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injuries, first aid for, 576

pain, 566, 570

pain, calling doctor for, 541

swelling, 566, 569

see also Digestive upset, Gas

Abrasions, skin, first aid for, 592

Abscess, breast, 87

Abuse, child, getting help to prevent, 213, 465, 467

ACA; see Affordable Care Act


falls, 473

first aid for, 574–600

parent’s reaction to, 473

prevention of, 391–409; see also Babyproofing

Acellular pertussus; see DTaP vaccine

Acetaminophen, 39, 550; see also Medication

breast milk and, 100

dosing by weight, 553

for breast pain, 74, 80, 87

for fever, 546, 548

for teething pain, 322, 439

Acne, on baby’s face, 228; see also Milia, Pimples, Rash, Skin

Active baby, 330–331

Acute otitis media; see Ear infection

Additives in foods, 338, 340–341

Adhesion, penile, 254

Adjusted age, premature baby and, 108, 607, 621, 622–624

Adopted baby

breastfeeding, 94–95

foreign, 528

telling, 457

vaccines for, 533

Adoption medicine, 528


conflicting, 142

from grandparents, 19

Advil; see Ibuprofen

Affordable Care Act

breastfeeding and, 175

health insurance and, 20

Agave; see Sugar substitutes


polluted indoor, 334–336

swallowing during feeds, 130–131, 217; see also Burping baby, Gas

travel; see Airplane

Air bags, and car seats, 157


ear pressure on, 521

travel, 518–521

using a car seat on, 157, 519, 521

Airport security, 519–521


check, when baby is choking, 594, 597

clearing of, 596–597

inflammation of, with asthma, 567–569

inflammation of, with croup, 561–563

inflammation of, with RSV, 559–561

obstruction of, and illness, 594

obstruction of, and diphtheria, 527

opening, during CPR, 598, 599, 600

suctioning of, at birth, 120


drinking, while breastfeeding, 100–101

rubbing, for umbilical cord care, 165

Allergic colitis, 199

Allergy(ies), 556

baby-care products and, 38

bee venom, 577–578

breastfeeding and, 3

diarrhea as symptom of, 198, 326, 564

extended breastfeeding and, 279

food, 325–327

introducing solids and, 318, 327, 348–349

reaction to immunization, 529

to breast milk, 3, 97–99, 199–200

to cow’s milk, 198–199, 503

to cow’s milk formula, 3, 127, 198–199

to nuts, 38, 199, 326, 505

to pets, 556

to poison ivy, 590

to pollen, 556

seasonal, 556

see also Asthma, Eczema

Almond milk, 503

Altitude, changes in, on airplane, 521

Ambidextrous, 424

Anal fissures, 154, 200, 201, 564

Analgesia, and circumcision, 11

Anaphylactic reaction, 326, 578


breath holding and, 458

in premature babies, 628

preventing, 365; see also Vitamin supplements

screening for, 365

Anesthetic cream

for circumcision, 11

for vaccines, 535

Anger, parent’s, 465, 466, 467

because of crying baby, 213, 286

because of premature baby, 615–618

shaking baby and, 286, 467

spanking and, 465

uncontrolled, 465, 466, 467

Animals; see Pets, Zoo

bites, first aid for, 576–578

Ankyloglossia, 188

Antibacterial wipes or gel, 562

Antibiotic ointment, 39, 135

newborn eyes and, 121, 135, 137

Antibiotics, 551, 552

breastfeeding moms and, 87, 100

diarrhea and, 564

for ear infection, 557, 558, 573

for fever, 546

for urinary tract infection, 567

in food, 126, 338

probiotics and, 558

thrush and, 150, 151, 152

umbilical infection and, 221


in breast milk, 3–4, 73

in colostrum, 72–73, 139

see also Vaccinations


about baby’s breathing, 207–208

breastfeeding and, 9–10, 305

about baby’s development, 104–106; see also Development

parent’s, and colic, 212–213

separation; see Separation anxiety

social, 499; see also Shyness

stranger; see Stranger(s)

“unfamiliar” and, 498–499

when baby is in NICU, 615–618

Apgar test, 121, 123


in premature baby, 273, 610, 625, 626

prolonged, 273

SIDS risk and, 273; see also SIDS

Apparent life-threatening event, 273–274


of newborn, 134–137

of premature baby, 613


baby’s, 4, 192–193, 310

drop in, in breastfed baby, 304–306

drop in, in older baby, 502–504

feeding to; see Demand feeding

increase in, in older baby, 504

lack of, in newborn, 139

loss of, and teething, 305, 321

snacks and, 477

when sick, 540–541

see also Bottle feeding, Breastfeeding, Eating, Feeding, Solids

Apple juice, 311

diarrhea and, 564, 565


childproofing, 400

safety around, 406

see also Babyproofing

Apps, 509–511

intellectual development and, 426–427


in baby food, 377

in formula, 129

see also Omega-3 fatty acids

Areola, breastfeeding and, 67–70; see also Breast(s), Nipples


broken, 579

dislocated, 497, 581

severed, 591

swinging by the, 497

Art supplies, 512

Artificial sweeteners, 340

breastfeeding and, 102

Aspartame; see Artificial sweeteners

Asphyxia, in premature baby, 610

Aspiration, of meconium; see Meconium

Aspirator, nasal, 39, 554, 555

Aspirin, 551

Asthma, 567–569

family history of and allergies, 326, 556

family history of and eczema, 325

probiotics and, 568

reduced risk in breastfed babies, 3

tobacco smoke, exposure to and, 334, 394

Atopic dermatitis, 325; see also Eczema

Attachment parenting, 269, 274

Au pair; see Babysitter, Childcare

Auditory brainstem response (ABR) hearing screening, 124


red flags for, 105

vaccines and, 531, 535, 537

Auto; see Car

Axillary thermometer, 545

taking temperature with, 545


Babbling, 390

Babinski’s reflex, in newborns, 147


active, 330–331

appearance of, at birth, 134–137

appearance of preemie, at birth, 613

buying for, 28–59

car seat; see Car seat

care, basics; see Baby care

carrier; see Carrier

cereal, 270, 313, 348, 364–365, 378, 436

challenging, 328–333

checkup at birth, 120–123; see also Checkups

clothes; see Clothes

comparing, to other babies, 105

CPR; see CPR

development; see Development

fear of “breaking,” 180

first aid for; see First aid

food; see Solids

grooming products, 37–39

high-intensity, 332

irregular, 331

keeping safe, 230–231; see also Babyproofing, Safety

low-birthweight; see Premature baby

medicine cabinet needs, 39–40

monitor, 47–48

name for, 12–14

negative, 332–333

next, thinking about, 484–485

nursery needs, 42–48

oil, 37, 253

outdoor gear for, 48–55

outings with, 224–227

premature; see Premature baby

products for; see Buying, for baby

-proofing the house, 391–409; see also Babyproofing, Safety

reflexes; see Reflexes

registry, 29

seat; see Infant seat

sensitive, 329–330

shampoo, 37, 38; see also Shampooing baby

shoes, 369, 473–474

sick, 537–573

signs, 415–418

sling; see Slings

spacing between, 484–485

special-needs, 571

spoiling, 210

standing, 411, 439, 499; see also Pulling up

states of consciousness, 140–141

swing; see Swing

talk, 486–489; see also Talking

temperament of, 328–333, 497–500

tooth; see Teeth, Teething

tub, 38–39

understanding, 144, 246

unhappy, 332–333; see also Colic, Crying, Fussiness

withdrawn, 331–332; see also Shyness

Baby care

bathing, 161–164

burping, 160–161

diapering, 34–37, 158–160

dressing, 166–167

ear care, 164

hair, 438

handling, 180

lifting and carrying, 167–169

nail trimming, 165

nose care, 165

penis care, 166

products, 37–39

shampooing, 162–163, 164, 438

swaddling, 169–170

umbilical stump, 162, 165–166

Baby carriers; see Carrier

forward-facing, 382–383

Baby food; see Food, Solids

Baby-led weaning, 379

Baby nurse, 14–15, 18; see also Childcare

Babyproofing, 391–409, 516

hotel rooms, 516

pet food, 17

service, hiring, 400

Babysitter, 287–294

checklist for, leaving a, 289

interviewing, 290

leaving baby with a, 282–283, 286–287

monitoring, 296–297

searching for, 288, 290

separation anxiety and, 283, 478–480

tax laws and, 294

see also Childcare


blows, for choking baby, 596–597

injury, first aid for, 576–600

Back, putting baby to sleep on, 202–203, 271, 299

flat head and, 201

flipping from, during the night, 358–359

not sleeping well and, 247–250

slower development and, 237

unhappy while sleeping on, 202–203

Backpack carrier, 56, 384–385

Backyard safety, 403–406

Bacteria; see Germs

Bagging, in NICU, 610

Bald baby, 437

Bald spot, preventing, 201

Balloons, 498

Bandages, 39

Banging head, baby’s habit, 453–454

Bank, milk, 93

Barbecue, safety near, 404


buying, 45

switching from, to crib, 275

Bath, 161–164

as part of bedtime routine, 355–357

fear of, 359–361

in the big tub, 359

safety, 360

sponge, 161–163

toys, 361, 513

tub, buying for baby, 38–39

Bath seat, safety of, 360

Bath tub; see Bath

Bath wash, 37

Bathroom, babyproofing the, 401–402

Batteries, button, 397

swallowed, first aid for, 593

Battery pump, 173


family; see Co-sleeping

putting baby to; see Sleep(ing)

