
1 Your Unique Toddler

1. M. Prior, D. Smart, et al., “Does Shy-Inhibited Temperament in Childhood Lead to Anxiety in Adolescence?” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 39, no. 4 (April 2000): 461–468.

2. J. Kagan, J. S. Reznick, et al., “Behavioral Inhibition to the Unfamiliar.” Child Development 55 (1984): 2212–2225.

3. A. Sanson, and M. K. Rothbart, “Child Temperament and Parenting,” in Parenting, M. Bornstein, ed. (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995).

4. H. J. Eysenck, “Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Individual Differences: The Three Major Dimensions of Personality,” Journal of Personality 58 (1990): 245–261.

5. D. Reiss, “Mechanisms Linking Genetic and Social Influences in Adolescent Development: Beginning a Collaborative Search,” Current Directions in Psychological Science 6 (1997): 100–105.

6. D. Daniels and R. Plomin, “Origins of Individual Differences in Infant Shyness,” Developmental Psychology 21 (1985): 118–121.

7. L. H. Cyphers, K. Phillips, et al., “Twin Temperament during the Transition from Infancy to Early Childhood,” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (1990): 392–397; H. H. Goldsmith, K. A. Buss, et al., “Toddler and Childhood Temperament: Expanded Content, Stronger Genetic Evidence, New Evidence for the Importance of Environment,” Developmental Psychology 33 (1997): 891–905; K. J. Saudino and S. S. Cherny, “Parent Ratings of Temperament in Twins,” in The Transition from Infancy to Early Childhood: Genetic and Environmental Influences in The Macarthur Longitudinal Twin Study, R. N. Emde and J. K. Hewitt, eds. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 73–88; and J. Stevenson and J. Fielding, “Ratings of Temperament in Families of Young Twins,” British Journal of Developmental Psychology 3 (1985): 143–152.

8. S. C. Messer and D. C. Beidel, “Psychosocial Correlates of Childhood Anxiety Disorders,” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 33, no. 7 (1994): 975–983.

9. S. P. Putnam, A. V. Sanson, et al., “Child Temperament and Parenting,” in Children and Parenting, M. Bornstein, ed. (Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002), 255–277.

10. S. Crockenberg and E. Leerkes, “Infant Social and Emotional Development in Family Context” in Handbook of Infant Mental Health, 2nd ed., C. H. Zeanah Jr., ed. (New York: Guilford Press, 2000), 60–90.

2 Physical Skills

1. K. E. Adolph, et al., “What Changes in Infant Walking and Why,” Child Development 74 (2003): 475–497.

2. B. Jacobs and D. Eastwood, “Orthopedic Problems in Toddlers,” Pulse (April 9, 2008): 45.

3. M. Annett, “Hand Preference Observed in Large Healthy Samples: Classification, Norms and Interpretations of Increased Non-Right-Handedness by the Right Shift Theory,” British Journal of Psychology 95 (2004): 339–353.

3 Emotions

1. J. Huttenlocher, O. N. Newcombe, et al., “The Coding of Spatial Location in Young Children,” Cognitive Psychology 27 (1994): 115–147.

2. I. Bretherton, S. McNew, et al., “Early Person Knowledge as Expressed in Gestural and Verbal Communication: When Do Infants Acquire a ‘Theory of Mind’?” in Infant Social Cognition, M. Lamb and L. Sherrod, eds. (Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates, 1981), 333–373.

3. M. Lewis and L. Michalson, Children’s Emotions and Moods: Developmental Theory and Measurement (New York: Plenum, 1983).

4. P. Smiley and J. Huttenlocher, “Young Children’s Acquisition of Emotional Concepts,” in Children’s Understanding of Emotion, S. Saarni and T. Trabasso, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).

5. T. M. Parrott and V. L. Bengtson, “The Effects of Earlier Intergenerational Affection, Normative Expectations and Family Conflict on Contemporary Exchanges of Help and Support,” Research and Aging 21, no. 1 (1999): 73–105.

6. L. R. Brody and J. A. Hall, “Gender and Emotion,” in Handbook of Emotions, M. Lewis and J. M. Haviland, eds. (New York: Guilford Press, 1993), 447–460.

7. J. Condry and S. Condry, “Sex Differences: A Study of the Eye of the Beholder,” Child Development 47 (1976): 812–819.

8. E. A. Lemerise and K. A. Dodge, “The Development of Anger and Hostile Interactions,” in Handbook of Emotions, M. Lewis and J. M. Haviland, eds. (New York: Guilford Press, 1993), 537–546.

