of, 101
thinking patterns, 101
scores, 100
skills, 100
Citalopram, social anxiety disorder management, 637638
Clinical epidemiological study, 38
Clinical interview, social anxiety and phobia assessment
agoraphobia, 47
depression symptoms, 47
DSM-5 criteria, social anxiety disorder, 47
free-flowing approach, 46
goals, 46
interviewer-rated scales, 5152
self-report measures, 5253
instruments, 53
self-report questionnaires, 52
socially anxious individuals (SAIs), 47
structured interviews, 4850
Clinically useful social anxiety disorder outcome scale (CUSADOS), 60
Clonazepam, social anxiety disorder management, 642
Cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT), 662
educational supportive group therapy, 691
non-behavioral interventions, 691
treatment dismantling study, 663
Cognitive behavioral model, See also Behavioral theory
anxiety response in social anxiety disorder
behavioral symptoms, 713714
cognitive symptoms, 715
physical symptoms, 714
automatic thoughts, 276
childhood social anxiety, 274
combination, cognitive behavioral therapy, 284
co-rumination, 275
dysfunctional post-event processing, 275
emotional dysregulation in social anxiety disorder, 718720
emotional expression in social anxiety disorder, 718720
evidence-based care, accessibility of, 282
explicit threat-related associations, 276
long-term memory, 275
maladaptive cognitive feature, 276
mental representation of self as seen by audience, 708
meta-cognition, 277
negative evaluation
external indicators, 716
probability and consequences, 712
negative post-event processing, 275
other-directed social schemas, 276
perceived/anticipated audience, 706708
perceived internal cues, 715
post-event processing, 717718
preferential allocation of attentional resources, 710711
psychological and physical comorbidities, 274
self image and audience behavior, 709710
self representation as seen by audience
vs. appraisal of audiences expected standard, 711712
social situation, 275
vicious cycle, 716
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
childhood social phobia, 279
cognitive enhancers, psychosocial treatment, 762765
combined pharmacotherapy, 757
emotion regulation interventions, 521522
focus, 521
nerve growth factor gene, 256
pharmacological treatments, 755756
comparison for social anxiety disorder management
individual trials, 758761
meta-analyses, 757
psychosocial treatments, 753754
relative efficacy of, 284
self-efficacy theory, 767
social anxiety disorder management, 626627
treatment-related reduction, 340
Cognitive bias, social anxiety disorder
attention studies, 484489
interpretation bias, 490495
memory studies, 495500
Cognitive-somatic anxiety questionnaire (CSAQ), 6262, 63
Cognitive symptoms, social anxiety disorder
attentional processes, 679680
beliefs, 667674
biased judgments, 667
judgment and interpretation-biases, 674678
interpretation bias, 677678
subjective probabilities, 674676
non-anxious adults, 667
sections, 667
self-statements, 667674
endorsement methods, 670673
production methods, 670
summary of treatments, intervention, 692
treatment impact, 667685
Comorbidity in social anxiety disorder
comment, 244246
future directions, 244246
using, DSM-III AND DSM-III-R criteria, 228230
using, DSM-IV criteria, 231238
Composite international diagnostic interview (CIDI)
comorbidity DSM-IV disorders, 231
structured interview, 50
SP section of the scale, 50
structured interview based, 50
utility, clinical, 50
Continuum model, social anxiety disorder
fears, general population, 5
Corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH)
molecules, 380
peptide, 334
presence of, 385
secretion of, 420
Cortisol, activity in social anxiety disorder, 334335
Cross-cultural assessment, social anxiety
challenges, 151152
Cross-cultural expressions, social anxiety disorder comordity, 243244
ethnic and gender differences, 243
groups of individuals, 244
Latino immigrants, after 21 age, 244
Latino immigrants, before age of 21, 244
Latinos born in the United States, 244
non-Latino white Americans, 244
Iranian adults, psychiatric disorders, 243
non-Western countries, 243
Cultural and developmental considerations, social anxiety, 1518
D-cycloserine (DCS), social anxiety disorder management, 647
Developmental factors, social anxiety
