
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Boldface page numbers refer to plates.

Acanthostega, 185–87

Adaptive Coloration in Animals (Cott), 221, 223–24

Adler, Lou, 292

African Game Trails (Roosevelt), 222–23

Agouti protein, 230, 231, 235, 237

agriculture, 301

Akanthokera kaputensis, 152, 152

Alfonseca, Antonio, 48–49

algae, 140

Alpert, Herb, 292

alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), 230, 231, 236

Altiparmak, Turkey, 49 amino acids, 58, 62, 64, 230, 232, 274

amphibians, 88, 99, 159, 161

analogical resemblance (mimicry), 198–200, 199, 218–19, 290–92

animal architecture, 17–35, 18, 129

building blocks of, 19–25

diversity and, 26–27

genome and, 34–35

homology and, 29–33

modular design and, 21–27, 22, 27, 28, 29, 34

polarity and, 33–34

symmetry and, 33–34, 34

thematic variation and, 25–27, 28

variety and, 17–19

Animal Kingdom, 33

Aniridia gene, 67

annelids, 138, 141

Anomalocaris, 149, 150, 153

Antennapedia, 50, 52

Antennapedia Complex, 61, 63

antibody proteins, 120

ants, 3

apes, 250, 260

brain of, 265–66

see also humans; primates; specific species

Aphorisms and Reflections (T. Huxley), 5–6

Apterous proteins, 175–76, 179

aquatic nymphs, 177

archeabacteria, 54, 140

arthropods, 4, 33, 69, 105, 126–28, 138, 141, 159, 161, 179, 184, 286–87, 288

in Burgess Shale, 146–47, 149

evolution of, 150–54, 151, 156, 170, 171, 181

Hox gene of, 151–52, 187–88

limb evolution of, 171–75, 172 173, 185

repeated structures of, 26

artificial selection, 216

Athenaeum, 254

At Home in the Universe (Kauffman), 197

At the Water’s Edge (Zimmer), 184

Augustine, Saint, 301

Australia, 151–52, 303

Australopithecus, 267, 271

A. afarensis, 258–59, 258

A. africanus, 259

autopods, 185

evolution of, 187–88

Averof, Michalis, 156, 175, 179

Aysheaia, 148–49, 148, 150–51, 153, 174

A. pedunculata, 22

bacteria, 54, 112, 140

gene logic in, 60

genetic on-off switch of, 59–60

see also Escherichia coli

bananaquits, 232–33, 232

Bard, Jonathan, 240, 241

barnacles, 156

Barry, Dave, 69

basal cell carcinoma, 78

Bates, Henry Walter, 2, 3, 196, 197–200, 207, 303

Batesian mimicry, 198–200, 199, 290–91

Bateson, William, 25–26, 33, 34–35, 46, 200

bats, 149–50, 169, 188, 189, 190, 194–95, 288, 290

Battus philenor (pipevine swallowtail), 218, 8j

BBC, 46

Beagle, 2

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 14

beetles, 182, 183, 287, 289

Behe, Michael, 298–99

Belize, 3

beta-galactosidase enzyme, 55–56, 58–59, 59

Bible-Science Association, 299


B. anynana, 206, 210, 212–17, 8f, 8i

B. safitza, 216

bilaterians, see Urbilateria

biodiversity, 195, 301, 303–4

biology, x, 5–6, 134

evolution as foundation of, 294

revolution in, see evolutionary developmental biology

bipedalism, 251, 257–59, 278

biramous limbs, 171–75, 172, 173

birds, 104, 159, 160, 161, 163, 169, 275, 288, 290

melanism in, 226, 232–33, 232

wing evolution in, 188, 189, 190

see also specific species

Biston betularia (peppered moth), 135, 226–27, 228

Bithorax, 50

Bithorax Complex, 61

Black, Lewis, 10

black bear, 236, 236

blastopore, 141

blastula, 85

boas, 190

Boleyn, Anne, 48

Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs), 124, 125, 188, 4w

book lungs, 171

brachiopods, 146

brain, 99–100, 169, 251

body size and, 259–60, 259

Broca’s area in, 262, 264–65, 274

cognitive ability and, 261–62

embryonic development and, 99–100

FOXP2 gene and, 276

handedness and, 265

jaw musculature and size of, 273

physical areas of, 262, 262, 264, 264

previous structures in evolution of, 263, 264

speech, language and, 264–65

Wernicke’s area in, 262, 265

Brakefield, Paul, 212–16

Bridges, Calvin, 50

brine shrimp, 154, 155, 156

British Columbia, 138

Britten, Roy, 271

Broca, Paul, 263

Broca’s area, 262, 264–65, 274

Brunetti, Craig, 210

Buckeye butterfly, 207, 209

Burgess Shale:

