Entries are listed with paragraph number unless otherwise indicated.
administrative tools, 3-143- 3-148
chapter discharges, Tbl 3-2, p. 3-35
Advance Noncommissioned Officer Course (ANCOC), 6-30
adverse separation counseling, 6-22
after action review (AAR), 5-45-5-47
American Red Cross, B-67- B-69
Ardennes Offensive, 2-122- 2-124
Armistice Day, 2-98
Arms and Services of the Army, App F
Armed Forces Central Command (ARCENT), 2-184
Army Achievement Medal, 1-106
Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript Systems (AARTS), 7-100
Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP), B-23- B-24
Army Commendation Medal, 1-106
Army Community Service (ACS), 7-71, 7-100, B-9,
Army Continuing Education System (ACES), 6-52, B-44- B-46
Army Emergency Relief (AER), B-25- B-29
Army Family Action Plan (AFAP), B-33- B-35
Army Family Team Building (AFTB), B-36
Army Flag, 4-39- 4-47, Fig 4-1, p. 12
Army Knowledge On Line (AKO), 5-19
Army Leadership Framework, 1-74 Figure 1-1, p. 1-23
Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Enlisted Commissioning Program (AECP), B-58- B-59
Army National Guard origin, 2-2
Army Programs, App B
Army Regulations of 1821, 2-43
Army Song, inside back cover
Army Substance Abuse Program, B-19- B-22
Army Transformation, 2-188- 2-195
Future Force, 2-194
Stryker Force, 2-193
Army Well Being, 7-1- 7-4, B-40
Arts and Crafts Centers, B-6
Attucks, Crispus, p. 2-3
authority, 3-23
general military authority, 3-27-3-28
Baghdad, 1-8
bar to reenlistment, 6-79- 6-81
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), 7-19- 7-22
Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course (BNCOC), 6-43
battle drill, 5-89
training management, 5-22-5-29
Battle of Antietam, 2-65, p. 2-18
Battle of the Alamo, 2-48- 2-52
Battle of the Bulge, 2-122, p. 2-39
Battle of Bull Run, 2-61
Battle of Bunker Hill, 2-8, p. 2-4
Battle of Fallen Timbers, 2-26- 2-28, p. 2-10
Battle of Gettysburg, 2-68- 2-70, p. 2-20
Battle of Little Bighorn, p. 2-23
Battle of New Orleans, 2-38- 2-41
Battle of Okinawa, 2-128- 2-129, p. 2-41
Battles of Saratoga, 2-12
beret, 3-93- 3-99, FIG, 3-3, p. 3-23,
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS), B-60- B-66
Bonus Extension and Retraining (BEAR) Program, 6-77
Boston Massacre, p. 2-3
branches of government, 2-203-2-205
branches of the Army, App F
warrant officer, Tbl F-4, p. F-10
Bronze Star, 1-106
Campaigns of the US Army, 4-48, pp. 4-14- 4-18
career management fields (CMF), Tbl F-1, p. F-7
Casualty Assistance Program, B-70-B-75
Ceremonies, App C,
change of command, p. C-2
change of responsibility, p. C-6
memorial ceremony, p. C-11
military funerals, p. C-13
character, 1-48
civilian clothing, wear of, 3-126
Collier, Corporal Gilbert G., p. 2-47
Code of Conduct, 1-43, 3-179- 3-179- 3-183, Fig 3-4, p. 3-43
Cold War, 2-131
colors, flags, and guidons, 4-32-4-38
positive combat stress behaviors, 5-96- 5-98
misconduct stress behaviors, 5-99- 5-100
combat stress reaction, 5-101-5-102
Combat Training Centers (CTC), 1-8
commander’s intent, 1-83
Constitution of the United States, 2-197- 2-202
Preamble, p. 2-65
moral, 1-46
physical, 1-45
crew drill, 5-90
Declaration of Independence, 1-4, 2-7, 2-196, p. 2-3
Department of the Army, 2-220-2-234
organization, Fig 2-3, p. 2-72
civilians (DAC), 1-56