attachment, 267268
temperament, 268270
Dexamethasone suppression test (DST), social anxiety disorder finding, 334335
Diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM)
diagnostic issues, 2730
behavior theory, 27
DSM criteria for social anxiety disorder, 28
DSM-III criteria, APD, 27
DSM III level, 27
DSM-III-R level, 29
DSM-IV, 30
DSM-V, 30
generalized social phobia (GSP), 29
low self esteem, APD criteria, 27
performance problems, 29
postulating one disorder (APD), internal image, 30
scope, 27
social situations, 27
social withdrawal, 27
mental disorders-5, 3, 47
schizoid personality disorder cluster, 34
social anxiety definitions
DSM-IV, 10
DSM-IV-TR, 1010, 1314
Diagnostic nosology, social phobia, 911
classifications, 911
clinically-based SAD research, 11
comorbid diagnosis
social phobia, 10
DSM-III, advent, 9
DSM-III-R, publication, 10
DSM-IV-TR, children, 10
DSM-5, 10
DSM system, 11
ICD-X, 11
international classification of diseases (ICD), 11
neurobiological indices, 11
observable behaviors, 11
phobic neurosis category, 9
psychopathological behaviors, 10
psychopathological social anxiety, 9
Disability profile (DP), 52
Disciplines and subdisciplines, social anxiety, 19
Disqualification of positive social experiences (DPSOS), 64
extraversion genetic association studies of DR4, 385
neuroimaging of system in social anxiety disorder, 356357
temperament role, 384
Duloxetine, social anxiety disorder management, 640
Dysthmic disorder, social anxiety disorder comorbidity, 230
Eating disorders, social anxiety disorder comorbidity, 239
biological measures, temperament assessment, 427
across cultures, 128
persons misbehavior, 128
wide-ranging consequences, 128
antecedent events, 120122
behavioral sequelae, 126
development of, 122123
feelings, 118
fundamental cause of, 124126
individual differences, 123124
nature of, 118
awkward abashment, 118
unwanted evaluations, threat of, 118
nonverbal behavior, 119
physiology, 119
reaction of others, 127128
reprise nature, 128129
social anxiety disorder comparison, 128135
behavioral sequelae, 131132
development, 132133
distinguishment, embarrassment and social anxiety, 130
normality and abnormality, 133134
phenomenology, 130131
similarities of the states, 135
timing, 131
social emotion, 117
social life, desirable functions, 117
unbecoming behavior, 117
Emotional face processing, functional neuroimaging in social anxiety disorder, 338342
Emotional signals, processing and expression
body and posture, 605606
body collapse, competition situations, 606
non-verbal social cues, 605
faces, 603604
display of dominance, 604
emotional facial expressions (EFEs), 603
perception of, 603
threatening, 603
eye tracking studies, 604
smiles, positive stimuli, 604
voices, 604605
fundamental frequency of speech (mF0), 605
prosody, 604
Emotional states, social anxiety disorder
general social anxiety, distributions of
social avoidance and distress scale (SADS), 7
overlapping and contrasting, 68
personal report of confidence as a speaker scale (PRCS), 6
public speaking fear, 8
social fears, level, 6
specific-fear questionnaires, 8
Emotion regulation interventions, social anxiety disorder, See Cognitive behavioral therapy; Mindfulness-based stress reduction
Emotion regulation, social anxiety disorder
attentional deployment, 515, 519
distraction method, 519
gross process model, 518, 519
rumination, 519
cognitive change, 515, 520
behavioral studies, 520
cognitive reappraisal, 520
reappraisal self-efficacy, 520
emotional episode, 515
process model, 515
psychological flexibility, 514
refers to, 515
response modulation, 520521
associated with, 521
situation modification, 515, 518519
gross process model, 518
safety behaviors, 519
situation selection, 515, 517518
gross process model, 517, 518
measurement of, 518
strategies, 515
adaptive, 516, 517
gross process model, 516, 518
maladaptive, 516, 517
Emotions, social anxiety disorder
attention-training procedures, 513
cognitive models, 513
emotional reactivity, 513
exaggerated, 514
neuroimaging studies, 514
spans, 513
fMRI studies, brain responses, 514
modal model, 512
children and adolescents use, 649
social anxiety disorder management, 637638
Estimations of others scale (EOS), 105
Event-related potential (ERP), social anxiety disorder studies, 362, 429, 486