Cambrian arthropods of, 147

Cambrian lobopodians of, 148

Chengjiang fauna and, 146, 158–60

fossils of, 21, 137–39, 146–49

trilobites of, 136

butterflies, 2, 3, 8, 34, 47, 69, 104, 135, 178, 182, 289, 305

hind wings of, 183–84

larval development in, 206–7

melanism in, 218–19

mimicry in, 198–200, 199, 218–19, 291–92

serially repeated design and, 23–24, 24, 25

see also specific species

butterfly wings, 200–217, 287, 8a–8k

coloration of, 204–5

Dll gene and, 208–10, 209, 214–17, 217

eyespot development in, 43–44, 45, 207

eyespot evolution in, 212–16

eyespot mutation in, 215–16

eyespot variation in, 212–16

ground plan of, 201–3, 202–3

hind, 183–84

larval development and, 206–7

modular subdivisions of, 202

natural selection and eyespots in, 214–15, 216

new genetic switches and, 208–10

patterns in, 200–203, 207–8, 214–17, 217

role of eyespots in, 205–6

scales of, 23–24, 204–5, 205

tool kit genes and, 207–9

buttonhead gene, 75

Caitee (author’s niece), 250

Camarasaurus, 20

Cambrian Explosion, 12, 64, 131

animals existing prior to, 140–45, 140

arthropod evolution in, 150–54, 151, 156

complexity and diversity of, 164–65

evolution in, 138–45, 164–65

fauna of, 146–50, 147, 148

geologic boundary of, 145–46

Hox genes and biology of, 153–57, 155

questions raised by, 138–39

vertebrate evolution in, 157–63, 158, 162

Cambrian period, 11, 138, 141–42, 144, 153–54, 159, 165, 295

camels, 27

Canadaspis perfecta, 147

cancer, 78

Carroll, Lewis, 37

cats, 49

cave art, 303

cells, 45

communication among, 74

differential function in, 60

“knowing” by, 89–90

lateral inhibition process in, 105

melanocyte, 238

selective protein production in, 54–55

specialization of, 54–55

centipedes, 26, 69, 153, 154–57, 155, 163, 173

cephalochordates, 157, 158, 159–61

cerebellum, 100

cerebral cortex, 262, 264

cetaceans, 193

see also dolphins; whales Chaetodipus intermedius (rock pocket mouse), 233–34, 234, 246, 290

Chance and Necessity (Le Hasard et la Nécessité) (Monod), 60, 197, 290

Charcharadon megalodon, 18, 19

Charles VIII, king of France, 48

cheetahs, 3

chelicerates, 179

“Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis, The” (Turing), 123

chemotherapy, 78

Chengjiang fauna, 146, 158–60

chickens, 49, 101, 105, 161, 163

embryo development in, 42–43, 43, 44, 45, 103

chimpanzees, 10, 79, 250, 262, 268, 271, 273, 275

human’s shared DNA with, 250–51

skull maturation in, 266–67

chordates, 138, 146, 157–58, 158

Chordin, 99, 4k

chromosomes, 56–57, 57, 62

“chronospecies,” 256

Churchill, Winston, 48

Clapton, Eric, 11

cleaner shrimp, 155

cnidarians, 141, 142

coelacanth, 160

Cohen, Stephen, 175

common zebra, 240, 241

concentration gradient, 45

Cooke, Sam, 292

corals, 141, 142, 143

cosmology, 110

Cott, Hugh B., 221, 223–24

crabs, 29–30, 156, 184

crayfish, 171, 172, 176, 184

creationism, 296–301

Crick, Francis, 53, 91

crickets, 184

crustaceans, 69, 153, 156–57, 170–71, 172, 173, 175, 289

cyclopamine, 39–40, 39, 77–78

cyclopia, 38–39

in humans, 77–78

cyclops, mythology of, 38–40, 39

Cyclops, The (film), 36

Damen, Wim, 179

dark energy, 110

dark matter, 108, 110–11, 286

Darwin, Charles, ix–x, 2, 3, 5–6, 13, 135, 145, 170, 194, 198, 200, 239, 249, 250–53, 281–83, 284, 285, 289, 293, 296, 297–98, 303

Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution (Behe), 298–99

Dave (author’s friend), 37–38

Davidson, Eric, 271

Democritus, 290

De Robertis, Eddy, 143

Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 5, 249

Desert hedgehog gene, 76–77

deuterostomes, 141–43, 159–60

development, x

differences in scale and, 24

diversity and, 10–12

of embryo, 84–88, 85, 87

embryo interactions and, 40–41

homeodomains and, 70–71

mosaic pattern evolution of, 266–68

process of, 42–43, 43

Devonian period, 184

Dickinsonia costatala, 140

Diderot, Denis, 137, 163

dinosaurs, 20, 21, 150, 161, 190, 287, 295

Distal-less (Dll) gene, 69–71, 96, 211

butterfly eyespots and, 208–10, 209, 214–17, 217

in early evolution, 143–45

fruit fly development and, 116–17, 8c-8d

in limb-building, 174–75

in spiders, 179

diversity, xi, 4, 54

animal architecture and, 26–27

in Cambrian Explosion, 165

development and, 10–12

in evolution, 168–70

Modern Synthesis and, 286–88

modularity of design and, 26–27, 28, 286

origins of, 10–12, 78–79

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), x, 35, 51, 61, 91, 107, 130, 225, 273, 276