putting weaned baby to, 500–501

sharing with baby, see Co-sleeping

switching to, from crib, 501–502

see also Crib, Sleeping

Bedside sleeper, 46


routine, 351, 355–357, 482, 483, 501

separation anxiety at, 480, 482–483

snack, benefit of, 476

weaned baby and, 500–501

Bee sting

first aid for, 577–578

protecting against, 409

severe reaction to, 577–578

Beef, safe cooking of, 451


acting up with parents, 384–385

discipline and, 462–467

negative, 506–507

toddler, 507

when sick, 540

see also Biting, Clinging, Colic, Crying, Fussiness, Separation anxiety, Shyness

Belly; see also Abdominal, Digestive upset, Gas, Tummy

lump in, 222

Belly button; see Umbilical stump

Bibs, for feeding, 33, 345, 453

Bifidobacterium, 558

Bili lights, to treat jaundice, 152, 612

Bilingual baby, 247

Bilirubin, and jaundice, 152–153, 629

Biodegradable diapers, 34

Biotinidase deficiency, testing for, in baby, 122


bonding after, 121, 135

breastfeeding after, 60

checkup after, 121–123

clamping of cord at, 121

medical procedures at, 120–123

Birth, home, 123–125

Birth certificate, 124, 148

Birth control

when bottle-feeding, 8

when breastfeeding, 7, 88

Birth defects, 571

Birthday party, baby’s first, 498–499

Birthmarks, 145–150

Birthweight, 133–134; see also Weight

low; see Low-birthweight babies

Bisphenol A (BPA); see BPA

Bites, first aid for

animal, 576–577

human, 577

insect, 577–578

marine animals, 578–579

snake, 578

Biting, 455, 465

teething and, 319–321

while nursing, 320–321, 386–387

Black and blue around eyes, 586

Black and blue behind ears, 586

Black and blue mark, first aid for, 591–592

Black eye, first aid for, 583

Black stool, 153, 314; see also Meconium


as comfort object, 442–444

avoiding for safe sleep, 202, 270, 275, 289

buying, for baby, 33; see also Linens

sleeper, 32

using in the crib, older baby, 502


anal fissures and, 154, 200, 564

calling doctor for, 539–540

from ears, 539, 586

from mouth, 588

from nose, 586, 588–589

from scalp, 586

internal, 576

in the brain, premature babies, 627–628

massive, first aid for, 576, 592, 593

under the nail, 584

Blinds, window, 392

Blinking, 456


nursing, 189

on baby’s lips, 189


coughing up, 539, 576

in spit-up, 198

in stool, 198–199, 200, 576

in stool, with premature baby, 628

in urine, 539, 576

infection, 611

leaking from ears, 539, 586

leaking from nose, 586

Blood gas, in NICU, 610

Blood glucose levels, in premature baby, 630

Blood sugar; see Hypoglycemia

Blood sugar, during sleep, 476

Blood tests

for antibodies, in adopted baby, 533

for celiac disease, 569

for iron deficiency, 365

for jaundice 152, 153

for lead, 342

heel stick at birth, 122, 124

preemies and, 610, 611, 630

Blood tests, at birth, 122

Blood vessels in eyes, immature, in premature babies, 627

Bloodshot eyes, at birth, 137

Bloody nose, first aid for, 588–589

Blueness of lips, 457, 594

Blueness of skin, 229, 457, 541

breath holding and, 456

in breathing emergencies, 273–274, 598

with RSV, 560

BM; see Bowel movement


between baby and pet, 17

bottle-feeding and, 131–133

breastfeeding and, 6, 7, 61

kangaroo care and, 132, 608

skin-to-skin, 132, 135, 608

with newborn, 61, 135

with premature baby, 607–609

Bone, broken, first aid for, 579

Bone-building, breastfeeding diet and, 97

Boppy, 55, 57

Books, 257, 425, 489, 513

as part of bedtime routine, 357

reading to baby, 170, 357, 424–426, 489, 513

Booster seat, for feeding, 41, 380, 504

Booties, buying for baby, 33


combining with breastfeeding, 90–92, 238–243

feelings about, 80, 132

formula; see Formula

getting started, 125–133

how much to feed, 128, 302–304; see also Feeding

how to’s, 128–133

introducing to breastfed baby, 238–243

monitoring intake, 128

not sitting still for, 432

premature baby, 603, 606, 622–623

safely, 128–130

schedule of, 192–193

supplemental, 127, 238–243

switching arms while, 132

tips for winning breastfeeding baby over, 240–241

tooth decay and, 362–363, 470

twins, 190–191

weaning from, 468–472

weaning from, to relactate, 93–96

with love, 131–133

Bottled water, 337–338


appetite for solids and, 469, 503

as comfort object, 470

baby, mouth, 362–363, 470

banning, in hospitals, and breastfeeding, 61–62

choosing, 40

introducing, in a breastfed baby, 238–243

not introducing, 238–239, 240, 280

not sitting still for, 432

packing, for outings, 224

propping, 132

reducing air in, 40, 198, 217

rejection of, in breastfed baby, 361–362

sterilizing, 129, 622–623

types of, 40

weaning from the, 468–472

Botulism, honey and, 349

Bouncer seats, 56

Bowed legs, 472

Bowel movement

appearance of, 154

as sign that baby is getting enough to eat, 182

black, 153, 314; see also Meconium

blood in, 154

blood in, and milk allergy, 198

blood in, and sick baby, 541, 566

breastfeeding and, 3

changes in, 153–154, 366–367, 436–437

changes in, as symptom in sick baby, 542

changes in, as symptom of allergy, 154, 198, 348

changes in, as symptom of poisoning, 589

color of, 154, 366–367, 436–437

explosive, 200–201

fewer, 280–281

formula and, 154, 201–202

hard; see Constipation

infrequent; see Constipation

mucus in, 154

mucus in, and allergy, 154, 198, 348

mucus in, and sick baby, 541, 564

normal, in breastfed baby, 154, 182, 200, 202

number of, in breastfed newborn, 182, 200

number of, in formula-fed baby, 201–202

seedy, 92, 127, 153, 154, 321

smell of, with solids, 366

strange, 436–437

sweeter smelling, in breastfed babies, 3

watery; see Diarrhea

see also Constipation, Diarrhea

Bowlegged; see Bowed legs

Boys, and gender differences, 481

Boys, growth charts for, 116–117

Bra; see Nursing

BPA, 337, 341, 413

BPD, 626

Bradycardia, in premature baby, 610

Brain development,

breastfeeding and 4–5, 279

fish in baby’s diet and, 339

fish in mom’s diet and, 103

omega-3 fatty acids and, 449

see also Intellectual skills, IQ


abscess, 87

adjusting to weaning and, 495

baby favoring one, 87–88

burning in, 75, 151

draining each, when breastfeeding, 70, 184

empty feeling, 139

engorged, 73–75

engorged, less with second baby, 74–75

engorgement with weaning, 495

fullness of, 183

how long to feed on each, 70, 184

infection; see Mastitis

lopsided, 87–88

lump in, 86

pain in, 69, 73–74, 75–76, 86–87; see also Engorgement

pain in, after feeds, 76

pins and needles feeling in, 75–76

preparing for breastfeeding, 6

pump; see Pumps

rejection of, 304–306

shells, 79

small, and breastfeeding, 6

surgery, and breastfeeding, 4

swollen, in newborn, 136

tingling in, 75

unlatching from, 69–70, 387

weaning from the, 491–497

see also Nipples

Breast milk

allergic colitis and, 199

allergy to, 3

amount of, in 1st month, 172

amount of, in 2nd month, 239

amount of, in 3rd month, 263

amount of, in 4th month, 303

amount of, in 5th month, 318

amount of, in 6th month, 344

amount of, in 7th month, 375

amount of, in 8th month, 411

amount of, in 9th month, 429

amount of, in 10th month, 447

amount of, in 11th month, 469

amount of, in 12th month, 491

baby getting enough, 181–189

baby’s stools and, 3, 154; see also Bowel movement

bank, 93, 604

changes in, 3

changes in taste, during period, 88, 305

changes in taste, mom’s diet and, 97–99, 304

changes in taste, mom’s workout and, 88–90

color of, 180

composition of, 3

convenience of, 5

cost of, 5

digestion of, 3

eating to make, 96–99

expressing, 171–180; see also Pumping breast milk

filling a bottle with, 239–240

for premature baby, 604–606

foremilk; see Foremilk

fortified, 606

freezing, 178–180

having enough, 181–189

hindmilk; see Hindmilk

insufficient, 183–187, 189

jaundice, 152–153

keeping it safe and healthy, 96–103

leaking, 77–78

let-down; see Let-down

medicinal uses for, 81

mom’s diet and, 96–99

prebiotics in, 3

probiotics in, 3

production of, 64

pumping, 171–180; see also Pumping breast milk

rejection of, 304–306

sensitivity to substances in, 199–200

sensitivity to substances in, crying and, 212, 215–216

separation of, 180

spraying, 77–78

stages of, 73

storage bags for, 178

storing, 178–180

supply, pumping up, 93–94

thawing frozen, 180

too little, 183–187, 189

too much, 76–77

transitional, 73

see also Colostrum


adoption and, 94–95

alcohol while, 101–102

allergies, preventing, and, 3, 279, 327

all the time, 189, 192

antibiodies and, 3–4

anxiety about, 9–10

baby, types of, 71

baby falling asleep while, 139–142

baby getting enough and, 181–189

baby refusing, 305–306

baby with cleft palate, 4

baby’s digestion and, 3, 279

baby’s health and, 3–4, 279

baby’s loss of interest in, 304–306

baby’s stools and, 3

basics, 60–103

being tied down by, 6, 280

benefits of, 5–7

benefits of extended, 279

bonding and, 7

brain development and, 4–5, 279

breaking suction while, 69–70

breast size and, 6

breast surgery and, 4, 189

caffeine while, 102

cavities and, 5, 492

celiac disease and, 279

changing mind about, 192

chemicals in mom’s diet while, 102

choosing, 2–7

class, 60–61

clogged duct and, 86

cluster feedings and, 78

combining with bottle feeding, 90–92, 127, 238–243

comfort while, 65

constant, 78–79, 80–81, 142, 144–145, 182

continued, 279, 492

contraception, 8

contraindications to, 4

dads and, 6, 8, 9–10, 76

DHA and, 4–5

diet during, 8, 96–99, 101, 102

difficulties, 5, 80

dressing while, 82–83

drinking fluids while, 98–99

during maternal illness, 88

early, 61

early weaning and, 278–280

engorgement during; see Engorgement

exclusive, 240, 241

exercising and, 89–90

extended, 274

factors favoring, 3–7

fathers and, 6, 9–10, 76

feelings about, 9–10

frequency of, 70–72, 78–79, 80–81, 142, 144–145, 182, 184, 186, 187

getting started, 5, 60–72

guilt about not, 4, 10, 92, 192

health benefits of, 3–4

health benefits of, for mom, 5, 7

help with, 62–63, 80; see also Lactation consultant

herbal medication while, 95–96, 98, 101–102

hormonal changes while, 9, 64

hormonal imbalance and, 4, 9, 187

how long to, 70

how often, 62, 71–72, 184

in front of older sibling, 85

in hospital, 61–62

in public, 83–84

inability to, 4, 187

insulin deregulation and, 187

IQ and, 4–5

jaundice and, 153

lactation consultant and; see Lactation consultant

lactose intolerance and, 4

latching on during, 67–70

legislation protecting, 84

let-down and, 64, 75–76, 183, 186

leaking during; see Leaking

loss of interest in, 304–306, 432–434

medication while, 99–101

mom falling asleep while, 81–82

mom’s health and, 7

myths about, 6

nipples and; see Nipples

not sitting still for, 432–434

obesity, preventing and, 4, 279

older sibling wanting to, 85

on demand, 62, 70, 72, 78, 93, 182, 184, 189, 192

ovulation and 7, 89

pain during, 69, 73–74, 75–76, 86–87

period when, 88–89, 183

PKU and, 4

pregnancy prevention and, 7, 8

positions for, 65–67

postpartum recovery and, 5–7

premature baby, 603–606, 615, 618–619, 626

preparing breasts for, 6

problems with, 183–189

refusing to, 304–306, 432–434

relactation and, 93–96

rooming-in and, 61

safety of fish while, 103

safety of sugar substitutes while, 102–103

schedule of, 189–192; see also frequency of

SIDS and, 4, 279

smoking while, 101

spraying during; see Leaking

strike, 304–306, 432–434

style, of baby, 71

supplementing with formula, 90–92, 127, 238–243

support, 62–63; see also Lactation consultant

tandem, 84–86

teething and, 305, 386–387

thrush and, 151–152

thyroid problems and, 187

tied down while, 6, 280

time spent, 80–81

timing, 62, 70–72

twins, 190

vegetarian diet and, 365–366

weaning and; see Weaning

what not to eat while, 101–103

when you can’t, 4

while sick, 88

working and, 262–266

yeast infection and, 151–152

see also Breast milk, Feeding

Breath holding, 456–458

premature baby, while feeding, 606


baby’s while sleeping, 206–207

changes in and sick baby, 538, 539, 540, 559, 561

difficulty, calling doctor for, 538, 539, 540

emergencies, 273

emergencies, first aid for, 594–600

irregular during sleep, 206–207

labored or noisy, 561

lapses in, 273–274

monitors, 207, 274

normal rate of, 206, 540

rapid, 540

rapidly, calling doctor if, 539

rescue, 594, 595, 597, 598, 599, 600

shallow, in sleep, 206

shallow, in injured baby, 576, 591

see also Retractions, Wheezing

Broken bone, first aid for, 579

Bronchiolitis, 559–561

Bronchodilator, for asthma, 568

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 626

Broviac catheters, 610

Bruise, 591–592

to areola, 68

to finger or toe, 583–584


hair, 38, 438

tooth, 363–364

Brushing teeth, 363–364

Bug bite

first aid for, 577–578

preventing, 409

reaction to, 577–578

Bugs, exterminating, 341–342


for crib, 33, 43, 44, 392, 443

for furniture corners, 394

Bunting, 32


chemical, 580

electrical, 580

first aid for, 580

preventing, 400–401, 406

preventing in bath tub, 360, 401–402

Burping baby, 160–161, 198

between breasts, 186

Burping cloths, buying, for baby, 33

Button batteries, 397

swallowed, first aid for, 593

Buying, for baby, 28–59

Buying, for preemie, 615


Cabbage leaves, for engorged breasts, 74

Café au lait spots, 149

Caffeine, and parent’s insomnia, 356

Caffeine while breastfeeding, 98, 102, 212, 215

Calamine lotion, 39, 577, 590


in baby’s diet, 448–449

in cow’s milk alternatives, 503

foods, 448–449

while breastfeeding, 97

Call the doctor, when; see Doctor

Calm, parent staying, 212–213, 466, 467

Calories, empty, 450

Calories, need during breastfeeding, 7, 97

Calories, when baby is sick, 548

CAM; see Complementary and alternative medicine


penile, and circumcision, 10

reduction of certain types due to breastfeeding, 7

Candida albicans; see Thrush

Candidal dermatitis, 281


safety in, 230, 409, 517–518

traveling by, 517–518

Car seat

baby’s fussiness in, 307–308

buying, 51–54

convertible, 52, 53–54

cover for, 53

for premature baby, 622–623

infant, 52–53

inserts for, 53

installation, 156–157

installation technician, 156

keeping baby warm in, 53

LATCH system, 54, 156–157

on an airplane, 519, 521

safety, 51–54, 156–157

types of, 51–54

unhappy in, 307–308

used, 51

when traveling, 517

Carbohydrates, complex, 366, 449, 450

Carbon monoxide, danger of, 335

Carbon monoxide poisoning, first aid for, 590

Cardiopulmonary rescusitation, 598–600

Carpet, safety of, 335

Carriage, baby, 49


baby, 55–56

back, using a, 384–385

forward-facing, 382–383

see also Sling

Carrying baby, 167–169

all the time, 381–384


bites from; see Bites

preparing, for baby, 16–17

see also Pets

Catnapping, 323; see also Naps

Cavernous hemangioma, 149


bottle-feeding and, 362–363, 470

breastfeeding and, 5, 492

juice and, 311

sippy cup and, 363, 412

snacks and, 477

see also Dentist, Tooth decay

Celiac disease, 569

extended breastfeeding and, 279

Central catheter, 610

Central line, 610

Cereal, baby, 348

homemade, 378

in bottle, 241, 270, 313

in bottle, and preemies, 623

iron in, 365, 378, 436

not eating, 364–365

Chafing dermatitis, 281

Chair; see High chair, Infant seat

Chalk, to scribble with, 512

Challenging baby, 328–333

Chamomile, to relieve colic, 214

Chamomile, to relieve teething pain, 322

Change, baby resistant to, 331–332

Changing table, 46, 47

CHD, 122

Checkups, 524–526

at birth, 120–125

dental, 364

making the most of, 526–527

well-baby, 524–527

Cheek rubbing, and teething, 322

Cheese, best for baby, 341, 347, 448

Cheese, soft, while breastfeeding, 100

Chelation therapy, for lead removal, 342

Chemical burns, first aid for, 580


in baby-care products, 38

in diapers, 34–35

in diet, 338–341

in mom’s diet, while breastfeeding, 102–103

unsafe, in household cleansers, 334, 335–336

unsafe, in household furniture, 335

Chest compressions, in CPR, 599–600

Chest thrusts, for choking baby, 596–597

Chest tube, 610

Chicken pox, 531–532

vaccine for, 531–532, 536

Child, older; see Sibling

Child abuse, 213, 465, 467

Child safety seat; see Car seat

Childcare, 15, 287–301; see also Babysitter

Childcare, red flags about, 298

Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline, 467

Childhood diseases, preventing with vaccines, 526–537

Childhood illnesses, common, 554–567

Childproofing; see Babyproofing

Childproofing service, 400

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), 20

Chills, as symptom, in sick baby, 541

Chills, fever and, 547

Chills, hypothermia and, 587


quivering, 145

rash on, 320, 326, 348

Chiropractic, to treat colic, 214

Chlamydial infection, and newborn’s eyes, 135


baby-led weaning, and, 379

first aid for, 594–597

foods that can cause, 349, 431

objects that can cause, 397–398, 422

propping the bottle and, 132

Christmas tree and decorations, 399

Chronic conditions, 567–573

Chubby baby, 310–312; see also Overweight baby, Weight


AIDS and, 10

analgesia and, 11

cancer and, 10

care of penis after, 166, 223

complications of, 11

health benefits of, 11

making the decision about, 10–12

pain, 11

phimosis and, 10

urinary tract infection and, 10

Citronella, as insect repellent, 409

Classes, for baby, 312–313, 426–427, 464

Classes, for parents

breastfeeding, 60–61

CPR, 576–577, 595

CPR, in NICU, 620, 628


household, green, 334

household, safety of, 334, 335–336

keeping out of reach of baby, 401, 402

Cleaning up, after baby, 419–420

Cleft lip/palate, breastfeeding and, 4

Climbing stairs, teaching baby how to do it safely, 406

Clinging, 381–384, 505–506; see also Separation anxiety, Shyness

Clippers nail, 38, 165


milk duct, 86

tear duct; see Tear duct

Cloth diapers, 35, 36


buying, for baby, 30–33

detergent for, 196

mom’s, while breastfeeding, 82–83

packing for outings, 225

see also Dressing baby

Cluster feedings, 78, 182

Clutch hold, and breastfeeding, 66

Cochlear implants, 572

Coconut milk, 503

Cognitive skills; see Brain development, Intellectual skills, IQ

older baby and, 371–373

Cold cuts, when breastfeeding, 100

Colds, common, 554–556

calling doctor for, 555–556

frequent, 555

medication for, 551

refusing to breastfeed and, 304–305

Colic, 210–219; see also Crying

carrying position for, 211, 216–217

coping with, 209, 212–213, 215–219

diagnosing, 210

helping siblings cope with, 218–219

mom’s diet and, 212

reflux and, 212–213

treatments for, 214

triggers of, 211–215

Colloidal oatmeal, for anti-itch treatment, 326, 590


blue; see Blueness of skin

changes in baby’s skin, 229

eye, 137

of baby’s skin, 228–229

Colostrum, 72–73, 139

Comb, baby, 38, 438

Combo, of formula and breast milk, 90–92, 238–243

Combo vaccines, 534

Comfort habits, 453–455; see also Pacifier, Thumb sucking

Comfort objects, 442–444

bedtime separations and, 482

Comforting crying; see Crying

Comforting teething pain; see Teething

Common childhood infections, 554–567

Communication; see Language, Talking

Complementary and alternative medicine, 96, 214, 552; see also Herbal medications/remedies