Evidence-based treatment, social anxiety
affords in-session, 279
child-adolescent anxiety multimodal study (CAMS), 284
cognitive-behavioral treatment, skill-building phase, 278
cognitive bias modification of interpretations (CBM-I), 282
tasks, 279
treatments, 279
in-vivo exercises, 282
launching emerging adults program (LEAP), 281
out-of-session exposures, 278
parental over-involvement, 282
problem-solving strategies, 278
psychopharmacologic interventions evaluation, 284
psychosocial treatment, 277
20-session LEAP intervention, 282
skill-building treatment, 278
transition-focused CBT protocol, 281
treatment builds, exposure phase, 278
Fear and avoidance of eye contact, social anxiety theoretically measured components, 64
Fear of embarrassment, measurement, 64
Fear of negative evaluation (FNE)
30-item true-false self-report measure, 60
overview in social anxiety disorder, 6061, 471
treatment impact, 681685
Fear of negative evaluation scale (FNES), 6061, 471, 681
overview in social anxiety disorder, 6061
Fear of positive evaluation scale (FPES), 63, 563564, 712
Fear questionnaire (FQ), 5657
anxiety disorder general measure, 5657
good discriminate validity, 57
high test-retest reliability, 57
15 items designed, 57
primary fear, 56
screening tool, 56
children and adolescents use, 648650
cognitive behavioral therapy comparison for social anxiety disorder management, 638
social anxiety disorder management, 638639
children and adolescents use, 649
social anxiety disorder management, 638
FRIENDS prevention programs, 321325
anxiety early intervention and prevention, 323
children at anxiety risk, 325
follow-up, 325
cognitive behavioral therapy, developed as, 321
empathy training, 322
FRIENDS for Life, 322
description of, 323
fun FRIENDS program, 322
future research directions, 325326
my youth FRIENDS, 322
protocols, 321
resilience for life, 322
significant revisions, 322
unique aspect, 322
universal prevention, 324
Frost multidimensional perfectionism scale
correlational research, 163166
measures, 165
mistakes subscale, 162
reductions, 180
scores, 180
subscales, 167
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
activation studies in social anxiety disorder
emotional face processing, 338342
non-social negative emotional processing, 350351
positive emotional processing, 350351
resting state studies, 352355
social interactions, 347349
symptom provocation, 344347
brain activity, adolescents, 261
overview, 336
specific brain regions, 720
Gabapentin, social anxiety disorder management, 645, See also Anticonvulsants
GABAergic effects, 645
Gaze anxiety rating scale (GARS), 64
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
activation studies in social anxiety disorder
emotion regulation, 343344
amygdala reactivity, 339
benzodiazepines, anxiolytic properties of, 641
functional neuroimaging studies, 339
positive event processing, 562
rates of comorbid, 230
scales, 59
subjective anxiety symptoms, 262
treatment of, 641
Generalized social phobia (GSP), 29
General social avoidance and inhibition (SAD-G), 66
G protein-coupled receptors, 385
Hewitt and Flett model, perfectionistic self-presentation, 169172
nondisclosure of imperfection, 169
nondisplay of imperfection, 169
perfectionistic self-promotion, 169
interpersonal psychological distress, 169
multi-faceted construct, 169
perfectionistic self-presentation scale (PSPS), 169, 170
sense of self-acceptance, 169
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
abnormal 5-HT1A binding, 358
activation of, 407
activity in social anxiety disorder, 334335
circadian rhythm, 334
dexamethasone suppression test, 334
gland mediated cortisol, 513
neuroactivehormones, 334
social phobia patients, 334
Individual differences, social anxiety disorder comordity, See Cross-cultural expressions, social anxiety disorder comordity
International classification of diseases (ICD), 11
social phobias, 11
structured interview based, 50
International classification of diseases (ICD), social anxiety definition, 11
Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
BFNE scores, 683
effects, SAQ, 668
transcripts of therapists, 793
ambiguous social interactions, 490, See also Ambiguous events interpretation
bias, study of, 490