basic structure of, 56–57, 57

brain development and, 100

dark matter in, 108, 110–11, 112

decoding, 58, 58

embryo development and, 94–95, 97–98

as genetic switches, 59–60

homeobox sequence of, 62–63

human sequence of, 268–69

junk, 112

in Modern Synthesis, 284–85

of Neanderthals, 260–61

protein code and, 11–12

regulatory, 12

shared, 9–10, 62–63, 250–51

signature sequences of, 115–16, 118–22

transcription process of, 57–58, 58

translation process of, 58, 58

universal nature of, 53–54

see also genes; genetic switches

dodos, 304, 305

dogs, 235

dolphins, 169, 193

donkeys, 239

dragonflies, 177–78, 182, 289

larva of, 192


D. biarmipes, 242

D. melanogaster, see fruit fly

ducks, 103

dugong, 19

Duke University, 200–201

Earth, 140

echinoderms, 34, 34, 141, 143, 146, 160

Ediacaran fauna, 140–45, 140

Eldredge, Niles, 7

elephants, 3, 65, 261

embryology, 5–7, 10, 13, 40–45, 134, 283, 284, 294

fate maps in, 88–89, 89

homeotic mutants and, 50–51, 51

reductionism in, 82–84

embryos, 4–8, 12

bone development in, 103

brain development in, 99–100

chemicals affecting, 39–40

chicken, 42–43, 43, 44, 45, 103

coordination system of, 92–93, 96–97

development of, 84–88, 85, 87

eye development in, 67–69, 68

frog, 84–86, 85, 89

gastrulation and, 84–86, 88, 97, 99

geography and geometry of, 89–94, 92–93, 163–64

Hox gene clusters in, 66

mammal pattern evolution and, 240–42, 241

mouth formation in, 141

organ and limb building in, 95–96, 102–4

organizers of, 40–45

pattern regularity in, 140–5, 104

segmentation of, 94, 100–101

serially repeated modules in, 95–98

shifting Hox gene zones in, 153–57, 155, 161, 162

somite formation in, 100–101

endoderm, 84

Engrailed protein, 210, 216–17

Escherichia coli, 53, 112

beta-galactosidase enzyme production in, 55–56, 58–59, 59

number of genes of, 60

ethanol, 77–78

eumelanin, 229–30, 231, 236

Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature (T. Huxley), 5, 254

evolution, 112, 122, 126, 130–31, 134, 137–66

of arthropods, 150–54, 151, 156, 170, 171, 181

of autopods, 187–88

in Cambrian Explosion, 138–45, 164–65

cell types and, 160–61

of color patterns, 218–19

creationism and, 296–301

of dark coloration, see melanism

definition of, 5

of different larval and adult forms, 178

diversity in, 168–70

Ediacaran fauna and, 140–45, 140

embryological approach to, 294–95

extinction and, 301–5, 302

of eyes, 70

of flight, 169, 188–90, 189

as foundation of biology, 294

of genes, 150–53

genetic switches and, 122, 126, 130–31, 139, 163–64

homologous genes and, 71–72

Hox gene shifts and, 153–67, 155, 158, 162, 163–64

human, 254–57, 254–57, 266–68, 270–71, 276–79

of human jaw muscles, 271–72, 272

Lewis hypothesis and, 150

of limbs and appendages, see limbs, evolution of

of lobopodians, 150–52, 151

of melanism, 230–32

modularity and, 194–95

multifunctionality of, 194

parallel, 187

of patterns, see mammals, pattern evolution in

preexisting structures in, 168–71, 194

public understanding of, 292–94

punctuated equilibria and, 7–8

redundancy and, 194

repetitive body design in, 168–71

as “reproducible,” 193

serial homologs and, 29

specialization in, 168–71

of spiders, 179–80

teaching of, 292–98

as variation in number and kind, 25–27, 28

of vertebrates, 157–63, 158, 162, 169, 170

of wings, 188–90, 189

see also Modern Synthesis

Evolution: The Modern Synthesis (J. Huxley), 7

“Evolution and Tinkering” (Jacob), 194

evolutionary developmental biology (Evo Devo), x, 8–10, 13, 134–35, 139, 143, 145, 164, 204, 288–89, 291