Complete blood count, 610

Complex carbohydrates, in baby’s diet, 366, 449, 450

Complexion problems, 227–229

Compressions, chest, in CPR, 599–600

Computers for babies, 509–511

Concussion, first aid for, 586–587

Conductive hearing loss, 572

“Cone head,” newborn, 134, 136

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, testing for, 122, 524

Congenital heart disease, screening for, at birth, 122

Congenital pigmented nevi, 149

Congested sounds when feeding, 570

Congestion, nasal; see Nasal congestion

Consciousness, loss of

breath holding and, 456–458

during febrile convulsion, 547

first aid for, 583, 598

Consonants, 390

Constipation, 201–202, 563–564

breast milk and, 3

probiotics and, 563

when to call the doctor for, 564

see also Bowel movement

Consumer Product Safety Commission, 43, 274, 360

Contact dermatitis, 325

Continuous positive airway pressure, 626, 627

Contraception; see Birth control

Convertible car seat; see Car seat


after vaccine, 529

calling doctor for, 538

febrile, 547

first aid for, 581

with fever, 547

Cooing, 243–244

lack of, 244–247

Cooling inserts, for engorged breasts, 74

Cord blood, banking of, 121

Cord clamping, 120, 121

Corporate day care, 299–300

Corporate lactation programs, 265

Corrected age, in premature baby, 108, 623–624

Co-sleeping, 271, 274–278, 353


balls, 37

swabs, 37


anaphylactic shock, and 578

as sign of teething, 320

as sleep cue, 246

asthma and, 567, 568

barking, and croup, 561–563

blood, 576

choking and, 593, 594, 597, 600

chronic, 322–323

colds and, 554, 555

croup and, 561, 562

flu and, 559

for attention, 323

foul-smelling discharge with, 556

fumes, exposure to and, 590

medicine, 551

newborn, 233

RSV and, 559

when to call the doctor for, 539, 540

whooping, 528, 531

Counterpressure, to ease teething pain, 321, 323

Cow’s milk, 435

allergy to, 198–199, 503

formula from; see Formula

when to introduce, 433

CPAP, 626, 627

CPR, 598–600

CPR class, 574–575, 595, 620, 628

CPR training, and childcare providers, 291, 295

Cracks in anus; see Anal fissures

Cracks in nipples; see Nipples

Cradle, buying, 45

Cradle cap, 253

baby oil for, 37

breast milk for, 81

Cradle hold, breastfeeding and, 66–67

Crawling, 418

baby not, 237, 419

encouraging, 370, 419

Crayons, for baby, 512


for diaper area, 37, 282

for eczema, 325–326

for nipples, 79–80

for teething rash, 320

Creativity, stimulating, 373, 512, 513

Creeping, 418


bedding, and SIDS, 44, 202

bumper, 33, 43, 44, 443

buying, 44–45

in hotel, 516

in parent’s room; see Room sharing

limbs getting caught in slats, 44, 443

mattress, 45

moving sleeping baby to, 208–209

safety, 43, 202, 270–271, 392

switching from bassinet to, 275–393

switching to bed from, 501–502

used, 43

Crib, portable

buying, 45–46

safety, 393

travel and, 516


feet, 253–254

teeth, 388–389

Crossed eyes, 232–233

Crossover hold, breastfeeding and, 66

Croup, 561–563

Crowds, newborn and, 226–227

Cruising, 440, 477

Crust, in baby’s eyes, 233

Cry it out, letting baby, 349–355

Crying, 140, 209–221

allergic colitis and, 199

allergy to formula and, 198–199, 215

anger at baby’s, 213, 286

as symptom, in sick baby, 538, 539, 540

baby not, 208

breath holding and, 457–458

comforting a baby who is, 212–213

coping with, 209, 212–213, 215–221

decoding baby’s, 144

extreme, 209–211; see also Colic

holding breath while, 456–458

mom’s diet and, 199, 211, 212, 215

not rushing to baby when, 208, 351, 358

older sibling and, 218–219

responding to, 209, 210, 212, 215

taking a break from, 209, 212

vomiting from too much, 352


drinking from a, 410–414, 471, 494

introducing a, 410–414

sippy, 412

straw, 414

Curtains, safety of, 392

Cuts, first aid for, 576, 592

Cyanosis, 611

Cysts, in mouth, 150



baby massage and, 252

bottle-feeding and, 8, 132

breastfeeding support and, 6, 9, 10, 76

skin-to-skin and, 132, 608

stay-at-home, 284–285

Dandruff; see Cradle cap

Day, mixing up night and, 205–206

Daycare, 294–300

for sick baby, 300

frequent illnesses and, 295, 555

Deafness, 572–573

testing for at birth, 124

Decongestants, 551

Deer ticks

protecting against, 409

removing, 577

DEET, in insect repellent, 409


calling the doctor for, 539

diarrhea and, 566

signs of, 565

Demand feeding, 62, 70, 72, 78, 93, 182, 184, 189, 192

formula feeding and, 128, 131, 304


checkup, 364

emergencies, 475, 588

health, 362–364; see also Fluoride, Tooth decay

Dentist, 364

Depression, postpartum, 213, 495, 525, 618

Dermabond, 592


atopic, 325; see also Eczema

contact, 325

Detergent, for baby’s clothes, 196

Development, baby’s, 104–106, 234–237, 255–261, 260–261, 441

comparing, 105

delay in; see Developmental delays

intellectual, 236, 248–249, 261, 371–373, 426–427

language, 235, 243–247, 371–373; see also Language, Talking

large motor, 235–236, 261, 370

mouth, and breastfeeding, 5

parental intuition about, 105, 441

pattern of, 235

premature baby’s, 108, 620–624

red flags, 105

regressing in, 237, 486

slow, 237, 441

small motor, 236, 260–261, 370–371

social, 235, 260, 371

speech, and sippy cup, 412

speech, and straw cup, 414

tech gadgets and, 509–511

television watching and, 508–509

timeline of, 104–114

Developmental delays

concern about, 105, 441

in premature baby, 620–624

red flags for, 105

vaccines and, 531, 535

Device distraction, 395


in breast milk, 4–5

in diet, 449

in formula, 129

in mom’s diet, 97

in solids, 377, 449

Diaper bag

buying, 54–55

packing a, 224–225

Diaper cream, 37, 282

Diaper pail, buying, 46–47

Diaper rash, 281–282

breast milk for, 81

breastfeeding and, 3

ointment for, 37, 282

Diaper wipes

buying for baby, 37

for outings, 224

warmer, 37

Diapering baby, 158–160

wiggling when, 306


buying, for baby, 34–37

changing, 158–160

cloth, 35, 36

counting wet and dirty, 94, 182

disposable, 34–35

for outings, 224

Diarrhea, 154, 564–566

allergic colitis and, 199

as symptoms, in sick baby, 537, 541

best juice for, 566

breast milk and, 3

dehydration and, 565

food allergies and 348, 564

intractable, 564

juice and, 311, 412, 470, 565, 566

lactose intolerance and, 199

milk allergy and, 564

petting zoo bacteria and, 337

probiotics and, 558, 568

rotavirus and, 537

sensitivities to mom’s diet and, 98

swimming pools and, 408

teething and, 321

treatment for, 565–566

when to call the doctor for, 566

Diet, baby’s, 446, 448–452; see also Eating, Feeding

keeping it varied, 451–452

Diet, mom’s

gas and, 98–99, 212, 215–216

nursing strike and, 98, 304

while breastfeeding, 8, 96–103

Difulcan, 152

Digestive upset

allergic colitis and, 199–200

as symptom, in sick baby, 541

breast milk and, 3

colic and, 211–213, 215–216

food allergy and, 348

fussiness and, 98–99, 212, 215–216

massage for, 251

milk allergy and, 198–199, 219

sensitivities to breast milk and, 199–200

see also Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, Spitting up, Vomiting