social anxious individuals (SAIs), 490
social feedback, 490
inherent ambiguity, 490
Interpretation bias, social anxiety treatment impact, 677678
consequences of negative social events questionnaire (CONSE-Q), 677
Interpretation of positive events scale (IPES), 562
Inter-rater reliability
diagnosis of SAD, 50
Interview, See Clinical interview
Interviewer-rated scales, social anxiety disorder, 5152
Irrational beliefs test (IBT), 667
Karolinska scales of personality (KSP), 357
detachment scale of, 357
detachment scores, 357
D2 receptor density, 357
PET study, 357
Kutcher generalized social anxiety scale for adolescents (K-GSADS-A), 67
Levetiracetam, social anxiety disorder management, 646, See also Anticonvulsants
Liebowitz self-rated disability scale (LSRDS), 52
Liebowitz social anxiety scale for children and adolescents (LSAS-CA), 65
Liebowitz social phobia scale (LSPS), 51
self-report format, 53
Liebowitz social phobia scale-self-report (LSPS-SR), 53
clinician-administered LSPS, 53
correlated, 53
cut-off scores, 53
yield comparable means, 53
LSPS, Liebowitz social phobia scale, See Liebowitz social phobia scale
LSPS-SR, Liebowitz social phobia scale selfreport, See Liebowitz social phobia scaleself-report
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), See also Functional magnetic resonance imaging
overview, 336
structural brain imaging in social anxiety disorder, 337
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), social anxiety studies
N-acetylaspartate, 359
serotonin system, 357358
Melatonin, temperament role, 386387
social anxiety disorder studies, 495500
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), emotion regulation interventions, 343344, 522523
Mindfulness-based therapy, social anxiety disorder
evidence of interventions, 732735
key components of, 731
task concentration, eight-week protocol
allowing/letting be, session 5, 740
awareness and automatic pilot, session 1, 737738
awareness of body, session 2, 738739
awareness of breathing, session 3, 739
general elements, 735736
preparation, 736
staying in present moment, session 4, 740
theory and experimental evidence, attentional processes, 730732
Mini-SPIN-R, social anxiety disorder measures, 5859
Mirtazapine, See also Antidepressants
children and adolescents use, 650
social anxiety disorder management, 640
Moclobemide, social anxiety disorder management, 626627
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
pharmacologic treatments, 777
social anxiety disorder treatment
irreversible, nonselective inhibitors, 626627
reverse monoamine oxidase-A inhibitors, 628629, See also Reverse inhibitors of monoamine oxidase-A (RIMAS)
sources, 626
Multi-dimensional anxiety scale for children (MASC), 67
Mutism, anxiety disorders, 648
N-acetylaspartate (NAA), magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies in social anxiety disorder, 359
Nefazodone, social anxiety disorder management, 641, See also Antidepressants
Neurological activity, social anxiety
treatment impact, 662666
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), 57
Opioids, temperament role, 383
Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), neuroimaging in social anxiety disorder
structure, 336
Overt behavioral performance, social anxiety
subgroups, 693
treatment impact, 686690
behavioral ratings of performance quality, 688690
escape and avoidance, 686687
Oxytocin, temperament role, 383
children and adolescents use, 649
social anxiety disorder management, 635636
definition, 159
discrepancy role, social anxiety
clinically diagnosed social phobia, trait perfectionism levels, 167168
Hewitt and Flett model, 169172
perfectionism cognitions, 172174
extended model, 174177
linking perfectionism with social anxiety, 160162
research overview
correlational research, 163166
role of discrepancy, social anxiety
feelings of dissatisfaction, 167
Hewitt and Flett model, perfectionistic self-presentation, 169172
self-discrepancy model, 167
treatment implications, 178181
cognitive behavioral therapy, 180
FMPS scores, 179
unidimensional vs. multidimensional conceptualizations, 162
Perfectionistic self-presentation scale (PSPS)
incremental validity, 170
predictor block, 170
social interaction anxiety, 170
Performance deficits, social anxiety relationship, 12