see also Modern Synthesis

extinction, 301–5, 302, 304

eyeless gene, 67, 68, 119

faint little ball gene, 75

fate maps, 88–89, 89

Fauris menado, 203

fer-de-lance, 3

fetal alcohol syndrome, 78

FGF8 signaling protein, 102, 4r

finches, 295

fish, 79

limb evolution in, 185–87, 186, 190, 191–92

fitness, concept of, 245

flatworms, 69, 71

fleas, 289

flies, 5, 182, 183, 289

Flintstones, The, 293

forebrain, 99–100

fossils, fossil record, ix–x, 6, 18, 31, 134, 171, 193, 278, 284, 294

analyzing, 19–20

of Burgess Shale, 137–39

of Chengjiang fauna, 146, 158–60

of Ediacaran fauna, 141–45, 141

fin to limb transition in, 185

of human ancestors, 252–56, 253–54, 258, 258, 267, 278

of insects, 176–77, 179

limb evolution and, 176–77, 185

mammals in, 149–50

modular design demonstrated by, 20, 21


gene, 274–76, 277

French, Vernon, 214

frogs, 41, 64, 66, 80, 99, 161

embryo development of, 84–86, 85, 89

fate map of, 89, 89

vertebrae of, 47

Fromm, Erich, 250

frontal lobe, 262–63, 265

fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), 8–9, 49–51, 74, 114, 117, 120, 152, 154, 207, 208

