































  1. ABACUS, 210, 502, 507

  2. ABBASIDS, 198, 2038, 294, 351, 408, 5745

  3. ABBO, 65

  4. ABBIO, 363

  5. ABBOT: as Pater, 889

  6. ‛ABD AR-RAHMAN, 204, 211, 286, 294, 3513, 5746

  7. ‛ABD AR-RAHMAN III, 5756


  9. ABU-BAKR, 1968, 211

  10. ABU’L-‛ABBAS, 203

  11. ABU-TALIB, 191, 196

  12. ABYSSINIA, 155, 190, 192, 196

  13. ACADEMIA, Carol., 32032

  14. ACCA, bp., 235, his cross, 305

  15. ACCOUNTING, 20910

  16. ACHILLA, 1067

  17. ACOLYTE, 183

  18. ACRE, 142

  19. ACTA, Carol., 31920, Lomb., 347

  20. ADAERATIO, 1212

  21. ADALARD, ab., 318, 328, 391, 397, 404, exiled, 432, 507, restored, 435, 437



  24. ADALBERT, ct., 319

  25. ADALGIS, s. of Desiderius, 344, 346

  26. ADALGIS, chamberlain, 326, 328, 348, 3601

  27. ADALGISEL, du., 274

  28. ADALOALD, Lomb. k., 250

  29. ADAMNAN, 377, 4701

  30. ADANA, 123

  31. ADDA, 35

  32. AD DECIMUM, battle, 84

  33. ADELARD OF BATH, 576

  34. ADELRIC, 353

  35. ADIGE, Lombards on, 246


  37. ADOPTIANISM, 3346, 378, 380, 514

  38. ADOPTION, 152

  39. ADRIANOPLE, 26, trade route through, 495

  40. ADRIATIC, 34, 35, 49, 67, 134, 246, the Franco-Byzantine frontier war, 3714, Byzantines defeat Arabs on shores of, 417

  41. ADVOCATUS, 350

  42. AEGA, mayor, 2746

  43. AEGEAN, 83, 134, islands, 417

  44. AEGIDIUS, at Soissons, 31

  45. AEGIDIUS, bp. of Reims, 267, 269

  46. ÆGYNA, 273, 274

  47. ÆLLA, bretwalda, 2

  48. ÆONUS, bp., 72

  49. AERARIUM, 110

  50. ÆTHELBERT, Kentish k., 15, 63, 183, 261

  51. ÆTHELBERT, bp. of York, 3301

  52. AETIOS OF AMIDA, 207

  53. ÆTHELSTAN, k., 476

  54. AËTIUS, 10, 30, 31, 33, 57, 76

  55. AFRICA, North, 7, 14, 27, 29, under Vandals, 7492, 106, under Arabs, 134, 160, 163, 164, 187, 2002, 204, 3756

  56. AGADA, 196

  57. AGAPETUS, pope, 50

  58. AGATHO, pope, 21020

  59. AGDE, 106, 294. See Councils

  60. AGENTES IN REBUS, 36, 62, 151

  61. AGHTAMAR, 239

  62. AGILA, Visig. k., 989

  63. AGILOLFINGS, 366, 368

  64. AGILTRUDE, wife of Guy of Spoleto, 5656

  65. AGILULF, Lomb. k., 180, 183, 250, 257

  66. AGOBARD, bp, of Lyons, 433, 437, 513, his writings, 514, 524

  67. ’AGRABA, 197

  68. AGRICULTURE, 111, 1403, in Moorish Spain, 574, Byzantine, 1489

  69. AIDAN, bp., 469

  70. AIO, ct., 374

  71. AISTULF, Lomb. k., 2524, 293, 412

  72. AIX-LA-CHAPELLE, Roman, 53, Charl.’s palace, 31113, 319, 332, 353, 371, 378, 380, 382, 386, 388, 431, storehouses at, 396, Charl. dies at, 404, sacked in 881, 406, assembly of 802 at, 3901, of 831, 438, Walafrid Strabo at, 511

  73. AKROINON, 408

  74. ALANS, 23, 26, 29, 484, cross Rhine, 53, in Spain, 75, Africa, 79

  75. ALARIC I, Visig. k., 1, 3, 27, 28, 60, 86, 110

  76. ALARIC II, 40, 41, 60, 72. See Breviary


  78. ALBI, 66

  79. ALBINUS, 39, 43

  80. ALBOIN, Lomb. k., 180, 246, 249

  81. ALCHEMY, 210

  82. ALCHFRITH, 305

  83. ALCUIN, 317, 3245, 327, 3303, 378, 502, letters of, 320, 3279, text of Bible, 511, songs of, 329, sacramentary, 406, his Libri Carolini, 320, 332, protests about Saxons, 364, 358, influence on missions to Slavs and Avars, 371, his views on the imperial title, 379, 384, on Leo III, 3812, at Tours, 505, 510, use of Caroline minuscule there, 528, illumination there, 547

  84. ALDGILD, 281

  85. ALDHELM, 226, 303, 471

  86. ALDIONES, 249, 254

  87. ALEMANIA, 371, 469, 570

  88. ALEMANS, 8, 9, 52, 58, defeated by Franks, 40, 265, 281, 285, Partus Alemannorum, 63, lex Aleman-novum, 285, fight Pepin, 288

  89. ALEXANDER, 189, 232, 236, 315


  91. ALEXANDRIA, 77, 117, 121, 145, 182, 216, 261, Byzantine trade with, 419, her trade, 1234, 1556, 164, 1689, 171, paschal cycle, 1745, conquered by Persians, 217, Arabs, 199200, learning at, 207, art at, 236

  92. AL-FAZARI, 209

  93. ALFONZO I, k. of the Asturias, 576

  94. ALFONZO II, k. of the Asturias, 354

  95. AL-FUSTAT, 199

  96. ALGEBRA, 209, 502

  97. ALGORISM, 20910

  98. AL-HIRAH, 190, 193, 198, 211

  99. ALI, 196, 2034, 211

  100. AL-KHWARIZMI, 209, in Spain, 575

  101. AL-KUFA, 1978

  102. AL-LAH, Meccan god, 192, 194, 196, 202, 205, 206

  103. ALMORAVID, 137

  104. AL-MU‘TASSIM, 415

  105. AL-MUTHANNA, 198

  106. ALPAÏS, 281

  107. ALPHABET, RUNIC, 305, 315, 4768, geographical spread of runes, 477, Viking runes, 478, GREEK, 477, 492, LATIN, 268, 477, 492, GLAGOLITIC AND SLAV, 4939, 497

  108. ALPS, 96

  109. AL-QULZUM, 199

  110. AL-ZARQALI, 575

  111. AMALAFRIDA, 41, 81, 82

  112. AMALARIC, Visig. k., 66, 95, 98

  113. AMALARIC, liturgist, 514

  114. AMALASUNTHA, 40, 445, 83

  115. AMALFI, 134, 137

  116. AMALRIC, 391

  117. AMALS, 27

  118. ST AMBROSE, 40, 88, 179


  120. AMBROSIAN CHANT, 51718

  121. AMIENS, 52

  122. AMIR, 136, 200, 204, 205, 418, amirate, 416


  124. AMORIANS, 41415, 420, 426, 429

  125. AMORIUM, 415

  126. AMPHORA, 83, 133

  127. ‛AMR, 199200

  128. ANASTASIUS I, emp., 41, 97, 132, 154, 156, 162, 174

  129. ANASTASIUS II, 53, 60, 61

  130. ANASTASIUS II, pope, 1745

  131. ANASTASIUS, pat., 216

  132. ANASTASIUS, syncellus, 411

  133. ANATOLIA, 407

  134. ANCHIAR, marquess, 565

  135. ANCONA, 45

  136. ANDALUSIA (Moorish Spain), 98, 100, 102, 573, 575

  137. ANDELOT, treaty of, 26970

  138. ANGARIANS, 356, 36870

  139. ANGERS, 58, Frankish, 267

  140. ANGILBERT, primicerius, 32930, ab., 329, 332, 337, 350, rebuilds Saint-Riquier, 3078

  141. ANGILRAM, bp., 320, 369, arch-chaplain, 401

  142. ANGLO-SAXONS, 3, 14, 32, 55, as horsemen, 24, their grave-goods, 46, 255, witan, 108, art, 232, use of gold, 1357, agriculture, 142, conversion, 183, society, 261, place-names, 245, a slave, 277


  144. ANIMAL ORNAMENT, Hunnish, 24, Germanic, 55, 93, 466, Frankish, 69, 70, Anglo-Saxon, 304


  146. ANNALS, 261, early writing of, 2625, Carol., 263, 31618, Royal Annals, 263, 31619, 352, of Lorsch, 31617, Metz, 317, Saint-Maximin, 317

  147. ANNEMUND, 303

  148. ANNONA CIVICA, 121

  149. ANNONA MILITARIS, 121, 151

  150. ANOINTING, rite of, 150, 253


  152. ANSEGIS, bp., 4567, 537

  153. ANSELM, ct. palatine, 352, 391

  154. ANSEMUND, du., 294

  155. ANSKAR, scholasticus, 475, archbp., 476

  156. ANTES, ANT AI, 4825


  158. ST ANTHONY, 51, 88

  159. ANTIOCH, 120, 124, 1556, 1601, 164, 1689, 171, 182, 190, 216, 218, 261, Gulf of, 408, city regained by Byzantines, 429

  160. ANTONIA, 83, 84

  161. ANTRUSTION, 299, 301, 311, 554

  162. ANTWERP, Carol., 313

  163. APENNINES, 181, 246


  165. APOCRYSARIUS, 101, 179, Carol., 3978, 4001, his duties, 400

  166. ST APOLLINARIS, and his churches, 42, 47, 94, 410

  167. APOLLO, 87

  168. APOSTOLIC: of the church, 16671

  169. APSE, 69, 239

  170. APULEIUS, 87

  171. APULIA, under Ostrogs., 67

  172. AQUILEIA, 30, 126, 246, patriarchate of, 181, 249, 303, 3335, moves to Grado, 334, converts Slavs, 371, Carol, pat., 445, Latin missions from, 491, its apostolic foundation, 534

  173. AQUINAS, 210

  174. AQUITANIA, Visig., 29, 934, 120, Frankish, 261, 267, divisions in, 269, 281, contested by Saracens, 2868, 294, capitulary for, 295, Carol., 310, 314, 324, 335, 343, 3503, Arabs raid, 375, Louis the Pious lives in, 431

  175. ARABESQUES, 205, 256

  176. ARABIC NUMERALS, 207, 209

  177. ARABS, ARABIA, 185212, pre-Islamic, 18991, 193, conquests, 144, 154, 197, 199212, 231, 261, wars with Byzantium, 197212, 251, Arab fleet, 79, 219, language, 185, 18790, scholars, 20810, translations, 208, script, 194, learning, 420, 424, papyrus supply, 137, Arab tribes, 17, levy of tribute, 202, effect of conquests on Mediterranean trade, 11719, 1268, 1379, 310, on Byzantine agriculture, 1489, Arabs invade Africa, 86, 95, 199202, Visig. Spain, 1067, 201, Gascony and Provence, 2868, their coins, 135, art and architecture, 20610, relations with Carols., 336, 446, fight for Mediterranean islands, 3746, Italy, 456, fight Byzantines, 388, 41518

  178. ARALS, and Aral, river, 19, 22, 483

  179. ARAMAIC, 189, 1934

  180. ARATRUM, 1403, in Roman empire, 142

  181. ARAXES, 155

  182. ARBOGAST, 52

  183. ARCADIUS, emp., 7, 28, 152

  184. ARCHCHAPLAIN, 397

  185. ARCHDEACON, 64, 68

  186. ARCHPRIEST, 69, 536, palace officer, 400

  187. ARCULF, bp., 471

  188. ARDENNES, 225

  189. ARGONNE, 1245

  190. ARIANISM, of Ostrogs., 14, 404, 47, Burgundians, 14, 30, 66, 72, Vandals, 7082, Visigs., 14, 27, 42, 60, 71, 97, 1004, 109, Sueves, 112, Lombs., 246, 249, their conversion, 257, Arian doctrine, 14, 1556

  191. ARIBERT I, Lomb. k., 251

  192. ARICHIS, du. of Benevento, 247, 250, 3478, 367

  193. ARISTOTLE, his logic, 158, 230, 575, Analytics, 208, science, 207, 575, studied by Islam, 208, 210, in Bulgaria, 499, translations of, 208, in Carol, renaissance, 524, in Byzantine renaissance, 4212

  194. ARITHMETIC, 87

  195. ARIULF, du. of Spoleto, 180, 250

  196. ARIUS, 155

  197. ARLES, 28, 31, 97, 131, 266, C. Martel retakes from Arabs, 287, Saracens plunder, 446

    1. See Councils

  198. ARMAGH, 468, 470

  199. ARMENIA, 6, 1545, 157, 1613, 256, 408, early missions in, 166, 169, 170, as unorthodox, 155, 230, trade with, 124, 139, 145, 188, 419, kingdom of, 416, language, 494, illumination in, 423, conquered by Arabs, 199, 204, fights the Byzantines, 213, 215, 21718

  200. ARMENTARIA, 57

  201. ARMOUR, 120

  202. ARN, bp. of Salzburg, 316, 320, 3345, 3669, sends missions to Pannonians, 371, as missus, 3812

  203. ARNOLD, ct., 352

  204. ARNULF OF CARINTHIA, 456, 463, 548, 561, elected k. of Germany, 561, father of Louis the Child, 562, invited to Rome, 564, 565, crowned emp., 565, died, 566, relations with Magyars, 5668, with west Franks, 571

  205. ARNULF, bp. of Metz, 259, Arnulfings, 276, 279, 280, 282

  206. ARNULF, s. of Liutpold, ct. of Bavaria, 567, 569

  207. ARRAS, trade at, 313

  208. ARSENIUS, bp., 452

  209. ART-FORMS AND TECHNIQUES: Greco-Roman, 2329, Byzantine, 2046, Egyptian, 234, South Russian, 232, 234, Germanic, 234, 237, Iranian, 232, 239, 410, Byzanto-Lomb., 2556, Muslim, 232, Anglo-Saxon, 3045, Celtic, 2334, 237, 304, 466, 472, 544, Christian, 2356, Attic and Neo-Attic, 2368, 544, Alexandrian (naturalistic), 69, 94, 201, 237, 307, 544, in early Christian architecture, 23840, Scandinavian, 47881, Dalmatian, 492

  210. ARTHUR, k., 31, 32, 261

  211. ASBESTAS, 424

  212. ASCESIS, 88, 112

  213. ASHOT BAGRATUNI, k., 416

  214. ASIA MINOR, 145, 161, 217, themes of, 408

  215. ASIATIC, influence, 144

  216. ASPERUCH, 4878

  217. ASSAFIUS, spathiarius, 388

  218. ASSARTS, 140, as défrichements, 310

  219. ASTROLABE, 209

  220. ASTROLOGY, Arabic and Byzantine, 420, 422

  221. ASTRONOMY, 87, 205

  222. ASTURIAS, 93, 120, kingdom of the, 3502, 354, 572, 576

  223. ATHALARIC, 33, 41, 44, 48

  224. ATHANAGILD, 989, 266

  225. ATHANARIC, 26

  226. ATHAULF, Visig., k., 28, 96

  227. ATHENS, 219, university of, 164

  228. ATLANTIC COAST, 125

  229. ATTIGNY. villa, 363, assembly of 822, 435

  230. ATTILA, Hunnish khan, 24, 29, 34, 48, 52, 173

  231. AUDOFLEDA, 41

  232. AUDULF, seneschal, 328, 355, 368

  233. AUGSBURG, 368

  234. ST AUGUSTINE OF CANTER-BURY, 183, 302, his abbey, 232, 305, Gospels, 305

  235. ST AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, 8692, 173, 179, 201, 379, De civitate dei, 902, 292, 324, 560, his rule, 724, Disciplina, Regula Sororum, Transcript, 8990, as practised, 289, monastery, 88, Confessions, 88

  236. AUGUSTUS, emp., 4, 5, 17, 144, 311, as title, 3789, 3826

  237. AULUS PLAUTIUS, 12, 17

  238. AUSTRASIA, 66, 93, 259, 261, her history, 262, 2667, 270, palace of, 269, 271, 399, growing independence, 275

  239. AUTCHAR, du., 252

  240. AUTHARI, Lomb. k., 250

  241. AUTHENTICATION BY SIGNATURE, 137, 402, seal, 137, 3989, ‘recognition’, 3989

  242. AUTOCEPHALIA, 1701, 182, 420

  243. AUTOKRATOR: See Empire, Byzantine

  244. AUVERGNE, 967, loyal to Austrasia, 281, recovered from Saracens, 295

  245. AUXILIA, cavalry, 8, 23

  246. AVARS, 34, 139, 21417, 246, 249, 407, 484, 487, 491, Charl. and, 353, their khan, 360, war with, 36972, conversion of, 3712, 377, empire destroyed, 498

  247. AVIGNON, yielded to Saracens, 287

  248. AVITUS, bp. of Clermont, 53, 56


  1. BAALBEK, 164

  2. BABENBERGERS, Franconian, counts, 569

  3. BAPYLON, 192, 199, 205, learning of, 207

  4. BADDILO, 399

  5. BADR, 196

  6. BADUARIUS, 250

  7. BAETICA, 98, 109, 120

  8. BAGHDAD, 198, 2028, 261, 294, caliph of, 314, 351, 376, 40810, 416, learning at, 41920, 422, 424, house of Wisdom at, 425, science of, 572, trade with Russia, 489, art of, 502

  9. BAHRAAM, 214

  10. BALANCE OF TRADE, 119, 123

  11. BALDWIN, ct. of Flanders, 571

  12. BALEARICS, 85, Franks capture, 354, fight Saracens for, 3746

  13. BALKANS, 26, 35, 40, 82, 120, 1623, 214, 249, conversion, 188

  14. BALTHI, 27, 95, 98

  15. BALTHILDE, wife of Clovis II, 277, her chasuble, 307, 532

  16. BALTIC, migrations from, 21, 25, 30, Frankish trade with, 313, Byzantine trade with, 419

  17. BANGOR, 469

  18. BANKERS, 1223

  19. BANNUM, 361, 365, 403

  20. BAPTISM, 60, 114

  21. BAPTISTERY, 47, 69

  22. BARCA, 200

  23. BARCELONA, 28, 66, 98, 106, Moors lose, 3515, attack again, 436

  24. BARDAS, caesar, 416, 420, patron of scholars, 4212, 4258, patron of Constantine, 493

  25. BARDENGAU, 245, 361, 363, 370

  26. BARDS, Celtic, 467

  27. BARI, Byzantine, 417, a Saracen base, 446

  28. BARO, Frankish, 64

  29. ST BASIL, 413, rule of, 505

  30. BASIL I, emp., 41517, his legal reforms, 419, 428, defends Italy from Saracens, 455, 459, 463

  31. BASIL II, 429

  32. BASILEUS, 3789, 382, 3856, 388, 418, 426

  33. BASILICAN CHURCHES, 47, 68, 69, 80, 89, 205, 238, 307, early church at Saint-Denis, 532

  34. BASILICS, 420

  35. BASILISCUS, 96

  36. BASQUES, 95, 99101, 1035, 107, 274, 3513

  37. BASRA, 189, 192, 1978, 204, 208

  38. BAUGULF, ab., 317

  39. BAVARIA, BAVARIANS, 63, 67, 70, 125, 136, 227, 485, duchy of, 246, 265, oppose the Slavs, 275, Pepin II, 281, C. Martel, 285, 288, Pepin, 294, 295, Carol., 323, 348, Charles’ subjugation of, 36571, Cai Ionian rules, 457, country raided by Magyars, 567