Pergolide, 645
Personality disorders
association of social phobia, 34
DSM anxious personality disorder cluster, 34
Person perception, 606607
impression formation, 606
clinical SAD individuals, 606
non anxious individuals, 606
interpersonal rejection, 606
peoples social status
estimation of, 607
social anxiety disorder
individuals vs. non-anxious individuals, 606
rated protagonists, 606
Phenelzine, social anxiety disorder management, 626
Phobic social situations, 48
list of, 48
Physiological symptoms, social anxiety
physiological reactors
wait-list condition, 663
positive face (AP), 665
positron emission tomography (PET), 665
pre-to-post treatment, 663
respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), 664
self-instructional training, 666
skin conductance reactivity (SCR), 665
social effectiveness therapy (SET), 663
social skills training, 663
threatening face (AT), 665
treatment impact, 662666
cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT), 662
educational-supportive therapy (ES), 662
physiological measures, 662
skin conductance reactivity, 662
wait list control (WLC), 665
Positive experiences/events
biological markers of diminished rewards in social anxiety, 566567
dopaminergic neurotransmission, 566
neurobiological circuitry, impaired, 566
impaired positive cognitions, social anxiety, 559566
atypical post-event processing, positive information, 561562
dearth of positivity, predicting, 564565
lack of normative, positive self-evaluations, 562564
positive evaluation fear, 563564
lifes perceived quality, lack of positive bias, 565
meaningful heterogeneity in social anxiety, 567568
self-regulatory model, social anxiety, 555559
emotion dysregulation, positivity deficit mechanism, 556557
extreme self-awareness, 555
hyper-focused, 555
impaired attention, positivity deficits mechanism, 558559
social anxiety and diminished positive experiences, 552555
depressive symptoms, 553
experience-sampling studies, 554
meta-analysis, 553
posttraumatic stress disorder, 554
single-occasion global questionnaire, 554
social relationships, 552
treatment implications, 568570
Positron emission tomography (PET), 259
activation studies in social anxiety disorder
neuroanatomy, 336
resting state studies, 352355
summary of studies, 356
symptom provocation, 344347
brain profile, 408
neurotransmitter system imaging in social anxiety disorder
dopamine, 356357
serotonin, 357358
overview, 336
Posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), neuroimaging in social anxiety disorder
functional neuroimaging, 338, 352355
structure, 336
Prefrontal cortex (PFC), 260261
amygdala connectivity, 262262, 342
functional overview, 336
neuroimaging in social anxiety disorder
functional neuroimaging, 338340, 346351
structure, 336
Pregabalin, social anxiety disorder management, 645646, See also Anticonvulsants
Prevention programs, social anxiety disorder management
coping and promoting strength program (CAPS), 321
child anxiety prevention study, developed from, 321
child components, 321
cognitive-behavioral anxiety prevention program, 321
FRIENDS programs, See FRIENDS prevention programs
future research directions, 325326
mental health concerns, 320
preschool intervention project, 320
anxious symptomology, 320
implementation, 320
parent-education program, 320
aim, 320
psychoeducation, anxiety and risk factors, 320
Prevention types, social anxiety, 317
effective prevention program, 317
key factors, 317
levels of prevention, 317
preventative intervention targets
indicated, 317
selective, 317
universal, 317
Protective factors, social anxiety development, 314316
Eriksons psychosocial stages, 316
familial transmission of anxiety, 315
function mechanism, 314
interpersonal relationships, 316
parent-child attachment, 315
disorganized, insecure attachment, 315
positive attachments, development of, 315
stable, secure attachment, 315
positive peer relationships, 316
prosocial behaviors, 316
social anxiety disorder
susceptibility to, 315
social networks, analysis of, 316
socio-emotional competence, 314
includes, 314
socio-emotional skills, 315
summary, 316
Psychopharmacological treatment studies, 34
Psychophysiological arousal, biological factor, 263
Psychophysiological assessment in social anxiety, 7577