bristle patterns of, 201

Dll gene and, 116–17

embryonic development in, 86, 87, 89, 91–98, 4a-4x

eyeless gene of, 67, 68

fate map of, 89, 89

genetic switches of, 122–23

genome of, 108

homeobox of, 64–65

homeotic (Hox) genes and proteins of, 61–64, 62, 65, 66, 4d, 4j, 4n, 4p

homeotic mutations in, 50–51, 51

life cycle of, 87

mutant genes of, 75–76

number of genes of, 73, 83

spot-making in, 242-44, 243

wing formation in, 96–98, 4g-4j

Frzb protein, 99, 41

fungi, 54, 140

galactose, 55

Galant, Ron, 204

Galapagos finches, x, 135, 226, 295

Galapagos Islands, 303–4

Galapagos tortoise, 303–4

galaxies, 111–12

cluster CL0024+1654, 108

Garber, Ted, 151–52

Garcia-Fernandez, Jordi, 159

gastrulation, 84–86, 88, 97, 99

Gates, Julie, 208

GDF5 gene, 44, 103

GDF (joint-making) family of genes, 188

geese, 161

Gehring, Walter, 64, 67

gene logic, 59–60

genes, x, 8, 9, 56–57, 57, 90–91, 268

Antennapedia Complex of, 61, 63

Bithorax Complex of, 61

cloning technology and, 61

evolution of, 150–53

homologous, 71–72

Lewis hypothesis and, 150

in melanism, 227, 235–36

paradox of shared, 78–79

pigmentation, 242–44

and sequence similarity among species, 64–65, 69–71, 78–79

speech, 274–76

“tool kit” paradox and 10–12

for wing building, 207–8

see also specific genes

genetics, 6, 8

population, 244–45, 294

genetic switches, 111–31

for Agouti gene, 237

butterfly eyespots and, 208–10, 217, 217

circuits and networks of, 128–30, 129

combinatorial logic of, 118–20

diversity of, 124–25, 130–31

in E. coli, 112–13

evolution and, 122, 126, 130–31, 139, 163–64

of fruit flies, 122–23

gene expression and, 112–14, 113, 115, 116, 117, 121, 126–28, 128

hormones and, 215

Hox genes and, 126–28, 128, 163–64

in human evolution, 270–71

insect wing evolution and, 178

as integrators of positional information, 114–15

Modern Synthesis and, 287, 291

modular construction of, 126–27

mutation of, 114, 117–18, 164

pattern formation and, 122–23

pigmentation genes and, 242–44

regulatory function of, 114–16

sharing of, 125

signature DNA sequences and, 115–16, 118–22, 125

tool kit paradox and, 130–31

versatility of, 123–24, 130–31

genomes, 9, 11

animal architecture and, 34–35

dark matter of, 108, 110–11, 112

Gilbert, Scott, 298–99

giraffes, 3, 161

glucose, 55

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 296, 297

gorillas, 271, 272, 275

Gould, Stephen Jay, 7–8, 48, 72, 138, 148–49, 173, 237

grasshoppers, 184

Gray, Asa, 284

Grenier, Jen, 151–52

Grevy’s zebra, 240, 241

hagfish, 158

Haikouichthys ercaicunensis, 158–59, 158

Hall, Stephen, 83–84

Harper, Charles, 298

Harrison, Ross, 17

Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, 200

Hasard et la Nécessité, Le (Chance and Necessity) (Monod), 60, 197, 290

Haught, John, 300–301

hedgehog genes, 75–77, 76

Heliconius butterflies, 3

H. erato, 218–19, 8k

H. melpomene, 218–19, 8k

hemoglobin, 54–55

Hendrix, Jimi, 1

Henry VIII, king of England, 48

heredity, 6

Herr, Christopher, xiv

Hill, Andrew, 258

hindbrain, 99–100

Holland, Peter, 159

holoprosencephaly, 39, 78

homeobox, 64–65

homeotic (Hox) genes, 61–65, 62, 66, 70–71, 72, 73, 79, 139, 150, 291

in arthropods, 152–53, 187–88

in brain development, 100

in Cambrian period evolution, 15357, 155

early development and, 94–95, 97–98

in early evolution, 143–45

in embryos, 66

in fruit flies, 61–64, 62, 65, 66, 4d, 4j, 4n, 4p

genetic switches and, 126–28, 128, 163–64

insect wing evolution and, 178–79

in limb development, 103–4, 182, 184

in Modern Synthesis, 286–87

mutation of, 187

shifting zones of, 153–57, 155, 158, 162

snake limblessness and, 191

somite formation and, 101

in vertebrate evolution, 157–63, 158, 162

homeotic mutation, 50–51, 51

homeotic variants, 46

hominids, hominins:

evolutionary tree of, 255

hominin evolution and, 249–79

use of terms, 255

see also humans

Homo, 267, 273

H. habilis, 257

H. neanderthalensis, 253, 253, 260–61

H. sapiens, see humans

homology, 29–33

Hooker, J. D., 296–97

“hopeful monster,” 291

horses, 31, 246, 267

horseshoe crabs, 173, 179–80, 181

house mouse, 237

“How the Leopard Got His Spots” (Kipling), 221–22

Hox genes, see homeotic genes

humans (Homo sapiens), 13, 103, 253, 253, 256, 257, 259, 260–61, 301

anatomical asymmetry in, 265

bipedalism in, 251, 257–59, 278

brain-body size ratios in, 259–60, 259

brain cortex of, 262

cell types of, 160–61

cyclopedia in, 77–78

development of, fertilized egg in, 86–87

digital variation in, 48–51, 49, 50, 51, 77

DNA sequence of, 268–69

evolution of, 254–57, 254–55, 266–68, 270–71, 276–79

features of, 251–52

in fossil record, 252–56, 253, 258, 258, 267, 278

genetic switches and evolution of, 270–71

jaw muscle evolution in, 271–74, 272

junk DNA of, 112

mosaic pattern in evolution of, 266–68, 278

mouse genome and, 269–70

Neanderthal’s coexistence with, 260–61

number of genes of, 60, 130

population growth and, 301–2

shared DNA of, 9–10, 250–51, 268–70

skull mutation in, 266–67

somite formation in, 101

Humboldt, Alexander von, 2

Huxley, Julian, 7

Huxley, Thomas H., 5–6, 252–53, 254, 293, 304–5

hybridization, 239–40

immune systems, 120

Indian hedgehog gene, 76–77

Industrial Revolution, 301

insects, 29–30, 153, 157, 163, 171, 173, 242, 288, 289

in evolution tree, 141, 142

Hox gene proteins and, 127

melanism in, 226, see also peppered moth

wings of, 175–76, 207

Jacob, François, 56, 58–59, 60, 105, 194, 271, 289

jaguars, 3, 135, 229, 229, 234

jaguarundis, 232, 234

jelly fish, 141, 143

Jenny (orangutan), 249–50

John Paul II, Pope, 297, 299

Johnson, Donald, 258

John Templeton Foundation, 297 “junk” DNA, 112

Jurassic period, 21

Just So Stories (Kipling), 14

Kakadu National Park, 303

kangaroos, 104

Kauffman, Stuart, 197

Kenya, 3, 225

Kenya Wildlife Service, 239

Kermode bears, 231, 236, 236

Keys, David, 214

Kimberella, 142

King, Mary Claire, 271

Kipling, Rudyard, 14, 111, 212, 222

knirps gene, 75

Knoll, Andy, 140

Krox 20 gene, 4n

Krüppel gene, 75

Kukalova-Peck, Jarmilla, 176

lac repressor protein, 59–60, 59, 63, 112

lactose, 55–56, 59, 59, 112

ladybird beetles, 226

Laetoli, Tanzania, 257–58

lamprey, 158, 160

lancelot, 157, 159

Langeland, Jim, 178

language, 264–65, 275

large ground finch, 304

Late Devonian period, 185, 187

lateral inhibition, process of, 104–5

Laughon, Allen, 63

leaf-cutter ants, 3

Leakey, Mary, 258

“Learning to Fly” (Petty and Lynne), 167

Lennon, John, ix

leopards, 235, 242

Lepidoptera, 204

Levine, Mike, 64, 120

Lewis, Ed, 73, 150

limbic lobe, 262

limbs, evolution of, 70, 171–95

appendage geography and, 181–84, 183

in arthropods, 171–75, 172, 173, 185, 186

autopods and, 187–88

biramous limbs and, 171–75, 172, 173

Dll gene and, 174–75

fin-to-limb transition in, 185

in fish, 185–87, 186, 190, 191–92

fossil record and, 176–77, 185

genetic switches and, 178

gill-to-wing theory and, 175–78

hindwing formation and, 182–83, 183

Hox proteins and, 178–79, 182, 184, 191

in insect wings, 175–79, 177, 181–84, 183

Pitxl gene and, 192–93

proteins needed in, 175–76

serially homologous structures and, 181–84

in snakes, 190–91

in spiders, 179–81, 180, 181, 182

stages of, 174

Ultrabithorax protein in, 183–84

in vertebrates, 184–90, 186, 189, 194–95

winged flight and, 188–91, 189

“Little Wing” (Hendrix), 1

lizards, 191

LMX gene, 102, 4s

lobopodians, 146–49, 148, 159, 171, 174, 180

evolution of, 150–52, 151

lobsters, 29–30, 30, 135, 155, 156, 184

locomotion, 33–34 “Lucy” (fossil hominid), 258

Lwoff, André, 56

Lyell, Charles, 145, 253

Lynne, Jeff, 167

macaques, 271–73, 272

McCartney, Paul, ix

McGinnis, Bill, 64

macroevolution, 284, 291

maggot, 5

Majerus, Michael, 227

Malawi, 212, 214

mammals, 159, 161, 163, 268

brain evolution in, 262–63