  40. BAVARIA, national duchy, 5689

  41. BAVARIAN MARK, 371

  42. BEDE, 207, 2289, 3023, 377, 502, 530, his Historia Ecclesiastica, 56, 226, 265, other works, 226, 229, 511, and annals, 263, his De temporum ratione, 265, Lives of the Abbots, 303

    1. See Northumbrian renaissance

  43. BEDOUIN, 18091


  45. BELGIUM, 313

  46. BELGRADE, Singidunum, 157, 486

  47. BELISARIUS, 157, 163, 339, conquers Vandals, 779, 824, sent to Persia, 162, sent to Italy, 45, 1613, founds convent, 49

  48. BENEDICT III, pope, 446, 450, 512

  49. BENEDICT OF ANIANE, his monastery, 307, 432, 435, schools, 505, rule, 5056, Concordia Regulatum and Codex Regularum, 506

  50. BENEDICT BISCOP, 226, 3034, 471



  53. BENEDICT OF NURSIA, his rule, 513, 471, life of. in Moralia, 179, community of Monte Cassino, 49, 513, 183, 226, 247, 450, 463, 464, abbots of, 247, plundered, 248, restored, 257, Carloman at, 291, illumination in, 492, opus dei, 52, the rule in Carol, empire, 390, combined with that of Columbanus, 469, education in, 223, communities in Germany, 2278, 3034

  54. BENEFICE, Roman, 62, 5534, ecclesiastical, 69, Frankish, 139, 296, 5558, size of, 557, resumption of, 270, duchy as, 368, royal chaplains as holding, 400

  55. BENEVENTO, 219, 2468, 251, duchy, 180, dukes Arichis, 247, Ariulf, 247, duchy not given to papacy, 293, 345, 347, duke Siconolf, 445, under Carols., 450, 455

  56. BENEVENTO, abbey, Caroline script in, 492, 527

  57. BEORHTRIC, k. of Wessex, 474

  58. BEOWULF, 4756

  59. BERBERS, 188, 201, 202, in Spain, 287, 294, 573

  60. BERCHAR, mayor, 280

  61. BERENGAR, ct. of Friuli, 457, 4634, elected k. of Italy, 5635

  62. BERNARD, uncle of Charles, 344

  63. BERNARD, s. of Pepin, 328, k. of Italy, 336, 404, 433, in Ordinatio, 434, killed, 434, 435

  64. BERNARD, s. of ct. William, 436, has March of Septimania, 439, rebels, 447

  65. BERNARD, ct. and chamberlain, 4378

  66. BERTEFRID, 269

  67. BERTHOLD, ct., 569

  68. BERTOALD, mayor, 270

  69. BERTRADA, queen, 3213, 3256, 345

  70. BESANZ, 136, 148

  71. BEWCASTLE CROSS, 2345, 3045

  72. BIBLE, Scriptures, translated into Gothic, 4, 14, 477, 507, into Slavonic, 497, Cassiodoran text, 4050, biblical canon, 1667, influence on Arabs, 187, 195

  73. BIRMALI, 80

  74. BISHOP, consecration of, 241, 272, his status, 63, 68, 167, court, 68, 272, 298, appeal from Carol, bishops court, 391, his familia, 15, 68, 89, 178, 183, 2245, 233, 256, 330, episcopal elections, 34, 52, 57, 88, 1723, 1834, 2414, 296, 5589, royal nomination of, 272, 296, 299, his endowment, 68, 132, 178, chancellor, 402, mint, 1312, division of episcopal revenue, 180, position on Carol. royal council, 396402, archbp. of the sacred palace, 400, function among Irish, 468

  75. BJÖRN, k., 476

  76. BLACK (PONTIC) SEA, 5, 21, 124, 134, 145, 155, 162, 213, and migrations, 26

  77. BLACK STONE. See Ka‛ba

  78. BLANDINIUM, 317

  79. BLOOD FEUD, 3, 36, 55, 191, 245, 254, 266, 361, 364

  80. BOBBIO, 257, its foundation, 469, 507, Irish at, 507, Gothic MSS. at, 507, washing down of MSS. for palimpsests at, 529

  81. BOBBO, bp., 278

  82. BOETHIUS, 423, his Consolation of Philosophy, 43, use of Aristotle, 51, studied by Carols., 513, on liberal arts, 51, 510, 179

  83. BOHEMIA, 135, 265, and Louis the German, 448, Slavs in, 486, 488

  84. BÖHMERWALD, 323, 366

  85. BOÏARS, 499

  86. BOLOGNA, Carol., 346

  87. BOLZANO, Bozen, 366, 344

  88. BONA, Cape Bon, 77, 201

  89. BONIFACE OF CREDITON, 2269, erection of crosses, 235, chronology, 264, in Thuringia, Hesse, Bavaria, 2889, consecrated by Gregory II, 288, founds German sees, 288, Bavarian sees, 289, 334, 366, archbishopric, 289, reforms Frankish church, 290, 303, requests books, 305, conversion of Saxons, 35860, as archicancellarius, 399

  90. BONIFACE, ct., 76, 84, 135, 183

  91. BONI HOMINES, 298

  92. BONN, 53

  93. BOOK OF DURROW, 237, 304, 472

  94. BOOK OF KELLS, 237, 304, 472, 546


  96. BORDEAUX, Visig., 97, Frankish, 127, 266, 267, Danes raid, 447

  97. BORGUND, 479

  98. BORIS, khan of Bulgaria, 4969

  99. BOSO, k. of Provence, 454, 4567, 463

  100. BOULOGNE, Itium, 313

  101. BOW, archers, 145

  102. BRAGA, capital of Sueves, 101, 112 See Martin of

  103. BRAN, s. of Cuchulainn, 468

  104. BRAULIO, bp. of Saragossa, 109

  105. BREMEN, see founded, 364, town sacked by Danes, 448

  106. BRENNER, 366

  107. BRESCIA, Lomb., 250

  108. BRETON MARCH, 328, 354, prefect of, 354, rebellion in, 438, 4467

  109. BRETWALDA, 183, 261, 302, 377

  110. BREVIARY OF ALARIC, 63, 72, 97, 103, recopied, 390, use of cancellarius, 401, MS. at Lyons, 513

  111. BRIGANTIA, goddess, 467

  112. BRINDISI, 251

  113. BRITAIN, under Romans, 5, 7, 9, 10, 125, invaded by Anglo-Saxons, 32, under Anglo-Saxons, 134, 234, 261, slave trade with, 313

  114. BRITTANY, Armorica, Roman, 2, Frankish, 66, 67, 95, 265, March of, 3525, language, 466

  115. BROIGNE, byrnie, 342, 453, 474

  116. BRONZE, coins, 121, 1245

  117. BRUNHILD, 57, 99, 262, 26671

  118. BRUNO, Liudolfing, 5689

  119. BUCELLARII, 214

  120. BUKKARA, 199

  121. BULGAR, town, 489

  122. BULGARS, 25, 170, 217, 220, 246, 371, 388, 4078, 487, khan of, 408, fight the Byzantines, 415, 418, 429, missions to, 4269, 493, 496, conversion to Byzantine Christianity, 4978, Franks oppose, 437, they divide Pannonia, 448, fight Moravians, 455, Bulgarian success under Symeon, 500

  123. BULLA, leaden seal, 138

  124. BULLA REGIA, 85

  125. BURCHARD, constable, 375

  126. BURCHARD, ct. of Rhaetia, 570

  127. BURGUNDIANS, by Baltic, 30, in Rhone Valley, 2, 11, 30, cross Rhine, 52, kingdom of, 66, 978, fall of, 72, Frankish Burgundy, 252, 259, 261, 2706, Saracens raid, 295, Lex Burgundiorum, 306, in the Ordinatio of 806, 392, under emp. Louis II. 451, Boso made k. of, 562, k. Louis, 562, Rudolf I, k. of Transjurane Burgundy, 562, 565

  128. BURIAL, Roman law on, 404

  129. BUTLER: See Pincerna

  130. BYZACIUM, 76, 78

  131. BYZANTINE RENAISSANCE, ninth century, 41628

  132. BYZANTIUM, Constantinople, the city, 6, 7, 10, 29, 35, 37, 415, 49, 667, 81, 101, 121, 126, 134, 148, 154, 156, 163, 204, 388, 419, foundation of city, 1446, buildings in, 42, 205, Long Wall, 154, 1623, Golden Horn, 169, gilds in, 41020, Christianity of, 1457, see of, 42, patriarchate, 39, 150, 1567, 169, 182, 185, 258, 385, 420, patriarchȉs school, 230, monasticism in, 41214

  1. CABAON, 80

  2. CADI, 575

  3. CADIZ, 107

  4. CAESAR, as title, 5, 6, 418, his works, 378, 467

  5. CAESARIUS, bp. of Aries, 66, 702, 90, 127

  6. CAIRO, 199

  7. CALABRIA, Lomb., 251, 258, Byzantine, 374, theme of, 417

  8. CALENDARS, liturgical, 176, 263

  9. CALIPH, caliphate, 106, 188, 1978, 200, 203, 205, 207, 211, caliphate divided, 2024, succession to, 2024

  10. CALLINICUS, architect, 219

  11. CALLINICUS, exarch, 180, 250

  12. CAMBRAI, 58, 125, Carol., 313

  13. CAMERA, Charl.‘s, 404

  14. CAMERARIUS, chamberlain, 299, Carol., 396

  15. CAMLANN, 261

  16. CAMPANIA, 49, 180, 246, Carol., 347

  17. CAMPULUS, sacellarius, 381

  18. CAMPUS VOGLADENSIS, 40, 60, 93, 97

  19. CAMULOS, 467

  20. CANAL, Charl. builds, 370

  21. CANNABAE, 124

  22. CANONIZATION, early, 5089, Merov., 509, Carol., 50910

  23. CANON LAW, 179, in Carol. empire, 390

  24. CANONS OF COUNCILS, 72, 75, 89, 108, 112, 166, 183, 296, 508

    1. See Councils

  25. CANONS, communities of, as leading the Vita Apostolica, 8890, Frankish canons, 277

  26. CANON TABLES, 265, 423

  27. CANTABRIA, 93, 100, 112, 120, mountains of, 576

  28. CANTERBURY, 32, 183, 226, 2302, school at, 303, early plan of church, 307

  29. CANTON, hundred, 53, 298, 358, 467

  30. CAPELLANUS, 300, 327, 399402

  31. CAPETIANS, name, 71, accession of, 429, kingdom of, 432


  33. CAPITULARY, 320, 325, 3901, 4023, Carol., 509

  34. CAPPI, 139

  35. CAPUA, 348, 450

  36. CAPUT-VADA, 83

  37. CARENTANIA, 4878

  38. CARINTHIA, 295, Carol., 335, Bavarian, 3678, 3712, under Carloman, 449, 457, Slavs in, 487, overrun by Magyars, 567

  39. CARLOMAN, s. of Pepin, 253, receives part of Francia, 287, 290, 293, 302, 3213, 326, 3434, 366, 399, edict of 741, 508

  40. CARLOMAN, s. of Louis the German, 397, 449, 4523, 4567, makes Bavaria a kingdom, 569

  41. CARLOMAN, s. of Louis the Stammerer, 45960, father of Arnulf, du. of Carinthia, 561

  42. CARNIOLA, 3702, 374, 488

  43. CAROLINE, minuscule, 5268

  44. CAROLINGIANS, 134, 135, 291, 310576, currency, 1349, abbeys with depots, 313, ‘culture’, 3946

    1. See trade

  45. CAROLINGIAN RENAISSANCE, verse in, 503, classical writers copied in, 529, acrostics in, 503, medicine in, 504, poetry in, 5024, 517, the chant in, 51719, 5404, art and architecture in, 54451, wall-painting in, 549, collection of MSS. in, 512, evolution of MS. hands in, 5268, ivories in, 549, exercices à l’antique in, 531, forgery in, 52939, the chant in, 5404, Irish scholars in, 471, use of vernacular in, 513

    1. See Liberal arts, Alcuin

  46. CARPATHIANS, and Huns, 22, Slavs on, 482’3, 489, 491, Moravians on, 494, Magyars cross, 566

  47. CARPENTRAS: See Councils

  48. CARRUCA, 142, 249

  49. CARTAGENA, New Carthage, 76, 99, 101, 120

  50. CARTHAGE, 75’84, 88, 109, 117, 172, Arabs conquer, 201, 211, glass industry, 125, Heraclius at, 218

  51. CAR TOPH YLACIUM, Byzantine chancery, 103

  52. CARTULARIUS, 418

  53. CASPIAN, 19, 169, 483, 489

  54. CASSIAN; Collations, 59, 701, 74

  55. CASSIODORUS, 33, 34, 3740, 445, 4851, 56, in, his diplomas, 37, History of the Goths, 22, 334, Variae, 34, 37, 48, De anima, 48, Institutiones, 50, 179, biblical text, 50, 304, translations, 51

  56. CASTELLUM, village, 62, 310

  57. CASTORIUS, notary, 182


  59. CATALONIA, province, 354

  60. CATECHUMENS, 68, 176

  61. CATHEDRA: ecclesia cathedralis, 68, teacher’s chair, 167

  62. CATO, Gallic priest, 243

  63. CAUCASUS, 213



  66. CELTS, CELTIC, 113, 122, 188, 225, 231, early history, 4648, annals, 264, art-forms, 24, learning, 2256, 46972, their Christianity, 4689, crosses, 32, 217, ploughs, 142, place-names, 467, gods, 467

    1. See Monasticism

  67. CEMETERIES, Frankish, 53

  68. CENTENARIUS, 53, 254, 297

  69. CEORL, 142

  70. CESARIUS OF ARLES, 714, 225


  72. CHADOIND, referendary, 274

  73. CHALCEDON: See Councils

  74. CHALDEAN, astronomy, 207


  76. CHANCEL, cancellae, 397

  77. CHANCELLOR, cancellarius, 138, 299, 397402, in countryside, 401

  78. CHANCERY, 402

  79. THE CHANT, pre-Carolingian, 5404, Byzantine, 5412, 543, Gregory I on, 5412, script for, 543, used by Franks, 502, 5434

  80. CHAPEL, Carol, royal, 3245, 396, 399402

  81. CHARIBERT I, Frankish k., 2656, 269

  82. CHARIBERT II, 2734

  83. CHARLEMAGNE, k. of the Franks, 173, first coronation, 253, 322, his family, 377, life, 31719, 3215, accession, 259, character, 3245, peoples he ruled, 31415, his conquests, 339406, army, 33943, 390, as a general, 342, as Pacifiais, 339, he fights Saxons, 351, 35866, Bavarians, 36570, Arabs, 3746, Slavs, 362, invades Italy, 34450, Chad’s, letters and the Codex Carolinas, 3201, fostering of learning, 303, 317, 5078, relations with scholars, Paul the Deacon, 2479, Peter of Pisa, 324, Einhard, 317, Alcuin, 31820, Theodulf, 335, his academia, 329, relations with Hadrian, 34550, 537, his imperial coronation, 37788, titles, 346, 374, 394, 401, fights Byzantines over title to empire, 3478, 3724, 3878, 404, his administration, 32730, 394406, great council, 3901, revenue, 311, 3956, his divisio regnorutn, 392, will, 404, death, 406, 546

    1. See Palace

  84. CHARLES, s. of Charles the Great, 326, 337, 347, 386, as Charles’s heir, 3923, 404

  85. CHARLES II, emp., the Bald, 397, 435, 43640, has lands of fisc, 442, share in partition of Verdun, 444, provides Hincmar to Reims, 445, his vassals, 4467, struggle with northmen, 447, 453, action over Lorraine divorce, 44952, defence against northmen, 4534, crowned k. of Lorraine, 454, gets part of Lorraine, 454, coronation, 456, 5345, relations with scholars, 472, his palace school, 506, 511, 516, 548, bishops protest at Epernay, 536

  86. CHARLES THE FAT, emp., 319, 432, 457, fails against the Danes, 462, deposed, 560, relations with Italy, 463, 563, dies, 560

  87. CHARLES MARTEL, 65, 220, 252, 258, 2812, 536, and frontier defence, 2857, 343, fights Saracens, 2858, 296, Saxons, 356, notarial practice, 399

  88. CHARLES, s. of Louis the Stammerer, 561

  89. CHARLES THE SIMPLE, 566, crowned, 5701

  90. CHARLES, k. of Provence, 448, died, 451

  91. CHELLES, abbey, 70, 282, demesne, 268, 277, 278, 301

  92. CHIEMSEE, 366, 369

  93. CHILDEBERT I, s. of Clovis, 657, 72, 98

  94. CHILDEBERT II, 101, 250, 264, invades Italy, 267, his share of Paris, 269

  95. CHILDEBERT III, 2767

  96. CHILDEBERT, s. of Thierry, 2712

  97. CHILDERIC I, Frankish k., 58, 64

  98. CHILDERIC II, s. of Clovis II, 277, 278, 280, 282

  99. CHILIARCH, 79

  100. CHILPERIC I, k. of Paris, 59, 99, 133, 2669, his learning, 268

  101. CHILPERIC II, 275, 282

  102. CHINDASWINTH, Visig. k., 1045

  103. CHINESE, trade, 24, 124, 145, 187, 204, art-forms, 24, Mongol dynasty, 25, 169

  104. CHINTILA, Visig. k., 104

  105. CHLODOMER, s. of Clovis, 65, 68, 72

  106. CHLOTILDE, wife of Clovis, 30, 59

  107. CHLOTILDE, d. of Clovis, 98

  108. CHOREPISCOPUS, 228, 371, 536, 538

  109. CHORSO, du. of Toulouse, 353

  110. CHOSROES I, Persian k., 82, 1614, 205, 214

  111. CHOSROES II, 21415, 217

  112. CHRAMM, Franisk prince, 678

  113. CHRISM, 535

  114. CHRISTOPHER, primicery, 3434

  115. CHRISTUS VICTOR, 91, 147

  116. CHRODEGANG, bp. of Metz, 252, referendary, 399, rule of, 505

  117. CHRODINGUS, 399

  118. CHRONICA, 110

  119. CICERO, 87, 109, 512

  120. CIMMERIANS, 22, 483

  121. CIRCUS, 150, 267, fights in, 159

  122. CIRTA, 76

  123. CIVITAS, 164, Frankish, 62, 68, 132, 134, 224, 297, 310, Lomb., 250

  124. CIVITA VECCHIA, 376

  125. CLAIR-SUR-EPTE, 572

  126. CLASSIS, port of Ravenna, 250

  127. CLAUDIAN, 406

  128. CLAUDIUS, emp., 5


  130. CLEMENT OF ROME, 168, 171, 173, his relics, 497, his church, 549

  131. CLEPH, Lomb. k., 249, 250

  132. CLERK, clericus, 89, derivation, 224, celibacy of, 427, clerical grades, 183, 330, learning of, in, 324, clerks take over Carol, writing office, 400