anxiety-provoking stimuli, 75
anxiety-related reactions, 75
embarrassment, 75
autonomic nervous system (ANS), 75
parasympathetic system, 75
sympathetic system, 75
cardiovascular assessment, 7677
conducts, cognitive restructuring, 76
electrodermal recordings, 77
other physiological assessments, 77
physiological data, 76
social skills training, 76
treatment decisions, 76
pharmacological treatment, 76
Psychosis, social anxiety disorder comorbidity, 241
Psychosocial treatments, mechanisms of action in social anxiety disorder, 792793
Quetiapine, social anxiety disorder management, 647
Reboxetine, social anxiety disorder management, 641, See also Antidepressants
Regulator of G-protein signalling (RGS2), 383
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), 664
higher levels of resting, 664
anticipation of a speech task, 664
withdrawal, 664
Reverse inhibitors of monoamine oxidase-A (RIMAS), social anxiety disorder management
brofaromine, 629
moclobemide, 628629
treated patients, 628
vs. monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), 628
Revised childrens manifest anxiety scale (RCMAS), 67
Role-playing procedures, social anxiety
role-play test (RPT), 6971
social anxiety and phobia assessment, 6971
simulated social interaction test (SSIT), 7172
Scale for interpersonal behavior (SIB), social skill assessment in social phobia, 195
Schizoid personality cluster, 34
Screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (SCARED), 67
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
children and adolescents use, 648650
controlled trials, 629
social anxiety disorder management
citalopram, 637638
escitalopram, 637638
fluoxetine, 638639
fluvoxamine, 638
paroxetine, 635636
sertraline, 636637
behavioral strategies, 540
cognitive processing, See Self-referent cognitive processing
concept clarity, 542
definition, 531
organization, 541542
evaluative, 541
related concepts, 531
related motives, 540
approaches, 540
schema content, See Self-schema content
social cognitive perspective, 532
issues, examined, 532
structure, 541
refers to, 541
Self efficacy for social situations scale (SESS), 68
Self-monitoring, social anxiety and phobia, 72
Self-presentation theory
interpersonal behavior and social anxiety, 589590
original theory
empirical support, 580
evidence for, 583
fundamental proposition, 580
original theory, 580583
self-presentational perspective, 582
socially anxious people, 581
virtue of, 580
sociometer theory as extension
link to self-presentation, 587588
overview, 583584
social anxiety as sociometer, 585587
treatment implications, 590592
antecedents of trait social anxiety, 590591
treating social anxiety disorder, 591592
treating trait social anxiety, 591592
Self-referent cognitive processing
judgment biases, 538
social anxious individuals, 538
post-event processing (PEP), 538, 539
processes, links between, 539
rumination, post-event, 538
selective attention, 536539
consciousness, self, 536
focused attention, self, 537
threat-related external cues, 537
Self-schema content
efficacy, self, 536
definition, 536
esteem, self, 535
images, self, 534535
negative self-images (NSI), 534
positive self-imagery, 535
related thoughts, self, 532533
maladaptive self-beliefs, 533
core extrusion schema (CES) measure, 533
social comparison, 533
social ineptness, 533
types, 533
negative self-statements, 532
positive self-statements, 532
Self-statements during public speaking scale (SSPS), 74
Septohippocampal system
medications, 790
activity duration, 381
neuroimaging in social anxiety disorder, 357358
secretion, 381
temperament role, 381
Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
social anxiety disorder management
duloxetine, 640
venlafaxine, 639640
children and adolescents use, 648650
social anxiety disorder management, 636637
treated patients vs. placebo-treated patients, 636
Sheehan disability scale (SDS), 52
affective features, 107
behavior, 98, 107108
characteristics of, 104109
children behavior, 421
chronic shyness, 98
development, 100103
fear of negative evaluation, 98
cognitive features and perception, 105106
definitions, 99
egocentric preoccupation, 98
emotional component, 98
emotional states, 99
family characteristics, 108109
heterogeneous, 99
impairment, assessment, 99
