

Adobe Camera Raw, 35, 138–39

Adobe Photoshop, 135

Amazon price check app, 151

Assistant, female, 10–11, 96

Available light, see Natural light


Backblaze, 152–53

Backdrops, 76–77, 130

Backing up your files, 152–53

Backyard, see Home-based sessions, backyard

Batteries, 24, 150

Beauty dishes, see Light modifiers

Black & white conversions, 139

Bodyscapes, 12, 61

Boudoir photography, 11–12, 16


Camera Bag software, 137–38

Camera phones, 22–24

     apps, 24

     drawbacks, 24

     GPS, 24

     portability, 22

Cameras, 20–30, 41, 116–17

     advances in, 21

     battery life, 24

     camera phones, 22–24

     cost of, 26–27, 29

     file format, 24, 26, 28–30

     film, 41, 116–17

     GPS, 24, 25

     ISO settings, 22

     manual settings, 25

     mirrorless, 25–26

     noise, 22

     point-and-shoot, 24–25

     portability, 22, 24, 28, 29

     rangefinders, 25–26

     resolution, 20–21

     video functions, 21

Canon Digital Learning Center, 153

Canon loyalty program, 149–50

Checklist, pre-shoot, 68–69

Clothing, 8, 9, 11, 68, 90–93, 94

Color balance, 34–36, 138

Complexity, minimizing, 8–9

Continuous light sources, studio, 58–59

Contrast, 37, 49–53, 138–39

     adjustments, 138–39

     common problems, 51

     controlling, 37, 49–53

Coupons, on-line, 151–52

Craigslist, 14

Critiquing images, 9, 108–115

     friends/social networks, 108–9

     photography boards, 109

     portfolio reviews, 109

     professional photographers, 109

     self-critique, 109–11

     technical evaluation, 112–13


Dpreview, 151

Dropcanvas, 149

DSLRs, 26–30

     cost of, 26–27, 29

     lighting controls, 28


Escorts, bringing to session, 16

Exposure, evaluating, 113, 129


Facebook, 14, 108–9, 120

File format, see RAW files or JPEG files

Filesharing, 149

Fill light, see Lighting, fill, 63, 147

Flags, see Light modifiers, 24, 63, 147

Fluorescent light, 34

Focus, 112–13


Gels, 20

Gonzo shooting, 126–27

Google+, 14, 108–9, 120

GPS, 24, 25

Gray cards, 34–36, 38, 149

Grids, see Light modifiers


HDR imaging, 21, 40, 131

Home-based sessions, 16–17, 18, 52, 61, 66, 67, 73–79, 99, 106–8, 117–21, 124–25, 128, 144

     advantages, 74–75

     backdrops, 76–77

     backyard, 77–79, 106, 117–18, 128

     bathtub/shower, 61, 66, 119–21, 144

     bedroom, 107–8

     booking models for, 77

     controlling access to private areas, 77

     disadvantages, 75

     kitchen, 16–17, 52, 67, 73, 99, 124–25

     lighting, 77

     living room, 74

     maximizing, 77

     privacy during, 77–79

     setting up a space, 75–79

Hotel-based sessions, 79–84

     booking models for, 82

     discretion, 82

     legality, 79

     lighting, 82–84

     setting up, 82–84

     type/look of room, 79–82


Imagenomic Portraiture filter, 142–43

Implied nude photography, 12

Incandescent light, 34

ISO settings, 22, 113, 133

iTunes, 155


JPEG files, 36


Kino-Flo, 58


Legal issues, 18–19, 70–71, 79, 84–86, 90

Lenses, 22, 26, 28

     changing, 26, 28

     cost, 22

     fast, 22

Lens flare, 133

Libraries, local, 155

Lighting, 9, 20, 21, 28, 31–61, 64, 77, 82–83, 94, 113, 117–33, 148

     accentuating one element, 94

     back, 38, 46

     bounce flash, 61, 148

     color balance, 34–36

     continuous (studio), 58–59; see also Natural light, Fluorescent light, and Incandescent light