  133. CLERMONT, 66, 96

  134. CLICHY, villa of, 273

  135. CLIENS, 299, 553

  136. CLONMACNOIS, 470

  137. CLOVIS, Frankish k., rules Gaul, 32, 401, 56, 5861, 68, 259, 377, his sons, 65, he accepts Christianity, 15, 5960, his baptism, 5345, marriage, 30, his code, 53, 63, conquests, 64, 97, coins, 132, influences elections, 242, uses civitates, 297

  138. CLOVIS, s. of Chilperic, 267, 276

  139. CLOVIS II, s. of Dagobert, 2745, 280, 532

  140. CLOVIS III, 278

  141. COBLENZ, conference of, 450

  142. CODE: See Justinian

  143. CODEX AMIATINUS, 50, 226, 236, 304

  144. CODEX ARGENTEUS, 14, 507



  147. COHORT, 4, 8, 25, 31, 79

  148. COINS, Merov., 131, emblems on Roman, 524

  149. COLCHIS, 162

  150. COLOGNE, Roman, 25, Frankish, 31, 52, 66, Carol., 313

  151. COLONI, 13, 65, 148, 249

  152. COLUMBA, 46971

  153. COLUMBANUS, among Lombs., 257, Jonas’ life of, 262, work among Franks, 70, 289, 46970, among Lombs., 257, his writings and rule, 471

  154. COMES MET ALLO RUM, 120

  155. COMES RE RUM PRIVATARUM, Ostrogothic, 38, Byzantine, 151

  156. COMES SACRARUM LARGI-TIONUM, Ostrogothic, 38, Byzantine, 151

  157. COMITATUS, 554

  158. COMITIVA, 555

  159. COMMENDATION, 140, 286, 555

  160. COMPIÈGNE, 68, battle near, 281, assembly at, 295

  161. COMPLINE, 52, 90


  163. COMPUTUS, 224, 502

  164. CONDUCTOR, 12, 86, 181, 223

  165. CONRAD I, k. of the Germans, 56970

  166. CONRAD THE OLD, 569

  167. CONRAD THE YOUNG, 570

  168. CONRADINS, Franconian counts, 56970

  169. CONSISTORY, Byzantine, 151

  170. CONSTANS II, 200, 219, 247, 251

  171. CONSTANTIA, 216

  172. CONSTANTINE I, emp., 2, 68, 1213, 29, 44, 59, 121, 139, 1447, 149, 152, 154, 166, 16970, 235, baptism of, 176, 292, 349, 378, 380, 412, 437

    1. See Donation, Sylvester

  173. CONSTANTINE III, 9, 10, 52, 219

  174. CONSTANTINE IV, 201, 219, 258

  175. CONSTANTINE V, relations with Pepin, 293, supports iconoclasm, 40812, his marriage, 493, fights Bulgare, 4978

  176. CONSTANTINE VI, 347, 37980, 385, 41213

  177. CONSTANTINE VII, Porphyro-genitus, 418, 424, 428, 486

  178. CONSTANTINE, pope, 343


  180. CONSTANTINE-CYRIL, scholarship of, 4201, 425, early life, 494, at Byzantine court with Photius, 4936, sent to Khazars, 494, to Moravia, 453, 492, at Rastislav’s request for teachers, 4957, examined and consecrated by Hadrian II, 497

  181. CONSTANTINOPLE: See Byzantium

  182. CONSTANTIUS II, emp., 7, 9



  185. CONSUL, 4, 33, 35, 37, 61, lists of, 2645, consular insignia, 601, almsgiving, 380, pro-consuls, 4

  186. COPTS, 156

  187. COPTS, COPTIC, 199, 423

  188. CORBIE, Annals of, 263, monastery, 328, 404, learning at, 5067, 516, Caroline minuscule at, 528

  189. CORDOBA, 99, 100, 107, 204, 205, 211, 294, 315, amirate of, 350, 353, 576, republic of, 574, schools of, 572, 5756

  190. CORNWALL, 58

  191. CORONATION, Byzantine, 150, 216, with anointing, 253, by pat., 382, 385

  192. CORRECTOR, 33

  193. CORSICA, 37, 756, 85, held by Saracens, 3746

  194. CORVEY, learning at, 264, 400, 506

  195. COTTON GENESIS, 423

  196. COUNCILS OF: Agde, 506, 72, 97, 813, 406

    1. Aix, 816, 433, 817, 433, 505

    2. Aries, 314, 183, 524, 72

    3. Carpentras, 527, 72

    4. Carthage, 401, 509

    5. Chalcedon, 451, 102, 154, 156, 158, 513

    6. Châlons, 813, 505, 1634, 171, 173, 177, 213, 218, 220, 2301, 410

    7. Clermont, 535, 242

    8. Constantinople, 381, 102, 169, 680, 219, 258, 815, 414, 843, 414, 857, 427, 869–70, 428

    9. Frankfurt, 794, 397, 400

    10. Grado, 579, 492

    11. Hieria, 753, 411

    12. Lateran, 640, 515, 863, 427

    13. Mainz, 813, 509

    14. Marseilles, 583, 72

    15. Meaux, 845, 536

    16. Nicaea, 325, 14, 40, 102, 1545, 170, 231, 787, 348, 412

    17. Orleans, 538, 242

    18. Paris, 614, 242, 272, 824, 505, 846, 536

    19. Quierzy, 775, 359

    20. Rome, 731, 411

    21. Toledo, 580, 101, 589, 102, 104, 633, 104, 646, 104, 653, 105

    22. Vaison, 526, 72

  197. COUNCIL, of nobles, 94, of Toledo, 102, 106, 108, Lomb., 254, Carol., 3968

  198. COUNT, comes, comitatenses, 9, Ostrog., 379, Visig., 96, Byzantine, 151, Lomb., 254, Frankish, 623, 68, 86, 139, 297, 299, Carol., 3245, in Lombardy, 3467, in Aquitaine, 352, in Saxony, 361, 365, in Bavaria, 366, of the palace, 62, 300, 328, 352, 361, 391, 397, comes stabuli, 62, 300, 397, Carol., functions of, 38991, 403, 445, 553, chancellor, 401, Carol, count becomes hereditary, 558


  200. COVADONGA, 576

  201. CRACOW, 488

  202. CREDIT TRANSACTIONS, 1223, 131

  203. CREMONA, 246, 250

  204. CRETE, 169, 219, 41718, diocese of, 258, regained from Arabs, 429

  205. CRIMEA, 26, Photian mission to, 4934

  206. CROATS, 3712, 374, 417, 4856, frontier province, 491, Slav script in, 492

  207. CROSS, carried off from Jerusalem and restored, 21618, 378, holy cross day, 217, veneration of, 225, Northumbrian crosses, 3045

    1. See Signum, Celts

  208. CRYPT, 69

  209. CTESIPHON: See Seleukia-Ctesiphon

  210. CUBICULARIUS, 299

  211. CUNIMUND, Gepid k., 249

  212. CURIA, Carol., 327

  213. CURIA, curiales, 13, 122

  214. CUROPALATE, 427

  215. CURRENCY, 1202, 140, Roman, 126, Merov., 12937, Byzantine, 14750

    1. See Gold coins, Silver coins

  216. CURSIVE HAND, 62, 123, 138, 5267

  217. CURSUS PUBLICUS, 38, 84, Byzantine, 151

  218. CURTE, 362

  219. CUSTOMARY LAW, 358, 389, writing down of Thuringian, Frisian, Saxon, Bavarian, Frankish, 390, 433

  220. CUSTOMS, 300, 313

  221. CUSTOS PAL ATI I, 3978

  222. CUTHBERT, ab. of Jarrow, 229


  224. CYNIBURG, 305

  225. CYRENAICA, 200

  226. ST CYPRIAN, 75, 85, 172


  228. CYPRUS, 200, 408, Byzantines take, 417, 429

  229. CYRIL: See Constantine

  230. CYRIL, pat. of Alexandria, 156, 163


  232. CYPRUS, pat. of Alexandria, 199

  233. CZECHS, 456, 4856

  1. DADO, Ouen, 65, 278, 280

  2. DAGOBERT I, 65, 259, 2736, 301, 303, 487, 532, Gesta Dagoberti regis, 533

  3. DAGOBERT II, s. of Sigebert III, 276, 277, 279

  4. DALMATIA, 120, 215, as Byzantine, 3724, 388, Slavs in, 416, 4868, 4913, Slav script in, 492

  5. DAMASCIUS, 164, 198

  6. DAMASCUS, city, 124, 155, 189, 190, 201, 205, 211, 216, caliph, 107, pilgrims in, 471

  7. DANES, language, 19, 473, raids, 432, 474, 568, of English Danelaw, 64, 460, Norman Danelaw, 571, oppose Franks, 437, bases of, the Gironde, 447, island in Seine, 447, island in Loire, 447

  8. DANIEL, bp. of Winchester, 228

  9. DANUBE, frontier of empire, 5, 7, 17, 180, 21415, Danubian provinces, 125, 1623, Goths settle beside, 23, 27, trade route, 145, Franks pass, 339, Charl. rights Avars on, 370

  10. DARA, 161, 190, 215

  11. DEACONS, 183, 224, seven Roman, 179

  12. DEAN, decanus, monastic, 52, Carol. palace deans, 398

  13. DECIUS, emp., 8, killed, 26

  14. DEFENSOR, 350, 380


  16. DEMESNE, royal, 62, 132, 3001, imperial, 120, rural, 11718, 13943, Byzantine, 149, Lomb., 254, Frankish, 297

  17. DENMARK, runes in, 477

  18. DESCRIPTIONES, 132, 296

  19. DESIDERIA, 326

  20. DESIDERIUS, Lomb. k., 2534, 293, 314, 323, 326, 344, 349, 367


  22. DETMOLD, 362

  23. DIADEM, 150

  24. DIALECTIC: See Logic

  25. DIATESSARON, 513

  26. DIDIER, bp., 278

  27. DIGEST: See Justinian

  28. DINAR, denarius, denier, 1357

  29. DIOCESE, Roman administrative, 7, 75, 86, 151, episcopal, 68, 224

  30. DIOCLETIAN, emp., 6, 8, 9, 12, 39, 121, 149, 386

  31. DI ON YS IO-HADRI AN A, brought to Carol, empire, 508, 528, use in, 537

  32. DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE, 230, his works, 515, reception in east, 516, and in west, 51516

  33. DIONYSIUS EXIGUUS, 52, 53, 111, 177, 179, his ‘year of grace’, 265, collection of canons, 509

  34. DIPLOMA, Frankish, 295, 321, 345

  35. DIPTYCHS, 46, 177, 548

  36. DIVINE OFFICE, the seven hours, 52, 109, night, 58, structure, 330

  37. DNIEPER, 452, 4823, 489, 506

  38. DNIESTER, 26, 566

  39. DOGE, 373

  40. DOKKUM, church of, 358

  41. DOME, 205, 239

  42. DOMESTIC, Frankish, 61, 297, 301, Byzantine, 427

  43. DONATION OF CONSTANTINE, 176, 2913, 316, 345

  44. DONATION OF PEPIN, 322, 3445, 349



  47. DONATISTS, 88

  48. DONATUS, 470

  49. DONUS, pope, 219

  50. DOORKEEPER, 183

  51. DOPSCH, A., 11718

  52. DOURO, 95

  53. DRACHMA, 121

  54. DRACONTIUS, 85

  55. DRAGON, as standard, 8, 24, 340, as art-form, 479

  56. DRAVA, as frontier, 335, 371, Slavs on, 488

  57. DREAM OF THE ROOD, 305

  58. DROGO, s. of Charles, 291, archbp. 404, exiled, 434, recalled, 435, 438, supports Lothar I, 442, 445, his sacramentary, 548, 550

  59. DRUIDS, 4667

  60. DUBROVNIK, 417, 492

  61. DUCENARIUS, 120

  62. DUCHY OF NAPLES, Byzantine, 3478

  63. DUKE: dux: duces of legions, 4, of Frankish armies, 62, Vandal, 79, Visig., 96, 106, Lomb., 180, 245, 248, 251, 253, Byzantine, 258, of Rome, 292, Frankish, 299, 327, 403, ‘duchy’, 100, 403, Carol., 445, 451

  64. DUNGAL, Irish poet, 524

  65. DURSTEDT, 2801, 432

  1. EADBURG, abbess, 228

  2. EAGLES, as standards, 8

  3. EANBALD, 331

  4. EAPPA, 263

  5. EASTER TABLES, 2635

  6. EAST MARK, of Saxons, 448, of Bavaria, 456

  7. EASTPHALIANS, 356, 359, 361

  8. EBBO, archbp. of Reims, 442, 445, 476, his gospel book, 548

  9. EBERHARD, butler, 328, 367

  10. EBERHARD, ct. of Friuli, 443

  11. EBRO, Basques spread towards, 95, Visigs. on, 120, Saracens on, 350, Charles marches to the, 351

  12. EBROIN, mayor, 2779, 302

  13. ECDICIUS, 96


  15. ECONOMY: money, or food and service, or mixed, 11743, natural, 122, 139, 181, money, 126, 136, 140, 394, mixed, 300, among Saxons, 364, Carol., 395, in Moorish Spain, 5734


  17. EDESSA, trade with, 124, fortress, 161, church, 169, 190, 207, 238, schools of, closed, 207, in Persian wars, 214, 218

  18. EDICTS, Charles the Great’s, 320, Frankish, 295, 299, du. of Bavaria’s, 366

  19. EGBERT, bp. of York, 2289, 330, 531

  20. EGGIHARD, seneschal, 352

  21. EGICA, Visig. k., 106

  22. EGYPT, Roman, 189, East Roman, 151, monasticism, 701, 183, taxes, 121, currency, 135, grain supply, 123, trade with, 1267, 1345, 155, 189, papyrus records, 1223, 137, as Mono-physite, 163, conquered by Arabs, 187, 199, 21719, 410, 575

  23. EIGENKIRCHE, 385

  24. EINHARD, life, 31719, 337, 384, 386, 404, 406, 435, 512, writings, Vita Caroli Magna, 31617, 327, 370, Translatio, 318, letters, 320

  25. EKTHESIS, 218, 230

  26. ELBE, 245, 274, 356, 377

  27. ELECTIONS: episcopal see Bishop; abbatial, 52

  28. ST ELIGIUS, 645, 70


  30. EMPIRE, Roman, senate of, 1, 4, 35, 42, Ostrog. senate, 36, 45, 70, Visig., 106, Frankish, 72, Vandal, 79, municipal senate (ordo), 11, 134, 238, 241, 243, 249, 299, republican officers as retained, 4, civil service, 5, 179, 240, 394, buildings, 13, towns, 10, 11, 1226, merchants, 123, commerce, 1113, 25, 1212, trade-gilds, 13, currency, 12, 1202, 1312, food supply (curator annonae), 11, 121, army, 6, 810, 13, 23, 31, 122, 240, fleet, 96, revenue, 1212, survival of population of, 313, relations with Islam, 185

    1. See Aratrum, Coloni, Currency, Indiction, Justinian, Law, Taxation, Theodosian Code

  31. EMPIRE, the West Roman, 93, 126, 238, fall of, 1, 154, the renovatio imperii, 3867, 431, the emp. now isapostolic, 386, empire as indivisible, 393, as titular, 394, but recognized by Byzantium as eastern and western, 388, imperialist concept of under Carol-ingians, 4368, 455, the Christian empire, 37980, 3828

    1. See Paschasius Radbert

  32. EMPIRE, the Byzantine or East Roman, 77, 14464, 185, 40729, the emperor, 97, 1468, 1502, as basileus, 220, 231, 418, as Christian autocrat, 147, 150, 418, as isapostolic, 1545, 169, 174, 176, 493, defines dogma, 154, relations with pat., 429, episcopal appointments, 57, Byzantine church, 147, 163, 169, imperial succession, 152, titles, 33, 37, 152, ceremonial robes, 110, 1246, 138, 148, royal marriages, 28, court ceremonial, 300, coronation rite, 3823

    1. Byzantine army, 145, 149, 155, 411, civil service, 147, 388, 418, salaries, 148, administration, 62, 147, 1512, revenue, 147, 155, gold currency, 1357, coins, 1317, 147, towns, 148, industries, 14950, fleet, 217, sea trade, 75, 79, 83, 1267, Byzantine influence on art and architecture, 32, 69, 934, 139, 2478, 3038, documents, 138, intellectual tolerance, 40, Byzantine wars with Vandals, 805, Visigoths, 99104, 108, Persia, 15864, 21618, Arabs, 188, 199261, 408, 417, Avars, 217, 486, Lombards, 247, 249, 2502, Franks, 3468, 3734, 3878, defends her frontiers, 40711, 41518, defends the Mediterranean from Arabs, 417, holds Bari, 564

    2. See Byzantium, Byzantine renaissance, Justinian

  33. ENCYCLOPEDISTS: See Cassio-dorus, Boethius, Martianus, Capella, Isidore: also Raban Maur and for others, 111, 223, 525

  34. ENGLAND, 135, 1378

  35. ENNS, Franks reach, 339, frontier of East Mark, 368, 3701

  36. EOBAS, bp., 227

  37. EPANAGOGÈ, 419

  38. ÈPERNAY, 536

  39. EPHESUS, 1689

  40. EPIPHANIUS, 515

  41. EPPIN, pincerna, 337

  42. ERA OF INCARNATION, 110, 264, 265

  43. ERCAMBALD, notary, 337, 402

  44. ERCHANGER, ct., 569

  45. ERCHINOALD, mayor, 275, 277

  46. ERESBURG, fort, 356, 3589, 360, 363

  47. ERFURT, see founded by Boniface, 288, 485

  48. ERIC, du. of Friuli, 371

  49. ERIGENA, John the Scot, 207, 472, 504, knowledge of Greek, 514, his De Predestinatione, 514, work on Dionysiac corpus, 515, his De Divisione Naturae, 515, commentary on Martianus Capella, 5256