interest, 98
prevalence, 100
self-reported traits, 99
social phobics, 98
somatic symptoms, 104104
treatment, 99
vs. social phobic individuals, 103104
Simulated social interaction test (SSIT)
social anxiety and phobia assessment, 200201
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
ADHD, 400
autism, 400
bipolar disorder, 400
schizophrenia, 400
temperament role, 385386
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
dopamine system imaging in social anxiety disorder, 356357
functional neuroimaging in social anxiety, 352
overview, 336
Social anxiety
cultural dimensions, impact, 146149
individualism and collectivism, 146148
self-construal, 149
cultural variations, 150
definitions, 89
prevalence, across countries, 142146
Social anxiety disorder (SAD), 27
analysis of
observable behaviors, 19
anxiety-provoking situations, 651
anxious symptomology continuum, 312
characteristics of, 312
avoidant disorder of childhood and adolescence (AVD), 254
avoidant personality disorder comparison, See Avoidant personality disorder
body dysmorphic disorder, 4
comorbidity rates, using DSM-IV criteria
current, 236237, 238
lifetime, 232233, 235
core features, 612
conceptualization of, 612
multi-modal communication, examination of, 612
development of, 312319
preventative interventions, 312
differences in, 6
DSM-5 alteration, 254
early intervention, 317
summary, 319
evidence, 40
forms, 1215
generalized version of, 29
general social anxiety, distribution, 7
history, 254256
lifetime prevalence of, 8
lower scores, 6
milder variant, 40
model, 778780
morphology, 254256
negative evaluation, social/performance fear, 254
pathological extremes, 19
pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, combined, 790
prevalence rate, social phobia, 142146, 256
prevention programs, implementing challenges, 318
difficulties set, 318
evaluation of, 318
prime target for, 312
psychological treatment, across cultures, 152153
social nature, 19
subgroups, 693
rational-emotive therapy, 693
subtypes, types of, 12
public speaking, 13
suicidality, comorbidity, 241242
impact of, 312
theory and experimental evidence, 730732
treatment implications, 613
cognitive-behavioral interventions, 613
interpersonal interventions, 613
status-enhancing interventions, 613
thin-skinnedness, 613
Social anxiety disorder dimensional scale (SAD-D), 59
Social anxiety evolutionary models, two biobehavioral systems, 601603
adaptive function, social anxiety, 602
dominance-submissiveness system, 601
Learys account, 602
self-awareness, heightened, 602
social anxiety characterization, 602
social cautiousness, 602
socially anxious individuals, 602
behaviors, 602
gestures, 601
symbolic gestures
dominance, 601
Social anxiety scale for children (SASC-CA), 66
Social anxiety screening questionnaire (SAS-Q)
sample, 52
Social anxiety session change index (SASCI), 59
Social avoidance and distress scale (SADS), 6, 6162
Social backdrop, social anxiety, 9697
Social effectiveness therapy (SET), 663
Social factors, social anxiety
parenting style, 270272
peer influence, 272274
Social fitness training, social anxiety and shyness
cognitive-emotional self-regulation, 109
compassion focused therapy approach, 110111
egalitarian behavior, 109
Social interaction anxiety scale (SIAS), 55
Social interaction self-statement test (SISST), 7374, 671672
Social life, evolutionary perspective
group living, humans, 599
advantages, 599
two-biobehavioral systems, 600
Socially anxious individuals (SAIs), 47
Social performance survey schedule (SPSS), social skill assessment in social phobia, 195198
Social phobia, See Social anxiety disorder
Social phobia anxiety inventory (SPAI), 5355
for children (SPAI-C), 65
Social phobia inventory (SPIN), 5758
Social phobia scale, 56
Social phobic inventory in adolescents, 67
Social rank biobehavioral system (SRBS), 600
female social rank and dominance, 601
humans social rank, processing of, 600
social competition, 600
social hierarchies, 600
stable social organization, 600
testosterone, biochemical substrate related to, 601
Social self-efficacy and self-esteem in adolescents, measures of, 68
Social skills
aim and method, 190
assessment, socially phobic, 194195
behavioral measures, 202203
definition, 191
hypothesis, 191
improvement in performance, 214215