Department of Defense (DOD), 1-59, 2-214- 2-216
organization, Fig 2-2, p. 2-70
developmental counseling, 6-1-6-14
types of, 6-14
process, 6-13
program, 6-8
discharges, 6-78
purpose of, 1-53
Distinguished Service Cross, 1-106
Doss, PFC Desmond, p. 2-41
doughboys, 2-93
battle drills, 5-89
crew drills, 5-90
Dunn, PFC Parker F., p. 1-15
specified duties, 3-9
directed duties, 3-10
implied duties, 3-11
Tuition Assistance Program (TA), 7-94
Montgomery GI Bill, 7-95- 7-97
Army Continuing Education, B-44- B-46
Funded Legal Education Program (FLEP), B-56- B-57
Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Enlisted Commissioning Program (AECP), B-58- B-59
Emancipation Proclamation, 2-66, p. 2-19
enduring competencies, 1-70- 1-72
self-awareness, 1-70
Enlisted Classification System, F-19
Enlisted Military Occupational System, F-20- F-21
Enlisted Personnel Management System, F-1- F-12
enlisted promotions, 6-55- 6-68
Active Guard and Reserve promotion criteria, 6-67
Army National Guard promotions, 6-62- 6-64
Reserve Troop Program Unit promotions, 6-65- 6-66
environment protection, 5-91- 5-92
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), B-16- B-18
Equal Opportunity Program, B-11- B-15
ethical dilemma, 1-90, 1-93- 1-97, pp. 1-29, 1-31, 1-32
process, Figure 1-4, p. 1-30
event oriented counseling, 6-14
Exceptional Family Member Program, B- 42-B- 43
Executive Branch, 2-209- 2-211
extremist organizations and activities, 3-169- 3-173
Family Advocacy Program, B-38- B-39
Army Family Action Plan (AFAP), B-33- B-35
Army Family Team Building (AFTB), B-36
Family Readiness Program, B-37
Family Advocacy Programs (FAP), B-38- B-39
Family Readiness Group (FRG) B-40- B-41
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), B-42- B-43
Consumer Affairs and Financial Assistance Program (CAFAP), 7-60
financial planning, 7-63- 7-64
Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI), 7-65- 7-70
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), 7-91-7-92
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), 7-85- 7-90
Fitzmaurice, SPC Michael John, p. 1-11
force protection, 5-103- 5-109
Funded Legal Education Program (FLEP), B56- B-57
full spectrum operations, 2-184- 2-185
Geneva Conventions on laws of War, 3-157 3-158
gifts and donations, 3-184- 3-191
gifts between soldiers, 3-185- 3-186
gifts from outside sources, 3-187
gifts from foreign governments, 3-188- 3-191
Green to Gold Program, B-47- B-52
Greene, Sergeant Edward, p. 2-29
Greene, General Nathaniel, 2-18- 2-20
guard duty, 5-124
Hagemeister, LTC Charles C., 1-42, p. x
Haiti, 2-163
Hale, Captain Nathan, 2-9- 2-11
handbags, 3-111
Harlem HellFighters, p. 2-28
Henry, Patrick, 2-6
Herrera, PFC Silvestre Santana, p. 1-13
Homeland Security, 2-186- 2-187
Basic Allowances for Housing (BAH), 7-19- 7-23
Ia Drang Valley, p. 2-48
identification tags and security badges, 3-122,- 3-123
individual combat skills, 5-71- 5-83
individual task to METL relationship, Fig 5-2, p. 5-15
individual training, 5-56- 5-58
inspections and corrections, 3-41- 3-42
institutional training, 6-28- 6-45
integration of collective and individual training, 5-39, Fig 5-1, p. 5-10
Internet Resources, App D
Johnson, SP/5 Dwight, p. 2-49
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 2-217
Kapaun, Chaplain Emil J., p. 2-46