Digital thermometer, 543

Dilated pupils, 586–587

Dinner, going out to, with baby, 388–389

Diphtheria, 527–528, 531

Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP), 527–528, 531, 536


eating, 421–422

playing in the, 422

Dirty, getting, 422

Dirty dozen, produce, 338


deafness, 572

premature babies and, 622–623

special-needs baby, 571

Discipline, beginnings of, 462–467

Dislocated elbow, 497

first aid for, 581


baby can see, 232

newborn baby can see, 172


as discipline technique, 467

parent’s while texting, 395

using, when treating an injury, 584


adoption medicine, 528

calling the, 529, 537–542

choosing a, 19–27

in NICU, 610


bites; see Bites

preparing, for baby, 16–17

see also Pets

Donated milk, 93

Doors, babyproofing, 392, 393, 409

Doorway jumpers, 59, 328

Dorsal penile nerve block, 11

Double stroller, 50

Doula, 15, 18

for breastfeeding help, 5

Drapery cords, 392

Dream feed, 270–271

Dreams, baby’s, 141

Dressing baby, 166–167, 224–226

for outdoors, 224–226

see also Clothes

Drinking; see Bottle, Cup

Driving, with baby, 517–518; see also Car, Car seat

Drooling, teething and, 320

Drooling, worrisome

as sign of poisoning, 589

as sign of swallowed object, 593

excessive, and GERD, 570

excessive, with fever, 538

Dropper, medicine, 39, 551


first aid for, 581–582

preventing, 360, 402, 405, 408

Drown-proofing, 408

Drugs; see Medication

DTaP vaccine, 526–529, 531, 534, 536

Duct, milk, 67

clogged, 86

Duct, tear; see Tear duct


E. coli infection, from petting zoo, 337

E-books, 426


bent, in newborn, 134

blood in, 539, 586

care, 163, 164–165

discharge from, as symptom, in sick baby, 541, 556

fluid, and hearing loss, 557, 573

fluid, oozing from, 586

injury to, first aid for, 582

object in, first aid for, 582

pain, 323, 556

pain, and refusing to breastfeed, 305, 556

pressure, on airplane, 521

pulling, and teething, 322, 323

thermometer, 545–546

tubes, 573

wax, 164–165, 545

see also Hearing, Hearing loss

Ear infection, 556–558

continued bottle feeding and, 470, 558

continued pacifier use and, 557

extended breastfeeding and, 3–4, 279, 557

pneumococcal vaccine and, 557

preventing, 557–558


bulging, 556

perforated, 556

pink, 556

Early waking, 357–358


baby getting enough breastmilk, 182–189

decreased in older baby, 502–504

dirt, 421–422

falling asleep while, 139–142, 268–269

fussy, 434–435

healthy, habits, 450–452

in the 1st month, 172

in the 2nd month, 239

in the 3rd month, 263

in the 4th month, 303

in the 5th month, 318

in the 6th month, 344

in the 7th month, 375

in the 8th month, 411

in the 9th month, 429

in the 10th month, 447

in the 11th month, 469

in the 12th month, 491

increased in older baby, 504

messy, 452–453

off the floor, 420–421

out, with baby, 388–389

refusing to, and nursing strike, 304–306, 432–434

refusing to self-feed, 504–505

refusing to, when sick, 539, 540–541

self-feeding, 435–436

teething and, 321

see also Appetite, Bottle-feeding, Breastfeeding, Diet, Feeding, Solids

Eating habits

establishing good, 450–452

messy, 452–453

picky, 434–435

Echocardiogram, 122, 611

Eczema, 325–326

allergies and, 198–199, 326, 556

breastfeeding and, 3

breast milk for, 81

formula and, 126–127

probiotics and, 326

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, 525


apps, 509–511

programs, 426–427, 509–511

television, 508–509

toys, 426–427; see also Toys

Elbow, dislocated, 497

first aid for, 581

Electric breast pump, 173, 174, 178

Electric shock

first aid for, 582

preventing, 394–395, 401


burns, first aid for, 580

cords, 394–395, 399, 401

outlets, babyproofing, 395, 401

Electrolyte fluid; see Rehydration fluid

Elimination communication, 367


being prepared for, 574–576, 595

breathing, CPRfor, 598–600

choking, first aid for, 594–597

class to prepare for, 574–575, 595, 620, 628

first aid for, 574–600

EMLA cream, and circumcision, 11

Endotracheal tube, 611

Employment; see Working

Engorgement, 73–75

as sign that baby is getting enough milk, 183

lack of, 74

less, with second baby, 74–75

weaning and, 495


-friendly baby-care products; see Green

hazards, 333–337

safety of, baby’s, 333–342

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 336, 337

Epstein’s pearls, 150

Equal; see Sugar substitutes

Erection, in baby, when diapering, 159, 423

Erythema toxicum, 150

Eucalyptus oil, as insect repellent, 409

Eustachian tube, 521, 557

Exercise equipment, 395–396


breastfeeding and, 89–90

for baby, 311, 312–313

for constipated baby, 564

ExerSaucer, 58, 368–369

Expressing breast milk

by hand, 177

Extubation, 123–124, 611


appearance of, at birth, 134, 135, 136, 137

blinking of, 456

blocked tear duct, 233

bloodshot, at birth, 137

care of, 163

color of, at birth, 137

crossed, 232–233

crust in, 233

dilated pupils in, 586–587

discharge from, 233

drops, giving baby, 583

exposure to light, and premature baby, 611–612

focus of, 232–233

foreign object in, 582–583

injury to, 582–583

mucus in, 233

ointment for newborn’s, 121, 123–124, 135, 137

preemie’s, sensitivity of, 611–612

protection from the sun, 456

sick baby’s, 541

swelling of newborn’s, 134, 135, 136, 137

teary, 233

yellowing of whites of, 152, 155, 541

see also Vision


Failure to thrive, 182–189, 208, 215

celiac disease and, 569

GERD and, 570

Fainting, first aid for, 583; see also Consciousness, loss of

Fall asleep, teaching baby to, 349–355; see also Sleeping

Falling down, 473

ability to judge heights and, 407


first aid for; see First aid, 574–600

head injuries and, 586

preventing; see Babyproofing

Family bed; see Co-sleeping

Family meals, 338–339, 448, 503–504

Family practitioner, 21; see also Doctor


as way to prevent SIDS, 231, 271

as soothing white noise, 216

Farm; see Petting zoo

Farting, 201; see also Gas


baby; see Overweight

healthy, 449; see also Omega-3 fatty acids

in diet, 433, 449

in milk substitutes, 503

in mom’s diet, 103

in preemie diet, 606

in vegan diet, 366

Fear(s), 458–459, 462

of baths, 359, 361

of bedtime and dark, 480, 482–483

of separations; see Separation anxiety

of strangers, 442, 497–500

Fear(s), parent’s

about baby’s breathing during sleep, 206–207

of handling new baby, 180–181

of handling preemie, 619–620

Febrile convulsions, 547

Federal law; see Legislation protecting breastfeeding

Feeder bag, 321, 378, 436, 453, 521, 588


at restaurant, 388–389

at the table, 448, 503–504

baby-led, 379

chair; see Booster seat, High chair

challenges, in premature baby, 606

cluster; see Cluster feedings

congested sounds when, 570

cues; see Hunger cues

establishing good habits, 446, 448–452

finger foods, 428–431

fussy; see Eating habits, picky

how much, 128, 184, 302–304

in the 1st month, 172

in the 2nd month, 239

in the 3rd month, 263

in the 4th month, 303

in the 5th month, 318

in the 6th month, 344

in the 7th month, 375

in the 8th month, 411

in the 9th month, 429

in the 10th month, 447

in the 11th month, 469

in the 12th month, 491

messy, 452–453

nonstop, 142–145, 192–193

on demand, breast, 62, 70, 72, 78, 93, 182, 184, 189, 192

on demand, formula, 128, 131, 192, 304

pain during, 570

preemie and, 604–607, 623

reducing nighttime, 269–273

refusing, breast 304–306, 432–434

refusing, during teething, 321

safe, 346–347

schedule, 189–192

seat; see High chair

self, 379, 428–431, 435–436, 452–453, 504–505

self, refusing to, 504–505

sick baby and, 540–542, 548

solids; see Solids

strike, 304–306, 432–434

successful, tips for, 143

supplies, buying for baby, 40–42 see also Appetite, Bottle-feeding, Breastfeeding, Eating, Snacking


crooked, 253–254

flat, 440

pigeon-toed, 253

soles of, yellow, 152

Fencing reflex, 146–147

Fenugreek, 95, 98, 102

Fertilizers, on produce, 338

Fever, 542–548

after immunization, 528, 529, 531, 532, 536

convulsion during, 547

determining, 543–546

heat-related, 538, 546, 587

heatstroke and, 587

mom’s, and breastfeeding 87

teething and, 321

treating a, 546–548

when to call doctor for, 538–539

when to call doctor for after immunization, 529

Fiber, to prevent constipation, 563

Fiber-optic blankets, to treat jaundice, 152

Fine motor skills; see Small motor skills


broken, 579

injuries, first aid for, 583–585

severed, 591

Finger foods, 430–431

going directly to; see Babyled weaning

Finger games, 371, 445

Finger painting, 512

Finger sweep, to dislodge object or food, 597

Fingernails; see Nail(s)

Fireplace fires, safety, 395

Fireworks, danger of, 399

First aid, 574–600

classes, 574–575, 595, 620, 628

supplies for, 39–40

First birthday party, 498–499

First foods; see Solids

First words, 415


importance of in baby’s diet, 339, 449

importance of in mom’s diet, 97

safety of, 339–340, 451

safety of, while breastfeeding, 100, 103

Fish bone, swallowed, first aid for, 593

Fishy-smelling urine, 182

Fissure, anal, 200, 564

Fitness; see Exercise

Five-point harness, in car seat, 51

Five-second rule, 420–421


feet, 440

head, 201

nipples, 6, 79, 185

FLAVORx, 553

Flipping over, during the night, 358–359

Floor, eating off the, 420–421

Flu, 530, 537, 559

FluMist, 537

Flu shot, 530, 536, 537

asthma and, 568

for adults, 530

nasal spray, 537

Fluid, in ear, and hearing loss, 558, 573


colds and, 555

constipation and, 563–564

diarrhea and, 565

fever and, 547

in diet, 450

rehydration, 39, 565

urinary tract infection, 566–567

while breastfeeding, 98–99

see also Dehydration

Fluoride, 197, 337, 364

in bottled water, 337–338

in tap water, 337

in toothpaste, 364

Flying with baby; see Airplane

Follow-up formula, 127–128

Fontanels, 136, 180–181

bulging, 181, 541

sunken, and dehydration, 181, 565


allergies, 326–327

baby, making your own, 377–378, 380, 431

baby-led weaning and, 379

best first, 346–348

chunky, 431

contaminants in, and minimizing risk to baby, 338–341

establishing good habits, 446, 448–452

finger, 379, 428–431

introducing new, 348–349

organic; see Organic

organic, while breastfeeding, 103

pouches, 376

processed, 340–341, 449

safety of, 338–341, 349, 431, 451, 498

salt in, 451

sugar in, 450

temperature, safe to cook to, 451

to avoid in first year, 349, 431, 433, 450, 451, 498

while breastfeeding, 96–103

see also Breast milk, Formula, Solids

Football hold, breastfeeding and, 66

Foreign language, teaching a, 247

Foremilk, 4, 64–65, 70, 180


retraction of, 10, 163, 166

see also Circumcision

Forgetting a skill, 486


in baby-care products, 38

minimizing risk to baby from, 335, 336


additives in, 129

allergy to, 3, 126–127, 154, 198–199

appetite for solids and, 435

baby’s stools and, 154

choosing to feed, 7–9

concentrated liquid, 128

demand feeding of, 128, 131, 192, 304

digestion of, 7–8

feeling good about, 132

follow-up, 127–128

for preemie, 127, 606

for supplementation, 127, 189

getting starting on, 125–133

how much to feed, 128, 302–304

hydrolysate, 126–127

in the 1st month, 172

in the 2nd month, 239

in the 3rd month, 263

in the 4th month, 303

in the 5th month, 318

in the 6th month, 344

in the 7th month, 375

in the 8th month, 411

in the 9th month, 429

in the 10th month, 447

in the 11th month, 469

in the 12th month, 491

iron-fortified, 127

iron intake and, 196, 365, 449

lactose-free, 127

organic, 126

overfeeding, 128, 192–193, 435

overweight and; see Overweight

powdered, 128

preparing, 128–129

pros of, 7–9

ready-to-eat, 128

ready-to-pour, 128

reflux and, 127

safe feeding of, 128–130

selecting a, 125–128

sensitive formulation, 126

soy, 126

storing, 130

supplementing with, if breastfeeding, 127, 187, 189, 240; see also Combo

switching to cow’s milk from, 433

too much, 192–193, 435

types of, 126–127

vegan, 127

warming, 129

when baby isn’t thriving, 92, 187, 189; see also Bottle-feeding


baby food, 377

breast milk, 606

formula, 129

Forward-facing baby carriers, 382–383

Fractured bone, first aid for, 579

Fragile, fear that baby is, 180

and premature baby, 619–620

Framed carrier, 56

Freezing breast milk, 178–180

Frenotomy, 188

Frenulum, 188

Friends, making; see Playing, Social skills, Socializing

Front carrier, 56

Frostbite, first aid for, 585–586

Frostnip, first aid for, 585, 587


as first food, 348

in baby’s diet, 449

organic, 338–339


exposure to noxious, and first aid for, 590

minimizing risk to baby, 334–336

Functional heart murmur, 313–314

Fungus infection

in diaper area; see Diaper rash

in mouth; see Thrush

on nipple; see Thrush


baby, buying, 42–48

safety of, 43, 335, 394


allergies to formula and, 198–199

as sign baby isn’t getting enough to eat, 183

eating, 434–435

food allergies and, 348

in car seat, 307–308

in infant seat, 307

in play yard, 423

reflux and, 217–218

teething and, 321

with parents only, 384–385

see also Colic, Crying, Gas



baby-led weaning and, 379

finger-feeding and, 379

excessive spitting up and, 198, 569–570

newborn’s, 138–139

projectile vomiting and, 570

while bottle-feeding, 132

while breastfeeding, 76

while eating solids, 379

Galactosemia, 126–127

Games babies play, 444–445; see also Playing, Stimulating baby

Garage, childproofing, 402–403

Garbage cans, and safety, 395, 401


anti-, medications, 214, 571

bottle-feeding and, 40, 130–131

colic/crying and, 210, 211–212, 214, 216–219

formula change and, 126, 212

gulping air and, 40, 130, 198, 217

massage for, 251

mom’s diet and, 99, 212, 215–216

passing, 201

pressure to relieve, 216–217

relieving, 212, 214, 216–217, 251; see also Burping

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 569–572

see also Reflux, Spitting up

Gastrointestinal upset; see Constipation, Diarrhea, Digestive upset, Gas, Vomiting

Gate, safety, 392, 393

Gavage feeding, for premature baby, 602–603

Gavage tubes, 602–603

Gender differences, 481

weight at birth, 133

Genetic modifiers in food, 338, 340

Genetic screening, newborn, 122, 524


playing with, 422–423

swollen, in newborn, 136

washing, 163

see also Vagina, Penis, Scrotum, Testicles

GERD, 569–572

German measles, 530–531, 534


in diaper area, 422

keeping baby away from, 226–227

on the floor, 420–421

preventing spread of, 555, 560, 562

Gifts, safety of, 399, 498

Girls, and gender differences, 481

growth charts for, 118–119

Glider, buying, 47

Glucose water, sabotaging early breastfeeding efforts, 61

Gluten, and celiac disease, 569

Gluten-free diet, 569

GMOs, 338, 340

Gonococcal infection, and newborn’s eyes, 135

Grains, whole, 449, 450

vegan diet and, 366

Grandparents, 18–19

vaccines and, 530–531

Grape juice, and diarrhea, 565, 566

Grasping reflex in newborns, 147

Grass-fed meat, 339

Gray stains on teeth, 390

Green (environmentally friendly)