  50. ERISPOË, du., 447, 449

  51. ERMANARIC, Gothic k., 23, 26, 48, 484

  52. ERMINARIUS, 273

  53. ERMINGARDE, wife of ct. Boso, 562

  54. ERWIG, Visig. k., 106

  55. ERZERUM, 157

  56. ETHIOPIA, 1701, 189

  57. EUDES: See Odo

  58. EUDES, du. of Aquitaine, 282, 2846

  59. EUDOXIA, emps., 76, 80, 81

  60. EUGENIUS II, pope, 436

  61. EUPHRATES, trade along, 124, 145, 155, 1612, 169, 190, 198, 204

  62. EURIC, Visig. k., 2, 29, 957, his Code, 96

  63. EUSEBIUS, bp. of Caesaria, 235, his history, 56, chronological tables, 110, 2645, 378

  64. EUSEBIUS, bp. of Nicomedia, 176

  65. EUTHARIC, 41, 42

  66. EUTHYMIUS, pat., 428

  67. EUTROPIUS, 247

  68. EUTYCHES, 156

  69. EUXINE, 4834

  70. EVAGRIUS, 163

  71. EVANGEL, 1945

  72. EVANGELISTS, illuminations of, 3045

  73. EXARCH, of Africa, 151, 21516, of Italy (Ravenna), 178, 1802, 215, 2503, 292, 345, 373, 41112

  74. EXORIST, exorcism, 47, 183, 235

  1. FAIDA, 266, 299, 361

  2. FALCON, bp., 225

  3. FALSE CAPITULARIES, 529, 5379

  4. FAMILIA: See Bishop

  5. FANTASSINS, 342, 367, 370

  6. FARA (clan), 245, 248

  7. FARDULF, ab., 336, 389

  8. FARFA, abbey, 136, 2578, 436

  9. FAROALD, Lomb. du., 248

  10. FARONS, 271, 273

  11. FASTRADA, queen, 326, 363

  12. FATIMA, 203

  13. FATIMITE DYNASTY, 203, 212, caliphate, 575

  14. FECTIO, 313

  15. FELIX III, pope, 175, 242


  17. FERRIERES, abbey, 506

  18. FEUDAL SOCIETY, 79, 286, 290, 552, tenure by service, 140, Byzantine, 149, 214, pre-Carol., 553, Carol., 402, 55260

  19. FIDELIS, 299300, 554, oath of fidelity, 35962, 389, 393, 433, 447, 457, coupled with inmixtio manuum, 557, general oath of fidelity, 5589

  20. FIDELIS, praetorian prefect, 45

  21. FILID, 467



  24. FINNO-UGRIAN tribes, 21, 26

  25. FIRST TONSURE, 224

  26. FISC, Roman Treasury, 4, 62, 96, 104, 120, 123, Byzantine, 151, Merov., 132, Carol., 137, 396, Lomb., 249

  27. FLAOCHAD, mayor, 276

  28. FLAVIAN, pat. of Antioch, 157

  29. FLORUS OF LYONS, 444, 514

  30. FONTAINES, abbey, 469

  31. FONTANELLE, 317

  32. FONTENOY, battle, 442

  33. FORGED DECRETALS: See Pseudo-Isidorian

  34. FORMOSUS, pope, 426, 565

  35. FORMOSUS, bp., 498

  36. FORMULAE: See Law

  37. FORTUNATUS, 32, 57, 217, 225, 266, 306

  38. FORTUNATUS, pat., 3734

  39. FOS, 139, 313

  40. FRANCIA, region, 310, frontiers, 339

  41. FRANCONIA, 30, 70

  42. FRANCONIA, national duchy, 56870

  43. FRANKFURT, 26, 442

  44. FRANKS, on borders of empire, 2, under Huns, 271, as horsemen, 24, in Franconia, 53, cross Rhine, 26, 31, 53, 56, Salian and Ripuarian Franks, 31, 53, 58, 67, 259, 266, 298, they rule Gaul, 41, 5374, 66, 94, defeat Visigs., 979, defeat Arabs, 187, Merov. administration, 7, society, 645, 94, notaries, 295, writing office, 527, trade, 117, 310, mints, 65, 131, law, 53, 63, councils, 94, kingship, 296, Merov. bishop’s office, 57, 68, episcopal elections, 241, the regnum Ftancorum, 65, its division, 266, Merov. phantom kings, 2802, art and architecture, 3028

    1. See Clovis, Franconia, Mallus, Palace

  45. FREDEGAR, 262, 271, 2734, 316

  46. FREDEGUND, 57, 99, 26671

  47. FREDUM, 299

  48. FREISING, bp. of, 367

  49. FRIDUGIS, 332, 337, 503

  50. FRISIANS, FRISIA, 67, 227, 280, 313, conversion, 281, fight Charles Martel, 282, 285, missions in, 303, 396, rise against Charles, 363, held by him, 377, raided by northmen, 446, duchy of, 462, 475

  51. FRITZLAR, 228, 359

  52. FRIULI, FORUM JULII, 246, 249, 251, 333, Paulinus at, 334, Lomb. du. of, 346, duchy suppressed, 347, 359, Avars attack, 370, remains Frankish, 374, 388

  53. FULDA, monastery, 227, 289, 485, in Saxon wars, 3569, history written at, 264, extern school at, 505, learning at, 506, classical MSS. preserved at, 529

  54. FULGENTIUS, African, 87

  55. FULGENTIUS, bp. of Astigi, 109

  56. FULK, archbp. of Reims, 561, 571

  57. FULRAD, ab., 227, 252, 293, 346, 390

  1. GAINAS, 120

  2. GAISERIC, Vandal k., 2, 3, 29, 75, 76, 78, 86, 173

  3. GALICIA (Portugal), 29, 95, 99, 107, 112, 120

  4. GALLA PLACIDIA, 28, 29, 31, 234

  5. GALLUS, bp. of Tours, 56

  6. GALLUS, ab., 469

  7. GALSWINTHA, 99, 266

  8. GARIBALD, du. of Bavaria, 265

  9. GARONNE, 66, Arabs on, 286

  10. GASCONY, 274, 286, Carol., 323

  11. GASINDI, 254, 554, 556

  12. GASTALDI, 254, 403

  13. ST GATIEN, 61

  14. GAU, 368, 403

  15. GEATAS, 476

  16. GEBHARD, du. of Lorraine, 563, 570

  17. GEILO, constable, 361

  18. GELASIUS I, pope, 1734, 242

  19. GELIMER, 77, 825

  20. GELLONA, abbey, 354, 436

  21. GENEALOGIES, 264

  22. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Carol., 390, 403

  23. ST GENEVIÈVE, 58, 129

  24. GENOA, 67, Lomb., 24950

  25. GENZONI, 78

  26. GEOMETRY, 87, 209

  27. GEORGE, patrician, 375

  28. GEPIDS, 8, 163, 21415


  30. GERARD, ct. of Provence, 449, du. of Lyons, 454

  31. GERBERGA, 326

  32. GERMANUS, pat., 411

  33. GERMANUS OF AUXERRE, 312, 468, church of, 69, life of, 513

  34. GERMANUS, Byzantine general, 45

  35. GERMANY, Germans, East Franks, Germanic tribes, 24, Tacitus on, 25, their languages, 19, agriculture, 19, 1403, migrations, 212, 25, heroic poetry, 48, conversion, 183, 303

  36. GERMER, ct., 381

  37. GEROLD, ct., 319, 328, prefectus of the East Mark, 368, 3701

  38. GERONA, 351, 353

  39. GESITHS, 36

  40. GETICAE: See Goths, Jordanes

  41. GHASSANIDS, 190

  42. GIBRALTAR, 75, 76, 78, 107

  43. GILDAS, 58, 60, 261, 46970

  44. GILDS: collegia, 120, 126, 151

    1. See Empire, Byzantine

  45. GISELA, Charl.’s daughter, 3367


  47. GLAGOLITISM, 497

  48. GLASS WARE, 125, 148, 229

  49. GLASTONBURY, crosses, 235, 305

  50. GLEBE, 362


  52. GNOSTICS, 168, 192

  53. GODAS, 83

  54. GODEFRID, Scandinavian k., 475

  55. GODEFRID, k. of Denmark, 446, 462

  56. GODEFRID, du. of Alemans, 281

  57. GODFREY, ct., 389

  58. GOLD, coins, 120, 1356, 139, 140, gold using, 135, by weight, 121, 136, ingots, 132, 136

  59. GOTHIC, language, 48, 477

  60. GOTHS, Grentungi, 26, 28, 110, in south Russia, 484

  61. See Ostrogoths, Visigoths

  62. GOTTSCHALK, 51617

  63. GOURDON, 64

  64. GOZELIN, ab., 462

  65. GRADO, patriarchate, 249, 372, 374, 446, 488

    1. See Aquileia

  66. GRAFIO, graf, 62, 63, 297, as for count, 403, as for defensor ecclesiae, 508

  67. GRAMMAR, 878, 90

  68. GREECE, 169

  69. GREEK, language, 19, 48, 113, 127, 159, 170, 172, 202, 331, 418, culture, 1446, mirrors, 24, commerce, 30, conquests, 33, 45, fire, 408, learning, 111, 2078, banking, 123, tradition, 154, 187, translation into, 176, Christianity, 188, language in Carol, renaissance, 504

    1. See Alphabet

  70. GREGORY I, pope, 17783, 222, 225, 242, his correspondence, 1812, 249, 256, 257, as apocry-sarins, 101, his election, 250, his Dialogues, 51, 53, 179, Moralia, 179, Regula Pastoralis, 179, and Visigs., 1023, Lombs., 17782, 216, feeds and defends Romans, 178, his concern for Dalmatia, 491, knowledge of Dionysius the Areopagite, 515, the chant under, 518

  71. GREGORY II, pope, 288, 411

  72. GREGORY III, pope, 252, 258, 287

  73. GREGORY IV, pope, 43940, 445

  74. GREGORY, bp. of Langres, 56




  78. GREGORY OF TOURS, his life, 30, 569, 87, 102, 108, 112, 1267, 266, 509, his writings, 261, Ecclesiastical History (Historia Francorum), 567, 2612, 2989, its continuation, 262, other works, 57, his chronology, 264, on Chilperic, 2689, on the baptism of Clovis, 534

  79. GRENOBLE, 69

  80. GRIFO, 288, 2904

  81. GRIMOALD, Lomb. k., 251, 255, 348

  82. GRIMOALD, du. of Benevento, 374

  83. GRIMOALD, s. of Pepin II, mayor, 276, 2801

  84. GROMATICUS, surveyor, 10


  86. GUARRAZAR, 94

  87. GUNDACHAR, marquis, 452

  88. GUNDAHAR, 48

  89. GUNDEBERGA, Lomb. queen, 246, 250, 257

  90. GUNDEMAR, Visig. k., 103

  91. GUNDERIC, Vandal k., 76

  92. GUNDOBAD, k. of the Burgundians, 30, 31, 59, 66

  93. GUNDOBALD, 267, 269

  94. GUNDOLAND, mayor, 272

  95. GUNTHAMUND, Vandal k., 81

  96. GUNTRAM, Burgundian k., 101, 264, 266, 267, 269

  97. GUY II, du. of Spoleto, 4634, claims Carol, empire, 561, allies with papacy, 564, crowned emp., 565, death, 565

  1. HADITH, 195


  3. HADRIAN, emp. and frontiers, 5, tomb of, 47, Perpetual Edict of, 159

  4. HADRIAN I, pope, 2578, 318, 397, 450, 537, 542, his notarial practice, 3489, 385, relations with Constantinople, 349, as administrator, 34950, relations with Bavaria, 367, with Irene, 412

  5. HADRIAN II, pope, 428, 455, consecration of Constantine-Cyril, 4967

  6. HADRIAN III, pope, 463

  7. HADRIAN, ab. 226, 231, 232, 303

  8. HADUMAR, ct., 375


  10. HAINULF, ct., 276

  11. HALLSTATT CULTURE, 369, 465

  12. HALYS, 155

  13. HANIF, 195

  14. HARALD, Scandinavian k., 475

  15. HARALD FA I RH AIR, k., 476

  16. HARDRE, ct., conspiracy of, 559

  17. HARRAN, 207, 210

  18. HARUN-AR-RASHID, 2078, 375, 415


  20. HEBREW, 189, Hebrew letters, 1934

  21. HECTOR, patrician, 278


  23. HELENA, emps., 32, 217, 378, 412

  24. HELIAND, 513

  25. HELIGOLAND, 32, Bight, 356, 358

  26. HELISACHAR, chancellor, 432, 436

  27. HELLENISTIC, culture, 1446, 187, 207, 23240

  28. HELMECHIS, 249

  29. HENGEST AND HORSA, 24, 32

  30. HENOTIKON, 156, 230

  31. HENRY THE FOWLER, du. of Saxony, 568, 570

  32. HERACLEONAS, 219

  33. HERACLIUS, emp., 110, 149, 1501, 198, 199, 230, 486, 491, opposes Visigs., 103, fights Persians, 21418, relations with Lombs., 251, dynasty, 407

  34. HERCHENRAD, bp., 391

  35. HEREMOD, k., 475

  36. HERIBANNUM, 341

  37. HERISLIZ, 368

  38. HÉRISTAL, 312, 3534, 360

  39. HERITAGE, Roman or Greco-Roman, 3, 4, 86, 109, 160, 187, chap. XIII, 469

  40. HERMENEGILD, Visig. k., 1001

  41. HERMIT LIFE: See Monasticism

  42. HERTFORD, synod of, 231

  43. HERULI, 34, 41, 67, 79, 485

  44. HESSE, HESSIAN, 53, 227, conquered by Charles, 36270

  45. HESYCHASM, 230

  46. HIJAZ, 188, 193

  47. HIJRA, 196, 211

  48. ST HILARY, 60, 71

  49. HILDEBALD, archchaplain, 316, 369, 381, 401, 405

  50. HILDEGARD, queen, 326, 351, 368, dies, 362

  51. HILDERIC, Vandal k., 81, 82

  52. HILDUIN, ab. and archchaplain, 400, 438, at Saint-Denis, 533

  53. HIMERIUS, 418

  54. HIMYARITE, 190

  55. HINCMAR, archbp. of Reims, 396402, 533, his De or dine palatii, 3978, relations with Charles the Bald, 4502, 454, 456, with Gottschalk, 516, his Vita Remigii, 531, 5345, other writings, 533, materials of Vita Remigii, 5345, quotes Forged Decretals, 538, crowns Charles the Bald, 534

  56. HINDU KUSH, 124

  57. HIPPODROME, 159

  58. HIPPOLYTUS, pope, 166

  59. HIPPO REGIUS, 75, 76, 78, 858

  60. HIRA, 191, 195

  61. HISHAM I, 3534, 575

  62. HISPANAf 509, 5378




  66. HITHERIUS, notary chaplain, 345, archicapellanus, 399401

  67. HOMAGE, 556


  69. HONOR, 558


  71. HONORATUS, archbp. of Milan, 249

  72. HONORIUS, emp., 10, 28, 29, 31

  73. HONORIUS I, pope, 253, 258

  74. HORIC, s. of k. Godefrid, 475

  75. HORMISDAS, pope, 74, 177

  76. HOSPITALS, 90, 150

  77. HOUSE OF WISDOM, 208

  78. HSIUNG NU, 25


  80. HUCBERT, du. of Bavaria, 285

  81. HUESCA, 3514

  82. HUGH, s. of Charlemagne, 4345

  83. HUGH, ct. of Tours, imperialist, 388, 4367

  84. HUGH, lay ab. of Saint-Martin, 454, 462

  85. HUGH CAPET, 571

  86. HUNAUD, du. of Aquitaine, 286

  87. HUNDRED ELDER, 298, centen-arius, 390, 403

  88. HUNERIC, Vandal k., 77, 78, 801

  89. HUNGARY, 34, 77, 125, 245, 372, 452, 482, Hungarians threaten Germany, 564, 566

  90. HUNS, as steppe people, 19, 30, 56, 58, 407, 483, their empire, 22, 188, 484, their culture, 215, 336, art, 24, decline of, 34, in Balkans, 163, 215, Carol, period, 328, payments to, 120

    1. See Nomads

  91. HUPERPERON, 133, 136

  1. IBAS, bp. of Edessa, 163

  2. IBN-ISHAQ, 193


  4. ICONOCLASM, 146, 149, 2512, papal struggle with, 258, 378, Irene and, 348, influence of Arabs on, 410, struggle over, 41114, Edict of 730 on, 411, Irene and, 41213, Leo V and, 413, return to orthodoxy, 414, 416, 420, effect on empire, 421, 493, refugees from, 549

  5. ICONODULES, 41014

  6. ICONS, Syrian, 139, general use of, 410


  8. IGNATIUS, pat. of Constantinople, 4268, created hierarchy for Bulgaria, 499

  9. ILLUMINATION OF MSS., 2346, among Northumbrians and Franks, 3037, Celts, 4679, 472, Byzantines, 419, 4234, Carols., 5468, Carol, schools of illumination, Celtic, 546, Palatine or Aix, 546, Ada group, 547, school of Tours, 547, of Reims, 5478

  10. ILLUSTRIS, 62, 378, 394

  11. ILLYRICUM (the Balkans), under Romans, 7, 35, Byzantines, 151, 169, 173, raided by Vandals, 77, Slavs, 407, 487, metals in, 120, dioceses removed from papal jurisdiction, 258, 411, 491, never restored, 496

  12. IMAM, 197, 210

  13. IMMUNITY, 62, 132, 140, 296, 389, 403

  14. IMPERIAL TITLE, Carol., 372, 382, 384, 394

    1. See Empire

  15. INCENSE, 138

  16. INDA, abbey at, 432

  17. INDIA, trade with, 119, 1234, 145, Christian missions in, 155, 169, Arab relations with, 1878, 190, 205, 2089, Khazars, trade with, 489

  18. INDICTION, 13, 264

  19. INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES, 17, 19, tribes, 21, 22

  20. INDUS, 198

  21. INGLEHEIM, 31213, 368

  22. INGUNDIS, 1001

  23. INSTITUTES: See Justinian

  24. INTERSTICES, canonical, 173, 296

  25. IONA, 469, 4701

  26. IRAN, 198

  27. IRAQ, 1978, 2024, 208

  28. IRELAND, monastic life in, 183, 2256, Celtic society in, 4669, Irish tradition under Carolin-gians, 511, 513

  29. IRENAEUS, 168, 171

  30. IRENE, emps., and Charl., 347, and synod of Nicaea, 348, and Franks, 372, 37980, 387, and iconoclasm, 41213, made emps., 413