Khe Sanh, p. 1-11
Khobar Towers, p. 5-28
Krinkelt-Rocherath, p. 2-39
Landing Zone (LZ) X-Ray, p. 2-48
Lautenberg Amendment, 3-195- 3-200
Law of Land Warfare, 3-149- 3-156
leader development, 5-20
Leader Development Program (LDP), 6-33
leaders’ obligations, 1-67- 1-69
Army Leadership Framework, Figure 1-1, p. 1-23
transition to a position of, 1-100- 1-103
Trial Defense Service, 7-117
Legislative Branch, 2-206- 2-208
lineage and honors, 4-52- 4-58
long-range training plan, 5-25
Manual for Courts-Martial, 3-132- 3-142
Marquis de Lafayette, p. 2-6
MacArthur Leadership Award, 1-108
Medal of Honor, 1-105, p. 1-12
first recipient, p. 2-19
memorial ceremony, p. C-11
Meritorious Service Medal, 1-108
military funerals, p. C-13
8 soldier detail, p. C-14
2 soldier detail, p. C-17
military justice, 3-127, 3-135
Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOSC), F-22
military operations other than war (MOOTW), 2-184, 3-2
Mission Training Plan (MTP), 5-9
Mission Essential Task List (METL), 5-9, 5-17, 5-23
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) and Family Programs, B-1- B-8
National Defense Act of 1920, 2-101- 2-103
National Security Act of 1947, 2-133
NCO Support Channel, 3-36- 3-40
NCO Development Program (NCODP), 6-48
NCO Education System (NCOES),
Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC), 6-42
Basic NCO Course (BNCOC), 6-43
Advanced NCO Course (ANCOC), 6-44
Sergeants Major Course (SMC), 6-45
near-term training plan, 5-26
Oath of Enlistment, p. 6-17
Officer Classification System, F-23, F-28
Officer Education System (OES), 6-29- 6-34
on-the-spot corrections, 3-44, p. 3-13
operational assignments, 6-46
operational environment, 2-178- 2-183
opportunity training, 5-84- 5-86
Parallel, 38th, 2-135
Parrot, Private Jacob, p. 2-20
pay and allowances
allowances, 7-10
basic pay, 7-8
special pay, 7-9
performance counseling, 6-23
Persian Gulf War, 2-158- 2-159
personal appearance policies,
fingernails, 3-78
hygiene, 3-79
pre-combat checks (PCCs), 3-49
pre-combat inspections (PCIs), 3-49
pre-execution checks, 3-50
Primary Leadership Development course (PLDC), 6-28
privileges of rank, 4-49- 4-51
problem-solving steps, 1-83, 1-84, Figure 1-2, p. 1-26
professional development, 6-26- 6-27, F-13- F-17
Professional Development Model (PDM), 6-51
professional growth counseling, 6-24- 6-25
Professional Reading, App E
promotion counseling, 6-18, p. 6-6
enlisted active component, 6-55- 6-61
enlisted Army National Guard, 6-62- 6-64
enlisted reserve troop program unit, 6-65- 6-66
promotions criteria,
enlisted active duty, Tbl 6-1, p. 6-15
enlisted Army National Guard, Tbl 6-2, p. 6-17
enlisted reserve (TPU), tables 6-3, 6-4, p. 6-18
enlisted Active Guard and Reserve, Tbl 6-5, p. 6-18
Enlisted IRR, IMA, and Standby Reserve (active list), Tbl 6-6, p. 6-19
Purple Heart, 1-106
reception and integration counseling, 6-17
referral counseling, 6-20- 6-21
relationships between soldiers of different ranks, 3-162- 3-168
Relocation Assistance Program (RAP), 7-101
guidance counseling, 7-104
financial assistance, 7-106- 7-107
rendering honors to the Flag, 4-20- 4-24
commissioned officers, 3-18
DA civilian (DAC), 3-22
Individual responsibility, 3-15- 3-17
junior enlisted soldier, 3-21
noncommissioned officer, 3-20
warrant officers, 3-19