9. A. Sanson and M. K. Rothbart, “Child Temperament and Parenting,” in Parenting, vol. 4, M. Bornstein, ed. (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995), 299–321.

10. D. Fuchs and M. H. Thelen, “Children’s Expected Interpersonal Consequences of Communicating Their Affective State and Reported Likelihood of Expression,” Child Development 59 (1988): 1314–1322.

11. R. A. Thompson and R. Goodwin, “Taming the Tempest in the Teapot: Emotional Regulation in Toddlers,” in Socioemotional Development in the Toddler Years: Transitions and Transformations, C. A. Brownell and C. B. Kopp, eds. (New York: Guilford Press, 2007), 323–334.

12. P. Wingert and W. Brant, “Reading Your Baby’s Mind: New Research on Infants Finally Begins to Answer the Question: What’s Going On in There?” Newsweek, August 15, 2005, p. 35.

13. R. A. Thompson, “Empathy and Emotional Understanding: The Early Development of Empathy,” in Empathy and Its Development, N. Eisenberg and J. Strayer, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 129.

14. C. Zahn-Waxler, M. Radkey-Yarrow, et al., “The Impact of the Affective Environment on Young Children,” paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, La, 1977. Cited by R. A. Thompson, “Empathy and Emotional Understanding: The Early Development of Empathy,” in Empathy and Its Development, N. Eisenberg and J. Strayer, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).

15. A. Bergman and A. Wilson, “Thoughts About Stages on the Way to Empathy and the Capacity for Concern,” in Empathy II, J. Lichtenberg et al., eds. (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1984).

16. N. Eisenberg, C. L. Shea, et al., “Empathy-Related Responding and Cognition: ‘A Chicken and the Egg’ Dilemma,” in W. M. Kurtines and J. L. Gerwitz, Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development, vol. 2. (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erbaum, 1991), and D. Bischof-Köhler, “The Development of Empathy in Infants,” in Infant Development: Perspectives from German Speaking Countries, M. E. Lamb and H. Keller, eds. (Hillsdale, N.J.: 1991), 245–273.

17. S. A. Denham, Emotional Development in Young Children (New York: Guilford Press, 1998), 34.

18. J. B. Shonkoff, “The Science of Early Childhood Development: Closing the Gap Between What We Know and What We Do,” presentation at the National Council on the Developing Child: Early Childhood Partners Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 18, 2007.

19. For a good discussion on the long-term benefits of waiting skills, see J. Lehrer, “Don’t: The Secret of Self-Control,” New Yorker, May 18, 2009, www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/05/18/090518fa_fact_lehrer?currentPage=1.

20. A. S. Masten and J. D. Coatsworth, “The Development of Competence in Favorable and Unfavorable Environments: Lessons from Research on Successful Children,” American Psychologist 53 (1998): 205–220, and E. E. Werner, “Protective Factors and Individual Resilience,” in Handbook of Early Intervention, 2nd ed., J. P. Shonkoff and S. J. Meisels, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 115–132.

21. K. A. Gordon Rouse, “Infant and Toddler Resilience,” Early Childhood Education Journal 26 (1998).

4 Behavior

1. L. Rowell Huesmann and Nancy Guerra, “Children’s Normative Beliefs About Aggression and Aggressive Behavior,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72, no. 2 (1997): 408–419.

2. A. Furnham, “Attitudes to Spanking Children,” Personality and Individual Differences 19, no. 3 (September 1995): 397–398.

3. E. E. Maccoby and J. A. Martin, “Socialization in the Context of the Family: Parent-Child Interaction,” in Handbook of Child Psychology, vol. 3, P. H. Mussen and E. M. Hetherington, eds. (New York: Wiley, 1983), 1–101, and W. D. Donovan et al., “Maternal Illusory Control Predicts Socialization Strategies and Toddler Compliance,” Developmental Psychology 36 (2000): 402–411.

5 Language

1. E. Galinsky, Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs (New York: HarperCollins, 2010).

2. D. F. Hay, “Yours and Mine: Toddlers’ Talk About Possessions with Familiar Peers,” British Journal of Developmental Psychology 24 (2006): 39–52.