  31. IRISH: See Celtic

  32. IRMENGARD, queen, 435

  33. ISAPOSTOLIC: See Empire, Byzantine, and Empire, Roman, Western

  34. ISAURIANS, 154, 40713

  35. ISIDORE MERCATOR, 536, 538


  37. ISIDORE, of Seville, 86, 1023, 10812, 223, his De viris illustrious, 10910, Etymologies, 11012, 522, other works, 110, 207, 342, 378, on the chant, 542

  38. ISIS, 164

  39. ISLAM, 185212, 407, origin of, 18893, conquers Syria and Persia, 171, Egypt, 410, gains in Mediterranean, 417, intolerance, 207, treatment of conquered, 573, transmission of Greek, etc., learning, 20710, 504, art of, 410, in Spain, 107, 353, as junction culture, 187, in Crimea, 493

    1. See Arabs

  40. ISO OF SAINT-GALL, and canonization, 510, and the early chant, 518

  41. ISTRIA, 136, 487, under Lombards, Carols., 334, 345, Byzantines, 348, 372, Franks, 374, 444

  42. ITALY, Roman, 7, 9, 10, 12, 27, 28, under Ostrogs., 3353, 162, invaded by Franks, 67, relations with Vandals, 76, 79, under Lombs., 215, Byzantination of south, 417, Carol, kingdom of, 433, under Bernard, 4345, in dispute between rival claimants in 888, 563, Guy of Spoleto crowned emp., 565

    1. See Trade

  43. ITHIER, chancellor, 402

  44. IUGUR, 371

  45. ‛IYAD, 198



  3. JACOBUS BARADAEUS, Jacobites, 218

  4. JAHILIJAH, 192, 199

  5. JAMBRES, 424

  6. JARROW, 50, 226, 229, 237, 303‘4, 471


  8. JEREMIE, archbp., 402

  9. JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA, 107, 211

  10. JEROME, 48, 50, 126, 471, chronol. tables, 110 letters, 470

  11. JERUSALEM, 165, 1689, 196, 198, 21618, 378, pat. of, 382

  12. JEWS, 42, 95, 1035, 1067, 1267, 138, 155, 164, 216, 299, influence on Arabs, 1927, under Carolingians, 313, in Crimea, 4934, in Andalusia, 573

  13. JIHAD, 200

  14. JOHANNITIUS, Hunain bin Isha, 208

  15. JOHN I, pope, 43, 44, 177

  16. JOHN IV, pope, 4912

  17. JOHN VIII, pope, 428, 4567, 497

  18. JOHN, pat. of Grado, 373

  19. JOHN OF AMIDA, 164

  20. JOHN OF CAPPADOCIA, 159, 162


  22. JOHN THE FASTER, 182

  23. JOHN THE GRAMMARIAN, pat., 414, 421, 424

  24. JOHN, archbp. of Ravenna, 182, 492

  25. JOHN THE SCOT: See Erigena

  26. JORDANES, 22, 27, 30, 34, 41, 108, History of the Goths, Getica, 33, 472

  27. JOSEPHUS, 51, 513

  28. JOSHUA ROLL, 237, 4234

  29. JOUARRE, 69

  30. JOVINUS, 10, 53

  31. JUDAISM, 189, 190, 1947, 202

  32. JUDEX, 298

  33. JUDITH, queen, 392, married, 435, 438, seized by rebels, 438, restored, 438, sent off, 440

  34. JULIAN THE APOSTATE, emp., 91

  35. JULIUS CAESAR, 4, 25, 119, calender of, 174

  36. JULIUS NEPOS, 96

  37. JUMIÈGES, abbey, 307, 368, 506

  38. JUNDI-SHAPUR, 207, 210

  39. JUPITER AMMON, 164

  40. JUSTIN I, emp., 413, 42, 82, 1578, 177

  41. JUSTIN II, emp., 180, 213, 215

  42. JUSTINIAN I, emp., 149, 151, 15764, 182, 21316, the Responsa Prudentum, 158, his Code, 72, 159, 243, 315, Institutes, 63, Digest, 52, 63, 122, 159, 304, 554, Novels, 52, 63, 243, relations with Ostrogs., 41, 45, 47, 667, 160, 417, with Lombs., 180, Slavs, 486, Persians, 1623, Vandals, 826, 160, Visigs., 94, 98101, 105, 160, 162; Three Chapters, 1634, learning under, 207, pagans, 164

    1. See Santa Sophia

  43. JUSTINIAN II, 138, 2201, 407, 493

  44. JUTES, 32, 64

  45. JUTLAND, Germanic tribes in, 25

  1. KA‛BA, 1913, 198

  2. KAHINA, 261

  3. KALB, KALBITES, 294, 574

  4. KALENDS, 113

  5. KARLSBURG, 359

  6. KATHOLIKOS, 102, 108, 170

  7. KERCH, 26, 233

  8. KHADIJAH, 191, 196

  9. KHALID, 1979

  10. KHARIJITES, 294

  11. KHAZARS, 485, attack Slavs, 489, on the Volga, 450, trade, 489, with Byzantium, 493, relics of St Clement with, 497

  12. KHURASAN, 198, 204, 416

  13. KIEV, trade with, 419, Slavs in, 483, 489, Varangians in, 490, 493

  14. KINDA, 191

  15. KORAN: See Qur’an


  17. KRUM, Bulgar khan, 413, 498

  18. KUFA, KUFIC, 206, 211

  19. KUNIGUND, wife of Arnulf of Bavaria, 569

  20. KURA, 155

  21. KUTRIGURI, 484

  22. KUVRAT, 487

  1. LAETS, liti, 64, 363

  2. LAKE VAN, 214, 217, 239

  3. LAKMIDS, 190

  4. LAMBERT, du. of Spoleto, 563, crowned, 5656

  5. LANDRI, bp., and Saint-Denis, 532

  6. LANDRI, mayor, 270, 272

  7. LANTFRID II, du. of Bavaria, 290

  8. LAON, cathedral schools at, 507, fisc at, 321

  9. LA TÈNE CULTURE, 4656, ornament, 472

  10. LATERAN BASILICA, 174, palace, 313, 348, 3801

  11. LATIFUNDIA, 86

  12. LATIN, language, 19, 48, 61, 75, 85, 1267, 1701, 172, 185, 202, 468, at Constantinople, 146, 159, in Dalmatia, 492, tradition, 1457, 155, 173, 175, 178, 187, cross, 46, 64, 70, Christianity, 188, liturgy, 493, 496

  13. LATVIAN language, 483

  14. LAUDES REGIAE, 3834

  15. LAW, Roman, 5, 36, 126, 222, under Franks, 68, Visigs., 104, written on parchment codices, 15, legal formulae, 37, 39, 63, 86, Carol., 399, about burial, 47, land, 62, usury, 131, study of: outside arts course, 87, under Byzantines, 147, 41920, Justinian’s reforms, 15860, 164, ius vetus and vus novum, 1589, among Lombs., 255, 315, Franks, 296, 401

    1. See Empire, Roman, Theodosian Code

  16. LAWRENCE, archpriest, 1745

  17. LAY PATRONAGE, 350

  18. LAZICA, 213

  19. LEANDER, bp. of Seville, 1001, 103, 109, 179, 181, 542, his De Institutione Virginum, 109

  20. LECAPENUS, 420

  21. LECTOR, 56, 68, 183, 225, 504

  22. LEGIONARIES, 120, 124

  23. LEGIONS, 5, 8, frontier force, 9, 25 31

  24. LE KEF, 80

  25. LEO I, emp., 35, 77, 150, 152, 154

  26. LEO III, 144, 258, 40711, 491

  27. LEO IV, 347, 412, 498

  28. LEO V, 388, 413

  29. LEO VI, 41620, 428, 499

  30. LEO I, pope, 76, 91, 169, 1723, his Tome, 156, 177, on elections, 2401, on papal claims, 257

  31. LEO III, pope, 318, 329, 350, trial of, 333, contends with Arabs, 375, crowns Charles, 377, 379, his appeal for help, 3802, his trial, 3823, relations with Charles, 3857, 393, with Louis the Pious, 433

  32. LEO IV, pope, 446, Leonine city, 446

  33. LEO VI, pope, 426



  36. LEO, archbp. of Ravenna, 346

  37. LEO, spathiarius, 387

  38. LEODEGARIUS, bp. of Autun, 2789

  39. LEON, 100, 576


  41. LEONTIUS, emp., 220


  43. LEOVA I, Visig. k., 99

  44. LEOVA II, 103

  45. LEOVIGILD, Visig. k., 99100, 103, 104, 109, 110

  46. LEPTIS MAGNA, 117

  47. LÉRINS, 702, 183, 486

  48. LETHINGS, 246

  49. LEUDES, 266, 269, 2714, 290301, 554

  50. LEUDESIUS, mayor, 278


  52. LEX RIPUARIA, 401, 434

    1. See Franks

  53. LEX SAXONUM, 363

  54. LIBERAL ARTS, 33, 42, 43, 49, taught by Vandals, 868, by Ostrogs., 50, 179, 222, by Visigs., 111, by I,ombs., 251, 258, by Anglo-Saxons, 331, by Byzantines, 279, by Carolingians, 324, in Byzantine renaissance, 421, pictorial representations of, 524, the artes as sapientia, 5245, separate arts, geometry, 502, arithmetic, 513, astronomy, 502, 575, grammar, 504, rhetoric, 504, 516, dialectic, 504, Raban Maur on, 511, 521, Erigena on, 514, Alcuin on, 520

    1. See Trivium, Quadrivium


  56. LIBERIUS, senator, 45

  57. LIBERIUS, patrician, 49, 99

  58. LIBER PONTIFICALIS, 1756, 318, 344, 538


  60. LIÈGE, tomb of St Lambert, 281

  61. LIGUGÉ, 71

  62. LIMES, LIMITANEI, boundary of Roman empire, 9, 17, 169, 246, Byzantine, 149, 154, Rhine-Danube frontier, 5, 6, 19, Pyrennees, 93

  63. LINDISFARNE, 226, 331, 337, 469, 471, Gospels, 302, 304


  65. LISBON, 354

  66. LITANIES, 3834

  67. LITHUANIAN language, 483


  69. LIUDGER, bp., 318, 358, 361, 364

  70. LIUDOLF, ct., 448

  71. LIUDOLFINGS, dukes of Saxony, 5689

  72. LIUTBERG, d. of Desiderius, 3678

  73. LIUTGARD, queen, 326, 383, 404

  74. LIUTPOLD, ct. of Bavaria, 5679

  75. LIUTPRAND, Lomb. k., 247, 248, 251, 253, 255, 257, helps C Martel v. Arabs, 287

  76. LIUTWARD, arch-chancellor, 463

  77. LIVY, 378, 513

  78. LOGIC, dialectic, 87

  79. LOIRE, Visigs. on, 2, hold, 93, 967, Franks cross, 58

  80. LOMBARDS, 21415, 24559, 485, fight Gepids, 163, invade Italy, 46, 51, their king, 2456, their duchies, 2478, 251, 564, monarchy restored, 249, their relations with papacy, 252, 2924, with Gregory 1, 17782, 245, with Franks, 278, Byzantines, 219, 24752, 2558, their conversion, 2578, dress, 256, churches, 2556, grave-finds, 255, art, 2556, jewellery, 46, 254, attack by Pepin, 253, conquest by Charles, 254, 34450, 377, general oath of fidelity required, 559, southern duchies accept Byzantine protection, 417

    1. See Lethings

  81. LOMBARDY, theme of, 417

  82. LONDON, church of, 183, as a mart, 302

  83. LONGINUS, 154

  84. LORRAINE, parallel of the ‘national’ duchies, 56871

  85. LORSCH: See Annals

  86. LOTHAIR, k. of West Franks, 572

  87. LOTHAR I, Chlotacharis, s. of Clovis, 65, 67, 68, 72, 98, 127, 259, 2656, 280

  88. LOTHAR I, emp., 431, 434, 436, in Ordinatio, 434, in Italy, 435, crowned, 436, sent back to Italy, 437, rebels, 4389, claims empire, 422, partition of empire, 443, protectorate of holy see, 4456, dies, 4489, supported by Raban Maur, 510

  89. LOTHAR II, k. of Franks, 65, 66, 242, 268, 2701, recognizes status of mayors, 2724, his reform edict, 272, his capital, 280

  90. LOTHAR III, k. of Franks, 277

  91. LOTHAR II, k. of Lorraine, 448, his divorce, 44952, death, 454, 464

  92. LOTHARINGIA, Lorraine, at partition of Verdun, 444, 448, divided, 454, acknowledges Charles the Bald as emp., 457, elects Louis the Child emp. and k. of Lorraine, 563, disregards emp. Guy, merged in Germany, 565.

  93. LOTHERE, bp., 302

  94. LOUIS THE PIOUS, emp., life, 135, 319, 326, 3367, 475, 537, made k. of Aquitaine, 3524, treated as Charles’ heir, 374, 388, k. of Aquitaine, 3924, his father’s sole heir, 394, 404, 406, rule of, 43241, title of, 433, church reforms of, 431, 433, patron of Saint-Denis, 533, and scholars, 317, and Heliand, 513, and Amalaric, 514, Raban Maur, 522, marries Judith, 435, penance at Attigny, 435, endows Charles, 437, complaints of synods of 829, 437, rebellions against Louis, 43841, he is imprisoned, 440, dies, 442, k. Harald baptized at his court, 475, Frankish missions to Danes, 476, Croats independent, 488

    1. See Ordinatio of 817

  95. LOUIS II, emp., 41617, 445, in Italy, 446, crowned emp., 448, opposes Nicholas I, 451, defended by, 453, gets Bari, 455, dies, 456, his daughter, 457

  96. LOUIS THE GERMAN, s. of Louis the Pious, k. of Bavaria, 434, 43844, 4489, defends eastern frontier, 44853, meets Louis II at Tusey, 452, at war with Rastislav, 4978

  97. LOUIS II, k. of west Franks, s. of Charles the Bald, the Stammerer, 449, 459

  98. LOUIS III, s. of Louis the Stammerer, 397, 45060, 561

  99. LOUIS IV, d’Outremer, 572

  100. LOUIS V, k. of west Franks, 572

  101. LOUIS THE YOUNG, s. of Louis the German, 457, gets Lorraine, 460, 464

  102. LOUIS THE CHILD, s. of Arnulf, emp., k. of Germany, 566, defends Germany from Magyars, 567, dies, 558

  103. LOUIS, s. of Boso, k. of Provence, 4634

  104. LOUIS, ab. of Saint-Denis, 400

  105. LUCANIA, 33

  106. LÜGENFELD, 439

  107. LULL, 2289, 235

  108. LUPUS, du. of Gascony, 343

  109. LUXEUIL, 278, foundation, 469, 507, classical learning at, 507, Irish script at, 528

  110. LYAKHS, 488

  111. LYONS, 131, C. Martel holds, 2867, duchy of, 451, abbey, 506, Greek MSS. at, 513

  1. MACEDONIA, 157, 417, 486, Macedonians, 414, 41929

  2. MACROBIUS, 523, 525

  3. MADAGASCAR, 188

  4. MADAURA, 867

  5. MADELGALD, ct., 389

  6. MADRASA, 205

  7. MAELRUAINN, 470

  8. MAGHREB, MOROCCO, 135, 202, 211

  9. MAGIC, 210, 420, 422, 437, 508

  10. MAGINARD, archbp., 389

  11. MAGISTER, title, 418, Byzantine, 427

  12. MAGISTER MILITUM, 1, 8, 35, 99, for Lombs., 253

  13. MAGISTER OFFICIORUM, 33, 42, 44, 150


  15. MAGNUS, archbp., 389

  16. MAGYARS, 25, 491, 552, live as raiders in Hungary, 5668, raid Carinthia, Pannonia and all Germany, 5678

  17. MAIN, and early Franks, 26, 30, 55, 65, 67, and duchy of Franconia, 569

  18. MAINZ, 30, 52, 227, retaken from Slavs, 275, archbishopric, 289, palace, 312, bridge at, 319

  19. MAIORDOMUS, 287, 300

  20. MAJLIS, 191

  21. MAJORCA, 376

  22. MAJORIAN, emp., 77

  23. MALAGA, 99, Moorish, 574

  24. MALLUS, 63, 68, law at, 296300, chancellor at, 401

  25. MALTA, Saracens take, 416

  26. MA’MUN, 2078, 415, 425

  27. MANCUS, 1357

  28. MANDATUM, 503


  30. MANICHAEISM, 88, 425

  31. MANOR, 556

  32. MANSAE, 341, among Saxons, 362, Franks, 390


  34. MANSUR, 198, 204, 205, 2078

  35. MANTUA, Lomb., 246, 250

  36. MARABOTIUS, 137

  37. MARCOMANNI, 485

  38. MARCULF, 1278

  39. ST MARK: church at Aquileia and Venice, 333

  40. MARINUS I, pope, 463

  41. MARK OF FRIULI, 371

  42. MARMOUTIER, 71

  43. MARQUIS (Marchtoms), 353, 445

  44. MARSEILLES, 93, 117, Merov., 1267, 138, 262, 266, 267, retaken from Saracens, 287, Carol., 313, 419

    1. See Councils

  45. MARSHAL, 62, 254

  46. MARTIANUS CAPELLA, 867, De muptiis philologiae et Mercurii, 867, 524

  47. ST MARTIN, 56, 60, 6971, his capa, 71, 399, dedications, 47, 112, miracles of, 261, monastic life at Tours, 290, Alcuin at, 332, abbey of, 400, 402, lay abbot of, 571

  48. MARTIN I, pope, 515

  49. MARTIN OF BRAGA, 109, 11214, his Formula Vitae Honestis, 112, De correctione Rusticorum, 113

  50. MARTINA, 21819

  51. MARTYRIA, 69, 508


  53. MASLAMAH, 408

  54. MAST-CHURCHES, 479

  55. MATFRID, ct., imperialist, 4367, 570

  56. MATFRID, rebel count in Lorraine, 570

  57. MATHEMATICS: Islamic, 20810, 420

  58. MATSUENTHA, 45

  59. MAURETANIA, Moors, 76, 7882, 856, 95, 106

  60. MAURICE I, emp., 102, 17980, 21316, 218, 250, 257

  61. MAURICE II, doge, 373

  62. MAURONT, du., 2867

  63. MAURUS, Benedictine monk, 52

  64. MAURUS, archbp. of Ravenna, 182

  65. MAWALI, 199, 203

  66. MAXIMIAN, emp., 30, 52

  67. MAXIMUS, emp., 9, 30


  69. MAYOR OF THE PALACE, rise of, 259, 269, status recognized, 272, 300, mayoralty suppressed in Burgundy, 273, independent mayors after, 639, 275, especially in Austrasia, 276, 295, also in Neustria, 277, struggle between the palaces, 27782, fall of Neustrian palace, 280, Carloman mayor of Neustria, Pepin III mayor of Austrasia, 288, mayor eclipses king, 301