retention and reenlistment, 6-74- 6-76
retirement benefits, 7-71- 7-73
active component retirement, 7-74- 7-77
reserve component retirement, 7-78- 7-80
retirement planning, 7-81- 7-84
reverse planning technique, 1-87- 1-88, Tbl 1-1, p. 1-28
Roberts, Corporal Harold W., p. 2-30
Roles and Responsibilities (see Responsibilities)
rules of engagement (ROE), 1-80, 5-117- 5-120, p. 5-30
rules for the use of force (RUF), 5-121- 5-123
Rwanda, 2-162
Sasser, PFC Clarence Eugene, p. 1-8
Schoomaker, GEN Peter J., p. 2-62
Scott, General Winfield, 2-43, 2-55, 2-60
Secretary of Defense, 2-214
selected combat tasks, pp. A-1- A-46
self-confidence, 1-10
Sergeant Audie Murphy Club, 1-109
Sergeant Morales Club, 1-109
Sergeant’s Time Training (STT), 5-49- 5-54
short-range training plan, 5-26
Silver Star Medal, 1-106
Creed, 1-29, Back Cover
leaders obligations to, 1-67- 1-69
recognition of, 1-104- 1-111
Tomb of the Unknown, 1-29, p. 1-10
Spanish-American War, 2-79- 2-81
spiritual fitness, 1-77
standards of conduct, 3-159- 3-200
relationships between soldier of different ranks, 3-160- 3-166
extremist organizations, 3-169- 3-173
homosexual misconduct, 3-174- 3-175
supplemental insurance, 7-55- 7-57
Medical bills, p. 7-15
Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) Training, 3-183
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), 7-91- 7-92
task, conditions, standards, 5-55
Task Force Ranger, 2-161, p. 2-54
Task Force Smith, 2-136, p. 2-44
key elements, 5-111
level one antiterrorism training, 5-113- 5-114
Total Army Sponsorship program, 7-105, B-30- B-32
Training, Ch 5
commander’s responsibility, 5-10- 5-11
conduct of training, 5-42- 5-44
management cycle, 5-22
NCO responsibility, 5-12- 5-13
individual responsibility, 5-14- 5-17
soldier’s responsibility, 5-14- 5-17
top down/bottom-up approach, 5-34- 5-36
training and time management, 5-30- 5-33
training schedules, 5-40- 5-41
Transformation, 2-188- 2-195, p. 2-33
transition to a leadership position, 1-100- 1-103
Prime Remote, 7-42
For Life, 7-42
Plus, 7-42
TRICARE Dental Program (TDP), 7-44- 7-51
TRICARE for Retirees and Family Members, 7-131- 7-139
TRICARE Retiree Dental plan, 7-140- 7-144
troopleading procedures (TLP), 1-85- 1-86, Figure 1-3, p. 1-28
Tuition Assistance (TA), 7-94
Unified Commands, 2-218- 2-219
uniform appearance and fit, 3-85
fit, 3-100
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), The, 3-127- 3-131
Rights, 3-133
uniformity of materials, 3-114
Unknown Soldier, p. 2-31
Urgent Fury, 2-156
US Army Sergeants Major Course, 6-31
United States Military Academy Preparatory School, B-53- B-55
veteran’s benefits, 7-127- 7-130
Vietnam War, 2-143- 2-150, p. 2-49, p. 249
Walley, Private Augustus, p. 2-25
Warrant Officer Classification System, F-24- F-26
Warrant Officer Education System (WOES), 6-36- 6-40
War on Terrorism, 2-166- 2-172
Washington, George, 2-4, 2-8, 2-100, p. 1-13
wear and appearance, 3-51- 3-126
uniform appearance and fit, 3-85
wear of,
civilian clothing, 3-126
civilian gym bags, 3-109- 3-110
contact lenses, 3-121
eyeglasses and sunglasses, 3-119-3-120
jewelry and accessories, 3-115- 3-116
military and civilians items, 3-108
personal protective or reflective clothing, 3-124- 3-125
rucksacks, 3-109
West, PFC Ernest E. p. 1-7
Womens Army Corps (WAC), 2-151