     direction, 37–38

     distance to subject, 60, 61

     evaluating, 113, 129

     fill, 36–37, 129

     front, 37

     natural, see Natural light

     fluorescent, 34

     home-based setup, 77

     hotel-based setup, 82–83

     incandescent, 34

     main light, 36

     matching to model/scene, 31–33

     modifiers, see Light modifiers

     natural light, see Natural light

     plan, developing, 64

     side, 37

     small flash, 28, 36, 54

     studio strobe, 9, 20, 21, 28, 36, 54–61

     window, see Window light

Light modifiers, 20, 21, 32–33, 49–53, 59–60, 61, 62–63, 117–18, 121, 124–25, 130, 132

     beauty dishes, 59, 60

     flags, 117–18

     grids, 21, 59, 60, 61

     octoboxes, 117–18, 124, 130

     reflectors, bounce, see Reflectors, bounce

     reflectors, strobe, 59

     scrims, 53

     snoots, 59, 60

     softboxes, 20, 60, 61, 62–63

     softboxes, strip, 32–33, 55, 74, 121, 124–25, 130, 132

     third-party vs. manufacturer’s, 60

Location, 8, 9, 18, 24, 25, 64, 68–69, 70–71, 72, 73–93, 126–27

     home-based sessions, 18, 74–79

     hotel-based sessions, 79–84

     importance of, 73–74

     legality, 70–71, 90

     outdoor sessions (populated areas), 84–88

     outdoor sessions (private areas), 88–89

     permits, 86, 90

     power source at, 69

     property release, 72

     public nudity, 70–71, 86–88, 90, 126–27

     safety, 69, 86–88, 126–27

     scouting, 69, 86–88, 126–27

     studio sessions, 84

     suitability for concept, 64

     using Flikr, 24

     using GPS, 24, 25

     weather, 69


Magazines, free, 153

Main light, see Lighting, main light

Makeup, 9, 11

Milk bath images, 61, 119–21, 144

Minors, never photographing, 18–19, 70–72

Mirrorless cameras, 25–26

Model Mayhem, 14, 66

Model release, see Paperwork

Models, 9, 10–19, 64–68, 77–79, 88, 94–107; see also Session, managing

     booking, 9, 18, 64–68, 77, 82

     comfort of, 68

     conversation with, 15–16

     co-workers, 12

     Craigslist, 14

     directing, 98–101

     discussing objectives with, 18

     escorts at session, 16

     Facebook, 14

     finding, 9

     first meeting, 18, 66–68

     friends, 12

     girlfriend, 10–12

     Google+, 14

     home-based sessions with, 77

     hotel-based sessions with, 82

     limits, respecting, 18

     manicure, 94

     Model Mayhem, 14, 66

     new, 15, 66–68

     paying, 14

     preparation for session, 94–95

     privacy during session, 15, 77–79, 88

     proof of age, 18–19

     releases, see Paperwork

     respect for, 14–19

     spouse, 10–12

     touching, 18

     trust, building, 16–18, 66–68

     your reputation among, 12

     waxing, 94

     working with, 9, 14–19, 95–107


Natural light, 9, 34, 36, 37, 38–53, 116–18, 126–28, 129

     color balance, 34, 38

     flagging, 117–18

     Golden Hours, 42–43, 126

     intensity of, 38–41

     overhead, 42, 117–18, 128

     positioning model relative to, 36–37, 116–17

     reflectors with, 49–53, 126–27

     simplicity of, 9

     squinting, 117–18

     Sunny 16 Rule, 41

     time of day, 41–43, 116–17, 126

     window light, 36, 46–49

Nikon Learn & Explore, 154

Noise, camera, 22, 113, 133

Nudity, public, 70–71, 84–86, 90


Octoboxes, see Light modifiers

Outdoor sessions (private areas), 88–89

     landscaping, 88–89

     maximizing options in, 88

     power sources, 88

     privacy, 88

Outdoor sessions (populated areas), 84–88, 90–93, 116–17, 126–27

     clothing-optional areas, 90

     legal issues, 84–86

     parks/public lands, 90–93, 116–17

     permits, 86, 90

