Achilles tendon 74, 86-87, 166
air leg 178-180
apps for video analysis 63
arm action 43-44, 129, 132-133
barefoot running 52
body lean drills 118-122
contrast runs 79-80, 91, 97-98, 121-122
gait patterns 155-158
higher cadence drills 95-97
impact forces in 15-16, 155-156
midfoot-striking drills 75-78
in young Kenyan runners 25-26, 162
body lean. See lean
braking forces
cadence and 53
foot-strike and 17, 29, 126, 174-175
ROS/MSA and 39
shank angle and 22-24, 33, 37, 140-144
shoes and 163-165
cadence 42
foot-strike pattern and 14, 18, 42, 53
increasing 51-54, 93-98, 101-105, 108
lean and 42
optimal step rate 93-94
posture and 129
shoes and 161
calf-muscle complex 74, 85-87, 166
contrast runs 79-80, 91, 97-98, 121-122
drills. See workout routines
elbows, posture and 133
elite runners. See also Kenyan runners
American and international women 170-172, 173
explosive training 11, 54-55, 99-111. See also workout routines
FAT (foot angle at touchdown) 41, 66, 67, 70
fatigue, form and 15
feet 74, 87, 126, 130, 159. See also foot-strike patterns
fling, drop, stop, and flop pattern 207-208
foot angle at touchdown (FAT) 41, 66, 67, 70
foot-strike patterns. See also forefoot-strike pattern; heel-strike pattern; midfoot-strike pattern
braking forces and 17, 29, 126, 174-175
drills for changing 76-80
in elite Kenyan runners 18-21, 24-26, 55-56, 138
in history 24
impact forces 15-16, 41, 73-76, 158-161
impact transient 41, 155-159, 164
injuries and 48-49, 50-51, 75-76, 142-143
in men and women 16, 170-172, 180-181
one-hundredth of a second effect 142
in ordinary runners 13-15
propulsive forces and 138-142
ROS and 150
shoes and 15, 24-26, 72, 156-159, 163-165
transition period for 73-75, 205-206
force patterns. See braking forces; impact forces; propulsive forces
forefoot-strike pattern 40-41. See also foot-strike patterns
injury and 48-49
performance and 17, 55, 138, 170
form. See also foot-strike patterns; specific measures of form
air leg 178-180
in elite runners 18-20, 170-172, 173
fatigue and 15
“kidney bean” trajectory 3-4, 35-36
in male and female runners 180-181
in non-elite runners 13-14, 173-175
in older runners 181
quantification of 7-9
in right- and left-leg runners 181-182
running economy and 5-7
in sprinters 175-178
form training 203-211. See also workout routines
as base training 203-204
fling, drop, stop, and flop 207-208
progression of 205-206
quick-start guide 209-210
shoes in 208-209
swing, sweep, coil, and spring 208-209
gait patterns 155-159. See also foot-strike pattern
golden ratio. See ROS/MSA
heel-strike pattern. See also foot-strike patterns
braking forces in 17, 29, 126, 174-175
cadence and 52-54
contrast runs for 97-98
in elite runners 24-25
fatigue and 15
force patterns in 48, 73-76, 138-141, 158-159, 163
gait cycle in 138-139
injuries and 48-49, 50-51, 75-76
shoes and 24-26, 156-159, 161-165
in positive posture 36, 127, 131
horizontal forces 140-142, 150-151, 164
iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) 49, 50-51
impact forces 41
in barefoot running 15-16, 155-156
in heel-strikers 15-17, 41, 73-76, 158-159
leg stiffness and 29-30
in midfoot- and forefoot-strikers 74-75, 160-161
impact transient 41, 155-159, 164
back 128
foot-strike and 48-51, 75-76, 142-143
posture and 126-127
prevalence of 47-48
ITBS (iliotibial band syndrome) 49, 50-51
Kenyan runners
barefoot running by 25-26, 162
braking forces in 22-23
cadence in 23-25
foot-strike in 18-21, 24-26, 55-56, 138
posture in 25-26
ROS/MSA in 20
shoes and 162
“kidney bean” trajectory 3-4, 35-36
kinetic energy 36-38
cadence and 42
drills for 118-122
running velocity and 114-118
terrain and 123
left-leg runners 181-182
maximal aerobic capacity 43, 54
maximum shank angle. See MSA (maximum shank angle)
metatarsal bones, foot 74, 87, 166
metronome use 95
midfoot-strike pattern 40. See also foot-strike patterns