baby-care products, 38

disposable diapers, 34–35

household cleaners, 334

Green leafy vegetables; see Vegetables

Gripe water, to treat colic, 214

Groin, lump in, 255

Grooming supplies, buying for baby, 37–39, 438

Gross motor; see Large motor

Group daycare; see Daycare


charts, 115–119

drop in, 475–476

spurts, 78, 182

swings, 475–476

Guards, window, 391, 392


bumps on, 150, 321

cysts on, 150

hematoma, 321

swollen, 321, 475

see also Mouth, Teething

Guns, 398


H1N1; see Flu


biting, 455

blinking, 456

breath holding, 456

fussy eating, 434–435

hair pulling, 455

head banging, 453–454

messy eating, 452–453

pacifier use; see Pacifier

thumb sucking, 308–309

see also Comfort habits


bald spot in, 201

caring for baby’s, 164, 438

cradle cap and, 253

lack of, 437

on newborn, 136

pulling, 455

Hand, expressing breast milk by, 177

Handedness, 424

Hand-me-downs; see Car seats, Clothes, Cribs, Toys

Hand-sanitizing gels, 562


bluish color of, 229

cool to touch, 224–225

mitts for, to prevent scratching, 325

palms, yellowing of, 152; see also Jaundice

washing, to prevent common cold, 555

washing, to prevent spread of germs, 555, 560, 562

Hands-free breast pump, 174

Harness slots, in car seat, 52, 157; see also Car seat


buying for baby, 32

to protect from sun, 226, 456

to reduce heat loss, 225–226

Hazards, protecting baby from

babyproofing and, 391–409

during sleep; see Sleep, safe

choking, foods that are, 349, 379, 431

in the bathroom, 401–402

in the garage, 402–403

in the kitchen, 398–401

in the laundry room, 402

indoor air and, 334–336

toys that are, 315–316, 397, 407

outdoors, 403–406

see also Choking, Safety


appearance of, at birth, 134, 136

bald spot on, and sleeping position, 201

banging, 453–454

circumference, average, at birth, 121

circumference, tracking, 115–119

covering; see Hat

cradle cap and, 253

falls on, first aid for, 586–587

flat spot on and sleeping position, 201

hair on; see Hair

injuries to, first aid for, 586–587

pulse visible on; see Fontanels

size, in newborn, 133

soft spots on baby’s; see Fontanel

trauma, first aid for, 586–587

Health insurance, 20, 125

Healthy eating habits, 446–452

Healthy, keeping your baby, 523–553

Hearing, 124, 229–232

aids, 572

concern about, 229–232

damage to, 229

impairment, 572–573

loud music and, 229

protecting, 229, 316, 399

protecting in preemie, 609, 610–611

screening test, 124

stimulating baby’s sense of, 257–258, 372–373

Hearing loss, 572–573

and ear infection, 557

and fluid in the ear, 557, 573

Heart murmur, 313–314


for breast engorgement, 74

to encourage let-down, 176

see also Temperature, keeping baby the right

Heat exhaustion, first aid for, 587

Heat in car, danger of, 231, 538

Heat-related illness, 538, 546, 587

Heaters, childproofing, 395

Heating food and formula; see Warming

Heating pad, 40

Heatstroke, first aid for, 587

Heel stick, in newborn, 122, 124

Height; see Length

charts, 115–119

Heights, lack of fear of, 407

Help with new baby

sources of, for newly delivered mother, 14–18

with breastfeeding, 5; see also Lactation consultant

Hemangioma, strawberry, 147, 149

Hematocrit, 611

Hematoma, gum, 321

Hemophilus Influenzae b vaccine (Hib), 532, 536

Hemp milk, 503

Hepatitis A vaccine, 531, 533, 536

Hepatitis B vaccine, 124, 531, 532–533, 536

Herbal medications/remedies, 552

to relieve teething pain, 322

to treat colic, 214

while breastfeeding, 95–96, 98, 101–102

Herbs and spices

in baby food, 376, 380, 430, 451

in mom’s diet, 98, 304, 430

taste-sensitive baby and, 329

Herd immunity, 534


inguinal, 254–255

scrotal, 223, 255

umbilical, 222

Hib vaccine, 532, 536

Hiccups, 234

High chair

buying, 41

feeding solids and, 345, 448

hook-on, 380

in restaurant, 388–389

safety of, 380

High-intensity baby, 332

Hindmilk, 4, 64–65, 70, 180, 184

Hip carry, 168

Hip dysplasia, 382–383

Hip position, in baby carriers, 382–383

Hips, checking, 524


baby, 500

parent’s, 465, 467

HMO; see Health insurance

Holidays, safety during, 399


babyproofing at, 391–409

going, after birth, 155

going, with preemie, 619–620, 622–623

safety at, 391–409; see also Safety

staying at; see Staying at home

Home birth, procedures for baby during, 123–125

Home daycare, 299

Home-prepared baby food, 377–378, 380

Honey, 349

Hook-on seat, 41, 380


bonding and, 132

breastfeeding and, 64, 81, 95

dad’s, 132, 252

in food, 339

levels of in mom, and breastfeeding difficulties, 4, 92, 95, 187

mom’s, in newborn, 136, 228

when weaning from the breast, 495


checkup for baby, 120–125

discharge from, 155

discharge from, preemie’s, 620

-grade pump, 174

pumping in the, for premature baby, 605

returning to, preemie, 629

see also NICU

Hotels, with baby, 516


babyproofing your, 391–409

baby’s messing up, 419–420

Household cleaners

green, 334

safety of, 334, 335–336

Household employment tax, 294

Household pesticides, safety of, 342

Houseplants, and safety, 396

Human milk fortifier (HMF), 606


buying 39–40

for colds, 555

for croup, 562

for eczema, 326

for flu, 559

Humor, as discipline technique, 467

Hunger, chronic, in breastfed newborn, 144–145

Hunger cry, 144

Hunger, none in newborn, 139

Hunger cues, 62; see also Appetite, Feeding

Hydro cele, 223


for diaper rash, 39

for eczema, 325–326

Hydrogen peroxide, 39

Hydrolysate formula, 126, 199, 327

Hyperthermia, first aid for, 587

Hypoallergenic formula, 126–127

Hypoglycemia, 92, 629–630

Hypospadias, 223

Hypothermia, first aid for, 587


breastfeeding problems and, 187

testing for, in baby, 122, 124, 524


Ibuprofen, 39, 550; see also Medication

breast milk and, 100

dosing by weight, 553

for breast pain, 74, 80, 87

for fever, 546, 548, 550

for teething pain, 322, 439

stomach pain and, 550

Ice packs, for engorged breasts, 74

Illnesses, parent’s, 560

and breastfeeding, 88

serious, and breastfeeding, 4

Illnesses, 554–567

in premature baby, 625–630

most common, 554–567

preventing spread of, 560, 562; see also Immunizations

Immune system,

boosting, 555, 557, 558

breastfeeding and, 3–4

probiotics and, 558

Immunizations, 123–124, 526–537

autism and, 535

before traveling, 516

catching up on, 536

combination, 534

dangers of skipping, 535

developmental delays and, 531, 535

for adopted baby, 533

for adults, 530–531

for premature baby, 624

herd immunity and, 534

mercury in, 535

pain during, 535

protection against SIDS and, 271

reactions to, 529; see also individual vaccines

recommended schedule for, 536

safety, 529

when baby’s sick, 529

when to call doctor after, 529

Impetigo, 281

Inborn errors of metabolism, screening tests for, 122, 124, 524

Incubator; see Isolette

Independence, baby’s growing, 505–506

Independent play, 381–384, 505–506

Infant; see Baby

Infant car seat, 52–53; see also Car seat

Infant seat, 56–57

fussing in, 307

Infantile paralysis; see Polio


animal bites and, 577

blood, 611

breast; see Mastitis

ear, 556–558; see also Ear infection

in premature babies, 628

of umbilical stump, 221

urinary tract, 566–567

Influenza; see Flu

Influenza vaccine, 530, 536, 537

Inguinal hernia, 254–255


first aid for, 574–594

preventing; see Babyproofing, Safety

Innocent murmur, 314

Insect bites

first aid for, 577–578

protecting against, 409 see also Bugs

Insect repellents, 409

Inserts, for car seats, 53, 157, 308

Insomnia, parent’s, 356

Insulin deregulation, as cause of low milk supply, 187


disability, 58

health, 20, 125; see also Health insurance

life, 58

Intellectual skills, development of, 236, 248–249, 261, 369–373, 426–427; see also Brain Development, Development, IQ

Internal bleeding, first aid for, 576

International Association for Child Safety, 400

Intertrigo, 281

Intractable diarrhea, 564

Intravenous, 611

Intraventricular hemorrhage, 627–628

Intubation, 611

Intuition, parent’s, 105, 441, 527, 539

Inverted nipples, 79, 185

IPV, 528–530, 536


breast milk and, 4–5

fish and, 103, 339

extended breastfeeding and, 279

reduction of, because of lead, 342

see also Brain development, Intellectual skills


black stool and, 314

deficiency, 365; see also Anemia

deficiency, breath holding and, 458

deficiency, in preemies 628–629

importance of, 365

in cereal, 348, 364, 365, 378, 436, 449

in formula, 127, 365

supplementation, 195–196

supplementation, preemies and, 623

Irregular baby, 331

Irritability; see Fussiness

Isolette, in NICU, 612

IV feeding for premature baby, 602

IVH, 627–628


Jaundice, 152–153, 155

Jaundice, in preemie, 616, 629

Jaw, baby’s; see Mouth

Jellyfish sting, first aid for, 578–579


going back to, 276–277

pumping on the, 262–266

stay-at-home dad and, 284–285

see also Work

Jogger stroller, 50

Jogging with baby, 283

Juice, 311

baby-bottle mouth and, 362–363, 412

constipation and, 563–564

diarrhea and, 311, 470, 565, 566


doorway, 59, 328

stationary activity, 59, 328

Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA), 49


Kangaroo care, 132, 216, 608, 609

Kernicterus, 153

Kitchen, babyproofing in the, 398–401


La Leche League, 24, 63

Labia; see genitals

Lact-Aid Nursing Trainer System, 93–94; see also SNS

Lactation; see Breastfeeding

Lactation consultant, 5, 22, 62–63, 80, 94, 96, 185, 614

Lactation induction, 94

Lactic acid, in breast milk, 89–90

Lactobacillus, 558

Lactose-free formula, 127

Lactose intolerance, 127, 198–199


development, 235, 243–247, 390, 415–418, 426–427, 486–489

helping baby to talk, 371–373, 486–489

nonverbal, 246, 415–418 see also Baby signs

reading and, 424–426

receptive, 371–373, 415

slow development, and sippy cups, 412

slow development, and TV watching, 508–509

teaching a second, 247

see also individual skills, Timeline

Lanolin, for sore nipples, 79


for sore nipples, 79

for baby skin, 320

Lanugo, 136

preemie and, 613

Large motor skills

development of, 235–236, 261, 370

older baby, 370

see also individual skills, Timeline, Toys

Laryngotracheo-bronchiolitis, 561–563

LATCH safety seat attachment system, 54, 156

Latching on, during breastfeeding, 67–70


baby’s, 196

room, babyproofing, 402

Laxatives, 564

Layette, buying, for baby, 30–34

Lazy suckler, 185


dangers of, 342

in paint, 44, 342, 421

in soil, 342

in toys, 315, 342

in water, 337, 342

screening test for, 342

Leaking, of breast milk, 77–78

no longer, 181–182

while pumping, 177

Learning, early, 258–259, 426–427 see also Development

apps for, 509–511

classes and, 462

stimulating, 511–514

tv and, 508–509

Left-handedness, 424

Legislation protecting breastfeeding, 83, 84, 175, 176, 265


bowed, 253, 472

broken, 579

early walking and, 440–441

getting caught in crib slats, 44, 445

severed, 591

straight, in preemie, 613

Length, baby’s

average at birth, 121

charts, 115–119

see also Growth


baby getting enough milk and, 183

during breastfeeding, 64, 75–76

encouraging, when pumping, 176

problems with, 186

slow, baby’s frustration over, 305

Lethargy, baby’s, calling doctor about, 539, 540

Life insurance, 58

Lifting baby, 167–169


exposure to, for better sleep, 204–205

mixing up night and day and, 206

premature baby and, 611–612

sensitivity to, 329

sensitivity to, eye, 233, 456

Light bulbs, safety of, 397


broken, first aid for, 579

severed, first aid for, 591

Limits, setting 463–464

Linens, buying, for baby, 33–34

Lip tie, 188


blisters on, 189

cleft, breastfeeding and, 4

cut on, first aid for, 588

dry, as symptom of dehydration, 565

position of, when breastfeeding, 68

split, 588

Lochia, reduction of, and breastfeeding, 7

Loose bowel movements; see Bowel movements, Diarrhea

Loss of consciousness, first aid for, 583

and breath holding 456–458

and febrile convulsions, 547

Low-birthweight babies, 601–630; see also Premature baby

Low-fat diet, breastfeeding and, 103

Low iron; see Anemia, Iron deficiency

Low-iron formula, 127

Low milk supply; see Milk supply

Low-sensory-threshold baby, 329–330

Lumbar puncture, 611


in mom’s breast, 86

in groin, 255

in navel, 222

in scrotum, 255

Lutein, in formula, 127

Lyme disease, protecting against, 342, 577


Magnesium, and breastfeeding, 97

Manners, table, 452–453

Manny, 293; see also Babysitter

Manual breast pump, 173, 177–178

Maple syrup urine disease, testing for, in baby, 122, 524

Marine sting, first aid for, 578–579

Markers, to scribble with, 512

Massage, 251–253, 259–260

as part of bedtime routine, 205, 356

benefits of 251, 259–260

dads and, 252

how to give, 251–252

naps and, 325

of blocked milk duct, 86

of blocked tear duct, 233

preemies and, 251, 259–260, 608–609

to soothe crying baby, 216

Mastitis, 86–87

Mattress, bassinet, buying, 44

crib, buying, 44

crib, safety and, 270

parent’s, safety and, 274–275

Maxillary labial frenum, 188

Measles, 530, 534

Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine (MMR), 530–531, 534, 535, 536

for adults, 531

Measuring baby; see Growth, Length

Meconium, 153–154

aspiration of, 611

Medela supplemental nursing system, 93

Medicaid, 20

Medical care, getting regular, 249; see also Checkups

Medication, 546, 548–553

cold and cough, 551

dosing by weight, 553

flavoring for, 553

for breast pain, 74, 80, 87

for colic, 214

for fever, 546, 548, 550

for teething pain, 322, 439

giving safely, 549–552, 555

giving, to unwilling baby, 553

herbal and homeopathic, 214, 322, 552

safety of, while breastfeeding, 88, 95–96, 99–101

unsafe, 551


cabinet, stocking, 39–40

spoon or dropper for giving, 39

Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, testing for, in baby, 122, 524

Mei tais, 56

Menstruation; see Period


in fish, 339–340

in thermometers, 543

in vaccines, 535


baby making a, 419–421

while eating, 452–453

Metabolic disorders, screening for, at birth, 122, 524

Micro preemies, 616


thawing breast milk in the, 180

warming bottles in the, 129

warming food in the, 347

Middle ear inflammation; see Ear infection

Milestones, developmental; see Timeline

Milia, on baby’s face, 227–228


allergic to, 198–199, 503

almond, 503

bank, 4, 93, 604

coconut, 503

cow’s, when to introduce, 433

hemp, 503

rice, 503

soy, 503

whole, 433

see also Breast milk, Formula

Milkscreen, 101

Milk supply, low, 74, 92, 179, 181–189

concern about, 181–189

during period, 88

excessive exercise and, 89

exclusive pumping and, 179

pumping up, 93–96

relactation and, 93–96

supplementation and, 90–92, 241

Mind, state of, newborn’s, 140–141

Mini-pill, breastfeeding and, 8

Mirrors, 239, 256

Mixing up days and nights, 205–206

MMR vaccine, 530–531, 534–535, 536

Mobiles, 256

Moles; see Birthmarks

Mongolian spots, 149

Monitor, baby, buying, 47–48

Monitoring baby’s breathing, 206–207, 273–274

preemies and, 610–611, 616, 620,

preemie’s in car seat, 624–625

Monitoring babysitter; see Babysitter

Moro reflex, 146–147

Mosquitoes, protecting against, 409, 577

Mother’s Milk Tea, 95, 98

Motor development, 104; see also Large motor skills, Small motor skills, Development

Motrin; see Ibuprofen

Mottling, 150, 229, 565


blisters on, 189

cysts (or spots) in, 150

development, and breastfeeding, 5

dry, dehydration and, 565

finger sweep of, 597

foreign object in, first aid for, 585, 597; see also Choking

injuries to, first aid for, 588

positioning for breastfeeding, 67–70

putting everything in, 421

thrush in, 150–152

tongue-tied, 188

white patches in, 151

white spots on roof of, 150

see also Gums, Teeth, Tongue

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; see CPR

Movements, jerky, 282

Mouthing objects, 421


blood in, 539

gagging on, in newborn, 139

in eyes, 233

in nose; see Nasal congestion

in stool, 154, 200, 348, 366, 564; see also Bowel movement

Multiples, 190–191

Mumps, 530–531, 534, 536; see also Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine

Murmur, heart, 313–314


baby’s hearing and, 229

class, 462

for crying, 213, 216

for sleep, 204

loud, 229

stimulating baby with, 257–258, 512

Mylicon, 214



clippers, 38, 165

detached, 585

injuries to, 584–585

scissors, 38, 165

scratching eczema with, 325

torn, 584

trimming, 165

Name for baby, choosing a, 12–14

Nanny; see Babysitter

Nanny cam, 296

Nanny tax, 294

Naps, 266–268, 323–325

catnapping, 323

changing patterns in, 323–325, 483

early waking and, 357

giving up on, 483

mixing up day and night and, 205–206

nighttime sleep and, 205

number and length of, 206

sleep training and, 349–355

snacks before, 476

see also Sleep(ing)