  70. MAZDAITES, 170

  71. MECCA, 188, 1918, 200, 203, 205, 211, 218, 575

  72. MEDICINE, 87, III, in Spain, 575

  73. MEDINA, 1923, 1969, 202, 211, 218

  74. MEDINA SIDONIA, 100, 107

  75. MEDITERRANEAN, 5, 28, 40, 92, 160, Arab held, 185, monasticism round, 702, under Vandal fleet, 75, trade, 117, 1269, 13446, 180, agriculture, 1413, art-forms, 256

  76. MEERSEN, partition of, 454

  77. MEGINARIUS, 352

  78. MEGINBOTUS, 228, 237

  79. MEGINFRID, arcarius, 328

  80. MERCURY, 75, 867, 113

  81. MERIDA, 98, 102, 107, 108

  82. MEROVECH, 58, royal house of, 91

  83. MEROVECH, s. of Chilperic, 267

  84. MEROVECH, s. of Lothar II, 270

  85. MEROVECH, s. of Thierry, 271

  86. MEROVINGIAN: See Franks

  87. MESEMBRIA, 413

  88. MESOPOTAMIA, 29, 155, 161, 18990, 218, 272, 423


  90. METHODIUS, pat., 414, 4256

  91. METHODIUS, br. of Cyril, 4556, 463, 488, at Salonika, 493, in Moravia, 4978, his pupils in Bohemia, 4989

  92. METROPOLITAN, office of, 165, supervises elections, 2412, in England, 181, Lomb., 2512

  93. METZ, Franks attack, 53, 65, 66, in Austrasia, 267, 274, cathedral schools at, 507, synod of 862, 451

  94. MEUSE, basin, 297, metal workers in, 313

  95. MICHAEL I, emp., 3878, 426

  96. MICHAEL II, 414424

  97. MICHAEL III, 41416, 421, 427, 429, 454, murdered, 428


  99. MIDRASH, 196

  100. MIHRAB, 2056

  101. MILAN, under Romans, edict of, 164, 173, 238, under Ostrogs., 36, 40, 42, Gothic MSS. at, 507, under Lombs., 17982, 249, 254

  102. MINARET, 197, 205

  103. MINDEN, see founded, 364

  104. MINEANS, 189

  105. MINERVA, 11314

  106. MINES, 120

  107. MINSTERS, double, 277, 470

  108. MINTS, Roman, 120, in Gaul, 1312, Lomb., 347, Frankish, 1312, 313, 393

  109. MIR, k. of Sueves, 1001, 112

  110. MISSI, 352, Carol., 38991, 393, 3956, 401, 430, 433, 453, to administer oath of fidelity, 559

  111. MOESIA, 457, 4867

  112. MOIMIR, du. of Moravia, 448

  113. MONASTICISM: Egyptian, 49, 70, 305, 468, 505, eremitical, 51, 71, Augustinian, 72, Ostrog., 33, 4850, Frankish, 704, 3078, Celtic, 70, 366, 46972, Byzantine, 148, for women, 734, Frankish, 277, ‘false’ monasteries, 289, lay abbots, 437, Columban-Benedictine, 532

    1. See Balthilde, Benedict of Nursia, of Aniane

  114. MONDSEE, 3667, 369

  115. MONEY OF ACCOUNT, 1378

  116. MONGOL TRIBES, 17, 19, 21, 245, 369, of China, 22, as kite-flyers, 25

  117. MONICA, 878

  118. MONK OF SAINT-GALL, 31819, 369

  119. MONKWEARMOUTH: See Jarrow

  120. MONOPHYSITES, MONOPHYSITISM, 146, 1556, 163, 171, 173, 177, 208, 218, influences Arabs, 190, in Egypt, 199

  121. MONOTHELITISM, 202, 218, 230, 231, 251, 258

  122. MONTE CASSINO: See Benedict of Nursia, and for Carol, period, 328, 527

  123. MONTMARTRE, 273

  124. MONZA, demesne at, 254, church at, 256, 535

  125. MOORS: See Mauretania, and in Carol, period, 314

  126. MORAVIA, missions to, 425, 455, 488, under Louis the German, 448, 452, Carloman, 456, raids Frankish frontier, 463, Byzantine influence in, 4913, threatens Arnulf, 564, overrun by Magyars, 567

  127. MOSAICS, 47, 94, 237

  128. MOSELLE, river, Sala, 31, 53, 125, 248

  129. MOSQUE, 198, 199, 205, 206

  130. MOSUL, 217, Arabs of, 408

  131. MOULD-BOARD, 143

  132. MOUNT ATHOS, 230

  133. MOUZON, 225

  134. MOZARABS, 573

  135. MU‘AWIYA, 198, 200, 2034, 211, 219

  136. MUHAMMAD, 18597, 218, his followers, 314

    1. See Arabs, Islam

  137. MULINHEIM, 318

  138. MUMMOLUS, 267

  139. MUND, Lomb., 254, Frankish man-dium, 554

  140. MÜNSTER, 318, 364

  141. MURBACH, 331

  142. MUSA, 1067

  143. MUSIC, 878, Greek music, 109, Syrian, 145

  144. MUSLIMS, MUSSULMANS, 94, 1067, 134, 138, 161, 171, 185, 188, 1956, 20118, 351, in Spain, 105, 314, fleet, 200, art, 2056, attack Aquitaine, 282, 2858, Italy, 457

    1. See Arabs

  145. MUTAWAKKIL, 494

  146. MUTILATION, 145

  1. NABATAEANS, 18990

  2. NANTECHILDE, 2756

  3. NAPLES, 38, 45, 52, 126, 134, 137, Lomb., 180, 250, 253

  4. NARBONNE, 28, 40, 66, 93, 98, 106, 126, 134, 2867, regained from Saracens, 294, 3535, Theodulf at, 335

  5. NARSES, 45, 46, 48, 67, 159, 162, 245

  6. NARTHEX, 47, 69

  7. NAT ALICIA, 263


  9. NAVARRE, 99, 351, 354


  11. NENNIUS, 264

  12. NEOPLATONISM, 88, 164, 210, 230, in Byzantine renaissance, 421, 472, in Carol, renaissance, 515

  13. NESTORIANS, 1556, 163, 171, 177, influence Arabs, 190, 207, 208

  14. NEUMS, 542

  15. NEUSTRIA, 259, 261, 266, demesne at Vitry, 268, at Chelles, 268, under Lothar II, 2701, his weakness, 273, Neustrian mayor, 273, 274, notarial practice, 399, Danes ravage, 454

  16. NIBELUNGS, 30

  17. NICAEA: See Councils

  18. NICEPHORAS, logothete, 3856, emp., 3878, 413, attacks Bulgars, 498


  20. NICETAS, 373

  21. NICHOLAS I, pope, and Photius, 427, 497, and Boris, 498, and Theutberga, 4503, 456, and Hincmar, 534

  22. NICHOLAS MYSTICUS, pat., 420, 426, 428, 493

  23. NICOMEDIA, 6

  24. NIKA RIOTS, 82

  25. NILE, 155, 199

  26. NÎMES, 106, 294

  27. NISH, 495

  28. NISIBIS, 48, 50, 207

  29. NITHARD, 329


  31. NOIRMOUTIER, 443, and Danes, 449, 454

  32. NOMADS, as horsemen, 8, 21, 76, 483, 552, mounted archers, 81, language, 19, culture, 22, Arab nomads, 187, 189, 1901, Cimmerian, 483, Iranian, 485

    1. See Huns

  33. NOMINOË OF BRITTANY, 442, 4467

  34. NOMISMA, 133, 148

  35. NONIUS MARCELLUS, in, 470

  36. NORBERT, mayor, 280

  37. NORDALBINGIANS, 356, 365

  38. NORDGAU, Franks take from duchy of Bavaria, 288

  39. NORICUM, 2, 34, 67

  40. NORTHMEN, 3756, 406, 4434, 552, raids in time of Lothar I, 4467, 449, Charles the Bald, 4524, Charles the Fat, 4602, raid Aix-la-Chapelle, 564

  41. NORTHUMBRIAN RENAISSANCE, 2345, 289, 3026, parallel in Dalmatia, 493

    1. See Bede

  42. NORWEGIANS, NORSE, 472, 474, colonize Scotland, 475

  43. NOTARIES, 3, 4, 15, 348, 613, 72, 86, 1348, notariat, 39, 65, 296, schola of, at Rome, 343, 381, regionary, 178, used at elections, 183, chapters, 320, Lomb., 2535, Frankish, 299, Carol., 402, notaries of officials, 298, 331, of palace court, 391, 396402

  44. NOTITIA DIGNITATUM, 9, 31, 37, 151

  45. NOTKER BALBULUS, 319, and the sequence, 51718, his Liber Hymnorum, 518

  46. NOVELS, 52

  47. NOYON, 65, 322

  48. NUMIDIA, 847

  49. NUNNERY: See Monasticism

  50. NUTCELLING, minster, 2278

  51. NYMWEGEN, 3123, assembly of, 438

  1. OBLATES, 505, 510, 511

  2. OBODRITES, 448, 452, 485, 564

  3. ODER, 274

  4. ODILO, du. of Bavaria, 285, 2889, 366

  5. ODO, ct. of Paris, 462, s. of Robert the Strong, 561, claims royal title, 4634, elected k. of west Franks, 561, 571, his portable altar, 548

  6. ODOVACAR, Scyrrian k., 1, 8, 27, 303, 35, 36, 43, 96, 1723, 242

  7. OECUMENICAL: Councils, 166, bishop, 182

  8. OFFA, k., 133, 371

  9. OFFICIA, 300

  10. OGHAM WRITING, 4778

  11. OHTHERE, k., 475

  12. OISCINGAS, 48

  13. OISSEL, fortification, 449, 453

  14. OLD PRUSSIAN, 483

  15. OLEG, s. of Rurik, 490

  16. OLYMPIC GODS, 11314

  17. OMURTAG, Bulgarian khan, 498

  18. OPPAS, bp., 107


  20. OPUS DEI, monastic hours, 52, 540

  21. ORAL, literature and learning, Arabic, 187, 193, Anglo-Saxon, 261, Scandinavian, 313, procedure in court, 298, Celtic, 464, 467, 469, 470

  22. ORATORY, 69, 71, 127

  23. ORDEAL, as judgment of God, 391

  24. ORDINATIO OF 806, 392

  25. ORDINATIO OF 817, 4346, 4389

  26. ORDO: See Empire, Roman, Municipal senate

  27. ORESTES, patrician, 12, 8

  28. ORIGEN, 145, 467

  29. ORLEANS, under Franks, 58, 65, 127, as a capital, 300, 323, Carol., 389, Danes raid, 449, cathedral schools at, 507


  31. ORNAMENTS, gold and silver, 11921, 134, 139, 148, 256, melted down, 1356

  32. ORONTES, 143

  33. OSEBERG, 480

  34. OSTIA, 76, 117

  35. OST MARK, 371

  36. OSTROGOTHS, in south Russia and Crimea, 26, Balkans, 23, in Italy, 11, 3253, 61, 66, their art, 468, buildings, 478, law, 63, reconquered by Byzantines, 162, relations with Lombs., 245, 247

    1. See Arianism

  37. ST OSWALD, 263

  38. OSWY, k., 231

  39. OTFRID, 513


  41. OTRANTO, 126

  42. OTTO THE GREAT, 571

  43. OTTO, mayor, 276

  44. OTTO, Liudolfing, gains Thuringia for Saxons, 569


  46. ST OUEN: See Dado

  47. OVID, in Carol, renaissance, 502

  48. OVIEDO, 576

  49. OXUS, 124, 199

  1. PACHOMIUS, 471, 505

  2. PADERBORN, 351, 359, 360, 363, see founded, 364, Chad, at, 381

  3. PADUA, 246, Lomb., 250

  4. PAGANS, pagan rites, 91, 106, 11214, 164, among Saxons, 362, 443, Avars, 370, in England, 183, in Carol, period, 5078, pagan figures in art, 550

  5. PAGUS, 53, 62, 68, 2978, 403, pagenses, 453

  6. PALACE, PALATINI, 9, 311, Theo-doric’s, 33, 47, 256, Vandal, 84, Byzantine, 1502, guard, 151, 162, Merov., 131, 26971, Arabian, 198, 2045, Lomb., 254, 256, recognition of the three Merov. palaces, 272, 395, as ruling, 301, Charl.’s, 317, 321, 3223, 3367, 364, 395, his notaries, 390, revenue controlled by palace, 395, palace described by Hincmar, 3968, its six bureaux, 397, as ‘sacred’, 397, Louis the Pious’ palace chapel, 432, reform of, 433, palaces after Verdun, 445, palace and benefices, 556

  7. PALAEOLOGI, 149

  8. PALERMO, Saracen, 572

  9. PALESTINE, 155, 1979, 201, 211

  10. PALIMPSESTS, 507

  11. PALLIUM, 72, 182, 331, 381

  12. PALMYRA, 124, 157, 190

  13. PAMPELUNA, 351, 436

  14. PANNONIA, under Romans, 7, 34, 71, 112, 125, under Lombs., 245, under Carloman, 449, 457, Slavs in, 486, 488, overrun by Magyars, 567

  15. PAPA, 257

  16. PAPACY, apostolic see, 39, 168, 350, papal familia, 350, curia, 1789, 222, scrinium, 229, 350, its dating, 258, papal vicar, 72, patrimony, 181, 345, 347, 380, 436, the Roman patriarchate, 169, 171, 183, 185, patriarch of west, 421, as controlled by Franks, 436, papal relations with Constantinople, 218, 220, Lombs., 249, 257, Boniface, 226, 289, Pepin, 2914, Carol, protectorate of, 3878, oath of loyalty to emp., 350, Nicholas I reasserts papal supremacy, 452, papal rights over metropolitan, 457

    1. See Donation, Primacy, Scrinium, Charlemagne

  17. PAPER, first used, 208

  18. PAPYRUS, 15, 34, 37, 61, 62, 103, 1213, 126, 128, 167, 178, 303, cessation of supplies, 1378, limited supply of, 313, gives way to vellum, 319, 378, 399, in Ireland, 468, 527, results in Carol, scripts, 5268

  19. PARADOSIS: tradition, 155, 1679, 1712

  20. PARCHMENT, for writing, 1378

  21. PARIS, taken by Franks, 58, as capital, 65, 66, 69, 259, 2656, city divided, 266, Neustrian capital, 2668, 280, Carol, capital, 389, Carol, abbeys round, 506, city raided, 449, besieged by Danes, 462, defended by counts Robert and Odo, 561

  22. PAROCHIA, bishop’s see, 68, rural parish, 89, 366, 369, 371

    1. See Diocese

  23. PARTHIA, 123, 190


  25. PASCAL I, pope, 4334, 436

  26. PASCHAL CYCLE, 1745, 523, 19 and 84 years’ cycles, 175, 264, Dionysian cycle, 264, 521

  27. PASCHASIUS RADBERT, 318, his Epitaph for Arsenius, 437, at Corbie, 507

  28. PASSAU, see founded, 289, Carol., 324, 366, 3712, 448

  29. PATER: See Abbot

  30. PATRIARCHATES, 108, 156, nature of, 1645, 169, 171, papal Primacy over, 292, Antioch regained by Byzantines, 429

  31. PATRICIAN, holders of title, 1, 2, 34, 35, 42, office, Lomb., 250, Patrician of the Romans, 253, 292, 322, 344, 349, 383

  32. PATRICIATE, 380, 393

  33. ST PATRICK, 71, 468, 470, 472, 537

  34. PATRIMONY: See Papacy

  35. PATRONAGE, patrocinium, 140, 5534, 557, of churches, 360

  36. PAUL I, pope, 253, 343

  37. PAUL THE DEACON, 2479, 256, 320, 328, 332, his works, 2478, 326

  38. PAUL, prefect, 373

  39. PAUL, primicery, 381

  40. PAUL, Visig. du., 106

  41. PAULICIANS, 416

  42. PAULINUS OF AQUILEIA, 320, 331, 3335, his synods, 3345, hymns, 346, his missions to Slavs and Avars, 371

  43. PAULUS OF AEG INA, 207

  44. PAVIA, 43, 120, Lomb., 180, 246, 248, 252, 2545, 293, 331, her church under Aquileia, 333, Lomb. capital, 344, 366

  45. PELAGIAN HERESY, 31, 173

  46. PELAGIUS I, pope, 163

  47. PELAGIUS II, pope, 1789, 182

  48. PELAYO, 576

  49. PELOPONNESE, MOREA, 149, 417, 487

  50. PELUSIUM, 199

  51. PENDA, 305

  52. PENTAPOLIS, the, 258

  53. PEPIN I (of Landen), mayor, 262, 271, 274, 276

  54. PEPIN II, mayor, 260, 27082

  55. PEPIN III, the Short, 227, mayor, 260, 28891, 303, 376, 537, and Stephen III, 2523, 258, 322, 412, life of, 319, notarial practice, 394, reforms Frankish church, 296, 555, fights Saracens, 287, 2945, Bavarians, 290, 366, sole ruler, 290, takes royal title, 2913, 302, his army, 339, Italian wars, 2934, relations with Byzantium, 2934, with Mansur, 294, dies, 302

    1. See Boniface, Donation

  56. PEPIN, s. of Charles the Great, 326, 328, 332, 347, 368, 370, 3736, k. of Italy, 387, 3923, 404

  57. PEPIN I, k. of Aquitaine, 434, rebels, 43840

  58. PEPIN II, k. of Aquitaine, 4423, recognized by Lothar I, 447, allies with Louis the German, 44950

  59. PEPPER, 138

  60. PERCTARIT, Lomb. k., 247, 251

  61. PERSIA, PERSIAN, language, 19, early missions in, 108, 166, 169, 171, 238, schools, 164, church, 1701, learning, 205, art-forms, 24, 236, 410, precious ornaments, 119, fire worship, 217, Nestorianism, 155, trade, 24, 124, 126, 145, 148, relations with Justinian, 82, 213, Byzantines, 15864, 21618, 230, 251, with Arabs, 18792, 198, 2005, 21618