melanism in, 226, 229–30, 231

neocortex of, 262

pattern evolution in, see mammals, pattern evolution in

see also specific species

mammals, pattern evolution in, 237–44

embryonic development and, 240–42, 241

hybridization and, 239–40

mutation and, 238, 239

natural selection and, 244–46

spot-making and, 242–44, 243

manatees, 193

Mangold, Hilde, 99

Maoris, 303

Mapping the Next Millennium: The Discovery of New Geographies (Hall), 83

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome, 281

marmosets, 263, 264

Marrella splendens, 146, 153

Material for the Study of Variation (Bateson), 46, 47

Mauritius, 303

mayflies, 177–78, 182, 289

Mayr, Ernst, 9, 71–72

melanism, 226–32, 228, 231, 291

in big cats, 229

in birds, 226, 232–33, 232

in butterflies, 218–19

definition of, 226

evolution of, 230–32

genes involved in, 227, 235–36

in humans, 236

in mammals, 226, 229–30, 231

mutations and, 230, 232, 235–36

natural selection and, 234–35

in rock pocket mice, 233–34, 234

melanoblasts, 238–40, 242

melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), 230–31, 231, 234

mutation of, 235–36, 237

melanocytes, 238, 246

Mendel, Gregor, 6

mesoderm, 84, 95

messenger RNA (mRNA), 58, 58

mice, 5, 29, 49, 64, 65, 67, 68, 79, 103, 105, 130, 161, 163, 187, 268

genome of, 9–10, 269–70

neocortex of, 269

Microdictyon, 153

microevolution, 284, 291

midbrain, 99–100

millipedes, 26, 173

mimicry (analogical resemblance), 198–200, 199, 218–19, 290–92

mites, 179

moas, 303, 304

Modern Synthesis, 6–7, 9, 13, 71–72, 135, 226, 283, 284–92

diversity in, 286–88

DNA in, 284–85

evolutionary process in, 289–90

genetic tool kit in, 285–86, 288

macro- vs. microevolution and, 284, 291

mutation in, 284–85, 290

natural selection and, 284, 287, 289–90

novelty and innovation in, 288–91

randomness in, 289–90

variation of existing structures in, 288–91

molluscs, 138, 141

monkeys, 264

Monod, Jacques, 52, 53, 56, 58–60, 197, 290

Morpho butterflies, 3, 21, 24

morphogenesis, 44

morphogens, 44–45

Morris, Simon Conway, 146

mosasaurs, 31

mosquitoes, 182, 184

moths, 204, 226–27, 246, 289, 291, 295

mountain zebra, 240, 241

MSH (alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone), 230, 231, 236

mutations, mutants, 12, 49, 73–74, 106

in butterfly wing eyespot patterns, 215–16, 8g–8h

of FOXP2 gene, 274–76

in genetic switches, 114, 117–18, 164

homeotic, 50–51, 51

in Hox genes, 187

in larva, 76

mammal pattern evolution and, 238, 239

of MC1R, 235–36, 237

melanism and, 230, 232, 235–36

in Modern Synthesis, 284–85, 290

of MYH16 gene, 272–73, 277–78

selection coefficient for making, 245–46

Sonic hedgehog genes and, 76–78

spread in populations, 245–46

striping in mammals and, 238–39

myosin heavy chain 16 (MYH16), 272–74, 275, 277–78

mysids, 155

Nabokov, Vladimir, 200

Nachman, Michael, 234–35

Naroaoia compacta, 146

National Museum of Natural History, 137–38

National Science Board, 293

Naturalism on the River Amazon (Bates), 198

natural selection, x, 7, 46, 72, 170, 198, 218, 219, 225

butterfly wing eyespots and, 214–15, 216

fitness and, 244–46

in mammalian pattern evolution, 242–46

melanism and, 234–35

Modern Synthesis and, 284, 287, 289–90

selective sweep and, 275

in teaching of evolution, 295

Nature, 211, 298

Neanderthals, 253, 253, 260–61

nematode worms, 79

neocortex, 262, 263, 269

neural crest, 238

neural tube, 98, 99

newts, 40–41, 44

New York Times, 211

New Zealand, 303

Nijhout, Fred, 43–44, 46, 201, 207, 208, 210

NK2 gene family, 70

Nobel Prize, 40, 56, 73

Nubbin proteins, 175–76, 179

nucleotides, 57

Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane, 73, 75, 78

Nymphalid butterflies, 202

occipital lobe, 262

Olenoides serratus, 22, 136, 146–47

Ontogeny and Phylogeny (Gould), 7

Onychophora (velvet worms), 149, 150–53, 159, 173

Opabinia, 149–50, 174

orangutans, 275

Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 5, 6, 170, 198, 239, 254, 281–82, 296