Nasal aspirator, 39, 554, 555

Nasal cannula, 611

Nasal congestion,

aspirator for, 39, 554, 555

breast milk to relieve, 81

breastfeeding strike and, 304–305

colds and, 554–556

croup and, 561

flu and, 559

food allergies and, 326

foul smell from, 556

humidifier to relieve, 555

milk allergy and, 199

RSV and, 559

see also Nose

National Button Battery Ingestion Hotline, 397

National Sanitation Foundation, 337–338


lump in, 222

see also Umbilical stump

Nebulizer, for asthma, 567, 568

NEC, 628


injury, first aid for, 579

stiffness, 538–539

Necrotizing enterocolitis, 628

Nectresse; see Sugar substitutes

Negative baby, 332–333

Negativity, 464, 506–507

Neonatal intensive care unit; see NICU

Neonatal screening tests, 122, 124, 524

Neonatologist, 611

Nerve injury, tooth, 475

Nevus flammeus, 149

Nevus simplex, 149

Newborn; see Baby

Newborn screening, 122, 524

NICU, 609–615

baby leaving, 620

emotional rollar coaster of, 615–618

handling a long stay in the, 614–615

Night and day, mixing up, 205–206

Night waking, 269–273, 417

hunger and, 269–273

sleep regression and, 417

sleep training and, 349–354

teething and 321

see also Sleep(ing)

Nightlight, 48, 482

safety of, 397

Nightgowns, buying for baby, 32

Nipple confusion, 91

bottles and, 91, 241

pacifiers and, 155, 222

Nipple feeding a preemie, 603

Nipples, bottle

choosing, 40, 91

sizes of, 131, 240

Nipples, breast

biting, 386–387

breastfeeding and, 67–70

burning in, 150

cracked, 78–80

flat, 6, 73, 185

inverted, 79, 185

latching on, during breastfeeding, 67–70

lubrication for, 79–80

pain, 69, 75, 78–80, 150, 185

pain while pumping, 176

shells, 79

shields, 79

sore, 70, 78–80, 150, 185

thrush on, 150–151

toughening, before breastfeeding, 6

yeast infection on, 150–151

Nitrates in food, 340

No, saying to baby, 464

negativity and, 506–507


from fireworks, 399

from toys, 316

not reacting to, 229–232

premature baby and, 609, 610–611

sensitivity to, 329

too loud, 229

when baby is sleeping, 203

white noise, 204, 216, 229


appearance of, at birth, 136

bleeding from, 588–589

caring for, 165

foul smell from, 589

injuries to, first aid for, 588–589

object in, first aid for, 589

runny or stuffy, 554–556

saline drops for, 554, 555

suctioning with aspirator, 554, 555

Nurse, baby, 14–18

Nursemaid’s elbow, 497, 581

Nursery, buying for, 42–48


blisters, 189

bra, 74, 82

fashion, 82–83

in public, 83–84

pads, 77

strike, 304–306, 432–434

style, of baby, 71

see also Breast; Breastfeeding; Breast milk; Pump(ing)

Nurturing baby, 236–237, 426–427; see also Bonding, Development, Kangaroo care, Massage

Nut butters, introducing, 349, 505

Nutrasweet; see Sugar substitutes

Nutrition; see Diet, Eat(ing), Feeding, Solids


allergies to, 199, 326, 349, 505

allergies to, and baby care products, 38

choking risk of, 349, 399, 431, 498, 505

sensitivity to, and breastmilk, 199

Nystatin, 151


Oatmeal, bath, colloidal, for itching, 326

Obesity; see Overweight

Object, foreign

stuck in ear, 582

stuck in eye, 582–583

stuck in mouth or throat, 588

stuck in nose, 589

swallowed, 593; see also Choking

Object permanence,

separation anxiety and, 478

teaching, 372, 427

Oil, baby, 37, 253

Oil, in baby’s diet, 449


antibiotic, 39

antibiotic, eye, 121, 135, 233

for diaper area, 37, 282

for eczema, 325–326

Older child; see Siblings

Omega-3 fatty acids

brain development and, 97

breastfeeding diet and, 97

in diet, 366, 449, 503

in formula, 129

Onesies, buying, for baby, 30

Oral aversion, in premature baby, 606

Oral syringe, for dispensing medicine, 39, 551, 553


baby-care products, 38

foods, 338–341

foods, while breastfeeding, 102–103

formula, 126–127

fruits and vegetables, 338–339

see also Green

Otitis media; see Ear infection

Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) hearing screening, 124

Outdoor safety, 403–406; see also Playground


gear for, 48–55, 224–225

taking baby out, 224–227

see also Travel

Outsiders, exposure to, 226–227


and risk of SIDS, 271

during sleep, 271

fever, 546, 548, 589

heat-related illness from, 587

in baby carrier, 56

in car, 231

overbundling and, 226

Overweight baby, 115, 310–312

asthma, increased risk of, and, 567

breastfeeding and,

early introduction of solids and, 311

extended breastfeeding and, 279

formula and, 115, 128, 192–193, 311

juice and, 311

too much snacking and, 477

Overwhelmed, feeling, 194–195

preemie and, 615–618

see also Postpartum depression

Ovulation and breastfeeding, 7

Oxygen hood, 611

Oxyhood, 611


bonding and, 132

breastfeeding and, 64, 81, 95

dad’s and, 252

massage and, 252



as comfort object, 219–221

becoming a habit, 220–221

breastfeeding and, 158, 186

choosing a, 42

during sleep, 42, 220, 271

ear infection risk and, 220, 557

extra sucking need and, 193, 217, 221, 310

for older baby, 357

GERD relief, and, 571

pros and cons, 220–221

SIDS and, 158, 220, 27 1

medicine, 39, 551, 553

nipple confusion and, 155, 220

safe use of, 221

types of, 42

using, in hospital, 154–155

when to wean from, 357

Pack and play; see Play yard


a diaper bag, 224–225

for travel, 517


abdominal, 566

circumcision, 11

digestive; see Digestive upset

during feeds, 198, 570

ear, 556–557

gas; see Gas

in breasts, 73–76, 86–87

nipple, 69, 78–80, 151, 185

reliever; see Medication

teething, 321–322

teething, at night, 437–439

thrush and, 151

when getting shots, 535

when pumping, 176

when to call doctor for, 540

when urinating, 566


lead in, 315, 342, 421

on crib, 43, 342

on furniture, 44, 342, 393

on toys, 315, 342

safe storage of, 398, 403

Palate, cleft, breastfeeding and, 4; see also Mouth

Palmar grasping reflex, 147

Panadol; see Acetaminophen

Parabens, in baby care products, 38

Parallel play, 500

Parenteral hyperalimentation, 602

Parenting philosophies, 27, 267, 269

Passport, for baby, 516

Pasteurized, 339

Patent ductus arteriosus, 627

PCV, 535–538

Peanuts, peanut butter

allergies and, 199, 326–327, 349, 505

choking risk and, 349, 399, 498, 505

introducing, 349, 505

oil in baby lotions, 38

sensitivity to, breastmilk and, 199

Pear juice; see also Juice

constipation and, 563–564

diarrhea and, 566

Pedialyte; see Rehydration fluid

Pediatric nurse practitioner, 22

Pediatrician, choosing a, 19–27; see also Doctor

Penile adhesion, 254


adhesion, 254

care of, 166, 222, 223

defect in (hypospadias), 223

diaper rash on, 282

erections and, 423

playing with, 422–423

sore on, 282

see also Circumcision

Period, mom’s

and breastfeeding, 7, 88–89, 183

breast rejection and, 304, 432

return of, postpartum, 88

Periodic breathing, 206

Permethrin, as insect repellent, 409

Pertussis, 528, 531, 534; see also Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine

Pest control, 341–342

Pesticides, 341–342

in foods, 338–341, 377


allergy to, 556

bites; see Bites, animal

fear of, 459, 462

preparing, for baby, 16–17

safety of baby near, 409

Petting zoo, 337

Phazyme, 214

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

breastfeeding and, 4

screening for, at birth, 122, 524

Phimosis, 10


blood in, 539

blood-tinged, coughing up, 539

Phlegmy sound when feeding, 570

Phototherapy treatment, for jaundice, 152

Phthalates, in baby care products, 38

Physical activity; see Exercise

Physical exams; see Checkups

Physician; see Doctor

Physician’s assistant, 22

Picaridin, as insect repellent, 409

Picc lines, 610, 611

Picking up baby, 167–169

all the time, 381–384

Picky eating, 434–435

Pigeon-toed, 253

Pigmented nevi, 149


for baby support, 57

for older baby, 502

sleep safety and, 43, 202, 270, 275


breast milk for, 81

on baby’s face, 227–228

see also Milia

Pins and needles, feeling in breast, 75; see also Letdown

Plantar reflex, 147


household, air purifying, 336

household, poisonous, 396

Play mat, 59

for tummy time, 236

Play yard

buying, 45–46

safety, 393

spending time in, 423–424

Playdates, 460–461


equipment, safety of, 405–406

safety, teaching baby, 409

Playgroup, benefits of a, 460–461


baby games, 369–373, 444–445

in the 1st month, 172

in the 2nd month, 239

in the 3rd month, 263

in the 4th month, 303

in the 5th month, 318

in the 6th month, 344

in the 7th month, 375

in the 8th month, 411

in the 9th month, 429

in the 10th month, 447

in the 11th month, 469

in the 12th month, 491

independent, 381–384, 505–506

parallel, 500

with apps and computers, 509–511

with genitals, 422–423

with other babies, 460–461, 500

with toys, 314–316, 512–513

see also Stimulating your baby

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, 533–536

to help prevent ear infections, 557

Pneumothorax, 611

Poison Control, 404–405, 575, 589

Poison ivy, first aid for, 591

Poison oak, first aid for, 591

Poison sumac, first aid for, 591

Poisoning, poisonous

first aid for, 589–590

preventing, 404–405

substances, keeping baby away from, 404–405

sun; see Sunburn

Poisonous plants, 396

Polio, 528–530

vaccine, 528–530, 536

Pollen, allergy to, 556

Pollution indoors, 336–338

Pool safety, 407; see also Swimming

Poop; see Bowel movement

Portable crib; see also Play yard

buying, 45–46

safety, 393

Port-wine stain, 149

POS; see Health insurance

Position for safe sleep, 201, 247–250, 270–271, 299

Positioners, sleep, 202, 250, 270

Positions, breastfeeding, 65–67


depression, 213, 495, 525, 618

recovery, breastfeeding and, 5, 7

recovery from, 139

weight loss, 7

Potty training

cloth diapers and, 35

early, 367


baby carrier, 56

food, 376

PPO; see Health insurance


in breastmilk, 3

in supplementation formula, 92, 127, 129

PreCheck, 519–520

Pregnancy, spacing next, 484–485

Premature baby(ies), 601–630

adjusted age and, 108, 607, 621, 622–624

appearance of, 613

bonding with, 607–609

breastfeeding, 602–607, 618–619

car seats for, 624–625

catching up in development, 622–624

categories of, 616

coping with emotions about, 614–618

development of, 108, 622–624

feeding, 602–607

formula for, 127, 606, 607

getting optimum care for, 612, 614–615

guilt about, 615–618

handling, 619–620

health problems, 625–630

home care, 606–607, 622–623

kangaroo care and, 608, 609

keeping warm at home, 622

massage, benefits for, 251, 259–260, 608–609

medical terms to know about, 610–611

nutrition for, 602–607

permanent problems of, 620–622

pumping breast milk for, 604, 605

rehospitalization of, 629

siblings and, 621

taking home, 620, 622–623

vaccines and, 624

weight loss, 604

see also Low-birthweight baby

Preparing for baby, 2–59

Preparing nipples for breastfeeding, 6

Pretend play, 513

Preterm infant; see Premature baby(ies)