  62. PERSIAN GULF, 198

  63. PERUGIA, 250

  64. ST PETER, church of, 168, 1712, 349, 386, 446, mosaic of 380, 382

  65. PETER, Ex-Consul, 45

  66. PETER OF PISA, 324, 9, 331

  67. PETRA, 162, 189

  68. PHANDELAS, 219

  69. PHEIDIAS, 236


  71. PHILOSOPHY, in Byzantine renaissance, 421

  72. PHOENICIANS, 189

  73. PHOENIX, 200

  74. PHOKAS, emp., 216, 486

  75. PHOTIUS, patriarch, 420, scholarship of, 421, 4258, his Myriobiblion, 425, patron of Cyril and Methodius, 493, sends mission to Khazars, 493, to Rastislav, 4967, welcomes Boris’s conversion, 498, Photian schism, 4267, the monk Ratramnus on, 507

  76. PICTS, 31, 32

  77. PILGRIMS, 134

  78. PINCERNA, 62, 84, 299, Carol., 332, 3967

  79. PIRENNE, Henri, 11718, 1267, 129, 1312, 134

  80. PIRNIN, Celtic abbot, 506

  81. PITRES, assembly and edict of 864, 4534

  82. PIUS II, pope, 175

  83. PLACID, Benedictine monk, 52

  84. PLACITUM, 391

  85. PLAGUE OF 590, 1779

  86. PLATO, philosophy of, 230, in Byzantine renaissance, 421, in Carol, renaissance, 524, Dialogues, 164

  87. PLECTRUDE, 2814

  88. PLINY THE ELDER, 111, 331, 525


  90. PLISKA, 498

  91. PLOTINUS, 230

  92. PLOUGH, 1403, 249, oxen, 364 See Aratrum, Carruca

  93. PO, mouth of, 246, valley, 249

  94. POITIERS, 32, 60, 69, 97, Arabs reach, 286, country round, 306

  95. POLA, 373

  96. POLAND, POLES, 135, 482, 488, 499

  97. POLEMIUS, 113

  98. POLYCARP, 168

  99. POLYANIANS, 488

  100. POLYCLEITUS, 236


  102. PONTHION, villa, 2912, 322, 457

  103. PONTIFEX MAXIMUS, 108, 265

  104. POPULONIA, 373


  106. PORTICUS, 47, 69

  107. PORTO, 101

  108. PORTUGAL: See Asturias, Galicia

  109. POSSESSOR, among Visigs., 96

  110. POSSIDIUS, 889

  111. POTTERY, Roman, 1245

  112. PRAEDIA, 64


  114. PRAEPOSITUS, provost, 254, metal-lorum, 120

  115. PRAESES, 298

  116. PRAETORIAN PREFECTURES, 6, 75, 93, 297, Oriens, 151, 161, Illyricum, 151, prefects of, 7, 33, 38, 445, 86, 125, 179, 242

  117. PRECARIUM, PRECARIA, 287, 290, 295, 5545

  118. PREFECT OF THE CITY (ROME), 42, Constantinople, 148, 151

  119. PREFECT, Carol., 3245, 327

  120. PRESLAV, 498

  121. PRIEST, grade of, 183

  122. PRIMACY, of Peter’s see, 16073, 182, 228, 292, Petrine sees, 257

  123. PRIMARY CHRONICLE, 482, 488

  124. PRIMICERIUS, of notaries, 38, of lectors, 225, Carol., 400

  125. PRIPET MARSHES, 26, 489, Slavs reach, 4834


  127. PRISCUS, 24, 121

  128. PRIVILEGE, 62

  129. PRIWINA, 448

  130. PROCHIRON, 419

  131. PROCLUS, the Neoplatonist, 230, 515

  132. PROCOPIUS, 7880, 83, 84, 484, Book about the Wars, 82, 157, De aedificiis, 157, 1601, Secret History, 157

  133. PROCURATOR, 84

  134. PRODULF, 273

  135. ST PROKOP’S ABBEY, 499

  136. PROSPER OF AQUITAINE, 264, 265

  137. PROSTRATION, 145

  138. PROTOASECRETIS, 418, 426

  139. PROVENCE, 67, 125, 457, 562

  140. PROVINCES, Roman, 4, 7, Byzantine, 151


  142. PRUDHOMMES, 298

  143. PRÜM, abbey, 506

  144. PSEUDO-ISIDORIAN DECRETALS, brought to Rome, 452, factors which produced them, 5305, atelier which prepared them, 535, church reform frustrated, 536, Pseudo-Isidorian canons composed, 536, the possible authors, 538, place of collection, 538

  145. See False Capitularies

  146. PSEUDO-NONNUS, 424

  147. PTOLEMAIC UNIVERSE, 207, 210, 502, 525, 575


  149. PYRENEES, Visig., 30, 259, Basques on, 95, 103, 274, Arabs advance beyond, 2868

  1. QADISYA, 198

  2. QAIRAWAN, 197, 201, 205, 211, 418


  4. QUADI, 485

  5. QUADRIVIUM, at Byzantium, 22930, 502, 504, as distinguished by Raban Maur, 511, other works on, 5235

  6. QUAESTOR, 33, 39, 44, 151

  7. QUAIS, 574

  8. QUEEN, Carol., position of, 396

  9. QUENTOVIC, 432, 443

  10. QUIERZY, capit. of 877, 558, villa of, 252, 270, 293, 322, 345, 367, 386

  11. QURAISH, 1913, 1967

  12. QUR’AN, 187, 189, 1916, 202

  1. RABAN MAUR, ab., supports Louis the Pious, 440, and Lothar I, 442, his De Institutione clericorum, 521, his De computo, 521, De universo, 5213, his learning, 51012, his pupils, 51112, 516

  2. RABBIS. 1946


  4. RACHAT (bot), 2989


  6. RADBOD, Frisian prince, 2812

  7. RADEGUNDE, 71, 74, 225

  8. RADELCHIS, 446

  9. RADO, notary, 402

  10. RADULF, du., 276

  11. RAGNACHAR, 58

  12. RAGUSA: See Dubrovnik

  13. RAMADAN, 197

  14. RAOUL, du. of Burgundy, 572

  15. RASTISLAV, du., 448, 455, 495, receives the Photian mission, 496

  16. RATCHIS, Lomb. k., 247, 249, 252

  17. RATRAMNUS OF CORBIE, 507, 516

  18. RAUCHING, 269

  19. RAVENNA, city of, 2, 10, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 359, 41, 42, 458, 72, 76, 161, 17882, 234, under Lombs., 246, 251, 256, under Carols., 457

  20. RECARED I, Visig. k., 1003, 109, 110, 181, 268

  21. RECARED II, 104

  22. RECESWINTH, Visig. k., 1045, his Forum Judicum, 105, Novels, 105

  23. RECONQUISTA, 576

  24. RECULVER, 305

  25. RED SEA, 123, 189, 199, 218

  26. REEVE, 297

  27. REFERENDARY, 39, 62, 252, 254, 278, late Merov., 3989

  28. REFUGEES, from Arabs, 231, 247, 256, from Spain, 352

  29. REGENSBURG, RATISBON, see founded, 289, on Bavarian frontier, 366, capital, 367, 370, 454

  30. REGINO, ab. of Prüm, 560

  31. REICHENAU, annals of, 263, learning at, 506, Irish tradition at, 503, 511

  32. REIMS, 58, 65, 66, 2669, 276, as a capital, 300, cathedral school at, 507, position under Hincmar, 5345, opposition to du. Rollo, 572


  34. REMIGIUS, bp. of Reims, 59, 276, 225, 386

  35. RENEGADOS, 5734

  36. RENIER OF THE LONG NECK, 563, 570

  37. RHAETIA, 9, 25, 67, 142, given to Charles the Bald, 437

  38. RHETORIC, 878, 222, 229

  39. RHETORS, 11, 37, 51, 66, 85, 868, 167, 2223, 468

  40. RHINE, as frontier, 5, 10, 17, 25, 26, 30, 125, crossed by invaders, 523, early Frankish lands, 65, 66, 70, 297, trade on, 140, missions beyond, 183

  41. RHODES, 200, 219

  42. RHONE, river, 7, valley of, 27, 72, 1257, knowledge of Greek in, 225, Visig. frontier, 96

  43. RICHARIUS, Frankish missionary, 303

  44. RICHER, bp. of Passau, 567

  45. RICIMER, the patrician, 30, 40

  46. RICIMER, Visig. k., 104

  47. RICULF, 367

  48. RIDDA, 197

  49. RIGA, Gulf of, 489

  50. RIGOBERT, bp. of Reims, 287

  51. RIGONTHA, 268


  53. RIPUARIAN: See Franks

  54. ROBERT THE STRONG, ct. of Paris, 454, 561


  56. RODERICK, Visig. k., 96, 1067, 572

  57. ROHTAD, bp., 452

  58. ROHTRUD, d. of Charles, 3478, 404

  59. ROLAND, ct., 3278, 352, chanson de, 136, 352

  60. ROLLO, du. of Normandy, 5712

  61. ROLLS, rotuli, 423

  62. ROMANUS, exarch, 180

  63. ROME, City of, 27, 36, 45, 47, 50, 52, 144, 169, 182, 346, port of, 38, seven deaconries of, 181, schools, 88, feeding of, 121, 181, early church in, 172, Lombs. attack, 246, 247, New Rome, 1445, 16970, 173, in Carol, empire, 393, 419, Saracens raid, 446 See Papacy, Schools

  64. ROME, See of, 3, 42, 164, list of bishops of, 264, church of St Peter, 175, 293, 308, 346, 534, under Lombs., 250

    1. See Papacy

  65. ROMULUS AUGUSTULUS, last western emperor, 1, deposed, 29, 96

  66. RONCESVALLES, 316, 327, 3512, 360, 436

  67. ROSAMUND, Lomb. queen, 249

  68. ROSSANO CODEX, 237

  69. ROTFELD, 439

  70. ROTHARI, Lomb. k., 250, his code (Edict), 250, 2545, 274

  71. ROUEN, taken by Franks, 58, Franks in, 70, in Neustria, 267, 270, sacked by northmen, 443

  72. ROUMANIA, 170

  73. ROYAL ANNALS, 382, 384, 435

  74. RUA, 121

  75. RUDOLF I OF BURGUNDY, 464 See Burgundy

  76. RUFINUS, 48

  77. RUGII, 1, 3, 32, 35, 485

  78. RULE, regula: See Augustine, Benedict

  79. RUMANIA, runes in, 477

  80. RUNIC: See Alphabet

  81. RURIK, leader of the northmen, 446, 448, du. of Frisia, 454, leads the ‘Rhos’ to Novgorod, 489

  82. RUS, RUOTSI, RHOS, 490, 494

  83. RUS: territorium, 69

  84. RUSSIA, Goths in south, 7, 40, trade with, 125, 136, 139, 145, 148, 419, Arabs trade with Khazars, 489, Swedes raid in north, 474, Rhos trade with Byzantium, 490, ornament in south Russia, 78, 94, language, 19, alphabet, 497, gold currency, 135, conversion, 188, 407

    1. See Slavs

  85. RUSTAM, 198

  86. RUTHWELL CROSS, 235, 3045

  1. SABAEANS, 189

  2. SACELLARIUS, 151, Carol., 396

  3. SACERDOS, 114

  4. SA’D, 198

  5. SAHARA, desert, 17, 75, 188, 201

  6. SAINTES, 295

  7. SAINTS’ LIVES, 1767

  8. SAINT-BAVON, 317

  9. SAINT-BERTIN, abbey, 507

  10. SAINT-DENIS, royal abbey, 223, 252, 275, 278, 292, 336, 346, history written at, 265, endowed by Balthilde, 277, life as canons at, 290, notarial practice at, 292, 400, forged papyri at, 5312, Pepin educated at, 297, dies at, 302, fair at, 302, treasure at, 548, aula near, 312, anointing in, 322, Hincmar at, 397, Danes plunder, 454, supports Louis the Young, 459, the Areopagite known at, 515

  11. SAINT-GALL, learning at, 506, 524, preservation of classical MSS. at, 529, the chant at, 51719

  12. SAINT-GERMAIN DES PRÉS, 273, demesnes of, 301, under Hilduin, 400, supports Louis the Young, 459, attacked by Danes, 462

  13. SAINT-MÉDARD, 68, basilica, 268

  14. SAINT-RIQUIER, and Balthilde, 277, plan of abbey, 3078, 545, Angilbert at, 329, learning at, 506

  15. SAINT-SERNIN, 69

  16. SAINT-SERVAIS, 318

  17. SAINT-VAAST, 506

  18. SAINT-VINCENT, 278


  20. SAIONES, 36, 97, 403

  21. SALERNO, duchy, 446, 450, 455, school of medicine at, 575

  22. SALIAN: See Franks

  23. SALIC LAW, 53, 63, 433

  24. SALLUST, 57, 513

  25. SALOMON, bp., 510

  26. SALONA, 492

  27. SALONIKA, 35, 148, 219, Arabs plunder, 417, trade at, 419, 493, schools at, 425, Slavs in, 4867, Bulgars threaten, 498

  28. SALZBURG, see founded, 281, 289, 335, 366, missions from, 490, jurisdiction of, 493

  29. SAMIAN WARE, 1245

  30. SAMO, Wendish leader in Bohemia, 275, 487, 494

  31. SANCTUARY, 68, 269

  32. SANTA SOPHIA, 158, 161, 382, 386, 427, 428

  33. SAÔNE, 2, Merov., 271

  34. SAPIENS, as title, 470, 521

  35. SAPIENTIA, among Franks, 303

  36. SARAGOSSA, 98, 204, 3501, 574

  37. SARBEL, 489

  38. SARDICA, 408

  39. SARDINIA, under Romans, 75, raided by Vandals, 37, 76, 81, 83, 85, held by Saracens, 3746

  40. SARMATIANS, 484, 486

  41. SASSANIDS, 135, 152, 155, 160, 162, 170, 185, 190, 203, 204, 207, 217, 236, 256

  42. SAVARY, bp. of Auxerre, 282

  43. SAVOY, settled by Burgundians, 30

  44. SAXONS, 67, 246, settlements in Francia, 265, 273, defend Germany from Slavs, 275, and Radbod, 281, fight Charles Martel, 285, fight Pepin, 28890, 295, influence on Scandinavians, 315, Anglo-Saxon missions to, 303, 331, culture of, 358, society, 3634, conquest of by Charl., 35065, baptism of, 3602, tithe levied from, 328, 362, Capitulatio of 792, 361, 365, Capitulate of 797, 365, deportations of Saxons, 365

  45. SAXONY, National duchy, 5689

  46. SCANDINAVIANS, early tribes, 25, 67, 125, 47281, grave goods, 46, culture, 315, early coins, 135, trade, 136, conversion, 188, raids, 432, 447

  47. SCAPOARDUS, 396, 398

  48. SCARA, 342

  49. SCEATTAS, 133

  50. SCHELDT, Franks round mouth, 31, 66, 297, land ravaged by Danes, 449

  51. SCHISM, papal, 1756, Roman and Byzantine, 177


  53. SCHOLASTICUS: See Schools

  54. SCHOOLS, scholae in empire, 10, 2223, patriarchal, 156, 230, 411, at Nisibus, 48, 50, Rome, 51, 178; Alexandria, 51, Rhone valley, 66, Athens, 164, bishops’ schools, 2235, 502, 505, monastic schools, Boniface’s, 288, Carol., 50410, the scholasticus, 333, 504, domestic of the, 427, capit. of 789, 504, and councils ordering setting up of schools, 505

    1. See Theodosius II, Magnaura

  55. SCOPAS, 477

  56. SCRAMASEAX, 342

  57. SCRINIUM, under Theodoric, 38, 39, papal, 139, 229, 292, 345, Byzantine, 150, Frankish, 299, 399402

    1. See Notaries

  58. SCRIPTURES: See Bible

  59. SCYRRIANS, 1, 3, 32, 34

  60. SCYTHIANS, 110, 4834

  61. SEAL, 1378, 321, 386, 3989, royal sealing ring, 402


  63. SECRETARIUM, 56, 69, 80

  64. SEDULIUS, poet, 268

  65. SEDULIUS SCOTTUS, 506, his writings, 512

  66. SEINE, 58, 140

  67. SELEUKIA-CTESIPHON, 108, 124, 155, 16970, 190, Arab conquest of, 198, 204, 261, Byzantines conquer, 217

  68. SELSEY, minster, 263

  69. SEMITIC, population, 189, 190, language, 187, 191, 197, 207

  70. SENATE: See Empire, Roman

  71. SENESCHAL, 332, 3967

  72. SENIORITY: election by, 243

  73. SENS, cathedral of, 307, bp. of, 332

  74. SEPTA, Ceuta, 98. See Gibraltar

  75. SEPTIMANIA, 60, 934, 98, 99, 101, 104, 106, 294, Carol., 436, Danes ravage, 449, 456


  77. SEQUENCE, in the mass, 51719, Byzantine, 517

  78. SERBS, 483, 486

  79. SERGIUS I, pope, 139

  80. SERGIUS II, pope, 4456

  81. SERGIUS, pat., 21718, 230


  83. SERVATUS LUPUS, 506, at Ferneres and Fulda, 51213

  84. SERVIUS, grammarian, 470

  85. SEVERIANUS, 109

  86. SEVILLE, Visig., 989, 107, 109, Moorish, 574

  87. SHAHRBARAZ, 21617

  88. SHEIKH, 191, 197

  89. SHI’A, 2034, in Spain, 575

  90. SHURA, 200

  91. SICILY, 27, 33, 37, 45, 79, 99, 135, 137, 251, 258, papal patrimony in, 179, Arab held, 185, patrician and basileus of, 347, remains Byzantine, 374, theme of, 374, Arabs gain, 41618, 432

  92. SICONOLF, 445

  93. SIDDHANTA, 209

  94. SIDI‘UQBA, 201, 211

  95. SIDON, 117


  97. SIGEBERT I, grandson of Clovis, 56, 57, 99100, 2667

  98. SIGEBERT II, s. of Thierry, 271

  99. SIGEBERT III, s. of Dagobert, 2746

  100. SIGERIC, 29

  101. SIGIBURG, 359

  102. SIGISMUND, Burgundian k., 41, 66

  103. SIGNUM, 146, signa crucis, 150, 2345

  104. SIGULF, 512

  105. SILVER COINS, 1357, 140


  107. SIMONY, 296, 299

  108. SIND, 188

  109. SIRMIUM, 215, 492

  110. SISEBERT, Visig. noble, 107

  111. SISEBUT, Visig. k., 1034, 110

  112. SISENAND, Visig. k., 104

  113. SLAVE, servus, 623, 148, 363, 373, 375, in Spain, 574, Slav, 493

  114. SLAVS, early tribes, 19, 48292, invade Balkans, 214, 217, 219, 261, settle in east Germany and Bohemia, 274, in Bavaria, 366, under Avars, 369, 486, languages, 17, 483, missions to, by Franks, 295, 371, Byzantines, 407, border warfare with Carols., 453, 488, Slavs subject to ct. of Friuli, 488, taught by Frankish missionaries, 490, their liturgy, 385, 456, its use limited, 497, fight Franks, 437, Arnulf, 564, their culture, 4845, Slavonic gospels, 497