     preparation for, 90

     risk vs. reward, 86–88, 90

     scouting, 86–88

     shooting strategy, 90–93, 126–27


Paperwork, 18, 70–72, 96

     18 US 2257 documentation, 71

     model release, 18, 71–72

     photo ID, model’s, 18, 70–71

     property release, 72

     subcontractors, copyright release, 72

     time for prints agreement, 72

Photodough, 151

Picasa, 136–37

Pilxr, 135–36

Point-and-shoot cameras, 24–25, 29

     cost of, 29

     features, 24, 25

     manual settings, 25

     speed, 25

     underwater, 24–25

Planning, 9, 62–69, 146

     checklist, 68–69

     feasibility of concept, 64

     lighting, 64

     location, 64, 68–69

     importance for nude photography, 62–63

     ideas folder, creating, 64

     inspiration, finding, 63–64, 146

     model selection, 64–68

Posing, 98–107

     directing, 98–101

     refining, 98

     with small props, 102–6

     with large props, 106–7

Postproduction, 21, 35, 40, 131, 134–44

     Actions, 141–42

     Adobe Camera Raw, 35, 138–39

     Adobe Photoshop, 135

     Alien Skin Exposure filter, 142–43

     apps, 135

     black & white conversions, 139

     Camera Bag, 137–38

     Canon/Nikon camera software, 135

     filters/plugins, 142–44

     HDR imaging, 21, 40, 131

     Imagenomic Portraiture filter, 142–43

     Liquify, 139–40

     outsourcing, 134–35

     Picasa, 136–37

     Pilxr, 135–36

     Puppet Warp, 139–40

     Spot Healing, 140–41

Professionalism, 12

Proof of age, model’s, 18–19, 70–72

Property release, see Paperwork

Props, 65, 66, 68, 102–7


Rangefinder cameras, 25–26

RAW files, 24, 26, 28–30, 34–36, 71, 122

Reflectors, bounce, 49–53, 61, 74, 123, 126–27, 132, 133, 150

     contrast, 49, 123, 133

     cost of, 49

     placement, 51–53, 126–27, 132, 133

     sun shades as, 150

     surface finish, 50–51, 123, 126–27

Reflectors, strobe, see Light modifiers

Releases, see Paperwork

Reputation, photographer’s, 12, 14–15

Reviews, reading, 151


Scrims, see Light modifiers

Selling images, 9, 145–47

     adult image sites, 146–47

     Diverxity, 147

     Flikr, 147

     print sales, 145–46

     satisfaction of, 9

     Tumblr, 147

     Twitter, 147

     Zivity, 146–47

Semi-nude photography, 15

Session, managing, 94–107, 113–15, 126–27

     control-based shots, 115

     directing the model, 98–101

     female assistant, using, 96

     music, 96

     paperwork, 96

     preparing model, 94–95

     setting up, 96, 126–27

     starting slowly, 95–96

     test shots, 96–98

     timing-based shots, 114

Session planning, see Planning

Snoots, 59, 60

Social media, 14, 108–9, 120, 147

Softboxes, see Light modifiers

Softboxes, strip, see Light modifiers

Spouse, 10–12

     as your assistant, 10–11

     as your model, 11–12

Studio sessions, 84

Studio strobes, 9, 20, 21, 28, 36, 54–61

     brands, 54–55, 56

     comparing systems, 57–58

     monolights, 55

     power-pack systems, 55–56

     watt seconds, 57–58

     with DLSRs, 28

Styling, 8, 9, 11

Sunlight, see Light, available

Sunny 16 Rule, 41


Time for prints (TFP), 72

Tonal range, see Contrast

Trade shows, 151

Tumblr, 147

Twitter, 147


Underwater photography, 24–25


Veto power, 100


Whi-Bal, 35, 138

White balance, 34–36, 138

Window light, 36, 46–49, 122, 123, 133

     backlighting with, 46

     covering/glass, 48–49

     direction of window, 47–48

     intensity of, 46, 122, 133

     lens flare, 133

     position relative to model, 46–47, 48, 122, 123

     size of window, 46–47


X-Rite Color Checker Passport, 37, 138


Zivity, 146–47