Prevacid, 571

Prickly heat, 227

Probiotics, 558

antibiotics and, 87, 558

asthma and, 568

celiac disease and, 569

constipation and, 563

diarrhea and, 3, 558

eczema, 326

GERD and, 571

in formula, 92, 127, 129

to treat colic, 214

to treat thrush, 151

Processed food, 340

Produce; see Fruit, Vegetables

dirty dozen, 338

organic, 338–341

Progesterone, 64

Progestin-only pill, 9

Projectile vomiting, 198, 570


breastfeeding and, 64, 81

deficiency, and breastfeeding, 187


baby, 306–307, 386

baby after feeds, 198

baby in car seat, 156–157

baby with GERD, 571

bottle, 132

bottles for twins, 190

mattress, 250

sick baby, 555, 562

Protein foods, 448

Prune juice, for constipation, 563


baby’s arm, risk of, 497

ear, 322, 323, 556

hair, 455

Pulling up, 439–440

during night, 439

late, 440, 474–475

Pulse oximeter, in NICU, 612–614

Pump, breast

choosing a, 173–175

health insurance coverage of, 175

types of, 173–175

using a, 177–178

Pump(ing) breast milk,

best time to, 175

exclusive, 179

for adopted baby, 94–95

for premature baby, 605

pain while, 176

preparing to, 175–176

safety of, 175

supplies for, 42

to pump up milk supply, 93–96

to relieve engorgement, 74, 173

working and, 262–266

see also Expressing breast milk

Puncture wound, first aid for, 592

Pupils, in head injuries, 586–587


skin, 229

spots, 538

Pyloric stenosis, 198, 570


Rabies, 577

RAD, 568

Radiators, childproofing, 395

Radon gas, 336

Rapid eye movement; see REM sleep

Rare, meat and fish for baby, 451

Rare, meat and fish, while breastfeeding, 100


breast milk to treat, 81

cradle cap, 253

diaper, 3, 12, 34, 35, 37, 281–282; see also Diaper rash

eczema, 325–326

face; see Acne, Milia, Pimples, Skin

food allergy and, 326–327, 348

from contact with irritant, 196, 325–326

from foods in mom’s diet, 98

heat, 227

hypoallergenic formula and, 126

itchy, 39, 325–326

milk allergy and, 199

on body, 326–327

on cheeks and chin, 320, 325–326

on penis, 282

reaction to vaccine and, 529, 531, 532

seborrheic, 253

teething and, 320

when to call the doctor for, 539

with fever, 539

yeast infection, and, 151

see also Chicken pox, Measles, Poison ivy, Poison oak, Poison sumac

Rate, respiration, 206, 540

RDS, 625–626

Reactive airway disease, 568

Reader, raising a, 424–425

Reading to baby, 170, 236, 245, 249, 424–425, 489

as part of a bedtime routine, 357

Rear-facing car seat; see Car seat

Recalls, product, 342

Receiving blankets, 33

Receptive language, 415

Rectal temperature, taking, 543–534

Rectal thermometer for constipation relief, 564

Reflexes, newborn, 146–147

Reflux; see Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Spitting up

colic and, 212–213, 214

formula for babies with severe, 127

preemies and, 606

telling spitting up from GERD, 198, 569–570

Registering, for baby products, 29

Reglan, 95

Regression, sleep, 417

Rehospitalization, of premature babies, 629

Rehydration fluids, 39

to prevent dehydration, 565

Relactation, 93–96

Relationship, parents’, 324

Relationship, with grandparents, 18, 19, 38

REM sleep, 139, 141, 204–205, 207

Rescue breaths, 597, 598, 599, 600

Respiration; see Breathing

Respiratory distress syndrome, 625–626

Respiratory symptoms, and allergic baby

with food allergy, 326

with milk allergy, 199

Respiratory symptoms, and sick baby, 540

colds and, 554–556

croup and, 561

flu and, 559–563

RDS and, 625–626

RSV and, 559

Respiratory syncytial virus, 559–561

risk to preemies, 560

Restaurant, going to a, with baby, 388–389

Restrictive airway disease, 568

Resuscitation techniques; see CPR

Retinopathy of prematurity, 627

Retractions, 539, 560, 561, 563, 567

Reverse psychology, as discipline technique, 467

Reye’s syndrome, 551

Rhythmic behaviors, 453–454

Rice milk, 503

Right-handedness, 424

Ring sling, 56

Rocking or rolling (baby’s habit), 453–454

Rocking baby, 216, 250, 269, 272, 501; see also Sleep training

Rocking baby to sleep, 204, 209

Rocking chair, buying; see Glider

Rolling over; see Timeline, Turning over

Romance, finding time for, 324, 484

Room sharing, 205, 271, 272, 387

Rooming-in, in hospital, 138

and breastfeeding, 61

Rooting reflex, 68, 78, 133, 144, 146

ROP, 627

Rotavirus vacine, 536, 537


bedtime, 205, 268, 350, 351, 355–357

irregular baby and, 331

naptime, 323–325, 351

poor adaptability baby and, 331–332

schedules and, 266–268

RSV infection, 559–561

Rubbing alcohol, 39

umbilical stump care and, 165–166

Rubella, 530–531; see also Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine

Rules; see Limits

Running, with baby, 283

stroller for, 50, 51

Runny nose; see Nasal congestion, Nose, Respiratory symptoms


Saccharine; see Sugar substitutes

Safe, keeping baby, 230–231; see also Safety

Safety, 230–231, 333–342, 391–409

around poisonous substances, 400–406

around water, 405, 407, 408; see also Safety, bath

at holiday time, 399

at home, 334–338, 419–420, 514

babyproofing and, 391–409

bath, 230, 360

bathroom and, 401–402

bed sharing and, 274–276

car, 156–157, 230, 409

crib, 43, 202, 270–271, 392, 443, 501–502

during sleep, 169, 201, 202, 220, 231, 247–250, 270–271, 358–359, 443, 502

environment and, 334–342

food prep, 451

formula prep, 128–133

gate, 392–393

older baby and, 514

outdoors, 403–406

playground and, 403, 404, 405, 409

room sharing and, 205, 271, 274, 387

stairs and, 392, 393, 406

street, 408–409

teaching about, 406–409

toys and, 314–316, 342

while feeding, 346–347

Salicylates, 551

Saline nose drops, 555

Salmon patch, 149

Salt, limiting, 349, 380, 451

Salt poisoning, under-diluted formula and, 129

Sandbox, keeping safe, 403–404

Savings account, 58

Scalp, injuries to, first aid for, 586

flaky; see Cradle cap

newborn, 136


baby’s, 266–268; see also Bedtime routine, Routine, Sleeping, Feeding

irregular baby and, 331

poor-adaptability baby and, 331

Scissors, nail, 38

Scooting, as form of crawling, 418

Scrapes, skin, first aid for, 592

Scratching, from eczema, 325–326

Screaming, parent’s, 466

Screen time for babies, 508–511

Screening tests

for anemia, 365

for hearing, 124

for lead, 342

for newborn; see Neonatal screening tests


care of, 159

lump in, 255

swelling of, 222

see also Testicle

Seat, infant; see Infant seat

Seborrheic dermatitis, 253, 281

Second language, 247

Secondhand smoke, hazards of; see Smoking

Security objects, 442–444

Seedy stool; see Bowel movement

Seizures; see Convulsions

Self-feed(ing), 379, 435–436

refusing to, 504–505

see also Finger foods, Snacking

Senses, stimulating baby’s, 255–261

Sensitive baby, 329–330

Sensitive formula, 126

Sensitivity to foods in mom’s diet, 98–99, 199–200

Sensitivity to light, eye, 233, 456

Sensor pad, in crib, to detect baby’s movement, 48

Sensorineural hearing loss, 572

Sensory overload, and colic, 211

Sensory threshold, low, 329–330

Separation anxiety, 478–480, 480–483, 498

always wanting to be held and, 381–384

at bedtime, 480–483

Sepsis, 611

Serious baby, 332–333

Severed limb, first aid for, 591

Shaking baby, dangers of, 286, 465


buying for baby, 37

chemicals in, 38

for cradle cap, 253

Shampooing baby, 162–163, 164, 438


bed, with baby; see Co-sleeping

room, with baby, 205, 387

Sheets, buying, for baby, 33; see also Linens


hypothermia and, 587

with fever, 547


electric, first aid for, 582

first aid for, 591


for nonwalking baby, 369

for walkers, 473

Shopping carts

covers for, 55

safety in, 157, 231

Shots; see Immunization

Shyness, 442, 497–500


breastfeeding and, 85

of colicky baby, 218–219

of premature baby, 621

preparing, 13

spacing, 484–485

tandem breastfeeding, 84–86

Sick baby, 537–548, 554–567; see also Illness

Side-lying position, breastfeeding and, 67

Side sleeping, 202


baby flipping and, 358–359

breastfeeding and, 4, 271, 279

co-sleeping and, 274–276

overheating and, 226, 250, 270–271

pacifiers and, 220

preventing, 220, 270–271

room sharing and, 204–205, 271, 274–275, 387

safe sleep to prevent, 202, 204–205, 247–250, 270–271, 274–276

vaccines and, 270, 271

Sight; see Eyes, Vision

Sight, stimulating baby’s, 256–257

Signing with baby, 415–418

Silliness, as discipline technique, 467

Simethicone drops, 214

Sippy cup

risks of, 412

safe use of, 412

tooth decay and, 363, 412

types of, 413

see also Cups

Sitting up

baby not, 386

late, 441

propping baby, 306–307, 386

Sizes, of baby clothes, 31

Skills; see Development


appearance of newborn’s, 136

appearance of preemie’s, 613

appearance, when sick, 541

birthmarks on, 145–149

blotches, reddish, on, 150

bruise on, first aid for, 591–592

color changes, 228–229

color of, in baby of color, 228

cuts on, first aid for, 592

mottled, 229

purple spots on, 538

wounds, first aid for, 591–593

yellowing of; see Jaundice

see also Eczema, Milia, Pimples, Rash

Skin to skin, 132, 216–217, 608

Skinny baby, 133, 312–313

Slapping, 465

Slats, crib, limbs getting caught in, 443

Slats, crib, safety of, 43

Sleep regression, 417

Sleep sacks, 32, 170, 223, 226, 250

Sleep training, 349–355

Sleepers, bedside, 46

Sleepiness, newborn’s, 137–138, 192

during feeds, 139–142, 187

of premature baby, while feeding, 606

Sleep (ing)