notion of, 191
self-protective shell, 215
self-reports, 195198
skills deficits, 191, 203215
deficient, socially phobic sub-groups, 210211
socially anxious individuals, 203
social functioning, social phobia problem, 216217
training, 211214, 791
treatment, social phobia, 218220
views, 193194
inter-personal view, 194
intra-personal view, 193
Social skills questionnaires (SSQ-P), 66
Social status changes, responses to
pride, 609610
effects of social anxiety, 609
self-conscious emotion, 609
social anxious individuals, 610
social power/leadership, 609
cortisol high levels, 609
insulating effects, social anxiety, 609
psychological benefits of, 609
testosterone high levels, performance, 609
social status loss
defeat, 608
humiliation, 608
shame, 608
Spence childrens anxiety scale (SCAS), 67
SPIN/mini-SPIN in adolescents, 67
Stress response, social anxiety disorder findings, 334335
Structured clinical interview for DSM-IV (SCID-IV), 48
Subjective probabilities, social anxiety treatment impact, 674676
individual cognitive therapy, 675
overestimations, likelihood, 674
subjective probability scale, 674
treatment effects, 674
within-group effect sizes, 674
biological measures, 427430
high-reactives, 429
low-reactives, 429
cascades and mental states, 435436
eighteen year old, 432434
clinical symptoms, 434435
eleven years, 427
fifteen years, 430432
biological measures, 432434
four-and-a-half-years, 425426
second year, 424425
seven-and-a-half-years, 426
visceral feedback, 436437
high-reactivity, 439441
low-reactivity, 439441
determinism/limitations, 437439
enthusiasm for biology, 392412
American vs. Japanese psychiatrists, 405
anatomical interconnectivity, 405
antisocial behavior, origin of, 400
blood flow pattern, adults, 406
brain metrics, 411
brain, psychological phenomena foundation, 408
cause of saccade, 407
cerebral blood flow in humans, studies of, 401
childhood adversities, 399
contemporary films, 404
copy number variant (CNV), 405
depression bouts, high prevalence of, 402
emotions, adults, 393
emotions muting, 403
evolution, factors responsible for, 409
friendlessness, 402
general adaptation syndrome, 396
Hispanic children, 398
human actions, 407
human aesthetic evaluation of music, 409
human psychonome project, 411
idiosyncratic, 393
immune system, ability of, 397
intuitionpopular theory, 410
Niels Bohrs principle, 409
Pavlov, 399400
physical exercise, therapeutic effects, 393
psychologically stressful events, 396
psychological process, emergence of, 407
psychological stressor, 397
reluctance to blame victims, 398
sense of control, 395
stress, 396397
symbolic world, properties of, 402
sympathy level, increasing, 403
unconditioned reflexes, 399
unhappiness, 402
worlds problems, nature of, 393
evidence sources in bias determination, 387392
Lab-TAB, behavioral observations, 388
genes and neurochemistry, 380386
dopamine, 384
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 383
heritability coefficients, 386
neuromodulators, 380
neuropeptides, 383
neurotransmitters, 380
serotonin, 381
high-reactive, 421424
low-reactive, 421424
temperamental biases, 420
inhibited children, 420
reactions to the unfamiliar, 419420
response uncertainty, 419
types, 378380
behavioral phenotype, 379
temperamental biases, 378
uncertainty-evoking events, 420
Test-retest reliability
DSM-IV ADIS-C/P diagnoses, 50
Thought-listing and thought-recalling, social anxiety disorder, 7475
Thought-listing, social anxiety and phobia assessment, 7375
Tiagabine, social anxiety disorder management, 647, See also Anticonvulsants
Tier social stress test (TSST)
anxiety trait, measurement of, 732
social anxiety disorder findings, 335
Topiramate, social amxiety disorder management, 646, See also Anticonvulsants
Tranylcypromine, social anxiety disorder management, 627
Tricyclic antidepressants, 641, See also Antidepressants
Valporic acid, social anxiety disorder management, 647, See also Anticonvulsants
children and adolescents use, 650
social anxiety disorder management, 639640
Virtual sphere, self-presentation, 607608
computer-mediated communication, 607
Facebook profiles
objective measures of, 607
face-to-face communication, 607
non-verbal cues
substitution of, 607
social sites profiles, 607
social structures, 607