criticism of 75
force patterns in 48-49, 74, 139-141, 160-161
performance and 16-17, 40-41, 55-56
stance time and 18
MSA (maximum shank angle)
elite distance runners 20-21, 170, 175-176
non-elite runners 151, 173-174
ROS and 35
shoes and 165
non-elite runners
foot-strike frequency in 14-15
ROS/MSA in 151
older runners 181
one-hundredth of a second effect 142
oxygen cost of running 6-7, 43
pelvic position 36
performance 11, 16, 54-56, 113
body parts in 125
correct whole-body 134-135
in Kenyan runners 25-26
pelvic position 36
proper set-up 130-133
stretching and 132
sub-optimal patterns 126-130
from video analysis 70-71
propulsive forces 138-144
horizontal 140-142, 150-151, 164
vertical 139-140, 143-144, 150-151, 164, 179
Q angle 180-181
quick-start guide 209-210
reaction time 95, 102, 105-107
rearfoot-strike pattern. See heel-strike pattern
right-leg runners 181-182
ROS (reversal of swing) 35
in elite distance runners 20-22, 170
in non-elite runners 38, 173-174
shoes and 165
optimal values 68-70
swing, sweep, coil, and spring 208-209
running surface 80, 91, 97-98, 121
SAMVF (shank angle at maximal vertical propulsive force) 143
SAT (shank angle at initial ground contact)
angular velocity during contact 177
braking forces and 24, 33, 140-141
drawbacks of lower 85-87, 88, 143
in elite runners 20, 23, 145-147
heel-strike distance and 50-51, 53
landing impact and 87-88
in non-elite runners 23, 174, 175
performance and 55-56, 113, 148-149
ROS and 150
sudden changes in 83-85
training for transitioning 87-90
video measurement of 65-66
shank angle measurement 30-32, 33, 65-66. See also SAMVF; SAT
fatigue and 15
foot-strike and 24-26, 156-159, 163-165
gait patterns and 155-158
impact forces and 155-156, 158-161
impact transient and 155-156
Kenyan runners and 162
knee angle and 157-158
pronation and supination 166-167
thick-soled 25-26, 161-166, 208-209
transition to minimalist 74, 160, 165-166
shoulders, posture and 132
body lean and 114-118
foot-strike pattern and 17, 23
MSA and 34
VALR ratio to 141
vertical force and 143-144
sprinters 175-180
foot-strike and 17-18, 55-56, 138-141
ROS/MSA and 39
in runners and sprinters 177-178
SAT and 87
shoes and 164
step length 6-7, 93-95, 102, 127
step rate. See cadence
still point 20-21, 138-139, 150, 165
straight-leg landing 17
strength training 185-202. See also workout routines
supination 166-167
swing 4, 10, 18, 20. See also ROS (reversal of swing)
swing, sweep, coil, and spring 208-209
traditional running form 3-10
description of 3-4
quantification of 7-9
running economy and 5-7
training surface 80, 91, 97-98, 121
VALR (vertical average loading rate)
injury and 141-143, 167, 208-209
vertical forces 139-140, 143-144, 150-151, 164, 179
video analysis 61-71
in body lean drills 119-121
in cadence transition 96-97
form goals from 68-70
MSA from 63-65
ROS from 68
SAT from 144
taking video footage 61-63, 135
workout routines
explosive 99-111
4 × 400 111
cool down 111
diagonal hops 103
double-leg hurdle jumps 101
downhill hops 109
downhill running 110
greyhound runs 105
high-knee explosions 107
one-leg hops in place 102
one-leg squats with jumps 104
one-leg squats with lateral hops 106
Shane’s in-place accelerations 108
skipping 100
warm up 100
for strength training 185-202
balance and eccentric reaches with toes 193, 194
bicycle leg swings with stretch band 197, 198
critical variables in 185-187
lunges with balance-challenging and core-building ball movement 191, 192
one-leg squats 188
partial squats 200
reverse bicycle leg swings with stretch band 199
runner’s poses 189
toe walking with opposite ankle dorsiflexion 190
training surface 80, 91, 97-98, 121
for transitioning
body lean 118-121
contrast runs 79-80, 91, 97-98, 121-122
explosive training 99-111
higher cadence 95-97
lower SAT 88-90
midfoot-strike transition 76-80