active, 141, 204–205, 207

associations, 205, 351–352, 501

baby, waking, for feeding, 139–142

baby’s breathing while, 206–207

breastfed baby falling to, 268–269

checking for breathing during, 207

cues, 351

dream; see REM slep

getting baby to, 349–357

in parent’s bed; see Co-sleeping

in parent’s room; see Room sharing

in the 1st month, 172

in the 2nd month, 239

in the 3rd month, 263

in the 4th month, 303

in the 5th month, 318

in the 6th month, 344

in the 7th month, 375

in the 8th month, 411

in the 9th month, 429

in the 10th month, 447

in the 11th month, 469

in the 12th month, 491

mixing up day and night, 205–206

mom’s, while breastfeeding, 81–82

mom’s position for, and milk supply, 187

noise when baby is, 203

noisy breathing and, 206–207

on back, baby unhappy while, 202–203, 247–250

only in your arms, 208–209

parents not, 356

patterns, 141

patterns, no discernable, 203–204

periods of, newborn, 141

position for, 202–203, 247–250, 271

positioners; see Positioners

propping for, 250

putting baby down while, 207–209

REM, 138, 139, 141, 204–205, 207

restless, 204–205

safe, 202, 270–271

schedule, 266–268

strategies for good, 204–205

swaddling for, 202, 204, 249–250

teaching how to fall asleep, 349–354

teething and, 321

through feedings, newborn, 139–142, 184

through the night, 269–273, 349–354

through the night and cereal, 241

through the night and formula, 241

turning over in, 358–359

waking from for feeds, 139–142, 143

waking up for nighttime feeds, 269–273, 349–354

weaned baby and, 500–501

while feeding, 139–142, 268–269

white noise and, 204, 229

see also Bedtime routine, Naps, Waking

Sleepwear, 32

Sling, baby, 55–56, 383; see also Wearing baby

Small motor skills

development of, 236–237, 260–261, 370–371

older baby, 370–371


from nose, 556, 589

from umbilical stump, 221

from urine, 566–567

sense of, 256

sensitivity to, 330

stimulating baby’s, 256

Smile, baby’s first, 234, 243

Smiling, infrequent, 332–333

Smiling, not, as red flag, 105


inhalation, first aid, 590

secondhand, dangers of, 394

thirdhand, dangers of, 394

Smoked meat and fish, 340


colic and, 213

ear infections and, 558

hazards of, 334–335, 394

SIDS and, 271

while breastfeeding, 101

Snacking, 435, 476–478

Snake bites, first aid for, 578

Sneezing, 225, 233

Snowsuit, buying for baby, 32

SNS; see Supplemental nutrition system

Soap for baby, 37

Social cues and parents, 512

Social development; see Social skills

Social Security card, 148

Social skills, 500

daycare and, 294

development of, 235, 260, 371

older baby and, 371

playgroups and, 460–461

shyness and, 497–500

see also Parallel play, Playing, Stranger anxiety

Socializing, 460–461

Socks, 33

for walking, 474

touch sensitivity and, 330

Soft spots on baby’s head; see Fontanel


allergies and, 318, 326–327, 348, 349, 376

baby-led weaning and, 379

best first foods, 346–348

choking hazards, 349, 431,

chunky, 431

feeding safely, 346–347

finger foods, 379, 428–431

homemade, 377–380

in bottle, 241, 270, 311, 313

in the 5th month, 318

in the 6th month, 344

in the 7th month, 375

in the 8th month, 411

in the 9th month, 429

in the 10th month, 447

in the 11th month, 469

in the 12th month, 491

introducing, 311, 317–319, 343–349

introducing new, 348

introducing to preemie, 607, 623

mushed to chunky, 431

organic, 338–340

pouches of, 376

premature babies and, 607, 623

readiness for, 319

rejection of, 345

snacks; see Snacking

stages of, store bought, 378

starting, 343–349

store bought, 375–377

too soon, and overweight, 311, 319

unsafe for baby, 349, 431

warming up, 347

when to introduce, 317–319

Sore nipples; see Nipples

Sound; see also Hearing, Noise

sensitivity to, 329

Sour milk, exercise and, 89

Soy formula, 126

Soy milk, 503

Spacer device, for asthma medication, 568

Spacing children, 484–485

Spanking, 465

Speaking to baby; see Talking

Special needs baby, 571

Speech; see Language

Spices, in baby food, 376, 378, 380, 430, 451

Spices, in mom’s diet, 97–99

Spitting up, 197–198

blood in, 198

excessive; see GERD

Splenda, and breastfeeding; see Sugar substitutes

Splinters, removing, 593

Split lip, first aid for, 588

Spoiled food, avoiding, 346–347

Spoiling baby, 210, 381

grandparents and, 19

Sponge baths, 161–163

Spoonfeeding, 345–346, 435–436

Spots, purple, on skin, 538

Spots on skin; see Skin

Spraying breast milk, 77–78; see also Let-down

Stains, on clothes, 196, 197

Stains, on teeth, 390


climbing, 406

gates for, 392, 393

safety around, 393, 406

Standing, 368, 370, 439–440

Startling reflex, in newborn, 145, 147

States of consciousness in newborns, 140–141


activity centers, 58, 367–369

activity jumper, 59, 328

Stay at home, deciding whether to, 276–277

Stay-at-home dads, 284–285

Steam inhalation, for croup, 561–562

Stepping reflex, 147

Steps; see Stairs

Steps, first; see Walking


bottles, 129

for preemies, 622–623

water, 129

with thrush, 152


cream for eczema, 325–326

for asthma, 568

Stevia; see Sugar substitutes

Stimulating your baby

early months, 255–261

older baby, 369–373

one-year-old, 511–514

toys and, 315

TV and technology, and, 508–511

see also Development, Intellectual skills, Language, Senses

Stimulation, sensitivity to, 329–330

colic and crying, and, 210–211, 218–219


insect first aid for, 577–578

marine animal, first aid for, 578–579

Stitches, 592

Stomach, bloated, 199, 569

Stomach, full, and spitting up, 128, 193

see also Spitting up

Stomach, obstruction of; see Pyloric stenosis

Stomach pain,

celiac disease and, 569

ibuprofen and, 550

see also Abdominal pain, Digestive upset, Gas

Stomach sleeping, 202, 247–250, 358–359

Stomach sleeping, mom’s, 187

Stool; see Bowel movement, Constipation, Diarrhea


breast milk, 178–180

formula, 130

toys, 393–394

Storage bags, for breast milk, 178

Stork bites, 149


anxiety, 442, 497–500

fear of, 442

newborn’s exposure to, 226–227

Strawberry hemangioma, 147–149

Straws, drinking with, 414; see also Cup, Sippy cup

Street safety, 408–409

Stretchies, buying for baby, 32

Stinging in nipples, 151


in NICU, 615–618

of colic, coping with, 212–213

let-down and, 75, 186

see also Overwhelmed, feeling, Postpartum depression

Stridor, 561–563


buying, 48–51

types of, 48–51

when traveling, 517, 520

Stuffed animals

as comfort object, 442–444

safety of, 316

Subcutaneous ring block, 11

Submersion, swim classes and, 408

Submersion injury, first aid for, 581–582


as hunger cue, 62, 144, 183

blister on lip from, 189

crying and, 217, 220

extra need for, 133, 142, 193, 217, 310

in sleep, 141, 170, 207

on food pouch, 376

on lotion-covered skin, 309

on nipple only, 67, 79

pacifier; see Pacifier

pain when, 151, 305, 556

preemie and, 603, 606, 613

reflex, in newborns, 61, 146–147

straw; see Straws

thumb; see Thumb sucking vs. suckling, 69

see also Bottle feeding, Breastfeeding


during breastfeeding, 69, 185

ineffective, 185

see also Breastfeeding

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; see SIDS

Sugar, limiting, 450–451

Sugar substitutes, safety of, while breastfeeding, 102

Sun; see also Sunscreen

protecting baby from, 225, 226

protecting eyes from, 456

Sun hat, 225, 226


first aid for, 580

preventing, 225

Sunglasses, 456

Sunscreen, 39, 225

Super baby, raising a, 426–427

Supervision, importance of, 402

in activity center, 368–369

in bath, 360

in jumper, 328

in swing, 328

in water, 407

Supplemental nursing system, 93–94, 184, 185, 242

Supplementation formula, 127, 241


when baby isn’t thriving, 183–185, 242

with formula, if breastfeeding, 90–92, 238–243

Supplements, for breastfeeding mom, 97

Supplements, for baby; see Vitamin supplements

Supplementary water, 61, 186, 193

Surfactant, 611, 616, 625, -626

Sushi, safety of, while breastfeeding, 100

Swaddle, swaddling, 169–170, 223–224

baby kicking off, 223–224

baby who doesn’t like, 170, 216, 223–224

blankets, 33–34

crying and, 216

how to, 169–170

to keep baby on back, 202, 249–250

when to stop, 170, 250

Swaddlers, 33–34

Swallowed objects, first aid for, 593

Sweeteners, safety of, while breastfeeding, 102


classes, 408

pool, safety around, 405, 407, 408

Swine flu; see Influenza

Swing, 57–58, 327–328

Swing, playground; see Playground

Swinging by the arms, risk of, 497

Symptoms, of sick baby, 537–542, 554–567



feeding baby at, 448

feeding chairs at, 41

manners, 452–453

Tablecloths, babyproofing and, 396

Tablets for babies, 509–511


baby’s early, 390

first words, 415

helping baby to, 487–489

second language, 247

to older baby, 372–373, 487–489

to younger baby, 244–245

see also Language

Tandem nursing, 84–86

Tap water, safety of, 336–337


of breast milk, mom’s diet and, 97–98; see also Breast milk

sensitivity to, 329

stimulating baby’s, 255–256

Td booster (Tdap), 531

Tea, chamomile

for colic, 214

for teething pain, 322

Tea bags, for sore nipples, 80

Tear duct, blocked, 233

breast milk for, 81, 233

Tearless crying, dehydration and, 565

Teary eyes, 233

Technology, and baby, 509–511


breast milk and, 5

broken, 588

brushing, 363–364

chewing and, 437

chipped, 475

coming in crooked, 388–390

decay, 362–364

dentist and, 364

fluoride and, 197, 337–338, 364

injuries to, 475, 588

in newborn, 150

knocked out, 588

mottling of, 197

none yet, 437

order of eruption, 320, 437

stains on, 390

see also Teething, Tooth decay

Teething, 319–322

feeding and, 305, 321, 432

gels, 322

order of, 320, 437

pain, at night, 437–439

refusing to breastfeed and, 305, 432

relief for, 322

rings, 322

sleep and, 319, 437, 439

symptoms of, 319–322,

Television watching, 508–509

Temper, parent’s, 213, 465, 466, 467

Temperament, baby’s

challenging, 328–333

shyness and, 497–500


as symptom, in sick baby, 538–539

evaluating, 546

keeping baby the right, 204, 224–226, 271

keeping preemie the right, 622

normal body, 546

taking baby’s, 543–546

see also Fever, Overheating

Temperature of food, safe, 451

Temporal artery, taking temperature, 544–545

Tempra; see Acetaminophen


swelling of, 222–223

undescended, 254


Apgar, 123

hearing, 124

newborn, 122, 124, 524

Tetanus, 527–528, 531, 591; see also Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP)

Texting, distraction and, 395, 518

Texting, with doctor, 26, 537

Thawing frozen breast milk, 180

The Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act, 155

Thermometer, 543–546

axillary, 545

choosing a, 543–546

digital, 543

mercury-free, 543

oral, 545

pacifier, 545

rectal, 544

temporal artery, 544–545

tympanic, 545–546

underarm, 545

Thimerosal, in vaccines, 535

Thin baby, 133, 312–313; see also Low-birthweight baby

Thirdhand smoke, hazards of; see Smoking

Thrush, 150–152

and feeding fussiness, 151, 305

on nipple, 151–152

Thumb sucking, 308–309, 455


Lyme disease and, 409

protecting against, 403, 409

removing, 577

Tied tongue, breastfeeding and, 188

Timeline, developmental, 106–114

Tobacco smoke; see Smoking

Toe injuries, first aid for, 583–585

Toenails; see Nail(s)

Toilet, babyproofing, 401, 402

Toilet training, early, 367


positioning for breastfeeding, 68–69

thrust reflex, and starting solids, 319

white coating on, 151

white patches on; see Thrush

Tongue-tied, 188

Tonic neck reflex, 147

Tooth; see Teeth

Tooth decay

baby-bottle mouth and, 362–363

bottle-feeding and, 362–363, 470

breastfeeding and, 5, 492

diet and, 364

discoloration and, 390

juice and, 311, 363

preventing, 362–364

propping the bottle and, 132

sippy cups and, 412

straw cups and, 414

Toothbrush, 363–364

Toothpaste, 364

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), 602


sensitivity to, 329–330

stimulating baby’s sense of, 255–261

see also Bonding, Kangaroo care, Massage, Skin-to-skin

Touch screens for babies, 509–511

Towels, buying, for baby, 33

Toxic substances; see Poisoning


avoiding; see Green

in baby products, 38, 341

in baby’s environment, 333–342

in food, 338–341

in water, 336–338

see also BPA, Lead, Safety

Toy chest, safety of, 393–394

Toys, 257, 260–261, 314–316, 370–371, 512–513

bath, 361, 513

educational, 426–427

electronic, 509–511

for development, 257, 260–261, 370–371, 512–513

for travel, 517

in the 1st month, 172

in the 2nd month, 239

in the 3rd month, 263

in the 4th month, 303

in the 5th month, 318

in the 6th month, 344

in the 7th month, 375

in the 8th month, 411

in the 9th month, 429

in the 10th month, 447

in the 11th month, 469

in the 12th month, 491

safety of, 231, 315–316, 342, 393–394

storage of, 393–394

TPN, 602

Train, traveling by, 521–522

Transfusion, blood, 611


breast milk, 73

object; see Comfort object

stools, 153–154

Travel system stroller, 49–50

Traveling, with baby, 517–522

by car, 517–518

by plane, 518–521

by train, 521–522

Treadmill, and safety, 395–396

Triple stroller, 50


baby bath, buying, 38–39

bathing baby in the, 161–165

bathing in the big, 359–361

fear of, 359–361

safety, 360

seat, 360


flipping over to, during the night, 358–359

see also Abdominal, Digestive upset, Gas, Stomach

Tummy time, 236, 370

hard time with, 250–251

importance of, 236, 248–249, 419

mat for, 59

preemie and, 624

Turning over

in sleep, 358–359

see also Timeline

TV watching, 508–509

Tweezers, 39

Twins, 190–191

Tylenol; see Acetaminophen

Tympanic thermometers, 545–546


Umbilical catheter, 611

Umbilical cord, clamping of, at birth, 120, 121

Umbilical hernia, 222

Umbilical stump

care of, 165–166

healing of, 221

infection of, 221

Umbrella stroller, 50

travel and, 520

Underarm, taking temperature in, 545

Understanding baby, 140–141, 144, 246, 415–418

crying, 144

Underweight baby; see Skinny baby

Undescended testicles, 254

Unhappy baby, 332–333

Upper respiratory infections; see Colds

Urethra, opening of, 223

Urinary tract infection, 541, 566–567

circumcision and, 10

probiotics and, 558


diaper counts and, 94, 182

frequency of, breastfed baby and, 182

infrequent, and dehydration, 155, 565

painful, 566


blood in, 539, 566, 576

color of, 182–183

pink, 98

smelly, 566

UTI; see Urinary tract infection


Vaccinations, 526–537

autism and, 531, 535

combination, 534, 536

developmental delays and, 535

for adopted baby, 533

for adults, 531

for premature baby, 624

mercury in, 535

recommended schedule for, 536

safety 532

when to call doctor after, 529

see also Immunizations

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, 529

Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, 529

VAERS, 529


baby playing with, 422–423

discharge from, in newborns, 136

swollen, in newborn, 136

Valuables, safety around, 420

Var, 531–532, 536

Varicella; see Chicken pox

Varicella vaccine, 531–532, 536

Vaseline, 37

Vegan diet, 365–366

breastfeeding and, 196

formula for, 126, 127

Vegetables, in baby’s diet, 348, 349

organic, 338–341

Vegetarian diet, 365–366

Ventilator, 611

Venous hemangioma, 149

Vernix, 136

Violent feelings, toward baby, 213, 465, 467

Vision, 232–233

newborn’s, 124, 135, 232, 256

omega-3 fatty acids and, 129, 449

stimulating baby’s, 256–257

see also Eyes, Sight

Vitamin A, foods, 449

Vitamin B12, 366

Vitamin C, 196

foods, 449

Vitamin D, 193–197

breastfeeding diet and, 97

Vitamin K shot, at birth, 122, 124

Vitamin supplements, 193–197, 450

breastfeeding and, 97, 100–101


blood, 576

dehydration and, 565

during CPR, 600

flu and, 559

food allergy and, 326, 348

from too much crying, 352

inducing, 590

milk allergy and, 198

projectile, 198, 570

rotavirus and, 537

sensitivities in breastfed baby and, 199

when to call the doctor for, 539, 564, 565, 566

with constipation, 564

with diarrhea, 565

with head injury, 586

with internal bleeding, 576

with poisoning, 589

with shock, 591

with swallowed object, 593

see also Gagging, GERD, Spitting up



in newborn period, 138

teething and, 321, 437–439

Waking baby, when putting down, 207–209

Waking sleeping newborn, for feeding, 139–142

Waking up

at night; see Sleeping, Sleep regression

early, 357–358

teething pain and, 321, 437–439

Walkers, 59, 367–369


early, 440–441

falling down when, 473, 497

newborn reflex, 146

not yet, at a year, 496–497

shoes for, 473–474

stationary walker and delayed, 368

with help, 440–441

see also Timeline

Walking reflex, 146

Wardrobe, baby’s; see Clothing

Wardrobe, for nursing, 82–83

Warm, keeping baby, 53, 224–226

keeping preemie, 622

see also Overheating


bottle, 129

diaper wipes, 37

frozen breastmilk, 180

solids, 347

Washcloth, 33


baby in bath, 161–165

baby’s clothes, 196

hair, 164, 438

hands, to reduce spread of germs, 557

Wastebaskets, and safety, 395, 401


bottled, 337–338

filters, 337

fluoride in, 337–338, 364,

glucose, in nursery, 61

intoxication, 408

lead in, 337, 342

nitrates in, 337

safety of, 129, 336–338

safety of baby near, 360, 405, 407, 408

sterilizing, for formula preparation, 129

supplementary bottle of, 61, 186, 193, 312

tap, 336–337

temperature for bath, 163, 360

temperature in the house, safe, 359, 401–402

well, safety of, 129

Waterbed, safety of, 231, 275

Watery-looking breast milk, 180

Watery-looking stool; see Diarrhea

Weaning, baby-led, 379

Weaning, from the bottle, 468–472

bedtime snack and, 476

to relactate, 93

Weaning, from the breast, 490–496

baby’s readiness for, 492–493

bedtime and, 500–501

deciding when to, 491–493

early, 278–280

how to, 494–496

mom’s adjustment to, 495

sudden, 494

Wearing baby, 216; see also Carrier, Sling

Weight, baby’s

at birth, 121, 133–134

breastfeeding and, 4

car seat safety and, see Car seat

charts, 116–119

chubby, 193, 310–312; see also Overweight

formula feeding and, 115, 128, 184

low birthweight; see Low-birthweight, Premature

skinny, 312–313

sleeping through the night and, 203–204

Weight, mom’s, and breastfeeding, 5, 7

Weight gain, baby’s, 134, 183–185, 193, 310–313, 502, 504

after birth, 133–134

in first year, 502

in preemie, 259–260, 602, 604

massage and, 259–260

slow in baby with GERD, 198, 570

slow in baby with milk allergy, 199

slow in baby with sensitivity to breastmilk, 199

slow in breastfed baby, 64–65, 183–187, 188, 189, 192–193, 199, 215

vegan diet and, 366

Weight loss, 134, 184, 215

afterbirth, 121, 133–134

in preemie, 604

see also Failure to thrive

Well-baby checkups; see Checkups


when to call doctor for, 539

with asthma, 567–569

with cold, 556

with RSV, 559

Whey-low; see Sugar substitutes

White grape juice, 311, 565, 566

White noise, 48, 204, 216, 229

White patches, in baby’s mouth; see Thrush

White tongue, 151

Whiteheads, on baby’s face, 227–228

Whole grains, 449, 450

Whooping cough, 528, 531, 536; see also Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine

Will, writing a, 58

Window blinds, 392

Window, childproofing, 391–392

Window Covering Safety Council, 392

Window guards, 391, 392

Wires, electrical, safety of, 394–395

Words, baby’s first, 415; see also Language, Talking

Work; see also Childcare

breastfeeding and, 262–266

bringing baby to, 299–300

daycare at, 301

deciding about going back to, 276–277, 284–285

protections for breastfeeding moms at, 264, 265

pumping and; see Pumping

Workouts; see Exercise

Wrap, baby carrier, 56


Yeast infections; see Thrush


eyes; see Jaundice

poop; see Bowel movement

skin; see Jaundice


Zantac, 571

Zoo, petting, 337