3. L. P. Acredolo, et al., “The Signs and Sounds of Early Language Development,” in Child Psychology: A Handbook of Contemporary Issues, L. Balter and C. Tamis-LeMonda, eds. (New York: Psychology Press, 1999), 116–139, and S. Goodwyn, et al., “Impact of Symbolic Gesturing on Early Language Development, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 24 (2000): 81–103.

6 Play

1. V. J. Rideout, et al., Kaiser Foundation Report: Zero to Six: Electronic Media in the Lives of Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers (Menlo Park, Calif.: Henry J. Kaiser Foundation, 2003).

2. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Public Education, “Policy Statement: Children, Adolescents and Television,” Pediatrics 107, no. 2 (February 2001): 423–426, updated in Pediatrics 124, no. 5 (November 2009).

3. V. C. Strasburger, “First Do No Harm: Why Have Parents and Pediatricians Missed the Boat on Children and Media?” Pediatrics 151, no. 4 (2007): 334–336.

4. M. Krcmar, et al., “Can Toddlers Learn Vocabulary from Television? An Experimental Approach,” Media Psychology 10, no. 1 (2007): 41–63.

5. L. S. Pagani, et al., “Prospective Associations Between Early Childhood Television Exposure and Academic, Psychosocial, and Physical Well-Being by Middle Childhood,” Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 164, no. 5 (2010): 425.

6. Report from an interview with Anderson by Ellen Galinsky in her book Mind in the Making (HarperCollins, 2010), cited earlier.

7. S. Wimbarti, “Indonesian Children’s Play with Their Mothers and Older Siblings,” Child Development 66 (1995): 1493–1503.

8. Ibid.

9. B. H. Fiese, “Playful Relationships: A Contextual Analysis of Mother-Toddler Interaction and Symbolic Play,” Child Development 61, no. 5 (1990): 648–656, and L. M. Youngblade and J. Dunn, “Individual Differences in Young Children’s Pretend Play with Mother and Sibling: Links to Relationships and Understanding of Other People’s Feelings and Beliefs,” Child Development 66 (1995): 1472–1492.

10. D. F. Hay, “Yours and Mine: Toddlers’ Talk About Possessions with Familiar Peers,” British Journal of Developmental Psychology 24 (2006): 39–52.

11. L. G. Fasig, “Toddlers’ Understanding of Ownership: Implications for Self-Concept Development,” Social Development 9 (2000): 370–382.

12. C. S. Tamis-LeMonda and M. H. Bornstein, “Individual Variation, Correspondence, Stability, and Change in Mother and Toddler Play,” Infant Behavior and Development 14 (1991): 143–162.

8 Nutrition

1. Material adapted from S. S. Golding, et al., “Dietary Recommendations for Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Practitioners,” Pediatrics 117 (2006): 544-559. Accessed May 10, 2011, from the American Heart Association, http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/Dietary-Recommendations-for-Healthy-Children_UCM_303886_Article.jsp

2. C. L. Wagner, et al., “Prevention of Rickets and Vitamin D Deficiency in Infants, Children, and Adolescents,” Pediatrics 122, no. 5 (November 2008): 1142–1152.

3. B. L. Specker, et al., “Sunshine Exposure and Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in Exclusively Breastfed Infants,” Journal of Pediatrics 107 (1985): 372–376.

4. T. L. Clemens, et al., “Increased Skin Pigment Reduces the Capacity of Skin to Synthesise Vitamin D3,” Lancet 1 (1982): 74–76.

5. B. A. Dennison, et al., “Excess Fruit Juice Consumption by Preschool Aged Children Is Associated with Short Stature and Obesity,” Pediatrics 99 (January 1997): 15–22.

6. www.consumerlab.com/news/Multivitamin_Multimineral_Contamination_Problems_Comparison/1_19_2007 (accessed 05/24/10).

7. See “Position of the American Dietetic Association: Vegetarian Diets,” Journal of the American Dietetic Association (July 2009), and nutrition information on VRG’s Web site, www.vrg.org.

11 Health, Safety, and Ability

1. P. Stehr-Green, et al., “Autism and Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines: Lack of Consistent Evidence for an Association,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2, no. 25 (2003): 101–106.

2. M. H. Willemsen, B. A. Fernandez, et al., “Identification of ANKRD11 and ZNF778 as Candidate Genes for Autism and Variable Cognitive Impairment in the Novel 16q24.3 Microdeletion Syndrome,” European Journal of Human Genetics (November 2009).

3. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-kirby/autism-ratenow-at-one-pe_b_256141.html