  115. SLOVAKS, 488

  116. SLOVENES, 3712, 482, 4878, 566

  117. SMARAGDUS, exarch., 180

  118. SMYRNA, 117

  119. SOCOTRA, 123


  121. SOISSONS, 2, 31, 58, 59, 61, 65, 68, 967, 266, 267, 270, as a capital, 300, 322, Carol., 452

  122. SOLIDUS AUREUS, 121, 1313, 136, 148, diminished Frankish, 133, money of account, 1357

  123. SOLOMON, Breton prince, 449, 454, 456

  124. SOLOMON III, bp. of Constance, 570

  125. SOMME, 58

  126. SOPHOCLES, 45

  127. SORBS, 448, 456

  128. SOUSSE, 201

  129. SOZOMEN, 51

  130. SPAIN, ROMAN, 77, 120, VISIG., 28, 93115, 134, 135, MUSLIM, 138, 185, 187, 201, 204, 205, relations with Carols., 315, 3515, with conquered population, 573, with Christian states, 5756, amirate, 5746

  131. SPALATO, SPLIT, 4923, metrop. see, 493

  132. SPANISH MARCH, 354, 375, 390, 436

  133. SPATHA, 342

  134. SPEYER, 30

  135. SPICES, 127, 1389

  136. SPOLETO, Lomb. duchy, 246, 2501, 293, 345, 381

  137. SQUILLACE, 33, 489


  139. STAURAKIOS, logothete, 412

  140. STEPHEN III (II), pope, 2523, 258, anointing of Pepin, 2912, 318, 3223, 3434

  141. STEPHEN IV, pope, 433

  142. STEPHEN V, pope, 463, 564

  143. STEPHEN, br. of Leo VI, pat., 428

  144. STEPHEN, ct., 389

  145. STILICHO, and Franks, 7, 10, 40, 52

  146. STONEHENGE, 465

  147. STRABO, 467

  148. STRASBOURG, 125, 443

  149. STRATEGOS, 214, 407

  150. STRATHCLYDE, Romano-British, 2

  151. STUDION, monks of, 422, 4267

  152. STURM, 227, at Fritzlar, 228, at Fulda, 289, 318, 343, 358, 360

  153. STYRIA, 295

  154. SUABIA, overrun by Magyars, 567

  155. SUABIA, national duchy, 56870

  156. SUB-DEACON, 183

  157. SUBIACO, 51, 71

  158. SUETONIUS, in, 111, 378, 513

  159. SUEVI, SUEVES, evacuate Germany, 485, in Spain, 2, 29, 75, 95, 99101, 109, in Africa, 79

  160. SULAIMAN, 3513


  162. SUNDAY, 114

  163. SUNNA, 191, 203, 204


  165. SURAH, 1956

  166. SUTTON HOO, 135, 233, 302, 305

  167. SVATOPLUK I, of Moravia, 564, 567

  168. SVATOPLUK II, 567

  169. SWEDEN, Germanic tribes in, 25, early history of, 4726, as Roslagen, 489

  170. SWINTHILA, Visig. k., 94, 104

  171. SYAGRIUS, patrician, 2, 31, 58, 61, 96

  172. ST SYLVESTER, pope: Actus beati Sylvestri, 176, 2912, 345

  173. SYMEON, tsar of Bulgaria, 499500

  174. SYMMACHUS, pope, 72, 1745

  175. SYMMACHUS, Roman senator, 42, 44

  176. SYNOD, 108

  177. SYRACUSE, 38, 83, 219, 417

  178. SYRIA, SYRIANS, 58, 126, 1389, 155, 1612, 169, 1913, 407, 419, as Nestorian, 163, rhythms, 145, refugees, 231, 256, 299, learning in, 207, sea trade, 75, 117, 124, 126, 134, 136, conquered by Arabs, 1878, 198202, 2045, relations with Byzantines, 21618, influence on art, Lomb., 255, under Carols., 313

  179. SYRIAC, 57, 88, 169, 207, 494, characters, 194, translations, 208, illumination, 4234

  180. SYRTES, 75

  1. TACITUS, 25, 378

  2. TAGASTE, 878

  3. TAGUS, 95

  4. TANGIER, 106, 201

  5. TARAGONA, 93

  6. TARANTO, 134, 251, under Saracens, 455

  7. TARGUM, 196

  8. TARIK, 1067


  10. TASSILO III, du. of Bavaria, 290, 295, 326, 3668, becomes vassal of Pepin, 557

  11. TATARS, 19, 21

  12. TATWINE, ab., 2289

  13. TAXATION, Roman, 5, 13, Visig., 96, Arab, 199, Byzantine, 1478, 162, Lomb., 254, land tax, 140, Carol., 403

    1. See Tribute, Descriptiones

  14. TEBESSA, 80

  15. TEMPLARS, 90

  16. TERRACINA, 51

  17. TERRITORIUM, 132, 164

  18. TERTRY, battle, 280

  19. TEUTOBURGERWALD, 356, 359, 361

  20. TEXTILES, 125, 139, 148, 234, Byzantine, 305, 419, Frankish, 307

  21. THEGAN, bp. of Trier, 318

  22. THEGN, 299

  23. THEMES, 149, 214, 220, 418, in ninth century, 420

  24. THEODAHAD, 33, 45

  25. THEODELINDA, 1812, 246, 250, 2557, 535

  26. THEODEMER, 35

  27. THEODERIC, Ostrog. k., reaches Italy, 13, 15, his rule in Italy, 3348, 59, 67, 154, 1735, his alliances, 41, 81, 82, corridor with Spain, 66 72, 98, intervenes in elections, 242, palace in Modicia, 256

  28. THEODERIC II, Visig. k., 52, 96


  30. THEODO, 3678

  31. THEODORA, wife of Justinian, 157, 163, 213

  32. THEODORA, wife of emp. Theophilus, 414, 421, 427, 498

  33. THEODORE OF CYR, 163


  35. THEODORE THE STUDITE, 41314, 422

  36. THEODORE OF TARSUS, archbp., 139, 2302, 3034, his Penitential, 537

  37. THEODORE, nomenclator, 434

  38. THEODORET, 51

  39. THEODORUS, 199

  40. THEODOSIAN CODE, 132, 158, 315, 401, 513

  41. THEODOSIUS I, emp., 7, 27, 28, 34, 52, 82, 120, 152, 156

  42. THEODOSIUS II, emp., 422

  43. THEODOTUS, primicery, 348

  44. THEODULF, bp. of Orleans, 327, 3356, as missus, 336, at court, 337, as poet, 504, 524, his palace, 550

  45. THEOKTISTUS, 421, 427

  46. THEOLOGY, studied at Byzantium, 2301, Carol., 504

  47. THEOPHANES, historian, 387

  48. THEOPHILUS, emp., 410, 4145, and learning, 425

  49. THEOTOKOS, 156

  50. THÉROUANNE, 52

  51. THESSALONIKA: See Salonika

  52. THESSALY, 35

  53. THEUDEBALD, Austrasian k., 67

  54. THEUDEBERT, Austrasiank., 56, 67


  56. THEUDEGESIL, Visig. k., 98

  57. THEUDERICK, 35

  58. THEUDIS, ct., 40, 98

  59. THEUTBALD, du. of Bavaria, 288

  60. THEUTBERGA, queen, 449, divorce of, 44952

  61. THIBERT, grandson of Brunhilde, 2701

  62. THIERRY I (THEODERIC, THEUDERIC), s. of Clovis, 656, 98, 131

  63. THIERRY II, 2701

  64. THIERRY III, 27780

  65. THIERRY IV, 287, 399

  66. THIERRY, grandson of Brunhilde, 2702

  67. THIERRY, s. of Charl., 405, 434

  68. THIERRY, ct. of Toulouse, 328, 370

  69. THIONVILLE, 312, 322, 344, 362, 373, Act of, 386, 3924, 404

  70. THRACE, 151, 162, 215, 220, 408, 411

  71. THRASAMUND, Vandal k., 41, 801, 86


  73. THUNGINUS 297

  74. THURINGIA, 41, 67, conquered by Franks, 265, duchy of, 276, Boniface in, 227

  75. TIBER, 179

  76. TIBERIUS II, emp., 21314

  77. TIBERIUS III, emp., 220

  78. TIGRIS, trade along, 124, 155, Christian missions on, 170, monks from, 164, Arab conquest, 204

  79. TINGIS, TINGITANA, 75, 76, 78

  80. TIPOSA, 80

  81. TISZA, THEISS, 215, 485, Franks pass, 339, 371, Moravian river, 491

  82. TITHE, 362, 364, 390


  84. TOLEDO, 94, 99, 100, 102, 1068, 574, schools of, 575

  85. TOLLS, telonia, 121, Merov., 131, 300, Carol., 140

  86. TOMUS UNIONIS, 429

  87. TONGRES, 313

  88. TORAH, 1935

  89. TORCILINGI, 34, 35, 67, island of Torcello, 373

  90. TOTILA, Ostrog. k., 45, 46, 53, 162

  91. TOULOUSE, 28, 30, 40, 60, 69, 72, Visig. capital, 96, Frankish town, 266, Saracens attack, 284, Carol., 323, March of, 3534, under Pepin, 434

  92. TOURNAI, 52, 58, 259, 266, 267, trade at, 313

  93. TOURS, 71, 95, 97, 211, claims of see over Brittany, 265, threatened by Arabs, 286, Alcuin at, 324, Bretons claim independence, 447, Danes attack, 462, schools of canons at, 505

    1. See Gregory of

  94. TOXANDRIA, 53, 61, 66

  95. TRADE, in Roman empire, 11926, eastern, 757, 1235, 1369, Vandal, 79, in glass ware, 83, in mines, 120, Visig., 95, Italian, 138, affected by Arab conquests, 11739, Carol., 119, 13940, 332, in Moorish Spain, 5745

  96. TRAJAN, emp., 190

  97. TREBBIA, battle on, 564

  98. TREBIZOND, 124, 148, 157

  99. TRENT, bp. of, 33

  100. TREVISO, bp. of, 333

  101. TRIBONIAN, 1589

  102. TRIBUNE, 79, of cohort, 3, tribunician, 373

  103. TRIBUTE, 62, 68, 120, 151, 213

  104. TRICAMERON, 85

  105. TRICLINIUM, 47

  106. TRIENS, 131, 133

  107. TRIER, Roman, 25, 52, 72, 120, 122, 126, 131, 261, Frankish, 31

  108. TRIPOLI, TRIPOLITANA, 76, 80, 83, 86, 2001, 418

  109. TRIVIUM, 511

  110. TUDUN, 3701

  111. TUITIO, 555

  112. TULGA, Visig. k., 104

  113. TUNISIA, 80, 188, 197, 212, 576

  114. TURKESTAN, 199

  115. TURKS, 25

  116. TURMA, 342.

  117. TUSCANY, duchy of, 347

  118. TUSEY, agreement of, 452, 454

  119. TYPICON, 422

  120. TYRRHENIAN SEA, 127, 134

  121. TZAZO, 83, 85

  1. UKRAINE: Sarmatia, 8, 19

  2. ULDIS, 1201

  3. ‘UMAR, 196, 198200, 205, 211, 218

  4. ‘UMAR IBN HAFSUN, 575

  5. UMMA, 1967

  6. UMMAYAD CALIPHATE (Baghdad), 136, 2034, 207, 211, 294, 315, 3501, 573, 575

  7. UNCIAL HAND, 527

  8. UPPSALA, 476, 507

  9. URNES STYLE, 481

  10. URSIO, 269

  11. USURY, Merov., 131

  12. ‘UTHMAN, 2002, 211, 286

  13. UTIGURI, 484

  14. UTRECHT, 2801, 313, abbey of St Martin, 358, psalter, 548

  1. VALENCIA, 208

  2. VALENTINIAN AND VALENS, emps., 7, 152, Valens killed, 7, 8, 23, 26

  3. VALENTIN IAN III, emp., 8, 29, 31, 33, 76, 181

  4. VALENTIUS, ab., 179

  5. VALERIAN, emp., 26

  6. VALERIUS, bp. of Hippo, 88

  7. VALLUM, 801, 83

  8. VANDALS, cross Rhine, 30, 52, 56, 484, Asdingian and Silingian, 75, 76, 78, fleet, 767, 82, 86, in Africa, 2, 27, 37, 7592, sortes Vandalorum, 78, grave-finds, 778, army, 79, succession among, 94, history of, 110

  9. VARANGIANS, 135, 490

  10. VARRO’S DISCIPLINAE, 87, 111, 523

  11. VASSUS, vassalage, 2867, 299300, 311, 366, 55460, 572, oath of, 439, 442, vassi regales, 327, 337, 396, vassals under Louis the Pious, 433, as needed for military defence, 555, hereditary, 557

  12. VATICAN, palace, 180, library, 423

  13. VEGETIUS, 342, 378

  14. VELLUM, as writing material, 5289

  15. VENANTIUS, patrician, 49

  16. VENETIA, VENICE, 134, 137, 258, 345, Charles fights for, 3724, 388, yields, 388, 416, 419, Louis II allies with, 450

  17. VENUS, 11314

  18. VERDEN, 361, see founded, 364

  19. VERDUN, partition, 4434

  20. VERGIL, 45, 57, among Irish, 470, Welsh, 470, in Carol, renaissance, 336, 378, 502, 513, 529

  21. VERGILIUS, bp., 366

  22. VERNACULAR, scriptures or liturgy, 14, 1701, 185, 4919, life of Christ in, 504, 513

  23. VERONA (Bern), 42, 246, 249, Lomb., 344

  24. VEXILLA, Roman standards, 3, 4, 127, 217, 342, 378

  25. VIA FLAMINA, 46, 49, 246, 252

  26. VICAR, imperial official, 7, 151

  27. VICE-COMES, 403

  28. VICTOR I, pope, 1723

  29. VICTOR OF AQUITAINE, 264, 265

  30. VICUS, 131, 311, Flemish vici, 313



  33. VIENNE, 241

  34. VIGILIUS, pope, 45, 49, 177

  35. VIKING, raids, 313, 429, 432, 476, 568, use of horses, 375, ships, 474, culture, 4745

  36. VILLA, Roman, 12, 124, 145, Frankish, 61, 64, 69, 131, 300, 311, Vandal, 86, Arab, 205, Frankish, De Villis, 390, 3956, feudal vill, 556

  37. VILLICUS, 298


  39. VISIGOTHS, oppose Attila, 10, in south Russia, 26, in Gaul and Spain, 2830, 66, 92114, 259, 366, defeated by Franks, 40, 59, relations with Dagobert, 274, kingdom of, 12, law, 63, 967, 105, writing down of, 390, art, 94, under Saracens in Spain, 573, 576

  40. VISIO WETTINI, 511

  41. VISTULA, Germanic tribes on the, 1

  42. VITA APOSTOLICA, 89, 289

  43. VITALIAN, pope, 219, 2312

  44. VITORIA, 101

  45. VIVARIUM, 49, 53

  46. VIZIER, 575

  47. VIZIRATE, 205

  48. VOLGA, 19, 22, 483

  49. VORTIGERNA, the, 32

  50. VULCANALIA, 114

  51. VULFAD, bp., 452

  52. VULFOALD, mayor, 2779

  53. VULGATE, 48, 226, 304

  1. WALA, 328, 375, 404, 4328, 507

  2. WALAFRID STRABO, ab., 442, 506, his writings, 51112

  3. WALCHEREN, given to Harald, 443

  4. WALDRADA, 4501

  5. WALES, Roman, 2

  6. WALI, 575

  7. WALLACHIA, 566

  8. WALLIA, 29, 75

  9. WALTARI, Lomb. k., 246

  10. WAMBA, Visig. k., 1034, 106

  11. WANDALBERT, poet, 512

  12. WANDO, ab., 287

  13. WARSAW, 488

  14. WASCONES, Gascons. See Basques

  15. WATBERHT, ab., 229

  16. WELF OF BAVARIA, 435

  17. WENCESLAS, du. of Bohemia, 499

  18. WENDS, under Samo, 2745, early history, 482, fight Saxons, 568

  19. WERGELD, Germanic, 37, Frankish, 53, 63, 64, 299, 554, Lomb., 254, 554

  20. WESER, and Frisians, 280, and Saxons, 295, 360, 361, 365

  21. WESTPHALIANS, 35660

  22. WIDMARUS, 399

  23. WIDUKIND, 3603, 367

  24. WIGBERHT, 228

  25. WIGHARD, archbp. elect., 231

  26. WIHMODIA, 361, 363, 364

  27. WILFRID OF RIPON, 228, 232, 263, 27980, his churches, 306

  28. WILL, 62

  29. WILLEBAD, 276

  30. WILLEHAD, 318, 358, 3601, 3634

  31. WILLERICH, 364

  32. WILLIAM, ct. of Toulouse, 3534, Cycle of William of Orange, 354

  33. WILLIBALD, 281

  34. WILLBRORD, archbp., 330

  35. WILZES, 365

  36. WINIGIS, 348, 381

  37. WINIRAMUS, 399

  38. WIRUNDUS, ab., 381

  39. WISDOM, sapientia, 87

  40. WISSEMBOURG, 506, 513

  41. WITIGIS, 33, 45, 66

  42. WITIZA, Visig. k., 1067

  43. WITTERIC, Visig. k., 103

  44. WOODEN BUILDINGS, among Franks, 3067, Vikings, 47881, wooden ships, 474, 478

  45. WORAD, 361, 391

  46. WORMS, 30, 52, palace, 312, 359, 368

  47. WOYNIMIR, 371

  48. WULFILA, 4, 14, 27, 40, 4767, 507

  1. YARMUK, 198, 211

  2. YATHRIB, 192, 196, 211. See Medina

  3. YEMEN, 1923

  4. YORK, 183, 377, 470

  1. ZACHARIAS, pope, 235, 28991

  2. ZANDAQA, 192

  3. ZARA, 373


  5. ZENO, Byzantine emp., 1, 34, 35, 96, 154, 156, 207, his Henotikon, 156, 1767

  6. ZEUGITANA, 78

  7. ZOE, emps., 420, 428


  9. ZOTTO, Lomb. du., 248

  10. ZWENTIBOLD, s. of Arnulf, k. of Lorraine, 562, rivalry with Louis the Child and death, 563, 5656