ostriches, 3, 161

Paabo, Svante, 260–61

pair-rule genes, 94

paper clip, evolution of, 168, 169

Papilio dardanus, 199, 199

Papilio glaucus (tiger swallowtail), 218, 8j

parallel evolution, 187

Parapodia, 69

parietal lobe, 262

Pasteur Institute, 56

patched gene, 4x Patel, Nipam, 156

Pauling, Linus, 271

Pax-6 gene, 67–71, 72, 119

in early evolution, 143–45

Pensées sur l’Interpretation de la Nature (Diderot), 137

peppered moth (Biston betularia), 135, 226–27, 228

Perrin, Jean, ix, 105, 109

Personal Narrative (Humboldt), 2

Petty, Tom, 167

phaeomelanin, 229–30, 231

Pikaia, 157–58

pipevine swallowtail (Battus philenor), 218, 8j

Pitx1 gene, 192–93

planum temporale, 265–66

Pleistocene epoch, 260, 267

poison arrow frog, 3

polarity, 33–34

in chicken embryos, 42–43

polydactyly, 48–49, 49, 50, 77, 78

population genetics, 244–45, 294

Poriferans, 142

Precambrian period, 140–42

primates, 149–50, 268, 275

brain of, 263–64, 264

dentition of, 31, 32

jaw muscles of, 271–72, 272

see also apes; humans

Propylaea (Goethe), 296

proteins, 11, 56, 58, 116, 230, 270

cell production of, 54–55

embryonic development and, 99

homeodomain of, 70–71

in insect wing-building, 175–76

lac-repressor, 59–60, 59

in limb evolution, 175–76

signature DNA sequences and, 118–20

transcription factors and, 74

see also specific proteins

protists, 54, 140

protostomes, 141–43

pterosaurs, 169, 188–90, 189, 194, 288, 290

wing evolution in, 188–90, 189

Pugh, Emerson, 261

punctuated equilibria, 7–8

pythons, 190–91

quagga, 303, 305

randomness, 289–90

reductionism, 82–84

regulatory DNA, 12

reptiles, 30, 33, 159, 161, 163

“Revolution 1” (Lennon and McCartney), ix

rhinoceroses, 27

rhombomeres, 100, 126–28

RNA, 56, 94

rock art, 303

rock pocket mouse (Chaetodipus intermedius), 233–34, 234, 246, 290

rodents, 149–50, 275

see also mice; rock pocket mouse

Roman Catholic Church, 297, 299

Roosevelt, Kermit, 223

Roosevelt, Theodore, 222–23, 225, 244

Rosenblatt, Roger, 212

Royal Institution, 304

Sahelonthropus tchadensis, 256

salamanders, 20, 21, 29, 191

sand dollars, 34, 34, 141

Saridaki, Theodora, 179

Saunders, John, 42, 46, 77

Sauripteris, 185–87

sauropods, 20, 21, 29

sawfly, 47

Schaaffhausen, Hermann, 252

Science, 211

science, theology and, 300–301

scleraxis gene, 103, 4x

scorpions, 173, 179

Scott, Matt, 81–82

sea anemones, 141, 142

sea cow, 19

seals, 169

sea squirts, 69, 71, 157

sea urchins, 34, 34, 69–70, 88, 141, 143

selection coefficients, 245–46

selective sweep, 275

serial homology, 29–30, 33

sharks, 19

sharp-beaked ground finch, 304

shavenbaby gene, 75

sheep, 38–39, 39, 77

Shipman, Pat, 188

shrews, 149–50

shrimp, 135, 155, 176

signaling pathways, 74

signature sequences, 115–16

evolution and, 122

proteins and, 118–20

“situs inversus,” 265

Slack, Jonathan, 65

small eye gene, 67

Smithsonian Institution, 137, 138

snails, 226

snakes, 27, 101, 135, 171, 185

Hox gene shifts in, 161

limb evolution in, 190–91

somites, 40, 88, 98, 126–28, 238, 4p

formation of, 100–101

Sox9 gene, 103, 4t

Sonic hedgehog gene, 76–78, 102, 105, 191, 4r

Spalt protein, 210, 216–17

speech, 264–65

genes affecting, 274–76

Spemann, Hans, 40–41, 42, 46, 99

spiders, 69, 135, 153, 157, 163, 171, 180, 181, 182

biramous limb design in, 180–81

Dll gene in, 179

evolution of, 179–80

spitz gene, 75

sponges, 141, 142, 143

Spriggina flounders, 140

starfish, 34

Stedman, Hansell, 272

Stent, Gunther, 24

Stichophthalma camadeva, 203, 203

Structure of Evolutionary Theory, The (Gould), 72

“survival of the fittest,” 295

swallowtail butterflies, 182, 184

symmetry, 33–34, 34

synpolydactyly, 48

Tabin, Cliff, 77

Taenaris macrops, 203

Taking Flight (Shipman), 188

Tasmanian tiger (thylacine), 302, 303

Taylor, Ian, 299

teeth, 31

in primates, 31, 32

temporal lobe, 262, 265

tenrec, 263, 264

teratogens, 40, 77

Tertiary period, 286

tetrapods, 27

digits of, 33

limb structure of, 184–87, 186

thalidomide, 40

theology, science and, 300–301

Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 301

Thoreau, Henry David, 300

threespine stickleback, 191–93, 192, 195, 289

Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), 37

thylacine, 302, 303

tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) 218, 8j

Time, 212

tinman gene, 70–71

tool kit genes, 103, 106, 109–10, 115

fly embryo development and, 94–96

genetic switches and, 119–20

logic of, 90–91

in Modern Synthesis, 285–86, 288–89

tools, tool use, 257

transcription, of DNA, 57–58

transportation factors, 74, 112

trilobites, x, 22, 136, 144, 146–47, 153, 155, 156, 172, 173, 287, 295

see also specific species

trypsin, 55

Tulerpeton, 186

tunicates, 157, 158, 160

Turing, Alan, 123

Turkey, 49

Tyranosaurus rex, 104

Ultrabithorax (Ubx) gene, 97–98, 119, 127, 183–84

Urbilateria, 142, 143–45, 286

Van Diemen’s land tiger (thylacine), 302, 303

variation, 7

“hopeful monsters” idea and, 46–48

human digital, 48–51, 49, 50, 51

velvet worms (Onychophora), 149, 150–53, 159, 173

ventral premotor area, 264

Veratrum californicum, 39, 39

vertebrae, 29, 88

of frogs, 47

vertebrates, 4, 65, 88, 286–87, 289

autopod of, 187–88

bone development in, 103

cell types in, 160–61

digit number of, 27, 28, 49

earliest appearance of, 157–58

embryo development in, 98–99

evolution of, 157–63, 158, 162, 169, 170

evolution of flight and, 188–90, 189

in evolution tree, 141, 142, 158

hedgehog genes of, 76–77

Hox gene in, 126–27, 157–63, 162, 187–88

limb and body part construction in, 102–4

limb evolution in, 184–87, 186, 188–90, 189, 194–95

modular architecture of, 20–21, 26

pattern regularity in, 104–5, 104

polydactyly in, 49

segmentation in, 100–101

somite formation in, 100–101

Victoria, queen of England, 250

Wade, Nicholas, 211

Walcott, Charles, 138, 149

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 2, 3, 198

Waptia fieldensis, 146

Warren, Bob, 151–52

Watson, James, 53

Weatherbee, Scott, 178

Weiss, Paul, 83

Weisskopf, Victor, 14

Wernicke’s area, 262, 262, 265

whales, 161, 169, 193, 261

Whitington, Paul, 151–52

Wieschaus, Eric, 73, 75, 78

Williston, Samuel, 31–35, 163

Williston’s Law, 29, 33, 139, 153, 157, 177, 178, 182

Wilson, Allan, 271

wings, 171, 289, 290

evolution of, 188–90, 189

of fruit fly, 96–98, 4g-4j

genes for building, 207–8

insect, 175–79, 177, 181–84, 183, 207

see also limbs, evolution of

Wonderful Life (Gould), 138, 173

“Wonderful World” (Cooke, Albert and Adler), 292

Wootton, Robin, 176

zebra, 1–2, 3, 8, 34, 305

embryonic development in, 240–42, 241

stripe number in, 240–42, 241

stripe pattern formulation in, 238–39

stripes as protective coloration for, 223–25, 224, 246

Zimmer, Carl, 184

zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), 42, 44, 45, 4r

Sonic hedgehog gene and, 77

Zuckerkandl, Emile, 271